DBWG :: Volume #21

#2037: Swallows the charm

Original Long Chen also regards the common match him, no matter on him has many reputation, Long Chen is also not necessarily able to care. 本來龙辰也只是把他当成一般对手罢了,不管他身上有多少的名头,龙辰也未必会在意。 But when the opposite party is unscrupulous, oppresses others by power and influence, the opportunity of admitting defeat does not give others, seeks revenge for the slightest grievance, so the villain, Long Chen naturally cannot let off, moreover Hundun Kunwu makes all these, does to him Long Chen looked that is demonstrating to him! 但当对方肆无忌惮,以权势压人,连认输的机会都不给别人,睚眦必报,如此小人,龙辰自然不会放过,况且混沌昆吾做这一切,都是做给他龙辰看的,是在向他示威! Long Chen has no reason, to dislike this fellow not disgustingly. 龙辰沒有理由不恶心、讨厌这个家伙。 After nine star Alliances this disturbance presses, Dream Immortal Clan also can only eat this to be unable to speak out about one's grievances. No matter how, the fight of Hundun Kunwu and Huanglong is only a minor matter that the elite fights, not worthy of mentioning, the elite fights formally enters to the crucial time, remaining four ultra Expert definitely will have a more intense fight, till deciding final victory and defeat! 九星联盟把这场风波压下去后,梦幻仙族也只能吃这个哑巴亏了。不管如何,混沌昆吾和黄龙的战斗只是精英战的一件小事,微不足道,精英战正式进入到关键的时刻,剩下的四个超强者也必然会产生更加激烈的战斗,直到决出最后的胜负为止! Immediately, is decided second eliminates fights the match the time. 马上,就是决定第二场淘汰战对手的时候了。 Long Chen naturally hopes that next one fights him to meet Hundun Kunwu, makes the remnant this fellow directly, this is the best result, otherwise, no matter meets Mo Xiao Lang and Xing Qing, is poor. 龙辰自然希望,下一战他就遇上混沌昆吾,直接弄残这家伙,这样是最好的结果,不然的话,不管是遇上莫小狼星晴,都不怎么好。 This ballot, is very very essential! 这一次的抽签,十分十分关键! Three large clans have also let loose the matter, places in the true attention the final three fights! The critical moment that Star Lord strives for hegemony arrives once again! 三大族也放开了刚才的事情,把真正的注意力放在最后三场战斗上!星主争霸的关键时刻再度降临! Huanglong must leave, but actually requested to arrive at side Long Chen. 黄龙本要离开,但却要求來到了龙辰身边。 His injury is serious, suffocates, was being protected by the wood-famine, at this time he puts out a hand, grips the arm of Long Chen, haunches the eyelid diligently, said to Long Chen: I...... Before because truly you were the Eternal Dragon Emperor son, looked down upon you, because also you killed Di Yu to hate you...... But after several days of being together, I discovered that during you at all are not I imagine that person, you are very calm, has the acting very much......” 他伤势惨重,奄奄一息,被木荒守护着,此时他伸出手,握住龙辰的手臂,努力撑起眼皮,对龙辰道:“我……之前确实因为你是永恒龙帝的儿子,看不起你,也因为你杀了帝雨而痛恨你……但经过几天的相处,我发现你根本不是我想象当中那种人,你很冷静,也很有担当……” Here , he then the eye stubbornly was staring at Hundun Kunwu, in the eye with tears, said: Does not know that you are whether same as me, I hold the belief of most respecting to the dragon! Today I was the Dragon Warrior status have actually discredited, let this small Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family also in front of my Dragon Warrior rampant! Let him insult Dragon Warrior, I do not have the ability to defeat him, but I long for that you can succeed, brings honor for our Dragon Warrior! I asked you, must defeat him!” 说到这里,他顿了一顿,然后眼睛死死盯着混沌昆吾,眼中含泪,道:“不知道你是否和我一样,我对龙抱着最崇敬的信仰!今天我却为龙武者的身份抹黑了,让这小小混沌皇族也在我龙武者面前嚣张!让他侮辱了龙武者,我沒有能力打败他,但我渴望你能成功,为我们龙武者争光!我求你了,一定要打败他!” He is moved to tears, both hands grip the arm of Long Chen. 他热泪盈眶,双手握住龙辰的手臂。 Long Chen clenches teeth, puts down his hand, to be honest in his heart to the belief of dragon, was much bigger compared with Huanglong. He cannot get used to seeing Hundun Kunwu that not to place the appearance in eye Dragon Warrior, but no matter how he must serve for Mo Xiao Lang today, situation that therefore all these also can only look at the ballot how...... 