DBWG :: Volume #21

#2021: Mystical wolf clan

Because of this resistance, Long Chen was entering during the attention of Chaos Star Domain these big shots. 正因为这次对抗,龙辰才走进了混乱星域这些大佬们的关注当中。 But in the middle of the endless starry sky, Hundun Kunwu grasped Primordial Spear, the delay looks at the surroundings, Long Chen already vanished to disappear. 而在无尽星空当中,混沌昆吾手持混元枪,呆滞的看着周围,龙辰早就消失不见了。 He very stunned. 他十分的错愕。 Then, then played impulsive and angry, he naturally knows outside the star source to have countless people to look at itself, oneself should soon realize the long-cherished wish since childhood, making the Immortal God Domain person shock for oneself, but at this time, Long Chen unexpectedly bewildered left, isn't this plays him? 然后,则是被耍的冲动和愤怒,他自然知道星源之外有无数人在看着自己,自己本來应该即将实现从小的夙愿,让永生神域的人为自己而震撼,但就在这时候,龙辰竟然莫名其妙的离开了,这不就是耍他呢? The inexplicable anger, lets in his heart the anger combustion! 莫名的愤怒,让他心中怒火燃烧! „The child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, do not let me meet again, coward who can only escape! So-called Dragon Warrior, only then this ability, is really laughable! Told you, my Hundun Kunwu of these two scores have settled on, any Human Clan Monster Clan, tumbled out our Chaos Star Domain!” 永恒龙帝之子,别再让我遇到,只会逃跑的懦夫!所谓的龙武者,也就只有这点能耐,实在可笑!告诉你们,这两个分数的我混沌昆吾拿定了,什么人族妖族,滚出我们混乱星域吧!” He is very rampant, to periphery was roaring directly, the sound passed on to be very far, be only he having courage quantity exposed own status, his these words said to the Long Chen hear. 他无比嚣张,直接对着周围咆哮,声音传出去很远,也只有他才有这个胆量暴露自己的身份,他这些话都是说给龙辰听的。 This method of goading somebody into action is useless. 这种激将法根本沒用。 Hundun Kunwu cold snort|hum, this proudly left, but his gripped the hand of Primordial Spear still the blue vein to stick out suddenly, was very fierce. 混沌昆吾冷哼了一声,这才傲然离开,只是他那握住混元枪的手仍然青筋暴起,无比狰狞。 After arriving at this inside, his first being rebuffed. 來到这里面后,他还是第一次碰了一鼻子灰。 That is called the Long Chen person, he deeply remembered. 那个叫做龙辰的人,他是深深记住了。 After Hundun Kunwu leaves, Long Chen in fact returned to Xing Qing side them. 混沌昆吾离开后,龙辰实际上已经回到了星晴他们身边。 The sound that little time, Hundun Kunwu now anxiously is only fusing Star Sand, making the Star Sand strength return the body, Long Chen also very much worries, he almost can feel that the Star Sand strength was drawing back has dispersed, good present Hundun Kunwu walked, the short time should not have the trouble, moreover Xing Qing they also almost must succeed. 只声息那么一点点的时间了,混沌昆吾现在急着去融合星砂,让星砂的力量重新回到身体当中,龙辰也很着急,他几乎能够感觉到星砂的力量在退散了,还好现在混沌昆吾走了,短时间应该不会有麻烦,而且星晴他们也差不多要成功了。 Returns to the original position, that two Dream Immortal Clan young girl sees, only then he, moreover is safe and sound, asked hastily anxiously: Now how?” 回到原來的位置,那两个梦幻仙族的少女见只有他一个人,而且安然无恙,连忙紧张问道:“现在如何?” Long Chen said: Has been all right, I fuse Star Sand immediately.” 龙辰道:“沒事了,我马上融合星砂。” They also asked: Is Hundun Kunwu? I heard him to shout.” 她们又问道:“是混沌昆吾吗?我听到他叫嚷了。” This makes them very anxious. 这让她们很紧张。 Relax, he in other direction.” “放心,他已经朝着别的方向去了。” Two Dream Immortal Clan young girls visit him with the vision that worships very much immediately, they may know fearfulness of Hundun Kunwu, Long Chen unexpectedly can achieve to protect everybody, making him go in other direction, although does not know that exactly what happened, but this has gone against heaven's will very much. 两位梦幻仙族的少女顿时用很崇拜的目光看着他,她们可都知道混沌昆吾的可怕,龙辰竟然的能做到保护大家,让他往别的方向去,虽然不知道到底发生了什么事情,但这已经很逆天了。 