DBWG :: Volume #21

#2034: Deconstruction storm

Long Chen and many matches have encountered, but such as Hundun Kunwu this type rampant domineering, match who in the bone is full of the hot tempered factor, in addition is first, he is the person of Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family system dominates Chaos Star Domain, in this world, can how his person to be seriously few. 龙辰和许多对手交锋过,但如混沌昆吾这种嚣张跋扈,骨子里充满暴躁因子的对手,尚且是第一个,他乃混沌皇族之人,混沌皇族制霸混乱星域,在这个世界上,能奈何他的人当真很少。 Therefore, he here blatantly kills people, nobody can be what kind to him. 所以,他就算在这里公然杀人,也沒人能对他怎样。 He after Long Chen spoke a few words, at this time nightmare Wang Dai the Nightmare Clan big team, was arriving at the Moroccan cloud peak. 他对龙辰说完一句话后,这时候梦魇王带着梦魇族的大队伍,已经來到了摩云峰。 The tripartite team arrived. 三方队伍都已经到达。 Because Hundun Kunwu kills people this matter, making the cloud peak surrounding person noisy, they were also one of the bystander, facing so rampant domineering, did not place Hundun Kunwu in eye the average person life, in their hearts the nature was discontented, naturally they also only dare to whisper low voice, does not dare to disclose. 因为混沌昆吾杀人这件事情,让摩云峰周围的人吵闹了起來,他们也是围观者的一员,面对如此嚣张跋扈,不将普通人性命放在眼中的混沌昆吾,他们心中自然不满,当然他们也只敢小声嘀咕,不敢声张。 On the elite warhorse must start, the atmosphere becomes incomparably dignified, the person except for surrounding was discussing that on the Moroccan cloud peak the people basically have not spoken. 精英战马上就要开始了,现场的气氛变得无比凝重,除了外围的人在讨论,摩云峰上众人基本上沒有说话。 The World War II, was more essential. 第二战,更为关键。 This war approaches, several people who most people the feelings of suffocation, participate in the fight have not gasped for breath, confrontations of three large clan Expert, Aura surges, the resistance, causes the atmosphere in secret drearily, like only needs a spark, can detonate the surrounding atmosphere completely. 这一战來临,多数人都有一种窒息的感觉,参加战斗的几个人更是喘不过气來,其中三大族强者们的对峙,其中气息涌动,暗中对抗,导致气氛更加的阴郁,就像只需要一点火花,就能将周围的气氛完全引爆。 At that time, is the bloody slaughtering field. 那时候,就会是血腥的杀戮场。 The elite war approaches, before three large clans apparently do not have, was harmonious, in the major Expert eyes, has the shadow of being in sharp opposition. 精英战來临,三大族显然沒有之前和谐了,各大强者眼中,都有针锋相对的影子。 Buzz humming sound. 嗡嗡嗡。 The surrounding Cultivator discussion is similar to the fly dances in the air in the ear, making people very agitated, the effect of result that Star Lord Hegemony War results in finally on everyone on Shining Star is big, whom they naturally pay attention to the elite to fight to win, before the team war has not started, what is most popular is Xing Qing and Luzhan Chen and ground warfare star, but experiences the first war, everyone knows that Hundun Kunwu also participated unexpectedly, this thinks that he can bring two scores to Nightmare Clan, has not actually thought that Golden War God Clan and Dream Immortal Clan have new Expert to come out, that on was Mo Xiao Lang and Long Chen, these two once in the middle of the star source with joint forces. Defeats Hundun Kunwu. 