DBWG :: Volume #21

#2027: Meet

Hundun Kunwu to fighting 3000 Astral Soul Dragon! 混沌昆吾对战三千星魂龙 This fight is similar to people expect, Xing Qing is not considered as that Life Dragon City young most Expert, but Hundun Kunwu the Chaos Star Domain first person, the disparities of various aspects let Xing Qing completely are not the matches of opposite party, moreover Hundun Kunwu under the vitality, gets rid very cruelly, 3000 Astral Soul Dragon summoned three thousand Avatar, met head-on, but under murdering of Hundun Kunwu, Avatar or the main body were seriously injured! 这一场战斗就如同众人预料的一样,星晴不算是生命龙城年轻最强者,而混沌昆吾可是混乱星域第一人,各方面的差距让星晴完全不是对方的对手,而且混沌昆吾在生气之下,出手十分暴戾,三千星魂龙召唤出三千分身,同时迎战,但在混沌昆吾的杀伐之下,无论是分身还是本体都身受重伤! Looks at Xing Qing, although is injured, but is still not willing to submit, with that Hundun Kunwu dying war, Bing Xinyue and Jun Ling their grief and indignation, under the short of breath, they changes into Dragon Shape very similarly, ices the soul heart dragon and Darkness King Dragon simultaneously kills! 看着星晴虽然受伤,但仍然不肯屈服,和那混沌昆吾死战,冰心月君凌两人都十分悲愤,气急之下,他们同样化为龙形,冰魄心龙和暗夜君王龙同时杀來! Come! Come! Has saying that your Dragon Warrior is the waste! Does not know that who actually boasted you that fiercely, but also super Divine Dragon, I think that was fierce!” “來吧!來吧!不得不说,你们龙武者都是废物!不知道谁竟然将你们吹嘘得那么厉害,还超级神龙,我以为有多么厉害呢!” Hundun Kunwu is laughing wildly, the whole face is the contemptuous smiling face, although he only then a person, but only depends on a person of strength, will include Xing Qing three Divine Dragon to play runs around in circles. 混沌昆吾猖狂大笑着,满脸都是轻蔑的笑容,他虽然只有一人,但仅凭一人的力量,就将包括星晴在内的三头神龙玩得团团转。 So-called Dragon Warrior, but is dog deng, isn't the body increases? What ability is this? Ha Ha! Added that any Long Ji Continent innumerably long ago was the Divine Dragon world, you were the Divine Dragon descendants, I looked, even if fart! By your this strengths, how to control Long Ji Continent!” “所谓龙武者,不过是狗屎,不就是身体变大么?这算是什么能耐?哈哈!还说什么龙祭大陆无数久远是神龙的天下,你们都是神龙的后裔,我看啊,就算屁!靠你们这点力量,如何主宰龙祭大陆!” His is not convinced to five large clans all! 他对五大族的一切都不服气! Immortal God Domain, that is the most fertile place, is the broadest place, their Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family has the peerless natural talent, should control Immortal God Domain! 永生神域,那是最肥沃的地方,也是最广阔的地方,他们混沌皇族拥有绝世天资,应该主宰永生神域 Human Clan and Monster Clan, are known as strongly, Five Great Dragon City frightens the world, he has heard too many related Dragon Warrior hearsay since childhood, from the beginning he is not convinced, this today with the Dragon Warrior fight, is really first mediocre! 人族妖族,号称最强,五大龙城震慑天地,他从小听到过太多有关龙武者的传闻,从一开始他就不服气,这今天初次和龙武者战斗,果然不过如此啊! Dragon Warrior, Ha Ha!” 