DBWG :: Volume #21

#2038: Flame lotus flower

The intense war, is ready to be set off. 激烈之战,一触即发。 The black monster wolf flame is turbulent, silver Ash Grey Hundun Kunwu is fierce, three types of coordination, has the infinite prestige energy, frequently tears the world, just likes nightmare Slaughter God. 黑色的妖狼火焰汹涌,银灰色混沌昆吾凶猛霸气,三样道器配合,更是拥有无穷的威能,动辄撕裂天地,恍如噩梦杀神 He can the second kill Huanglong, but met to swallow Mo Xiao Lang of red violet fire of karma, by far was not in this degree, at least started from the combat, although Hundun Kunwu has displayed the skills, but cannot how Mo Xiao Lang, instead their fights were even more intense. 他能秒杀黄龙,但遇上吞噬了红莲业火的莫小狼,就远远不到这个程度,至少从作战开始,虽然混沌昆吾已经施展出了浑身解数,但也沒能奈何莫小狼,反而两人的战斗愈加激烈。 Rumbling. 轰轰轰。 The endless disturbance explodes in the space, the black flame fills the air, the Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame prestige can let backing up that the people keep, on the face full is the panic-stricken expression, this intense fight surpassed the past, making the people one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 无尽风波在天上爆炸,黑色火焰弥漫,九幽魔祖火的威能让众人不停的倒退,脸上满是惊骇表情,这一场激烈的战斗远超从前,让众人热血沸腾。 Especially Nightmare Clan and Golden War God Clan people, anxious looks that often sent out loud clamoring and shouting, Elder looked at their fight, commended again and again that to be honest the standard of these two is the entire Immortal God Domain most peak standard. 尤其是梦魇族黄金战神族的人们,更是紧张的看着,不时发出大声的叫嚣和呼喊,长辈们看了他们的战斗,也连连称赞,说实话这两人的水准已经是整个永生神域最巅峰的水准了。 The Long Chen mood still cannot return to normal, he wishes one could to substitute Mo Xiao Lang, dies Hundun Kunwu this fellow oppressively. 龙辰心情仍然不能平复,他恨不得去替代莫小狼,将混沌昆吾这家伙给虐死。 This fight, truly is from the beginning evenly matched. 这一场战斗,一开始确实势均力敌。 Ten Thousand Fire Burning God.” 万火焚神。” On Mo Xiao Lang, rushes to well up innumerable flame, entire sky is the flame sea under his cloth, the explosions of these fearful flame mixes can form the injury to Hundun Kunwu similarly, simultaneously Monster Clan excels at the mortal body, the Mo Xiao Lang mortal body swallows the charm in addition, even compares to the Hundun Kunwu mortal body to add on the chaos motive power to be terrorist. 莫小狼身上,奔涌无数火焰,整个天空都是他布下的火焰海洋,那些可怕火焰混合的爆炸同样能对混沌昆吾形成伤害,同时妖族擅长肉身,莫小狼的肉身加上吞噬魔力,甚至比起混沌昆吾的肉身加上混沌原力还要恐怖。 Hundun Kunwu most takes advantage, nothing but is three types. 混沌昆吾最依仗的,无非就是三样道器。 Beginning of the universe is limitless, imprisons the Yuan celestial pole, a town Yuan main road.” “混元无极,囚元天极,镇元大道。” Superhuman, three types of kill crazily, the world cracks, disturbance Ben Yong, they fought the ground from the space, the time rivers and streams flowed backwards, the mountains cracked, the earth vibrated crazily, under the black flame swept across, all changed into the ice sculpture, the scene was quite grand, just likes the judgment day arrives. 三头六臂,三样道器疯狂杀來,天地崩裂,风波奔涌,两人从天上战到了地上,顿时间江河倒流,山川崩裂,大地疯狂震动,黑色火焰席卷之下,一切化为冰雕,场面相当壮阔,恍如世界末日降临。 These make the people incomparably vibrate, must know that person who was needs in the boundary to surmount their, was not necessarily able to achieve. 