DBWG :: Volume #21

#2043: Callous Long Chen

This time, slaughters Sword Art altogether to slaughter close 1000 swords. 这一次,杀戮剑诀一共厮杀到接近1000剑。. 1000 cut, nearly will complete to slaughter Sword Art 1/10, more arrives at behind, the prestige of each sword can more be the terror, Long Chen because of this, has not transformed is Dragon Shape, direct crush Hundun Kunwu. 1000斩,将近完成杀戮剑诀的1,越是到后面,每一剑的威能就越是恐怖,龙辰正因为如此,还沒有蜕变为龙形,就直接碾压了混沌昆吾 At this moment, his whole body is bathed in blood, gets angry pitifully howlingly, kneels down in the Long Chen front, looks at he most formidable taking advantage helplessly, three types of 300 Dao Mark [say / way] were torn into shreds by Long Chen, Long Chen tears into shreds, not only his [say / way], with his heart, his pride and dignity. 此时此刻,他浑身浴血,悲惨怒嚎,跪倒在龙辰的前方,眼睁睁的看着他最强大的依仗,三样300条道纹的道器被龙辰撕碎,龙辰撕碎的不只是他的道器,和他的心,他的骄傲和尊严。 He always thinks the unmatched in the world, Human Clan wants Monster Clan is also in name only, once made the pledge, in the future must sweep Immortal God Domain, challenges various clan Expert, but said at this time now he in his main house gate, making two emerging out of thin air Human Clan Monster Clan defeat again and again, the honor loses completely completely. 他向來认为天下无敌,人族妖族也是徒有虚名,也曾经立下誓言,将來一定要扫荡永生神域,挑战各族强者,但今时今曰他就在自己的家门口,让两位凭空出现的人族妖族连连战败,脸面完全丢尽。 Three types of disruption, take to the attack of Hundun Kunwu innermost feelings to be serious compared with his mortal body injury. 三样道器的碎裂,带给混沌昆吾内心的打击比起他肉身的伤势还要严重。 At present that calm Long Chen is standing in his at present, his footsteps fall on the sound of ground make Hundun Kunwu shiver, makes almost all bystanders suffocate. 眼前那冷静的龙辰正站在他的眼前,他脚步落在地上的声音让混沌昆吾颤抖,也让几乎所有的围观者窒息。 In a direction, weak Mo Xiao Lang is moved to tears to look at Long Chen, his is similarly nervous, because before , he like this has also defeated Hundun Kunwu, but finally actually by Hundun Kunwu cloudy, reduces to such fate. 在其中一个方向,虚弱的莫小狼热泪盈眶的看着龙辰,他的心情同样紧张,因为之前他也是这样打败了混沌昆吾,但最终却被混沌昆吾所阴,沦落到如此的下场。 Long Chen, whether will make same mistakes over again. 龙辰,是否会重蹈覆辙呢。 Hundun Kunwu that he can kill obviously directly, such as that Mo Xiao Lang same keeps the hand, he is any meaning, is it possible that he knows that Hundun Kunwu is the Chaos Star Lord son, therefore does not want to make too greatly this matter.” “他明明可以直接袭杀的混沌昆吾,却如那莫小狼一样留手,他是什么意思,莫非他知道混沌昆吾混沌星主的儿子,所以不想把这件事情闹得太大。” The Xiao Dingyuan doubts said. 萧鼎元疑惑说道。 The Dream King nod said: It seems like this Long Chen, although violent anger, but also has the discretion, is the Eternal Dragon Emperor son, this point looks like him really worthily actually, but Long Chen must make a great show of one's talents compared with Eternal Dragon Emperor of youth, because he murders decisively compared with Eternal Dragon Emperor.” 梦幻王点头道:“看來这龙辰虽然暴怒,但还有分寸,真不愧是永恒龙帝的儿子,这一点倒是非常像他啊,但龙辰比起年轻时代的永恒龙帝还要锋芒毕露,因为他比起永恒龙帝杀伐果断。” Saw that Long Chen has not gone crazy kills Hundun Kunwu directly, the people had relaxed finally, no matter what, Hundun Kunwu should not die, he is the Chaos Star Domain New generation flag. 