DBWG :: Volume #21

#2039: Chaos Spiritual God marrow

Hundun Kunwu has been injured, moreover under the suppression of Mo Xiao Lang. 混沌昆吾已经受伤,况且还在莫小狼的压制下。 Looks at powerful Mo Xiao Lang, Long Chen was heartfeltly happy for him that today's victory is he earns, he is struggling with Martial Demon Seed frequently, but he could not find the demon in the fight now the shadow, some for victory faith of struggle. 看着威风凛凛的莫小狼,龙辰是由衷为他高兴,今天的胜利是他应得的,他时刻都在和武魔种斗争,但如今他在战斗当中已经丝毫找不到魔的影子,有的只是为了胜利而奋斗的信念。 Xiao Lang changed, had to take on, this was beautiful after together, transformation that his body had.” In the middle of the god country, Lingxi said with emotion. 小狼变化了许多,更加有担当了,这是和妍儿在一起后,他身上发生的蜕变。”神国当中,灵曦感动说道。 Long Chen smiles: This fellow......” 龙辰微笑起來:“这家伙……” As if all are so happy, nine star Alliance one group of people are in abundance incredible, they majority of support Hundun Kunwu, especially here also many Hundun Kunwu Elder, but at this time Hundun Kunwu actually struggles under the Mo Xiao Lang suppression, this scene makes them very awkward, must make them announce the Mo Xiao Lang victory, to be honest they are not very willingly. 似乎一切都是如此美好,九星联盟一群人纷纷不可置信,他们大部分是支持混沌昆吾的,尤其这里还有不少混沌昆吾长辈,而此时混沌昆吾却在莫小狼压制之下挣扎,这场面让他们十分的尴尬,要让他们宣布莫小狼胜利,说实话他们很不甘心。 The nightmare king they are also very angry, on the immature body under the string jumps, hate looks here. 梦魇王他们也十分气恼,幼小的身体上串下跳,怨恨的看着这边。 Has not announced the victory and defeat.” The expression that Dream King aggravates, said again, today favoring of nine star Alliances are too really serious. “还不宣布胜负么。”梦幻王加重的语气,再说了一遍,今天九星联盟的偏袒实在太严重了。 The discerning people can look. 明眼人都能看出來。 Dream King said once again: It seems like Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family controlled the chaos emperor star not to be dissatisfied, but must appropriate to oneself this Shining Star, let Nightmare Clan, when your lackeys, Star Lord Hegemony War of nine star Alliances lost fairly, as if Star Lord strove for hegemony not to have the significance with nine star Alliances.” 梦幻王再度道:“看來混沌皇族掌控了混沌皇星还不满足,还要将这璀璨星辰据为己有,让梦魇族当你们的爪牙吗,九星联盟的星主争霸战失去了公正,似乎星主争霸和九星联盟都沒有意义了啊。” His these words said quite heavily, nine star Alliances are all people formed, to keep nine star orders, is the synonym of fair Gongming, but the present handling way is truly inappropriate. 他这句话说得相当重,九星联盟本來是所有人组建起來,为了维持九星秩序的,本來就是公正公明的代名词,但现在的处置方式确实十分不妥当。 Do not talk nonsense.” “别胡说。” At this time, nine star Alliances stood a person, he has interrupted the Dream King words, looks at Mo Xiao Lang indifferently, will announce this game of victory or defeat. 这时候,九星联盟站出一人,他打断了梦幻王的话,冷眼看着莫小狼这边,正要宣布这一局的胜败。 In the moment that this all people cannot expect, the accident happened. 就在这所有人都预料不到的一刻,变故发生。 