DBWG :: Volume #20

#2019: Talent resistance

Hundun Kunwu......” 混沌昆吾……” Outside star source, people peaceful, reveals the appearance that is interested , the high tide that always this Star Lord Hegemony War talent fights, this arrived unexpectedly! 星源之外,众人安静了下來,纷纷流露出更加感兴趣的样子,向來这次星主争霸战天才战的高潮,竟然这样就降临了! First, they discovered that Long Chen is very strong, is more formidable than Xing Qing, knew the Long Chen special status, when the people are the Long Chen special status felt surprised, Hundun Kunwu suddenly found the direction that they were, is going toward Long Chen! 首先,他们发现龙辰很强,比星晴还强大,紧接着又知道了龙辰的特殊身份,就在众人为龙辰的特殊身份感觉到惊奇的时候,混沌昆吾竟然无意间找到了他们所在的方向,正朝着龙辰而去! Is most Expert of Nightmare Clan team, moreover while is the Dream Immortal Clan two top characters, among them clashing naturally attracted the attention of all people, along with the high-speed advance of Hundun Kunwu, the people also reveals quite the appearance of attention. 一边是梦魇族队伍的最强者,另外一边则是梦幻仙族的两个顶尖人物,他们之间的对撞自然吸引了所有人的注意,随着混沌昆吾的高速前进,众人也流露出颇为关注的样子。 Nightmare Clan and Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family people have smiled, before Long Chen them, although invincible, but Hundun Kunwu one, their this is must defeat without doubt, words that Long Chen and Xing Qing solve, then Dream Immortal Clan completely lost the opportunity. 梦魇族混沌皇族的人都笑了,龙辰他们之前虽然战无不胜,但是混沌昆吾一來,他们这是必败无疑,把龙辰星晴都解决掉的话,那么梦幻仙族就完全失去机会了。 Before today's fight has not started, Dream Immortal Clan is referred to as is most likely a birth Star Lord clan, after all they had the support of Human Clan! The itself strength is also formidable! 在今天的战斗沒有开始之前,梦幻仙族可是被认定为最有可能诞生星主的一族,毕竟他们得到了人族的支持!本身实力也强大! But now, they likely face the unfavorable situation! 而现在,他们很可能面临失利! Result that Long Chen they and Hundun Kunwu encounter, can say that will affect the entire Star Lord Hegemony War result completely! 龙辰他们和混沌昆吾遭遇的结果,可以说,完全会影响到整场星主争霸战的结果! Suddenly, the Dream Immortal Clan people are very tense, this fights the relations to be significant, frowns including Dream King, according to direction that Hundun Kunwu leads the way, is will definitely meet Long Chen they, but those who make Dream King be worried, now two time of double-hour will draw near, Long Chen their several people, are deciding to assign four grains of Star Sand. 一时间,梦幻仙族众人无比紧张,这一战关系重大,连梦幻王也皱着眉头,照混沌昆吾前行的方向,已经算是必然会遇上龙辰他们了,而让梦幻王更加担心的是,现在两个时辰的时间都快到了,龙辰他们几个人,正在决定分配四粒星砂 Hundun Kunwu broke through at this time, can say that occupies completely takes the initiative! 混沌昆吾这个时候冲过來,可以说占尽先机! When outside the star source everybody is very anxious, Long Chen they simply have not felt the arrival of crisis, at this time Long Chen just and Xing Qing discussed the assignments of four grains of Star Sand. 在星源之外大家都很紧张的时候,龙辰他们根本沒有感受到危机的到來,这时候龙辰正和星晴商量四粒星砂的分配。 Did not have the means that only then four grains of Star Sand, the short time were impossible to obtain Star Sand again, we must hurry to fuse.” “沒办法了,只有四粒星砂,短时间不可能再得到星砂了,我们得赶紧融合。” The Xing Qing sinking sound said. 星晴沉声说道。 That two Dream Immortal Clan female has looked at each other one, said: We in the team war, the role that can play are youngest, therefore we first leave.” 那两位梦幻仙族的女子对视了一眼,道:“我们在团队战当中,所能起到的作用最小,所以就我们先离开吧。” Xiao Hongchen and the others had looked at each other one, everybody thought that does not have the issue. 萧红尘等人对视了一眼,大家都觉得沒问題。 Relax, we will certainly insist that is Dream Immortal Clan obtains a score.” “放心,我们一定会坚持下去,为梦幻仙族得到一个分数的。” Xing Qing said calmly. 星晴冷静说道。 Has her these words, that two females felt relieved. 有她这句话,那两位女子就更加放心了。 