这一幕幕让众人无比震动,要知道就算是需要境界上超越了他们的人,也未必能做到。 Beautiful.” “妍儿。” Mo Xiao Lang in fact clenched the teeth, is withstanding all these, he must fight, fight, fight. 莫小狼实际上咬紧了牙关,在承受这一切,他要战斗,战斗,战斗,。 Only then fights, can gain the freedom, can control the life, can make Su Yan return to own side, can make Long Chen that not take the trouble for oneself. 只有战斗,才能获得自由,才能掌控人生,才能让素妍回到自己的身边,也才能让龙辰不那位为自己费心。 After knowing Long Chen arrives at Shining Star unexpectedly quietly, at that moment Mo Xiao Lang pledged that this whole life has abandoned all, he will not abandon this Elder Brother, particularly he can for himself, incomparably give up itself returning to the Dragon God Domain opportunity unexpectedly decidedly. 当知道龙辰竟然悄悄來到璀璨星辰后,那一刻莫小狼就发誓,他这辈子就算是背弃了一切,他都不会背弃这位大哥,尤其是他竟然能为自己,无比决然就放弃了自己回归龙神域的机会。 For all, at this moment, he should not lose. 为了一切,此时此刻,他都不应该输。 Faith, this is the most fearful strength, after having the perfection faith, in the Hundun Kunwu eye, Mo Xiao Lang was the genuine lunatic, Hundun Kunwu has sufficed crazily, but that slaughtered crazily, at to oneself Mo Xiao Lang of rest opportunity, was less like the devil. 信念,这是最可怕的力量,当拥有不败的信念后,在混沌昆吾的眼中,莫小狼就是真正的疯子,混沌昆吾已经够疯狂了,但是那疯狂厮杀,根本不给自己歇息机会的莫小狼,更像是魔鬼。 Really with the Demon Star these pitiful fellow same people, only the meeting ghost is worthily howling day in day out, really dislikes the life to be long.” “果然不愧是和魔星那些可怜的家伙一样的人,一天到晚都只会鬼嚎,真是嫌命长吗。” Hundun Kunwu ’ ’ breaks a mountain by ‚ ‚ Primordial Spear, the mountain disintegration, the innumerable rocks just like the torrential downpour fall, but still had not actually injured to arrive at Mo Xiao Lang, made Mo Xiao Lang find the opportunity on the contrary, knocked down him, Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame swept across to come, to let Hundun Kunwu stampede. 混沌昆吾以‘‘混元枪’’破开一座高山,高山崩碎,无数的山石犹如倾盆大雨落下,但却仍然沒有伤到莫小狼,反倒让莫小狼找到了机会,将他撞倒,九幽魔祖火席卷而來,让混沌昆吾狼狈逃窜。 Damn.” “该死。” More is fights, Hundun Kunwu discovered one underestimates him, before he thought that Long Chen was quite formidabe, now looks like, Mo Xiao Lang was more formidabe. 越是战斗下去,混沌昆吾发现自己真的是小看他了,之前他觉得龙辰比较难对付,现在看來,莫小狼更加难对付。 Roar. 吼。 That incisive potentilla cryptottaeniae wolf claw, is the close combat, even if have the weapon, strength of opposite party grows even stronger, he needs to resist the potentilla cryptottaeniae wolf claw of Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf with the aid. 那尖锐的狼牙狼爪,就是是近战,就算自己有兵器,对方的力量更加比自己更加壮大,他需要借助道器才能抵抗住噬日妖狼的狼牙狼爪。 Whiz. 嗖。 That burns the tail of flame to hit Hundun Kunwu, Hundun Kunwu by imprisons collar resistance, actually still pulled out to fly, has cracked-up several mountain peaks directly, initiates the rock to explode, made the above bystanders clamor with amazement. 那燃烧着火焰的尾巴撞中混沌昆吾,混沌昆吾以‘囚元环’抵抗,却仍然被抽飞了出去,直接撞碎了几座山峰,引发山石爆炸,也让上方的围观者们惊讶喧哗了起來。 