DBWG :: Volume #21

#2032: Is more important than the life

( ( The phoenix dance time passed by Long Chen still at this time Thunder Shrine Dragon Gong Qinglai to seek for him in the waiting quietly 凤舞时间悄然过去龙辰还在等待这时候神宫雷霆龙龚擎來寻找他 They stand in out of the door Gong Qing said directly: Is your Younger Brother matter we also clear today mainly came to ask that about that wolf clan how your you thought 两人站在门外龚擎直接说道:“关于那狼族是你兄弟的事情我们心里也清楚了今天主要过來是想问你一下你是怎么想的” Long Chen naturally knows that they were worried one when facing Mo Xiao Lang turning on the water after all now Mo Xiao Lang are almost in the captivity of opposite party, if Long Chen reads and individual personal relationships is very disadvantageous Dream Immortal Clan obtained the first point they also to long to Dream Immortal Clan the second point if two points both attained Dream Immortal Clan almost to win 龙辰自然知道他们是担心自己在面对莫小狼的时候的放水毕竟现在莫小狼几乎算是在对方的囚禁当中如果龙辰念及个人私情的话那么对梦幻仙族來说是十分不利的梦幻仙族已经得到了第一分他们也更加渴望第二分若是两分都拿到的话梦幻仙族就几乎赢定了 Long Chen does not want to conceal their him saying: This must look that the situation also has when the time comes luck Star Lord Hegemony War to me very important, but this Younger Brother is more important I to think that I will choose sanely 龙辰沒想隐瞒他们他道:“这也得看情况还有到时候的运气星主争霸战对我很重要但这位兄弟更加重要我想我会理智选择吧” Really is this...... 果然是这样…… Although Gong Qing knew that Long Chen but he knows soon the Long Chen disposition he decided like this does not stem from Gong Qing expectation 龚擎虽然认识龙辰不久但他知道龙辰的性格他这样决定不出乎龚擎的预料 He is unable to interfere anything to be only fluent about this point: You should better think that you who will be clear you to strive to turn the tide the victory of first war is made the great merit but to contrast to Human Clan your status now this great merit is still in the middle of not enough Five Great Dragon City these hated the person who your father will not give up to actually be respected their approvals, only then established the great merit true about Star Lord Hegemony War result the matter that again only then you obtained the elite to fight the champion who can achieve 关于这一点他无法干涉什么只能道:“你最好想清楚你已经力挽狂澜得到了第一战的胜利现在对人族而言已经立下了大功但对比于你的身份來说这一份大功仍然是不足够的五大龙城当中那些痛恨你父亲的人是不会罢休的你要真正得到他们的认可和尊重只有再立下大功真正左右星主争霸战的结果只有你获得精英战的冠军才能够做到的这件事” Long Chen is silent showing neither approval nor disapproval 龙辰沉默着不置可否 In his heart had the decision how, no matter Gong Qing said that he will not change 他心中有了决定不管龚擎怎么的说他都不会改变 Gong Qing continues saying: If your desire is to return to Dragon God Domain makes our approvals you accept your you only to be able such to make Star Lord Hegemony War, be only one time may in the future these that will not have this opportunity I to urge you at one fell swoop diligently to win the champion who the elite fought when the time comes definitely to cause a stir in that side world Dragon God Domain also to hear your given name while the potential of team war you to establish the merit that is unable to twist and cancel to refute you to repel contribution that your person also carefully considers under you to make 龚擎继续道:“如果你的愿望是回归龙神域让我们大家的认可你接受你那么你就只能这么做星主争霸战只有一次往后可的就沒有这个机会了我劝你还是趁着团队战的势一举努力拿下精英战的冠军到时候必然会轰动全世界龙神域那边也会听到你的大名你立下的功劳将是无法扭曲和抹去的那些要反驳你排斥你的人也得仔细考量一下你做出的贡献” In fact Gong Qing spoke incorrectly Long Chen absolutely do not obtain the approval of Human Clan he to them prove was not only or own fathers has not been unfair to them to let them closes the mouth but was not implores their to forgive