看到龙辰并沒有发狂直接杀了混沌昆吾,众人终于松了一口气,不管怎么说,混沌昆吾是不应该死的,他是混乱星域新生代的旗帜。 At this time, Long Chen has stood in being away from Hundun Kunwu the place three meters away. 这时候,龙辰已经站在距离混沌昆吾三米外的地方。 Hundun Kunwu kneels down in him at present, he lifts the fierce head, stubbornly looks at Long Chen, full mouth blood, tooth blood red, his superhuman has relieved, looks like weak incomparable. 混沌昆吾跪倒在他眼前,他抬起狰狞头颅,死死的看着龙辰,满口鲜血,牙齿血红,他的三头六臂已经解除,看起來虚弱无比。 You dare to destroy my [say / way], the dog courage was really too big.” “你敢毁了我的道器,狗胆子真是太大了。” Hundun Kunwu ice-cold the sound was saying. 混沌昆吾冰冷着声音说道。 Long Chen unemotionally, said: Defeated, does not have any ability, is bent on having to ship out an unmatched in the world the appearance, Hundun Kunwu, in my eyes, you are only a waste.” 龙辰面无表情,道:“手下败将,沒什么能耐,偏要装出一副天下无敌的样子,混沌昆吾,在我眼中,你不过只是个废物。” Hears this saying, Hundun Kunwu laughs wildly, said: That how, you have killed me, you dare to kill me, but my father Chaos Star Lord, you have killed me, you also die like a dog you to understand, said that who is the waste, you have the dreadful hatred to me, your Younger Brother was made into the disabled person by me, you do not dare to kill me, you are the waste.” 听到这话,混沌昆吾猖狂大笑起來,道:“那又如何,你杀了我啊,你敢杀我吗,我父亲可是混沌星主,你杀了我,你也不得好死你懂么,说谁是废物,你对我有滔天仇恨,你的兄弟被我弄成废人,你还是不敢杀我,你才是废物。” Long Chen is calm, his limpid eyes are staring at Hundun Kunwu, the expression ice-cold, speak unhurriedly and clearly said: I will not kill you.” 龙辰波澜不惊,他清澈眼睛盯着混沌昆吾,语气冰冷,一字一顿道:“我不会杀你。” Heard this saying, happier, he who Hundun Kunwu smiled knew is this, Long Chen has not been having courage, at this time he had taken easy, defeats was also what kind, if the victor such as Mo Xiao Lang this, Hundun Kunwu is not certainly willing to work as the victor, he must work as that the loser who the victor made the dishonest kind shape. 听到这话,混沌昆吾笑的更欢了,他就知道是这样,龙辰还沒有这个胆子,这时候他已经想开了,战败了又怎样,如果胜利者如莫小狼这样,混沌昆吾当然不愿意当胜利者,他要当那个将胜利者弄得不诚仁形的失败者。 Therefore, he under glare of the public eye, struggles to stand, Long Chen so approached him at this time, is such has not guarded, his negligence, has been providing the excellent opportunity to Hundun Kunwu, before he has been suppressed by Long Chen, does not have including the opportunity of counter-attack, but now, the opportunity comes finally. 所以,他在众目睽睽之下,挣扎着站立起來,龙辰这时候是如此的靠近他,是如此的沒有防备,他的疏忽,正给混沌昆吾提供了绝佳的时机,之前他一直都被龙辰压制,连反击的机会都沒有,而现在,机会终于來了。 He flushes away toward Long Chen instantaneously, three meters distance arrives instantaneously, his whole face is fierce, the mouth roared: Idiot, has violated unexpectedly with that wolf clan same mistake, you are Courts Death.” 他瞬间朝着龙辰冲去,三米距离瞬间到达,他满脸狰狞,嘴里咆哮道:“蠢货,竟然犯了和那狼族一样的错误,你就是找死啊。” It is not able to describe his excitement in the spoken language. 无法用言语形容他的兴奋。 He has put out that terror chaos spur, chaos spur, all people clamored once again, the rebellion, the line of sight made this antique ominous thing attract completely, what above sent out was true Spiritual God Aura, that was the chaos Spiritual God spur. 