DBWG :: Volume #21

#2045: The star hosts arrive

Even if in this Chaos Star Domain, being well-known of Dragon Warrior still overawes the world. 就算是在这混乱星域,龙武者的闻名依然威震天地。 Similar to today, Long Chen to fighting Hundun Kunwu time, has not displayed the Dragon Warrior strength, defeats Hundun Kunwu by the human form purely, this is also the Dragon Warrior formidable place, but among the Chaos Star Domain people, in their bones quite dreads Dragon Warrior, this is also Hundun Kunwu longs for challenging the Dragon Warrior reason. 就如同今日,龙辰对战混沌昆吾的时候,根本就沒有展现龙武者的力量,纯靠人形就将混沌昆吾战败,这也是龙武者的强大之处,而在混乱星域的人们当中,他们骨子里还是相当忌惮龙武者的,这也是混沌昆吾渴望挑战龙武者的原因。 To a great extent, on Heaven Dragon Star that crowd of sent into exile Dragon Warrior, have taken to all Chaos Star Domain people huge frightening. 很大程度上,天龙星上那一群被放逐的龙武者,带给了所有混乱星域众人巨大的震慑。 At present this scene does not stem from Long Chen to expect that he has to Five Great Dragon City this confidence, if oneself display the strength that sells them to shock, Five Great Dragon City will not be killed by oneself absolutely in vain, after all among them is is not hugging the bitter hatred person to Long Qinglan, some people can maintain the reason, such as Gong Qinghe Xing Yue. 眼前这场面不出乎龙辰预料,他对五大龙城这点信心还是有的,自己若是真展现出让他们震撼的力量,五大龙城绝对不会让自己白白被杀,毕竟他们当中也不全是对龙青澜抱着深仇大恨的人,还是有部分人能保持理智的,就如龚擎和星越 Both sides confront...... 双方对峙…… At this moment carves, has one to make the people delay the matter, in the sky transmit the fierce turbulence, all float makes that turbulence shake the ground in the above person, suddenly is similar to rains, this turbulence may compared with before Long Chen fights noise that makes mostly, even the Shining Star most people can see...... 就在这时刻,发生一件让众人呆滞的事情,天空上传來剧烈的动荡,所有悬浮在上空的人都让那动荡震下地面,一时间如同下雨,这一场动荡可要比龙辰之前战斗闹出的动静大多了,甚至璀璨星辰大半的人都能看到…… What they see, in the sky split a giant slit, the inside swarthy piece, the cold wind fills the air, shocks the time in the people, suddenly a pair of silver Ash Grey giant eye appears , the so giant eye, is similar to the Spiritual God is born simply, making the person shock. 他们看到的是,天空上裂开了一道巨大的缝隙,里面黝黑一片,阴风弥漫,就在众人震撼时刻,忽然之间一对银灰色巨大眼睛出现在其中,如此巨大的的眼睛,简直如同神灵降世,让人震撼不已。 Suddenly, including the characters of nine star Alliance hegemon ranks, has an absolutely terrified feeling. 一时间,连九星联盟盟主级别的人物,都有种毛骨悚然的感觉。 The Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family person first kneels down on the ground, the complexion is wild with joy, shouts loudly: Pays a visit Star Lord,” 混沌皇族的人第一时间跪倒在地上,脸色狂喜,高呼道:“拜见星主,” In the middle of nine star Alliances, majority are also very terrified, kneels down on the ground, shouted loudly: Pays a visit Chaos Star Lord,” 九星联盟当中,大多数也无比惶恐,跪倒在地上,高呼道:“拜见混沌星主,” Right, the eye of that tearing sky, belongs to Chaos Star Lord. 沒错,那撕裂天空的眼睛,正是属于混沌星主的。 This is a fearful eye, making this eye stare, simply and eye of Hell, the eye of this silver Ash Grey is almost staring at Long Chen, at this time, a silver Ash Grey big hand of pair of nihility extended from that day spatial crack, an arm had the Moroccan cloud peak to be so thick, moreover gloomy scary, this palm opened, grasped toward Long Chen. 