Your four fuse Star Sand first, our sisters two people Protector for you.” “你们四位先融合星砂,我们姐妹两人为你们护法。” At this time, because was away from two double-hour, only then the time of close quarter, person who therefore almost all obtained Star Sand, started to sit down the fusion, still had not fused, has the enough self-confident person to oneself. 这时候,因为距离两个时辰只有接近一刻钟的时间,所以几乎所有得到星砂的人,都开始坐下融合,仍然还沒有融合的,都是对自己有足够自信的人。 Long Chen grasps Star Sand, suddenly said: Your three, waited for you I to come first well again. Our these many people gather together, if some people arrived at this time, is very easy to make others profit.” 龙辰手握星砂,忽然道:“你们三个先吧,等你们好了我再來。我们这么多人聚在一起,若是这时候有人到來,很容易让别人占了便宜。” Their several people have looked at each other one, then nods. 他们几人对视了一眼,便点点头。 Be careful.” “小心。” Xing Qing said to him, then starts to fuse new Star Sand with other two, but Long Chen and another two do not have Star Sand protects in the one side. 星晴对他说了一声,然后和其他两位开始融合新的星砂,而龙辰和另外两位沒有星砂的则在一旁守护。 You protect their three.” “你们保护好他们三个。” Long Chen urged one, then left they dozens steps distances, he in letting Lingxi to touch periphery the spirit examination. 龙辰叮嘱了一声,便离开了他们几十步的距离,他在让灵曦以触灵阵查看周围。 Their fusions need the quarter approximately the time, after waiting for the quarter, making them substitute itself on the line. 他们的融合大致需要一刻钟的时间,等一刻钟之后,让他们替代自己就行了。 But at this time, he realized that does not suit, this crisis felt that was too heavy, he almost does not need to touch spirit, can discover that direction is having the danger to arrive, moreover is not the common danger! 可就在这时候,他察觉到不对劲,这一股危机感觉实在太重了,他几乎不用触灵阵,就能发现那个方向正有危险到來,而且还不是一般的危险! Starry sky turbulent flow?” “星空乱流么?” Generally speaking, here randomly will present everywhere also the starry sky turbulent flow, whirls away the person. 一般來说,这里到处也会随机出现星空乱流,将人卷走。 As if also only then the starry sky turbulent flow, will bring this crisis feeling. 似乎也只有星空乱流,才会带來这种危机感觉。 But Long Chen thinks does not think that is one type the feeling that makes his fine hair start! 龙辰又觉得不想,那是一种让他汗毛乍起的感觉! Is Expert!” “是强者!” After realizing this point, Xing Qing they also just fused a while, the words that at this time interrupted will basically waste all previous efforts, he then hastily said to behind two Dream Immortal Clan females: „Before has not left the star source, protects them, had the enemy to come!” 当意识到这一点后,星晴他们也就刚刚融合了一会儿,这个时候打断的话基本上会前功尽弃,他便连忙对身后两位梦幻仙族女子道:“还沒离开星源之前,保护好他们,有敌人來了!” Saying, him is flushing away in the direction that the crisis arrived at like lightning! 说着,他朝着危机到來的方向闪电般冲去! Outside the star source in the people eyes, Long Chen this is hits directly toward Hundun Kunwu! 在星源之外众人眼中,龙辰这是朝着混沌昆吾迎头撞去! The Chaos Star Domain first talent! 混乱星域第一天才! Long Chen already knows that he would meeting him, but has not thought that can be at this time! 龙辰早就知道,自己总会遇上他,但沒想到会是这个时候! When Long Chen has abandoned Xing Qing they, alone fires into Hundun Kunwu time, the people outside star source know that this is thinks Hundun Kunwu cannot pay attention to Xing Qing, making them fuse Star Sand relieved. 龙辰抛开了星晴他们,独自冲向混沌昆吾的时候,星源外的人都知道,他这是想混沌昆吾注意不到星晴这边,让他们安心融合星砂 This balls color and courage, were not quite easy. 这一份胆色和勇气,已经相当不容易了。 He is similar to the comet, hits toward Hundun Kunwu, in the place that they meet, Hundun Kunwu can only see Long Chen one person, but Xing Qing they also in Long Chen behind a place of distance, if the fight cannot affect there, Hundun Kunwu should unable to discover them. 他如同彗星,朝着混沌昆吾撞去,在他们相遇的地方,混沌昆吾只能看见龙辰一人,而星晴他们还在龙辰身后一段距离的地方,如果战斗不会波及到那里的话,混沌昆吾应该无法发现他们。 Method that Long Chen thinks quickly in emergencies this is. 这是龙辰急中生智的的方法。 