外围者们的讨论如同苍蝇在耳边飞舞,让人十分烦躁,星主争霸战最终得出來的结果对璀璨星辰上每一个人的影响都非常大,他们自然关注精英战谁能够胜利,在团队战还沒开始之前,最热门的是星晴陆战宸、陆战星,但是经历第一战,谁都知道混沌昆吾竟然也來参加了,本以为他能给梦魇族带來两个分数,却沒想到黄金战神族梦幻仙族也都有新的强者出來,那就是莫小狼龙辰,这两人曾经在星源当中合力。打败混沌昆吾 Today's elite war, the final victory should also and that wolf clan three comes out from Hundun Kunwu and Long Chen, Long Chen and wolf clan once collaborated to defeat Hundun Kunwu, obviously the strength is not low, who is the final winner.” “今天的精英战,最终的胜利也应该是从混沌昆吾龙辰和那狼族三者之间决出,龙辰和狼族曾经联手打败混沌昆吾,显然实力不低,但到底谁才是最终的获胜者呢。” Hundun Kunwu was collaborated to defeat by them, today can also come rampantly, definitely has prepared full, he is Chaos Star Domain first Expert, the prestige broadcasts, defeats Expert to be innumerable, I looked that should be he is strongest, moreover this fellow is hot tempered, appearance that likely cannot lose......” 混沌昆吾被他们联手战败,今日还能嚣张前來,肯定做好了十足的准备,他是混乱星域第一强者,威名远播,战败强者无数,我看应该是他最强吧,而且这家伙性格暴躁,怎么也不像是会输的样子……” That wolf clan, although said is very good, but is lackluster at present, Long Chen has the good performance in the star source actually, heard that Dragon God Domain once a son of great person, Hundun Kunwu also on own initiative aimed at him, I estimated words that independent combat, he should have strength of the war, but must obtain the champion, is very mysterious......” “那一位狼族,虽然说很不错,但目前表现一般,龙辰倒是在星源有不错的表现,听说还是龙神域曾经一位大人物的儿子,混沌昆吾也是主动针对他,我估计单打独斗的话,他应该有一战之力,但要得到冠军,还是很玄乎……” The vision of almost all people, rotates in Long Chen these three people, the beforehand popularity, for example Xing Qing, now does not have many people to pay attention. 几乎所有人的目光,也都是在龙辰这三人身上转动,之前的热门,比如说星晴,现在却沒有多少人关注了。 Nine star Alliances, the atmosphere is similarly dignified, the hegemons sit on the golden throne, sits in repose with eyes closed, they are the formidable seniors, with overpowering momentum, letting the person is unable to look straight ahead, in the heart awes. 九星联盟这边,气氛同样凝重,盟主们坐在黄金宝座上,闭目养神,他们都是强大的前辈,气势磅礴,让人无法直视,心中更加敬畏。 In this intense atmosphere, the time arrived finally, the people of nine star Alliances place the ground eight steel balls, disrupts casually, said: In the middle of steel ball, the small steel ball, altogether eight steel balls, every two steel balls have the small steel ball of same number, breaks the steel ball to count only clearly, everyone takes a steel needle, inside small steel ball number is equal for the match who first eliminates to fight.” 在这紧张的氛围当中,终于时间到了,九星联盟的人将八个钢球放在地上,随便打乱,道:“钢球当中,还有小钢球,一共八颗钢球,每两颗钢球具有相同数目的小钢球,唯独打破钢球才能数清楚,每人取走一颗钢针,里面小钢球数目相等着即为第一场淘汰战的对手。” Although that steel ball named steel ball, but is actually the precious material casts, only, only then opens by the brute force, can see inside situation, eight steel balls place the ground scattered in disorder, everyone takes away one casually. 那钢球虽然名为钢球,但却是珍贵材料铸就,唯独只有以蛮力打开,才能看到里面情况,八颗钢球散乱放在地上,每人随便拿走一颗。 