DBWG :: Volume #21

#2020: Beginning of the universe spear

Anything, cannot prevent the determination and warm-blooded that he and Expert fights! 沒有什么,能够阻挡他和强者战斗的决心和热血! Only the fight of this grade of degree, can help him obtain the promotion, before and Rage Sea Fierce Dragon, Xing Qing wait / etc., in fact was not the Long Chen match, one fought, Long Chen basically in crush they, therefore he within, has not met for a long time probably to him the match of so tremendous pressure! 只有这等程度的战斗,才能够让他获得提升,之前和怒海暴龙星晴等等,实际上都不是龙辰对手,一场战斗下來,龙辰基本上是在碾压他们,所以他在很长时间之内,好像都沒有遇到过给他如此巨大压力的对手了! In fact, in Chaos Star Domain this place, the Hundun Kunwu fame must surpass the Long Chen imagination greatly, this is also Dream King they in seeing Hundun Kunwu enters the stage, and also successfully arrives at four look like Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage the time, will cause such big disturbance! 实际上,在混乱星域这个地方,混沌昆吾的名气大得超过龙辰想象,这也是梦幻王他们在看到混沌昆吾出场,并且还成功到达四象轮回劫境后期的时候,会引起这么大的骚乱! His strength is powerful, is without a doubt! 他的实力强悍,是毋庸置疑的! Sees Long Chen also really to dare with begin, Hundun Kunwu has smiled suddenly, he is familiar with from infancy to maturity rampantly, each time the fight is his active threat others, but others do not have the strength to hit back in front of oneself, often frightens scared shitless, Long Chen is booing, actually on own initiative invited the war! 龙辰还真的敢和自己动手,混沌昆吾忽然笑了,他从小到大习惯嚣张,每次战斗都是他主动攻击别人,而别人在自己面前毫无还手之力,往往吓得屁滚尿流,龙辰倒好,竟然主动邀战! Although in the heart was still contemptuous, but he proves himself similarly urgently needed! In his understanding, there are many people to exaggerate the great strength of five large clans before him, the Five Great Dragon City terror, his is the God's favored one! He is not convinced! 虽然心中仍然轻蔑,但他同样急需证明自己!在他的认识当中,有许许多多的人在他之前渲染过五大族的强大,五大龙城的恐怖,他的乃是天之骄子!他不服气! Therefore Long Chen stimulates his intensely fight thought similarly! 所以龙辰同样激发出他强烈的战斗意念! Clash! 强强对撞! Dragon Warrior, you will see, in front of my Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, you are the dregs!” 龙武者,你会看到,在我混沌皇族面前,你们都是渣!” Spoke these words, Hundun Kunwu no longer said that he has the arrogance and ambition that nobody can compare, his ambition leads Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family to control nine star Alliances completely, seizes Chaos Star Domain, he does not make five large clans live in the Immortal God Domain that good place willingly, he when is very young pledged, when some day he becomes peerless Expert, becomes the Spiritual God! He will certainly conquer Immortal God Domain, making there turn into the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family world! 说完这句话,混沌昆吾不再多说,他有着无人可以比拟的傲气和野心,他的野心就是带领着混沌皇族完全掌控九星联盟,占领混乱星域,他并不甘心让五大族居住在永生神域那么好的地方,他在很小的时候就发誓,当有一天他成为绝世强者,成为神灵!他一定会征服永生神域,让那里变成混沌皇族的天下! Our Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family history, is remote compared with five large clans, why we must occupy on this Chaos Star Domain small star, but five large clans can divide Immortal God Domain!” “我们混沌皇族的历史,比起五大族都要遥远,凭什么我们要屈居在这混乱星域一颗小小的星球上,而五大族可以划分永生神域!” When is very small, he clenches jaws, sends out to embezzle the desires and ambitions of five large clans, he also similarly displayed the peerless natural talent, at least since childhood started, the Chaos Star Domain contemporaries, not having one to be able with his comparison! 在很小的时候,他就咬牙切齿,发出要吞沒五大族的欲望和野心,他也同样表现出了绝世的天资,至少从小开始,混乱星域的同龄人,沒有一个能够和他比较的! The arrival of famous Dragon Warrior, making his innermost feelings shiver! 