This wolf clan so is unexpectedly strong.” “这狼族竟然这么强。” Day, probably a little could not block him including Hundun Kunwu.” “天啊,连混沌昆吾都好像有点挡不住他了。” Too was really fierce, looks at the eye of his Blood Red, was really too fearful, really Immortal God Domain Monster Clan so fearful.” “实在太猛了,看他血红色的眼睛,真是太可怕了,果然永生神域妖族都是如此的可怕吗。” Hears these, Hundun Kunwu at heart very being angry. 听到这些,混沌昆吾心里别提有多么的生气了。 He has not thought that he links this Mo Xiao Lang unable to kill unexpectedly, this makes in his heart have the infinite anger, erupts once again, he by imprisons collar and ‚a town Yuan tower dual locks Mo Xiao Lang that the impact came, by Primordial Spear displaying ‚the Primordial Spear [say / way], the riot slaughters again. 他怎么也沒想到,自己竟然连这莫小狼都打不死,这让他心中产生无穷愤怒,再度爆发起來,他以‘囚元环’和‘镇元塔’双重锁定了冲击而來的莫小狼,再以‘混元枪’施展‘混元枪道’,暴乱厮杀。 Primordial Spear said that is the Spear Technique main road, exquisite, is Heavenly Dao comprehension deep can display extremely, each move of each type agreeing with beginning of the universe is limitless, points to the main road, returns to the source, gives up affectation, is tyrannical the Heavenly Dao method, Hundun Kunwu is quite first deep in this aspect attainments. 混元枪道,乃是枪法大道,精妙至极,乃是天道领悟极其深厚者方能施展,每一招每一式都契合混元无极,直指大道,回归本源,返璞归真,乃强横先天道法,混沌昆吾在这方面造诣相当深厚。 Mo Xiao Lang has actually gotten rid of Heavenly Dao completely, he by the potentilla cryptottaeniae wolf claw, seems like does not have the methodicalness attack, actually enough resists Primordial Spear saying that the hegemons of these nine star Alliances can see essential, acclaimed. 莫小狼却完全抛弃了天道,他以狼牙狼爪,看似毫无章法的攻击,却足够抵抗混元枪道,那些九星联盟的盟主们都能看出其中关键,纷纷赞叹。 They to demon, is very curious. 他们对魔,也十分好奇。 They fight more and more warmly, the people are also getting more and more tense, Long Chen worried for Mo Xiao Lang, so far, Mo Xiao Lang has gotten the winning side fortunately, Hundun Kunwu, although boasted fiercely, but was almost suppressed by Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf. 两人战斗越來越热烈,众人也越來越紧张,龙辰更是为莫小狼捏了一把汗,还好就算到目前为止,莫小狼一直都占据上风,混沌昆吾虽然吹嘘得厉害,但几乎完全被噬日妖狼压制。 The vast disturbance sweeps across. 浩大风波席卷。 Under so the inferiority, the Hundun Kunwu self-confidence greatly was attacked, he has not taught Long Chen, makes Mo Xiao Lang punch such miserably, the honor lost simply completely, he at this moment as if returned initially in the middle of the star source by Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang collaborated to be defeated, that time shame well uped once again. 在如此劣势之下,混沌昆吾的自信心受到了巨大的打击,他还沒有教训龙辰呢,就让莫小狼揍得这么惨,脸面简直丢尽了,此刻的他仿佛回到了当初在星源当中被龙辰莫小狼联手打败的时候,那时候的耻辱再度涌上心头。 Bastard, get lost to me, I am the Chaos Star Domain first talent, the young generation, my unmatched in the world, your this bastard get lost returns to your Monster God Domain to go.” “畜生,给我滚,我乃混乱星域第一天才,年轻一辈,我天下无敌,你这畜生还是滚回到你的妖神域去吧。” He was roaring, whooshing, the fierce appearance looked like quite fearful, the bystander cannot help but was worried to retrocede, but on the face incomparably despised, how because Hundun Kunwu went crazy, how to transfer the chaos motive power again, as if was still not the Mo Xiao Lang match. 他咆哮着,嘶吼着,狰狞的面目看起來相当可怕,围观者不由得担心后退,但脸上无比鄙夷,因为就算混沌昆吾怎么发疯,再怎么调用混沌原力,似乎仍然不是莫小狼的对手。 