DBWG :: Volume #21

#2025: Thousand grains of star granulated substance

In the middle of the star source, the part region is the outside person was unable to see, when enough two double-hour have not discovered Long Chen, moreover had not seen that after Long Chen was repelled by the star source, they basically think that Long Chen this was entered in the middle of the star source, region that these they are unable to see. 星源当中,还有部分的区域是外边的人无法看见的,当足足两个时辰沒有发现龙辰,而且也沒看到龙辰被星源排斥出來后,他们基本上认为龙辰这是进入了星源当中,那些他们无法看到的区域。 Two double-hour, Long Chen has not come out. 两个时辰,龙辰沒有出來。 Four double-hour pass by, came out from the star source including Xiao Hongchen, Long Chen had still not appeared. 四个时辰过去,连萧红尘都从星源当中出來了,龙辰仍然沒有出现。 More arrives at behind, is thrilling, although the people still remember Long Chen, but did not pay attention to him gradually, after all the time in the past, three days in fact were quite little rapid, Long Chen enters the region that could not see, sooner or later will come out. 越是到后面,就越是惊险,众人虽然还记得龙辰,但也已经逐渐不去关注他了,毕竟时间一点点过去,三天的时间实际上相当迅速,龙辰只是进入了一些看不到的区域,迟早会出來。 What they pay more attention, now each side remaining many people, time also remaining many, who finally also may also win. 他们更加关注的是,现在每一方还剩下多少人,时间还剩下多少,最终还可能会有谁获胜。 That time, after Long Chen Hundun Kunwu has provoked anger, Hundun Kunwu almost goes crazy, chaotic extension in the middle of the entire star source, basically runs into the enemy to hit, little will keep the hand. 那一次,龙辰混沌昆吾惹怒了之后,混沌昆吾几乎发疯,在整个星源当中乱转,基本上遇到敌人就打,很少会留手。 The majority met with a disaster, is the Golden War God Clan person. 大部分遭殃的,是黄金战神族的人。 The people anticipate Mo Xiao Lang and Hundun Kunwu meeting engagement, what disappoints everybody is, from beginning to end they have not met. 众人期待莫小狼混沌昆吾的遭遇战,但让大家失望的是,从始至终他们都沒有相遇过。 After several fights, can definitely show that Mo Xiao Lang is the battle efficiency does not lose to Hundun Kunwu Cultivator, moreover passes through one to inquire, nine star Alliances in the middle on the scene, many people knew the Mo Xiao Lang origin, they somewhat know Mo Xiao Lang at the matter that Monster God Domain makes, as for the Mo Xiao Lang origin people are not specially clear, but some part of people of know that he really has the relations with the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor that vanishes! 经过几次战斗,完全可以证明,莫小狼是战斗力不输给混沌昆吾者,而且经过一番打探过,在场九星联盟当中,已经有不少人知道了莫小狼的來历,他们多多少少知道莫小狼妖神域做出的事情,至于莫小狼的來历众人不是特别清楚,但有部分的人已经知道,他竟然和那消失的永恒龙帝之子有关系! And the relations are great. 而且还关系不浅。 For several days, they are impossible to inquire that are too many, but knows that the situation Monster Clan the identity exposure of Mo Xiao Lang, on Mo Xiao Lang will not have the strength of demon after all. 短短几天时间,他们不可能打听到太多,而知道情况的妖族也不会把莫小狼的身份泄露出來,毕竟莫小狼身上有魔的力量。 Although Dream Immortal Clan has not assumed the rank Expert, but at everybody gathers well, moreover is quite careful, the time has been passing, Hundun Kunwu seeks for them in the entire star source crazily, but again had not actually found one time. 梦幻仙族虽然沒有坐镇级别的强者,但好在大家都聚集在一起,而且相当小心,时间一直都在流逝,混沌昆吾在整个星源疯狂的寻找他们,但却沒有再找到一次。 Among them some people leave the star source, completely is because could not find many Star Sand, under has no alternative automatically withdraws, after all everybody gathers together, the security was safe, but had the Star Sand opportunity to be small. 他们当中有人离开星源,完全是因为找不到更多的星砂,无可奈何之下才自动退出的,毕竟大家聚在一起,安全是安全了,但得到星砂的机会却小了。 The quantities of three large clans are reducing, but in fact in maintaining balanced, therefore until last day, still did not have that race to determine one can end the victory in the team war, Hundun Kunwu and Mo Xiao Lang, although is formidable, but still had the suspense probably. 