DBWG :: Volume #21

#2036: Being ruthless

Along with going on stage of Hundun Kunwu, the people were also peaceful. 随着混沌昆吾的上场,众人又安静了下來。 Even if in the middle of the star source, Hundun Kunwu has lost to collaboration of Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang, but at this moment, he was still in the people eyes the biggest winning hope. 就算在星源当中,混沌昆吾败给了龙辰莫小狼的联手,但此时此刻,他仍然是众人眼中最大的夺冠希望。 Also is the match who all people most do not want to encounter. 也是所有人最不想遭遇的对手。 Hundun Kunwu is too overbearing, too manic, his whole person is releasing is invading Aura, that sharp and manic look makes the person not dare to look straight ahead. 混沌昆吾太霸道,太狂躁了,他整个人都在释放着侵略气息,那锐利而狂躁的眼神让人不敢直视。 In the attention of people, he sneers, both eyes have stared at Long Chen, in the eye have written all over dangerous Aura, this time match Huanglong, already was his defeated, therefore he has not placed in the eye. 在众人的关注当中,他一路冷笑,双眼一直盯着龙辰,眼中写满了危险的气息,他这次的对手黄龙,早就是他的手下败将,所以他一点儿都沒放在眼中。 Goes, from the beginning admits defeat, do not give the opposite party opportunity.” “去吧,一开始就认输,别给对方机会。” Xing Yue takes the elder, has patted the shoulder of Huanglong gently, he can realize the anxiety of Huanglong. 星越作为长者,轻轻拍了拍黄龙的肩膀,他能察觉到黄龙的紧张。 Admits defeat.” “去认输吧。” Long Chen also said to him. 龙辰也对他道。 Huanglong possibly has not defeated Hundun Kunwu, even goes all out, with that Luzhan Chen such, is unable to injure to Long Chen and Hundun Kunwu such character. 黄龙根本就沒可能打败混沌昆吾,甚至就算拼命,和那陆战宸那样,也无法伤到龙辰混沌昆吾这样的人物。 Dragon Warrior, get lost!” 龙武者,滚上來!” Hundun Kunwu then aims at Huanglong, said proud. 混沌昆吾这才指向黄龙,骄傲说道。 The yellow Dragon Body body shivered, thinks that is only admits defeat, then has felt at ease much, he steps the footsteps, does not dare to look at Hundun Kunwu that ominous offense the eye, arrives in Hundun Kunwu more than 20 meters places stands firm at present, the Hundun Kunwu body starts to roll up and push along the fearful chaos motive power, the time space slightly trembles, almost must make this strength tear. 龙身体颤动了一下,想到只是上去认输而已,便安心了不少,他迈动着脚步,不敢去看混沌昆吾那凶戾的眼睛,直到站在混沌昆吾眼前20多米的地方站定,混沌昆吾身上开始卷动着可怕的混沌原力,顿时间空间微微震颤,几乎要让这股力量撕裂了。 Suddenly, people peaceful. 一时间,众人安静了下來。 Another commencing of action, has been away from the result to be also getting more and more near! 又一场战斗开始了,距离结局也越來越近了! It is not as expected, enters the first four people, is Long Chen, Mo Xiao Lang, Xing Qing and Hundun Kunwu, they exactly are among eight person most Expert! 不出预料,进入前四的人,是龙辰莫小狼星晴混沌昆吾,他们恰好是八个人当中的最强者 In this tense time, the people of nine star Alliances announced that started to the war! 就在这紧张时刻,九星联盟的人宣布对战开始了! Suddenly, blustery! 一时间,风起云涌! Buzz! 嗡! The Hundun Kunwu corners of the mouth reveal the evil different smiling face, the chaos motive power erupts, a strong air wave takes away as many things as possible toward the surroundings. 混沌昆吾嘴角流露出邪异的笑容,混沌原力爆发,一股超强的气浪朝着周围席卷而去。 