DBWG :: Volume #21

#2026: Finally time

At this time, Long Chen star light gradual dissipation, what replaces it is the strength of enormous and powerful Nirvana, the strength of his Nirvana has evolved the acme, is not bad compared with the Reincarnation strength, even vast, he is away from the Highest Beginning God path, already only bad one pace. 就在这时候,龙辰身上的星光逐渐的消散,取而代之的是浩浩荡荡的涅槃之力,他的涅槃之力已经进化到了极致,比起轮回的力量一点儿都不差,甚至更加的浩大,他距离太始之神的道路,已经只差一步之遥了。 Long Chen.” 龙辰。” When Long Chen receives the strength, the time of preparing, actually the illusory sounds resound in his ear. 龙辰收起力量,准备起來的时候,却有一声虚无缥缈的声音在他耳边响起。 That sound said: In soon, me can look your.” 那声音道:“在不久之后,我会來找你的。” Who you are!” “你是谁!” Long Chen is looking at present endless darkness, asked calmly. 龙辰望着眼前无尽的黑暗,冷静问道。 Who I am, don't you know? I must the person who you strangle. Is...... Gods!” “我是谁,你不知道么?我是要将你扼杀的人。或者是……神!” After speaking these words, that sound completely vanished, Long Chen felt that a little back sends coolly, right, said that the person of this saying definitely is mysterious Highest Beginning God! He including the thing that Tai Su God emphasized that was also Long Chen at the Nirvana Calamity Realm final 1-layer disaster! 说完这句话后,那声音的就完全消失了,龙辰感觉有点脊背发凉,沒错,说这话的人肯定是神秘至极的太始之神!他是连太素之神都着重强调的东西,也是龙辰涅槃劫境的最后一重劫难! Tai Chi God, needs to kill 10,000 times! 太极之神,需要杀死10000次! Tai Su God, almost kills Long Chen. 太素之神,几乎将龙辰弄死。 But this Highest Beginning God, is more mystical, when he will arrive, what also will bring to Long Chen? 而这太始之神,更加神秘,他会在什么时候到來,又会给龙辰带來什么? Long Chen just become stronger, actually sank to the reconsideration. 龙辰刚刚变强,却又沉入了反思当中。 „Does this Highest Beginning God sound, sound to be very familiar? This sound is very young......” “这太始之神的声音,怎么听起來很熟悉?这声音很年轻……” To be honest, Long Chen thought that is remembers very much during likely the most profound that person, but imagines carefully, is inevitably impossible, because this sound was too young, will not be he, moreover may be, like Tai Su God, in fact will only imitate Long Chen person, misleads him. 说实话,龙辰觉得很像是自己记忆当中最深刻的那个人,但仔细想象,必然不可能,因为这声音太年轻了,不会是他,而且就算可能是,也只会像太素之神一样,实际上是模仿龙辰身边的人,來蛊惑他。 No matter what, this sudden Star Sand made me go forward once again a level, at least rising suddenly in strength, can deal with a stronger match, coped with that Hundun Kunwu should possible......” “不管怎么说,这突如其來的星砂让我再度前进了一个层次,至少在力量上已经发生的暴涨,可以应付更强的对手,对付那混沌昆吾应该有戏了……” Over a thousand Star Sand melt the body, does not stiffen is impossible, the strength that within the body that moves mountains, needs to divulge at this moment. 上千的星砂融进身体,不变强是不可能的,体内那排山倒海的力量,此刻还需要宣泄呢。 As for Highest Beginning God, no doubt is mystical, even only exists for ancestor Dragon Warrior probably, but I have defeated Tai Su God, does not need to fear him, my future will be very remote, cannot be strangled absolutely here!” “至于太始之神,固然神秘,甚至好像只为了祖龙武者而存在,但我已经打败了太素之神,不需要怕他,我的未來还很久远,绝对不能被扼杀在这里!” He has broken through extremely the dangers and difficulties, all people are giving him the confidence, the glory that his faith, his father grants lets him to drop down, then he will not drop down! 他已经冲破了太过的艰难险阻,所有人都在给他信心,他的信念,他父亲赐予的荣耀让他不能倒下,那么他就不会倒下! Buzz! 嗡! The star light erupts, has formed the huge impact. 星光爆发出去,形成了巨大的冲击。 Long Chen already knows that Star Core has disappeared. 龙辰早就知道,那星核已经不见了。 Time problem that he most cares about. 他最关心的还是时间问題。 After discovering Long Chen was safe and sound, Lingxi told him to say hastily: Present range final time, as if only about remaining three double-hour.” 