三大族的数量都在减少,但实际上一直都在维持一个平衡,所以直到最后一天,仍然沒有那个种族可以确定自己能够在团队战当中完胜,混沌昆吾莫小狼虽然强大,但好像仍然有悬念在其中。 Saw that the time arrives gradually, a biggest disturbance comes quietly, but Long Chen still had not appeared...... 眼看着时间逐渐到來,一场最大的风波悄然而來,而龙辰却仍然沒有出现…… .................. ……………… After escaping into time perpetual flow, Long Chen casually looks for a direction to loaf to go, Xing Qing they have walked away, moreover they also in trading the direction, in the middle of this endless starry sky, Long Chen could not find them, he does not look fortunately, whatever wander in the middle of this starry sky, at his speed, obtains Star Sand more convenient. 遁入时间长河后,龙辰就随便找个方向游荡而去,星晴他们已经走远了,而且他们也都的一直在换方向,在这无尽星空当中,龙辰根本就找不到他们,他所幸就不找了,任凭自己在这星空当中漂流,以他的速度,得到星砂还方便一些。 But why does not know, walks is walking, the surrounding broken star completely vanished unexpectedly, Long Chen turns head to look that discovered one unexpectedly are in the middle of deathly stillness darkness, the surroundings do not have the least bit stars, even does not have continually luminously. 可是不知道为什么,走着走着,周围的碎星竟然完全消失了,龙辰回头看去,发现自己竟然处在一片死寂的黑暗当中,周围沒有半点星辰,甚至连光亮都沒有。 Where is this?” “这是哪里?” Long Chen vigilant is looking at all around. 龙辰警惕的望着四周。 He believes firmly that he just arrived certainly here, moreover here certainly is a mysterious place. 他确信自己一定是刚刚來到这里的,而且这里一定是个神秘的地方。 He does not dare to move easily, but after all here star source. 他沒敢轻易移动,毕竟这里可是星源。 At this time, he almost did not believe own eye, all spaces that getting up that because on the place kilometer away in him, glistens at present suddenly, the small photo source actually illuminated, the darkness of surroundings deathly stillness lived suddenly, turned into the boundless starry sky. 就在这时候,他几乎不相信自己的眼睛,因为在他眼前上千米之外的地方,忽然间闪亮的起來,小小的光源却照亮的所有的空间,周围死寂的黑暗忽然间活了过來,又变成了无垠的星空。 There is...... Long Chen had seen miniature Shining Star! 那里是……龙辰曾经见过的微型璀璨星辰 That is beautiful stars, blooms the radiant ray, the crystal wind-drift sand is revolving above, only beautiful. But in this Shining Star side, has several thousand Star Sand, is rotating regarding this Shining Star. 那是一颗美丽的星辰,绽放着璀璨的光芒,水晶流沙在其上旋转,唯美至极。而在这璀璨星辰的旁边,有着数千的星砂,正在围绕这璀璨星辰转动着。 Long Chen without demur, approaches toward that side. 龙辰二话不说,就朝着那边靠近。 Star Core!” 星核!” Has not thought that can be Shining Star Star Core unexpectedly. 沒想到,竟然会是璀璨星辰星核 The hearsay fused this Shining Star, but can become Star Lord! 传闻融合了这璀璨星辰,可是能够成为星主的! Naturally, Long Chen has not dared to fuse him, his present strength is limited, definitely has no way to control such strength, but this cannot hold back his curiosity, so precious Star Core appears in oneself at present, cannot take away, at least must walk to look at a clarity. 当然了,龙辰不敢去融合他,他现在力量有限,肯定沒法掌控这样的力量,但这并不能按压他的好奇心,如此珍贵的星核出现在自己眼前,就算拿不走,至少也要走过去看个清楚。 Even, at least can also carry off some Star Sand? 甚至,至少也要带走一些星砂吧? Here has over a thousand grains of Star Sand, if takes, found Xing Qing again they, anything does not need to fear simply that the possibility of this team war victory is very big! 这里有上千粒星砂,要是拿出去,再找到星晴他们,简直就什么都不用怕,这团队战胜利的可能性很大! If can become, that is the Long Chen merit! 如果能成,那就是龙辰的功劳! He changes to the scarlet ray, impact goes together, the short kilometer distance passes to him in an instant, that miniature Shining Star was also in his eyes getting more and more clear, what is different from true Shining Star, at present this miniature Shining Star probably is a heart, sends out tremor gently. 他化作一道血色光芒,冲击而去,短短千米距离对他而言转眼即逝,那微型的璀璨星辰在他眼中也越來越清晰了,和真正的璀璨星辰所不同的是,眼前这微型的璀璨星辰就好像是一颗心脏,发出轻轻的颤动。 