这是一双可怕的眼睛,让这眼睛盯着,简直和地狱之眼差不多,这银灰色的眼睛正盯着龙辰,就在这时候,一双虚无的银灰色大手从那天空的裂缝当中伸出來,一条手臂就有摩云峰那么粗大,而且阴森吓人,这手掌张开,朝着龙辰这边抓來。 The low person, hears Chaos Star Lord this given name, kneels down in abundance on the ground, in the heart frightened, must salute including Dream King, after all Star Lord is the control of Chaos Star Domain. 低下之人,听到混沌星主这大名,纷纷跪倒在地上,心中恐惧不已,连梦幻王都得行礼,毕竟星主乃是混乱星域的主宰。 Dream King also very regretted that he also thinks Long Chen was out of danger, has not thought that Chaos Star Lord arrived unexpectedly, other Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family people will also be daunted by Five Great Dragon City, but Chaos Star Lord cannot. 梦幻王也十分惋惜,他还以为龙辰脱险了呢,沒想到混沌星主竟然到了,混沌皇族其他人还会被五大龙城吓住,但是混沌星主不会。 His that death same palm, the time took to the people the huge pressure. 他那死亡一样的手掌,顿时间带给众人巨大的压力。 Long Chen bears the brunt. 龙辰首当其冲。 The situation big change, the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family people must smile to make noise, most people are also the taking pleasure in others'misfortunes expressions, thinks Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family how Long Chen, but Chaos Star Lord appears now, must kill Long Chen to be easy by his status and strength, although this should not be the Chaos Star Lord true body, but was also enough. 情况大变,混沌皇族的人都要笑出声了,大多数人也是幸灾乐祸的表情,原本以为混沌皇族奈何不了龙辰,但现在混沌星主出现,以他的地位和实力要杀死龙辰轻而易举,虽然这应该不是混沌星主的真身,但也足够了。 Gong Qing and in Xing Yue heart is panic-stricken, Xing Yue all matters that has here told Chaos Star Lord, but Gong Qing goes forward one step, rushes to the clouds, changes into the whole body to cover white thunder super Divine Dragon, the plate in the same place, forms a firm god palace, if his sound Ben Thunder, gets angry: Chaos Star Lord, this is the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, is my Human Clan most precious Supreme Divine Dragon, my Five Great Dragon City regards as important to it especially, the war of today, fair public, although Hundun Kunwu is your son, but his defeat could not blame others, asking Chaos Star Lord three to think, not must initiate Five Great Dragon City to attack Chaos Star Domain,” 龚擎和星越心中更是惊骇,星越把这里发生的一切事情都告诉了混沌星主,而龚擎上前一步,冲上云霄,变化成为浑身笼罩着白色雷霆的超级神龙,盘在一起,形成一座坚固的神宫,他声若奔雷,怒道:“混沌星主,此乃永恒龙帝之子,乃我人族最珍贵的无上神龙,我五大龙城对其尤其看重,今日之战,公平公开,混沌昆吾虽然是你儿子,但他的战败怪不了别人,请混沌星主三思,莫要引发五大龙城进攻混乱星域,” Initially Di Yu was killed, Dragon God Domain has not acted unexpectedly, on the one hand Di Yu is not the Dragon Warrior family background, on the other hand is the Spirit Clan Monster Clan union, diverted Dragon God Domain, but Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family apparently did not have this fierce, moreover offended Monster Clan. 当初帝雨被杀,龙神域竟然沒动作,一方面帝雨不是龙武者出身,另外一方面是灵族妖族联合,牵制了龙神域,但混沌皇族显然沒有这种厉害,而且还得罪了妖族 Really is Supreme Divine Dragon. 果然是无上神龙 In people heart panic-stricken, it seems like has the important matter to occur. 众人心中惊骇,看來有大事要发生。 