Under the arrangements of nine star Alliances, the people take away steel ball in turn, Long Chen and Xing Qing and Huanglong Station in the front row of Dream Immortal Clan team, the left are Golden War God Clan Mo Xiao Lang and ground warfare star and Luzhan Chen, the right is Hundun Kunwu and another Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family Expert. 在九星联盟的安排下,众人依次拿走一颗钢球,龙辰星晴、黄龙站在梦幻仙族队伍的前列,左边是黄金战神族莫小狼和陆战星、陆战宸,右边则是混沌昆吾和另外一位混沌皇族强者 Suddenly, all people anxiously look, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe heavily previous, the ballot smooth to a great extent also will decide today's war, who is whose match, this point is very important, among eight person three most Expert, will very probably meet in the first war, definitely is quite when the time comes splendid. 一时间,所有人都紧张的看过來,大气都不敢喘上一声,抽签的顺利在很大程度上也的会决定今日的战局,谁是谁的对手,这一点很重要,八个人当中的三位最强者,很可能会在第一战当中遇到,到时候肯定相当精彩。 Who to anyone.” “谁对谁。” Suddenly, the people are very curious. 一时间,众人都很好奇。 Long Chen changes into Dragon Claw both hands directly, jabbed into the middle of the steel ball, steel ball tearing that firm material casts, one looked toward inside, in which has fixed steel ball, he is clear, is very possible he to be first goes on stage, but his match has a person of steel ball similarly. 龙辰直接将双手化为龙爪,刺进了钢球当中,将那坚固材料铸就的钢球撕裂,往里面一看,其中的固定了一个钢球,他心里清楚,很可能他会是第一个上场的,而他的对手是同样拥有一个钢球的人。 The people have not announced the number of small steel ball. 众人沒有公布小钢球的数目。 Long Chen and periphery has exchanged, the Xing Qing steel ball is two, but the steel ball of Huanglong is four, three people in the first fight has not encountered unexpectedly on, how then can be...... 龙辰和周围交流了一下,星晴的钢球是两颗,而黄龙的钢球是四颗,三人在第一场战斗竟然沒遭遇上,那么会是如何呢…… Other person also very good hideaways the steel ball in hand. 其他人也很好的隐藏好了手中的钢球。 Long Chen looks at to Mo Xiao Lang time, saw only his finger to suspend under the sleeves gently three, in other words he had three small steel balls...... 龙辰看向莫小狼的时候,只见他的手指在衣袖下轻轻摆了个三,也就是说他有三颗小钢球…… Such one, among these four people, definitely the person will meet Hundun Kunwu. 这么一來,这四个人当中,肯定有一个人会遇上混沌昆吾 At this time, the people of nine star Alliances announced: Serial number is one two, goes on stage.” 这时候,九星联盟的人宣布:“序号为一的两位,上场吧。” In Moroccan cloud peak giant platform, only then the places of few part are standing the person, the majority of places can still fight. 摩云峰这巨大的平台上,只有少部分的地方站着人,大部分的地方仍然可以战斗。 After this issuance of order, all people are very tense, is looking around everywhere, at this time, in the middle of Golden War God Clan Luzhan Chen moved toward in the middle of the fight field, Long Chen sees that also walks toward that side. 这一声命令下达后,所有人都很紧张,到处张望着,这时候,黄金战神族当中的陆战宸走向了战斗场当中,龙辰见状,也朝着那边走去。 As the matter stands, everybody knows that they were first time to the match of war. 这样一來,大家都知道他们就是第一次对战的对手了。 compares, the Long Chen victory possibility is bigger, but does not remove the Luzhan Chen victory the possibility, after all they have not fought. 相比较來说,龙辰的胜利可能性更大,但也不排除陆战宸胜利的可能,毕竟他们还未曾交手过。 Snort.” “哼。” Hundun Kunwu cold snort|hum, he could not wait, even anticipates from the beginning to fighting Long Chen. 