DBWG :: Volume #21

#2029: Three Yuan normalizing

Normal Hundun Kunwu, split up superhuman, looks like looks like three people back to back arrives in the same place, the both arms of that angry expression leadership, grasp Primordial Spear, verve sharp, the both arms of that joyful expression leadership, grasp a town Yuan tower, but that sad expression leadership the both arms, the hand grasps to imprison the collar! 原本正常的混沌昆吾,分化出三头六臂,看起来就像是三个人背靠背抵在一起,那愤怒表情主导的双臂,手持混元枪,刚猛锋利,那喜悦表情主导的双臂,手持镇元塔,而那哀伤表情主导的的双臂,手握囚元环! A town Yuan tower, is a silver Ash Grey pagoda, the smoke cloud surrounds, Rune proliferates, in altogether more than 300 Dao Mark spalling towers. 镇元塔,乃是一座银灰色宝塔,烟云环绕,符文遍布,一共300多条道纹震塌塔内。 Imprisons the collar, is a Golden ring, has the Supreme imprisoned strength, above the Dao Mark twinkle, has over 300 Dao Mark similarly. 囚元环,乃是一金色圆环,有着无上的禁锢力量,其上道纹闪烁,同样也有300条以上的道纹 From these three types, can look at the cultivation degree of Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family to Hundun Kunwu, Xing Qing only had more than 200 Dao Mark galaxy Saint swords, but Hundun Kunwu actually three types of 300 [say / way], generally speaking, are Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, wants to have 300 Dao Mark [say / way] is very difficult, say nothing of one had three! 从这三样道器,可以看出来混沌皇族混沌昆吾的栽培程度,星晴不过只拥有了200多条道纹的星河圣剑,但是混沌昆吾却有三样300条的道器,一般来说,就是五行轮回劫境者,想要拥有一件300条道纹的道器都是很艰难的,更不用说一下拥有三份了! Naturally, the premise is Hundun Kunwu has simultaneously displays these three types of terror abilities, he has superhuman Divine Ability, can very good regulation and split up strength, controls three types, this is also the place of superhuman going against heaven's will, otherwise is Long Chen is unable to control three types of so Dao Mark [say / way]. 当然,前提是的混沌昆吾都有同时施展这三样恐怖道器的能耐,他有三头六臂神通,可以很好的调控和分化力量,掌控三样道器,这也正是三头六臂的逆天之处,要不然就算是龙辰也无法掌控三样如此道纹的道器。 Beforehand river of the netherworld War Halberd , he did not control. 之前的冥河战戟,他都掌控不了。 But no matter how, he fuses thousand star sands, has completed the transformation, moreover there is a Mo Xiao Lang this powerful helper, Hundun Kunwu is strong, facing collaboration of their Younger Brother, the situation was still not optimistic! 但不管如何,他融合千粒星沙,已经完成蜕变,而且还有莫小狼这种强盛帮手,混沌昆吾就是再强,面对他们兄弟的联手,情况仍然不乐观! Primordial Spear! Imprisons the collar! Town Yuan tower!” 混元枪!囚元环!镇元塔!” The Hundun Kunwu three heads, make the different sounds, three expressions were still invariable, angry is angrier, sad is sad, but at this moment, he has grasped three types, shocks to kill toward Long Chen! 混沌昆吾三个脑袋,发出不同的声音,三种表情仍然不变,愤怒的更加愤怒,悲伤的更加悲伤,但此时此刻,他已经手持三样道器,朝着龙辰震撼杀来! In history most terrorist match! 有史以来最恐怖的对手! The name of Chaos Star Domain first talent, does not have unearned reputation, three types have created the Long Chen huge pressure, facing Hundun Kunwu, Long Chen has to show the body of his Ancestral Dragons! 混乱星域第一天才之名,并非浪得虚名,三样道器带来了龙辰巨大的压力,面对混沌昆吾,龙辰不得不展现他的祖龙之躯! The blood fog fills the air, Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon appears, Long Chen is reducing the Divine Dragon build, becomes flexible, but in other one side, one bathes the black wolf in the middle of flame to howl the impact! 