DBWG :: Volume #21

#2030: Decides the victory and defeat

Talent team war rest of the time also on more than two double-hour 天才团队战剩下的时间也就两个多时辰了 Almost arrives at built up last grain of Star Sand the time 差不多就到了炼化最后一粒星砂的时候了 The Hundun Kunwu not only severe wound was also sieged basically unable to move even by Mo Xiao Lang under the attack of Long Chen a Mo Xiao Lang thought to be able at this time to make him turn into the ashes 混沌昆吾不但重伤在龙辰的攻击之下此时还被莫小狼围困住基本上动弹不得甚至莫小狼一个念头就能够让他变成灰烬 Therefore he defeated 所以他战败了 The curse that the Hundun Kunwu whole face is grieved his disposition on rampantly domineering even not to have tried taste failure of defeat to make him distribute the serious oath during surrounding of that Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame frigid is roaring keeping especially painfully at this time 混沌昆吾满脸惨然他的性格本來就嚣张跋扈甚至从來都沒有尝试过战败的滋味这一次失败让他尤其痛苦此时正在那九幽魔祖火的包围当中惨烈的咆哮着不停的诅咒发下毒誓 Long Chen also has this damn wolf clan Cultivator second the people your win not to besiege me is anything wins 龙辰还有这该死的狼族你们胜之不两个人围攻我算什么胜利” Has to plant and my Hundun Kunwu independent combat I to make you fall face down immediately “有种和我混沌昆吾单打独斗我能立马让你们两个趴下” „The son of a bitch who has not planted you bring the great shame another day I surely to cleanse today's shame the most painful lesson I are honored Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family your inferior races also dare below to defy superiors today to you to me sooner or later are placed on trial by me “沒种的狗东西今日你们给我带來奇耻大辱他日我必当血洗今日的耻辱给你们最惨痛的教训我乃尊贵的混沌皇族你们这些下等种族也敢以下犯上迟早会被我审判” Long Chen is disinclined to listen to him to shout that speaks the truth by this Hundun Kunwu ability, no matter he is the words also really very difficult three's battle efficiency that Mo Xiao Lang copes with alone is collaborates Hundun Kunwu not to be impossible to block about the same Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang 龙辰懒得听他叫嚷说实话以这混沌昆吾的能耐不管是他还是莫小狼单独对付的话还真的挺困难三者的战斗力算是在伯仲之间龙辰莫小狼联手混沌昆吾根本不可能挡得住 After having defeated Hundun Kunwu, Long Chen then has the opportunity and Mo Xiao Lang speech 打败了混沌昆吾龙辰这才有机会和莫小狼说话 This time situation was the Xing Qing three people brings four grains of Star Sand to leave here two Golden War God Clan not to pursue them to lose by far in the boundless starry sky, but Nightmare Clan three added on the Hundun Kunwu hand not to have Star Sand to be hard again to continue now obviously 这时候的情况是星晴三人带着四粒星砂已经远远离开这里两名黄金战神族追逐不到他们迷失在茫茫星空当中而梦魇族的三位再加上混沌昆吾手中现在都沒有星砂显然难以继续下去了 Finally two double-hour arrive at Hundun Kunwu these four people to by the star source be repelled 最后两个时辰到來混沌昆吾这四个人都得被星源排斥出去 Then when the time comes the Dream Immortal Clan remaining four person Golden War God Clan remaining three person victors can be Dream Immortal Clan 那么到时候梦幻仙族剩下四个人黄金战神族剩下三个人胜利者会是梦幻仙族 Outside the star source the Dream Immortal Clan person is very excited they to fill looks at Long Chen excitedly, although said before , may have obstruction but this Long Chen to strive to turn the tide for example underground spring yama dragon kind of present to be speechless 星源之外梦幻仙族的人无比激动他们充满兴奋看着龙辰虽然说以前可能会有芥蒂但这一次龙辰力挽狂澜比如说黄泉冥王龙这一类现在已经无话可说了 But the score ownership of team war regarding Long Chen was unimportant he not to think after whom from the beginning the appearance of Mo Xiao Lang snatches Star Sand throws lets Xing Qing they leave discover Mo Xiao Lang after Xing Qing here 但对于龙辰來说团队战的分数归属于谁已经不重要了他一开始就沒想到莫小狼的出现抢到星砂后扔给星晴星晴他们离开后才发现莫小狼在这里 Let Long Chen think what is somewhat troublesome is Mo Xiao Lang is for the team that Golden War God Clan serves them to stand is being different