DBWG :: Volume #21

#2031: Chaos star host

Held up day Great Emperor to bring Golden War God Clan also to have Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan and the others clashes these toward Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang this direction is super Expert stands in all living things peak character they moves to bring to most people's attention also to give Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang suddenly has created very tremendous pressure 擎天大帝带着黄金战神族还有昊日狼族蚀月狼族等人朝着龙辰莫小狼这个方向冲來这些都是超级强者们站在众生巅峰的人物他们忽然的行动引起了大多数人的注意也给龙辰莫小狼带來了很大的压力 Opposite party threatening that holds up the day Great Emperor ice-cold look to make Long Chen feel that the death crisis indifferent holding up day Great Emperor obviously was in a quite terrifying character feeling must be more fearful than the nightmare king 对方來势汹汹那擎天大帝冰冷的眼神让龙辰感觉到死亡的危机这冷漠的擎天大帝显然是一个相当恐怖的人物感觉上比梦魇王要可怕多了 Dream King and the others saw their this battle formation people to stand up toward here comes Dream King stylishly with: Why so threatens is 梦幻王等人见他们这阵势众人都站起身來朝着这边而來梦幻王同时道:“诸位如此气势汹汹又是为何” Held up day Great Emperor and two big wolf hosts looks at his eye light to change Long Chen their Hao date wolf Lord to put out a hand one volume of Golden flame to push Mo Xiao Lang once again to make him toward holding up the day Great Emperor direction goes 擎天大帝和两大狼主看了他一眼目光再度转向龙辰两人那昊日狼主伸手一卷一股金色的火焰推送着莫小狼让他朝着擎天大帝的方向而去 Comes back “回來” Hao date wolf main shouted to clear the way coldly 昊日狼主冷喝道 The Long Chen eye narrowed the eyes got up he to think that two big wolf from the Mo Xiao Lang words main to him very good, but currently speaking the obvious situation probably was not this 龙辰眼睛眯了起來从莫小狼话语当中他以为那两大狼主对他很好但目前來看显然情况好像不是这样 Had victory in the hand you to lose Mo Xiao Lang you to probably unexpectedly remember, if cannot obtain a score hey......” “原本胜券在握你竟然输了莫小狼你可要记住要是得不到一个分数的话嘿嘿……” Hao date wolf main sneered to say in his ear 昊日狼主在他耳边冷笑道 A Mo Xiao Lang startled [say / way]: You talked nonsense anything 莫小狼一惊道:“你胡说什么” Hao date wolf main did not talk too much this time to hold up day Great Emperor to take a fast look around a next week's shroud Golden War God Clan to leave Mo Xiao Lang to make that Hao date wolf indifferently be responsible for enormously and powerful in the hand did not have with enough time and Long Chen farewell makes Hao date wolf Lord carry off 昊日狼主并不多言而这时候擎天大帝冷眼扫视一下周围带着黄金战神族浩浩荡荡离开莫小狼让那昊日狼主抓在手中还沒來得及和龙辰告别就让昊日狼主带走了 From beginning to end Long Chen is almost unable to move, because that holds up day Great Emperor to suppress itself 从始至终龙辰几乎无法动弹因为那擎天大帝在压制自己 In other words they simply did not have Xiao Lang to say such how well moreover called on him at least to obtain a score otherwise......” “也就是说他们根本沒有小狼说得这么好而且要求他至少要得到一个分数否则就如何呢……” Long Chen has remembered Su Yan 龙辰想起了素妍 Definitely was they hides then to threaten Mo Xiao Lang Su Yan 肯定是他们把素妍藏起來然后威胁莫小狼 Thinks that here Long Chen heart arises spontaneously is others who angrily he always most detests threatens itself or threatens oneself person to hold up day Great Emperor and two wolves main obviously is so they, not only makes Mo Xiao Lang help but requests Mo Xiao Lang to obtain over a score strictly 想到这里龙辰心中愤怒油然而生他平生最憎恶的就是别人威胁自己或者威胁自己身边的人擎天大帝和两位狼主显然就是如此他们不只是让莫小狼帮忙而是严格要求莫小狼必须要得到一个以上的分数 Today is in unfavorable situation that Mo Xiao Lang in the team war, if during the elite fights cannot win the champion that is very dangerous 今天在团队战当中失利那么莫小狼如果在精英战当中拿不到冠军的话那会很危险 The elites fought more than ten days of Mo Xiao Lang not to