Although Thunder Shrine Dragon prevent Chaos Star Lord, but Chaos Star Lord actually remains unmoved, that silver Ash Grey fills the palm of Death Qi to extend, approaches Thunder Shrine Dragon instantaneously, Thunder Shrine Dragon in great surprise, but directly was actually patted by the palm of that silver Ash Grey, hits to fly, the body of huge Divine Dragon shakes falls down, was submerged by the rock instantaneously. 虽然神宫雷霆龙声声阻止混沌星主,但混沌星主却不为所动,那银灰色充满死气的手掌还是伸來,瞬间靠近神宫雷霆龙,神宫雷霆龙大惊,但却直接被那银灰色的手掌拍开,撞飞出去,巨大的神龙之躯震倒在地上,瞬间被山石淹沒。 In the people heart shocks, really worthily is Chaos Star Lord, so is unexpectedly formidable. 众人心中震撼,果然不愧为混沌星主,竟然如此强大。 Thunder Shrine Dragon before him, collapses at the first blow. 神宫雷霆龙在他面前,不堪一击。 In a flash, the palm of that silver Ash Grey arrived at Long Chen at present, Xing Yue in person relation of one side and Life Dragon City, is at a loss, Chaos Star Lord does not listen to their threats. 转瞬之间,那银灰色的手掌已经到了龙辰眼前,星越正在一边和生命龙城的人联系,也对此束手无策,混沌星主根本不听他们的威胁。 From beginning to end, Long Chen stands in Mo Xiao Lang they at present, he alone faces the palm and that eye of this silver Ash Grey, the complexion has not changed. 从始至终,龙辰站在莫小狼他们眼前,他独自面对这银灰色的手掌和那一双眼睛,脸色就沒有变化过。 The palm of that silver Ash Grey, anchors in him at present. 那银灰色的手掌,在他眼前停住。 Really, he does not have to begin to Long Chen immediately. 果然,他沒有马上对龙辰动手。 Long Chen has confidence at heart, he knows that Chaos Star Lord is not silly. 龙辰心里有把握,他知道混沌星主不傻。 At this time, above the sky, broadcast an intermittent remote sound, Chaos Star Lord said: Your father, is Eternal Dragon Emperor Long Qinglan,” 就在这时候,天空之上,传來一阵阵遥远的声音,混沌星主道:“你的父亲,是永恒龙帝龙青澜,” Long Chen nods, did not abstain from that said seriously: Yes,” 龙辰点头,毫不忌讳,郑重道:“是,” Chaos Star Lord said: I once lost to him, the son who I train fully has lost to you, is really the divine intervention, but this is only starts......” 混沌星主道:“我曾经败给他,我全力培养的儿子败给了你,真是天意,但这只是开始……” He has not begun, puts out a hand one volume, Hundun Kunwu goes toward the fissure of sky. 他沒有动手,伸手一卷,混沌昆吾朝着天空的裂痕而去。 At this time, Star Rune in Xing Yue hand unexpectedly float, presented a fearful actually fuzzy shadow, in remote Dragon God Domain, a voice of old man passed from Star Rune. 就在这时候,星越手中的星符竟然悬浮了起來,其中出现了一道可怕却模糊的影子,在遥远的龙神域,一位老者的声音从星符当中传了出來。 Chaos,” “混沌,” This calls lightly, although is very light, but actually gives all person deafening feelings. 这一声轻唤,虽然很轻,但却给所有人一声震耳欲聋的感觉。 Hears this sound, Chaos Star Lord lets somebody cool off or calm down smiles, said: Originally is Life Dragon City first Dragon Emperor, do not say, my son defeats only blames him to cultivate to insufficiently, does not have other reasons,” 听到这声音,混沌星主冷冷一笑,道:“原來是生命龙城的第一龙帝,别多说了,我儿子战败只怪他修为不够,沒有其他原因,” That first Dragon Emperor said: You understand that was good,” 那第一龙帝道:“你明白就好了,” Very brief exchange, quick had finished, Chaos Star Lord brings Hundun Kunwu to leave, although said that Hundun Kunwu defeats miserably is very very miserable, but to Chaos Star Lord this wrapped in a shroud of obscurity character, comes out he to lose one's temper very much ugly, or for him, a son defeated or the death at is not anything. 