Brother Chen, probably Butterfly Illusion Sword and this Star Core have the relations......” 辰哥哥,好像蝴蝶幻剑和这星核有关系……” The god country, Butterfly Illusion Sword in Lingxi hand also just likes feels the tremor of that Star Core, thus is shivering, Butterfly Illusion Sword has met the familiar thing likely, fluctuation gently from the hand of Lingxi. 神国当中,灵曦手中的蝴蝶幻剑也恍如感受到那星核的颤动,从而跟着颤动着,蝴蝶幻剑像是遇到了熟悉的东西,从灵曦的手中轻轻的浮动起來。 „Can it come out?” “它要出來?” Long Chen thinks of here, will put out Butterfly Illusion Sword, has a look to be any situation, had the matter that has surpassed him to control at this time, that was that revolves Shining Star over a thousand grains of Star Sand, flushed unexpectedly toward him! 龙辰想到这里,正要将蝴蝶幻剑拿出,看看会是什么情况,就在这时候发生了一件超出他所能掌控的事情,那就是那围绕着璀璨星辰的上千粒星砂,竟然朝着他冲來! Star Sand was away from Long Chen not to be far, this short distance, in addition in the Long Chen heart has doubts, Star Sand arrived at his surroundings instantaneously, has surrounded him firmly. 星砂本來就距离龙辰不远,这短短的距离,再加上龙辰心中疑惑,星砂算是瞬间到达了他的周围,将他牢牢的包围了起來。 Delivers?” “送上门來么?” At this time, Butterfly Illusion Sword peaceful, fell returned to the Lingxi hand. 这时候,蝴蝶幻剑安静了下去,落回到了灵曦手中。 That Shining Star ray, suddenly was unexpectedly gloomier, Long Chen has not made clear what happened, that over a thousand Star Sand encircles unexpectedly toward his body, in a flash, Star Sand whiz whiz crashes in his body, changed to a ray to melt in the middle of his mortal body, Long Chen must these strange Star Sand compelling, but he actually discovered that these Star Sand became very pure strength unexpectedly, melted in the middle of his strength of Nirvana! 璀璨星辰的光芒,竟然也忽然暗淡了许多,龙辰还沒搞清楚发生什么事情呢,那上千的星砂竟然朝着他的身体围上來,转瞬之间,星砂嗖嗖的冲进他的身体,化作一道光芒融进了他的肉身当中,龙辰原本是要将这些奇怪的星砂给逼出去的,但他却发现,这些星砂竟然变成非常精纯的力量,融进了他的涅槃之力当中! Originally, grain of Star Sand, can make the Long Chen strength increase much. 原本,一粒星砂,就能让龙辰的力量增加不少。 If only dozens grains, but also being insufficient makes the Long Chen strength have the transformation, but over a thousand Star Sand melted each corner of his body at this time, in Long Chen within the body, the strength of primal chaos Nirvana just liked the torrential rivers and streams, kept rolling, all Star Sand strengths were similar to the branches, converged to his strength, under the assimilation of strength of primal chaos Nirvana, was controlled by Long Chen instantaneously, became his strength. 如果只是几十粒的话,还不足以让龙辰的实力发生蜕变,可此时足足有上千的星砂融进了他身体的每一个角落,在龙辰体内,太极涅槃之力犹如滔滔江河,不停滚动,所有星砂的力量如同支流,汇入到他的力量当中,在太极涅槃之力的同化之下,瞬间被龙辰掌控,成为了他自己的力量。 A star light, melts his body. 点点星光,融进他的身体。 Suddenly accepted these many strengths, the Long Chen time somewhat could not support, that boundless stars strength almost must push to explode him, Long Chen has to clench the teeth, sits cross-legged to sit down, although these Star Sand came very strangely, but Long Chen can determine that this did not have the fault for him, even was he attacks this boundary Late Stage best opportunity, if this time can be successful, then should be able in soon, to resist that Highest Beginning God! 一时间接受了这么多的力量,龙辰顿时间有些撑不住了,那磅礴的星辰力量几乎要将他挤爆了,龙辰不得不咬紧牙关,盘腿坐下,虽然这些星砂來得挺离奇的,但龙辰能够确定,这对他來说并沒有坏处,甚至是他冲击到本境界后期最好的一次机会,如果这一次能够成功的话,接下來应该就可以在不久之后,对抗那太始之神了! Again in the future, can enter Reincarnation Calamity Realm truly! 再往后,就能真正的进入轮回劫境 Solely arrives at this boundary Late Stage, he estimated that had to defeat the Hundun Kunwu strength! 单单是到达本境界的后期,他估计就有战胜混沌昆吾的力量了! Bang! 轰隆隆! The endless stars strength, sweeps across in his within the body, meets as an equal with his original strength, the good Star Sand strength is not wild, otherwise Long Chen must make it tear. 