have any matter he to be responsible for these days now in Long Chen Long Chen not conveniently by Hao date wolf use Star Rune to exchange with him also can only go back and other Mo Xiao Lang to relate itself Long Chen to believe that on own initiative will have such big matter he to confess to oneself 精英战还有十多天的时间这段时间莫小狼不会有什么事情现在他被昊日狼主抓在龙辰龙辰不方便与他用星符交流也只能回去等莫小狼主动联系自己了龙辰相信出了这么大的事情他会向自己坦白的 No matter what no one can have the accident everyone unable to be threatened otherwise if another day I have the opportunity of retaliation to decide however make and others die like a dog “不管怎么说谁都不能有意外谁也不能被威胁否则他日若我有报复的机会定然让尔等不得好死” He gripped the double fist everyone not to know his innermost feelings at this moment in fermentation what kind of disturbance he is Hundun Kunwu not same person Hundun Kunwu will display all mood on the face, but Long Chen is not only his murderous intention be much more fearful than Hundun Kunwu 他握住了双拳谁都不知道他内心此刻在酝酿怎样的风波他是和混沌昆吾不相同的人混沌昆吾会把一切的情绪表现在脸上但是龙辰不会只是他的杀机要比混沌昆吾可怕得多 This time Long Chen does not have the ability to prevent them to carry off Mo Xiao Lang he to know that Mo Xiao Lang most longs for was free they actually maliciously to imprison this is compelling dead end Long Chen most to regard as important this Younger Brother therefore him in fact him soon to explode with rage simply 今时今日龙辰沒能力阻止他们带走莫小狼他知道莫小狼最渴望自由他们却狠狠的禁锢了他这简直就是在把他逼上绝路龙辰最看重这位兄弟所以实际上他都快要气炸了 Certainly will pay the price...... Certain “一定会付出代价……一定” His that covers entirely the eye of blood thread to look helplessly Mo Xiao Lang they leave Mo Xiao Lang are life and death Younger Brother he have known in his eyes this youth all puzzled and depressed he is a best person but everyone must do with him to simply...... Is unforgivable 他那布满血丝的眼睛眼睁睁看着莫小狼他们离开在他眼中莫小狼一直都是生死兄弟他知道这少年所有的不解和苦闷他原本是个最善良的人但谁都要跟他做对简直……不可原谅 Long Chen 龙辰 Gong Qing and the others arrived at their side 龚擎等人來到了他们的身边 At this time the people of nine star Alliances also started quota several days of latter nine star Alliances that diverged the elite to fight to announce that Long Chen and other strongest people can definitely enter but the elite fought the battlefield that not in the star source, but above the Shining Star highest mountain peak Morocco cloud peak 这时候九星联盟的人也开始散去精英战的名额几天后九星联盟会公布龙辰等三个最强的人肯定能进入其中而精英战的战场不在星源而是在璀璨星辰最高的山峰摩云峰之上 Preparation started your Younger Brother matter to go back to discuss again “准备启程回去了你那位兄弟的事情回去再讨论吧” The star source in fact is the restricted area this time to fighting here is sealed up the people and Dream Immortal Clan, Golden War God Clan and Nightmare Clan nine star Alliances from now on temporarily jointly seals up here 星源实际上是禁地这次对战过后这里会被暂时封闭起來九星联盟的人和梦幻仙族黄金战神族梦魇族联合封闭这里 Journey that Dream Immortal Clan also stepped going back 梦幻仙族也踏上了回去的路途 Came out they to hurry along to return to the dream profound boundary from the Nanshan territory Dream Immortal Clan to obtain the news of first point fast quickly to feed in the dream profound boundary before they returned in fact Dream Immortal Clan of dream profound boundary has been celebrating an entire dream profound boundary piece of overjoyed even entire Dream Immortal Clan control region also put on a show of peace and prosperity 从南山域当中出來他们快速赶路很快就回到了梦玄境当中梦幻仙族得到第一分的消息已经传回到了梦玄境在他们回归之前实际上梦玄境的梦幻仙族已经在庆祝了整个梦玄境一片欢天喜地甚至整个梦幻仙族掌控的区域也都歌舞升平 Although Long Chen was the biggest hero he also serves own purpose Dream Immortal Clan to respect is in itself Life Dragon City Dragon Warrior does not dare to say this and that in his front again this is the change