龙辰咬咬牙,将他的手放下,说实话他心中对龙的信仰,比起黄龙要大得多了。他也看不惯混沌昆吾那沒将龙武者放在眼中的样子,但今日不管如何他还是得为莫小狼服务,所以这一切也只能看抽签的情况如何了…… Brother Huang Long said right, if you for our Dragon Warrior long face, I certainly for beforehand arrogant and impolite apologized to you!” “黄龙师兄说得对,如果你为我们龙武者长脸了,我一定会为之前的傲慢和无礼向你道歉!” Bing Xinyue worries to say. 冰心月着急说道。 Naturally, Sun Che and Jun Ling...... 当然,还有孙彻君凌…… Their ideas, it is estimated that are the same, as for Xing Qing, she has not taken lightly Long Chen, has not thought of as worthless. 他们的想法,估计是一样的吧,至于星晴,她从來都沒看轻龙辰,也沒看扁。 They have given the serious pressure, making Long Chen somewhat hard to satisfy both sides, he is only fluent: I will make contribution.” 他们给了沉重的压力,让龙辰有些两头为难,他只能道:“我会尽力的。” In case of Hundun Kunwu, he can only battle at risk of life, teaches to this rampant fellow seriously, but if the match is not he, that must look at the situation...... 如果遇上混沌昆吾,他只能拼死作战,给这嚣张的家伙惨重教训,但如果对手不是他的话,那就要看情况了…… At this time, under the summons of nine star Alliances, Long Chen and other people, went to take the steel ball, the custom was the same with before, the steel ball disrupted randomly, who attained anything, in fact depended entirely on the luck. 就在这时候,在九星联盟的召唤下,龙辰等四个人,前往取钢球,规矩和之前还是一样的,钢球随机打乱,谁拿到什么,实际上全靠运气。 Snort!” “哼!” Hundun Kunwu sneered to Long Chen and the others, took away steel ball. 混沌昆吾冲着龙辰等人冷笑一声,拿走了一个钢球。 Elder Brother......” Mo Xiao Lang also took away one, looks up Long Chen. 大哥……”莫小狼也拿走了一个,抬起头看着龙辰 Looks at the luck.” “看运气吧。” Long Chen smiled, who will be right on, he grasps to stop the steel ball, returned to own position! The most critical moment approaches, who the match will be will affect the war to a great extent, therefore these time very essential! 龙辰笑了笑,到底谁会对上谁呢,他握住手中的钢球,回到了自己的位置!最关键时刻來临,对手是谁会在很大程度上影响战局,所以这一次十分关键! All people also elongate the neck, looks here. 所有人也伸长脖子,看着这边。 Asked the serial number to be two, the fight.” “请序号为一的两位,战斗。” Nine star Alliances announced. 九星联盟宣布。 Long Chen has broken the steel ball, one looks toward inside, his serial number is one, these time one and 22 types of digit. 龙辰破开了钢球,往里面一看,他的序号还是一,这一次只有一和22种数字。 He then asked Xing Qing, said: How many are you?” 他回头问星晴,道:“你是多少?” Xing Qing slightly somewhat is also anxious, she looked, then said: I am one......” 星晴也稍微有些紧张,她看了看,然后道:“我是一……” The Long Chen deep breath one time, his match unexpectedly is Xing Qing, this to him is not a good result. This means Mo Xiao Lang to immediately with the Hundun Kunwu battle, if Mo Xiao Lang can the victory be good, but if cannot win...... 龙辰深呼吸了一次,他的对手竟然是星晴,这对他而言不是一个好结果。这意味着莫小狼马上就要和混沌昆吾交战,如果莫小狼能胜利还好,但如果不能胜利的话…… He most expected that immediately to fighting Hundun Kunwu, namely complete Huanglong their entrusting, can help Mo Xiao Lang obtain the champion. 他最期望的,还是自己马上对战混沌昆吾,即完成黄龙他们的托付,又能帮助莫小狼得到冠军。 But finally is contrary to what expects. 但结果事与愿违。 Occurred, is unable to change. 已经发生,无法改变了。 He looked at to Xing Qing the result that Xing Qing sees his serial number, said: To you, this is the best result, making them mutually wounded, you can be won with ease.” 他将结果给星晴看,星晴看到他的序号,道:“对你而言,这是最好的结果,让他们两败俱伤,你可以轻松得到胜利啊。” After knowing their matches unexpectedly are each other, the Dream Immortal Clan people relaxed, truly for them, this is the best result, in the middle of Long Chen these three big Expert, any two encounter first is not a good deed, will bring the endless advantage to the third person, Long Chen had this opportunity exactly. 