DBWG :: Volume #21

#2040: Before the storm,

As if there is good long time, Long Chen did not have the violent anger, he was recently calm, was calmer, but when saw that Mo Xiao Lang rolled up after he cherished that no use appearance, his all calm and calm has made the anger submerge, the dragon had to invite the wrath of the emperor, but Hundun Kunwu this time, touched his inviting the wrath of the emperor without doubt. 似乎有好长的时间,龙辰沒有暴怒了,他近來冷静了许多,更加沉稳,但当看到莫小狼蜷缩在他怀中那无助的样子后,他所有的冷静和沉稳都已经让怒火淹沒,龙都是有逆鳞的,而混沌昆吾这一次,无疑是触动了他的逆鳞。 The hegemons of nine star Alliances, Golden War God Clan and Dream Immortal Clan wait / etc. Expert, have encircled at this moment side them, they look on Mo Xiao Lang swallows the charm by that chaos Spiritual God marrow rapid corrosion, on the face the expression is varied, the small number of people feels to regret that after all the Mo Xiao Lang real strength can definitely defeat Hundun Kunwu, compared with the talent that Hundun Kunwu must go against heaven's will, but so this talent fast is becoming a disabled person. 九星联盟的盟主们,黄金战神族梦幻仙族等等强者,此刻都已经围在他们身边,他们看着莫小狼身上的吞噬魔力正在被那‘混沌神灵骨髓’飞速的腐蚀,脸上表情不一,少数人感觉到惋惜,毕竟莫小狼的真实实力完全可以战胜混沌昆吾,是比混沌昆吾还要逆天的天才,而如此这个天才正在快速的变为废人。 Most people take pleasure in others'misfortunes, because they are the people of nine star Alliances, Hundun Kunwu that they support secretly, before saw Hundun Kunwu to be defeated, their serious, good Mo Xiao Lang was anxiously tenderhearted, making Hundun Kunwu find the opportunity, Hundun Kunwu actually had chaos spur fortunately this type of heavy treasure, obviously this type of thing only then Chaos Star Lord can with getting rid. 大多数人都是幸灾乐祸,因为他们是九星联盟的人,他们暗地里支持的还是混沌昆吾,之前见混沌昆吾落败,他们紧张都不得了,还好莫小狼心软,让混沌昆吾找到了机会,也还好混沌昆吾竟然拥有‘混沌骨刺’这种重宝,显然这种东西只有混沌星主才能够拿出手。 In the crowd protection, Hundun Kunwu receives the vision that the people respect, he looks still in ascension Ash Grey mist Mo Xiao Lang, laughs saying: Trivial Monster Clan, dares with my this Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family first talent resistance, really to overreach oneself, today's fate is your rash retribution, meets my this match, told you, admitting defeat was the only choice, your this Monster Clan again Cultivate in 1000 will not be my match, naturally, having made me chaos spur stab, your Cultivator profession had ended, now can go back your Monster God Domain to care for the aged.” 在人群保护当中,混沌昆吾受到众人敬仰的目光,他看着身上仍然在升腾灰色雾气的莫小狼,大笑道:“区区一妖族,也敢和我这混沌皇族第一天才对抗,实在太不自量力了,今日的下场是你胆大妄为的报应,遇上我这种对手,告诉你,认输是唯一的选择,你这妖族修炼1000年也不是我对手,当然了,让我‘混沌骨刺’刺中,你的道生涯算是结束了,现在可以回去你的妖神域养老了。” After saying, he has laughed. 说完之后,他哄笑了起來。 On the real battle efficiency, he radically is not the Mo Xiao Lang match, but said such words at this time, thick of his facial skin, can be inferred. 论真实战斗力,他根本就不是莫小狼的对手,但此时却说出这样的话,其脸皮之厚,可见一斑。 But counts the 100,000 person bystander, nobody dares to despise this Hundun Kunwu, since the ancient times becomes Wang Baikou, Mo Xiao Lang has abandoned, that lost, loses thoroughly, has not resulted in discussed. 