十分简要的交流,很快就结束了,混沌星主带着混沌昆吾离开,虽然说混沌昆吾败得很惨很惨,但对混沌星主这种神秘莫测的人物來说,很难看出來他到底有沒有动怒,或者对他來说,一个儿子的战败或者死亡根本不算什么。 In the sky that torn fissure, quick recovered. 天空上那被撕裂的裂痕,很快就复原了。 That Star Rune shifts to Long Chen unexpectedly at present, first Dragon Emperor beyond innumerable distance looks at Long Chen, did not speak, although was away from the innumerable distances, but this fellow gave the oppression of Long Chen, was similar to Chaos Star Lord of beforehand close at hand. 星符竟然转移到龙辰眼前,无数距离之外的第一龙帝看着龙辰,却并不说话,虽然隔着无数的距离,但这家伙给龙辰的压迫,和之前近在眼前的混沌星主都差不多。 Welcome you to return to Dragon God Domain at all times, if your having courage quantity,” “随时欢迎你返回龙神域,如果你有这个胆量的话,” After speaking these words, on Star Rune the ray dissipates, was taken by Xing Yue. 说完这句话后,星符上光芒消散,被星越拿到了手中。 At this time, Gong Qing also came back from distant place, his complexion slightly obviously pale, was injured, but should not be in the way. 这时候,龚擎也从远处回來,他脸色稍显苍白,受了点伤,但应该不碍事。 Probably, finished. 好像,又结束了。 Chaos Star Lord cannot how Long Chen unexpectedly. 混沌星主竟然也沒能奈何龙辰 This result, making the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family people very not willingly, but also makes the people realize that the Long Chen energy, has not killed him including Chaos Star Lord, obviously his backstage was strong, trades to make any Dragon Warrior, it is estimated that does not have the means to make the first Dragon Emperor this character personally act. 这个结果,让混沌皇族众人十分不甘心,但也让众人认识到龙辰的能量,连混沌星主都沒弄死他,可见他的后台之硬了,换做任何一个龙武者,估计都沒办法让第一龙帝这种人物亲自出面吧。 Starting today, the name of his Supreme Divine Dragon, will certainly overawe Chaos Star Domain, feeds in Dragon God Domain, that side person knows after he leaves various god battlefields, experienced what kind of transformation, he has performed the biggest merit for Human Clan in the expansion of Chaos Star Domain influence, the eruption of his own natural talent can also counter-balance him once to kill the Di Yu mistake, his name definitely will once again be mentioned from most parts sub-population. 从今日开始,他的无上神龙之名,必将威震混乱星域,传回到龙神域,那边的人会知道他离开诸神战场后经历了怎样的蜕变,他为人族混乱星域势力的扩张立下了最大的功劳,他自身天资的爆发也能抵消他曾经杀死帝雨的过错,他的名字必然会再度从大部分人口中被说起。 But these people discussed that definitely before his name, with the reputation of child of Eternal Dragon Emperor. 而这些人谈论的时候,必然会在他的名字之前,冠以永恒龙帝之子的名头。 This is the Long Chen biggest harvest. 这就是龙辰最大的收获。 The lines of sight of countless person fell the body of this young people, he was doomed to rise, is doomed to be magnificent. 无数人的视线落到了这个年轻人的身上,他是注定要崛起,注定要辉煌的。 Long Chen actually turns head to look at Mo Xiao Lang, looks at his Younger Brother, he extends a hand, disregards the surrounding all people, he places in the middle of the palm of Mo Xiao Lang oneself palm, the palm of opposite party does not have the scarlet, even still had to be nervous and troubled the ascension. 龙辰却回头看着莫小狼,看着他的兄弟,他伸出一只手,无视周围的所有人,他将莫小狼的手掌放在自己手掌当中,对方的手掌毫无血色,甚至仍然有灰气升腾。 Feels what kind,” “感觉怎么样,” Long Chen asked. 龙辰问道。 Fortunately, cannot die, I have the opportunity of staging a comeback,” “还好,死不了,我有东山再起的机会,” Mo Xiao Lang clenches teeth, said. 