血雾弥漫,太古血灵龙横空出世,龙辰缩小着神龙的体形,变得更加的灵活,而在另外一边,一头沐浴在火焰当中的黑狼已经呼啸着冲击而来! „To besiege me, is really Courts Death! My Hundun Kunwu, is you can be defeated!” “想要围攻我,真是找死!我混沌昆吾,是你们能够打败的么!” Hundun Kunwu said loudly that he was three heads is speaking the similar words, but the mood was various! 混沌昆吾大声说道,他是三个脑袋都在说同样的话,但情绪却各不相同! Long Chen is disinclined rubbish with him, with the Mo Xiao Lang same place, direct attack! 龙辰懒得跟他废话,和莫小狼一起,直接进攻! Outside the star source, this fight relates to the final result, all people anxiously are looking that their vision fall to Long Chen the body of Divine Dragon on, this is Long Chen first time displays the strength in this aspect! 星源之外,这一场战斗关系到最终的结局,所有人都在紧张看着,他们的目光很多都落到龙辰神龙之躯上,这还是龙辰第一次展现出这方面的力量! Imprisons the collar!” “囚元环!” Hundun Kunwu still moved, that imprisons collar to expand instantaneously, above all Dao Mark have glistened, the link middle has the thunder flame to appear indistinctly, has the wind and thunder to howl, that imprisoned the collar to tear the starry sky, dashed toward Long Chen! 混沌昆吾仍然甩动,那囚元环瞬间扩大,其上所有的道纹都闪亮了起来,环中间隐约有雷霆火焰出现,有着风雷呼啸,那囚元环撕裂了星空,朝着龙辰冲撞而来! Town Yuan tower!” “镇元塔!” Moreover one side, a town Yuan tower increases, proud Li in the starry sky, above innumerable Rune flashes, each Rune lowers to suppress the strength together, a town Yuan tower impacts in the Mo Xiao Lang top of the head, immediately an invisible strength toward the Mo Xiao Lang suppression! 另外一边,镇元塔变大,傲立在星空当中,其上无数符文闪动,每一道符文当中降下一道镇压力量,镇元塔冲击到莫小狼的头顶上,顿时一股无形的力量朝着莫小狼镇压而来! Gives my little darling to treat here!” “给我乖乖待在这里!” Hundun Kunwu is laughing, grasps Primordial Spear, fires into Long Chen superhuman, he most hates Long Chen, naturally must solve Long Chen first! 混沌昆吾大笑着,手持混元枪,三头六臂冲向龙辰,他最痛恨龙辰,也当然要先解决龙辰 Primordial Spear chops angrily! 混元枪愤怒劈来! Two main road, active threat Long Chen. 两大道器,主动攻击龙辰 Facing so attacks, Long Chen is unhurriedly, his Divine Dragon the body has fearfully ** strength, when that imprisons the collar raids, his whole body turns over, coming Divine Dragon to fishtail, directly shakes that imprisoning collar, goes toward Hundun Kunwu flying upside down! 面对如此攻击,龙辰却不慌不忙,他的神龙的之躯有着最可怕的**力量,当那囚元环袭来的时候,他浑身翻转,来了一次神龙摆尾,就直接将那的囚元环震开,朝着混沌昆吾倒飞而去! Hundun Kunwu amazed in his strengthen, but this cannot prevent him to defeat the determination of Long Chen, at this time his another arm held has imprisoned the collar, their head confrontation! The starry sky is suddenly turbulent, what Hundun Kunwu dependence is the chaos motive power, but Long Chen depends is mortal body Divine Ability! 混沌昆吾惊诧于他的变强,但这并不能阻挡他打败龙辰的决心,这时候他另外一个手臂抓住了囚元环,两人正面交锋!一时间星空动荡,混沌昆吾依靠的是道器和混沌原力,而龙辰靠的则是肉身的神通 They encounter, the short time is unexpectedly equally matched! 两人交锋,短时间竟然不相上下! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Superhuman Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, slaughters with scarlet Divine Dragon furiously! 三头六臂的混沌皇族,和血色神龙奋力杀戮! At this time, a shadow flushed toward Hundun Kunwu! 