无尽星辰力量,在他体内席卷,和他原來的力量分庭抗礼,还好星砂的力量并不狂暴,否则的话龙辰就要让之撕裂了。 This strength, complete consumption words , the good certain time, considered that is still carrying on Star Lord Hegemony War, Long Chen has to do utmost. 这一股力量,完全消耗的话,也好一定的时间,考虑到还在进行星主争霸战,龙辰不得不竭尽全力。 Must catch up before Star Lord Hegemony War finished exits to be good. No matter how this Star Core, builds up the Star Sand strength first!” “一定要赶在星主争霸战结束之前出去才行。不管这星核如何,先炼化星砂力量!” He just flood this thought that that miniature Shining Star, is Star Core, vanished by him unexpectedly, the surroundings return to the darkness once again, a deathly stillness, on only Long Chen erupts the endless star light, the incomparable intensity, shines the surrounding endless space! 他刚刚泛起这个念头,那微型璀璨星辰,也就是星核,竟然在他旁边消失了,周围再度回归到黑暗当中,一片死寂,唯独龙辰身上爆发出无尽的星光,无比的强烈,照耀周围无尽的空间! He sparkles like the stars, illustrious world! 他闪耀如星辰,光耀天地! The so intense ray, surpasses beforehand Star Core, needs the vast strength, can complete. 如此强烈的光线,远超过之前的星核,需要有浩瀚力量,方能完成。 The god country, Lingxi gradually becomes for him stronger and happy, she still remembers first meeting, by Bai and Yang Town, Long Chen also in the absorption stars strength, Cultivate Stars Battle Body, was only the Long Ji Continent distance genuine stars was extremely at that time remote, to them including Immortal God Domain was only the stars, therefore that time Long Chen, can only absorb to the acme strength weakly. 神国当中,灵曦为他逐渐变得更强而高兴,她仍然记得初次见面的时候,在白杨镇旁边,龙辰那时候也在吸收星辰力量,修炼星辰战体,只是龙祭大陆距离真正的星辰太过遥远了,对于他们而言连永生神域都只是星辰,所以那时候的龙辰,只能吸收微弱到极致的力量。 Grain of Star Sand, seems like tiny, if places Long Ji Continent, the strength releases, feared that can make entire Ten Thousand Country Territory collapse. 一粒星砂,看似渺小,若是放在龙祭大陆,力量释放出來,怕是能让整个万国疆域都崩溃。 After all Long Ji Continent in the world of destruction, was unable to imagine the frailty of Long Ji Continent, this is also Immortal God Domain unexpectedly lets the reason that the person gets down. 毕竟龙祭大陆已经是在毁灭的世界了,无法想象龙祭大陆的脆弱,这也是永生神域竟然让人下去的原因。 That world was already broken to the distance destruction is not far. 那个世界早就残破到距离毁灭不远了。 Future Immortal God Domain, meets such. 将來的永生神域,也会那样。 Looked like the curse, during was dying. 就像是中了诅咒,正在死亡当中。 But Long Chen this life, was still pursuing his [say / way]. 龙辰这个生命,仍然在追求着他自己的道。 In the middle of his life matter of primary importance, perhaps is protects. Protects the family member and lover, Younger Brother. Protects person of father's generation's dignity and glory, protects the multiplication and prosperity of race, even protects this entire world. 他生命当中最重要的事情,或许就是守护吧。守护亲人、爱人,兄弟。守护父辈的尊严和荣耀,守护种族的繁衍和昌盛,甚至守护这整个世界。 He in formidable, the Star Sand strength by him by the Divine Dragon formidable talent decomposition, others is needed to consume the strength that several hundred years of Cultivate can obtain gradually, lets him in short within one to two days, completely swallows to attract cleanly, his body looks like the endless vessel, will not be forever saturated. 他在强大,星砂的力量逐渐被他以神龙强大的天赋分解,别人需要耗费数百年修炼才能得到的力量,让他在短短一到两天的时间之内,就完全吞吸干净,他的身体就像是无尽的容器,永远也不会饱和。 Built up the Star Sand speed to be getting quicker and quicker. 炼化星砂的速度越來越快了。 Passing of Lingxi peaceful several time. 灵曦安静的数着时间的流逝。 As if away from three days to expire, probably on three double-hour about. Outside person, only needs to fuse grain of Star Sand again, should be able to support.” “似乎距离三天到期,好像就三个时辰左右的时间了。外面的人,只需要再融合一粒星砂,应该就能撑下去了吧。” Long Chen had still not finished, making her somewhat worry slightly. 龙辰仍然沒结束,让她稍微有些着急。
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