is to open Dragon God Domain front door that Mo Xiao Lang for anything 龙辰觉得有些麻烦的是莫小狼是在为黄金战神族服务那么两人所站的队伍是不一样的自己是为了打开龙神域的大门那莫小狼是为了什么 This is very essential he to know immediately 这很关键他必须要马上知道 Therefore asks after Hundun Kunwu seals up, Long Chen hastily: First said how you will participate in Star Lord Hegemony War also to represent Golden War God Clan 于是将混沌昆吾封闭起來后龙辰连忙问道:“先说你怎么会参加星主争霸战还代表黄金战神族 Mo Xiao Lang hesitated to look at one he to say in Hundun Kunwu that in the middle of Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame struggled: I do not know the person who Nine Tail Heaven Fox person here has Monster Clan looked for Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan tells them my people of information these two big wolf clans to depend upon the influence in the middle of Shining Star to find my them not to give Nine Tail Heaven Fox me, but wanted me to help them participate in Star Lord Hegemony War then to obtain freely......” 莫小狼迟疑了一下看了一眼在九幽魔祖火当中挣扎的混沌昆吾他说道:“我不知道这里有妖族的人九尾天狐的人來找昊日狼族蚀月狼族告诉了他们我的信息这两大狼族的人依靠在璀璨星辰当中的势力找到了我他们沒有将我交给九尾天狐而是要我帮助他们参加星主争霸战然后才能够获得自由……” This in fact and during Long Chen imagination almost 这实际上和龙辰想象当中差不多 He asked hastily: If you have not helped them be won they to put you 他连忙问道:“假如你沒有帮助他们得到胜利的话他们会放了你吗” After all the victory and the victory of Mo Xiao Lang have the conflict 毕竟莫小狼的胜利和自己的胜利是有冲突的 Mo Xiao Lang said: „After this only has not requested actually me to participate fully these two fights are completed, can restore them also to protect me no longer by Nine Tail Heaven Fox to be pursued freely 莫小狼道:“这倒是沒有只要求我全力参加这两场战斗完成之后就能恢复自由了他们也会保护我不再被九尾天狐追逐” Long Chen thought that was a pity very much Mo Xiao Lang arrived here has not thought to come here after the freedom has met the same vortex where no matter really has troubled the person who can always have in the rivers and lakes body already 龙辰觉得很可惜莫小狼本來是为了自由才來到这里的沒想到來到这里后还是遇到了同样的漩涡果然不管到了哪里麻烦总是会有的人在江湖身不由已 Mo Xiao Lang has concealed most essential matter that about Su Yan in fact two big wolves main to him very strict over one point that if Mo Xiao Lang has not obtained they will not put Su Yan 莫小狼隐瞒了最关键的事情那就是关于素妍的实际上两大狼主对他十分严格如果莫小狼沒有得到的一分以上他们是不会放了素妍 Then Long Chen told him he participates in the reason of Star Lord Hegemony War 接下來龙辰跟他说了自己参加星主争霸战的理由 In the Mo Xiao Lang eye reappears the affected look he saying: Elder Brother you for I arrive here, but you actually do not want to affect my life therefore not to tell me 莫小狼眼中浮现出感动的神色他道:“大哥你是为了我才來到这里的吧但你却不想影响我的生活所以沒有告诉我” Long Chen grins to say with a smile: This is only reason two people went to the same place to be at least good to take care of have other reasons 龙辰咧嘴笑道:“这只是其中一个原因两个人到了同一个地方至少好照应也有其他的原因” Said, he ponders the words that Mo Xiao Lang spoke to see his present expression to be very relaxed should not have what issue 说完后他沉思了一下莫小狼说的话见他现在语气很轻松应该沒有什么问題 He said: Now Dream Immortal Clan adds on me also to have four people......” 他道:“现在梦幻仙族这边加上我还有四个人……” Mo Xiao Lang interrupts his words saying: „, but I want to destroy Hundun Kunwu Star Sand then won you appear suddenly am Dream Immortal Clan strive to turn the tide furthermore you to obtain Five Great Dragon City approval this Star Lord Hegemony War specially importantly to you this time am you had won, therefore does not need to haggle over two big wolves main not to feel embarrassed my 莫小狼打断他的话说道:“我本來是想毁了混沌昆吾星砂然后获得胜利的但你忽然出现为梦幻仙族力挽狂澜再者你要得到五大龙城的认可这星主争霸战对你特别重要这次本來就是你赢了所以不需要计较两大狼主也不会为难我的” Looks that his relaxed smiling face Long Chen hesitant moment chose has believed him 看着他那轻松的笑容龙辰犹豫片刻选择了相信了他 Star Lord Hegemony War truly to oneself very