that his effort brought about he has succeeded the elite to fight him not to win also nobody to blame him most probably, but if he can also succeed that definitely prestige Cultivator truely to be known his component by the Dragon God Domain these person 龙辰虽然是最大的功臣他也达到了自己的目的让梦幻仙族的人尊敬自己就算是生命龙城龙武者们也不敢再在他的面前说三道四了这就是他的努力带來的变化他已经成功了大半就算精英战他沒有胜利也沒人会怪他但如果他还能成功的话那肯定会更加威会真正让龙神域的那些人知道他的份量 But these was unimportant regarding him 但对于他而言这些已经不重要了 Held up the performance success of day Great Emperor to stimulate the anger of his innermost feelings 擎天大帝的表现成功激发了他内心的愤怒 He only cared that now a matter that is Mo Xiao Lang 他现在只关心一件事情那就是莫小狼 He said good-bye the celebration of dream profound boundary to say goodbye to Gong Qing and the others alone to return to the dwelling the Mo Xiao Lang estimate also to return to Golden War God Clan place Long Chen to wait for now he related oneself this waiting the taste made his agitated Lingxi comforting continuously make him more relieved fortunately 他辞别了梦玄境的庆祝告别了龚擎等人独自回到了住处现在莫小狼估计也回到了黄金战神族的地方龙辰等待着他联系自己这种等待的的滋味让他心里更加的烦躁还好灵曦一直的抚慰让他安心了许多 „Before at least the elite fights, beautiful that he is being all right will not have matter “至少精英战之前他是沒事的妍儿也不会有事” The analysis of Lingxi said 灵曦的分析道 Long Chen clenches teeth saying: If were this is good 龙辰咬牙道:“如果是这样就好了” How Brother Chen you planned that at the same time will be returns to the hope of Dragon God Domain is Xiao Lang you will choose anything at the same time 辰哥哥你怎么打算一方面是自己回归龙神域的渴望一方面是小狼你会选择什么” Lingxi visits him gently 灵曦温柔看着他 Long Chen cannot help laughing say: I since birth about this matter always not hesitant, so long as I am formidable Dragon God Domain these to approve itself am sooner or later matter but Xiao Lang, only then beautiful only also be only these time will have the biggest loss I also to help him get through the difficult time I to worry was my ability insufficient present I am too small and weak......” 龙辰哑然失笑道:“我从出生至今关于这种事从來都不会犹豫只要我强大起來让龙神域那些人认可自己是迟早的事情但小狼只有一个妍儿也只有一个这一次就算是有最大的损失我也会帮助他渡过难关我唯一担忧的是我能力不够如今的我还是太弱小了……” Lingxi caresses his forehead to shake the head to say lightly: You very formidable you will step immediately this entire world the peak to be your father's level when the time comes everyone unable to control your life you are Xiao Lang will complete the wish also for your father recalls all unfairly also to me family to freely the demon that he makes him surrender the innermost feelings close at hand Brother Chen you not to give up 灵曦轻抚着他的额头摇头道:“你已经很强大了马上你就会踏上这整个世界的巅峰达到你父亲的层次到时候谁都无法左右你的人生你会为小狼完成心愿给他自由让他降服内心的魔也会为你父亲挽回一切的不公还能给我一个家一切都近在眼前辰哥哥你千万别放弃” Long Chen laughed at him saying: Long Ji Continent was disillusioned I to lose all strengths I not to give up my meaning of life is not strives for success and fight is not protects, if did not have these your Long Chen not to have the pursue not to have the spousal and Younger Brother that with dying almost 龙辰笑了他道:“就算龙祭大陆破灭了就算我失去所有力量我也不会放弃我生命的意义不就是拼搏和战斗不就是守护么如果沒有这些沒有你们龙辰沒有追求沒有爱人和兄弟那才跟死了差不多” Listened to him to say like this Lingxi felt relieved 听他这样说灵曦就放心多了 She knows his future forever incessantly at present these 她知道他的前程永远不止目前这些 ........................ …………………… Hundun Kunwu hit to explode every kind heavy valuable dreadful anger to let destroy periphery all things to kill several Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family and Nightmare Clan person Elder has not arrived at other people only to be able terrified fending in their eyes Hundun Kunwu to be a fearful person 混沌昆吾打爆了一样样的重宝滔天的愤怒让毁灭了周围一切的东西杀死了十几个混沌皇族梦魇族的人长辈还沒到其他人只能惶恐的闪避在他们眼中混沌昆吾一直都是个可怕的人 Until periphery all will destroy Hundun Kunwu to sit cleanly pour in the ground clenches jaws this is he was born encounters the biggest shame until now, if this matter fed in he did not have the face to go to the person facing clan to the chaos emperor star 直到将周围的一切都毁灭干净了混沌昆吾才坐倒在地上咬牙切齿这是他出生至今遭遇最大的耻辱若是这件事情传回的到混沌皇星他都沒脸去面对族中的人 Kun Wu “昆吾” Suddenly calls lightly as if transmits from the distant place 忽然一声轻唤仿佛从远方传來 Father I defeated “父亲我战败了” Hundun Kunwu crawled from the ground got up extremely angry saying 混沌昆吾从地上爬了起來愤愤的说道 I heard “我听说了” That sound faintly recognizable absent-minded is not this world gently 那声音柔和却飘渺恍惚不属于这个世界 Hundun Kunwu gets angry: Really was disgraced loses to wolf clan also Human Clan to hear that unexpectedly was any Eternal Dragon Emperor son 混沌昆吾怒道:“真是丢人竟然败给了一个狼族还有一个人族听说是什么永恒龙帝的儿子” That sound said: I know that they were not the stodger you do not need the discouraged wolf clan to fall into the realm of the devil become the devil he are aloof Heavenly Dao not to be our world......” 那声音道:“我知道他们都不是平凡人你不需要泄气其中狼族已经沦入魔道成为魔头他超脱了天道已经不属于我们这个世界了……” Demon Hundun Kunwu is very strange, but he remembered anything to say suddenly with amazement: Father is these imprisoned bastard that on Demon Star these things you said “魔”混沌昆吾还是很陌生但他忽然想起了什么惊讶道:“父亲就是魔星上那些东西么你说的那些被囚禁的畜生” Yes “是的” Hundun Kunwu said with a smile: How possible Chaos Star Domain originally was this type of ghost thing no wonder can defeat my me to say the among peer my basically few match casually to emit two to be able with me to resist 混沌昆吾笑道:“原來是这种鬼东西怪不得能打败我我就说嘛同辈当中我基本上沒几个对手怎么可能混乱星域随便冒出两个就能和我对抗” That sound said: Kun Wu guards against arrogance and impetuosity you to be young big of every possible strange thing invincible world is very by no means possible on the child of according to that Eternal Dragon Emperor is the Supreme Divine Dragon natural talent, in addition surmounts your his future to have boundless prospects our Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, although superior, but compares to Supreme Divine Dragon also to have many disparities 那声音道:“昆吾戒骄戒躁你还年轻并非无敌天下之大无奇不有就以那永恒龙帝之子來说很可能是无上神龙天资尚且超越你他的前程更加前途无量我们混沌皇族虽然优越但比起无上神龙还有诸多差距” Hundun Kunwu listened not to be resigned to him to say very: Any Supreme Divine Dragon initially that Eternal Dragon Emperor was known as that has not died fiercely you are Chaos Star Domain first Expert most formidable Star Lord I am your son cannot compare Long Chen to be small and weak 混沌昆吾听了十分不甘心他道:“什么无上神龙当初那永恒龙帝号称多么厉害还不是死了你是混乱星域第一强者最强大的星主我身为你的儿子更加不能比龙辰弱小” Eternal Dragon Emperor...... his death world nobody can solve me is not the child of his match that Eternal Dragon Emperor you must be careful for being swindled beginning Eternal Dragon Emperor is not my match but catches up to exceed me 永恒龙帝……他的死天下无人能解我不是他对手那永恒龙帝之子你也要小心为上当初永恒龙帝并非是我对手但后來居上超越了我” Hundun Kunwu sneers saying: Who during relax I have prepared the big ritual elite to fight them to meet my me to give to him to make him this big ritual be paralyzed gave up any idea of life-long discussed again Cultivator said 混沌昆吾冷笑道:“放心吧我已经准备好了大礼精英战当中他们谁遇上我我就把这大礼送给他让他半身不遂终生休想再谈道” You want to use me to give your gift “你想动用我给你的礼物” Hundun Kunwu said: When at this time waits me to have a premonition that motionless these two are very formidabe I to be not necessarily able to defeat might as well discard the father you to think them directly I said right 混沌昆吾道:“此时不动更待何时我有预感这两人很难对付我未必能战胜还不如直接把他们废掉父亲你觉得我说得对吗”
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