Lotus flower.” “莲花。” At this time, Mo Xiao Lang dashed, shook Hundun Kunwu flies to the sky, his body filled the Blood Red flame instantaneously, innumerable lotus flowers the design flashed before on him, in his body saved the terrifying power, the eye blood red was staring at Hundun Kunwu, the fatal attack erupted loudly. 就在这时候,莫小狼冲撞过去,将混沌昆吾震飞向天空,他的身上瞬间弥漫起來血红色的火焰,无数莲花的的图案在他身上闪现,他的身体之内积蓄了恐怖力量,眼睛血红盯着混沌昆吾,致命的攻击轰然爆发。 In vision that the people shock, his monster wolf body time was submerged by two types of flame, one type is Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame, one type is the red violet fire of karma, two types of flame pester instantaneously together, now cold now hot, but is full of the endless strength similarly, under two strength mixes, Mo Xiao Lang Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf body in short forms flame lotus flower proud Li in a world instant, the lotus flower great kindness blooms, super revolving, prestige being near world, the implication ruinous strength, making the countless people on the scene shock. 在众人震撼的目光当中,他的妖狼身躯顿时间被两种火焰淹沒,一种是九幽魔祖火,一种是红莲业火,两种火焰瞬间纠缠到一起,一冷一热,但同样充满无尽力量,两种力量混合之下,莫小狼噬日妖狼身躯在短短刹那形成一朵傲立在天地之间的火焰莲花,莲花盛情绽放,高速旋转,威临天下,其中蕴含毁灭性的力量,让在场无数人震惊不已。 Hundun Kunwu is unable to display this grade of degree absolutely the strength. 混沌昆吾绝对无法施展出这等程度的力量。 Bang. 轰隆。 The flame lotus flower formation, goes toward Hundun Kunwu high-speed, Hundun Kunwu was just hit is off their feet, the direct reaction comes, under sees the so terrifying attack suddenly, immediately gave to frighten him insanely, he was conceited, even if once defeated, thinks that was Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang collaborates, in fact they were not the matches, but how the flame lotus flower of that terror was a matter. 火焰莲花成型,朝着混沌昆吾高速而去,混沌昆吾刚刚被撞得人仰马翻,正反应过來呢,骤然间看到下方如此恐怖的攻击,顿时将他给吓疯了,他自视甚高,就算是曾经战败,也认为那是龙辰莫小狼联手,实际上他们两人都不是对手,但那恐怖的火焰莲花又是怎么一回事。 Cannot allow him to think that flame lotus flower attacks him in the flash at present. 容不得他多想,火焰莲花就在一瞬间冲击到他的眼前。 Three Yuan unite.” “三元合一。” Hasty, Hundun Kunwu can only clench the teeth, three types about in the same place, resists the attack of Mo Xiao Lang. 仓促之下,混沌昆吾只能咬紧了牙关,将三样道器合在一起,抵抗莫小狼的攻击。 That flash, in the world has a terrifying explosion. 那一瞬间,天地之间发生一场恐怖的爆炸。 This explosion, at least wants the terrifying several fold compared with the explosion of beforehand Luzhan Chen, but Hundun Kunwu is similar to beforehand Long Chen same bears the brunt, instantaneously submerges by Red and black flame, the short instantaneous surrounding area innumerable distances are reduced to ashes, if not for the Moroccan cloud peak still under the protection of Expert, it is estimated that also breaks from the middle. 这一次爆炸,比起之前陆战宸的爆炸至少要恐怖数倍,而混沌昆吾就如同之前的龙辰一样首当其冲,瞬间被红色和黑色的火焰淹沒,短短瞬间方圆无数距离都化为灰烬,若不是摩云峰还在诸位强者的保护下,估计也得从中间断裂。 The terrifying explosion, is makes more people deafening. 恐怖的爆炸,更是让更多人震耳欲聋。 But Mo Xiao Lang has made very good control, he hits all strengths on the body of Hundun Kunwu, has not gone to affect others. 