当发现龙辰已经安然无恙后,灵曦连忙告诉他道:“现在距离最后的时间,似乎只剩下三个时辰左右了。” Yes......” “是么……” Long Chen is somewhat helpless, if Xing Qing they have not supported, now only remaining oneself, although has stiffened, but seems to be useless, all can only look at the luck. 龙辰有些无奈,如果星晴他们沒撑下去的话,现在只剩下自己,虽然变强了,但似乎沒什么用,一切只能看运气了。 He has gripped the double fist, by own strength, broke this space, returned in the middle of the starry sky, he has not thought that because of an accident, he has missed that many time unexpectedly, how did not know now the situation really already. 他握住了双拳,以自己的力量,打破了这个空间,重新回到了星空当中,他怎么也沒想到因为一次意外,他竟然错过了那么多的时间,真不知道现在情况已经如何了。 When he just returned to the starry sky, he as if hears, in not far away place, is having a fighting. 就在他刚刚回到星空的时候,他似乎听到,在不远处的地方,正在发生着一场械斗。 I have now swallowed these many Star Sand, as if enough I do not need to fuse Star Sand again, can exist in the middle of this star source, what what a pity was Star Sand fused completely, has not carried over one grain to come.” “我现在吞噬了这么多的星砂,似乎足够我不用再融合星砂,就能存在于这星源当中,可惜的是星砂全部融合了,沒有带出一粒來。” Therefore, if Xing Qing they need Star Sand, he is unable to provide. 所以,如果星晴他们需要星砂的话,他还是无法提供。 Moreover, now does not know that still several people exist. 而且,现在也不知道还有几个人存在。 Long Chen goes in the fighting direction hastily. 龙辰连忙朝着打斗的方向而去。 .............................. ………………………… First day, next day, third day......! 第一天,第二天,第三天……! When Long Chen third day has not appeared, but in the middle of after the star source the situation is getting more and more intense, the hegemon ranks of nine star Alliances, other at least Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Expert, almost forgot Long Chen. 龙辰第三天都还沒有出现,而星源当中情况越來越紧张之后,九星联盟的盟主级别,还有其他至少五行轮回劫境强者们,几乎把龙辰忘记。 More arrives at behind, the person who coming out are less, but everybody also anxious. 越是到后面,出來的人就越少,但大家也更加的紧张。 Naturally, Dream Immortal Clan person, the time was always talking, where Long Chen went! 当然,梦幻仙族的人,还是时刻都在叨念,龙辰到底去了什么地方! Gong Qing and Xing Yue are standing shoulder to shoulder. 龚擎和星越并肩站着。 Gong Qingdao: Now on remaining more than three time of double-hour. Our here remaining Xing Qing, Bing Xinyue and Jun Ling three people, have certainly not to know which went to Long Chen. But that side Golden War God Clan, three, but is Expert, but that side Nightmare Clan, Hundun Kunwu is bringing other three Nightmare Clan or the Hundun Kunwu person, is pursuing Xing Qing they, except for Golden War God Clan that side, Star Sand seemed to be insufficient.” 龚擎道:“现在就剩下三个多时辰的时间了。我们这边剩下星晴冰心月君凌三个人,当然还有个不知道哪去了的龙辰。而黄金战神族那边,还有三位,但都是强者,而梦魇族那边,混沌昆吾带着其他三位梦魇族或者混沌昆吾的人,正在追击星晴他们,除了黄金战神族那边,似乎星砂都不够了啊。” Xing Yue said: Yes, in the Xing Qing hand, two grains of Star Sand, must insist after three double-hour, two grains of Star Sand are insufficient, but that side Hundun Kunwu has three grains of Star Sand, the words that their actually four people, Hundun Kunwu want to win, must snatch Star Sand to be good from Xing Qing, after all us adds on Long Chen, four people, he only then this means can make Nightmare Clan win......” 星越道:“是的,星晴手中,还有两粒星砂,要坚持到三个时辰后,两粒星砂是不够的,而混沌昆吾那边有三粒星砂,他们却有四个人,混沌昆吾想要获胜的话,必须要从星晴这边抢过星砂才行,毕竟我们这边加上龙辰,也有四个人,他只有这一种办法能够让梦魇族获胜……” Qing'er lacks grain of Star Sand, our Dream Immortal Clan, even if not stare now by Hundun Kunwu, as if cannot attain first.” 