DBWG :: Volume #20

#2018: The name moves the world

What Divine Dragon is this?” “这是什么神龙?” Suddenly, all people are curious. 一时间,所有人都非常好奇。 Before Long Chen, blocks the Golden War God Clan method, demonstrated that his mortal body without doubt is quite powerful, the so powerful mortal body, makes the lines of sight of all people centralized immediately on his body, paid attention including Xing Qing nobody. 龙辰之前挡住黄金战神族的手段,显示出他的肉身无疑是相当强悍的,如此强悍的肉身,顿时让所有人的视线都集中在他一个人的身上,连星晴都沒有什么人关注了。 Even, Long Chen by own strength, has also blocked the opposite party two matches. 甚至,龙辰还以自己的力量,挡住了对方两个对手。 Looks at his appearance, must by a pair of two rhythm. 看他的样子,是要以一对二的节奏。 Xiao Hongchen and other Dream Immortal Clan must help Long Chen, actually sees Long Chen to say to them: You defend in the surroundings, do not let them run away, I cope with these two.” 萧红尘等四个梦幻仙族本來要帮助龙辰的,却见龙辰对他们道:“你们守在周围,别让他们逃走了,我來对付这两个。” Big of his tone, making Dream Immortal Clan four be hard to adapt. 他的口气之大,让梦幻仙族四位都难以适应。 But thinks that he had defeated the Xing Qing hearsay, in addition Xiao Hongchen and another Dream Immortal Clan need the training, they then rapidly nod, then distributes in four directions, must cut off these three ways thoroughly. 但一想到他曾经打败过星晴的传闻,再加上萧红尘和另外一位梦幻仙族需要修养,他们便迅速点头,然后分布在四个方向,彻底要断绝这三位的去路。 Three of Golden War God Clan team look at this stance , can only break through, that Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan pressure is biggest, because she copes with Xing Qing alone, grasps is very small, but another two somewhat are in fact stunned, who Long Chen is, they always do not know, does not want to care, but this fellow actually said that can cope with two? 黄金战神族队伍的三位一看这架势,也只能突围了,那蚀月狼族压力最大,因为她单独对付星晴,把握很小,但另外两位实际上有些愕然,龙辰是谁,他们从來都不知道,也不想关心,但这家伙竟然说要对付自己两个? Only then two grains of Star Sand, our two break through on the line!” “只有两粒星砂,我们两个突围出去就行!” That Clear Sun Wolf Clan said to Golden War God Clan. 昊日狼族黄金战神族说道。 Golden War God Clan lets somebody cool off or calm down the nod. 黄金战神族冷冷点头。 Clear Sun Wolf Clan, Golden War God Clan and Long Chen, are in the middle of this starry sky colossus! 昊日狼族,黄金战神族龙辰,都是这星空当中的庞然大物! The time does not wait for the person, they must arrive at the beforehand solution match in two double-hour, in one in an instant, the three had the fight, Golden War God Clan by the giant steel and iron body main attack, but that Clear Sun Wolf Clan by the strength of flame Sun, at the same time is sneak attacking Long Chen! 时间不等人,他们要在两个时辰到來之前解决对手,就在一个刹那之间,三者发生了战斗,黄金战神族以巨大的钢铁身躯主攻,而那昊日狼族则以火焰太阳的力量,在一边偷袭龙辰 Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon by the powerful mortal body, resists directly with that Golden War God Clan together, Long Chen had resisted whole body metal Eight Buddha Dragon, this Golden War God Clan and Eight Buddha Dragon are similar, the mortal body is strong, the whole body metal, the body endures compared with multi- Dao Mark [say / way], but Long Chen of experience sulphathiazol baptism, resists with him, that is a little pressure does not have! 太古血灵龙以强悍的肉身,直接和那黄金战神族对抗到一起,龙辰曾经对抗过浑身金属的八部浮屠龙,这黄金战神族八部浮屠龙非常相似,肉身强硬,浑身金属,身体堪比多道纹的道器,但经历太素洗礼的龙辰,和他对抗,那是一点儿压力都沒有! Eternal Flash!” 