DBWG :: Volume #21

#2033: Moroccan cloud peak

Star Core, is the Star Lord basis. 星核,是星主的根本。 Star Lord Hegemony War the war, in fact involves Star Core last. 星主争霸战当中最后一战,实际上就涉及到星核 That wrapped in a shroud of obscurity Star Core, to Dream King them, without doubt is in the world the most important treasure, therefore they definitely will make clear. 那神秘莫测的星核,对梦幻王他们來说,无疑是天地间最重要的宝物,所以他们肯定会搞清楚了。 But everybody has looked at Star Core, why he will ask himself alone. 但大家都看过星核,为什么他会单独问自己。 At this time, Dream King continued saying: Star Core dodges to pass, you could not see, but we are very curious, you disappeared two days, comes out the later strength strengthen, moreover on you still still had the Star Sand strength, obviously fused many Star Sand during that can tell us, exactly what happened.” 这时候,梦幻王继续道:“星核一闪而逝,你也见不到,不过我们很好奇,你消失了两天的时间,出來之后实力变强,而且你身上至今仍然有星砂的力量,显然在那期间融合了许多的星砂,能告诉我们,到底发生了什么事情呢。” Really, they are suspecting this matter. 果然,他们是在怀疑这件事。 Long Chen knows fairly well, said: I do not know that as if entered a dark space, inside is empty, only then over a thousand grains of Star Sand, I must carry off these Star Sand, has not thought that these Star Sand actually integrate my body, causes my strength strengthen.” 龙辰心中有数,道:“我也不知道,似乎是进入了一个黑暗的空间,里面空无一物,只有上千粒星砂,我本來是要带走这些星砂的,沒想到这些星砂却争相融入我的身体,才导致我实力变强。” He knows that Star Core is key, therefore hid on the line of casually not saying. 他知道那星核才是关键,所以随便隐藏掉不说的就行了。 The Dream King doubt said: In that space, you have not seen Star Core.” 梦幻王狐疑道:“在那个空间里面,你沒看到过星核。” Long Chen shakes the head saying: Naturally has not seen, Star Core is casual can see . Moreover, even if saw Star Core, by my this ability, Dream King also thinks that I can carry off Star Core to be inadequate.” 龙辰摇头道:“自然沒见过,星核是随便就能看到的么,另外,就算是看到了星核,以我这点能耐,梦幻王还以为我能带走星核不成。” Hears this saying, Dream King smiles, said: That is actually impossible, only then my person of this level can contact Star Core, my younger brothers are not good, you should know that Star Core is very to us important, therefore I will ask that your information about Star Core, was good, you can go back, prepares well, as for your Younger Brother matter, we will help as far as possible.” 听到这话,梦幻王微笑起來,道:“那倒是不可能,只有我这个层次的人才能接触到星核,连我弟弟都不行,你应该知道,星核对我们來说十分重要,所以我才会问你这些关于星核的信息,好了,你可以回去了,好好准备一下,至于你兄弟的事情,我们会尽量帮忙的。” Long Chen then asks to be excused. 龙辰这才告退。 After waiting for Long Chen to walk, the Xiao Dingyuan vision was deep, he said: Bustling place had said that his side female companion, the body as if has with our Dream Immortal Clan related thing, very possible because of this thing, he will be favored by Star Sand, even he has possibly seen Star Core in that dark space, but where his female companion went, not possibly in the middle of his god country, if in the middle of his god country, cannot escape from our eyes.” 龙辰走了之后,萧鼎元目光深沉,他道:“红尘曾经说过,他身边个女伴,身上似乎有和我们梦幻仙族相关的东西,也很可能是因为这东西,他才会被星砂青睐,甚至他很可能在那黑暗空间当中是见过星核的,但他身边那女伴去了哪里,不可能是在他的神国当中,如果是在他神国当中,逃不出我们的眼睛。” The Dream King ponder moment, said: That thing is very possible to help me obtain Star Core, was very important, transmitted orders, in the Shining Star range, looked for the whereabouts of that female in secret, once there is a news, immediately reported me.” 梦幻王沉思片刻,道:“那东西很可能可以帮助我得到星核,十分重要,传令下去,在璀璨星辰的范围内,暗中寻找那女子的下落,一旦有消息,马上禀报我。” Xiao Dingyuan obeys orders to go. 萧鼎元听令而去。 .............................. ………………………… Because excellence of Long Chen in the middle of star source, his reputation had spread over nine star Alliances for these days, particularly he collaborated to defeat Hundun Kunwu this matter with Mo Xiao Lang unexpectedly, was makes the people have the clear understanding to his battle efficiency, Long Chen absolutely was much younger than Hundun Kunwu, can achieve this step, has gone against heaven's will. 