DBWG :: Volume #21

#2035: Chaos spur

From exploding 自爆 Golden War God Clan very cloudy and cold even cold blood their dispositions are always same on such as their ice-cold steel and iron bodies 黄金战神族向來十分阴冷甚至冷血他们的性格就如他们冰冷的钢铁躯体一样 Hears from exploding this word not prevents Expert of his nine star Alliances to protect periphery to avoid Golden War God Clan directly from exploding to the surroundings has the influence including Golden War God Clan Expert in their acting next layer upon layer light covered the Moroccan cloud peak as well as periphery all has protected 听到自爆这个词连黄金战神族强者们都沒有阻止他九星联盟的强者们更是直接保护住周围避免黄金战神族的自爆对周围造成影响在他们的施为下一层层光罩将摩云峰以及周围的一切都保护了起來 In this moment Luzhan Chen shot up to the sky within steel and iron components fast combination change four meters high body unexpectedly fast inflation short time to turn into Golden colossus Long Chen also to sigh with emotion the life shockingly the mystery 就在这关头陆战宸冲天而起身上钢铁零件快速的组合变化原本四米高的身躯竟然快速的膨胀短短时间之内变成了一个金色的庞然大物让人震惊不已龙辰也感慨生命的神奇 Bang 轰隆 The present golden steel and iron giant blocks the sky a he pair of ice-cold look to stare at Long Chen without demur directly from exploding in his innermost feelings terrifying strength is fermenting in the body of yellow Golden just likes was having a Sun to complement into fire Red that ruinous prestige to be able his body in the birth to release below all people able to feel that this fearful threat suddenly people again and again color deterioration strength small and weak hastily disperses prevents itself to receive the threat of Golden War God Clan attack 眼前的黄金钢铁巨人遮天蔽日他一双冰冷的眼神盯着龙辰二话不说直接自爆在他内心一股恐怖的力量正在酝酿原本黄金色的身体里面恍如正有一个太阳在诞生将他的身体映衬成为火红色那一股毁灭性的威能释放出來下方所有人都能够感觉到这股可怕的威胁一时间众人连连变色实力弱小者连忙散开防止自己受到黄金战神族攻击的威胁 Luzhan Chen this is in proving their Golden War God Clan completely has to command the Shining Star strength they any aspect in the battle efficiency be more formidable than others 陆战宸这是在证明他们黄金战神族完全有统帅璀璨星辰的实力他们无论是在战斗力上还是任何方面都要比别人强大 Even if he were inferior that Long Chen can also let the Long Chen severe wound 就算他不如龙辰也能让龙辰重伤 This is their Golden War God Clan courage and uprightness 这就是他们黄金战神族的血性 Thereupon almost most artificial Long Chen worried that who has to have no way to expect Luzhan Chen so will go all out this time crisis Long Chen to support also inevitably to have the huge influence so to affect definitely to make him to his following fight unable to win the champion 于是乎几乎大多数的人为龙辰担忧起來谁有沒法预料陆战宸会如此的拼命这一次的危机龙辰就算能够撑下去对他接下來的战斗也势必会造成巨大的影响如此影响肯定会让他拿不了冠军 It seems like Golden War God Clan is thinks that Luzhan Chen and ground warfare star they together are the Mo Xiao Lang openings 看來黄金战神族是想陆战宸和陆战星两人一起为莫小狼开路 They for the champion who the elite fights, for this score has truly planned 他们为了精英战的冠军为了这个分数确实计划了许多 Suddenly all people stared in a big way the eye 一时间所有人都瞪大了眼睛 Dream King and the others also hastily reminded Long Chen they to worry that Long Chen underestimated the opposite party 梦幻王等人也连忙提醒龙辰他们担心龙辰小看对方 Relax “放心吧” Long Chen said made their relieved words him almost probably by that vast strength be embezzled at this moment 龙辰说了一句让他们安心的话此刻他几乎要被那浩瀚的力量吞沒了 Really had been a pity thinks he can also be Dream Immortal Clan attains a score again the outside people discussion said “真是可惜了原本以为他还能为梦幻仙族再拿到一个分数的”外边的众人议论道 Hundun Kunwu laughs saying: You may not die you only to die Long Chen not to let me look down upon you in my hands 混沌昆吾则大笑道:“你可千万别死掉你只能死在我手中啊龙辰别让我看不起你” The innumerable sounds resound in his ear like the fly equally 无数声音如苍蝇一样在他耳边响起 But he just likes in not hearing eye only then that inflates