闻名天下的龙武者的到來,让他内心颤动! Then the person from five large clans, divides their Chaos Star Domain territory unexpectedly, this is challenging the Hundun Kunwu innermost feelings simply the limit, he sees all Human Clan and Monster Clan Cultivator, the hatred of the heart! 那來自五大族的人,竟然还來分割他们混乱星域的领地,这简直是在挑战混沌昆吾内心的极限,他见到所有人族妖族者,都发自内心的痛恨! Chaos motive power eruption! 混沌原力爆发! „The child of Eternal Dragon Emperor?” 永恒龙帝之子?” Sneering that he cannot bear, he has not known the Long Chen matter, but also thinks that Long Chen has the huge popularity in Human Clan, at this time what therefore he thought that has defeated Long Chen, his Hundun Kunwu can let realizing of entire Dragon God Domain his departure! 他忍不住的冷笑,他还不知道龙辰的事情,还以为龙辰人族当中有巨大的人气呢,所以这时候他想的是,打败了龙辰,他混沌昆吾就可以让整个龙神域的认识到他的离开! The hope of innermost feelings, making his whole body burn, the whole body vortex covers him. 内心的渴望,让他浑身燃烧起來,浑身的漩涡将他笼罩起來。 Bang! 轰! He holds up the double fist, on the fist is concise fearful fist Gang, that came from the ancient times chaos motive power! 他举起双拳,拳头上凝练出可怕的拳罡,那是來自远古的混沌原力! Present Hundun Kunwu, the body is bringing ruinous Aura! His that eye stubbornly stares at Long Chen, in the eye has been glittering a fierce vision! 眼前的混沌昆吾,身上带着毁灭性的气息!他那一双眼睛死死的盯着龙辰,眼中闪烁过一丝狰狞的目光! Buzz! 嗡! Hundun Kunwu launches the speed, explodes to shoot! 混沌昆吾展开速度,爆射而來! Quite quick!” “好快!” Long Chen truly feels that opposite party any aspect wants to be powerful, particularly in strength, the second kills itself absolutely. 龙辰确实感觉到,对方无论是任何方面都要比自己强盛,尤其是在力量方面,绝对秒杀自己。 Currently speaking, the method that oneself have not won absolutely, in other words, Long Chen exhausts has not defeated the strength of opposite party fully! 目前來说,自己绝对沒有致胜的手段,也就是说,龙辰用尽全力也沒有打败对方的力量! Only needs to shiver fortunately. 还好只需要颤抖。 The infinite universe, Expert are innumerable, monstruous talent talent is everywhere, Long Chen will never be arrogant and complacent, when Hundun Kunwu attacks to him comes, in fact he had already been ready! 大千世界,强者无数,妖孽天才比比皆是,龙辰从來不会骄傲自满,当混沌昆吾对他攻击而來的时候,实际上他早就做好了准备! He will already slaughter Sword Art to discipline quite skilled, casually displays, time Sword Qi able to move unhindered, innumerable death Sword Qi congealed into the torrential perpetual flow, submerged to go toward Hundun Kunwu! 他早就将杀戮剑诀磨练得相当熟练,随便施展,顿时间剑气纵横,无数的死亡剑气凝结成为滔滔长河,朝着混沌昆吾淹沒而去! Dregs!” “渣!” Hundun Kunwu has been full of the cruel factor, he condenses the chaos motive power, makes a fist, a time vast strength broke has slaughtered Sword Qi, toward the Long Chen long-range raid! 混沌昆吾充满了暴戾因子,他凝聚混沌原力,打出一拳,顿时间一股浩瀚的力量破开了杀戮剑气,朝着龙辰奔袭而來! That strength, is fearful compared with most giant beasts, that is the chaos motive power, his ruination almost lets slaughter the Sword Qi collapse! 那一股力量,比起大多数的巨兽还要可怕,那就是混沌原力,他的毁灭性几乎让杀戮剑气崩溃! This fight, making Cultivator outside star source very anxious, particularly Dream King, Long Chen, although has not defeated, but Dream King they basically were give up. 这一场战斗,让星源之外的者们十分揪心,尤其是梦幻王这边,龙辰虽然还沒有战败,但梦幻王他们基本上算是放弃了。 Only can pray that he can support some time, when the time comes Hundun Kunwu must fuse Star Sand, definitely will stop fighting.” “只能祈祷他能够多撑住一段时间,到时候混沌昆吾要融合星砂,必然会停止战斗了。” When they discussed that Long Chen with the fight gradual promotion of opposite party, Hundun Kunwu, although violence, but Long Chen had the discretion very much, his basically disagreement opposite party directly resisted, seemed like is pursued by the opposite party is hitting to be the same. 而在他们议论的时候,龙辰和对方的战斗逐渐的升级,混沌昆吾虽然暴力,但龙辰很有分寸,他基本上不和对方正面对抗,看起來像是被对方追着打一样。 Words of frontage resistance, the opposite party chaos motive power is extremely overbearing, how long oneself definitely could not support! 