龙武者,哈哈!” His Primordial Spear explodes projects says the sharp ray surely, under stabbed that speed quickest Darkness King Dragon, the long spear violent has killed, on dark night king Dragon Body that innumerable Dragon Scale has demolished unexpectedly, the so serious injury made Darkness King Dragon call out pitifully, degenerated instantaneously into the human form, but also already dripping with blood! 他的混元枪爆射出千万道锋利光芒,刺中了那速度最快的暗夜君王龙,长枪暴杀之下,暗夜君王龙身上那无数的龙鳞竟然都爆破了,如此惨重的伤势让暗夜君王龙惨叫一声,瞬间退化成为人形,但也已经鲜血淋漓! Jun Ling!” 君凌!” Xing Qing and in the Bing Xinyue heart in great surprise, changes into the human form hastily, grasps Jun Ling of dripping with blood, although his injury is only the skin flesh wound, but is quite serious, was equal makes Hundun Kunwu give to ruin to Dragon Scale completely. 星晴冰心月心中大惊,连忙化为人形,将鲜血淋漓的君凌抱住,他的伤势虽然只是皮外伤,但却相当惨重,相当于龙鳞混沌昆吾全部给毁掉了。 Bing Xinyue is holding Jun Ling, in her eyes full is the frightened tears, both hands shivers. 冰心月正抱着君凌,她眼中满是恐惧的泪水,双手颤抖。 But Xing Qing actually keeps off in them at present. 星晴却挡在他们眼前。 Hundun Kunwu descends to them at present, in his hand is taking two grains of Star Sand, in addition his three grains of Star Sand, altogether five grains, he with a smile said: Star Sand I all took away, your pitiful Dream Immortal Clan teams, most also can only a person stay behind. The strength is all, after to prevent me walked, you seek for new Star Sand again, I can only make into his such you.” 混沌昆吾降落到他们眼前,他手中拿着两粒星砂,再加上他自己的三粒星砂,一共有五粒,他笑着说道:“星砂我全部拿走了,你们可怜的梦幻仙族队伍,最多也就只能一个人留下吧。实力才是一切啊,为了防止我走了之后,你们再去寻找新的星砂,我就只能将你们打成他那样了。” After obtaining Star Sand, he was still dissatisfied. 得到星砂后,他仍然不满足。 Even if he at present two both are the pretty females, he will not be forgiving similarly, on the one hand is his itself dislikes to Dragon Warrior, wants to expel Chaos Star Domain them, on the other hand, naturally because of Long Chen! 纵然他眼前两个都是娇滴滴的女子,他也同样不会留情,一方面是他的本身就对龙武者反感,想把他们赶出混乱星域,另外一方面,当然是因为龙辰 That plays tricks on own fellow, where still does not know! 那个戏弄自己的家伙,至今都不知道在哪里! Hundun Kunwu grasps Primordial Spear, the whole face sneers, step by step approaches toward Xing Qing and Bing Xinyue, in another hand, keeps rocking Star Sand, is stimulating Xing Qing they. 混沌昆吾手持混元枪,满脸冷笑,一步步朝着星晴冰心月靠近,另外一只手上,不停晃动着星砂,在刺激星晴他们。 You snatch! Snatches!” “你们來抢啊!來抢啊!” Hundun Kunwu lets somebody cool off or calm down smiles. 混沌昆吾冷冷笑着。 Along with his nearness, Xing Qing and Bing Xinyue can only retrocede, in the beforehand fight, under fiercely attacking of Hundun Kunwu, Xing Qing in fact has been injured, she is very helpless, because she is unable to resist the opposite party. 随着他的靠近,星晴冰心月只能后退,在之前的战斗当中,在混沌昆吾的猛攻之下,星晴实际上已经受伤了,她很无奈,因为她无法对抗对方。 But Bing Xinyue was scared purely, she is holding Jun Ling, the whole face tear stains, shrinks in Xing Qing, is Hundun Kunwu feels to be incapable formidable. 冰心月纯粹是被吓坏了,她抱着君凌,满脸泪痕,缩在星晴的身后,为混沌昆吾的强大感到无力。 