Long Chen had not estimated that actually also will have the accident, by the present situation, Mo Xiao Lang can definitely kill Hundun Kunwu, but he does not want to cause trouble, will therefore trig the opposite party, was waiting for nine star Alliances judged, nine star Alliances drag for a long time, to Mo Xiao Lang is disadvantageous, but has not thought including Mo Xiao Lang that struggles and restores after some time, the Hundun Kunwu convention appears the so fearful thing. 龙辰也沒估计竟然还会发生变故,以现在的情况,莫小狼完全可以杀了混沌昆吾,只是他不想闹事,所以才会制住对方,等待着九星联盟宣判,九星联盟拖得越久,对莫小狼來说就越是不利,只是连莫小狼自己都沒有想到,经过一段时间挣扎和恢复,混沌昆吾会展现出如此可怕的东西來。 He does not give a thought to the combustion of Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame, rips open Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame forcefully, this time Hundun Kunwu is everywhere fierce, is similar to the wild animal, defeat makes him several near once again demented, completely lost the human nature, in the brain only, only then a thought that that is makes Mo Xiao Lang pay the serious price. 他不顾九幽魔祖火的燃烧,强行将九幽魔祖火撕开,此时的混沌昆吾满目狰狞,如同野兽,再度战败让他几近癫狂,完全丧失了人性,脑中唯独只有一个念头,那就是让莫小狼付出惨重的代价。 You dare to hit me, Ha Ha, I am the child of Chaos Star Lord, you have the qualifications to hit me, you think that you can defeat me, has a dream, Ha Ha.” “你敢打我,,哈哈,我乃混沌星主之子,你也有资格打我,你以为你真的能够打败我么,做梦吧,,哈哈。” He was roaring crazily, struggling, Mo Xiao Lang was knitting the brows slightly, that gigantic and sharp wolf claw patted on the face of Hundun Kunwu, almost his face tearing, above covered with blood. 他疯狂的咆哮着,挣扎着,莫小狼微微皱眉,那硕大而锋利的狼爪拍在混沌昆吾的脸上,差点将他的脸庞撕裂,其上血肉模糊。 Death.” “死吧。” So frigid , the Hundun Kunwu pain called again and again, but had still not stopped, Mo Xiao Lang cancould help blowing away this fellow, but at this time, had one to let all person unexpected matters. 如此惨烈之下,混沌昆吾痛叫连连,但仍然沒有止息,莫小狼是真的忍不住要把这个家伙干掉了,可就在这时候,发生了一件让所有人都预想不到的事情。 The Hundun Kunwu complexion is fierce, he injures reckless, grasped the wolf claw of Mo Xiao Lang with an arm, in a flash, in another hand, presented one 20 centimeters unexpectedly, the sharp thorn of very tiny bone material quality, that is a silver Ash Grey spur, is very ancient, above rusty stain stained, will look like will momentarily break, will be this ancient spur, has actually taken to all person fearful feelings. 混沌昆吾脸色狰狞,他不顾一切的伤害,用一只手臂抱住了莫小狼的狼爪,转瞬之间,另外一只手上,竟然出现了一根20厘米长,非常细小的骨头材质的尖刺,那是一枚银灰色的骨刺,十分古老,其上锈迹斑斑,看起來随时都会断裂,正是这古老的骨刺,却带给了所有人可怕的感觉。 That spur makes the person soul palpitate, even the whole body shivers, just likes sees the Spiritual God, this absolutely is the genuine antique ominous thing, may suppress the world, pierces existence of Universe, Long Chen see this spur, in the heart also incomparably palpitates, that fatal crisis told itself, this spur was not every thing, but came from the ancient times truly, thing from Spiritual God. 那骨刺让人魂魄悸动,甚至浑身颤抖,恍如见到神灵,这绝对是真正的太古凶物,可镇压天地,刺穿乾坤的存在,就连龙辰自己见到这骨刺,心中也无比悸动,那一股致命的危机告诉自己,这骨刺不是凡物,而是真正來自远古,來自神灵的东西。 That is the thorn that the bone grinds. 那是骨头磨成的刺。 