DBWG :: Volume #21

#2044: The strength of Longcheng

This flash, the time as if stopped. 这一瞬间,时间仿佛停止了。 That moves the pitiful yell of place today, extremely tragic, changes into ancient eternal in the people eyes, feared that can remember for a lifetime. 那一声今天动地的惨叫,惨绝人寰,在众人眼中化为亘古的永恒,怕是能够记住一辈子了。 In this moment, the people stopped the movement in hand, Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family no longer have also attacked, they with amazement looked like in Long Chen this direction, saw only Long Chen to hold down Hundun Kunwu, that chaos spur little jabbed into his head, the chaos spur was the antiquity ominous thing, so painfully simply beyond comparison, that Hundun Kunwu was similar to the frail animal, was struggling in the Long Chen hand, calling out pitifully, Mo Xiao Lang gently had been delimited, suffered so painfully, but now Hundun Kunwu suffers, completely was Mo Xiao Lang ten times of hundred times. 在这一刻,众人都停下了手中的动作,混沌皇族也不再冲击了,他们骇然朝着龙辰这个方向看來,只见龙辰按住了混沌昆吾,将那混沌骨刺一点点的刺进了他的脑袋,混沌骨刺乃是上古凶物,如此痛苦简直无以伦比,那混沌昆吾如同脆弱的禽兽,在龙辰手中挣扎着,惨叫着,莫小狼只是被轻轻划了一下,就遭受了如此痛苦,而混沌昆吾现在所遭受的,完全是莫小狼的十倍百倍。 Day......” “天啊……” The bystanders disperse in abundance, last war has the rebellion once again, they worried that they were affected. 围观者纷纷散开,最后一战再度发生暴动,他们担心自己被波及了。 In their hearts has forever remembered this picture, has remembered the fearfulness of Long Chen, even if he is taking to the Hundun Kunwu unprecedented severe pain, but his expression was still indifferent, probably is handling a not worthy of mentioning matter. 他们心中永远记住了这个画面,也记住了龙辰的可怕,就算他在带给混沌昆吾前所未有的剧痛,但他的表情仍然是冷漠的,就好像是在做一件微不足道的事情。 No one knows that this should be he many greatly angry divulging. 谁都不知道,这该是他多大愤怒的宣泄。 Since continuously, if can an opposite party happiness, he not suffer the person absolutely, but this time is different, the chaos spur cannot kill people, but can actually to remember the life, pitiful life, when lifetime waste. 一直以來,如果能给对方一个痛快,他绝对不会折磨人,但这次不一样,混沌骨刺不能杀人,但却能让人记住一生,悲惨一生,当一生的废物。 This is effect that Long Chen wants. 这就是龙辰想要的效果。 Otherwise, how he will make all people remember, that is his Long Chen younger brother younger sister, so long as he is also living, no one want to move they, otherwise the fate will be this, since Mo Xiao Lang had no complain and regret to follow itself to arrive at Immortal God Domain, but oneself actually little took to him to look, even made him catch Martial Demon Seed, this was in the Long Chen heart forever guilty, he does not know how to repay this Younger Brother, like this coped with Hundun Kunwu, was a small confession, was to frightening of all people. 否则的话,他怎么会让所有人记住,那是他龙辰的弟弟妹妹,只要他还活着,谁也别想动弹他们,否则下场就会是这样,自从莫小狼无怨无悔跟随自己到了永生神域,而自己却很少带给他照顾,甚至让他染上武魔种,这是龙辰心中永远的愧疚,他根本不知道怎么來偿还这位兄弟,这样对付混沌昆吾,也算是一个小小的交代,更是对所有人的震慑。 Hundun Kunwu both hands build on his clothing, weak is tearing, wants to shove open Long Chen, but this nothing but has a dream, the share that he also only then suffers hardship, Long Chen does not know that he has pain how, but at least he is not willing to bear this pain, thinks the fearful thing including him, it can be imagined. 混沌昆吾双手搭在他的衣衫上,无力的撕扯着,想要推开龙辰,但这无非是做梦,他也只有受罪的份,龙辰不知道他有多么的痛苦,但至少他是不愿意承受这种痛苦的,连他都觉得可怕的东西,可想而知了。 This is he has also experienced most fearful suffering. 这也是他自己见识过最可怕的折磨。 Hum...... Hum......” “呜呜……呜呜……” Hundun Kunwu Aura is weak, his body ascended the massive mist, that was he by the strength that the ablation combustion had, along with the dissipation of his strength, he was getting more and more weak, his pain whinned also gradual weak, but all these under the vision gazes of all people, the time of continues particularly were not long. 混沌昆吾气息微弱,他的身上升腾起了大量的雾气,那是他被消融燃烧产生的力量,随着他力量的消散,他越來越无力,他的痛苦哀嚎也逐渐的微弱,而这一切都在所有人的目光注视下,所持续的时间也不是特别长。 