Outside the star source, to the cruelty of Hundun Kunwu, the Life Dragon City person is very angry, but other people in secret are chuckling to oneself, after all they are the Chaos Star Domain people. 星源之外,对混沌昆吾的残暴,生命龙城的人很愤怒,而其他人则在暗中窃喜,毕竟他们都是混乱星域的人。 But more people are paying attention to Mo Xiao Lang they. 而更多人则在关注莫小狼他们。 They feel that as if Golden War God Clan must move. 他们感觉到,似乎黄金战神族要动了。 In the dark deep place, Mo Xiao Lang and two Golden War God Clan are watching this farce. 在黑暗的深处,莫小狼和两位黄金战神族正在看着这场闹剧。 Luzhan Chen said: „ As if, the opportunity almost arrived. „ 陆战宸道:“似乎,时机差不多到了。“ They have three grains of Star Sand, was enough. But they have three people, but another two team four people, words that therefore they must win, the only means are to rob that five star sands, brings to discard good. 他们本身有三粒星砂,足够了。但他们只有三个人,而另外两个队伍都有四个人,所以他们要胜利的话,唯一的办法就是抢走那五粒星沙,拿來扔掉都行。 In this case, when remaining final two double-hour, only then they can remain. 这样的话,在剩下最后两个时辰的时候,就只有他们能够留下來了。 Mo Xiao Lang said: I block that Hundun Kunwu, you defeat a person of Nightmare Clan team respectively, carries off their severe wound, keeping them from fusing Star Sand, does not need to rob their Star Sand, we can win.” 莫小狼道:“我來挡住那混沌昆吾,你们各自打败一名梦魇族队伍的人,将他们重伤带走,让他们无法融合星砂,不需要抢走他们的星砂,我们就能赢。” The ground warfare star nod said: This is good means that particularly now the Hundun Kunwu attention on three Dragon Warrior, begins.” 陆战星点头道:“这是个好办法,尤其是现在混沌昆吾的注意力都在三个龙武者身上,动手吧。” After they agreed that finally no longer was dormant, flushed toward Hundun Kunwu. 他们约定好了之后,终于不再蛰伏,朝着混沌昆吾这边冲來。 Does not know Hundun Kunwu that completely they have, makes a long-range raid, severely wounded Xing Qing and Bing Xinyue, they can only bite the tooth, although knows that the fate definitely is very miserable, is similar to Jun Ling, but must hit back completely. 完全不知道他们存在的混沌昆吾,奔袭上來,正要重伤星晴冰心月,她们只能强咬着牙齿,虽然知道下场肯定是非常惨的,和君凌差不多,但是也不能够完全不还手。 When Bing Xinyue quite despairs, Hundun Kunwu actually felt crisis that behind arrives, he repels Xing Qing and Bing Xinyue, suddenly turns around, saw impressively covers the youth in black flame is flushing toward oneself, but another two familiar Golden War God Clan two toward Nightmare Clan team three people are flushing away! 就在冰心月相当绝望的时候,混沌昆吾却感觉到身后到來的危机,他打退星晴冰心月,就猛然转身,赫然看到一个笼罩在黑色火焰当中的少年正朝着自己冲來,而另外两名熟悉的黄金战神族正朝着梦魇族队伍三人当中的两人冲去! Hundun Kunwu is not stupid, he knows obviously that the opposite party this is must hold under duress them to leave, keeping them from fusing Star Sand, such Golden War God Clan can obtain the victory of team war! 混沌昆吾并不笨,他显然知道,对方这是要挟持两人离开,让他们无法融合星砂,这样黄金战神族就能得到团队战的胜利! But blocks itself with such a young wolf clan, what meaning is also, they think that this year the light wolf clan can defeat itself? 但用这么一个年轻狼族來挡住自己,又是什么意思,他们难道以为这年轻的狼族能打败自己? In the Hundun Kunwu heart laughs. 混沌昆吾心中大笑。 Laughing of Hundun Kunwu, making Long Chen be startled. 混沌昆吾的大笑,让龙辰吃了一惊。 