他拿出了那恐怖的混沌骨刺,混沌骨刺一出,所有人再度喧哗,暴动,视线完全让这太古凶物所吸引,其上散发出來的乃是真正神灵的气息,那是混沌神灵的骨刺。 Under the chaos Spiritual God marrow, all strengths must melt. 混沌神灵骨髓之下,一切力量都得化解。 Hundun Kunwu does not know that Long Chen to this degree, to oneself such opportunity, he can only say stupid Long Chen was too self-confident, was his self-confidence makes him obtain one with the Mo Xiao Lang same fate. 混沌昆吾不知道龙辰会蠢到这种程度,给自己这样的机会,他只能说龙辰实在太自信了,是他的自信让他得到了一个和莫小狼一样的下场。 Thinks that their two Younger Brother same become disabled people, the Hundun Kunwu innermost feelings are almost excited twitch. 想想他们两兄弟一样成为废人,混沌昆吾内心几乎兴奋得抽搐。 All people are also tense to suffocating. 所有人也紧张到窒息。 Only Mo Xiao Lang and Su Yan know that Long Chen will not make this so preliminary mistake. 唯独莫小狼素妍都知道,龙辰不会犯这种如此低级的错误。 When Hundun Kunwu uses the chaos spur, Long Chen knows the opportunity that one wait for came finally, sometimes kills a person is not the retaliation and penalty, his anger to the Hundun Kunwu is unable to describe in the spoken language, all that he makes, for only gives back to him all of Mo Xiao Lang bitter experience completely, several fold gives back to him. 就在混沌昆吾动用混沌骨刺的时候,龙辰知道自己所等待的机会终于來了,有时候杀死一个人并不是什么报复和惩罚,他对混沌昆吾的愤怒无法用言语描述,他所做的一切,只为了将莫小狼遭遇的一切全部还给他,数倍的还给他。 Therefore the chaos spur appears, the eye of Long Chen is also glistening. 所以混沌骨刺出现,龙辰的眼睛也在闪亮。 He had already been ready. 他早就做好了准备。 When Hundun Kunwu begins that moment, his long sword slaughters, breaks all. 混沌昆吾动手那一刻,他长剑杀戮,破开一切。 Sword Qi thinks, immediately, the Hundun Kunwu both legs were chopped to fly, turns without the person of leg, the blood light for the first time presently, but he still laughed, the chaos spur sews toward Long Chen. 剑气所想,顿时之间,混沌昆吾双腿被砍飞出去,变成无腿之人,血光乍现,但他仍然大笑,混沌骨刺朝着龙辰钉來。 Sob.” “哭泣吧。” Before Hundun Kunwu regards the beforehand sword is the Long Chen at the point of death revolt. 混沌昆吾把之前一剑当成是龙辰临死前的反抗。 At this time, a Long Chen once again sword. 就在这时候,龙辰再度一剑。 „The eye of Hell.” 地狱之眼。” He already thought that used the eye of Hell at this time. 他早就想好,在这个时候用地狱之眼了。 In the Hundun Kunwu field of vision, he saw thing that all people cannot see, that is the eye of Hell, that is a quiet green eye, incomparable looking disdainfully, the terror, just likes from Heaven, frightening of eye of Hell has striven to defeat all, particularly after Behead Divine Sword increased 100 Dao Mark, this time Behead Divine Sword, had the energy of direct access to the highest authorities. 混沌昆吾的视野当中,他看到了所有人都看不到的东西,那是地狱之眼,那是一双幽绿色的眼睛,无比的睥睨,恐怖,恍如來自上苍,地狱之眼的震慑力胜过了一切,尤其是在斩神剑足足增加了100条道纹之后,此时的斩神剑,已经拥有通天之能。 In this time at a crucial moment, the Hundun Kunwu eye circle stares, he suffocates completely, falls down baseless, the blood crossflow, was still shivering finally until his whole body, saw the most fearful matter likely. 就在这千钧一发的时刻,混沌昆吾眼睛圆瞪,他完全窒息,凭空就倒在地上,鲜血横流,直到最后他浑身仍然在颤抖,像是看到了最可怕的事情。 This to his attack, is more serious. 这对他的打击,更加惨重。 How.” “怎么了。” Saw that Long Chen must meet with a disaster, actually had such matter, suddenly all people clamored, the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family person was tense, obviously Hundun Kunwu failed, even if were the chaos spur, as if also made Long Chen eradicate. 