We almost must be repelled to leave here.” “我们差不多要被排斥离开这里了。” That two Dream Immortal Clan young girl said. 那两位梦幻仙族的少女说道。 We will win.” Long Chen fills saying of faith, at this time he has placed the control Star Sand, before the time arrives finally, starts the Star Sand fusion. “我们会赢的。”龙辰充满信念的说道,这时候他已经将星砂放在手心,在时间最后到來之前,开始将星砂融合。 Two Dream Immortal Clan young girls hand in hand. 两位梦幻仙族的少女手牵着手。 But Long Chen just fused time, Xing Qing has succeeded, she opens the eye, immediately stands, the words that before spoke she also heard, the surroundings were very safe, this made her relax, looks at Long Chen with the vision that one type admired very much. 龙辰刚刚融合的时候,星晴已经成功了,她张开眼睛,马上站立起來,之前说的话她也听到了,周围很安全,这让她松了一口气,用一种很敬佩的目光看着龙辰 Her bad spoken language , can only like this. 她不善言语,也就只能这样了。 At this time, that two Dream Immortal Clan given strength, rapid left here. 这时候,那两位梦幻仙族在力量的牵引下,迅速的离开这里。 They were repelled outside the star source. 她们被排斥到了星源之外。 Dream Immortal Clan, was repelled two Dream Immortal Clan, in addition underground spring yama dragon. 梦幻仙族这边,被排斥了两位梦幻仙族,再加上黄泉冥王龙。 That side Nightmare Clan, only then before , is exited by two that Long Chen and Xing Qing defeat. 梦魇族那边,只有之前被龙辰星晴打败的两位出去了。 That side Golden War God Clan, altogether three people exit, makes Long Chen they be defeated. 黄金战神族那边,一共三人出去,也是让龙辰他们打败的。 Team war altogether three days, this is only starts, then Star Sand will appear many, the opportunity of bitter experience is smaller, the eliminated probability will be also smaller, whether can survive finally, must look at the luck...... 团队战总共有三天的时间,这才只是开始,接下來星砂会出现得越多,遭遇的机会越小,被淘汰的几率也会越小,是否能够存活到最后,就要看运气…… .................. ……………… Does not know how really now the situation, had not found Sister Xing Qing they, hopes that they do not meet Hundun Kunwu this anomaly to be good, if has met him, but nobody can cope with him.” “真不知道现在情况如何了,还沒找到星晴师姐他们,希望他们别遇上混沌昆吾这个变态才好,若是遇上了他,可沒人能够对付他。” The Bing Xinyue complexion is ugly, wanders in the middle of the starry sky. 冰心月脸色难看,在星空当中游荡。 By her, is Golden Fire Eye Dragon Sun Che. That Darkness King Dragon Jun Ling. 在她旁边,是火眼金睛龙孙彻。还有那暗夜君王龙君凌 They also spent very big time to get together, has spent very big time, had found three grains of Star Sand. 他们三人也花费了很大的功夫才聚合到了一起,花了很大的功夫,才找到了三粒星砂 Crossed the first pass/test finally, then should the situation be good to select. 总算渡过了第一关,接下來应该情况好点了。 Golden Fire Eye Dragon said: She should with Long Chen in the same place, by their abilities, if joint effort, will not end the defeat in front of Hundun Kunwu, I think that Long Chen many abilities.” 火眼金睛龙道:“她应该和龙辰在一起吧,以他们两人的能耐,若是合力的话,也不会在混沌昆吾面前完败,我觉得那龙辰还是有不少能耐的。” Bing Xinyue hears this name, she is mad. 冰心月一听到这个名字,她心里就來气。 She scoffs to say with a smile: Let alone laughed, do not forget that he was any status, we were any status, for this team war we have planned such a long time, his outsider, can add on any busy!” 她嗤笑道:“别说笑话了,别忘记他是什么身份,我们是什么身份,为了这次团队战我们计划了那么长时间,他就一个局外人,能帮得上什么忙!” , She said: Now the main matter, found many Star Sand, then did everything possible to converge with Sister Xing Qing.” 顿了一顿,她道:“现在主要的事情,就是找到更多的星砂,然后想尽办法和星晴师姐汇合。” They step the journey once more. 他们再次踏上路途。 Before for three grains of Star Sand, they took the long-term road, when they just said my words, suddenly, the front erupted violent star light suddenly once again! 之前为了三粒星砂,他们可是走了好长时间的路,就在他们刚刚说我话的时候,忽然之间,前方骤然间再度爆发出一阵猛烈的星光! Star Sand!” 星砂!” Three people nearly screamed that the first response flushed away in that direction. 三人近乎尖叫起來,第一反应就是朝着那个方向冲去。 