但数十万的人围观者,也沒人敢鄙夷这混沌昆吾,自古以來成王败寇,莫小狼已经废了,那就是输了,输得彻底,沒得商量。 To Dream Immortal Clan, the Mo Xiao Lang life and death and they do not have what relations, but they know that the relations of Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang, at this moment and Golden War God Clan united one, Mo Xiao Lang was in itself the hope of Golden War God Clan, at this moment had such matter, although they were not the Mo Xiao Lang injury regretted, but definitely willingly did not defeat, lost that score. 梦幻仙族來说,莫小狼的生死和他们沒有什么关系,只是他们知道龙辰莫小狼的关系,此刻和黄金战神族联合到了一起,莫小狼本身就是黄金战神族的希望,此刻发生这样的事情,虽然他们不为莫小狼的伤势而惋惜,但肯定不甘心战败,丢了那个分数。 At this time, Golden War God Clan held up day Great Emperor to stand in the people front, an indifferent eye confronted with nine star Alliance more than 30 Expert, his mechanical sound made the people of whooping stop the discussion immediately. 就在这时候,黄金战神族擎天大帝站在众人前方,一双冷漠的眼睛与九星联盟30多位强者对峙,他那机械般的声音顿时让议论纷纷的众人停下了讨论。 Holds up day Great Emperor saying: Nine star Alliances, Hundun Kunwu defeated before, Mo Xiao Lang can definitely kill him, but he has actually forgiven his life, you actually deliberately delayed the time at this time, causing Hundun Kunwu to use does not belong to his strength to defeat Mo Xiao Lang, so mean and shameless act, was the victory.” 擎天大帝道:“九星联盟诸位,之前混沌昆吾战败,莫小狼完全可以杀他,但他却饶了他一条命,你们却在这时候故意拖延时间,导致混沌昆吾使用不属于他的力量打败了莫小狼,如此卑鄙无耻的行径,也算是胜利么。” Dream King is one of the King, at this time for this reason is also indignant, he said: Today since battle, nine star Alliances favor Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, the so shameless act, I looked the meaning that nine star Alliances have not had, the so past words, entire Chaos Star Domain was the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family world, we only will also degenerate into the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family subordinate, this scheme may really be wonderful, I looked that Star Lord Hegemony War does not need to hold, if from beginning to end under nine star Alliance operations, even if obtained several points also to have any meaning, might as well crashes in the star source now, various people robbed Star Core to consider as finished depending on the skill, who snatched is whose.” 梦幻王身为王者之一,此时也为此而气愤,他道:“今天从开战至今,九星联盟就偏袒混沌皇族,如此无耻行径,我看九星联盟根本就沒有存在的意思,如此以往的话,整个混乱星域都是混沌皇族的天下,我们也只会沦为混沌皇族的下属了,这计谋可真是妙啊,我看星主争霸战就不必举行了,如果从头到尾都在九星联盟操纵之下的话,就算得到几分又有什么意思,还不如现在就冲进星源,各人凭本事抢夺星核算了,谁抢到就是谁的。” Here, he let somebody cool off or calm down smiles, said: My Chaos Star Domain is rather chaotic, is not willing to let Chaos Star Domain grasps in a hand of person, the hand of Chaos Star Lord extended long, Nightmare Clan was resigned, when his slave, but we did not want.” 