就在这时候,一个黑影朝着混沌昆吾冲来! „A town Yuan tower was worked loose unexpectedly!” “镇元塔竟然被挣脱了!” Hundun Kunwu was startled, a recycling town Yuan tower, at this time, Mo Xiao Lang rushed to him hastily at present. 混沌昆吾吃了一惊,连忙回收镇元塔,就在这时候,莫小狼已经冲到了他的眼前。 Moon Of Devouring!” 吞噬之月!” Burns the dark moon/month bombardment of Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame to come, the Hundun Kunwu distressed shunt, therefore lets Long Chen by the waist that Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword selects, his pain was called one, the Long Chen that terror strength, almost made his body crack! 燃烧着九幽魔祖火的暗月轰击而来,混沌昆吾狼狈闪开,却因此让龙辰天屠血剑抽中的腰部,他痛叫一声,龙辰那恐怖的力道,几乎让他的身体崩裂! Damn!” “该死!” Hundun Kunwu angry counter-attack! 混沌昆吾愤怒反击! Although he has superhuman, but faces two truly with the match of same level level, but also was really too difficult. 他虽然拥有三头六臂,但真正面对两个和自己同等层次的对手,还真是太难了。 Long Chen may, no matter these many, he sneers saying: Was afraid? This is starts, manages you are any talent, collaborates the front in our Younger Brother, you are!” 龙辰可不管这么多,他冷笑道:“害怕了吗?这才是开始呢,管你是什么天才,在我们兄弟联手面前,你就是个屁!” Here, he greeted Mo Xiao Lang one, they did not need to exchange, but has also been ready. 说到这里,他招呼了莫小狼一声,两人不用交流,但也已经做好了准备。 Dies!” “去死!” The Hundun Kunwu long spear rolls up and pushes along, time surely spear|gun Gang violently has torn the starry sky, sends out the shocked turbulence! 混沌昆吾长枪卷动,顿时间千万枪罡猛烈撕裂了星空,发出震撼性的动荡! Eternal Flash!” 刹那永恒!” Long Chen displays the time the strength, the opposite party anchorage that flash, in this instantaneous, Mo Xiao Lang has been ready, he has put the body of Hundun Kunwu suddenly, the huge strength makes Hundun Kunwu fly upside down, Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf opens the big mouth, Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame is turbulent, his bites on a Hundun Kunwu arm, Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame has spurted, the body of Hundun Kunwu is hard, cannot block Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame and double-barreled attacks of Mo Xiao Lang worry, rips one, his arm, making Mo Xiao Lang ripping! 龙辰施展时间的力量,将对方定住了那么一瞬间,就在这瞬间,莫小狼已经做好了准备,他猛然扑在了混沌昆吾的身上,庞大的力量让混沌昆吾倒飞,噬日妖狼张开大口,其中九幽魔祖火汹涌,他一口咬在混沌昆吾一只手臂上,九幽魔祖火喷了上去,混沌昆吾的身体再坚硬,也挡不住九幽魔祖火莫小狼撕咬的双重攻击,撕拉一声,他的一只手臂,让莫小狼给撕了下来! Hundun Kunwu sends out the angry pain to call! 混沌昆吾发出愤怒的痛叫! These time is injured, is more serious! 这一次受伤,更加惨重! Outside the star source, these people also look at each other in blank diamay, in the heart shocks. 星源之外,那些人也面面相觑,心中震撼不已。 These two strengths have been almost the same as Hundun Kunwu, understands to collaborate, there is a tacit understanding, under the coordination Hundun Kunwu should to suffer a loss!” “这两人的实力已经和混沌昆吾相差无几,更懂得联手,又有默契,配合之下混沌昆吾应该是要吃亏的!” Does not know really that Long Chen exactly had what kind of change, unexpectedly stiffens within short two days, the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, is seriously inconceivable.” “真不知道那龙辰到底发生了怎样的变化,竟然在短短两天之内变强,永恒龙帝之子,当真不可思议。” By this Long Chen natural talent, in several hundred years, perhaps was the entire Immortal God Domain unprecedented talent!” “以这龙辰的天资,再过几百年,说不定就是整个永生神域都前所未有的天才了!” During the process of their warm discussion, Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang once again and angry Hundun Kunwu fought one! 