the fierce Golden War God Clan opposite party, from exploding the process in fact is very short Long Chen, when the process opposite party of fending has pursued is Long Chen was feeling that in the people regretted the opposite party ferments for a long time attack to erupt finally 可他恍若未闻眼中只有那膨胀得厉害的黄金战神族对方自爆的过程实际上是非常短的龙辰在闪避的过程对方一直追逐过來正在众人都为龙辰感觉到惋惜的时候对方酝酿已久的攻击终于爆发 Bang A terrifying thundering eruption 一声恐怖的轰鸣爆发 This deafening sound makes several thousand bystanders be attacked to go binaural to flow out the blood to estimate that what needs to recuperate good long some time to restore of the hearing to be but more fearful is the Long Chen of explosion during this explosion bore the brunt to understand the Golden War God Clan final method 这震耳欲聋的声音都让数万的围观者被冲击而去双耳流出鲜血估计需要调养好长一段时间才能恢复听力但更可怕的是爆炸在这场爆炸当中龙辰首当其冲领略了的黄金战神族的最终手段 The before field of vision almost all people of countless person that flash dazzling ray glistens cannot see the above situation them, only saw that the Luzhan Chen whole body explodes the body of that giant steel and iron to tear to turn into innumerable steel and iron fragment each steel and iron fragments such as person of same belief to carry is bearing the brunt from enormous force Long Chen that exploding produces faced with the attack of this terror 那一瞬间刺眼的光芒闪亮的无数人的视野几乎所有人都看不见上空的情况他们之前只看到陆战宸浑身爆炸那巨大的钢铁之躯撕裂开來变成无数的钢铁碎片每一片钢铁碎片都如同道器携带着自爆产生的巨大力量龙辰首当其冲面临这恐怖的攻击 Immediately he makes the explosion light wave annihilate all fragments completely sky tearing also to make Long Chen disappear after the strength that he shells to come from explode has the people have not known Luzhan Chen from the beginning, from exploding so formidable, but all these launch they are very difficult to believe that Long Chen can also go on living 在第一时间他就让爆炸的光波所湮灭所有的碎片都朝着他轰击而來自爆产生的力量完全将上空撕裂也让龙辰消失一开始众人还不知道陆战宸的自爆如此强大但这一切展开后他们很难相信龙辰还能活下去 Although said that by fight Long Chen truly Luzhan Chen be more formidable, but Golden War God Clan from exploding how the terror even every so often their this methods can kill more formidable than much matches 虽然说论战斗龙辰确实要比陆战宸强大但黄金战神族的自爆何其恐怖甚至很多时候他们这种方法都能杀死比自己还强大得多的对手 Bang 轰隆隆 Even if exploded the complementary waves still to shake the people to hear these fearful incisive fricative in abundance the feelings of creepy feeling in sky 就算爆炸完毕余波仍然在天空上震荡众人听到这些可怕尖锐的摩擦声纷纷有一种头皮发麻的感觉 The light wave that in that extinguishes broken the golden meteor descends to fall to the ground that suddenly together is four meters high Golden War God Clan Luzhan Chen displays after exploding he will be equal to being seriously injured almost to urge one year of recuperation even this move that will restore is impossible to restore to come not to make the damage basic have certain influence to the future achievement 在那碎灭的光波当中忽然之间一道黄金流星降落下來落到地上那是四米高的黄金战神族陆战宸施展完自爆之后他相当于受了重伤几乎催死沒有一年时间的调养恢复是不可能恢复过來的甚至这一招也会让损伤根本对未來的成就造成一定的影响 But Golden War God Clan is such rigid to can pay all races successfully 黄金战神族就是这样执着为了胜利可以付出一切的种族 No matter how Luzhan Chen so goes all out fought or won the respect of people 不管如何陆战宸如此拼命的一战还是赢得了众人的尊重 Could not bear swallow saliva not to encounter on Golden War God Clan on such as Hundun Kunwu where fortunately, otherwise the fate definitely also very to went to Long Chen like this to be killed 就如混沌昆吾也忍不住吞了一口唾沫还好自己沒有遭遇上黄金战神族不然下场肯定也好不到哪里去不过龙辰就这样被弄死了吗 Above the sky explodes is still continuing 天空之上爆炸还在继续 The Golden War God Clan person came to carry off the training Luzhan Chen naturally Luzhan Chen unable to fight again, if the Long Chen death in pairs eliminated if the Long Chen