Finally finally, a chaos spur, the uneven root submerges to his within the body, Hundun Kunwu already lets that ascension the Ash Grey mist covers, but so he cannot pass out, he was still collapsing, is shivering, even must continue the long time. 终于最终,一根混沌骨刺,齐根沒入到他的体内,混沌昆吾已经让那升腾的的灰色雾气覆盖,但就算如此他也沒能失去知觉,他仍然在崩溃,在颤抖,甚至还要持续好长的时间。 Sees the Hundun Kunwu pitiful condition, all people dull look at Long Chen, felt in abundance creepy feeling, absolutely terrified, some people are this, he has not been considered as Expert, is only a talent, but his slaughtering style will make Expert feel frightened, Long Chen is such person. 看到混沌昆吾的惨状,所有人都呆呆的看着龙辰,纷纷感觉到头皮发麻,毛骨悚然,有些人就是这样,他还不算是强者,只是个天才,但他的杀戮风格却会让强者都感觉到惊悚,龙辰就是这样的人。 Therefore, was daunted including Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family these Expert. 所以,连混沌皇族那些强者们都被吓住了。 Hundun Kunwu concluded from beginning to end Long Chen is unable how, may finally pitifully. 混沌昆吾从始至终都断定龙辰无法奈何自己,可最终还是悲惨透顶。 Long Chen is pulling Hundun Kunwu, looked to the Mo Xiao Lang direction, he was very weak, but compared to Hundun Kunwu to be much better, revealed the temperate smiling face until this moment Long Chen, he was relaxed, finally has given a Xiao Lang confession, gave oneself younger brother younger sister one to confess. 龙辰扯着混沌昆吾,看向了莫小狼的方向,他还是很虚弱,但比起混沌昆吾要好多了,直到这一刻龙辰才流露出了温和的笑容,他算是松了一口气,终于给了小狼一个交代,给自己弟弟妹妹一个交代了。 Facing numerous Expert, he fully realized stake, he imposing fearless, no matter today solves what kind, Human Clan Dragon God Domain can realize clearly fearful value that he hides, his value will surpass Di Yu absolutely, the Human Clan high level will vibrate inevitably, Five Great Dragon City will be Long Chen will also shock, that also will be he returns to the Dragon God Domain opportunity, Human Clan in the final analysis will be the topest tribal group, the Five Great Dragon City inspiring awe throughout the world, trivial Chaos Star Lord, how could he how. 面对众多强者,他深知其中利害关系,他凛然无惧,今日不管解决怎样,人族龙神域都能清晰认识到他潜藏的可怕价值,他的价值绝对超过帝雨,人族高层势必会十分的震动,五大龙城也会为龙辰而震惊,那也是他返回龙神域的机会,人族说到底还是最顶尖的族群,五大龙城威震四海,区区混沌星主,他岂能奈何自己。 Long Chen rolls up Hundun Kunwu that the hand in shivers, threw to Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family. 龙辰将手中蜷缩颤抖的混沌昆吾,扔给了混沌皇族 Hundun Kunwu not only has encountered fearful suffering, this has destroyed for a lifetime, does not know many the chaos Spiritual God marrow entered his body, making him always the disabled person. 混沌昆吾不但遭遇了可怕的折磨,这一辈子也已经毁了,不知道有多少的混沌神灵骨髓进入了他的身体,让他成为永世废人。 Forever can not stand up from failure. 永远不得翻身。 Mo Xiao Lang only drop of chaos Spiritual God marrow, he is the demon, is not necessarily irretrievable, but Hundun Kunwu can only inevitably in the middle of pain for a lifetime. 莫小狼只中了一滴混沌神灵骨髓,他还是魔,未必不能恢复,但混沌昆吾必然只能在的痛苦当中过一辈子。 The Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family person caught Hundun Kunwu hastily, has drawn out the chaos spur, but prompt so, the Hundun Kunwu situation has not changed, he was still inescapably involved in the fearful pain, he was still encountering this to live the biggest fear. 混沌皇族的人连忙接住了混沌昆吾,拔出了混沌骨刺,但及时如此,混沌昆吾的情况并沒有改变,他仍然在可怕的痛苦当中不能自拔,他仍然在遭遇此生最大的恐惧。 Long Chen is raising Behead Divine Sword, looks at many Seven Star Reincarnation super Expert, neither arrogant nor servile, said: Senior, had not announced that now my Long Chen obtains the talent elite to fight the opportunity of champion, I have not defeated Hundun Kunwu,” 龙辰提着斩神剑,看着诸多七星轮回的超级强者,不卑不亢,道:“诸位前辈,难道现在还不是宣布我龙辰获得天才精英战冠军的时机吗,我难道沒有打败混沌昆吾么,” He takes to Hundun Kunwu to be so painful, but can also be so righteous, this balls color and calm, making the people feel fearfully, Dream Immortal Clan, even/including Gong Qing and Xing Yue they look at each other in blank diamay, Bing Xinyue they are patting the chest, in the heart a fear, have not angered Long Chen fortunately, otherwise the fate may...... 