important, if Mo Xiao Lang is only the duty enters the war to take the victory also to might as well 星主争霸战确实对自己很重要如果莫小狼只是义务参战的话自己拿下胜利也无妨 His access road: If that two big wolf hosts felt embarrassed you you to me tell that surely the result of team war did not have the means to change Xing Qing they to rush to the distant place to go, but during also had the elite to fight the elite to fight, if we met me to admit defeat for you absolutely do not have issue 他便道:“如果那两大狼主为难你的话你千万要跟我说团队战的结果已经沒办法改变了星晴他们跑到远方去了但还有精英战精英战当中如果我们遇上的话我为你认输完全沒有问題” Although said that opens the Dragon God Domain front door to be very important, but Younger Brother to Long Chen is more important he day of having been used to and Mo Xiao Lang has not concealed therefore at this time not to be too many 虽然说打开龙神域大门很重要但对龙辰來说兄弟更加重要他习惯了和莫小狼沒有隐瞒的日子所以此时也沒想太多 Moreover on such as him said that the result of team war did not have the means to change 而且就如他所说团队战的结果也沒办法改变了 Mo Xiao Lang said earnestly: That did not have you to catch up with when the time comes us happen to but actually to compare notes in an instant this to have again in a big way progressive 莫小狼认真道:“那倒沒有转眼间你又赶上來了到时候我们正好可以再切磋一下这样才能有更大进步” They were chatting Hundun Kunwu to roar this scene is very actually strange fiercely 他们在聊天混沌昆吾在狰狞咆哮这场面倒是很怪异 Outside the star source saw that Dream Immortal Clan that this first regiment team fights wins finally Xing Qing they are fusing final Star Sand Nightmare Clan and Golden War God Clan person fly into a rage unexpectedly most is not favored 星源之外看到星晴他们正在融合最后的星砂梦魇族黄金战神族的人暴跳如雷这第一战团队战最终胜利的竟然是最不被看好的梦幻仙族 This victory can be said as a Long Chen person accomplishes completely 这场胜利完全可以说是龙辰一个人造就的 They shouted in confusion got up, but no matter how starting today the Long Chen reputation will start to spread over entire Shining Star is Chaos Star Domain will even go to him also to obtain toward the Dragon God Domain that side by the goal that own life rose up 他们纷纷吵嚷了起來但不管如何从今天开始龙辰的名声就会开始传遍整个璀璨星辰甚至是混乱星域甚至会往龙神域那边而去他也得到了让自己生命鹊起的目的 He must do to the Dragon God Domain person looked that all these are the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor do 他就是要做给龙神域的人看这一切都是永恒龙帝之子做的 Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang also start to fuse final Star Sand in the middle of noise of Hundun Kunwu, but Hundun Kunwu and the others, because did not have Star Sand to be repelled star source Hundun Kunwu to be wild with rage simply, if not for several old men held down his he to fear that must kill toward Dream Immortal Clan 龙辰莫小狼混沌昆吾的喧闹当中也开始融合最后的星砂混沌昆吾等人因为沒有星砂被排斥出了星源混沌昆吾简直要被气疯了若不是几个老者按住他他怕是要朝着梦幻仙族这边杀來 Today's shame I took down Long Chen also to have that wolf clan elites to fight you to wait to collaborate to me to cope with my two cowards when the time comes I to be able the crush you to wait to me “今日的耻辱我记下了龙辰还有那狼族精英战你们给我等着联手对付我的两个懦夫到时候我会碾压你们给我等着” The Hundun Kunwu atmosphere roared 混沌昆吾气氛咆哮道 Said goodbye in advance “先行告辞” Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family several old men drew him to turn around to walk first 混沌皇族几位老者拉着他转身先走了 That nightmare Wang coldly snort said to Dream King: Elite war saw does not take the first score anything quite not to be great 那梦魇王冷哼了一声对梦幻王道:“精英战见不就是拿了第一个分数吗沒什么好了不起的” The nightmare king most arrived late brings Nightmare Clan to leave some Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family people also in advance to leave first 梦魇王最晚到却带着梦魇族最先离开部分混沌皇族的人也先行离开了 But finally basically decided the Golden War God Clan remaining three people of Dream Immortal Clan also four people in the star source to this time 