晴儿这边缺少一粒星砂,我们梦幻仙族这边,就算现在不被混沌昆吾盯上,似乎也拿不到第一啊。” The final result must have immediately, in the middle of the star source actually presents a chaotic condition, in the middle of three remaining all people, now almost toward a point gathering. 最后的结果马上就要结出,星源当中却呈现出一副混乱的状态,三者当中剩下的所有人,现在几乎都朝着一个点汇聚。 The situation is this, Hundun Kunwu had found Xing Qing, pursues, the sound was too big, initiates the Mo Xiao Lang three people to follow in secret. 情况是这样的,混沌昆吾找到了星晴,一路追击,动静太大,引发了莫小狼三人暗中跟随。 Xing Yue sinking sound track: According to this situation, if Hundun Kunwu robs grain of Star Sand from Xing Qing, then wins on Nightmare Clan. If cannot rob, we originally only then two grains of Star Sand, Long Chen insist again that the final result can be the three parties remaining three people, then the score of this team war, belongs to anyone, must look at the elite to fight.” 星越沉声道:“照这情况,如果混沌昆吾星晴这边抢走一粒星砂,那么就梦魇族获胜。如果抢不走的话,我们本就只有两粒星砂,龙辰再坚持下去,最后的结局会是三方都剩下三个人,那么这团队战的分数,到底归属谁,就要看精英战了。” This is nine star Alliance another customs. 这是九星联盟另外一个规矩。 If in the middle of the team war, two or three teams post for first, the elite of which team then during looks at the elite to fight to win the championship, if becomes the champion, can attain two points one time. 若是团队战当中,有两个或者三个队伍并列第一的话,那么就看精英战当中哪个队伍的精英获得冠军,如果成为冠军,就能一次性拿到两分。 The above two situations, do not have the advantage to Dream Immortal Clan, because Dream Immortal Clan does not have Expert of Hundun Kunwu this rank, the elite fights is impossible to achieve the absolute success. Even if tie , is very when the time comes possible for two points both to discard. 以上两种情况,对梦幻仙族來说都沒有好处,因为梦幻仙族沒有混沌昆吾这个级别的强者,精英战不可能获得绝对的胜利。就算是平手,到时候也很可能两分都丢掉。 The team war is from the beginning disadvantageous to Dream Immortal Clan, arrives simply finally, was still the worst result. 团队战一开始就对梦幻仙族不利,简直到最后,仍然是最差的结果。 If Xing Qing can in this pursuit, attain Hundun Kunwu Star Sand on the contrary, has this situation, Dream Immortal Clan may win. 假如星晴能在这场追击当中,反倒拿到混沌昆吾星砂,出现这种情况,梦幻仙族才可能会赢。 It seems like we lost.” But Xing Yue said with a smile. “看來我们输定了。”星越无奈笑道。 No, variable.” Gong Qingdao. “不,还有变数。”龚擎道。 You say Long Chen?” Xing Yue asked. “你是说龙辰?”星越问。 Gong Qing shakes the head, said: Naturally is not, who knows where Long Chen went, I meant that Golden War God Clan three, they are dormant now in Hundun Kunwu behind, once Hundun Kunwu and Xing Qing they hit, these three fellows will possibly pick up a bargain in behind!” 龚擎摇摇头,道:“当然不是,谁知道龙辰去了哪里,我是说黄金战神族的三位,他们现在蛰伏在混沌昆吾身后,一旦混沌昆吾星晴他们打起來,这三个家伙很可能会在后面捡便宜!” This variable does not have the advantage to our Dream Immortal Clan!” “这变数对我们梦幻仙族也沒有好处啊!” Xing Yue is very helpless. 星越还是很无奈。 At this time, finally arrived at the most crucial time, the Xing Qing three people are overtaken by Hundun Kunwu finally, Hundun Kunwu behind also with Cultivator of three Nightmare Clan teams. 就在这时候,终于到了最关键的时刻,星晴三人终于还是被混沌昆吾追上,混沌昆吾身后还跟着三个梦魇族队伍的者。 In this pursuit, Xing Qing does not have the time to look for many Star Sand, in the hand two grains of Star Sand , will possibly be made by the opposite party...... 在这场追击当中,星晴根本沒时间去找更多的星砂,手中两粒的星砂,很可能也会被对方弄走…… The time, three people as if somewhat despaired. 顿时间,三人似乎有些绝望了。 We were lose.” The Bing Xinyue whole face is pale. “我们是输定了。”冰心月满脸苍白。 Side that Darkness King Dragon, is so. 旁边那暗夜君王龙,也是如此。 Since previous time was played tricks on by Long Chen, Hundun Kunwu looks like goes crazy, chases down Xing Qing in the entire star source they, finally overtook at this time! 