DBWG :: Volume #21

#2041: The sword bites the chaos

Slaughters Sword Art, saves Long Chen from starting until now all. 杀戮剑诀,积蓄了龙辰从开始至今的一切。 His all enduring patiently, fuse at this time completely on slaughtering Sword Art, when completes all these, slaughtered Sword Art to have the huge transformation. 他所有的忍耐,此时全部都融合在杀戮剑诀上,当完成这一切的时候,杀戮剑诀发生了巨大的蜕变。 Long Chen only felt that as if entire world pale goes in oneself eye, only remaining present enemies, remaining his hateful countenance, wild smiling face. 龙辰只感觉似乎整个世界都在自己眼中淡去,唯独只剩下眼前的敌人,剩下他那可恶的嘴脸,猖狂的笑容。 In a flash, his world became scarlet-red. 转瞬之间,他的世界已经变得赤红。 Counts the 100,000 observer, in his eyes is also the ants, he has not cared slightly, his angry and urged him to erupt the unprecedented strength brutally. 十万的旁观者,在他眼中也不过是蝼蚁,他丝毫沒有在意,他的愤怒和残酷驱使着他爆发出了前所未有的力量。 The Refining Divine Flame flaming combustion, has surpassed the past amplification completely, making his strength have huge increase, even is inexhaustible, the Ancestral Dragons potential never only will then be so simple. 炼神之火熊熊燃烧,完全超过了以往的增幅,让他的力量发生巨大的增加,甚至无穷无尽,祖龙的潜力永远都不只有这么简单。 He is an elder brother, at this time must give a Mo Xiao Lang confession. 他身为哥哥,这个时候必须要给莫小狼一个交代。 Not for other, only to avenge a grievance, he has put behind the life and death, so long as actually this fellow dies at present, not only even dies is so simple. 不为其他,只为了报仇雪恨,他忘却了生死,却只要眼前这家伙死,甚至不只是死这么简单。 Hundun Kunwu depends is in itself the Chaos Star Lord son, he always does not think one can have any accident, but Long Chen that ice-cold facial features, callous Killing Aura, that sharp Jianfeng told him, this was going all out. 混沌昆吾仗着自己是混沌星主的儿子,他从來都不认为自己会出什么意外,但龙辰那冰冷的面容,冷酷的杀气,还有那锋利的剑锋告诉他,他这是在拼命。 Young fellow, I independent combat with you, will not bully you with the chaos spur, you can my what.” “好小子,我就和你单打独斗,不会用混沌骨刺欺负你,你能奈我何。” In the Hundun Kunwu bone is arrogant, he clearly knows one have in fact lost to Mo Xiao Lang, therefore wants to retrieve self-confidently on the body of Long Chen, must otherwise he not use superhuman, directly attacks with the chaos spur and that's the end. 混沌昆吾骨子里是高傲的,他明知道自己实际上是败给了莫小狼,所以想要在龙辰的身上找回自信,要不然的话他也不用三头六臂,直接用混沌骨刺攻击就是了。 Primordial Spear, beginning of the universe air/Qi.” 混元枪,混元一气。” He by three types, resists Long Chen, to be honest in the aspect, Long Chen is inferior to him radically, the Behead Divine Sword overwhelming power also has 180 Dao Mark again. 他以三样道器,对抗龙辰,说实话在道器方面,龙辰根本不如他,斩神剑再威猛也只有180条道纹 With opposite party any same compared with, Behead Divine Sword missed planned, [say / way] of opposite party has taken to the Behead Divine Sword huge pressure, although Behead Divine Sword was a brave fighter, but wanted the frontage and elephant rhinocero dashes, still had the difficulty. 和对方任何一样道器相比,斩神剑都差了一筹,对方的道器带给了斩神剑巨大的压力,斩神剑虽然是猛虎,但要正面和大象犀牛冲撞,仍然是有难度的。 However, the one who grasps Behead Divine Sword is Long Chen. 