that matter Long Chen unable to achieve 实际上龚擎说错了龙辰绝对不是要得到人族的认可他是要向他们证明不但是自己还是自己的父亲都未曾对不起他们是为了让他们闭上嘴巴而不是去祈求他们的原谅那种事情龙辰做不到 He said: These I who you said that will give careful consideration 他道:“你说的这些我会慎重考虑的” Like this said nothing but must catch up with Gong Qing to walk 这样说无非是要赶龚擎走而已 Heard this saying Gong Qingpai to pat his shoulder sincere [say / way]: Young people you may not impulse again do not destroy your excellent future I to be anxious I to confirm that for you you are Supreme Divine Dragon also want the tyrannical talent compared with Di Yu absolutely, so long as your intelligent point will consider to take time you for oneself to substitute the Di Yu position to make all Elder inevitably regard you are the treasure even in the future the achievement Spiritual God can definitely have possible you by your peerless natural talent nobody compared with this, for all these has made much diligently don't, because not a related person all these gave to destroy 听到这话龚擎拍了拍他的的肩膀语重心长道:“年轻人你可千万别冲动别又再一次毁了自己的大好前程啊我都为你揪心我确认你绝对是无上神龙是比帝雨还要强横的天才只要你聪明点多为自己着想假以时日你必然能替代帝雨的位置让所有的长辈都把你当成是宝贝甚至将來成就神灵以你的绝世天资无人能比这绝对是有可能的你为了这一切已经做出了不少的努力千万别因为一个不相关的人又把这一切给毁了” Long Chen nods to say lightly with a smile: Line of I can want to understand 龙辰淡淡笑着点头道:“行我会想明白的” How that was good I to walk Gong Qing deeply to look at his advantages he to analyze to Long Chen first once again should carry out clearly looks at Long Chen, on the one hand was the broad future is only Younger Brother Gong Qing believes at the same time Long Chen will make correct choice everyone to be after all selfish finally “那就好我先走了”龚擎再度深深看了他一眼利弊他已经给龙辰分析清楚了该如何执行就看龙辰自己了一方面是自己远大的前程一方面只是一个兄弟而已龚擎相信龙辰最终还是会做出正确选择毕竟每个人都是自私的 Gong Qing walked later Long Chen to return to the dwelling 龚擎走了之后龙辰回到了住处 Lingxi is teasing Psychic Snow Dog and Nine Illusion Prison Butterfly in the middle of the god country she said in a soft voice: Xiao Lang did not have the news 灵曦在神国当中逗弄着通灵雪犬九狱幻蝶她轻声道:“小狼还沒有消息么” Long Chen was just about to nod to wait for such long time Star Rune to have the sound intensely he to contact opposite Mo Xiao Lang suddenly to be somewhat thin and pale with Mo Xiao Lang finally hastily 龙辰正要点头忽然紧张了起來等了这么长的时间星符终于有动静了他连忙和莫小狼联系对面的莫小狼有些憔悴 Elder Brother 大哥 Mo Xiao Lang starts to speak but hesitates 莫小狼欲言又止 Long Chen said: We have fought side-by-side these many years later has any matter unable to hide the truth from me absolutely, if you when also I am your Elder Brother 龙辰道:“我们并肩作战了这么多年以后有什么事情绝对不能瞒着我如果你还当我是你大哥的话” He concealed Long Chen also really to make him deceive in the middle of the star source ingeniously 在星源当中他巧妙隐瞒龙辰还真让他骗过去了 Mo Xiao Lang sip purses the lips saying: I knew is only this time I do not want to implicate your you to have own matter and future 莫小狼抿抿嘴道:“我知道了只是这一次我不想连累你况且你有自己的事情和前程” Long Chen interrupts his words: These were immaterial first and I say the specific situation 龙辰打断他的话道:“这些都无关紧要先把具体的情况和我说一下吧” The Mo Xiao Lang silent moment said finally: Beautiful in that eclipse month wolf main hand they said that only then I obtained the champion who the elite fought they to put beautiful otherwise we forever are unable to meet them also to give Nine Tail Heaven Fox me 莫小狼沉默片刻终于说道:“妍儿在那蚀月狼主手中他们说只有我得到精英战的冠军他们才会放了妍儿否则我们将永远无法相见他们还会把我交给九尾天狐 This......” “这样啊……” In the Long Chen eye the blood light filled the action and threat of opposite party immediately touched his bottom line to make in his heart germination fearful killing intent he grip the