而在星源当中黄金战神族剩下三人梦幻仙族还有四人到这时候结果基本上定下來了 After they fused last grain of Star Sand has supported two double-hour, on the line 他们已经融合了最后一粒星砂撑到两个时辰后就行了 „It is not really willingly misses a person “真是不甘心啊就差一个人” In the middle of Golden War God Clan that eclipse month wolf Lord of storehouse in the middle of silver moon chants in a low voice to say 黄金战神族当中那藏在银色月亮当中的蚀月狼主低吟道 Hao date wolf main short temper said: Is Mo Xiao Lang this fellow unexpectedly with joint forces copes with Hundun Kunwu to make Hundun Kunwu tie down the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor with the child of that Eternal Dragon Emperor he to chase down that several Dragon Warrior not to be better 昊日狼主脾气暴躁道:“都是莫小狼这家伙竟然和那永恒龙帝之子合力对付混沌昆吾混沌昆吾缠住永恒龙帝之子他去追杀那几个龙武者不更好” Mediation is the Golden War God Clan head of the clan holds up day Great Emperor 居中乃是黄金战神族的族长擎天大帝 His that ancient steel and iron body is sending out the endless dignity 他那古老的钢铁躯体散发着无尽威严 Many Golden War God Clan Expert peaceful standing in him behind 诸多黄金战神族强者安静的站在他身后 Holds up day Great Emperor to say by the mechanical sound: Sees right in front of one there to the Younger Brother this performance of that long separation is very normal 擎天大帝以机械声音道:“在那里面见到那久别的兄弟这表现很正常” Hao date wolf Lord sneered saying: In other words the elite fought us to him a pressure of going all out otherwise he, if in the bitter experience Long Chen will be definitely softhearted we to lose the first game unable to lose again 昊日狼主冷笑道:“也就是说精英战我们得给他一点拼命的压力了否则的话他若是遭遇上龙辰肯定会心慈手软我们已经输了第一局不能再输了” The eclipse month wolf main said with a smile tenderly: Do not be worried about his woman also in my hand, so long as my ha-ha his he can definitely go all out where has own woman to be important facing own Younger Brother also equally so-called Younger Brother 蚀月狼主娇笑道:“别担心他的女人还在我手上呢只要我吓吓他他肯定会拼命的就算是面对自己的兄弟也一样所谓兄弟嘛哪有自己的女人重要” They looked at each other in a heart to have decided the idea 他们三人对视一眼心中已经有了定计 Looks at the manner of child of that Eternal Dragon Emperor he, if knows that Mo Xiao Lang must obtain the champion who the elite fights he should inevitably to be able not to fight to draw back our chief enemies is still Hundun Kunwu “不过看那永恒龙帝之子的为人他若是知道莫小狼势必要得到精英战的冠军的话他应该会不战而退我们主要的敌人仍然是混沌昆吾 Holds up day Great Emperor to say 擎天大帝说道 He sees too many people in the middle of star source to come to see him to conclude that from performance of Long Chen Long Chen can be his heavy friendship person therefore he if certainly wants the means the matter of bitter experience to disclose Mo Xiao Lang now to him 他见过太多人从龙辰在星源当中的表现來看他断定龙辰会是他那种重情义的人所以他一定要想办法把莫小狼现在遭遇的事情透露给他 Thought in his heart to have carefully has decided the idea 仔细一想他心中已经有了定计 Remaining two double-hour Dream Immortal Clan accepted the congratulations from many people 剩下两个时辰梦幻仙族接受到了來自许多人的祝贺 The people exchanged greetings two double-hour Long Chen they to come out this team war completely to finish the people of nine star Alliances from the star source announcing that Dream Immortal Clan obtained the Star Lord Hegemony War first point time people to congratulate most person vision to fall before Long Chen body this again and again is the Long Chen merit is he despised very much obviously does not dare to say anything to Bing Xinyue that and the others again 众人足足寒暄了两个时辰龙辰他们才从星源当中出來这团队战是彻底结束了九星联盟的人宣布梦幻仙族得到星主争霸战的第一分顿时间众人恭喜连连大多数的人目光都落在龙辰的身上这是龙辰的功劳就算是之前对他很鄙夷的冰心月等人显然也沒敢再说什么了 Xing Qing they returned to the Dream Immortal Clan that side, but Long Chen was still talking about old days with Mo Xiao Lang 星晴他们已经回到了梦幻仙族那边而龙辰还在和莫小狼叙旧 Suddenly the accident produces 忽然间变故产生
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