Moreover, is the bone of especially key part. 而且,是尤其关键部分的骨头。 Long Chen could not attend to that many, his intuition told itself Mo Xiao Lang is very certainly dangerous, therefore he was quicker than the movements of all people, he changed to together the scarlet ray, flushes away in the direction that they fought instantaneously. 龙辰根本顾不上那么多了,他的直觉告诉自己莫小狼一定很危险,所以他比所有人的动作还要快,他化作一道血色的光线,瞬间朝着他们战斗的方向冲去。 That is any thing.” “那是什么东西。” The people inquired panic-stricken mutually. 众人惊恐互相询问。 Chaos spur.” “混沌骨刺。” After seeing clearly that thing, in every way troops complexion big change, the Golden War God Clan troops and Dream Immortal Clan anything cannot attend, pursues toward Mo Xiao Lang, suddenly battlefield chaos, Golden War God Clan because of Mo Xiao Lang, but Dream Immortal Clan is because Long Chen most formerly went, chaos spur Expert of ominous Chaos Star Domain know, therefore does not want to make Long Chen bump into. 当看清楚那东西后,多方人马脸色大变,其中黄金战神族的人马和梦幻仙族这边也都什么也顾不上,朝着莫小狼这边追來,一时间战场大乱,黄金战神族是因为莫小狼,而梦幻仙族则是因为龙辰最先前去,混沌骨刺的凶名混乱星域强者们都知道,所以更加不想让龙辰碰到。 Everybody considers was still the score that the elite fought, only Long Chen were for the Mo Xiao Lang safety. 大家考虑的仍然是精英战的分数,唯独龙辰自己是为了莫小狼的安危去了。 He does not know that the chaos spur is anything, he only knows that thing fearfulness, he knows is Mo Xiao Lang gave the opposite party to put out this thing benevolently the opportunity, Hundun Kunwu this radically was not the real battle efficiency, he was coping with the match using the nonego, this mean and shameless method let the Long Chen especially not shame. 他不知道混沌骨刺是什么,他只知道那东西的可怕,他更知道是莫小狼的仁慈给了对方拿出这东西的机会,混沌昆吾这根本就不是真实的战斗力,他在利用外物來对付对手,这种卑鄙无耻的手段让龙辰尤其不耻。 But he is angrier, hates. 但他更加愤怒,更加怨恨。 Before, he was Mo Xiao Lang was happy that he fell into to so the crisis in a flash unexpectedly, the killing intent of Long Chen to that Hundun Kunwu increased simply the acme, his whole body strength Ben Yong, is almost going to explode. 就在之前,他还在为莫小狼高兴呢,转瞬之间他竟然陷入到如此危机当中,龙辰对那混沌昆吾的杀意简直攀升到了极致,他浑身力量奔涌,几乎将要爆炸。 But all late. 可一切都晚了。 In fact, Hundun Kunwu endures suffering such a long time, he has prepared to be very long, he has prepared complete, begins suddenly, Mo Xiao Lang had not expected that he will have the so fearful thing, therefore under has not guarded, that chaos spur rubbed on his wolf claw gently. 实际上,混沌昆吾忍痛那么长时间,他已经准备很久了,他做好了全部的准备,骤然动手,莫小狼根本就沒预料到他会有如此可怕的东西,所以沒有防备之下,那一根混沌骨刺在他的狼爪上轻轻摩擦了一下。 The Mo Xiao Lang violent anger, the shunt, presses with other wolf claw hastily maliciously on the body of Hundun Kunwu, this hitting hard makes Hundun Kunwu call out pitifully to spit blood, threw off, but he has sent out crazy and carefree laughing immediately, deafening, even does not attend to oneself dripping with blood. 莫小狼暴怒,连忙闪开,用另外的狼爪狠狠按在混沌昆吾的身上,这重击让混沌昆吾惨叫吐血,被掀翻出去,但他马上发出了疯狂而畅快的大笑,震耳欲聋,甚至不顾自己鲜血淋漓。 