Careful, will perhaps have other people to see existence of Star Sand.” The Darkness King Dragon urging said. “小心点,说不定会有其他人看到星砂的存在。”暗夜君王龙叮嘱道。 His speed is fastest, body is smallest, the short time draws the other two behind, the position that Star Sand presents is away from them not to be remote, Darkness King Dragon saw that Star Sand quickly, presented two grains of Star Sand unexpectedly one time. 他的速度最快,身体最小,短短时间就将另外两人拉到身后,那星砂出现的位置距离他们并不遥远,暗夜君王龙很快就看到了那星砂,竟然一次性出现了两粒的星砂 Darkness King Dragon first arrives, received Star Sand. 暗夜君王龙首先到达,将星砂收了起來。 At this time, another two also arrived, on three faces brimmed with the smiling face, Bing Xinyue is saying with a smile: Found grain of Star Sand again, we can ride out these two double-hour.” 这时候,另外两位也到达了,三人脸上洋溢着笑容,冰心月笑道:“再找到一粒星砂,我们就可以安全渡过这两个时辰了。” They discovered that Star Sand truly be more than before. 他们发现,星砂确实要比之前多了。 Some two grains of Star Sand have made the guarantee, they are more relaxed. 有了两粒的星砂做保证,他们心里轻松多了。 After preserving good Star Sand, they are about to leave. 保存好星砂后,他们准备离开。 Wait / Etc..” Darkness King Dragon stopped the footsteps suddenly, on his forehead flows off the cold sweat. “等等。”暗夜君王龙忽然停下了脚步,他额头上流下冷汗。 What's wrong?” On the Bing Xinyue face was still brimming with smiling face. “怎么?”冰心月脸上仍然洋溢着笑容。 Darkness King Dragon turns around suddenly, other two as if also felt that anything, turned around hastily. 暗夜君王龙猛然转身,其他两位似乎也感觉到了什么,连忙转身。 Appears in their behind things, making them instantaneously vigilant, was quick they to enter the standing by the condition. 出现在他们身后的东西,让他们瞬间警觉了起來,很快他们就进入了准备战斗的状态。 In them behind, two Golden War God Clan stand, in their middle, then stands to put on the fair and clear youth of black long gown. 在他们身后,正有两个黄金战神族站在一起,在他们的中间,则站着一位穿着黑色长袍的白净少年。 Such combination, let their delay a while. 这样的组合,让他们呆滞了一会儿。 They realized quickly that this youth should be the wolf clan. 他们很快意识到,这个少年应该是狼族。 But their attention shift to that two Golden War God Clan on. 但他们的注意力转移到那两位黄金战神族身上。 Sun Che frowns, said: Is Luzhan Chen and ground warfare star two, Golden War God Clan young most Expert. Each of them's battle efficiency, it is estimated that approaches Sister Xing Qing......” 孙彻皱着眉头,道:“是陆战宸和陆战星两位,黄金战神族的年轻最强者。他们每个人的战斗力,估计都接近星晴师姐……” They arrived at Shining Star for sometime, naturally has heard these two main matches. 他们來到璀璨星辰有一段时间了,自然听说过这两位主要的对手。 If not Hundun Kunwu appears suddenly, these two are their ultimate matches. 如果不是混沌昆吾忽然出现的话,这两位就是他们的终极对手。 What is worried about, our similarly close Sister Xing Qing, our three people are super Divine Dragon Dragon Warrior, but also fears two Golden War God Clan?” “担心什么,我们同样接近星晴师姐,我们三个人都是超级神龙龙武者,还怕两个黄金战神族么?” Bing Xinyue blows up the courage, saying that disdains. 冰心月鼓起胆气,不屑的说道。 As for that wolf clan, cannot see to have any ability, waits for commencing of action, I come to defeat him as soon as possible, then assists you, three dozens two, we must win without doubt!” “至于那个狼族,看不出有什么能耐,等战斗开始,我來尽快打败他,然后辅助你们,三打二,我们必胜无疑!” Bing Xinyue self-confident saying. 冰心月充满自信的说道。 Said right. Our stratagem which ensures success is big, moreover do you see? On them definitely also has many Star Sand! They estimated that has saved many Star Sand.” Darkness King Dragon said. “说得对。还是我们胜算大,而且你们看到沒有?他们身上肯定还有不少的星砂!他们估计存了不少星砂了。”暗夜君王龙说道。 This news makes three people more inspired. 这个消息让三人更加振奋。 Sees the opposite party to have massive Star Sand, they were more impossible to leave, at this time, Sun Che went forward, said: Originally is Golden War God Clan two, you deliver Star Sand to come for us?” 