但是,手持斩神剑的是龙辰 Blood Red Dragon Scale covers the whole body, whole body spur is prominent, forms the fierce point, Long Chen at this time was similar to the god of death, his step did not have the backlash of half minute, his slaughtered Sword Art to surmount the imagination of all Expert, that uniform velocity, that and other strong trends, although Hundun Kunwu had three types, but almost let the Behead Divine Sword suppression of Long Chen from the beginning, at Long Chen that powerful and riot, but during the ice-cold attack, Hundun Kunwu grasped three types, displayed the skills resistance, but still let Long Chen by incomparable rupturing slaughtered Sword Qi to flying, retroceded all the way distressedly. 血红色龙鳞覆盖全身,浑身骨刺突出,形成狰狞的锋芒,龙辰这时候如同死神,他的步伐沒有半分的后退,他的杀戮剑诀超越了所有强者的想象,那等速度,那等强势,虽然混沌昆吾拥有三样道器,但几乎从一开始就让龙辰斩神剑压制,在龙辰那强势、暴乱而冰冷的攻击当中,混沌昆吾手持三样道器,施展出浑身解数抵抗,但仍然让龙辰以无比爆裂的杀戮剑气冲飞出去,一路上狼狈后退。 If before , he and Mo Xiao Lang fight, within is evenly matched for a long time, then with the fight of Long Chen, simply by crush. 如果说之前他和莫小狼的战斗,很长时间之内是势均力敌的话,那么和龙辰的战斗,简直就是被碾压。 On the one hand there is his injured reason, on the other hand during is Long Chen imagines him is much more fearful, particularly, Long Chen at this moment, he is not a person is fighting, he harbors to guilty of Mo Xiao Lang, harbors all people to own expectation, harbors his responsibility to the younger brother younger sisters, what is more important is his is the bloodlines of Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon to urge him, making his incarnation to slaughter tyrant. 一方面有他受伤的原因,另外一方面则是龙辰比他想象当中要可怕得多,尤其是,此刻的龙辰,他不是一个人在战斗,他怀着对莫小狼的愧疚,怀着所有人对自己的期望,怀着他对弟弟妹妹们的责任,更重要的是他那属于太古血灵龙的血脉才催着他,让他化身为杀戮的暴君。 Bang. 轰隆隆。 At the Long Chen storm, slaughters Sword Qi to soar to the heavens, but in the middle of the process of Hundun Kunwu distressed shock backlash, on rock rivers demolish along the road, let slaughter Sword Qi to strangle to death into the powder powder. 龙辰强攻,杀戮剑气冲天,而混沌昆吾狼狈震惊后退的过程当中,沿路上的山石河流纷纷爆破,让杀戮剑气绞杀成为齑粉。 Although Hundun Kunwu can block to slaughter the Sword Qi disturbance temporarily, but presented the massive sword marks within the short time, even the somewhat deep obvious bone, restored quite to be still difficult by his Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family physique, moreover just restored, will have immediately the new wound. 混沌昆吾虽然能够暂时挡住杀戮剑气的风波,但身上在短短时间之内就出现了大量的剑痕,甚至有些深可见骨,以他混沌皇族的体质恢复起來仍然相当困难,而且刚刚恢复,马上就会出现新的伤口。 So was suppressed, opportunity that solemn three types of simply have not actually hit back, just likes don't hit a person when he's down, Hundun Kunwu was simply insane. 如此被压制,堂堂三样道器却根本沒有还手的机会,犹如落水狗,混沌昆吾简直要疯了。 Among the bystanders, most people are also very surprised, they also think that is an evenly matched fight, has not thought that Long Chen is so terrorist, saw Hundun Kunwu was suppressed soon has cried, the expressions on their face are quite splendid. 围观者当中,大多数的人也十分吃惊,他们还以为又是一场势均力敌的战斗呢,沒想到龙辰如此恐怖,看到混沌昆吾被压制得快要哭了,他们脸上的表情都相当精彩。 