他带给混沌昆吾如此痛苦,还能如此理直气壮,这份胆色和从容,让众人感觉到可怕,梦幻仙族这边,连龚擎和星越他们都面面相觑,冰心月他们更是拍着胸口,心中一片后怕,还好自己沒有惹怒龙辰,否则下场可就…… The Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family people are very silent, the complexion was pale, had such matter, they did not control. 混沌皇族的人都很沉默,脸色铁青,出了这样的事情,他们也主宰不了。 Dream King laughs saying: That naturally was a champion, friend, that this Star Lord Hegemony War World War II champion, I was impolite accept, the front two wars, we have attained for two points,” 梦幻王大笑道:“那当然是冠军了,诸位朋友,那这星主争霸战的第二战冠军,我就不客气收下了啊,前面两战,我们算是拿到了两分了啊,” In his heart is also five senses mixed Chen, he has not thought that joining of Long Chen, will make Star Lord Hegemony War have the so explosive change, even was aloof his control, but no matter what, before obtaining two points both are him, matter that cannot think. 他心中也是五味杂陈,他也根本沒想到龙辰的加入,会让星主争霸战发生如此劲爆的变化,甚至超脱了他的掌控,但不管怎么说,得到两分都是他之前不敢想的事情了。 The surroundings die the same silence, this is the Tornado rain approaches the eve symbol, although said that Dream Immortal Clan obtained this second point is safe, but Hundun Kunwu turned into the disabled person directly, moreover this result must miserably miserable, the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family person definitely will not give up. 周围死一样的寂静,这正是暴风雨來临前夕的象征,虽然说梦幻仙族得到这第二分算是稳妥了,但混沌昆吾直接变成废人,而且这结果要多惨就有多惨,混沌皇族的人肯定是不会善罢甘休的。 They do not have to begin immediately, the reason has one, that is the person of genuine chancellor has not arrived. 他们沒有马上动手,原因只有一个,那就是真正主事的人沒有到來。 Long Chen,” 龙辰,” Xing Yue and Gong Qing two Dragon Warrior complexions enforce toward him come, one on the left and other on the right stands side him, has the matter that from today, they are understood thoroughly Long Chen was what kind of person, although Long Chen has provoked the so huge trouble, they were very helpless, but in their hearts also indistinctly admired the child of this Eternal Dragon Emperor, the person of so real personality, where his heart will not go bad to goes. 星越和龚擎两位龙武者脸色严肃朝着他而來,一左一右站在他身边,从今日发生的事情來看,他们算是彻底了解龙辰到底是怎样的人了,虽然龙辰招惹了如此巨大的麻烦,他们很无奈,但他们心中也隐约佩服这永恒龙帝之子,如此真性情的人,他的心地是不会坏到哪里去的。 Mo Xiao Lang and Su Yan were still standing in the distant place, the surrounding atmosphere becomes subtle, only, only then Hundun Kunwu that weak whinning sound, Long Chen without demur, has arrived at Mo Xiao Lang at present, he nods to Mo Xiao Lang, then stabilizes is standing, keeps off in front of them, Gong Qing and Xing Yue and others they also stand by him, the wood-famine same place is taking care of the Life Dragon City junior. 莫小狼素妍仍然在远处站着,周围的气氛变得微妙起來,唯独只有混沌昆吾那微弱的哀嚎声,龙辰二话不说,走到了莫小狼眼前,他冲着莫小狼点点头,然后安定站着,挡在他们前面,龚擎和星越等两人也站在他旁边,木荒则在原地照顾生命龙城的小辈。 Dream King sees that said: „, The Star Lord Hegemony War World War II had ended, our Dream Immortal Clan attained the second score, the war of today had finished, Dream Immortal Clan and Life Dragon City said goodbye in advance, preparation half a month later next fight, asked to be excused,” 梦幻王见状,道:“诸位,星主争霸战第二战已经结束,我们梦幻仙族拿到了第二个分数,今日之战已经结束,梦幻仙族生命龙城先行告辞,准备半个月后的下一场战斗,告退,” This place more early walked certainly is better. 这地方当然是越早走越好了。 Wait / Etc.,” “等等,” In the middle of Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, an old man said: Stipulated according to nine star Alliances that you truly won the victory, but our Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family has some private affairs to with the child of this Eternal Dragon Emperor solve, in the middle of Star Lord Hegemony War, your Dream Immortal Clan allied armies talent can only go to battle at the first war World War II, the third war started not to have their matters, therefore Dream King can bring your Dream Immortal Clan to leave greatly in advance, the Life Dragon City elders can also walk first, everyone can walk first, but Long Chen and this wolf clan must stay behind, this was my Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family private affair, but also the hope do not mind others'business,” 混沌皇族当中,其中一位老者道:“按照九星联盟规定,你们确实赢得了胜利,但我们混沌皇族有一些私事要和这位永恒龙帝之子解决一下,星主争霸战当中,你们梦幻仙族的盟军天才只能在第一战第二战出战,第三战开始就沒他们的事了,所以梦幻王大可以带着你们梦幻仙族先行离开,生命龙城的长者们也可以先走,谁都可以先走,但龙辰和这位狼族必须要留下,这是我混沌皇族的私事,还希望诸位别多管闲事,” All that his meaning, has now and Star Lord Hegemony War has not related, then they can act in a self-serving manner greatly. 