刹那永恒!” First, Long Chen attacks, on according to Eternal Flash anchorage opposite party, although let Time Stop that the flash, the Golden War God Clan methodicalness of actually disrupted, Long Chen that Hao is absent-minded the Dragon Body body wind to shoot the opposite party at present, vision that in all people shocked astonishedly, that bloody Dragon Tail time turned into the blood sword, above filled slaughters Rune antique. 第一时间,龙辰冲击上去,就以刹那永恒定住对方,尽管只是让时间静止了那么一瞬间,却已经打乱的黄金战神族的章法,龙辰那浩荡神龙身躯飙射到对方眼前,在所有人惊异而震撼的目光当中,那血腥的龙尾顿时间变成血剑,其上充满太古杀戮符文 Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword!” 天屠血剑!” That holds up the day a sword at present to sweep in Golden War God Clan, had been just shaken off the fetter by him of Eternal Flash anchorage, without any opportunity of resistance, that Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword chops in his chest! 那擎天一剑就在黄金战神族眼前扫下,被刹那永恒定住的他刚刚挣脱了束缚,沒有任何抵抗的机会,那天屠血剑就劈在他的胸口! So-called can Divine Dragon, break my Golden War God Clan the body of steel and iron?” “所谓神龙,能破我黄金战神族的钢铁之躯么?” In that Golden War God Clan eye disdains completely, they from infancy to maturity, have not lost to others at the close combat, to the strength of own mortal body, they are self-confident, therefore Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword, although the terror, he is also imposing fearless! 黄金战神族眼中满是不屑,他们从小到大,从來沒有在近战上输给别人,对自己肉身的强硬,他们是充满自信的,所以天屠血剑虽然恐怖,他也凛然无惧! At this time, Divine Dragon fishtailed, Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword pulling out maliciously in his chest, the time erupted an incomparably incisive steel and iron fricative, Mars explodes, massive sparks flies! 就在这时候,神龙摆尾,天屠血剑狠狠的抽在他的胸口,顿时间爆发出一声无比尖锐的钢铁摩擦声,火星爆炸,大量的火花飞溅! Bang! 轰隆! The chest of Golden War God Clan has an explosion, was chopped by Heaven Slaughter Blood Sword the place, split an incomparably giant gap, Golden War God Clan did not have the blood, but that gap break, looked like is also quite pitiful! 黄金战神族的胸口发生一声爆炸,被天屠血剑砍中的地方,裂开了一道无比巨大的缺口,黄金战神族沒有血液,但那缺口断裂,看起來也相当悲惨! Underestimates Long Chen, never has any good result. 小看龙辰的,从來都沒有什么好结果。 Golden War God Clan, basically is one move defeats! 黄金战神族,基本上算是一招战败! Outside the star source, many people discussed immediately that fills looks at Long Chen that shocked, although to be honest that Golden War God Clan was not talent most Expert in their clan, but can also arrange entered first four, so easily was solved unexpectedly? This explained completely Long Chen in strength, at least and Xing Qing is impartial! 星源之外,顿时有许多人议论起來,充满震撼的看着龙辰,说实话那位黄金战神族虽然不是他们族中的天才最强者,但也能够排的进前四,竟然如此轻易就被解决了?这完全说明龙辰在战力上,至少和星晴是持平的! Who is this youth?” “这个少年是谁?” Many people could not bear inquire Dream King. 很多人已经忍不住去询问梦幻王了。 After all, Long Chen displays is very shocking. 毕竟,龙辰所表现出來的实在很惊艳。 It can be said that a Long Chen move made the opposite party lose the battle efficiency, the Xiao Hongchen ingenious impact in the past, robbed that Golden War God Clan Star Sand, trigged Golden War God Clan, after being seriously injured, the body of Golden War God Clan combined, the massive steel and iron shrank, finally returned to the beforehand four meters high appearances, suffocated. 可以说,龙辰一招就让对方失去了战斗力,萧红尘巧妙冲击过去,将那黄金战神族星砂抢走,同时也制住了黄金战神族,身受重伤后,黄金战神族的身体重新组合,大量的钢铁缩了起來,最终回到了之前四米高的样子,已经奄奄一息。 His chest is, was still together the big scar, at this moment still exuded the sound that incited, making him very suffer. 他的胸口是,仍然是一道偌大的伤痕,此刻仍然发出滋滋的响声,让他十分痛苦。 