Originally among them, most Expert is the child of this Eternal Dragon Emperor, truly the weakest person is Hundun Kunwu.” “原來他们三人当中,最强者是这永恒龙帝之子,真正最弱的人是混沌昆吾。” Presents in most Expert hearts to know how things stand , if no chaos spur thing, was known as that is Hundun Kunwu of Chaos Star Domain first talent, in fact at is not Long Chen their matches. 在场大多数的强者心中十分有数,如果不是有混沌骨刺这东西,号称是混乱星域第一天才的混沌昆吾,实际上根本不是龙辰他们的对手。 Naturally, Long Chen this was the display of ultra level. 当然,龙辰这是超水平的发挥了。 This fight, making countless person innermost feelings shake. 这一场战斗,让无数人内心震荡。 This Human Clan Dragon Warrior, a wolf clan, the great strength and natural talents of their two Younger Brother strike root in the hearts of the people, the people are clear, now said that no matter the result how, their reputations rapidly will pass on, fast rising, even alarms to Immortal God Domain that side. 这一位人族龙武者,一位狼族,他们两兄弟的强大和天资深入人心,众人都清楚,今曰不管结果如何,他们的名声还是会迅速传出去,会快速的崛起,甚至惊动到永生神域那边。 Especially Long Chen, his long-awaited matter, nothing but is makes the Dragon God Domain person hold in high esteem to him. 尤其是龙辰,他梦寐以求的事情,无非是让龙神域的人对他刮目相看。 Kills. 杀杀杀。 By slaughtering Sword Qi of that matter level, Hundun Kunwu sees in the middle of that riot, is hiding an incomparably callous face unexpectedly, Hundun Kunwu is always bold, has not been afraid anybody, but in his heart has actually had the fear for such Long Chen, this lets his creepy feeling simply. 透过那层层的杀戮剑气,混沌昆吾看到那暴乱当中,竟然藏着一张无比冷酷的脸,混沌昆吾向來胆大包天,从來沒有害怕过任何人,但这一次他心中却为这样的龙辰产生了恐惧,这简直让他头皮发麻。 Damn, is really damn, can be so strong including this fellow, this world how, super talent these many, so were cheap.” “该死,真是该死,连这家伙也能这么强,这世界到底怎么了,难道超级天才就这么多,这么便宜。” Hundun Kunwu dies will not be convinced. 混沌昆吾是死都不会服气的。 Kills.” “杀杀杀。” He starts to continue the whole body chaos motive power, three types of also attack, to imprison the collar fetter and attacks Long Chen, suppresses Long Chen by a town Yuan tower, greatly reduced the Long Chen speed, again by Primordial Spear and Behead Divine Sword resistance, he can feel that Behead Divine Sword Dao Mark is inferior to Primordial Spear. 他开始继续浑身的混沌原力,三样道器同时攻击,以囚元环束缚并且攻击龙辰,以镇元塔镇压龙辰,大大降低了龙辰的速度,再以混元枪斩神剑对抗,他能感觉到斩神剑道纹远不如混元枪 Primordial Spear is universe meteoric iron casts, the achievement beginning of the universe main road, from the Divine Dragon time, has the glorious history and over a hundred masters, finally falls to the hand of Hundun Kunwu. 混元枪乃是宇宙陨铁铸就,成就混元大道,來自神龙时代,拥有悠久的历史和上百个主人,最终才落到混沌昆吾的手中。 Three main roads spirit, in the savings strength , helping the Hundun Kunwu crazy war. 三大道灵,也在积蓄力量,帮助混沌昆吾疯狂一战。 Tearing.” “撕裂吧,。” Hundun Kunwu dies to nip the tooth, he does not concede, he knows that Long Chen maintains such condition, will be certainly strenuous. 混沌昆吾死咬着牙齿,他不服输,他知道龙辰保持这样的状态,一定会非常吃力。 I want you with a that bastard price, three Yuan unite, the main road is limitless, Universe reverses.” “我要你和那畜生一个代价,三元合一,大道无极,乾坤倒转。” Three types of jointly display, this Long Chen offensive pressing, Hundun Kunwu saw the excited dawn, is very suddenly excited. 