double fist without doubt to stabilize him to know in the Mo Xiao Lang heart with great difficulty definitely anger and is not resigned to him is Elder Brother should not with his together anger, but must enlighten in his Mo Xiao Lang body to be bewitched to plant after all 龙辰眼中顿时血光弥漫对方的举动和威胁无疑已经触动了他的底线让他心中萌生可怕的杀意他握住了双拳好不容易稳定下來他知道莫小狼心中肯定更加的愤怒和不甘心他身为大哥不应该和他一起愤怒而是要开导他毕竟莫小狼身体里有着魔种 Long Chen deep breath evil ways: To hold up day Great Emperor and two wolf main abilities we do not have the means to resist them only to be able now to be the elite who this hatred will take down first then defers to them to say to fight eight people to carry on three to eliminate to fight will come out the champion finally, if your match will be I I will admit defeat if ahead of time, but was Hundun Kunwu you defeats him 龙辰深呼吸了一下道:“以擎天大帝和两位狼主的能耐我们现在沒办法对抗他们只能把这仇恨先记下然后按照他们说的去做精英战八个人进行三场淘汰战最终会决出冠军如果你的对手是我的话我会提前认输但假如是混沌昆吾你就都打败他了” Long Chen wanted best situation that is he first to fighting loses Hundun Kunwu to have no way to guarantee with Hundun Kunwu what most complete condition Mo Xiao Lang must win the champion to be very easy he to be worried was Mo Xiao Lang meets the words that Hundun Kunwu wanted to win to carry on victory and defeat unknown struggle ahead of time 龙辰想要最好的情况那就是他先和混沌昆吾对战就算自己输了混沌昆吾也沒法保证最完整的状态莫小狼要拿到冠军很容易他担心的是莫小狼提前遇到混沌昆吾那么想要胜利的话必须要进行一场胜负未知的苦战 Hears Long Chen this saying Mo Xiao Lang actually to be moved to tears him saying: Elder Brother I know how you participated in Star Lord Hegemony War to obtain one to win for any you can, for I fell short the person who you likely won the champion, so long as such you in the future went back Dragon God Domain to reduce very greatly troublesome for your father will scrub shame that are not your wish continuously I do not need to let you......” 听到龙辰这话莫小狼却感动得热泪盈眶他道:“大哥我知道你参加星主争霸战是为了什么你已经得到一个胜利了又怎么能够为了我功亏一篑你是很可能拿到冠军的人只要那样你往后回去龙神域可以减少很大的麻烦为你的父亲洗刷耻辱那不是你一直的心愿吗我沒必要让你……” You looked on as an outsider Long Chen to break him to smile were saying “你见外了”龙辰打断了他微笑着说道 His one said: Starts us to go on an expedition to arrive at you from Bai and Yang Town is my I am your us sharing everything beautiful is also my younger sister you regarding me compared with the life and dignity and longs for that now a more important thing I did not have any reason not to make to me always do not have regrettable choice this matter like this to decide......” 他的顿了一顿才道:“从白杨镇开始我们就一路征战走到现在你就是我我就是你我们之间不分彼此妍儿也是我的妹妹你们对于我來说都是比生命、尊严和渴望更加重要的东西我沒有任何的理由不做出对我而言永世沒有遗憾的选择这件事情就这样决定了……” Mo Xiao Lang was startled there long time exhales in the middle of one breath his eye socket the look still so pure, but has been moved to tears at this moment 莫小狼怔在那里良久才呼出一口气他的眼眶当中眼神仍然是如此的纯净但此刻已经热泪盈眶 He deletes these tears speak unhurriedly and clearly saying: My Mo Xiao Lang pledged that this lives to decide will not make to make your disappointed matter otherwise be cut to pieces 他擦去这些泪水一字一顿道:“我莫小狼发誓此生定不会做出让你失望的事情否则千刀万剐” Do not put in order these useless you relieved to prepare to prevent you I to see right in front of one Dream King to hold up day Great Emperor to Hundun Kunwu after is his old match has a look at him whether can add on me “别整这些沒用的你就安心准备防止你对上混沌昆吾我去面见梦幻王毕竟擎天大帝是他的老对手看看他是否能帮上我” Long Chen said 龙辰 Good Mo Xiao Lang to nod “好”莫小狼点头 After having cut off the relation of Star Rune, Long Chen and Lingxi said that he does not believe specially Dream Immortal Clan and Life Dragon City person will hide Lingxi 