also a little ability can support the Long Chen victory 黄金战神族的人前來把陆战宸带走修养了陆战宸当然无法再战假如龙辰死亡那么就算是双双淘汰假如龙辰还有点能耐能撑下去就算龙辰胜利 But wins this severe wound also to have the enormous influence to the Long Chen following performance 但就算胜利这一次重伤也会对龙辰接下來的表现造成巨大影响 Was a pity “可惜了” The people regret to say 众人惋惜说道 Bang At this moment carves in the sky that ruinous thick smokes and innumerable steel and iron fragments is shaken one resoundingly, but the prestige Cultivator Dragon Roar sound frightens world that to contain the sound of abundant energy to make the people vibrate, when they looked anxiously to sky scarlet Divine Dragon drops from the clouds to fall to the ground before all people to transform the Long Chen appearance loudly 就在这时刻天空上那毁灭性的浓烟和无数的钢铁碎片被震开一声响亮而威龙吟声震慑天地那蕴含着充沛能量的声音让众人震动当他们都急切看向天空的时候一头血色的神龙从天而降轰然落地在所有人面前幻化出龙辰的模样 His sends Wushang(No injuries) unexpectedly 他竟然毫发无伤 Countless person delay looks that the hegemons of Long Chen many nine star Alliances are no exception them to guess Long Chen is unable to cross this difficulty even Dream King the people also very to worry they guessed the best situation is the minor wound never has the person to think Long Chen can actually send Wushang(No injuries) to drop this from the sky extremely to be simply unthinkable 无数人都呆滞的看着龙辰许多九星联盟的盟主们也不例外他们都猜测龙辰无法渡过这一道难关甚至梦幻王这边众人也十分担忧他们猜测到最好的情况是轻伤可从來沒有人想过龙辰竟然能够毫发无伤从天空之上落下这简直太过匪夷所思了 Suddenly periphery silently 一时间周围悄然无声 Hundun Kunwu gripped the fist to joke in secret: Can this close does not calculate how to wait encounters my me to make you try chaos spur fiercely, no matter your wolf clan your Cultivator profession had ended......” 混沌昆吾暗中握住了拳头讥笑道:“能过这一关不算怎样等遭遇我我就让你试试‘混沌骨刺’的厉害不管是你还是那狼族你们的道生涯结束了……” At this time the bystander clamored 这时候围观者才喧哗了起來 Really is inconceivable “真是不可思议” Really was too formidable has achieved these at his age step is really the shocking world “真是太强大了以他的年纪做到这一步真的是震惊天下啊” Looks of innumerable acclaiming throw 无数赞叹的眼神投來 Long Chen naturally knows that from exploding how fierce is only his body of Divine Dragon is more formidable trivial Luzhan Chen from exploding was unable with he surrounding person to despise him 龙辰自然知道那自爆的厉害只是他的神龙之躯更加强大区区陆战宸的自爆还不能拿他怎样周围的人太小看他罢了 Long Chen in the gazes of countless person asked facing nine star Alliance clear and resonant voice: Please ask whether I won 在无数人的注视当中龙辰面对九星联盟朗声问道:“诸位请问我是否胜利了” At this time the talented people of nine star Alliances responded that said: „A Dream Immortal Clan side Long Chen victory following serial number is two two people goes on stage 这时候九星联盟的人才反应过來道:“梦幻仙族一方龙辰胜利接下來序号为二的两个人上场” Hears this saying Long Chen satisfied going back 听到这话龙辰才满意的回去 In the middle of Golden War God Clan the people ice-cold line of sight of looks at Long Chen to return to the middle of the Dream Immortal Clan team 黄金战神族当中众人冰冷的视线看着龙辰回到了梦幻仙族的队伍当中 Luzhan Chen by from exploding the price cannot make the slightest that he damages really be the miracle unexpectedly 陆战宸以自爆代价竟然沒能让他损伤的分毫真是奇迹 The Xing Qing serial number is two after she enters the stage the people shock that creates from Long Chen restore to come 星晴的序号为二当她出场后众人才从龙辰造成的震撼当中恢复过來 The matter that Long Chen most cared about at this time who is will encounter Hundun Kunwu 龙辰这时候最关心的事情是谁将遭遇混沌昆吾 When Xing Qing walks Huanglong is very anxious he saying: Dragon...... Long Chen you said that I can meet Hundun Kunwu......” 