三样道器联合施展,这才将龙辰的攻势给压回去,混沌昆吾看到了兴奋的曙光,一时间十分兴奋。 The people eyes have also shone, Hundun Kunwu must counter-attack finally. 众人眼睛也亮了起來,混沌昆吾终于要反击了吗。 In this flash, Long Chen slightly had not been affected, a sword after eradication, he rushes ahead to come once again, the wind shoots a sword puncture, the time together slaughters the Sword Qi puncture to come, compared with beforehand is more powerful. 就在这一瞬间,龙辰丝毫沒受到影响,其中一剑在破除之后,他再度冲杀而來,飙射一剑穿刺而出,顿时间一道杀戮剑气穿刺而來,比起之前强盛许多。 530 swords.” “530剑。” Slaughters Sword Art, altogether 10,000 swords, this is Behead Divine Sword going against heaven's will Sword Art. 杀戮剑诀,一共有10000剑,这是斩神剑的逆天剑诀 530 swords, are the Long Chen former limits, but he displays at this moment with ease. 530剑,已经是龙辰从前的极限了,但此时此刻他轻松施展出來。 Clang. 铛。 Hundun Kunwu resists by a town Yuan tower, exudes incomparably grating keenly blowing sound, he is defeated with a town Yuan tower once again, was flown by a Long Chen sword bang, hits on the Moroccan cloud peak, the time Morocco cloud peak had shivering of incomparable distance. 混沌昆吾以镇元塔抵抗,发出无比刺耳的尖啸声,他连人带着镇元塔再度落败,被龙辰一剑轰飞,撞在摩云峰上,顿时间摩云峰发生了无比距离的颤抖。 Damn, damn.” “该死,该死。” Hundun Kunwu is badly beaten, is very distressed, just crawled from the crushed stone, actually once again falls into to the Long Chen huger sword net, this time he can only resist distressedly, Behead Divine Sword bombardments, imprison on the collar and Primordial Spear in a town Yuan tower, exudes the earthshaking fricative. 混沌昆吾头破血流,无比狼狈,刚刚从碎石当中爬了出來,却又再度陷入到龙辰更加庞大的剑网当中,这一次他只能狼狈抵抗,斩神剑一次次轰击在镇元塔、囚元环和混元枪上,发出惊天动地的摩擦声。 From beginning to end, the opportunity that Hundun Kunwu one time counter-attacks does not have. 从始至终,混沌昆吾一次反击的机会都沒有。 The people looked to stay simply, what they saw was Hundun Kunwu wound are getting more and more, even an ear made Long Chen truncate to fly, the whole body was bathed in blood, horrible to look, his pain resulted in the pitiful yell again and again, but still cannot escape the Long Chen bang to kill, was completely lopsided. 众人简直看呆了,他们看到的是混沌昆吾身上的伤口越來越多,甚至一只耳朵都让龙辰削飞了出去,浑身浴血,惨不忍睹,他痛得惨叫连连,但仍然逃脱不了龙辰的轰杀,完全一面倒。 If no three types of super [say / way], he already made Long Chen killing. 如果不是有三样超级道器,他早就让龙辰给杀了。 No one can think that he will defeat so distressedly, this simply is not a contest of level, Hundun Kunwu in front of Long Chen looks like a comedian clown is the same, scared shitless, keeps the wail. 谁都想不到,他会败得如此狼狈,这简直不是一个层次的较量,在龙辰面前混沌昆吾就像是一个小丑一样,屁滚尿流,不停哭嚎。 In fact Long Chen must kill his words, he had already succeeded, but sometimes, casually has killed a person, that is not the biggest retaliation, Long Chen is waiting for an opportunity. 实际上龙辰要杀他的话,他早就成功了,但有时候,把一个人随便杀了,那并不是最大的报复,龙辰在等待一个机会。 Moreover, the small skeleton has gnawed that long stone, finally ate the meat quickly, how Long Chen will make the meat fly away. 而且,小骷髅啃了那么久的石头,终于快啃到肉了,龙辰怎么会让肉飞走呢。 