正面对抗的话,对方的混沌原力太过霸道,自己肯定撑不了多久! But he has the attack, at least so far, in front of he more and more powerful slaughtering Sword Art, Hundun Kunwu, although compared with his powerful level, but how him, by their disparities, Long Chen such performance, has made Hundun Kunwu be startled greatly. 但他并不是沒有攻击,至少目前为止,在他越來越强盛的杀戮剑诀面前,混沌昆吾虽然比他强势一个层次,但并沒有奈何他,以两人的差距來看,龙辰这样的表现,已经让混沌昆吾大吃了一惊了。 Also really has the ability, compared with former that stupid Dragon!” “还真是有能耐,比起之前那头蠢龙强多了!” Hundun Kunwu lets somebody cool off or calm down smiles. 混沌昆吾冷冷笑着。 Long Chen has not talked too much, he actually while the Hundun Kunwu speech time, in turn compels to draw back the opposite party by Behead Divine Sword, slaughters Sword Qi to shoot up to the sky, Sword Qi , the surrounding broken star lets Long Chen all slaughters into the fragment! 龙辰并沒有多言,他却趁着混沌昆吾说话的时候,反过來以斩神剑将对方逼退,杀戮剑气冲天而起,剑气所向,周围的碎星尽数让龙辰的厮杀成为碎片! Lacks some strengths, if Highest Beginning God that pass/test, I have been possible to play with this fellow, if goes a step further again, to Late Stage of this boundary, I should also have the strength to cope with him.” “缺少一些力量,若是过了太始之神那一关,我可玩弄这家伙,若是再进一步,到本境界的后期,我也应该有实力对付他了。” But currently speaking, Long Chen also bad a little. 但目前來说,龙辰还差这么一点。 Naturally, this is not the big disparity, by the Long Chen current ability, copes with Highest Beginning God is a giant ridge, as for arriving at this boundary Late Stage, should be very easy. 当然了,这并不是什么大差距,以龙辰目前的能耐,对付太始之神才是一道巨大的坎,至于到本境界后期,应该很容易。 He is very clear, this time, only needed to block the opposite party to be good, defeated the opposite party truly, that should to wait till the elite war, all people almost think that the Hundun Kunwu elite fought to win, but Long Chen may believe that since he participated in Star Lord Hegemony War, the goal must be Dream Immortal Clan attains two scores, such can move Dragon God Domain! 他很清楚,这一次嘛,只需要拦住对方就行了,真正打败对方,那应该要等到精英战的时候,所有人几乎都认为混沌昆吾的精英战已经赢定了,但龙辰可这么认为,他既然参加了星主争霸战,目的就是要为梦幻仙族拿到两个分数,那样才能够名动龙神域 When Hundun Kunwu discovered that he light depends on the time on Fist and Feet, could not cope with Long Chen time, he worried, in the foreheads also had the anger! 混沌昆吾发现他光靠拳脚上的功夫,根本对付不了龙辰的时候,他着急了,眉宇间也出现了愤怒情绪! Humph! 嚯! A resounding, in the middle of the space, the ray condensation of silver Ash Grey, congeals gradually at present into Hundun Kunwu a plain long spear, this long spear looks like very ancient, shabby, even rusty stain stained, covers entirely the dense and numerous fissures, looks like almost must break, but careful looked that can discover these cracks, unexpectedly is Dao Mark! 一声脆响,空间当中,银灰色的光芒凝聚,逐渐在混沌昆吾眼前凝结成为一把古朴的长枪,这长枪看起來很古老,破旧不堪,甚至锈迹斑斑,布满密密麻麻的裂痕,看起來几乎要断裂,但是仔细一看,能发现这些裂缝,竟然都是道纹 That looks like [say / way] that almost must die, actually erupts the strength of vibration world in the hand of Hundun Kunwu, that is the chaos motive power a common origin strength! 那看起來几乎要死去的道器,却在混沌昆吾的手中爆发出震动天地的力量,那是和混沌原力同源的力量! Primordial Spear! 301 Dao Mark!” “‘混元枪’!301条道纹!” Hundun Kunwu grips end the long sword, the body chaos motive power erupts, is similar to the peerless war-god! 混沌昆吾握住长剑尾端,身上混沌原力爆发,如同绝世战神! Long Chen smiles lightly, said indifferently: Manages your anything, two time of double-hour, now were less than half quarter, if you did not fuse Star Sand, both of us may probably leave the star source, I poured indifferently, but if the Nightmare Clan team did not have you, probably lost.” 龙辰淡淡一笑,无所谓道:“管你什么,两个时辰的时间,现在不到半刻钟了,你若是再不融合星砂的话,我们两个人可就要离开星源了,我倒无所谓,但如果梦魇族的队伍沒了你的话,好像输定了。” He stressed this point. 他抓准了这一点。 Hears this saying, the Hundun Kunwu brow deep wrinkle, not being groundless that Long Chen said that what is hateful was he has spent such long time unexpectedly, has not defeated Long Chen! 