自从上次被龙辰戏弄,混沌昆吾就像是发疯似的,在整个星源追杀星晴他们,终于在这个时候追上了! He revolves the chaos motive power, rushed to Xing Qing at present, clenches jaws, is fierce: This time, you again cannot run away!” 他运转混沌原力,冲到了星晴眼前,咬牙切齿,狰狞道:“这一次,你就再也逃不了了吧!” Only remaining three double-hour time! 只剩下三个时辰时间了! Properly speaking, so long as remaining two double-hour time, they fuse last grain of Star Sand again, can support finally, if can these days find grain of Star Sand to be better again, has not thought at this time, stared unexpectedly by Hundun Kunwu! 照理來说,只要剩下两个时辰的时候,他们再融合最后一粒星砂,就能够撑到最后,如果能在这段时间再找到一粒星砂就更好了,沒想到在这时候,竟然又被混沌昆吾盯上了! On Hundun Kunwu has three grains of Star Sand, he also misses one grain. 混沌昆吾身上有三粒星砂,他还差一粒。 Xing Qing said calmly: I give you grain of Star Sand, you put us to leave, how?” 星晴冷静道:“我给你一粒星砂,你放我们离开,如何?” Hundun Kunwu laughs saying: „Are you so naive? Puts you to leave, you may obtain Star Sand, although does not know where Long Chen that fellow went, but he may exist, we only the remaining four people, you let us not want also to leave behind four!” 混沌昆吾大笑道:“你怎么这么天真呢?放你们离开,那你们还是有可能得到星砂的,虽然不知道龙辰那家伙去了哪里,但他有可能存在,我们才只剩下四个人,你别想也留下四个!” Hundun Kunwu is not a fool. 混沌昆吾可不是笨蛋。 He was withdrawn by three people of oneself one side, an eye cut-throat looks at Xing Qing they, under the influence of chaos motive power, Bing Xinyue and Jun Ling in secret shivers, they know that Hundun Kunwu seized this opportunity, certainly will make into the severe wound them! 他让自己一方的三人退后,一双眼睛凶狠的看着星晴他们,在混沌原力的影响之下,冰心月君凌都暗中颤抖,他们知道混沌昆吾抓住了这次机会,一定会把他们打成重伤的! Sister Xing Qing, what to do we should! What to do should?” 星晴师姐,我们该怎么办啊!该怎么办?” The Bing Xinyue fear almost must cry. 冰心月害怕都几乎都要哭出來了。 That Long Chen does not know where! If he and your joint effort, Hundun Kunwu has no way to be so rampant!” “那龙辰也不知道哪里去了!如果他和你合力,混沌昆吾也沒法这么嚣张吧!” She knows the Long Chen advantage now. 她现在知道龙辰的好处了。 Xing Qing said: I block him, you bring Star Sand to run away.” 星晴道:“我來挡住他,你们带着星砂逃遁吧。” These words just said that Hundun Kunwu almost on Insight her idea, he has laughed saying: „To escape, wishful thinking! Surrounds them, my lanes are remnant!” 这句话刚刚说出來,混沌昆吾几乎就洞悉了她的想法,他大笑道:“想要逃出,痴心妄想!围住他们,我一个个弄残!” The Nightmare Clan team remaining three people encircle to kill, in the eye full is the happy expression. 梦魇族队伍剩下的三个人围杀上來,眼中满是笑意。 At this time, Hundun Kunwu gratefully, in his hand presented Primordial Spear, 300 Dao Mark [say / way] crush Xing Qing galaxy Saint sword, he made a long-range raid simply, Primordial Spear everywhere one visit, must be poked the hole including this space by him, chaos motive power violence bombing, will display star soul Sword Art Xing Qing to repel again and again! 就在这时候,混沌昆吾毫不客气,他手中出现混元枪,300条道纹的道器简直碾压星晴的星河圣剑,他奔袭上來,混元枪所到之处,连这空间都要被他戳出窟窿,混沌原力暴力轰炸,将施展星魂剑诀星晴连连打退! Bang! 轰隆! Xing Qing was shaken by the opposite party, the galaxy Saint sword almost could not assert with confidence, Hundun Kunwu is too strong, is the Chaos Star Domain first talent of recognition! 星晴被对方震开,星河圣剑都差点拿不稳了,混沌昆吾实在太强,是公认的混乱星域第一天才啊! Roar! 吼! Xing Qing changes into 3000 Astral Soul Dragon, resists Hundun Kunwu! 星晴化为三千星魂龙,对抗混沌昆吾 Outside the star source, saw that team war must end, the people look anxiously. 星源之外,眼看着团队战就要结束了,众人紧张的看着。 Golden War God Clan three, but also is ambushing, feared that wants praying mantis Bu Chan, the canary.” 黄金战神族的三位,还在潜伏,怕是要螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。” That does Long Chen, where go now?” “那龙辰,现在到底哪里去了呢?”
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