In Hundun Kunwu also at risk of life some instance of resistance, all people clear heard a crack sound, that sound so grating. 就在混沌昆吾还在拼死抵抗的某一个瞬间,所有人都清晰的听到了一声裂响,那声音是如此的刺耳。 The people not only seem , because the Long Chen sword broke. 众人不仅看上去,是因为龙辰的剑断了吗。 If the sword broke, that is very possible he to defeat, after all Hundun Kunwu also had the chaos spur, he has been suppressed, could not take including the chaos spur. 如果剑断了的话,那很可能他还是会战败啊,毕竟混沌昆吾还有混沌骨刺呢,他只是一直被压制,连混沌骨刺都拿不出來而已。 Behead Divine Sword is inferior to three main road obviously. 斩神剑明显不如三大道器啊。 Matter that but next has makes all people shock. 可下一个发生的事情让所有人震撼。 That Behead Divine Sword chops to chop, Hundun Kunwu resists with a town Yuan tower once again, but in this instantaneous, Behead Divine Sword is very fierce, tears in half that town Yuan tower directly, the [say / way] instantaneous demolitions of 300 Dao Mark, change into the Golden fragment, disperses, a Long Chen sword cuts a Hundun Kunwu arm. 斩神剑劈砍,混沌昆吾再度用镇元塔抵抗,但就在这瞬间,斩神剑无比狰狞,直接将那镇元塔撕成两半,300条道纹的道器瞬间爆破,化为金色的碎片,飞散出去,龙辰一剑斩下混沌昆吾一条手臂。 That flash, Hundun Kunwu kneels down on the ground, the pain calls to continue. 那一瞬间,混沌昆吾跪倒在地上,痛叫不止。 The Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family person wants to prevent, but Dream King they already prepared, at this time held up day Great Emperor they to block continually, said: Has not decided the victory and defeat, wants to disturb.” 混沌皇族的人想要阻止,但梦幻王他们早就准备好了,这时候连擎天大帝他们都拦了上來,道:“还沒分出胜负呢,又想捣乱。” Because dreaded that Monster Clan and Human Clan, Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family Expert can only endure. 因为忌惮妖族人族,混沌皇族强者只能忍下。 But what they are most inconceivable, that Behead Divine Sword can destroy 300 Dao Mark fearful [say / way] unexpectedly, was too unthinkable. 但他们最不可思议的是,那斩神剑竟然能毁灭300条道纹的可怕道器,实在太匪夷所思了。 Hundun Kunwu dull watches these fragments, the eye is vacant, but very shazam blood red, roared: This is my father gives my thing, Long Chen......” 混沌昆吾呆呆的看着那些碎片,眼睛茫然,但很快变得血红,咆哮道:“这是我父亲送给我的东西,龙辰……” His words just spoke of here, Long Chen Behead Divine Sword kills once again, no matter Primordial Spear imprisons the collar, broken extinguishes under Behead Divine Sword, changes into the endless fragment. 他的话刚刚说到这里,龙辰斩神剑再度杀來,不管是混元枪还是囚元环,都在斩神剑之下碎灭,化为无尽碎片。 This is the Long Chen first goal, he must make Hundun Kunwu regret that must first ruin these, but this is only starts. 这就是龙辰第一个目的,他要让混沌昆吾后悔,首先就得毁掉这些,但这只是开始。 Long Chen has gripped the Behead Divine Sword sword hilt, at this moment, on the Behead Divine Sword sword hilt, Dao Mark rapidly increases, the small skeleton loudly shouted crisply, was much more excited, its strength unprecedented inflation, was stable finally in 285 Dao Mark, close 300. 龙辰握住了斩神剑的剑柄,此时此刻,斩神剑剑柄上,道纹迅速增加,小骷髅大呼好爽,兴奋得兴高采烈,它的力量空前的膨胀,最终稳定在285条道纹,接近300条。 But its prestige energy, has surmounted Primordial Spear. 但其威能,超越了混元枪
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