Right, Long Chen at this time in the Hundun Kunwu side! 沒错,龙辰这时候就在混沌昆吾的身边! The matter is this, he just came out from that piece of dark space, felt that here is fighting, hearing the sound should have Dragon Warrior, fluctuation Long Chen of chaos motive power is also very familiar, he knows that this was Xing Qing they by Hundun Kunwu seizing. 事情是这样的,他刚刚从那一片黑暗的空间当中出來,就感觉到这边在战斗,听声音应该有龙武者,混沌原力的波动龙辰也十分熟悉,他知道这是星晴他们又被混沌昆吾给逮住了。 Therefore, he without demur, uses Time Travel Dragon, dives toward here. 所以,他二话不说,使用时间游龙,朝着这边潜來。 After arriving here, Jun Ling has been injured, complete Star Sand also arrived in the hand of Hundun Kunwu, Long Chen takes the bull by the horns, chases after and never gives up in Hundun Kunwu, must Xing Qing their severe wound time, he arrived at the Hundun Kunwu side by Time Travel Dragon in secret, Hundun Kunwu is oppressive emerges, has not realized the arrival of Long Chen quite the same as! 來到这里后,君凌已经受伤了,全部的星砂也到了混沌昆吾的手中,龙辰当机立断,在混沌昆吾穷追不舍,要将星晴她们重伤的时候,他暗中以时间游龙來到了混沌昆吾的身边,混沌昆吾正虐得兴起,浑然沒有察觉到龙辰的到來! Right! The Long Chen goal, is five star sands! 沒错!龙辰的目的,就是五粒星沙! No matter what, must take opposite party Star Sand first said again that to this time, had Star Sand, has almost the victory, therefore Long Chen, although knows one are not necessarily able to lose to Hundun Kunwu, but safe method of choice! 不管怎样,也要将对方的星砂先抢到手再说,到了这时候,拥有星砂,几乎算是拥有胜利,所以龙辰虽然知道自己未必会败给混沌昆吾,但还是选择的保险的手段! Saw that he must take away Hundun Kunwu Star Sand! 眼看着他就要拿走混沌昆吾身上的星砂了! At this time, really had the new match arrival, has disrupted the Long Chen step, Long Chen knows certainly that only possibly was the Golden War God Clan person, after Hundun Kunwu was alarmed, the body of attention no longer Long Chen, Long Chen cannot control that many, he in Hundun Kunwu behind instantaneous the personal appearance, in the opposite party saw Mo Xiao Lang that moment, Long Chen to rob five star sands, rushed to Xing Qing instantaneously they at present! 就在这时候,竟然有新的对手到來,打乱了龙辰的步骤,龙辰当然知道只可能是黄金战神族的人,混沌昆吾被惊动之后,注意力也不再龙辰的身上,龙辰也管不了那么多了,他就在混沌昆吾身后瞬间化出身形,在对方看见莫小狼的那一刻,龙辰抢走了五粒星沙,瞬间冲到了星晴他们眼前! Meanwhile, Mo Xiao Lang and Hundun Kunwu face-to-face confront. 与此同时,莫小狼混沌昆吾面对面对峙。 Two Golden War God Clan and Nightmare Clan, Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family fights the same place! 两名黄金战神族和一位梦魇族,一位混沌皇族战到一起! All these simultaneously occur! 这一切都是同时发生的! Mo Xiao Lang getting rid of suddenly, has stemmed from the expectation of Xing Qing and Hundun Kunwu, but Long Chen appearance of suddenly, has actually stemmed from the expectations of all people! 莫小狼的忽然出手,出乎了星晴混沌昆吾的预料,而龙辰的忽然出现,却出乎了所有人的预料! The scene had giant transition suddenly. 场面忽然发生了巨大的转折。 Xing Qing and Bing Xinyue they, to the change of this flash, can only describe with the delay that they see present Long Chen first, then and saw Golden War God Clan they...... 