看到对方有大量星砂,他们更不可能离开了,这时候,孙彻上前一步,道:“原來是黄金战神族的两位,你们是为我们送星砂來的么?” He said very has the expression of provocation, but the opposite party three photographs have not responded him, in the middle of Golden War God Clan, elder brother Luzhan Chen said to the middle wolf clan: How many matches runs into with great difficulty, this assigns? Person of? You lend a hand to solve to consider as finished, we only hear you to be powerful, but hasn't experienced?” 他说得十分具有挑衅的语气,但对方三人像是沒怎么搭理他,黄金战神族当中,哥哥陆战宸对中间的狼族道:“好不容易遇到几个对手,该怎么分配呢?一人一个呢?还是你自己出手解决算了,我们只听闻你实力强大,但也从來沒见识过呢?” Mo Xiao Lang said: I come.” 莫小狼道:“那我自己來吧。” He does not have the unnecessary idle talk, moves toward three Dragon Warrior. 他沒有多余的废话,走向三位龙武者 To Mo Xiao Lang, in the middle of his life one of the most important characters, is Dragon Warrior, but at present three Dragon Warrior and Long Chen have not related, they are the Life Dragon City people, but Mo Xiao Lang knows that the Long Chen goal is to defeat such one group of people. 莫小狼而言,他生命当中最重要的人物之一,就是龙武者,但眼前三位龙武者龙辰沒有关系,他们是生命龙城的人,而莫小狼知道,龙辰的目标就是打败这么一群人。 Which direction no matter from, they are the enemies. 所以不管从哪个方向來看,他们都是敌人。 He will not have any scruples. 他不会有什么顾忌。 Ground warfare star, Luzhan Chen, your what is this?” “陆战星,陆战宸,你们这是什么意思?” The Bing Xinyue ice is cold the sound to say. 冰心月冰寒着声音说道。 But the opposite party has not placed in them the eye. 可对方根本就沒把他们放在眼中。 Mo Xiao Lang has actually arrived around them. 莫小狼却已经走到了他们跟前。 Two Golden War God Clan backlash go, their meanings are very obvious, lets Mo Xiao Lang one person unexpectedly, alone deals with three people! 两位黄金战神族后退而去,他们的意思很明显,竟然是让莫小狼一人,独自对付自己三人! This situation, making their zhang (3.33 m) two monks unable to feel the brains. 这个情况,让他们丈二和尚摸不着头脑。 What wolf clan comes is Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan, this wolf clan obviously is not, he is somewhat strange.” “狼族來的是昊日狼族蚀月狼族,这狼族显然不是,他有些古怪。” Darkness King Dragon from Mo Xiao Lang, smelled dangerous Aura. 暗夜君王龙已经从莫小狼身上,嗅到了危险的气息 Manages him is any ghost thing, dares to play tricks before us unexpectedly, this was better, has solved this Monster Clan, three of us besieged them!” “管他是什么鬼东西,竟然敢在我们面前装神弄鬼,这样更好,解决了这妖族,我们三人就围攻他们两个!” In the Bing Xinyue eye has filled rime fog. 冰心月眼睛里已经充满了冰雾。 Here situation, has caused outside many star sources the attention of Expert, at this time Long Chen was still fusing Star Sand. 这边的情况,引起了不少星源之外强者们的注意,这个时候龙辰还在融合星砂呢。 Hundun Kunwu, went to other place. 混沌昆吾,也去了别的地方。 Mo Xiao Lang, quick became focal point. 莫小狼这边,很快就成为了焦点。 What is this, does this wolf clan need to cope with three Dragon Warrior?” “这是什么意思,这个狼族要对付三位龙武者?” This is not Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan, before hadn't seen this wolf clan? Where does he come?” “这不是昊日狼族蚀月狼族,之前沒看到这位狼族啊?他是哪里來的?” „Before probably is, was hidden by Golden War God Clan, enters appears to the star source.” “好像是之前被黄金战神族隐藏起來,进入到星源才出现的。” After a discussion, the people understand finally indistinctly that obviously this fellow is Golden War God Clan hidden Cultivator! 经过一番讨论,众人终于隐约明白,显然这家伙是黄金战神族暗藏的器! Is Expert?” The Dream Immortal Clan people are more depressed, has not thought that the wolf clan also came cloudy, moreover this time, they do not know that this black wolf clan was. “又是强者?”梦幻仙族众人更加郁闷,沒想到狼族也來阴了,而且这一次,他们根本不知道这黑色的狼族是哪位。 But in the middle of the star source, fight started. 但在星源当中,战斗已经开始了。
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