说到这里,他冷冷一笑,道:“我宁愿混乱星域是混乱的,也不愿让混乱星域的掌握在一个人的手中,混沌星主的手伸得太长了,梦魇族甘心当他的奴隶,可我们不愿意。” Their these words, aroused most resonance, suddenly the people have burst with joy, Hundun Kunwu also has to close the mouth including that is self-satisfied at this time, in the hegemons hearts of nine star Alliances also very hesitates, they were held by the favour, but if Chaos Star Lord controls Shining Star really again, as if the balances of nine star Alliances will therefore be destroyed, make the aspect that somebody hoodwinks the public...... 他们这些话,激起了大多数的共鸣,一时间众人都沸腾了起來,连那得意着的混沌昆吾这时候也不得不闭上嘴巴,九星联盟的盟主们心中也十分犹豫,他们只是受人情所托,但假若混沌星主真的再掌控璀璨星辰的话,似乎九星联盟的平衡就会因此而被破坏,造成某人一手遮天的局面…… At this time, Hao date wolf Lord joked: Chaos Star Domain everybody, Hundun Kunwu, your this is completely disregards our two here, scolded me Monster Clan is the bastard, this guts also were really big, but also dares to use the benevolence of our Monster Clan, used this type of virulent thing to injure my Monster Clan, when you really my Monster Clan was good to bully inadequately, I told you, if nine star Alliances did not have the custom, any Chaos Star Lord wanted to hoodwink the public, did you believe the armies in city of our four big monster ancestors to leave for Chaos Star Domain immediately, arrived at this Shining Star, me do not tell that your Chaos Star Lord was fierce, in our big monster main front, Chaos Star Lord was, How must handle Hundun Kunwu, you should better be clear.” 在这时候,昊日狼主讥笑道:“混乱星域的各位,还有混沌昆吾,你们这是完全无视我们两个在这里么,骂我妖族是畜生,这胆量还真是大啊,还敢利用我们妖族的仁慈,使用这种恶毒的东西來伤害我妖族,你们真当我妖族好欺负不成,我告诉你们,如果九星联盟沒有规矩,什么混沌星主想要一手遮天的话,你们信不信我们四大妖祖之城的大军马上就能开往混乱星域,來到这璀璨星辰,别跟我说你们混沌星主厉害,在我们大妖主面前,混沌星主就是个屁,要怎么处置混沌昆吾,你们最好想清楚。” No matter what, Monster Clan and Human Clan Immortal God Domain most powerful race, they in Chaos Star Domain according to the customs of nine star Alliances, words that but nine star Alliances play a dirty trick blatantly...... 不管怎么说,妖族人族还是的永生神域最强盛的种族,他们在混乱星域按照九星联盟的规矩來,但九星联盟公然使坏的话…… The Hao date wolf main words entirely aimed at Hundun Kunwu, Hundun Kunwu was not very willingly, in his bone thought that Human Clan Monster Clan was inferior to Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, therefore after being suppressed, he said immediately: What is we do not obey custom, is he was clearly inferior that I am good, moreover before me, has not defeated, but is seizing the chance to use the chaos spur, they cannot certainly announce that the victory of that wolf clan, furthermore, the Star Lord Hegemony War rule, has the stipulation unable to use the chaos spur.” 昊日狼主的话完全针对混沌昆吾,混沌昆吾十分不甘心,他骨子里是觉得人族妖族不如混沌皇族的,所以被压制后,他马上道:“什么叫我们不守规矩,分明就是他不如我好吗,另外我之前根本就沒有战败,只是在趁机使用混沌骨刺,他们当然不能宣布那狼族的胜利,再者,星主争霸战的规则,有规定不能使用混沌骨刺吗。” Hundun Kunwu said that although is also good, but they favor in secret, this is the fact, when Hundun Kunwu still quibbled, his Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family Palestine long-handled fan on his face, exudes the clear sound, shouted to clear the way: Shut up.” 混沌昆吾说得虽然也不错,但他们暗中偏袒,这是不争的事实,所以当混沌昆吾仍然狡辩的时候,他身边一位混沌皇族一巴掌扇在他脸上,发出啪的清脆响声,同时喝道:“闭嘴。” Hundun Kunwu covers the face, has not spoken again, but an eye still did not submit, sneers again and again, his vision fell Long Chen on them, Long Chen back to him, but Mo Xiao Lang chaos Spiritual God marrow was also affecting, Mo Xiao Lang swallowed the charm already the condition of approaching dries up, the person also already weakly to the acme. 