听到这话,混沌昆吾眉头深皱,龙辰说的不无道理,可恨的是他竟然花了这么长的时间,都沒打败龙辰 Meets my one move, beginning of the universe air/Qi!” “接我一招,混元一气!” After short hesitation, he is still not willing to give up in light of this, at this moment he makes a long-range raid to come, pours into by the chaos motive power to that Primordial Spear, its battle efficiency approaches the hand-held river of the netherworld War Halberd demon king unexpectedly infinitely! 经过短暂的犹豫后,他仍然不愿意就此放弃,此刻他奔袭而來,以混沌原力注入到那‘混元枪’当中,其战斗力竟然无限逼近手持冥河战戟的夜叉王! That spear|gun raids, to is almost unable to dodge powerfully, as if a fearful devil is embezzling to come toward here, the world in the opposite party controls, Primordial Spear the strength arrives powerfully fearfully, at least so far completely suppressed, only then less than 200 Dao Mark Behead Divine Sword! 那一枪袭來,强盛到几乎无法闪躲,仿佛一个可怕的恶魔正在朝着这边吞沒而來,天地都在对方掌控当中,‘混元枪’的力量强盛到可怕,至少目前为止完全压制了只有不到200条道纹斩神剑 Who can fight with you?” “谁要和你斗呢?” Long Chen sneers, he no doubt wants to decide the true victory and defeat with the opposite party, but is now, when the opposite party puts out Primordial Spear, he has almost completed the choice. 龙辰冷笑一声,他固然想和对方分出真正的胜负,但是不是现在,所以在对方拿出‘混元枪’的时候,他差不多做好了选择。 Time Travel Dragon! 时间游龙 He crashes in the middle of the time perpetual flow, thorough disappearance in Hundun Kunwu at present. 他冲进时间长河当中,彻底的消失在了混沌昆吾眼前。 After Long Chen vanished, not only the Hundun Kunwu whole person has tarried, the person outside star source dull gawked similarly. They are truly formidable, if Long Chen, in they enter to the time perpetual flow at present, is not necessarily able to hide the truth from their eyes, but now they in the star source, regarding all of Expert star source are very fuzzy. 龙辰消失了之后,不但混沌昆吾整个人呆住了,星源之外的人同样都呆愣了。他们确实很强大,如果龙辰在他们眼前进入到时间长河当中,未必能够瞒住他们的眼睛,但是现在他们是在星源当中,对于强者们來说星源的一切都是很模糊的。 Therefore, no one is able to discover the Long Chen trail. 所以,谁也无法发现龙辰的踪迹。 This baseless vanishes, can only describe with wonderful. 就这样凭空消失,只能用神妙來形容了。 The people look at each other in blank diamay, nine star Alliance more than 30 hegemons are Six Dao Reincarnation above Expert, even has Expert of strength of Seven Star god to be many. 众人面面相觑,九星联盟30多盟主都是六道轮回以上的强者,甚至拥有七星通神之力的强者都不少。 This seems, the strength of time, I will remember the strength of Eternal Dragon Emperor also time taken to deliver, but obviously this child's Inherited Blood Essence from slaughtering Divine Dragon, what's all this about?” “这似乎是,时间的力量,我记得永恒龙帝也会运用时间的力量,但显然这孩子的传承精血來自杀戮神龙,这是怎么回事?” Suddenly, most person vision shift to Life Dragon City. 一时间,大多数的人目光转移到生命龙城这边來。 Xing Yue is not in fact clear, he shakes the head saying: Makes concrete us unclear, but since the history, nobody can accept two Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, new powerful Inherited Blood Essence old expelling, will not exist to coexist in an example of inheritance. But the Divine Dragon inheritance is not Dragon Warrior all, I think that he should have Cultivate Dao of Time!” 星越实际上也不明白,他摇头道:“具体我们也不清楚,但历史以來,沒有人能够接受两种神龙传承精血,新的强盛传承精血会把旧的赶走,不存在共同存在于一个传承者的例子。但神龙传承并不是龙武者的一切,我想他应该还有修炼时间之道吧!” Hears this saying, the people understood. 听到这话,众人才明白了。 But, this child can survive in Hundun Kunwu this God's favored one hand, is really surprising.” “不过,这个孩子能在混沌昆吾这种天之骄子手中存活下來,实在让人惊讶。” To be honest, Hundun Kunwu seems unable how him. Hundun Kunwu in our Chaos Star Domain, the younger generation under 4000 years old, should be completely invincible.” “说实话,混沌昆吾似乎也无法奈何他。混沌昆吾在我们混乱星域,4000岁以下的年轻一代,应该完全无敌了啊。” Because of fierce of Hundun Kunwu, they were thinking that Long Chen is also quite good! 正因为混沌昆吾的厉害,他们才觉得龙辰也相当不错!
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