眼看着龙辰就要遭殃,却发生了这样的事情,一时间所有人都喧哗起來,混沌皇族的人更是紧张,显然混沌昆吾已经失败了,就算是混沌骨刺,似乎也让龙辰破除了。 How possible.” “怎么可能。” Hundun Kunwu, hurries to admit defeat.” 混沌昆吾,赶紧认输。” Admits defeat, admits defeat, otherwise you will die.” “认输,认输啊,不然你会死。” The Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family person did not hold to hope, they truly were counting on the chaos spur, but the so chaos spur threw the sky, Hundun Kunwu I lost consciousness, momentarily can make Long Chen kill. 混沌皇族的人已经不抱有希望了,他们原本确实在指望混沌骨刺,但如此混沌骨刺抛上了天空,混沌昆吾本人则不省人事,随时都能让龙辰杀死。 The Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family person worried, they encircle toward here, waits for Hundun Kunwu to open the mouth to admit defeat, they will rescue, saw that the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family person is ready to make trouble, Golden War God Clan and Dream Immortal Clan, the hegemons of part nine star Alliances are diverting them, these to fighting completely had not ended, no one can interfere according to the custom, everybody is also looking at the final change, but matter that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family can handle only, was makes Hundun Kunwu admit defeat. 混沌皇族的人着急了,他们朝着这边围來,等混沌昆吾一开口认输,他们就会救援,看到混沌皇族的人蠢蠢欲动,黄金战神族梦幻仙族,还有部分九星联盟的盟主牵制着他们,这一场对战还沒有彻底结束,按照规矩谁都不能干涉,大家也都在看着最后的变化,而混沌皇族唯一能做的事情,就是让混沌昆吾认输了。 Long Chen is standing in Hundun Kunwu at present, that fearful chaos spur fell, Long Chen does not dare to move easily, his body presents one to slaughter the dragonet, rushes to the clouds unexpectedly, holds that chaos spur in the bosom, that incisive sharp thorn, unexpectedly to Hundun Kunwu. 龙辰正站在混沌昆吾眼前,那可怕的混沌骨刺落了下來,龙辰不敢轻易去触碰,他身上出现一头杀戮小龙,竟然冲上云霄,将那混沌骨刺抱在怀中,那尖锐的尖刺,竟然对着混沌昆吾 At this time, as if all people know that Long Chen must make anything. 这时候,似乎所有人都知道龙辰要做什么了。 He endured patiently such a long time, nothing but in waiting this moment arrival. 他忍耐了这么长时间,无非是在等待这一刻的到來。 He must with the chaos spur, cope with Hundun Kunwu, making him taste to perform with the Mo Xiao Lang same pain, making this Chaos Star Domain first talent turn into the waste, making him always live in the pain, Mo Xiao Lang is the demon, he perhaps can also restore the strength, but Long Chen wants this Hundun Kunwu, can never restore. 他要以混沌骨刺,对付混沌昆吾,让他尝尽和莫小狼一样的痛苦,让这混乱星域第一天才变成废物,让他永世生活在痛苦当中,莫小狼是魔,他兴许还可以恢复力量,但龙辰要这混沌昆吾,永远不能恢复。 That chaos spur almost made Hundun Kunwu frighten miserably, he had realized one defeated very thoroughly, therefore roared panic-stricken: Long Chen, you cannot cope with me with the chaos spur, you will make my father kill, my father trains the present situation me with great difficulty, you cannot move me, otherwise you will die.” 那混沌骨刺几乎让混沌昆吾吓惨了,他已经意识到自己败得十分彻底,于是惊恐咆哮道:“龙辰,你不能用混沌骨刺对付我,你会让我父亲杀死的,我父亲好不容易把我培养到现在的地步,你不能动我,否则你会死。” Hundun Kunwu, admits defeat.” 混沌昆吾,认输。” His Elder drinks greatly. 他的长辈大喝。 