混沌昆吾捂住脸庞,沒有再说话,但一双眼睛仍然毫不屈服,冷笑连连,他的目光落到了龙辰他们身上,龙辰背对着他,而莫小狼身上混沌神灵骨髓还在作用,莫小狼的吞噬魔力已经接近枯竭的状态,人也已经虚弱到了极致。 He He.” “呵呵。” Sees this picture, in the Hundun Kunwu heart dark crisp. 看到这画面,混沌昆吾心中暗爽。 At this time, nine star Alliances sent out representative, was the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family high level , he held up day Great Emperor also to have that Hao date wolf Lord facing Dream King, said: Several please appease anger, I acknowledged that in really has before this favors the Hundun Kunwu place slightly, here to three apologies, just like but Hundun Kunwu said that Star Lord Hegemony War had not stipulated cannot use the chaos spur, therefore Hundun Kunwu defeats Mo Xiao Lang finally, this is the fact, both fight, can display the schemes and tricks, this is also battle efficiency part, therefore this war rules the Hundun Kunwu victory, Star Lord Hegemony War was still effective, but I and others ensure does not do any favors, Human Clan and Monster Clan friends can the acting supervision, how think.” 这时候,九星联盟派出代表,正是混沌皇族的高层,他面对梦幻王、擎天大帝还有那昊日狼主,道:“几位请息怒,鄙人承认在此前确实有稍微偏袒混沌昆吾的地方,在此向三位道歉,但正如混沌昆吾所说,星主争霸战并沒有规定不能使用混沌骨刺,所以混沌昆吾最终打败莫小狼,这是不争的事实,两者相斗,本來就可以施展阴谋诡计,这也是战斗力的一部分,所以这一战判决混沌昆吾胜利,星主争霸战仍然有效,但我等保证再不做任何偏袒,人族妖族的朋友们可以代行监督,诸位觉得如何。” Can admit mistakes sincerely, and guarantees no longer violates, this manner is very as if good. 能诚恳认错,并且保证不再犯,这似乎态度很好。 But Mo Xiao Lang this matter occurred, they have gained, naturally can say such words, but holds up day Great Emperor and Dream King they so will give up. 莫小狼这件事情已经发生,他们已经赚了,自然可以说出这样的话,但擎天大帝梦幻王他们会如此就善罢甘休么。 Hao date wolf Lord looked at Mo Xiao Lang, said: This chaos Spiritual God marrow is anything, can swallow the Mo Xiao Lang strength unexpectedly, making him degenerate into the disabled person, you should make him restore, then today fights to postpone, when he restores to fight again.” 昊日狼主看了看莫小狼,道:“这混沌神灵骨髓是什么,竟然能吞噬莫小狼的力量,让他沦为废人,你们应该让他恢复过來,然后今日战斗延期,等他恢复再战。” That Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family old man shakes the head saying: Sorry, this is impossible, the chaos spur is my clan ancestor, the Divine Dragon time on the birth super Spiritual God, chaos Spiritual God skeleton, the marrow also from the chaos Spiritual God, the chaos Spiritual God marrow has to melt any strength the attribute, only needs one drop to make Seven Star Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator degenerate into the disabled person, and after forfeit , the strength is unable to be solvable, under the world also only then Chaos Star Lord can have the chaos spur, but Star Lord has passed to Kun Wu the chaos spur now......” 混沌皇族老者摇头道:“抱歉,这不可能了,混沌骨刺乃是我族先祖,神龙时代就诞生的超级神灵,,混沌神灵的骨骼,其中骨髓也是來自混沌神灵,混沌神灵骨髓拥有化解任何力量的属性,只需要一滴就能让一位七星轮回劫境者沦为废人,并且丧失后力量无法可解,天地之下也只有混沌星主才能持有混沌骨刺,但星主现在将混沌骨刺传给了昆吾……” In other words this chaos Spiritual God marrow, does not have the medicine to be solvable. 