当知道他们的对手竟然是彼此后,梦幻仙族的人们都松了一口气,确实对他们來说,这是最好的结果,龙辰这三大强者当中,任何两个先遭遇都不是一件好事,会给第三个人带來无尽的好处,龙辰恰好得到了这个机会。 Dream King and the others have also smiled, said: Really is the day helps me, well the performance. This second point, we must attain!” 梦幻王等人也笑了起來,道:“真是天助我也,好好表现。这第二分,我们也要拿到的!” Long Chen can only , but nods. 龙辰只能无奈点头。 Elder Brother, all right, I can defeat Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm, this fellow not necessarily has me to be fierce.” Mo Xiao Lang can receive to this result actually, although is not the best result, but is not bad, at least compares to him to encounter Long Chen to be good directly, such words Long Chen will directly admit defeat, he and Hundun Kunwu carry on last war, may make Hundun Kunwu be won. 大哥,沒事,我能打败五行轮回劫境,这家伙未必有我厉害。”莫小狼对这个结果倒是能够接收,虽然不是最好的结果,但也不差,至少比起他直接遭遇龙辰好,那样的话龙辰就会直接认输,他和混沌昆吾进行最后一战,还是有可能让混沌昆吾得到胜利。 To Mo Xiao Lang, he can win, Long Chen can also win, but Hundun Kunwu cannot win absolutely, the present result is, if Hundun Kunwu must win, must pass two checkpoints! He does not have this ability! 莫小狼而言,他可以赢,龙辰也可以赢,但混沌昆吾绝对不能赢,现在的结果是,如果混沌昆吾要胜利,必须要通过两道关卡!他沒这个能耐! This result also quite causes a stir, making the people whoop. 这个结果也相当轰动,让众人议论纷纷。 Nightmare Clan and Golden War God Clan, the respective performance is different. 梦魇族黄金战神族,各自表现不同。 At this time, Xing Qing directly stood, said: This war, I admit defeat.” 就在这时候,星晴直接站出來,道:“这一战,我认输。” She completely has this authority. 她完全有这个权力。 This does not stem from the expectation of people, they already heard that Long Chen and Xing Qing has fought, she is not the Long Chen match, moreover at this time to maintain the Long Chen best battle efficiency, she admits defeat directly is very normal! 这并不出乎众人的预料,他们早就听说龙辰曾经和星晴战斗过,她并不是龙辰对手,而且这个时候为了保持龙辰的最佳战斗力,她直接认输很正常! Then, the child of that Eternal Dragon Emperor, became one of the champion candidates, transports True Qi to be good!” “如此一來,那永恒龙帝之子,已经成为了冠军候选人之一了,运气真好!” Another two must pass through a round dying war, can obtain with him to the opportunity of war!” “另外两位要经过一轮死战,才能获得和他对战的机会啊!” Wolf clan and Hundun Kunwu, who is more formidable?” “狼族和混沌昆吾,谁更强大一些?” Should be Hundun Kunwu, he killed Dragon Warrior in the instantaneous second before.” “应该是混沌昆吾吧,他之前可是在瞬间秒杀一位龙武者。” Hundun Kunwu was too big in the Chaos Star Domain fame, this makes the people cannot help but favor him, but Mo Xiao Lang is very from the beginning low-key, naturally is not favored. 混沌昆吾混乱星域的名气实在太大了,这让众人不由得倾向他,而莫小狼从一开始都很低调,当然不被看好。 Do not lose.” “别输了。” Long Chen can only confess like this that then returned to own position, he naturally believes that Mo Xiao Lang can succeed, but have not given many help, some regrets. 龙辰只能这样交代,然后回到了自己的位置,他自然相信莫小狼能成功,只是自己沒有给与多少帮助,有些遗憾罢了。 „Will you obtain the champion?” “你会得到冠军吗?” Xing Qing stands near him, looks Mo Xiao Lang and Hundun Kunwu that confronts gradually, said. 星晴站在他边上,看着逐渐对峙的莫小狼混沌昆吾,说道。 Perhaps.” “也许吧。” Long Chen does not dare to tell her he planned to matter that Mo Xiao Lang admits defeat, this is unable to forgive to Dream Immortal Clan and Life Dragon City, even went back the Dragon God Domain road also to cut off, but spoke the truth, for Su Yan and Xiao Lang these two younger brother younger sisters, Long Chen thought that did not matter. 龙辰也沒敢跟她说,自己打算向莫小狼认输的事情,这对梦幻仙族生命龙城來说都是无法原谅的,甚至回去龙神域的路也断绝了,但说实话,为了素妍小狼这两个弟弟妹妹,龙辰觉得一点儿都无所谓。 His life, to protect side here person combustion. 他的生命,正是为了守护这边身边的人燃烧的。 Bang! 轰! The fight halberd starts sharp, suddenly on the spot becomes especially warm, the people for they cried out, is very suddenly fiery, the atmosphere burns officially, the true talent fight, finally started! 