Mo Xiao Lang visits him indifferently, will make up several fingernails, but at this time, a fearful feeling covered his whole body, he looked hastily to the beforehand wolf claw, above had the Ash Grey scratch together, from that chaos spur, this scratch was very small, if were the normal attack to Mo Xiao Lang at is not anything, but was such together the small scratch, has actually brought the acme pain to him. 莫小狼冷眼看着他,正要上去补上几爪,可就在这时候,一股可怕的感觉笼罩他全身,他连忙看向之前的狼爪,其上有一道灰色的划痕,是來自那混沌骨刺的,这一道划痕很小,如果是正常攻击的话对莫小狼來说根本不算什么,可就是这么一道微小的划痕,却给他带來了极致的痛苦。 The wound, a little bit silver Ash Grey liquid, permeates the Mo Xiao Lang flesh and blood, looks like the insect is climbing up toward inside, cannot block, such flash, that fearful feeling instantaneously wells up the whole body from his wound, short, really has the massive Ash Grey mist spout from him. 伤口当中,一滴滴银灰色的液体,渗入到莫小狼的血肉当中,就像是虫子在往里面攀爬,根本就挡不住,就这么一瞬间,那可怕的感觉从他的伤口瞬间涌遍全身,短暂之间,竟然有大量的灰色雾气从他身上喷涌出來。 That Ash Grey mist is beyond control, submerges Mo Xiao Lang instantaneously. 灰色雾气无法控制,瞬间将莫小狼淹沒。 But crawled in nearby Hundun Kunwu at this time, holds up the chaos spur in hand, laughs crazily, is fierce: Son of a bitch who goes to your old lady, a bastard also dares to fight with father, our Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family most precious chaos Spiritual God marrow, on you all strengths will be corroded cleanly, you can the meridians siltation, the bloodlines break, the Cultivator [say / way] cultivate to vanish instantaneously, from now on the future you will be a disabled person.” 而在旁边的混沌昆吾这时候爬了起來,举起手中的混沌骨刺,疯狂大笑,狰狞道:“去你老娘的狗东西,一头畜生也敢和老子斗,中了我们混沌皇族最珍贵的‘混沌神灵骨髓’,你身上所有的力量都会被腐蚀干净,你会经脉淤积,血脉断裂,道修为瞬间消失,从今往后你就是一个废人啦。” He does not give a thought to injury, is happy forgets oneself, Long Chen rushes at this time his at present, under anger he, as soon as fought with the fists, fought with the fists to fall down Hundun Kunwu, was preparing to kill this fellow, at this time, the people of nine star Alliances has caught up, injured Hundun Kunwu will carry off, if not for Dream King rushed promptly, Long Chen estimated that will make the people of that nine star Alliances living to rip. 他不顾身上的伤势,开心得忘乎所以,龙辰就在这时候冲到他的眼前,愤怒之下他一拳打出,将混沌昆吾一拳打倒在地上,正准备弄死这家伙,就在这时候,九星联盟的人赶了上來,将受伤的混沌昆吾带走,若不是梦幻王及时赶到的话,龙辰估计就会让那九星联盟的人给生撕了。 Boy, is attractive your Younger Brother, your fate will be the same with him.” “小子,好好看看你的兄弟,你的下场会和他一样。” Hundun Kunwu clamored was saying. 混沌昆吾叫嚣着说道。 He had been protected by the people of nine star Alliances, Long Chen naturally is unable how him, ran away by him, Long Chen does not have the means that he can only look frightened to Mo Xiao Lang, actually discovered that the Mo Xiao Lang present situation has surpassed him to expect, before then he heard the words that Hundun Kunwu spoke, as if that chaos spur, there is a that anything chaos Spiritual God marrow, once were stabbed, chaos Spiritual God marrow will enter to the body of Mo Xiao Lang, will be clean his all strength corrosions, making Mo Xiao Lang degenerate into the disabled person. 