混沌昆吾一声冷哼,他等不及了,甚至期待一开始就对战龙辰 Long Chen, to Luzhan Chen.” 龙辰,对陆战宸。” The contest of Dragon Warrior and Golden War God Clan, a beginning is this ten points lets the fight that the person anticipates, the people eyes glisten, particularly many people are very curious to Long Chen. 龙武者黄金战神族的较量,一开场就是这种十分让人期待的战斗,众人眼睛闪亮起來,尤其是许多人对龙辰十分好奇。 Is you.” “是你。” The giant of that whole body steel and iron turned head indifferently, the whole body components are rubbing, makes the audio singing, indistinct middle has the spark to flash. 那浑身钢铁的巨人冷漠回过头來,浑身的零件摩擦着,发出尖锐声音,隐约当中有火花在闪动。 Long Chen puts out Behead Divine Sword, across the sky is lifting, said: Wins the time.” 龙辰拿出斩神剑,横空举着,道:“争取时间吧。” Ok.” “行。” Golden War God Clan is always brief and to the point, but since were known as that fights God Clan, the fight factors in their bone are not weaker than Long Chen, even is more powerful, when Luzhan Chen is said that last character, his double fist grips tightly, immediately erupted the fierce bellow. 黄金战神族向來言简意赅,但既然号称是战神族,他们骨子里的战斗因子并非比龙辰弱,甚至更加强盛,当陆战宸是说出那最后一个字的时候,他双拳紧握,顿时爆发出剧烈的轰鸣声。 That is full of the gloss the metal body to reappear dense and numerous Golden strange Rune, gathers on them from the antique strength, the body of steel and iron moves slightly, can inspire the vibration of Moroccan cloud peak. 那充满光泽的金属身躯浮现出密密麻麻的金色古怪符文,來自太古的力量在他们身上汇聚,钢铁之躯微微动弹,就能引动摩云峰的抖动。 Bang. 砰。 Luzhan Chen hits the double fist in the same place, erupts the violent sound. 陆战宸将双拳撞在一起,爆发出猛烈响声。 Long Chen had defeated Golden War God Clan, but Luzhan Chen compared with that formidable many. 龙辰曾经打败过一名黄金战神族,但陆战宸要比那位强大不少。 Hits the next quarter of double fist in the opposite party, the body of steel and iron flashes, the carrier terrifying power, comes toward the Long Chen attack, Golden War God Clan most excels is the mortal body fight, their mortal bodies endure compared with, has the attacks and defense dual effects, the body of his available gold war-god, resists with Long Chen Behead Divine Sword directly. 就在对方撞击双拳的下一刻,钢铁之躯闪动,携带者恐怖力量,朝着龙辰袭击而來,黄金战神族最擅长的就是肉身战斗,他们的肉身堪比道器,拥有攻击和防御双重功效,他可用黄金战神之躯,直接与龙辰斩神剑对抗。 Suddenly, Ash Grey radiant Sword Qi, with the body of golden war-god intense resists in together, Luzhan Chen a few words did not say that clamored without Hundun Kunwu that type, but attacked was quite still violent, was very cruel, fights instantaneous, he displayed the formidable close combat ability, resisted the Long Chen slaughtering swordsmanship by powerful Fist Technique directly. 一时间,灰色的璀璨剑气,和黄金战神之躯激烈的对抗在一起,陆战宸一句话都不说,沒有混沌昆吾那种叫嚣,但攻击仍然相当猛烈,十分残暴,交手瞬间,他就展现出强大的近战能力,以一种强悍的拳法直接对抗龙辰的杀戮剑法。 Rumbling. 轰轰轰。 Clashing that they keep, erupts golden light, making the people dumbfounded, under their complementary waves, entire Moroccan cloud peak in rapid destruction, but they rose the midair fortunately quickly, the aerial operation, tore the cloud layer. 两人不停的对撞,爆发出一道道的金光,让众人目瞪口呆,在他们的余波之下,整座摩云峰都在迅速的毁灭当中,但还好他们很快就升到了半空当中,空中战斗,撕裂云层。 