DBWG :: Volume #21

#2024: Fierce combat chaos

Once again meet! 再度相遇! Although said in the star source to be very big, but also on some people, the probability of meet is considerably large. 虽然说星源里面很大,但也就这么一些人,相遇的几率还是相当大的。 With the previous meet, is away from day. 和上次的相遇,也就隔着一天的时间吧。 Meets Hundun Kunwu this rampant fellow once again, Long Chen rushes directly his at present, has blocked his way, only then after Xing Qing they have walked away, Long Chen facilitates to use Time Travel Dragon, he participates in Star Lord Hegemony War for the victory! Therefore heroic fearless. 再度遇上混沌昆吾这个嚣张的家伙,龙辰直接冲到他的眼前,挡住了他的去路,只有星晴他们走远了之后,龙辰才方便使用时间游龙,他來参加星主争霸战就是为了胜利!所以英勇无畏。 He......” “他……” Bing Xinyue and the others, under the summon of Xing Qing, form one group, flees and becomes separated rapidly. 冰心月等人,在星晴的召唤下,结成一团,迅速逃散。 Until this time, Bing Xinyue they had still not responded why is Long Chen remains to block Hundun Kunwu, do they flee in advance? Why is he? 直到这时候,冰心月他们仍然沒有反应过來,为什么是龙辰留下來挡住混沌昆吾,他们先行逃离?为什么是他? This lets the brain of Bing Xinyue confusedly, she may understand, no matter who remains to block Hundun Kunwu, his fate absolutely and underground spring yama dragon is similar, the spirit that Long Chen so had not clearly sacrificed, why actually must make the action of this sacrifice. 这让冰心月的脑子错乱不已,她可明白,不管是谁留下來挡住混沌昆吾,他的下场绝对和黄泉冥王龙差不多,龙辰分明沒有如此牺牲的精神,却为何要做出这种牺牲的举动。 This lets always look down upon Long Chen Bing Xinyue extremely close, she has turned head, saw unexpectedly Hundun Kunwu actually gets angry, fought with Long Chen, that sound was simply fearful! 这让向來看不起龙辰冰心月极度的接近,她回过头的时候,竟然看到混沌昆吾竟然发怒,和龙辰战斗到了一起,那动静简直可怕! Sister Xing Qing, why he this?” Bing Xinyue cannot bear ask. 星晴师姐,他为什么会这样做?”冰心月忍不住问道。 Xing Qing leads them to pick up the speed, transforms the direction rapidly, flees the Hundun Kunwu field of vision, her visual front, cold sound track: Because only then he can achieve, but you cannot achieve.” 星晴带着他们加快速度,迅速转变方向,逃离混沌昆吾的视野,她目视前方,冷声道:“因为只有他能做到,而你们做不到。” Bing Xinyue suddenly was startled. 冰心月一时间怔住了。 Magnanimous, if you are again unkind to him, if he were angry must punish you, I will not help you!” “大度一点吧,你若是再对他刻薄,若是他生气了要惩罚你,我可不会帮助你!” Xing Qing said again, then no longer much said. 星晴再说了一句,便不再多说了。 Good.” “好吧。” But Bing Xinyue nods, so trusts him including Xing Qing, it seems like that this person really has very original place. But can he block Hundun Kunwu really? 冰心月无奈点头,连星晴都如此信任他,看來这个人确实有非常独到的地方。但他真的能够挡住混沌昆吾 Bing Xinyue suspected very much. 冰心月很是怀疑。 She may be clear, Hundun Kunwu that is the Chaos Star Domain first talent, the person who enough most goes against heaven's will the character who compares with Five Great Dragon City that type, is Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family trains specially with the elite character who the Immortal God Domain five large clans compare, Long Chen can block him? 