莫小狼咬咬牙,说道。 , He continued saying: Today thank you, Elder Brother, you have solved hate of heart for me,” 顿了一顿,他继续道:“今天谢谢你,大哥,你为我解了心头之恨,” Long Chen shakes the head to say with a smile: This...... I am also solving hate of oneself heart, our Star Lord Hegemony War had finished, your present injury especially is dangerous, first temporarily along with me to the Life Dragon City Xiaolong territory, then makes the plan,” 龙辰摇头笑道:“这……我也是在解自己心头之恨,我们的星主争霸战结束了,你现在的伤势却尤其危险,先暂时随我到生命龙城的小龙域,然后再作打算,” Two fights that they must carry on have both been completed, is Dream King their matters, can they attain the next point, making Dream King Star Lord, that did not close the Long Chen matter. 他们要进行的两场战斗都完成了,接下來是梦幻王他们的事情,他们能不能拿到下一分,让梦幻王成为星主,那就不关龙辰的事了。 Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family first angrily leaves. 混沌皇族首先愤怒离开。 The people of nine star Alliances are also preparing to depart, as for Nightmare Clan and Golden War God Clan, admits defeat in pairs, the pressure was big. 九星联盟的人也在准备离去,至于梦魇族黄金战神族,双双吃瘪,压力已经非常大了。 Leads Mo Xiao Lang and the others to go back the matter of Xiaolong territory in the Long Chen preparation, he thought suddenly has together the familiar vision in looking at oneself, this makes him especially uncomfortable, even by Chaos Star Lord be looked is more uncomfortable, therefore he has anchored the footsteps. 就在龙辰准备带着莫小狼等人回去小龙域的事情,他忽然觉得有一道熟悉的目光在看着自己,这让他尤其难受,甚至要比被混沌星主看着的时候还要难受,所以他停住了脚步。 Elder Brother, how,” 大哥,怎么了,” Mo Xiao Lang asked. 莫小狼问道。 Long Chen has turned around hastily, in that counts the 100,000 crowd to search, Life Dragon City several felt that his unusual form, looked at the past with him. 龙辰连忙转过身,在那数十万的人群当中搜索着,生命龙城的几位都感觉到他的异状,和他一起看过去。 At this time, wiped in the middle of the Long Chen field of vision that Blue presented. 就在这时候,一抹蓝色出现的龙辰的视野当中。 In that counts among the 100,000 person, she unexpectedly so obvious, she float in airborne, the Blue long skirt and Blue long hair flutters, Blue pupil that a pair charming and attracts beautiful and bewitching looks at Long Chen, is full of the endless emotions, making the person have a parched mouth. 在那数十万人当中,她竟然是如此的明显,她悬浮在空中,蓝色长裙和蓝色长发飘扬,一双迷人而魅惑的蓝色眸子妖冶的看着龙辰,充满无尽的情思,让人口干舌燥。 This female, disappears in Long Chen at present, had the good long time. 这个女子,消失在龙辰眼前,已经有好长的时间了。 Mo Xiao Lang definitely also knows her. 莫小狼肯定也认识她。 She......” “她……” He as if also saw, but he has not thought that frowns. 他似乎也看到了,但他沒想起來,皱着眉头。 „The heart of Tragic Death City Lord, a woman of spirit of clan life,” Long Chen is sweating profusely, spoke in the Mo Xiao Lang ear in a soft voice. 枉死城主的心脏,生命之灵一族的女人,”龙辰满头大汗,轻声在莫小狼耳边说到。 You still remember me, is really happy......” “你还记得我呢,真是让人开心……” Let Long Chen think what is fearful, this woman in a flash, stands in oneself unexpectedly at present one meter place, the fragrant wind raids, making the person immerse. 龙辰觉得可怕的是,这个女人竟然在转瞬之间,就站在自己眼前一米的地方,香风袭來,让人沉醉。 The issue is, when she became such formidable. 问題是,她什么时候变得这么强大了。
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