DBWG :: Volume #21

#2028: Imprisons the collar and a town Yuan tower

Mo Xiao Lang 莫小狼 Long Chen cannot think that will run into him in this place unexpectedly 龙辰怎么也想不到竟然会在这个地方遇到了他 He knows the opposite party to be possible in the middle of Shining Star here, but the star source to participate in Star Lord Hegemony War surely comes in star source inside person 他知道对方就在璀璨星辰当中可这里可是星源啊在星源里面的人必定都是为参加星主争霸战而來的 Mo Xiao Lang also participates in Star Lord Hegemony War 莫小狼也來参加星主争霸战 Why he is 他是为什么 Because he now is Monster Clan is one of the wolf clan 就因为他现在是妖族是狼族的一员 Suddenly the brain of Long Chen is similar to confused 一时间龙辰的脑子如同错乱 But what is in fact more shocking than him is Mo Xiao Lang 但实际上比他更加震惊的是莫小狼 Because in his he separates after Monster God Domain and Long Chen he arrives at Chaos Star Domain, but Long Chen was goes to that Sprit God Domain the dialog of beforehand Star Rune Long Chen to tell him to return to Sprit God Domain Sprit God Domain from Chaos Star Domain that is quite remote Long Chen, if appeared in Shining Star Mo Xiao Lang enough already surprised has been needless saying that he arrived here and unexpectedly participates in Star Lord Hegemony War together 因为在他心里他在妖神域龙辰分开之后他來到混乱星域龙辰是去那灵神域的之前星符的对话当中龙辰曾经告诉过他自己已经回到了灵神域灵神域距离混乱星域那是相当的遥远龙辰若是出现在璀璨星辰莫小狼就已经足够的惊讶了更加不用说他竟然來到了这里和自己一起参加星主争霸战 Is what kind of coincidence will create such one 到底是怎样的巧合才会造成这样的一幕 Suddenly they shock looks that the opposite party has not acted 一时间两人都震撼的看着对方沒有动作 Let them clamp in middle Hundun Kunwu also is the doubts but at this time he finally felt own Star Sand to be stolen away by Long Chen unexpectedly, moreover Xing Qing they took away Star Sand to run away 让他们夹在中间的混沌昆吾也很是疑惑但这时候他终于感受到自己的星砂竟然被龙辰偷走了而且星晴他们拿走了星砂已经逃遁了 Hundun Kunwu is angry, if will look for Star Sand his Nightmare Clan is not will lose 混沌昆吾大怒若是找不会星砂梦魇族可不就是输定了吗 And Hundun Kunwu equally angry counted outside the star source Nightmare Clan and Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family person the Nightmare Clan form must attain the Star Lord Hegemony War first score actually to occur excellently shortly at this moment so reverses simply inconceivable Long Chen to all people became the biggest change 混沌昆吾一样愤怒的就数星源之外梦魇族混沌皇族的人了原本梦魇族形式大好眼看着就要拿到星主争霸战的第一个分数了此刻竟然发生如此逆转简直不可思议对所有人來说龙辰成为了最大的变化 This boy “这小子” When saw that Xing Qing they bring Star Sand to run away in advance, but Long Chen actually intercepts Hundun Kunwu two Golden War God Clan to shiver after the Nightmare Clan team the later all Dream Immortal Clan one types dies feeling Dream Immortal Clan that rebirth almost despaired is they have not thought that Long Chen will appear to accomplish so huge reversal this suddenly unexpectedly is so inconceivable makes them be startled finally to cheer first quite long some time 当看到星晴他们带着星砂先行逃走而龙辰却拦截住混沌昆吾两位黄金战神族又正在和梦魇族的队伍颤抖之后所有的梦幻仙族都有一种死后重生的感觉原本梦幻仙族几乎绝望了就算是他们也沒想到龙辰忽然出现竟然会造就如此巨大的逆转这是如此的不可思议让他们先是怔了好长一段时间才终于欢呼了起來 Do not be unhappy too early had not finished “别开心得太早还沒结束呢” The nightmare king hopes that the failing violent anger said 梦魇王希望落空暴怒说道 Nine in the middle of star Alliance most hegemons look at each other in blank diamay similarly very stunned, no matter how Long Chen this character is deep carved in the middle of their mind 九星联盟当中大多数的盟主同样面面相觑十分错愕不管如何龙辰这个人物还是深深的刻进了他们的脑海当中 Gong Qing sighs with emotion: This Long Chen is true made the great merit this team war, if were we wins basically is his merit 龚擎感慨道:“这一次龙辰可是真正的立下大功了这团队战如果是我们胜利的话基本上都是他自己的功劳啊” Can complete thunder old ghost your this choice to really be good wood-famine that fellow, if knew the matter estimate chin that here has can fall the ground “做得好啊雷霆老鬼你这次的抉择可真是不错木荒那家伙若是知道了这里发生的事情估计下巴都会掉地上吧” Xing