她心里可清楚,混沌昆吾那可是混乱星域第一天才,足够和五大龙城那种最逆天的人物比较的人,是混沌皇族专门培养出來和永生神域五大族比较的精英人物,龙辰能拦住他? Not only Bing Xinyue does not believe that in fact other people do not believe similarly. 不但冰心月不相信,实际上其他人也同样不相信。 However they have experienced Long Chen by the strength of time, making Hundun Kunwu admit defeat, what they are curious, the child of this strange Eternal Dragon Emperor, can he also make Hundun Kunwu this type of counter Celestial thing admit defeat again one time? 但是他们见识过龙辰以时间的力量,让混沌昆吾吃瘪,他们好奇的是,这个奇怪的永恒龙帝之子,他是否还能够让混沌昆吾这种逆天人物再吃瘪一次? To this matter, they naturally very much anticipated. 对这种事情,他们自然很期待了。 Suddenly, the people discussed with a smile. 一时间,众人笑着议论了起來。 This boy, Hundun Kunwu also really had also been blocked by him, it seems like that this fellow is the Dream Immortal Clan liberator.” “这小子还真可以,混沌昆吾还真的被他拦住了,看來这家伙是梦幻仙族的救星啊。” Now said that this, Hundun Kunwu, where will eat second time shrivelled!” “现在说这还远着呢,混沌昆吾,哪里会吃第二次的瘪!” Discussed the time in them, Long Chen the flames of war were dreadful, second bitter experience Expert, his in fact worry did not have, some were only the warm-blooded fight, the opposite party is formidable, he was more excited, fights intent is turbulent! 在他们谈论时候,龙辰却已战火滔天,第二次遭遇这个强者,他实际上一点担心都沒有,有的只是热血战斗,对方越是强大,他就越是兴奋,战意就越是汹涌! Withers him!” “干死他!” In the middle of Behead Divine Sword, the small skeleton is Long Chen cried out. 斩神剑当中,小骷髅为龙辰呐喊。 Once Long Chen erupts, is extremely powerful, he is the fight of crazy form, Behead Divine Sword slaughters innumerable Sword Qi completely instantaneously, a sword sword slaughters, Sword Qi is dreadful, his body as if has this infinite strength, the charge, suddenly unexpectedly suppresses that Hundun Kunwu again and again backs up! 龙辰一旦爆发出來,也相当强悍,他完全是疯狂形式的战斗,斩神剑瞬间杀戮出无数的剑气,一剑一剑厮杀而出,剑气滔天,他的身上仿佛拥有这无穷的力量,不停的冲锋,一时间竟然将那混沌昆吾压制得连连倒退! Comes one time to this fellow in a big way!” “给这家伙來一次大的!” Long Chen will slaughter Sword Art to slaughter to more than 200 swords instantaneously, at this time Sword Qi in kilometer total flooding the surroundings, the Hundun Kunwu violent anger, suddenly could not resist again, this time Hundun Kunwu , can only roar again and again. 龙辰瞬间将杀戮剑诀杀戮到200多剑,这时候剑气已经将周围上千米全部淹沒了,混沌昆吾再暴怒,一时间也抵抗不住,这时候的混沌昆吾,也只能连连怒吼了。 „The eye of Hell!” 地狱之眼!” This is Long Chen gives the Hundun Kunwu big move. 这就是龙辰混沌昆吾的大招。 The eye of Hell is always invincible, even if is also same facing Hundun Kunwu, the quiet green eye that then behind suddenly presents in Long Chen just likes the ghosts and demons, Hundun Kunwu of exceedingly indignant is just about to display the chaos motive power to counter-attack Long Chen, instantaneously had actually been frightened the soul in this by the eye of Hell, the chaos motive power dissipates, Long Chen seized this opportunity, the wind kills once again! 地狱之眼从來都是所向无敌,就算是面对混沌昆吾也一样,那在龙辰身后骤然出现的幽绿色眼睛犹如鬼魅,无比愤怒的混沌昆吾正要施展混沌原力反击龙辰,却在这瞬间被地狱之眼震慑了魂魄,混沌原力消散,龙辰抓住了这个机会,再度飙杀! At this time, Xing Qing they estimated that has walked away. 