他被九星联盟的人保护了起來,龙辰自然无法奈何他,被他逃走,龙辰也沒有办法,他只能惶然看向莫小狼,却发现莫小狼现在的情况已经超过了他所预料,在此之前他已经听到了混沌昆吾说的话,似乎那‘混沌骨刺’当中,有那什么‘混沌神灵骨髓’,一旦被刺中,‘混沌神灵骨髓’就会进入到莫小狼的身体当中,会将他的所有力量腐蚀干净,让莫小狼沦为废人。 This lets in the Long Chen heart flurried, but the violent anger, Mo Xiao Lang changed into the human form at this time, rolled up on the ground, the whole body ascends the massive mist, Long Chen anything could not attend, he rushed hastily, held Mo Xiao Lang, actually saw his whole face pain, that face was unexpectedly pale like the paper, did not have the scarlet, the lip was split, the whole body shivered, he bit the tooth stubbornly, had not called out pitifully to make noise by oneself. 这让龙辰心中慌乱而暴怒,这时候莫小狼已经化为人形,蜷缩在地上,浑身升腾起大量的雾气,龙辰什么都顾不上了,他连忙冲了上去,将莫小狼扶了起來,却看到他满脸痛苦,那一张脸竟然苍白如纸,毫无血色,嘴唇干裂,浑身颤抖,他死死咬住牙齿,才沒让自己惨叫出声。 Long Chen visits such him, eye time becomes blood red, his head almost must explode, stubbornly is staring at Mo Xiao Lang, the angry flame embezzles him instantaneously, the chest cavity just likes has the endless gas, pushed to explode at this time, warm-blooded rushed to the head stubbornly, Long Chen was nipping the tooth, controlled own mood, but that angry flame still upward welled up, suppressed the acme, this always had him unable to control, moment of complete explosion. 龙辰看着这样的他,一双眼睛顿时间变得血红,他脑袋几乎要爆炸开來,死死的盯着莫小狼,愤怒的火焰瞬间将他吞沒,胸腔当中恍如有着无尽的气体,在这时候挤爆开來,一股热血冲上脑袋,龙辰死死的咬着牙齿,才控制住自己的情绪,但那愤怒的火焰仍然往上涌,压制到极致,这样总有他控制不住,完全爆炸的一刻。 Big...... Elder Brother......” “大……大哥……” Mo Xiao Lang was still actually enduring patiently pain, even a pain called not to send out, his body shivered fiercely, both eyes shivered to look at Long Chen, very helpless saying: I...... I really...... Really useless, you give up...... Goes back the Dragon God Domain opportunity, gives me, but I actually...... Does not have the ability to rescue beautiful, I really am...... Damn.” 莫小狼却仍然在忍耐着痛苦,甚至一句痛叫都沒有发出,他的身体颤抖得厉害,双眼颤抖看着龙辰,十分无奈的说道:“我……我真……真沒用,你放弃……回去龙神域的机会,让给我,但我却……却沒有能力救妍儿,我真是……该死。” Short a few words, he actually made very big effort to say, on him swallowed the charm at this moment unexpectedly by his Ash Grey chaos Spiritual God marrow was melting, although was quite slow, but that chaos Spiritual God marrow extremely fearful, the long time, has been able Mo Xiao Lang strength consumption completely, making his Divine Martial Realm be inferior. 短短一句话,他却花了很大的力气才能说出來,此时此刻他身上的吞噬魔力竟然被他灰色的‘混沌神灵骨髓’消融着,虽然比较缓慢,但那‘混沌神灵骨髓’极其可怕,过不了多长的时间,就能将莫小狼身上的力量消耗殆尽,让他连神武境都不如。 Can melt to swallow the charm, obviously fierce of this chaos Spiritual God marrow. 能消融吞噬魔力,可见这混沌神灵骨髓的厉害。 Long Chen has gripped the double fist, he is unable to face this, at this time the only idea, should living to rip Hundun Kunwu. 龙辰握住了双拳,他无法面对这一幕,此时唯一的想法,应该就是将混沌昆吾给生撕了。
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