战斗戟尖开始,一时间现场变得尤其热烈,众人为了他们呐喊了起來,一时间无比火热,气氛正式燃烧起來,真正的天才战斗,终于开始了! At present all these, are equal to Nightmare Clan and Golden War God Clan showdown! 眼前这一切,相当于梦魇族黄金战神族的对决! Today's Star Lord Hegemony War score, whom will be! 今天的星主争霸战分数,到底会属于谁! Hundun Kunwu has gotten hold of the fist, in the warm gazes of countless person, looks at Mo Xiao Lang evilly with a smile, said: Monster Clan, nothing but is bastard! I remember that in the middle of the star source, is you uses that flame to surround my, seems like your Long Chen Younger Brother is right, happen, I want the declaration form date hatred today! Made you remnantly, should not be different from that useless Dragon Warrior, project on half to admit defeat, that may not have the meaning really!” 混沌昆吾握紧了拳头,在无数人的热烈的注视当中,邪笑着看着莫小狼,道:“妖族,无非就是畜生!我记得在星源当中,就是你用那火焰困住我的,貌似你还是那龙辰兄弟对吧,正好,今天我要报单日的仇恨!把你们两个都弄残了,你可别跟那沒用的龙武者一样,打到一半就认输,那可真沒意思啊!” The person has dispersed, nine star Alliances announced commencing of action, suddenly countless people frantically shouted, anticipation looks at this fight! 现场的人已经散开,九星联盟宣布战斗开始,一时间无数人狂热的叫嚷,期待的看着这场战斗! Shout! 呼! On Mo Xiao Lang that fair skin, the black flame was similar to the snake same drilled, was surrounding his body, flaming combustion, from beginning to end his expression not slight change, but his ruinous strength, was not small and weak! 莫小狼那白皙的皮肤上,黑色火焰如同蛇一样钻了出來,环绕着他的身体,熊熊燃烧,从始至终他的表情沒有丝毫的变化,但是他身上的毁灭性力量,一点儿都不弱小! Nature of that destruction, but must surmount the chaos motive power! 那毁灭的性质,还要超越混沌原力! This strength, but also has the effect of swallowing, therefore Mo Xiao Lang gave a name to it, is called swallows charm. 这一股力量,还具有吞噬的效应,所以莫小狼给它取了一个名字,叫做‘吞噬魔力’。 Swallows the charm to sweep across, forms the black vortex in his side. 吞噬魔力席卷,在他身边形成黑色漩涡。 Bang! 轰! Hundun Kunwu gets hold of the double fist, ‚‚ Primordial Spearappearance, at this time, he directly displayed superhuman Divine Ability, facing Mo Xiao Lang, he may not have the general idea, this was Cultivator of same rank, therefore he summoned to imprison collar similarly and ‚a town Yuan tower! 混沌昆吾握紧双拳,其中‘‘混元枪’’出现,就在这时候,他更是直接施展三头六臂神通,面对莫小狼,他可沒有大意,这是同级别的者,所以他同样召唤出了‘囚元环’、‘镇元塔’! Superhuman, three types of! 三头六臂,三样道器! Divine Ability displays, immediately shocks the people, facing that Hundun Kunwu in silver Ash Grey chaos motive power surrounding, Mo Xiao Lang appeared very small and weak. 神通施展,顿时震撼众人,面对那在银灰色混沌原力包围当中的混沌昆吾,莫小狼显得很弱小了。 But in this moment, Mo Xiao Lang of that human form changes into black Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf gradually, an eye transforms gradually, changes into the scarlet unexpectedly rapidly, just likes two deep pool bloodshed, Mo Xiao Lang also becomes the incomparable evil spirit gets up, this is the demon condition, Long Chen was worried, but sees Mo Xiao Lang is very as if sober, he puts down the heart. 而在这关头,那人形的莫小狼逐渐化为黑色的噬日妖狼,一双眼睛逐渐蜕变,竟然迅速化为血色,恍如两潭血海,莫小狼也变得无比凶煞起來,这是魔的状态,龙辰原本担心,但见莫小狼似乎还很清醒,他才放下心去。 No matter, he chooses to believe that Mo Xiao Lang can control own demon! 不管什么时候,他选择相信莫小狼可以掌控自己的魔! Hissing raises! 嘶昂! Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf howls, eyes covetously to look at superhuman Hundun Kunwu. 噬日妖狼呼啸,虎视眈眈看着三头六臂的混沌昆吾 After this sends out, they clash instantaneously the same place, Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf Divine Ability to fighting superhuman, three types of 300 Dao Mark [say / way], produce the giant disturbance instantaneously! 就在这一声发出后,两人瞬间对撞到一起,噬日妖狼神通对战三头六臂,三种300条道纹的道器,瞬间产生巨大风波!
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