这个时候,星晴他们估计已经走远了。 Long Chen can feel relieved comes one time to the opposite party ruthlessly! 龙辰可以放心的给对方來一次狠的! Under frightening of eye of Hell, Long Chen kills over a hundred swords once again, slaughters Sword Art is Long Chen has experienced craziest Sword Art, more behind is arrives is crueler, under frightening of eye of Hell, the Hundun Kunwu god, directly made Long Chen chop the number sword slightly! 地狱之眼的震慑之下,龙辰再度杀出上百剑,杀戮剑诀龙辰见识过最疯狂的剑诀,越是到后面就越暴戾,在地狱之眼的震慑之下,混沌昆吾稍微愣神,就直接让龙辰砍中了数剑! Time, flesh and blood flying in all directions! 顿时间,血肉横飞! The Hundun Kunwu pain was called one, awakened, suppressed Long Chen slaughtering Sword Qi by the chaos motive power, this awakened, he from infancy to maturity was a God's favored one, little was injured, particularly the recent dozens years, this time injury was quite rare to him, but also made his anger rise the acme. 混沌昆吾痛叫一声,惊醒过來,以混沌原力压制住龙辰的杀戮剑气,这才惊醒过來,他从小到大都是天之骄子,很少受伤,尤其是最近几十年,这一次的受伤对他而言相当罕见,但也让他的愤怒上升到了极致。 Dragon Warrior!” 龙武者!” The Hundun Kunwu violent anger, the complexion is red, puts out Bai Lian, he gets hold of the double fist, muscle almost must explode, that rogue look stubbornly is staring at Long Chen. 混沌昆吾暴怒,脸色通红,吐出白练,他握紧双拳,一身肌肉几乎要爆炸,那凶恶的眼神死死的盯着龙辰 Called!” “叫个屁!” Long Chen has killed more than 300 swords, his quick nobody can keep off, while Hundun Kunwu gets angry the acme, roared loudly, Long Chen rushed goes, displays Eternal Flash! 龙辰已经杀到了300多剑了,他的快无人能挡,正当混沌昆吾怒到极致,大声咆哮的时候,龙辰冲上前去,施展刹那永恒 Courts Death!” 找死!” The Hundun Kunwu strength explodes, terrifying strength sweeps across. 混沌昆吾力量爆炸,恐怖的力道席卷而來。 He must shake Long Chen. 他要将龙辰震开。 But, Long Chen actually in the last time, directly displays Eternal Flash, then Behead Divine Sword displays the next sword, has delimited from the opposite party at present, Hundun Kunwu backs up hastily, but under the function of time strength slow one step, making a Long Chen sword hit! 可是,龙辰却在最后一次,直接施展刹那永恒,然后斩神剑施展下一剑,从对方眼前划过,混沌昆吾连忙倒退,但在时间力量的作用下还是慢了一步,让龙辰一剑击中! Behead Divine Sword has delimited the nostril of opposite party, directly the nose of Hundun Kunwu tearing! 斩神剑划过对方的鼻孔,直接将混沌昆吾的鼻子给撕裂了! Massive blood whirlwind flies! 大量的鲜血飚飞! Hundun Kunwu covers the nose, reddens all over the face, an eye is staring at Long Chen stubbornly, he under the Long Chen storm, has not responded that by so the great shame, this came to his entire life, has not appeared. 混沌昆吾捂住鼻子,满脸通红,一双眼睛死死盯着龙辰,他在龙辰的强攻之下,还沒反应过來,就已经受到了如此的奇耻大辱,这对他整个人生都來,都是不曾出现的。 Flowed the nosebleed? Really embarrassed, I must chop to fly your head.” “流鼻血了么?真是不好意思,我本來是要把你脑袋砍飞的。” Long Chen laughs. 龙辰哈哈大笑。 These many years, how many matches had he seen? Has the city palace deeply, has to understand to bear patiently, very intelligent, although Hundun Kunwu formidable is very very formidable, rare, but his hot tempered, swollen with arrogance, on mental was even inferior before Long Chen, match who runs into, this match battle efficiency is strong, Long Chen also in the same old way can play with him. 