在他们热烈谈论的过程当中,龙辰莫小狼再度和愤怒的混沌昆吾战到了一起! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! In the middle of the starry sky, everywhere is the disturbances that they fight, surrounding broken star Qi Qi explodes, changes into the powder! 星空当中,到处都是他们战斗的风波,周围的碎星齐齐爆裂,化为粉末! Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame fills the world! 九幽魔祖火弥漫天地! Hundun Kunwu is very crazy, he almost stimulates the limit, by three main road crazy fights! 混沌昆吾无比疯狂,他几乎激发极限,以三大道器疯狂战斗! Primordial Spear! Initial slaughters!” 混元枪!初始杀戮!” Imprisons the collar, the control world!” “囚元环,掌控天地!” Town Yuan tower! Suppression evil spirit!” “镇元塔!镇压妖魔!” Three Yuan normalizing, the myriad things extinguish broken!” “三元归一,万物碎灭!” Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Surrounding all in the physical attack of Hundun Kunwu shatter, Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang make him compel! 周围一切都在混沌昆吾的暴力攻击当中破碎,龙辰莫小狼都让其逼开! Any Human Clan, any Monster Clan! However is the nonsense! Depends the person to be many, our Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, is the ancient times inherits until now true control! We are the masters of this day place!” “什么人族,什么妖族!不过都是狗屁!仗着人多罢了,我们混沌皇族,才是远古传承至今的真正主宰!我们才是这天地的主人!” The Hundun Kunwu clear and resonant voice laughs. 混沌昆吾朗声大笑。 Mental illness!” “神经病!” Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang attack to go once again, Long Chen acknowledged that two people cope with him, truly somewhat bullies him, but did not have the means that wanted to face his words, by the Hundun Kunwu toughness and powerful, must defeat him not to be easy! 龙辰莫小狼再度冲击而去,龙辰承认两个人对付他自己,确实算是有些欺负他了,但没办法,要自己面对他的话,以混沌昆吾的韧性和强悍,要打败他可不容易! Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit!” 泣血龙魂!” Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon has displayed strongest Divine Ability finally. 太古血灵龙终于施展了最强神通 In fact more walks on the [say / way] of slaughtering, Long Chen discovered one understood that are more, no matter [say / way] of Dao of Time slaughtering, he as if almost touched the next Ancestral Dragons Divine Ability edge! 实际上越是在杀戮之道上行走,龙辰发现自己懂得就越多,不管是杀戮之道还是时间之道,他似乎都差不多触摸到下一门祖龙神通的边缘了! When are not many, definitely will have the peerless attack to appear! 不多时,肯定会有更加绝世的攻击出现! Million Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, shock the attack! 百万泣血龙魂,震撼来袭! Suddenly, the starry sky submerges in the endless scarlet! 一时间,星空都淹没在无尽的血色当中! Long Chen is hidden in the middle of Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, for the hosts of numerous dragon, under his verbal command, million Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit in the vision that Hundun Kunwu shocks, slaughters furiously! 龙辰隐没在泣血龙魂当中,为众龙之主,在他号令之下,百万泣血龙魂混沌昆吾震撼的目光当中,奋力厮杀! This is any Divine Ability!” “这是什么神通!” Not is only Hundun Kunwu, outside person is also quite depressed! 不但是混沌昆吾,外面的人也相当郁闷! This Divine Ability, really went against heaven's will! 