He knows Hundun Kunwu to be formidable, if one group of people encounter him, the method of then except for defeating him, other reductions not having lost, but if meet him, to be honest, because there is relations of Time Travel Dragon, Hundun Kunwu does not have idea with him! 他知道混沌昆吾强大,如果一群人遭遇他,那么除了打败他,沒有其他减少损失的方法,但若是自己遇上他,说实话,因为有时间游龙的关系,混沌昆吾拿他沒辙! Hears Long Chen to remind, Xing Qing and the others naturally only then some people arrive, who naturally they have not been able to determine are, after your two Dream Immortal Clan hear the Long Chen words, hid the people with the imaginary technique hastily, although there is a flaw of part, but at least is very safe. 听到龙辰提醒,星晴等人当然只有有人到來,当然他们还不能确定是谁,你两名梦幻仙族听到龙辰的话后,连忙用幻术将众人隐藏了起來,虽然有部分的破绽,但至少还是很安全的。 Xing Qing they have not given up fusing, but speeds up the advancement! 星晴他们沒有放弃融合,而是加快进程! When Long Chen and Hundun Kunwu meet suddenly, in fact the person outside star source the complete attention will have placed on them, they are very curious, these two young Expert encounter the same place, will have any interesting matter. 龙辰混沌昆吾忽然相遇的时候,实际上星源外的人已经将全部的注意力都放在他们身上了,他们很好奇,这两个年轻的强者遭遇到一起,会发生什么有趣的事情。 On the battle efficiency, Hundun Kunwu should the unmanned energy enemy, he also want the formidable level compared with Xing Qing, in addition such as superhuman this Divine Ability, the strength rises suddenly, even the Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm person he can fight! 论战斗力,混沌昆吾应该无人能敌,他本身就比星晴还要强大一个层次,再加上诸如三头六臂这种神通,战力暴涨,甚至五行轮回劫境的人他都能战! But Long Chen Xing Qing is more formidable, but with Hundun Kunwu was still not a level! 龙辰虽然比的星晴强大一些,但和混沌昆吾仍然不是一个层次的! Passed through a piece of broken star, Long Chen had really seen that Hundun Kunwu. 穿越过一片碎星,龙辰果然看到了那个混沌昆吾 In his hand is also raising a youth, is the Life Dragon City underground spring yama dragon. 他的手上还提着一个青年,是生命龙城的黄泉冥王龙。 Suddenly sees Long Chen, his eye glistens suddenly, said with a smile: Unexpectedly is you, is so skillful?” 忽然看到龙辰,他的眼睛骤然闪亮起來,笑道:“竟然是你,这么巧?” Long Chen is fearless, said: I also think very skillful, two time of double-hour will draw near, haven't you fused Star Sand?” 龙辰无所畏惧,道:“我也觉得很巧,两个时辰的时间快到了,你还不融合星砂?” Long Chen sees, although this fellow single person, but at least collected three Star Sand. 龙辰看到,这家伙虽然独身一人,但至少收集了三枚的星砂 Hundun Kunwu said with a smile arrogantly: What to be anxious, doesn't have the quarter time? These fellows definitely were fusing Star Sand at this time, I am just about to tidy up them, has not thought that here has actually run into you, how don't you fuse Star Sand?” 混沌昆吾孤傲笑道:“急什么,不是还有一刻钟时间吗?那些家伙这个时候肯定都在融合星砂,我正要可以收拾他们,沒想到却在这里遇到了你,你怎么不融合星砂?” Long Chen has not thought that he unexpectedly is such idea, is really sinister enough, at this time got rid, so long as met the person, by his Hundun Kunwu strength, it is estimated that casually can rob others' Star Sand, while oneself obtained Star Sand, expelled the star source others. 龙辰沒想到他竟然是这样的想法,果然够阴险,这个时候出手,只要遇上人,以他混沌昆吾的力量,估计随便都能抢走别人的星砂,在自己得到星砂的同时,也将别人赶出星源。 Long Chen said: My idea...... Naturally is the same with you!” 龙辰道:“我的想法……当然和你一样!” „, Are we person of same belief people?” “哦,我们是同道中人么?” Hundun Kunwu has a relish is sizing up Long Chen, he is unscrupulous, the underground spring yama dragon trembles to tremble in his hands. 混沌昆吾饶有兴致的打量着龙辰,他肆无忌惮,黄泉冥王龙在他手中颤颤发抖。 Outside the star source, the Dream Immortal Clan person is especially tense, they biggest taking advantage is Long Chen, but now Long Chen is very possible and underground spring yama dragon is a fate. 星源之外,梦幻仙族的人尤其紧张,他们最大的依仗就是龙辰,而现在龙辰很可能和黄泉冥王龙是一个下场。 That side Nightmare Clan, has laughed. 梦魇族那边,已经大笑起來了。 