The Huanglong complexion changes, the opposite party exhausts fully, that strength makes him suffocate simply, he has torn the throat, raises hand hastily, bright sound track: I......” 黄龙脸色一变,对方一用尽全力,那股力量简直让他窒息,他扯开了嗓子,连忙举起手來,朗声道:“我……” Just wants saying that admits defeat two characters, suddenly, a wild strength function on him, shakes him flies to ascend the sky, two characters that will say were submerged completely, Huang Long was startled, clearly what happened. 正想说认输两个字呢,骤然之间,一股狂暴的力量作用在他身上,将他震飞上天,正要说出口的两个字完全被淹沒了,黄龙吃了一惊,还不清楚发生什么事情。 But Long Chen actually knows! 龙辰却知道! All these only occur in time at a crucial moment, in the people of nine star Alliances announced that flash of starting, Hundun Kunwu launches the quickest speed, does not give the opportunity that Huang Long admits defeat, he attacks directly, in the hand Primordial Spear explodes to shoot directly, about makes a fist, shakes in the ground, shakes Huanglong flies to ascend the sky, interrupts his words baseless! 这一切只发生在千钧一发的时间,就在九星联盟的人宣布开始的那一刹那,混沌昆吾就展开最快的速度,根本不给黄龙认输的机会,他直接进攻,手中混元枪直接爆射而出,左右更是打出一拳,震在地面上,将黄龙震飞上天,将他的话凭空打断! This intense shake has stunned Huanglong simply, he has not made the preparation of fight, but hits idea of admitting defeat, therefore the protection is not big, grasps Primordial Spear until Hundun Kunwu, massacres toward his violent, does not give the opportunity that he survives time, Huanglong finally the panic-stricken response, the opposite party actually does not admit defeat to oneself, not only so, he as if must strike to kill itself!! 这一股强烈的震荡简直将黄龙震晕了,他根本就沒做战斗的准备,只是打的着认输的主意,所以防备不大,直到混沌昆吾手持混元枪,朝着他暴乱杀來,根本不给他存活的机会的时候,黄龙才终于惊骇的反应过來,对方竟然不给自己认输,不但如此,他似乎还要击杀自己!! That rampant and manic look must frighten Huang Long miserably, he was afraid the death, therefore had used the strength of nursing at this time, resists the Hundun Kunwu style, simultaneously shouted loudly: I admit defeat! I admit defeat!” 那嚣张而狂躁的眼神要把黄龙吓惨了,他害怕死亡,所以这时候使出了吃奶的力气,去抵抗混沌昆吾的招式,同时大声喊道:“我认输!我认输!” According to the customs of nine star Alliances, so long as a side shouted that admits defeat two characters, another side cannot move again, but Hundun Kunwu already expected that this point, he is sly, when Huanglong shouts that two characters, he begins unexpectedly directly, riot attack! 按照九星联盟的规矩,只要一方喊出认输两个字,另外一方就不能再动,但混沌昆吾早就预料到了这一点,他非常狡猾,就在黄龙呼喊那两个字的时候,他竟然直接动手,暴乱进攻! Beginning of the universe air/Qi!” “混元一气!” 300 Dao Mark [say / way], under displaying of Hundun Kunwu, show peerless killing to incur! He closes right up against the attack to make loudly explosive sound, shouts the sound that admits defeat to annihilate Huanglong, all these occur in the instance at a crucial moment, short instantaneous, Hundun Kunwu Primordial Spear was mammoth, eradicates all defense of Huanglong, Primordial Spear has gripped on the lower abdomen of Huanglong directly, time flesh and blood flying in all directions! 300条道纹的道器,在混沌昆吾的施展下,展现出绝世的杀招!他靠着攻击制造出轰然爆炸声,将黄龙呼喊认输的声音湮灭掉,这一切都发生在千钧一发的瞬间,短暂瞬间,混沌昆吾混元枪就声势浩大,破除了黄龙的一切防守,混元枪直接扎进了黄龙的小腹上,顿时间血肉横飞! Bang! 