这么多年了,他见过多少的对手?有城府深的、有懂得隐忍的,有十分聪明的,混沌昆吾虽然很强大很强大,举世罕见,但他的性格暴躁,气焰嚣张,心智上甚至不如龙辰之前遇到的对手,这种对手战斗力再强,龙辰也照样能玩弄他。 On for example now, Long Chen is mad the opposite party almost must collapse. 就比如现在,龙辰就将对方气得几乎要崩溃。 Long Chen knows truth that quits when you're ahead, after goes well, he retrocedes immediately! 龙辰知道见好就收的道理,所得手后,他立刻后退! Has displayed including the eye of Hell, did not have the true injuring opposite party, he naturally knows that direct engagement he absolutely is not the match of this hot tempered talent, but his goal has been completed \; first, to let Xing Qing they leave smoothly, but plays tricks on this fellow. 地狱之眼都施展了出來,还沒有真正的打伤对方,他自然知道正面交战自己绝对不是这暴躁天才的对手,但他的目的已经完成了,一是让星晴他们顺利离开,而是戏弄一下这家伙。 Dragon Warrior!” 龙武者!” Hundun Kunwu has deleted the blood on nose, then the cut wound quickly is restoring. 混沌昆吾擦去了鼻子上的鲜血,那被划破的伤口正在迅速的恢复着。 His eyes cover entirely the blood thread, stubbornly is staring at Long Chen, the whole face is angry, the body full is the blue vein that sticks out suddenly, is similar to the eurypholis major rolls in the body! 他一双眼睛布满血丝,死死的盯着龙辰,满脸恼怒,身上满是暴起的青筋,如同青蛇在身体内滚动! You have succeeded, I never have so to hate a person, starting today, I do not kill you, I vow not to rest!!” “你已经成功了,我从來沒有如此怨恨一个人,从今天开始,我不把你弄死,我誓不罢休!!” He exudes the roaring sound, that sound is simply deafening, they heard including Xing Qing of distant place. 他发出咆哮声,那声音简直震耳欲聋,连远方的星晴他们都听到了。 He is all right.” Bing Xinyue intertwines to ask. “他沒事吧。”冰心月纠结问道。 Xing Qing is suddenly light smiles: What hasn't heard Hundun Kunwu to say? He should not suffer a loss.” 星晴忽然淡淡一笑:“沒听到混沌昆吾在说什么呢?他应该沒有吃亏吧。” Inconceivable.” “不可思议。” Bing Xinyue immediately damn expression. 冰心月顿时一副见鬼的表情。 Long Chen stands in opposite party place 300 meters away, said with a smile: Cracks a joke, did you kill me really?” 龙辰立在对方300米之外的地方,笑道:“开什么玩笑呢,你真的杀得了我呢?” His contemptuous manner, making Hundun Kunwu be burning with anger. 他这轻蔑的态度,让混沌昆吾更是怒火中烧。 No matter you are the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, I do not matter, today's hatred I have taken down, your this life do not want to escape!” “不管你是不是永恒龙帝之子,我都无所谓,今天的仇恨我记下了,你这一生都别想逃脱!” Hundun Kunwu clenches jaws to say. 混沌昆吾咬牙切齿道。 He should know that he definitely is unable to defeat Long Chen here, because Long Chen previous time runs away in him at present, now is away from his more than 300 meters, he definitely is unable to hold Long Chen. 他应该已经知道,他肯定无法在这里打败龙辰,因为龙辰上次在他眼前逃走,现在都距离他300多米,他肯定无法抓住龙辰 Long Chen has smiled, his cold sound track: Do not think highly of yourself, you can also be rampant in Chaos Star Domain this place. Today you are unable how me, some date and time, have been one's turn me to kill you. You can not need to worry greatly, during the elite fights, we will also meet, when the time comes I may unable to run away.” 