切断了星符的联系后龙辰灵曦说了一声他不是特别相信梦幻仙族生命龙城的人才会把灵曦藏了起來 Quick he goes to the place that Dream King was at 很快他就來到了梦幻王所在的地方 The elites fight will soon arrive at Dream King and his younger brother Xiao Dingyuan are arranging also fight the following three fights to prepare for the elite 精英战即将到來梦幻王和他的弟弟萧鼎元正在布置也为精英战接下來的三场战斗做准备 Saw that Long Chen Dream King is very naturally happy he saying: You come me to be just about to inform you happen to several days later we will head for the Moroccan cloud peak to carry on the talent elite to fight this time you and Xing Qing have Huanglong to obtain quota that the elite has fought 见到龙辰梦幻王自然十分开心他道:“你來得正好我正要通知你几天后我们就会启程前往摩云峰进行天才精英战这一次你和星晴还有黄龙都得到了精英战的名额” Long Chen knows that he, Mo Xiao Lang, Xing Qing, Hundun Kunwu and Golden War God Clan two Younger Brother can participate in two quotas that the elite fights not to think inevitably the underground spring yama dragon obtained him to make war loses to the Hundun Kunwu however concrete battle efficiency to stand in line first eight 龙辰知道他、莫小狼星晴混沌昆吾黄金战神族的两兄弟是必然能参加精英战的还有两个名额沒想到黄泉冥王龙却得到了他一开战就败给了混沌昆吾但是具体战斗力还是能够排上前八 Long Chen has seen two great people then the Mo Xiao Lang practical thing and Dream King narrated that naturally he hid has held up part that day Great Emperor they threatened also to hide itself to want the part that was Mo Xiao Lang admits defeat only to say Mo Xiao Lang was threatened by the enemy 龙辰见过两位大人物然后再把莫小狼的具体事情和梦幻王讲述当然他隐藏了擎天大帝他们威胁的一部分也隐藏了自己想要为莫小狼认输的部分只说莫小狼被对方威胁 Dream King frowns saying: This matter is not easy to do he is the wolf clan is perfectly justified under the Clear Sun Wolf Clan Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan control your Younger Brother is a person of their side is the estimate that their internal matters we and Golden War God Clan relations were very intense this time cannot begin to make easily, only then after the elite fights with holding up day Great Emperor negotiates one to look whether he is willing to put your Younger Brother but it is estimated that also to look at the result that the elite fights......” 梦幻王皱着眉头道:“这事可不好办他本身就是狼族在昊日狼族蚀月狼族掌控之下天经地义你那兄弟本來就是他们一方的人算是他们内部的事情我们和黄金战神族的关系本來就很紧张这次更是不能够轻易动手所能做的估计只有在精英战之后与擎天大帝谈判一番看他是否愿意放你的兄弟但估计那也得看精英战的结果了……” If the opposite party is angry this negotiations not to have any good result therefore only means to make Mo Xiao Lang obtain the champion but when the time comes two big wolf hosts to put them to make them retrieval freely according to the agreement even protects their to be possible not to be uncertain 如果对方愤怒的话这种谈判已经不会有什么好结果所以唯一的办法还是让莫小狼得到冠军但到时候两大狼主会不会按照约定放了他们让他们重获自由甚至保护他们那可就不一定了 Long Chen in young one time is still the time that although able to move unhindered the world several thousand years of big shot still did not have anything to resist facing these Cultivate the strength that he lacks 龙辰在年轻一倍虽然纵横天下面对这些修炼了数万年的大佬仍然沒什么对抗的力量他缺少的仍然是时间 This tribulation can only look at Xiao Lang......” “这一劫只能看小狼自己了……” Long Chen sighed how, if when the time comes Mo Xiao Lang cannot succeed Long Chen also only to be ready for any sacrifice to achieve achieves how...... 龙辰叹了一口气如果到时候莫小狼沒能成功龙辰也只能豁出去能做到怎样就做到怎样了…… When he will soon leave Dream King asked suddenly: Long Chen hear of Xing Qing said that you had seen Star Core in the middle of the star source 就在他即将离开的时候梦幻王忽然问道:“龙辰星晴说你们在星源当中曾经看到过星核 Long Chen was vigilant that he nods saying: Probably...... Yes 龙辰警惕起來他点点头道:“好像……是的”
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