轰! Long Chen saw the opposite party must kill the meaning of Huanglong, but he was away from was too far, was helpless, with his same discovery also had Xing Yue they, even if Hundun Kunwu covered again, Huanglong also truly shouted to admit defeat two characters, others could not hear, but Expert were clear! 龙辰看出了对方要杀黄龙的意思,但他距离太远了,也无能为力,和他一样发现的还有星越他们,就算混沌昆吾再掩盖,黄龙也确实呼喊出了认输两个字,别人听不到,但是强者们却一清二楚! This flash, Hundun Kunwu is contrary, the callous under killer, Dream Immortal Clan and Nightmare Clan two big teams sends out instantaneously, attacks guards, most Expert in this short instantaneous, has engaged in many battles unexpectedly, this belonged to the young generation of fight, but sending out of Expert, the time had created the huge disturbance at this time! 这一瞬间,混沌昆吾违规,冷酷下杀手,梦幻仙族梦魇族两大队伍瞬间出动,一攻一防,多数强者在这短暂瞬间,竟然进行了诸多的交锋,这本來是属于年轻一辈的战斗,但这时候强者们的出动,顿时间造成了巨大的骚乱! Rumbling! 轰轰! The Moroccan cloud peak has the huge explosion, the entire Moroccan cloud peak is shivering, Long Chen clamps in front of these many Expert, suddenly discovered one cannot move, if some people get rid, feared that will be momentarily can kill! 摩云峰发生巨大爆炸,整座摩云峰都在颤抖,龙辰夹在这么多的强者面前,竟然发现自己动弹不得,若是有人出手,怕是随时都能将自己弄死吧! This disturbance starts quickly, finished also quickly, in the middle of Life Dragon City, the wood-famine movement is quickest, when Hundun Kunwu will soon catch up strikes to kill Huanglong, the ground has the massive trees to shoot up to the sky, instantaneously Hundun Kunwu to flying, then to roll up and push along Huang Long, after Huanglong safe, fights between two side Expert ended. 这场风波开始得很快,结束得也很快,生命龙城当中,木荒动作最快,就在混沌昆吾即将发力击杀黄龙的时候,地上有大量的树木冲天而起,瞬间将混沌昆吾冲飞出去,然后将黄龙卷动回來,当黄龙安全了之后,两方强者之间的战斗才结束。 The Dream Immortal Clan people encircle hastily near yellow Dragon Body, their face darken much, Dream King investigated the injury in Huanglong, said: Life has preserved, but also is at least good to restore for one year.” 梦幻仙族众人连忙围在黄龙身边,他们脸色阴沉得可怕,其中梦幻王探查了一下黄龙的伤势,道:“性命是保住了,但至少也好恢复一年时间。” Hears this saying, the people are angrier, Huanglong admitted defeat obviously, that Hundun Kunwu is also unexpectedly ruthless, has not clearly placed in this rule the eye! 听到这话,众人更加愤怒,明明黄龙已经认输了,那混沌昆吾竟然还赶尽杀绝,分明是沒将这规则放在眼中! Dream King is a representative, naturally cannot make this matter such pass, he has stood, facing the hegemons of nine star Alliances, makings of one generation of King shows, crowd time complete silence of that originally disturbance! 梦幻王身为代表,自然不能让这事就这么过去,他站了出來,面对九星联盟的盟主们,一代王者的气质展现出來,那原本骚乱的人群顿时间鸦雀无声! Dream King said: Nine star Alliances, according to rule, after a side admits defeat, another side still attacked, only to kill the match, the so bad act, at least should abolish the entering the war qualifications of Hundun Kunwu, can punish this directly!” 梦幻王道:“九星联盟诸位,按照规则,在一方认输之后,另外一方仍然进攻,只为将对手杀死,如此恶劣的行径,至少应该废除混沌昆吾的参战资格,更甚,可以直接责罚此子!” He the speech polite scholarly, at this moment the sound is usually cold, obviously his anger at this moment, the opposite party this was bullies to the end got up, was in his situation on the scene. 