星晴冰心月他们,对这一瞬间的变化,只能用呆滞來形容,他们先是看到眼前的龙辰,然后的又看到了黄金战神族他们…… The Long Chen back to Hundun Kunwu, he may unable to control that many, Star Sand has succeeded in obtaining in any case, he puts out Star Sand, to prevent others suspected, he four grains will give Xing Qing, said: You walk, I cope with him......” 龙辰背对着混沌昆吾,他可管不了那么多了,反正星砂已经到手,他拿出星砂,为了防止别人怀疑,他将其中四粒交给星晴,道:“你们走吧,我來对付他……” He is he planned. 他是他本來的打算。 Depends upon thousand star sands, present he has the vast supernatural power, should be the showdown time, so long as constrains Hundun Kunwu, making Xing Qing they fuse Star Sand safe and sound, Dream Immortal Clan can obtain the victory of team war! 依靠千粒星沙,现在的他拥有浩瀚神力,应该是对决的时候了,只要拖住混沌昆吾,让星晴他们安然无恙融合星砂,梦幻仙族就能够得到团队战的胜利! Dragon...... Long Chen......” “龙……龙辰……” Xing Qing has filled with Bing Xinyue in consternation, they do not know where Long Chen comes out, then reverses the war, all these are simply same like the illusion, moreover before Long Chen, robs five star sands the methods to be simply unthinkable! 星晴冰心月都充满了愕然,她们根本不知道龙辰是从哪里出來,然后逆转战局的,这一切简直如梦幻一样,而且龙辰之前抢走五粒星沙的手段简直匪夷所思! Looks at this youth, Xing Qing and Bing Xinyue has the impulsion of weeping, thinks one despaired, has not actually thought that the hope appears suddenly...... 看着这个少年,星晴冰心月有种喜极而泣的冲动,原本以为自己已经绝望了,却沒想到希望忽然出现…… Especially Bing Xinyue, she despised the Long Chen person before, now has filled guilty, this type made her not have the face to face Long Chen guilty again...... 尤其是冰心月,之前她是最鄙夷龙辰的人,现在则充满了愧疚,这种愧疚让她沒脸再面对龙辰了…… Long Chen has not actually thought these many, he has not certainly forgotten the threat of Hundun Kunwu. 龙辰却沒想这么多,他当然沒忘记混沌昆吾的威胁。 Walks, I can cope!” “走吧,我能对付!” Long Chen beckons with the hand to them. 龙辰向他们摆摆手。 Xing Qing is nipping the tooth, is full of respect looks at Long Chen, was he strives to turn the tide each time, has saved the people, this benevolence she deeply in the heart, they has almost been injured, only then left here, fused Star Sand, can make Dream Immortal Clan win! 星晴咬着牙齿,充满崇敬的看着龙辰,每次都是他力挽狂澜,救了众人,这一份恩情她深深记在心中,他们几乎都已经受伤了,只有离开这里,融合星砂,才能让梦幻仙族获得胜利! Walks!” “走!” Xing Qing they leave. 星晴他们离开。 When they leave, the Long Chen complexion changed, in such short instantaneous, Lingxi spoke a few words to him, lets turning head that he has to shiver. 等他们离开,龙辰的脸色才变了,就在这么短短瞬间,灵曦跟他说了一句话,让他不得不颤抖的回过头。 In his field of vision, two Golden War God Clan are defeating their matches in the powerful, Nightmare Clan dull looks at this sudden situation, but Hundun Kunwu in him at present, in the Hundun Kunwu front, a youth. 在他视野当中,两位黄金战神族正在强势打败他们的对手,还有一位梦魇族呆呆的看着这突发的情况,而混沌昆吾就在他眼前,在混沌昆吾的前方,还有一位少年。 They, clamp Hundun Kunwu in the middle. 他们两人,把混沌昆吾夹在中间。 Sees this youth, Long Chen almost cannot believe own eye. 看到这个少年,龙辰几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。
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