Yue said similarly with a smile 星越同样笑着说道 He in fact also wants compared with before Gong Qing happily, because Hundun Kunwu is beginning to see to his daughter Xing Qing wants the severe wound obviously is Long Chen suddenly appeared has saved them, moreover Long Chen again asked them to leave the spirit of this man also to make him admire first very 他实际上比龚擎还要开心因为之前混沌昆吾正在对他的女儿动手眼看着星晴就要重伤显然是龙辰的忽然出现拯救了她们而且龙辰又再次让他们先走这一份男子汉的气概也让他十分佩服 To be honest by his disposition I thought but actually was really good seedling Hundun Kunwu is only the age crosses dozens years of estimate compared with him greatly again is not the Long Chen match he, if can be faithful to Five Great Dragon City is faithful our Human Clan that to be our Human Clan gospel “说实话以他的性格我倒觉得真是一个好苗子混沌昆吾只是年纪比他大再过几十年估计就不是龙辰对手了他若是能够忠实于五大龙城忠实我们人族那可就是我们人族的福音了” Xing Yue said suddenly 星越忽然说道 Gong Qing nods saying: You said are the world are rarer he to fear that to Supreme Divine Dragon that I like this think from the beginning is the Long Qinglan painstaking care is only the older generations in clan does not know whether they with our ideas are the same they may be after all and Eternal Dragon Emperor same generation of character 龚擎点点头道:“你说得对我一开始就是这样想的无上神龙更是天地罕见他怕是龙青澜的心血吧只是族中的老一辈不知道他们是否和我们的想法是一样的毕竟他们可都是和永恒龙帝同一辈的人物啊” Xing Qing also similarly has this to worry 星晴也同样有这个担忧 How finally can only be able to look at the Long Chen good fortune 最终能如何只能看龙辰的造化了 Naturally in the middle of the star source matter had not finished the violent anger Hundun Kunwu needing some people get rid to suppress him 当然星源当中的事情还沒有结束暴怒的混沌昆吾必须要有人出手压制他 Long Chen you appeared finally 龙辰你终于出现了” Hundun Kunwu whooshes one to grasp Primordial Spear to slaughter toward him 混沌昆吾嘶吼一声手持混元枪朝着他厮杀而來 Beginning of the universe air/Qi “混元一气” Long guns down myriad spear|gun Gang to erupt this is must capture Long Chen life Hundun Kunwu to see that Xing Qing they have walked away cannot overtake him unable to give a thought to the Long Chen life 长枪杀來万千枪罡爆发这是要夺取龙辰性命混沌昆吾眼看着星晴他们已经走远怎么也追不上他也就顾不上龙辰的性命了 From infancy to maturity also really nobody once such plays jokes upon him 从小到大还真沒有一个人曾经那样的戏耍他 Long Chen thoughts actually not on this Hundun Kunwu heart 龙辰的心思却沒在这混沌昆吾心上 That two Golden War God Clan see the change of matter then not to give up coping with the match within the plan to arrive at Mo Xiao Lang behind that three people of Nightmare Clan teams to gather together what to do does not know should 那两位黄金战神族看见事情的变化不在计划之内便放弃对付对手來到莫小狼身后那三位梦魇族队伍的人聚在一起不知道该怎么办 They do not have Star Sand and to lose the opportunity to want now to pursue Xing Qing they are the futile efforts 他们现在沒有星砂而且耽误了时机想要追逐星晴他们都是徒劳 Saw that Hundun Kunwu kills the Long Chen wrong body to flash through his speed increased has blinked arrived at Mo Xiao Lang at present that two Golden War God Clan to think angrily Long Chen must get rid to be just about to resist Mo Xiao Lang actually to stop them to have doubts very but determined after opposite party own Younger Brother, they helpless has smiled 眼看着混沌昆吾愤怒杀來龙辰错身闪过他的速度增加了许多眨眼之间就到了莫小狼的眼前那两位黄金战神族以为龙辰要出手正要对抗莫小狼却制止了他们两人都十分疑惑但确定对方正是自己的兄弟后他们都无奈的笑了起來 Long Chen said: Perhaps in this world has fate thing my this not to think really must disturb you actually still to be in this place meet in these circumstances 龙辰道:“或许这世界上真的有缘分这东西吧我本沒想过要打扰你却仍然在这地方相遇还是在这样的情况下” Mo Xiao Lang said: ” Elder Brother...... doubts in my heart were too many in the brain a present piece confused...... ” 莫小狼道:”大哥……我心中的疑惑实在太多了脑中现在一片错乱……” Shock in his heart should more than Long Chen 他心中的震惊应该是要比龙辰多了 He understands approximately Long Chen belongs to that side Life Dragon City now temporarily and are hostile he