因为龙辰在星源当中的卓越表现,这几天他的名声可是传遍了九星联盟,尤其是他竟然和莫小狼联手打败了混沌昆吾这件事情,更是让众人对他的战斗力有着清晰的认识,龙辰的年龄绝对比混沌昆吾小得多,能做到这一步,已经逆天了。 He very possible is the Supreme Divine Dragon news, passed on similarly, hands down his Inherited Blood Essence is a Ancestral Dragons associated dragon, this is a heavy pound news, this heavy pound news has fed in Dragon God Domain, Five Great Dragon City, because Supreme Divine Dragon possibly appeared has held the urgent discussion. 他很可能是无上神龙的消息,也同样传了出去,相传他身上的传承精血就是其中一条祖龙的伴生龙,这更是一个重磅消息,这重磅消息已经传回了龙神域,五大龙城因为无上神龙的可能出现进行了紧急的讨论。 Although Long Chen only won a victory, but has also served his some purposes, making the Dragon God Domain person note him, initially he left Dragon God Domain in various god battlefields, countless people spurned he, to curse him, to claim how, so long as he steps into Dragon God Domain one step, said that he with his father same was the Human Clan rebel, but one year later today, Long Chen same rises like the comet in Chaos Star Domain, he was staging a comeback. 龙辰虽然只赢得了一场胜利,但也已经达到了他的部分目的,让龙神域的人注意到他了,当初他在诸神战场离开龙神域,无数人唾弃他、咒骂他、声称只要他踏入龙神域一步的就会如何,说他和他的父亲一样是人族的叛徒,而一年之后的今天,龙辰混乱星域当中如彗星一样崛起,他正在卷土重來。 But day that today, the elite war is held. 而今日,正是精英战进行的日子。 Dragon God Domain most people also in condition of waiting and seeing, if Long Chen can win the champion who the elite fights, to his help without doubt is considerably large, but if cannot obtain , will possibly fall short. 龙神域大多数人还在观望的状态,如果龙辰能够赢得精英战的冠军的话,对他的帮助无疑是相当大的,但如果得不到的话,也很可能会功亏一篑。 On this day, Long Chen along with the Dream Immortal Clan team, heads for the Moroccan cloud peak again, the three chancellor people in this Xiaolong territory along follow, before had the wood-famine of opinion to Long Chen very much, in hearing Long Chen after star source performance, now has also closed the mouth, he does not approve Long Chen, but does not want to speak with Long Chen, so as to avoid reduces own scale. 这一天,龙辰随着梦幻仙族的队伍,再一次启程前往摩云峰,这一次小龙域的三位主事人都随身跟随,之前对龙辰很有意见的木荒,在听说龙辰在星源当中的表现后,现在也闭上了嘴巴,他并非认可龙辰,只是不想和龙辰多说话,免得降低自己的档次。 Nine star Alliances are the Star Lord Hegemony War organizers, naturally is several days arrives ahead of time, here arranges, these time besides that 30 hegemons, came from the person arrivals of other super stars much, in the middle of Shining Star, several thousand people encircle here. 九星联盟身为星主争霸战的主办方,当然是提前几天到达,在这里布置,这一次除了那30位盟主外,还有更多來自其他超级星球的人到來,璀璨星辰当中,也足足有数万人围在这里。 Even, counts the 100,000 person. 甚至,数十万人。 A star source war, most people do not have the qualifications to go, but the Moroccan cloud peak fights differently. 星源一战,大多数人沒有资格进去,但是摩云峰一战不同。 The Moroccan cloud peak is the direct fight, the time of consumption should very be short, but actually stimulation, is to the Cultivator battle efficiency and will most formidable test. 摩云峰是直接的战斗,消耗的时间应该会很短,但是却更加的刺激,是对者战斗力和意志最强大的考验。 Nine star Alliances are responsible for keeping the order. 九星联盟负责维持秩序。 That Moroccan cloud peak shoots up to the sky, in the most peak of Moroccan cloud peak, is one piece with the smoothest platform that truncates, all great people above this platform, although gathered over a thousand people, but still did not appear had any crowded place, but that counted the 100,000 average person, revolved around the Moroccan cloud peak, elongated the neck to watch. 那一座摩云峰冲天而起,在摩云峰的最顶端,是一片用道器削出來的最平整的平台,所有的大人物都在这平台之上,虽然聚集了上千人,但仍然不显得有任何拥挤的地方,而那数十万的普通人,则围绕在摩云峰周围,伸长了脖子观看着。 