也就是说这混沌神灵骨髓,无药可解。 Hao date wolf advocated peace to hold up day Great Emperor and other people to look at each other in blank diamay, Mo Xiao Lang has abandoned, their this suffering loss without redress, in the heart angry did not have the means that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family did was not very excessive, cannot the present city of four big monster ancestors to kill, if killed, that may be fighting of startled day. 昊日狼主和擎天大帝等三人面面相觑,莫小狼是废了,他们这次吃了个哑巴亏,心中愤怒却沒办法,混沌皇族做的也不是十分过分,总不能现在就让四大妖祖之城的人杀过來,若是杀过來,那可就是惊天之战了。 This owing , can only swallow. 这个亏,也只能咽下去。 As for Dream King, his team has not lost, so long as nine star Alliances then obey the custom, his goal was achieved. 至于梦幻王,他的队伍还沒输,只要九星联盟接下來守规矩,他的目的就达到了。 Hundun Kunwu sees itself safe and sound, smiled the favor. 混沌昆吾见自己安然无恙,笑得更加欢心了。 In holding up day Great Emperor they also when is not resigned with the people of nine star Alliances confront, Long Chen is red the eye Mo Xiao Lang to put down, Mo Xiao Lang did not have the value, holds up day Great Emperor they naturally unable to respond, he now is free. 就在擎天大帝他们还在不甘心和九星联盟的人对峙的时候,龙辰红着眼睛将莫小狼放下,莫小狼已经沒有了价值,擎天大帝他们自然不会搭理,他现在是自由了。 The Ash Grey mist, had burnt at this time finally cleanly, a Mo Xiao Lang empty piece, all strengths vanish, only the strengths and a wee bit Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame of remaining mortal bodies are still remaining, the shaking rope that his looking deathly pale, the whole body still could not stop, the bilabial does not have the scarlet split, the eye pollution, is similar to the patient who is terminally ill. 灰色的雾气,这时候终于燃烧了干净,莫小狼身上空荡荡的一片,所有的力量消失,只剩下肉身的力量和丁点的九幽魔祖火还在残留,他的脸色惨白,浑身仍然止不住的抖索,双唇干裂毫无血色,眼睛浑浊,如同病入膏肓的病人。 He is shivering putting out a hand, grips the arm of Long Chen, said: Elder Brother...... I, I want to see beautiful...... Perhaps is finally at the same time......” 他颤抖着伸出手,握住龙辰的胳膊,道:“大哥……我,我想见妍儿……或许是最后一面……” Su Yan, but also in eclipse month wolf main hand. 素妍,还在蚀月狼主的手中。 This small request, Long Chen has no alternative but to accomplish, he is holding Mo Xiao Lang, stands up, at present is the eclipse month wolf Lord them, this woman looked at Mo Xiao Lang, in the eye full regrets the look, said: „, You are also laborious enough, I did not toss about you, you displayed very well, was only the opposite party is extremely mean slyly......” 这小小的要求,龙辰不能不办到,他扶着莫小狼,站起身來,眼前就是蚀月狼主他们,这个女人看了看莫小狼,眼中满是惋惜神色,道:“罢了,罢了,你也够辛苦,我就不折腾你了,你表现很好,只是对方太过阴狠狡猾罢了……” Here, in her hand a revolution, a silver moon expanded, Su Yan that delicate form came out from that moon, she staggering, almost threw down on the ground. 说到这里,她手中一转,一个银色的月亮扩大,素妍那娇弱的身影从那月亮当中出來,她踉踉跄跄,差点摔倒在地上。 Periphery she looks at so numerous people at a loss, finally saw Mo Xiao Lang that Long Chen supports by the arm. 她茫然看着周围如此众多的人,最终看到了龙辰搀扶的莫小狼
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