The hegemons of nine star Alliances , the hidden smiling face, they naturally knows that Dream Immortal Clan this time lost in a big way, if not Long Chen thinks quickly in emergencies first blocks Hundun Kunwu in the distant place now, it is estimated that will link Xing Qing Star Sand to be robbed, was expelled the star source. 九星联盟的盟主们,也暗藏笑容,他们自然知道梦幻仙族这次损失大了,如果不是龙辰急中生智现在先在远处挡住混沌昆吾的话,估计连星晴星砂都会被抢走,然后被赶出星源。 During Long Chen actually imagined them is much calmer. 龙辰却比他们想象当中冷静得多了。 He looks to Huang Long, said: He obviously immediately must be expelled the star source, why is feeling embarrassed him. Our Dragon Warrior, is not you can offend like this.” 他看向黄龙,道:“他显然马上就要被赶出星源了,何必在为难他。我们龙武者,不是你可以这样得罪的。” „? Really embarrassed.” “哦?真是不好意思。” Hundun Kunwu is slightly astonished, then has smiled, he has raised Huanglong, said with a smile: Said also right, I had found the person who must find, wants you to be also useless. Go away!” 混沌昆吾微微惊愕,然后笑了起來,他将黄龙提了起來,笑道:“说得也对,我已经找到要找的人了,要你也沒用。滚吧!” Saying, he has thrown Huang Long, yellow Dragon Body at this moment is seriously injured, suffocates , can only drift away in the middle of the starry sky, was waiting for was expelled the star source, but at least compared with was controlled by Hundun Kunwu must be much better. 说着,他将黄龙扔了出去,此刻的黄龙身受重伤,奄奄一息,也只能在星空当中游离,等待着被赶出星源,但至少比被混沌昆吾掌控着要好多了。 Huanglong gradually vanishes in the field of vision. 黄龙逐渐消失在视野当中。 Long Chen and he relates not deeply, is disinclined to save him, Huanglong is actually very grateful to this time action, if not Long Chen, he feared that is must be suffered the quarter. 龙辰和他关系不深,也懒得去救他,倒是黄龙对他这次的举动十分感激,如果不是龙辰,他怕是还要被折磨一刻钟。 But at this time, Hundun Kunwu was fixing the eyes on Long Chen, said with a smile: Then, are you most Expert talent Dragon Warrior? Are you child of Eternal Dragon Emperor? The son of that earthshaking character?” 而这时候,混沌昆吾紧盯着龙辰,笑道:“这么说來,你就是最强者的天才龙武者?你是永恒龙帝之子?那个惊天动地人物的儿子?” This matter, should be Huang Long tells him. 这件事,应该是黄龙告诉他的了。 Long Chen did not deny that he understands a truth, when Zhong Kuai arrives at this moment time, Hundun Kunwu must fuse Star Sand, the small brace previous some time, guaranteed again Xing Qing their Completion succeeded was good, within such short time, Hundun Kunwu again formidable, did not have idea with oneself. 龙辰并不否认,他明白一个道理,等这一刻钟快到的时候,混沌昆吾也必须去融合星砂,自己再小小撑上一段时间,保证星晴他们圆满成功就行了,这么短的时间之内,混沌昆吾就算再强大,也拿自己沒辙。 Sees Long Chen not to speak, Hundun Kunwu sneers saying: „Are you are being afraid me? I already want to know that what ability so-called Dragon Warrior had, you unexpectedly were in the middle of the legend the son of that character, in Dragon God Domain surely was the strongest youth, can I probably be able you, what ability having a look at Dragon Warrior to have well?” 龙辰不说话,混沌昆吾冷笑道:“你是在害怕我吗?我早就想知道所谓的龙武者到底有什么能耐了,你竟然是传说当中那位人物的儿子,在龙神域必定是最强的少年,那我可要好好会会你,看看龙武者到底有什么能耐了?” Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family! 混沌皇族 Long Chen no longer said that he has the fight warm-blooded, lets ebullition that he cannot bear, more is the strong match more can stimulate his war intent, to be honest this talent fight, as if also only then this Hundun Kunwu, has the qualifications becomes own match! 龙辰不再多说,他有战斗热血,让他忍不住的沸腾,越是强劲的对手越是能激发出他的战意,说实话这次的天才战斗,似乎也只有这个混沌昆吾,有资格成为自己的对手吧! „The Chaos Star Domain first talent?” 混乱星域第一天才?” The Long Chen corners of the mouth reveal one to sneer, he puts out Behead Divine Sword, Aura that slaughters completely obviously comes out, had not said that has prepared fight. 龙辰嘴角流露出一丝冷笑,他拿出斩神剑,杀戮的气息尽显出來,沒有多说,就已经做好了战斗的准备。 This courage, making the people cheer. 这份胆气,让众人喝彩。
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