On this day, it may be said that is the sea of people. 这一天,可谓是人山人海。 In surrounding of this sea of people, has prepared for complete Long Chen, is following the Dream Immortal Clan team, arrived at the Moroccan cloud peak, their arrivals caused instantaneously have counted cheering of 100,000 person, in this warm cheers, the atmosphere was getting more and more anxious, very essential World War II, must start immediately. 在这人山人海的包围当中,已经做好了全部准备的龙辰,跟随着梦幻仙族的队伍,來到了摩云峰,他们的到來瞬间引起了数十万人的欢呼,在这场热烈的欢呼声当中,气氛越來越紧张,非常关键的第二战,马上就要开始了。 The talent team war, the Dream Immortal Clan victory, obtains a point. 天才团队战,梦幻仙族胜利,得到一分。 On the overall strength, Dream Immortal Clan is more powerful, if this World War II Dream Immortal Clan won, then 80% possibilities, new Star Lord can be Dream King. 论总体力量,梦幻仙族还是要强盛一些,若是这第二战梦幻仙族又胜利的话,那么有80的可能,新的星主会是梦幻王 This intense fight, making the people wait. 这一场紧张的战斗,让众人拭目以待。 When Long Chen has passed through numerous crowds, in the middle of the countless person curious vision of arrives at the Moroccan cloud peak, he discovered that the Golden War God Clan person came, in the middle of Human Clan, Mo Xiao Lang peaceful standing there, his whole body black, is incompatible with other people simply, only Long Chen arrival time, other source gains ground, is with the smile. 龙辰穿越过重重的人群,在无数人好奇的目光当中來到摩云峰的时候,他发现黄金战神族的人已经來了,人族当中,莫小狼安静的站在那里,他浑身黑色,简直和其他人格格不入,唯独龙辰到來的时候,他方才抬起头,报以微笑。 This calm, made Long Chen more peaceful. 这一份从容,也让龙辰安静了许多。 Fight. 战斗。 Only has the fight, can survive. 唯有战斗,才能生存。 When the team arrival of Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family and Nightmare Clan, the elite fought can formally start, this elite war, it is estimated that less than the half-day time can end, comes out the champion. 混沌皇族梦魇族的队伍到來,精英战就可以正式开始了,这一场精英战,估计不到半天的时间就能结束,决出冠军。 When the people wait for Hundun Kunwu, actually nobody knows that above the remote cloud layer, there is such a graceful bearing remarkably outstandingly beautiful sends the female blue, is looking at the low Moroccan cloud peak, reveals the surprised and charming smiling face. 就在众人等待混沌昆吾的时候,却沒人知道,在遥远的云层之上,有这么一个风姿卓越的绝色蓝发女子,正在看着低下的摩云峰,流露出惊讶而妩媚的笑容。 „The demon of swallowing, is really he......” “吞噬之魔,真的是他么……” Today's discovery, lets her incomparable shock, pair of ice Blue beautiful eye mist fills the air, shivers gently, the moving physique shows with nothing left. 今日的发现,让她无比的震撼,一双冰蓝色的美丽眼睛水雾弥漫,轻轻颤抖,动人身姿展现无遗。 She cannot think that initially still in the Great 3 Emperors' Domain two little things, today unexpectedly will arrive on this Shining Star, this is simply unthinkable, if Mo Xiao Lang became the demon of swallowing, his winding speed such rapidness, is not strange, but how that Long Chen is a matter. 她怎么也想不到,当初还在三大帝域的两个小东西,今日竟然会來到这璀璨星辰上,这简直匪夷所思,如果说莫小狼成为了吞噬之魔,他的提升速度如此之快,还不算奇怪,但那龙辰又是怎么一回事。 Has the person, can go against heaven's will to this degree. 真的有人,可以逆天到这种程度。 Sends the female blue, but smiles, from the beginning she knows Long Chen is extraordinary, otherwise in Great 3 Emperors' Domain, her other half body cannot defeat such miserably, initially was born the time in his hands, is she weakest time, if not for have compiled some stories, performed in some good plays to deceive him, it is estimated that must die in his hand. 蓝发女子无奈而笑,从一开始她就知道龙辰的不平凡,否则在三大帝域的时候,她的另一半身体不会在他手中败得这么惨,当初重新诞生的时候,也是她最虚弱的时候,若不是自己编造了一些故事,演了一些好戏骗过了他,估计自己都要死在他手上。 