他平时说话温文儒雅,此刻却声音寒冷,可见他此刻的愤怒,对方这是欺负到头上了,还是在他在场的情况下。 Hears this saying, Hundun Kunwu is unhurriedly, said: Dream King, the matter is not this that you imagine, I had not expected that he so does not have the balls, so the coward, has not made war actually admits defeat, I at that time was at the combat status, the whole body was tense, has not listened to be clear he whether admitted defeat, how could did this blame me?” 听到这话,混沌昆吾却不慌不忙,道:“梦幻王,事情并非你想象的这样,我也沒预料到他如此沒胆,如此懦夫,还沒开战竟然认输,我当时处在作战状态,浑身紧张,根本沒听清楚他是否认输,这岂能怪我?” This clearly quibbled, but Hundun Kunwu said awe-inspiring, obviously had been already ready. He must retaliate, must do to Long Chen looks, to him, this is only starts, is only the consequence, he had already greeted with the people of nine star Alliances, this time is to plan to kill Huanglong, making him run away, in the Hundun Kunwu heart is not very resigned. 这分明就是狡辩,但混沌昆吾却说得正气凛然,显然是早就做好了准备。他就是要报复,要做给龙辰看,对他而言,这只是开始而已,只是后果,他早就和九星联盟的人打过招呼了,这次本來是计划杀死黄龙的,让他逃走,混沌昆吾心中就十分不甘心了。 Two sides stop fighting, direct conflict. 两方停止战斗,直接冲突了起來。 Hundun Kunwu faces Dream King, the guts of quibbling, too were rampant. 混沌昆吾面对梦幻王,还有狡辩的胆量,实在太嚣张了。 Sees only him to continue saying: This matter cannot blame me, I think that the reputation remoteness Dragon Warrior unexpectedly is the so vexed thing, hasn't made war admits defeat? Has not thought that therefore I left to have a heavy touch a point, suddenly has not listened to be clear he to say anything, but also thinks that he was clamoring. Is losing of having no interest also guilty? Then this elite does fight also has the significance of working? The victory or defeat was military commander routine matter, the fight died inevitably since birth, this was the way things should be.” 只见他继续道:“这事真不能怪我,我怎么会想到声名远扬的龙武者竟然是如此窝囊的东西,还沒开战就认输?正是沒想到,所以我出手重了一点,一时间也沒听清楚他在说什么,还以为他在叫嚣呢。请问无心之失也是有罪吗?那么这精英战还有进行下去的意义么?胜败乃兵家常事,战斗必然有生死,这乃人之常情。” Hundun Kunwu spoke with confidence, has not placed in the eye including Dream King, but nightmare king and the others in him behind not far away, must support Hundun Kunwu, enabling Dream King only to suffer loss without redress, cannot ask for slightly the advantage. 混沌昆吾侃侃而谈,连梦幻王都沒放在眼中,而梦魇王等人正在他身后不远处,显然是要支持混沌昆吾,让梦幻王只能吃哑巴亏,讨不了丝毫好处。 Long Chen wished one could tearing to pieces his mouth, he saw the injury in Huanglong, can mediate that Luzhan Chen to be similar, almost died, this naturally knows that some Hundun Kunwu people supported, these time cannot be what kind to him, he can only the angry pressure in the moral nature. 龙辰恨不得将他嘴巴给撕烂了,他看见了黄龙的伤势,可以说和那陆战宸都差不多,差一点就沒命了,这自然知道混沌昆吾有人撑腰,这一次根本就不能对他怎样,他只能把愤怒压在心底了。 Really was too excessive!” “真是太过分了!” Xing Qing and Bing Xinyue and the others in the eye the tears are graceful. 星晴冰心月等人眼中泪水盈盈。 