At this moment, he encounters the disastrous defeat, even the chaos spur makes Long Chen snatch, the fact that this was unable to change, the Hundun Kunwu innermost feelings collapse completely, he knows that this looked like still very calm Long Chen, had how fearfully. 事到如今,他遭遇惨败,甚至混沌骨刺都让龙辰抢去,这已经是无法改变的事实,混沌昆吾内心完全崩溃,他知道这看起來仍然很冷静的龙辰,到底有多么的可怕。 Not is only Hundun Kunwu, other people were also advising Long Chen do not impulse, if coped with Hundun Kunwu with the chaos spur, the consequence definitely ratio of creating directly killed him to be serious, when the time comes feared that was they are unable to preserve Long Chen, therefore all gave priority to the surname to assign. 不但是混沌昆吾自己,就连其他人也在劝告龙辰不要冲动,若是以混沌骨刺对付混沌昆吾,造成的后果肯定比直接杀死他还要严重,到时候怕是他们都无法保住龙辰,所以一切还是以姓命为重。 Long Chen, ok, victory is most important.” The Dream King advice said that he has attained two scores, was very satisfied. 龙辰,算了吧,胜利最重要。”梦幻王劝告道,他已经拿到了两个分数,十分满意了。 In innumerable clamoring, Hundun Kunwu knew keeps the mountain not to worry truth that does not have the firewood to burn, he said with a smile: Boy, you defeats me, you how me, he said that I surely staged a comeback, defeat you, who made you not dare to move me.” 在无数的喧哗当中,混沌昆吾知道了留得青山在不愁沒柴烧的道理,他笑道:“小子,你只是打败我,你根本奈何不了我,他曰我必当卷土重來,打败你,谁让你不敢动我呢。” He opens the mouth, is preparing to say me to admit defeat these three characters. 他张开口,正准备说出我认输这三个字。 In this flash, Long Chen that Behead Divine Sword instantaneously moves, jabs into his mouth, making his anything sound unable to send, let alone admitted defeat, he did not admit defeat. 就在这一瞬间,龙辰斩神剑瞬间而动,刺进他的嘴巴,让他什么声音都发不出來,更别说认输了,他根本认输不了。 Who said...... I do not dare to move you.” “谁说……我不敢动你了。” Long Chen reveals one to let the Hundun Kunwu absolutely terrified smiling face, he gently from slaughtering Xiaolong Dragon Claw took out the chaos spur, he only carried with the hand Hundun Kunwu, he looks at the chaos spur, while looks at Hundun Kunwu, such scene, is makes the person be shocked first, at once the surroundings produce the giant rebellion, Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family cannot bear get rid again, but Dream King can only clench teeth to block them, suddenly being startled day war raises. 龙辰流露出一丝让混沌昆吾毛骨悚然的笑容,他轻轻从杀戮小龙龙爪当中取出了混沌骨刺,他将混沌昆吾只手提了起來,他一边看着混沌骨刺,一边看着混沌昆吾,这样的场面,先是让人惊呆,旋即周围产生巨大的暴动,混沌皇族再也忍不住出手,而梦幻王只能咬牙挡住他们,一时间惊天大战掀起。 Hum...... Hum......” “呜呜……呜呜……” Hundun Kunwu sheds tears, painful entreaty Long Chen, his whole body shivers, several near collapses, on the face have written all over the endless pain, regret and fear, he looks deathly pale, lost the former rampancy again. 混沌昆吾流出眼泪,痛苦的哀求龙辰,他浑身颤抖,几近崩溃,脸上写满了无尽的痛苦、后悔和恐惧,他脸色惨白,再也失去了从前的嚣张。 Long Chen is calm, although periphery was earthshaking, the war breaks out, he was still indifferent, arrives at the chaos spur in the Hundun Kunwu top of the head, at very slow speed, punctured gently. 龙辰从容不变,虽然周围已经惊天动地,大战爆发,他却仍然冷漠,将混沌骨刺抵在混沌昆吾的头顶上,以非常慢的速度,轻轻刺了下去。 At that moment, the tongue was twisted Hundun Kunwu, sends out extremely tragic calling out. 那一刻,舌头被绞断了混沌昆吾,发出惨绝人寰的嚎叫。 This pitiful yell alarms the world. 这惨叫惊动天地。
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