星晴走出去的时候黄龙却十分紧张他道:“龙……龙辰你说我会不会遇上混沌昆吾……” Long Chen said: Has the possibility you, if were worried that admitted defeat on you directly good possibly is not his match 龙辰道:“有可能你若是担心的话直接认输就行了你不可能是他的对手” Um...... I understood I also had parental and younger brother younger sister to take care of me not to think to be bewildered “嗯……我明白了我还有父母、弟弟妹妹要照顾我可不想莫名其妙死了” Previous time he knew in the middle of the star source the Hundun Kunwu fearful this time was elected to participate in the elite to fight in fact his somewhat surprisedly after all him, although strength also good, but defeats very miserably in the middle of the star source 上次在星源当中他就知道了混沌昆吾的可怕这一次被选來参加精英战实际上他有些惊讶毕竟他虽然实力还行但在星源当中败得很惨 Xing Qing match another Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family besides Hundun Kunwu 星晴的对手是除了混沌昆吾之外的另外一名混沌皇族 That Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family walks to despise Xing Qing to say proudly: Has not thought that the match is your trivial 3000 Astral Soul Dragon is a woman makes me experience you to have many abilities 混沌皇族傲然走出來藐视星晴道:“沒想到对手是你区区三千星魂龙还是个女人让我见识见识你有多少能耐吧” Xing Qing was disinclined saying that with him Dragon Warrior and Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family fought one instantaneously 星晴懒得和他多说龙武者混沌皇族瞬间战到了一起 When the people observe Long Chen thinks: Who remaining four person Xiao Lang and Huanglong one of them will meet Hundun Kunwu is 在众人观战的时候龙辰想:“剩下四个人小狼和黄龙其中一人会遇上混沌昆吾到底是谁呢” Long Chen naturally hopes that Mo Xiao Lang do not meet his Long Chen to want first to defeat Hundun Kunwu is Mo Xiao Lang paves the way such words Mo Xiao Lang to win the champion to be relaxed has spoken the truth today he at the back of Dream King they specially to let Mo Xiao Lang wins the championship to come 龙辰当然希望莫小狼别遇上他龙辰想首先打败混沌昆吾莫小狼铺路那样的话莫小狼拿到冠军就非常轻松了说实话今天他是背着梦幻王他们专门为了让莫小狼夺冠而來的 Intense degree of Xing Qing and Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family before war is well below Long Chen a war not, from exploding this fearful thing Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, although has displays three types of superhuman is 200 Dao Mark when but Xing Qing changes into 3000 Astral Soul Dragon to show three thousand Avatar strength opposite party completely make her suppress are not many that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family not willingly defeat after the Xing Qing hand by the severe wound to fall to the ground he willingly did not admit defeat Xing Qing to be disinclined with him saying that from beginning to end a few words then returned to the middle of the team 星晴混沌皇族对战的激烈程度远远不如龙辰之前一战更沒有自爆这种可怕的东西混沌皇族虽然有三头六臂施展三样道器全都是200条道纹但当星晴化为三千星魂龙展现出三千分身的力量对方就完全让她压制不多时那混沌皇族就不甘心的败在星晴手中被重伤倒地倒地后他才不甘心认输星晴从始至终懒得与他说上一句话便回到了队伍当中 Dream Immortal Clan had them to win 梦幻仙族出两人都获得了胜利 Now to Long Chen is most essential moment he wants to know that who very much the Mo Xiao Lang match is 现在对龙辰是最关键的一刻他很想知道莫小狼的对手到底是谁 At this time the serial number was three two goes on stage 这时候序号为三的两人上场 Mo Xiao Lang first goes out 莫小狼首先走出 The critical moment his ground warfare star also walked 关键时刻他身边的陆战星也走了出來 Long Chen relaxed this to explain that finally they were the match pull out the same digit unexpectedly therefore are Huanglong facing Hundun Kunwu 龙辰终于松了一口气这说明他们两人竟然是对手抽到了同一个数字所以说就是黄龙面对混沌昆吾 Huanglong can admit defeat directly, therefore this was the best result of Long Chen anticipation 黄龙可以直接认输所以这是龙辰期待的最好结果了 What Mo Xiao Lang and ground warfare star is certainly impossible to hit Golden War God Clan to count on was the Mo Xiao Lang therefore ground warfare star directly admits defeat 莫小狼和陆战星当然不可能打起來黄金战神族指望的是莫小狼所以陆战星直接认输了 At this time Huanglong and Hundun Kunwu went on stage 这时候黄龙和混沌昆吾上场
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