龙辰笑了,他冷声道:“别太看得起自己了,你也就能在混乱星域这地方嚣张。今日你无法奈何我,过些时日,就轮到我弄死你了。你大可以不用操心,精英战当中,我们还会遇到的,到时候我可逃走不了。” The elite war, does not certainly allow to run away. 精英战,当然不允许逃走。 Remembers the words that you spoke!!” “记住你说的话吧!!” Hundun Kunwu roared angrily. 混沌昆吾愤怒吼叫道。 Long Chen no longer said that turns around to enter to the time perpetual flow, departs rapidly, leaves behind Hundun Kunwu to clench jaws, wild, he was roaring, flushed away toward the front by the endless chaos motive power, all kept off in his front stars, made him hit to explode instantaneously! 龙辰不再多说,转身进入到时间长河当中,迅速离去,留下混沌昆吾咬牙切齿,狂暴至极,他咆哮着,以无尽的混沌原力朝着前方冲去,所有挡在他前面的星辰,都让他瞬间打爆! His roaring, spreads over the starry sky. 他的咆哮,传遍星空。 In these person of hearts fearful and apprehensive, does not know that Hundun Kunwu this is sending any insanity. 那些人心中胆战心惊,不知道混沌昆吾这是在发什么疯。 But outside the star source, watched this battle, the people have a speechless feeling, they have not thought completely can be this kind of result. 而在星源之外,看了这一场争斗,众人有种无语的感觉,他们完全沒想到会是这样一个结果。 Hundun Kunwu is no doubt powerful, but made Long Chen playing jokes upon unexpectedly. 混沌昆吾固然强盛,但竟然让龙辰给戏耍了一顿。 Disposition, the Hundun Kunwu truly sycophancy cannot overtake the child of that Eternal Dragon Emperor.” “论心性,混沌昆吾确实拍马都追不上那永恒龙帝之子。” Really worthily is the Eternal Dragon Emperor son, same can control the overall situation with Long Qinglan, if the strength and natural talent are more terrorist, Hundun Kunwu truly is inferior to him.” “真不愧是永恒龙帝的儿子,和龙青澜一样能掌控全局啊,如果实力和天资再恐怖一些的话,混沌昆吾确实不如他。” But he too young, at least this elite war, he could not have overtaken the Hundun Kunwu footsteps.” “但他太年幼了,至少这次精英战,他还追不上混沌昆吾的脚步。” The performance of Long Chen, to Dream Immortal Clan absolutely is a pleasant surprise. 龙辰的表现,对梦幻仙族來说绝对是一个惊喜。 Because of his existence, a disaster was avoided, Dream King relaxed, their Dream Immortal Clan did not use in first day finally the team war all extinguishes. 因为他的存在,一场大难被免除,梦幻王松了一口气,他们梦幻仙族总算不用在第一天团队战就全灭了。 At least so far, three clan surplus population are similar. 至少目前为止,三族剩余的人数差不多。 Dream Immortal Clan is hopeful. 梦幻仙族还是有希望的。 Perhaps, can we count on him?” “或许,我们能指望他?” Dream King sinking sound track. 梦幻王沉声道。 Gong Qing shows a faint smile, said: Look, I was also unforeseen that remaining two days, what happened.” 龚擎微微一笑,道:“看吧,我也无法预料,剩下两天,会发生什么事情。” They pay attention to the star source once again. 他们再度关注星源。 But following, they discovered that a strange matter, that is Long Chen , since displaying Time Travel Dragon, had not come unexpectedly again, after two double-hour, Xing Qing had the person to find many Star Sand, he has not appeared unexpectedly...... 可接下來,他们发现一件古怪的事情,那就是龙辰自从施展时间游龙后,竟然再沒有现身过,两个时辰过后,星晴都带人找到了不少的星砂,他竟然还沒有出现…… He in the middle of the star source, disappeared suddenly...... 他在星源当中,忽然消失了……
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