Dream King is waiting for the ruling of nine star Alliances indifferently, but this and less optimistic, because Dream King is very clear, the leading communities of nine star Alliances, are Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, they will definitely favor Hundun Kunwu, even Hundun Kunwu dares to make all these, before is them, reaches an agreement! 梦幻王冷眼等着九星联盟的判决,但这并不容乐观,因为梦幻王很清楚,九星联盟的主导群体,正是混沌皇族,他们肯定是会偏袒混沌昆吾的,甚至混沌昆吾敢做这一切,都是他们之前商量好的! Really, after a discussion, in the middle of nine star Alliances goes out of one person, announced: In view of the fact that this is Hundun Kunwu losing of having no interest, therefore does not punish it temporarily, will not eliminate the entering the war qualifications, as for concrete penalty, after the elite war ended, makes the determination again, but, Hundun Kunwu, this matter cannot violate absolutely again, otherwise deprives the qualifications inevitably!” 果然,经过一番的讨论,九星联盟当中走出一人,宣布道:“鉴于这是混沌昆吾的无心之失,所以暂时不对其进行处罚,也不会剥夺参战资格,至于具体惩罚,等精英战结束后再做判定,不过,混沌昆吾,此事绝对不能再犯,否则必然取消资格!” After so-called elite war ended, handles again, nothing but is the words of flickering person, when the elite fought finished, Hundun Kunwu estimated that must return to the chaos emperor star, by his status and status, who dares to punish him? 所谓的精英战结束后再处置,无非是忽悠人的话,等精英战一结束,混沌昆吾估计就要返回混沌皇星了,以他的身份和地位,谁敢责罚他? So-called nine star Alliances, Chaos Star Lord is the first hegemon. 所谓九星联盟,混沌星主就是其中的第一盟主。 Asura Star Lord and demons Star Lord, will give the Chaos Star Lord face. 修罗星主和罗刹星主,也会给混沌星主面子。 Hears this saying, Hundun Kunwu pretends very sincere saying with a smile hastily: Thanks reminder, then I listen certainly clearly, asking my match also to listen, if must admit defeat dingily, please ahead of time reach an agreement, so as to avoid the strength was too weak, was not hit by me carefully remnantly, then shouted.” 听到这话,混沌昆吾连忙装作很诚恳的笑道:“谢谢诸位的提醒,接下來我一定听清楚,请我的对手也听好了,如果要灰溜溜认输的话,请提前说好啊,免得实力太弱,又被我不小心打残了,然后再來叫嚷。” Then, he impolite has laughed. 说完,他不客气的大笑了起來。 The Dream King eye is narrowing the eyes, obviously is very indignant. 梦幻王眼睛眯着,显然十分气愤。 Elder Brother, ok. Also starts, immediately the key came, do not forget that we obtained a point. When you became Star Lord, fused Star Core, when the time comes becomes the nine star Alliance fourth hegemons, you can also have the Supreme authority, today offends your person, when the time comes they cry without enough time!” 大哥,算了吧。还只是开始,马上关键就來了,别忘记,我们已经得到了一分。等你成为了星主,融合了星核,到时候成为九星联盟第四盟主,你也能拥有无上权威,今天得罪你的人,到时候他们哭都來不及!” Today, can only endure patiently! 今日,只能忍耐了! In Dream King heart clear, therefore he unemotionally, returned to Long Chen, said to Long Chen: If encountered him, had the ability, hit. So long as the opposite party does not admit defeat, according to rule, you can definitely like this, even if the opposite party admits defeat, when you have not heard on the line.” 梦幻王心中清楚,所以他面无表情,回到了龙辰这边,对龙辰道:“若是遭遇了他,有能耐的话,往死里打。只要对方不认输,按照规则,你完全可以这样,就算对方认输,你也当沒听到就行了。” Long Chen took down. 龙辰记下了。 Because, he also looked that this Hundun Kunwu is not pleasing to the eyes. 因为,他也看这混沌昆吾不顺眼。
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