Explodes the blade to cut.” “爆刀斩。” Luzhan Chen naturally knows the great strength of Long Chen, therefore has put together the life at this moment, his both arms steel and iron rotation, within the short time flushes the composition unexpectedly is two swords, touches with Long Chen that Behead Divine Sword, exudes frigid clashing sounds. 陆战宸自然知道龙辰的强大,所以此刻更是拼了性命,他的双臂钢铁转动,短时间之内竟然冲洗组成为两把战刀,与龙辰斩神剑相碰,发出一声声惨烈的对撞声。 Long Chen was still calm, will slaughter Sword Art to continue to evolve, preliminary constraining will inevitably create the attack that then moves mountains, in the time he must defeat the match, eye of the move of Hell has been OK, but he wants to keep to cope with Hundun Kunwu the eye of Hell, Long Chen hopes one can first meet Hundun Kunwu, gives him to teach seriously, even if cannot defeat him, wants the severe wound he, is Mo Xiao Lang paves the way. 龙辰仍然沉着,将杀戮剑诀继续衍化,前期的压抑势必会造成接下來排山倒海的攻击,时间上他要打败对手,一招地狱之眼就可以了,但他想把地狱之眼留來对付混沌昆吾,龙辰希望自己能够首先遇上混沌昆吾,给他惨重教训,就算不能打败他,也要重伤他,为莫小狼铺路。 Destruction storm.” “毁灭风暴。” With Long Chen calm opposite, Luzhan Chen goes crazy simply likely, moves of eruptions, at this moment, his body is dispersing unexpectedly instantaneously, turns into the innumerable Golden bits, forms the destruction storm to shoot to come toward the Long Chen wind, that scene quite shocks, everywhere Golden bit on such as the Crazy Wind rainstorm, is quite scary. 龙辰的沉着相反,陆战宸简直像是发疯,一招招的爆发出來,此时此刻,他那身体竟然在瞬间散开,变成无数的金色刀片,形成毁灭风暴朝着龙辰飙射而來,那场面相当震撼,漫天金色刀片就如狂风暴雨,极为吓人。 This is also one of the Golden War God Clan important means. 这也是黄金战神族的重要手段之一。 What is more surprising, Long Chen in the middle of this destruction storm, actually still like was a bystander, in hand Behead Divine Sword, although was slow, however the innumerable Golden bits, definitely are actually not able near body, even in his attack, the massive Golden bit break explosion. 只是更加让人惊讶的是,龙辰处在这毁灭风暴当中,却仍然像是沒事人一样,手中斩神剑虽然慢,但是无数的金色刀片,却完全无法近身,甚至在他的攻击当中,大量的金色刀片断裂爆炸。 Bang. 轰。 That innumerable bit gets together once again in together, forms the Luzhan Chen Golden War God Clan body. 那无数的刀片再度聚合在一起,形成陆战宸黄金战神族身躯。 The Long Chen sword refers to the opposite party forehead, murders to go calmly. 龙辰剑指对方眉心,冷静杀伐而去。 Among them the disparity has shown, Luzhan Chen is not his match. 两人之间的差距已经展现了出來,陆战宸不是他的对手。 You are really out of the ordinary, but my Golden War God Clan will never admit defeat, I must have a look but actually, whether you can support my from exploding.” “你果然非同凡响,但我黄金战神族从來不会认输,我倒要看看,你是否能够撑住我的自爆。” Hears from exploding this word, all familiar Golden War God Clan Cultivator, the complexion changes in abundance, was no exception including Dream King and the others. 听到自爆这个词,所有熟悉黄金战神族者们,脸色纷纷变化,连梦幻王等人也不例外。 From exploding, is the Golden War God Clan taboo style, kills people 1000 to damage 800, needs to restore for a long time, will not arrive at the absolute situation, Golden War God Clan will not display. 自爆,乃是黄金战神族的禁忌招式,杀人1000自损800,需要长时间才能恢复,不到绝对情况,黄金战神族不会施展。 [
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