神通,实在太逆天了! Under innumerable Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit suicide -type attack, the resistance that Hundun Kunwu can only keep, the homicide has resulted in 1000, killed 10,000, even killed 100,000, but he is actually not able to kill 1 million within the short time, within any time, had to slaughter the dragonet to rush to his side, by the Dragon Claw Dragon Tail Dragon Tooth worry, making Hundun Kunwu call out pitifully again and again! 在无数泣血龙魂自杀式的攻击之下,混沌昆吾只能不停的抵抗,他杀得了1000,杀得了10000,甚至杀得了十万,但是他却无法在短时间之内杀死1000000,任何时间之内,都有杀戮小龙冲到他的身边,以龙爪龙尾龙牙撕咬,让混沌昆吾连连惨叫! Mo Xiao Lang high-speed advance in the middle of Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, when Hundun Kunwu furiously to chopping Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, he goes forward quietly, dashing makes Hundun Kunwu be off their feet, [say / way] in hand almost must let go to fly! 莫小狼就在泣血龙魂当中高速前进,在混沌昆吾奋力对砍泣血龙魂的时候,他悄然上前,一次冲撞让混沌昆吾人仰马翻,手中的道器几乎都要脱手飞出去! Damn, has the classification to run away!” “该死,有种别逃!” Hundun Kunwu is just about to counter-attack, Mo Xiao Lang is hidden once again in the middle of slaughtering the dragonet! 混沌昆吾正要反击,莫小狼再度隐没在杀戮小龙当中! At this time, Long Chen suddenly appeared side him, when Hundun Kunwu realized the danger, already late! 就在这时候,龙辰骤然出现在他身边,当混沌昆吾察觉到危险的时候,已经晚了! Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword!” 天屠血剑!” This sword kills, almost cuts off Hundun Kunwu around the middle, the overbearing strength impact goes, shakes to fly Hundun Kunwu, all [say / way] let go, received in Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, the so fierce attack made Hundun Kunwu relieve the superhuman condition instantaneously, the whole person in the wild attack of Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, dealt distressedly, this time he, was the severe wound, is the spent force! 这一剑杀去,几乎将混沌昆吾拦腰斩断,霸道的力量冲击而去,将混沌昆吾震飞出去,所有的道器都脱手,在泣血龙魂收了起来,如此猛烈的攻击让混沌昆吾瞬间解除了三头六臂的状态,整个人在泣血龙魂的狂暴攻击当中,狼狈应对,这时候的他,算是重伤,已经是强弩之末了! Shout! 呼! Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame sweeps across to come, to form an ultra thick flame ball, Hundun Kunwu surrounding, so long as a Mo Xiao Lang thought that severely wounded Hundun Kunwu will be burnt! 九幽魔祖火席卷而来,形成一个超厚的火焰球,将混沌昆吾包围在其中,只要莫小狼一个念头,重伤的混沌昆吾就会被烧死! Long Chen changes the human form, stands with Mo Xiao Lang by that fireball. 龙辰变回人形,和莫小狼一起站在那火球旁边。 The fight had ended. 战斗已经结束了。 Hundun Kunwu is less formidable than them many, under their collaborations, the rout is very normal matter, this time he without doubt was very pitiful, not only did not have, body also in severely wounded condition, but also the life also made Mo Xiao Lang control, supercilious Hundun Kunwu, is not always able to face such result. 混沌昆吾并没有比他们强大多少,在他们的联手之下,溃败是很正常的事情,这时候的他无疑是非常凄惨的,不但道器没有了,身体还在重伤的状态,而且命还让莫小狼掌控着,从来都心高气傲的混沌昆吾,根本无法面对这样的结果。 As for the star source outside, everybody looks at each other in blank diamay, although early some expectations, but very much shocks at heart...... 至于星源之外,大家面面相觑,虽然早有预料,但心里还是很震撼……
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