naturally to know perhaps Long Chen will not participate in this Star Lord Hegemony War same also probably to be forced with oneself with no reason at all 他大致明白龙辰现在是属于生命龙城那一边的暂时和自己敌对他当然知道龙辰不会无缘无故参加这星主争霸战或许和自己一样也可能会是被逼迫的 They want to chat slowly, but Hundun Kunwu actually not to them opportunity after discovering own attack fails he just likes the wild animal sends out loud roaring to kill once again toward Long Chen 他们想要慢慢聊但是混沌昆吾却不给他们机会当发现自己的攻击落空后他恍如野兽发出大声的咆哮朝着龙辰再度杀來 This time do not want to escape from my control to suffer to death damn Dragon Warrior I to make you experience the fearfulness of our Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family “这次你别想逃出我的手心受死吧该死的龙武者我要让你见识见识我们混沌皇族的可怕” His Primordial Spear verve incomparably once again they separates Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang 他的混元枪刚猛无比再度将龙辰莫小狼两人分开 „The Mo Xiao Lang Human Clan three people brought Star Sand to walk Nightmare Clan not to have the opportunity however Human Clan population also to be more than you us to call this Dragon Warrior Elder Brother you are anything relate 莫小狼人族三人带着星砂走了梦魇族沒有机会但是人族人数比我们还要多你却叫这位龙武者大哥你们是什么关系” Two Golden War God Clan vision are coldly severe 两位黄金战神族目光冷厉下來 Our anything relates to close your anything matter “我们什么关系关你们什么事情” Mo Xiao Lang asked one 莫小狼反问了一句 That Luzhan Chen said: You blocked this Hundun Kunwu our Younger Brother they to pursue that three Dragon Warrior they injured have been not necessarily able to run far 陆战宸道:“你拦住这混沌昆吾我们兄弟两人去追逐那三位龙武者他们受伤了未必能够跑远” Was saying two Golden War God Clan left here 说着两位黄金战神族离开了这里 They were in Mo Xiao Lang that side person Long Chen heart intertwine Hundun Kunwu to cling to for dear life his him not to have the means very to withdraw Golden War God Clan, since pursued exited that only to look that Xing Qing the Xing Qing itself strength has not missed and leaves such a long time people should not be robbed Star Sand 他们是莫小狼那边的人龙辰心中十分纠结混沌昆吾死缠着他他也沒办法脱身了黄金战神族既然追了出去那就只能看星晴星晴本身实力也不差而且离开了那么长时间应该不会被抢走星砂 Under the person decisions of remaining three Nightmare Clan teams also toward that side Golden War God Clan pursues to plan that makes a praying mantis to catch the cicada canary after 剩下三位梦魇族队伍的人决定之下也朝着的黄金战神族那边追去打算做个螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后 But here only remaining Hundun Kunwu and Long Chen and other people 而这里只剩下混沌昆吾龙辰等三个人 Do not want to run away “你别想逃走” Hundun Kunwu shouted to clear the way coldly 混沌昆吾冷喝道 Long Chen and Mo Xiao Lang look at each other in blank diamay 龙辰莫小狼面面相觑 They have smiled suddenly 他们忽然笑了起來 Long Chen said: First taught this fellow one our Younger Brother not to fight side-by-side for a long time 龙辰道:“先教训这家伙一顿吧我们兄弟也好久沒有并肩作战了” Mo Xiao Lang has been ready 莫小狼已经做好了准备 Collaborates “联手” Hundun Kunwu has laughed at one 混沌昆吾嗤笑了一声 In his opinion he is in the middle of the star source most Expert, no matter match several he does not care 在他看來他就是星源当中最强者不管对手几个他都不在乎 Bathed that to belong to the ruinous strength of demon to release in the middle of the black flame in this time Mo Xiao Lang whole body even to suppress the chaos motive power 就在这时候莫小狼浑身沐浴在黑色火焰当中那属于魔的毁灭性力量释放出來甚至压制了混沌原力 Long Chen grips on Behead Divine Sword to cover the Scarlet Blood Dragon scale to be very hard pair of scarlet eye Hundun Kunwu to feel destructive obviously Long Chen actually wanted powerfully a level compared with before 龙辰握住斩神剑身上覆盖着血色龙鳞无比坚硬一双血色眼睛充满杀机混沌昆吾能够明显感觉到龙辰竟然比之前要强盛了一个层次 He understands finally these two are not probably simple 他终于明白这两人好像不简单啊 Especially Long Chen vanished for two days to appear once again stiffens unexpectedly 尤其是龙辰消失了两天再度出现竟然变强了 He bites the tooth stubbornly 他死死咬住牙齿 Killed to come black red Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame to sweep across from two directions in this time Mo Xiao Lang and Long Chen separately to come ice-cold but time of Behead Divine Sword under the assistance of Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame erupted strong offensive Long Chen to brandish is slaughtering Sword Art to display the storm under the assistance of Mo Xiao Lang 就在这时候莫小狼龙辰分别从两个方向袭杀而來一黑一红九幽魔祖火席卷而來冰冷至极而斩神剑九幽魔祖火的辅助之下顿时间爆发出超强攻势龙辰挥舞着杀戮剑诀莫小狼的辅助下施展强攻 Time myriad Sword Qi clamp the black flame to kill toward Hundun Kunwu 顿时间万千剑气夹着黑色火焰朝着混沌昆吾袭杀而來 Outside the star source all people are looking at this fight 星源之外所有人都在看着这场战斗 As for Golden War God Clan and Xing Qing their chase nobody looked, because Golden War God Clan pursues the wrong direction, but Nightmare Clan pursuing lost Golden War God Clan...... 至于黄金战神族星晴他们的追逐沒人去看因为黄金战神族追错的方向而梦魇族则把黄金战神族给追丢了…… Key in this fight 关键还是在这场战斗当中 They collaborate unexpectedly “他们竟然联手” They really have the relations to be become sworn brothers the relations of Younger Brother “他们果然有关系啊应该就是结义兄弟的关系” The people clamored 众人喧哗了起來 This to Nightmare Clan and Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family is very disadvantageous 这对梦魇族混沌皇族來说是十分不利的 To Golden War God Clan this seems not the good deed, because Luzhan Chen they have not pursued after direction Xing Qing leaves the battlefield immediately adjust the new direction to make others throw spatial 黄金战神族这似乎也不是什么好事因为陆战宸他们根本就沒有追对方向星晴离开战场后马上调整了新的方向让别人扑了一个空 As the matter stands Dream Immortal Clan depends upon the Long Chen mysterious method to win the championship unexpectedly without doubt 这样一來梦幻仙族竟然依靠龙辰的神奇手段夺冠无疑 Even if so the people very much anticipated that Hundun Kunwu to fighting their two Younger Brother will have what kind of situation them to be the topest talent character after all! 就算如此众人还是很期待混沌昆吾对战他们两兄弟会发生怎样的情况毕竟他们可都是最顶尖的天才人物! You discovered that did not have Long Chen to stiffen probably many he in the frontage and Hundun Kunwu resistance “你们发现沒有龙辰好像变强了许多他在正面和混沌昆吾对抗啊” Yes he become stronger “是啊他变强了” Suddenly many people have discovered this point 一时间很多人都发现了这一点 They cannot help but surprised extremely disappear for two days to stiffen unexpectedly, moreover did not have close Reincarnation Calamity Realm 他们不由得惊讶万分消失两天竟然又变强了而且还沒有接近轮回劫境 This is simply inconceivable 这简直是不可思议的 Then is the Long Chen performance time 接下來更是龙辰表演的时候 He and Hundun Kunwu of Mo Xiao Lang suppression slaughtered Sword Art short to rise dramatically to 200 swords together completely instantaneously breaks through opposite party Primordial Spear to cut and injure Hundun Kunwu once again, but Mo Xiao Lang in close combat by the destruction strength of demon in Hundun Kunwu carried on the back to leave behind a deep vestige of the past 他和莫小狼一起完全压制的混沌昆吾杀戮剑诀短短瞬间飙升到200剑攻破了对方的混元枪再度砍伤了混沌昆吾莫小狼更是在近战当中以魔的毁灭力量在混沌昆吾的背上留下了一道深深的爪印 Collapsing Hundun Kunwu backs up time to defeat distressedly first such miserably 混沌昆吾狼狈倒退第一次败得这么惨 He resembles these two to have finally clearly positive resists his strength 他终于明白好像这两人都有正面对抗自己的力量 Do not compel me more is compels my me more formidable “别逼我越是逼我我就会越强大” He must display superhuman 他要施展三头六臂 Face six similarly strong arm Hundun Kunwu of angry joyful and sad three different expression are divided into three simply 愤怒喜悦和哀伤三张不同表情的面孔六只同样强壮的手臂混沌昆吾简直一分为三 What is most important is he is using three types of 最重要的是他在用三样道器 Primordial Spear 混元枪 Imprisons the collar 囚元环 Town Yuan tower 镇元塔 Three types of added to have 900 Dao Mark 三样道器加起來有900条道纹 Also only then Hundun Kunwu can show so perfect superhuman this Divine Ability 也只有混沌昆吾才能将三头六臂这种神通展现到如此极致
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