In the final analysis, I must thank him for me except the body that half have not been obedient, he he, was only the growth of this kid was too fearful, does not dare to expect really that he will turn in the future what kind, as for me with his gratitude and grudges...... The demon of swallowing is his Younger Brother, I must present the demon of swallowing for the focus words, cannot become the enemy with him, although I am the demon, but is also different from other half body, does not have the enmity with him......” “说到底,我还要感谢他为我除去了那一半不听话的身体,呵呵,只是这小家伙的成长太可怕了,真不敢预料,他将來会变成怎样,至于我跟他的恩怨呢……吞噬之魔是他的兄弟,我要奉吞噬之魔为主的话,更是不能和他成为敌人,我虽然是魔,但也和另外一半身体不同,与他更沒有仇怨……” Thinks of here, she smiles tenderly, they do not know in any case own true status, perhaps also thinks one are really a spirit of clan life...... 想到这里,她娇笑起來,反正他们不知道自己真正的身份,或许还以为自己真的是生命之灵一族吧…… She, initially Long Chen brought in the Emperor Star core, in the middle of crystal ice coffin female. 她正是,当初龙辰帝星的核心当中带出來的,水晶冰棺当中的女子。 Similarly, she is also Tragic Death City Lord part. 同样,她也是枉死城主的一部分。 Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang know endless void middle have such a person to gaze at itself, even Expert of nine star Alliances do not know. 龙辰莫小狼都知道无尽虚空当中有这么一个人在注视着自己,甚至九星联盟的强者们都不知道。 Counts the 100,000 person to surround. 十万人围观。 On the elite warhorse starts, the tight atmosphere makes the people almost respirable, Star Lord Hegemony War to become Wang defeats the invader, is extremely really important, the so essential fight, can any to go crazy. 精英战马上开始,紧张的气氛让众人几乎不能呼吸,星主争霸战成王败寇,实在太过重要,如此关键的战斗,可以让任何人为之发疯啊。 At this time, Hundun Kunwu they finally arrived. 就在这时候,混沌昆吾他们终于到了。 Shunt.” “闪开。” The silver Ash Grey ray, attacks to come in the middle of the crowd together, everywhere one visit, small and weak Cultivator fend in abundance, suddenly makes greatly scared, but disturbance, even some people exude the pitiful yell sound, bloody Aura has also filled the air, Long Chen was looking at the past, that Ash Grey shadow has ripped open the crowd, attacked to come toward him, was similar to a mountain peak same loudly pounds in a flash in front of him. 一道银灰色的光线,在人群当中冲击而來,所到之处,弱小的者们纷纷闪避,一时间闹出巨大的恐慌而的骚乱,甚至有人发出惨叫声,血腥气息也弥漫了出來,龙辰正看过去,那灰色的影子撕开了人群,朝着他冲击而來,转瞬之间就如同一座山峰一样轰然砸在他前面。 . 啪啪。 That silver Ash Grey corpses of person's shadow two youth in hand throws the ground, obloquying of spurning said: Damn thing, dares to block my Hundun Kunwu path, this is the person of which family, hurries to give me to take away, if were slow, the fate is the same with these two.” 那银灰色的人影将手中两具少年的尸体扔到地上,唾弃的大骂道:“该死的东西,也敢挡住我混沌昆吾的道路,这是谁家的人,赶紧给我领走,要是慢了,下场都和这两个一样。” Hears this rampant domineering words, counts the 100,000 inevitable crowd to retrocede in abundance, many people clash hastily, worships on bended knees Hundun Kunwu, while carries off that corpse, called to account does not dare. 听到这嚣张跋扈的话,数十万的围观人群纷纷后退,有不少人连忙冲上來,一边跪拜混沌昆吾,一边将那尸体带走,连责问都不敢了。 Long Chen looks at this indifferently, the opposite party slaughters innocents, nothing but demonstrated to oneself, implicates others Long Chen is very at heart regrettable, but he had no way to begin, can only save first this hatred, if there is a that opportunity, can double give back to the opposite party. 龙辰冷眼看着这一幕,对方滥杀无辜,无非是向自己示威,连累了别人龙辰心里很遗憾,但他沒法动手,只能把这份仇恨先存起來,若是有那个机会,一定会双倍还给对方。 Hundun Kunwu drives away these people rampantly, this is crooked the head to look at Long Chen, sneers saying: Matters you possibly do not know that today is different from the custom of team war, the team war is impossible to kill people, but the elite fights, therefore, you can be ready that dies now.” 混沌昆吾嚣张赶走那些人,这才歪着脑袋看着龙辰,冷笑道:“有一件事你可能不知道,今天和团队战的规矩可不一样,团队战不可能杀人,但精英战可以哦,所以,你现在就可以做好死的准备了。”
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