莫小狼做了很好的控制,他将所有的力量都击中在混沌昆吾的身上,沒有去波及别人。 This explosion, makes Long Chen relax finally, Mo Xiao Lang makes every effort to succeed very much, if not as expected, Hundun Kunwu should be injured, Mo Xiao Lang should win. 这一场爆炸,也终于让龙辰松了一口气,莫小狼很争气,如果不出预料的话,混沌昆吾应该受伤,莫小狼应该胜利了。 In that explosion, Hundun Kunwu was surrounded by the raging flame, his resists Mo Xiao Lang three types of within the short time, in abundance was shaken to fly, fell the ground loudly. 在那场爆炸当中,混沌昆吾被熊熊烈火包围,他那抵抗莫小狼的三样道器在短时间之内,就纷纷被震飞了出去,轰然落到了地上。 Bang. 砰。 Hundun Kunwu drops from the clouds, pounding maliciously on the ground, his whole body has been bathed in blood, relieves superhuman, the arm also broke one, the fate is miserable, whole body burned black, does not have a complete place. 混沌昆吾从天而降,狠狠的砸在了地上,他浑身浴血,三头六臂解除,手臂也断了一根,下场非常惨,浑身焦黑,沒有一块完整的地方。 Naturally, his chaos body is also powerful, at present the injury is not fatal, but can also crawl to clamor immediately, the fact that but he defeats is still not able to conceal, Mo Xiao Lang drops from the clouds, the incisive wolf claw pushes over the opposite party instantaneously on the ground, the huge strength makes the Hundun Kunwu whole person pound on the rock, deeply falls into to the rock, the rock disrupts, opposite party blood crossflow. 当然,他的混沌身躯也非常强悍,目前伤势并不致命,还能够马上爬起來叫嚣,不过他战败的事实仍然无法掩饰,莫小狼从天而降,尖锐的狼爪瞬间将对方按倒在地上,庞大的力量让混沌昆吾整个人砸在岩石上,深深陷入到岩石当中,岩石碎裂,对方鲜血横流。 Bang. 轰。 Mo Xiao Lang spouts Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame, opposite party complete coverage, Hundun Kunwu also can only call out pitifully under Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame angrily, but is actually not able to move. 莫小狼喷出九幽魔祖火,将对方完全覆盖,混沌昆吾也只能在九幽魔祖火之下愤然惨叫,但却无法动弹。 Originally, Mo Xiao Lang can kill him. 本來,莫小狼可以杀了他的。 But he knows that he cannot encourage his Demon Will, once kills people, will possibly make him step that road of no return, he does not want to disappoint Long Chen, does not want by oneself disappointed. 但他知道自己不能助长自己的魔念,一旦杀人的话,很可能会让他重新踏上了那条不归路,他不想让龙辰失望,也不想让自己失望。 Therefore, he bore himself kill people **, has held down stubbornly Hundun Kunwu. 所以,他忍住了自己杀人的**,死死按住了混沌昆吾 He won, although Mo Xiao Lang is confident to oneself, but wins after truly, he still felt that excited, war in fact he today is shouldering the maximum pressure, is concerns him to probably return to Su Yan, concerns him to disappoint the trust of Long Chen, therefore his caring especially. 他胜利了,莫小狼虽然对自己有信心,但真正胜利后,他仍然感觉到了兴奋,今日之战实际上他背负着最大的压力,更是关乎到他能不能要回素妍,关乎到他会不会辜负龙辰的信任,所以他格外的在乎。 Until victory, he excited roaring. 直到胜利,他才兴奋的咆哮。 This proud Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf, makes the people incomparably change countenance simply, but before rampant Hundun Kunwu , can only call out pitifully under his wolf claw. 这骄傲的噬日妖狼,简直让众人无比动容,而之前嚣张的混沌昆吾,也就只能在他狼爪之下惨叫而已。 In the middle of Golden War God Clan, Hao date wolf Lord laughed, said: Nine star Alliances, has not announced the fight result.” 黄金战神族当中,昊日狼主大笑,道:“九星联盟的诸位,还不宣布战斗结果么。”
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