他的意思,现在发生的一切和星主争霸战沒关系,那么他们大可以为所欲为了。 Hears this saying, the Dream King cold sound track: Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family wants to use one's office to redress personal grievances, your people defeat in Star Lord Hegemony War, now actually must look for our person retaliations, this too did not defend well-mannered, this clearly was the Star Lord Hegemony War matter, said that” 听到这话,梦幻王冷声道:“混沌皇族想要公报私仇么,你们的人在星主争霸战战败,现在却要找我们的人报复,这也太不守规矩了吧,这分明就是星主争霸战的事,诸位说是不是,” Was only a pity that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family the reputation in the middle of nine star Alliances was too big, although other people clearly know that is Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family in the destruction custom, but everybody does not want to annoy to trouble, therefore nobody responded to Dream King. 只可惜,在九星联盟当中混沌皇族的名头太大了,其他人虽然明知道是混沌皇族在破坏规矩,但大家都不想惹上麻烦,所以沒人回应梦幻王 Snort,” “哼,” Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family and the others cold snort|hum, they are approaching, no matter Dream Immortal Clan they, have sphered Long Chen. 混沌皇族等人冷哼着,他们靠近,不管梦幻仙族他们,围住了龙辰 On battle efficiency, perhaps Life Dragon City two representative might as well these nine star Alliance Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm hegemons, but the power and influence is actually not the least bit off, from beginning to end Xing Yue they have not feared, when they encircle, Xing Yue calm putting out Star Rune, communicates with Star Rune. 论战斗力,或许生命龙城两位代表还不如这九星联盟七星轮回劫境的盟主们,但威势却丝毫不差,从始至终星越他们都沒怕过,当他们围上來的时候,星越从容的拿出星符,与星符沟通。 Third Uncle, relates first Dragon Emperor, our people hit the Chaos Star Lord son in Star Lord Hegemony War, the opposite party must surround us remnantly, did not ask us to leave, this was they breaks the rule first,” “三叔,联系第一龙帝,我们的人在星主争霸战打残了混沌星主的儿子,对方要围住我们,不让我们走,这是他们先破坏规矩,” The Xing Yue sound is so clear, the time retreats in fear the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family person. 星越的声音如此清晰,顿时间将混沌皇族的人吓退。 He is relating Life Dragon City first Dragon Emperor unexpectedly, that is the entire world most peak character, Chaos Star Lord insufficiently looks in his eyes. 他竟然在联系生命龙城的第一龙帝,那可是整个世界最巅峰的人物,混沌星主在他眼中都不够看啊。 From beginning to end, Human Clan is the strongest race, Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family wants to bully them, that must have a look whether had to resist the Five Great Dragon City strength. 从始至终,人族都是最强种族,混沌皇族想要欺压他们,那就要看看是否有抵抗五大龙城的力量了。 Gong Qing said with a smile: „, Do not forget that we are the Five Great Dragon City people, your entire Chaos Star Domain strength adds to be inferior that our Dragon City, your Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family did not fear really exterminated the clan, our people, you also dare to provoke, you in Chaos Star Domain, when Eldest Child when was used to it, but also thinks really one were fierce, one flock of shortsighted people,” 龚擎笑道:“诸位,别忘记我们可是五大龙城的人,你们整个混乱星域的力量加起來都不如我们一个龙城,你们混沌皇族真的就不怕被灭族么,我们的人,你们也敢挑衅,你们在混乱星域老大当习惯了,还真以为自己有多么厉害吗,一群井底之蛙,” The Dragon Warrior strength is dreadful, Five Great Dragon City overawed the world, Gong Qing has the qualifications to speak such words. 龙武者战力滔天,五大龙城威震天下,龚擎有资格说这样的话。
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