He is shocked looks above that scarlet Divine Dragon, in the brain still a blank, until now he does not believe that this unexpectedly is the reality. 他震惊的看着上方那血色神龙,脑中仍然一片空白,直到现在他都不怎么相信这竟然是现实。 The steel and iron body that one are proud, makes opposite party one move break unexpectedly! 自己引以为傲的钢铁身躯,竟然让对方一招破开! But at this time, Long Chen already and Clear Sun Wolf Clan fights! 而这个时候,龙辰已经和的昊日狼族战上! These are just about to inquire the Dream King person, was attracted by the fight of Long Chen. 那些正要询问梦幻王的人,又被龙辰的战斗吸引了过來。 Fight of Long Chen and Clear Sun Wolf Clan , is very similarly swift and violent, that Clear Sun Wolf Clan displays Sun to fall from the sky this Divine Ability, but was still actually broken by Long Chen, Clear Sun Wolf Clan rapidly was also defeated by Long Chen, the speed and Golden War God Clan of defeat are almost the same, after Clear Sun Wolf Clan was defeated, the people discovered that Xing Qing at this time, had not solved own match. 龙辰昊日狼族的战斗,也同样十分迅猛,那昊日狼族施展出太阳陨落这种神通,但却仍然被龙辰所破,昊日狼族也迅速被龙辰战败,战败的速度和黄金战神族相差无几,当昊日狼族被打败后,众人发现,星晴这个时候,还沒有解决自己的对手呢。 Between Long Chen and Xing Qing, who is quite formidable, was still clear. 龙辰星晴之间,谁比较强大,仍然一目了然。 Xing Qing saw Long Chen to defeat two matches, she displayed three thousand Avatar, made the match lose the battle efficiency in a short time, in the middle of this Golden War God Clan team three people, all fell in Long Chen their hands, Long Chen and other hominizations were the human form, surrounded them. 星晴龙辰都打败了两个对手,她施展出了三千分身,也在短时间内让对手失去了战斗力,这黄金战神族队伍当中的三个人,全都落在龙辰他们手中,龙辰等人化为人形,将他们围住。 Long Chen that three most are afraid. 那三位最害怕的还是龙辰 Their no doubt severe wound, Star Sand also they had been robbed by Long Chen, but still depended in the same place, vigilant looks at Long Chen. 他们固然重伤,星砂也被龙辰他们抢走了,但仍然靠在一起,警惕的看着龙辰 Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family that their cut-throat looks, before letting Long Chen remembered, has defeated, he said with a smile: You want to tell me, making me not be happy too soon, your will Eldest Child revenge for you?” 他们那凶狠的眼神,让龙辰想起了之前打败的混沌皇族,他笑道:“你们是不是想告诉我,让我别高兴得太早,你们老大会为你们报仇?” Their three look at each other in blank diamay, has doubts at heart very much, that mysterious wolf clan, they have kept secret very well, did Long Chen actually ahead of time know his existence? 他们三位面面相觑,心里很疑惑,那位神秘狼族,他们已经保密得很好了,难道龙辰竟然提前知道了他的存在? Golden War God Clan said: Dream Immortal Clan truly did not have the opportunity, your appearance, is unable to recall the general situation, being doomed of this fight was Hundun Kunwu and between us the contest!” 黄金战神族道:“梦幻仙族确实沒有机会了,就算你的出现,也无法挽回大局,这一场战斗的注定是混沌昆吾和我们之间的较量!” Long Chen sneers saying: At least sends out the star source your three, I want to Golden War God Clan also to be an attack!” 龙辰冷笑道:“至少把你们三位送出星源,我想对黄金战神族來说也是一个打击!” The opposite party was still strong, shows neither approval nor disapproval. 对方仍然强硬,不置可否。 Long Chen does not have the time and they rambles on, he rushes goes, greeted their once again, two time of double-hour will draw near, they must find new Star Sand not to be simply impossible at this time, Long Chen they will then throw these three people here, seeks new Star Sand. 龙辰才沒时间和他们瞎扯,他冲上前去,再度招呼了他们一顿,两个时辰的时间快到了,他们要在这时候找到新的星砂简直不可能,龙辰他们便把这三个人扔在这里,去寻找新的星砂 After all now six people, have four grains of Star Sand. 毕竟现在有六个人,却只有四粒星砂 But what he does not know, outside already for his matter, but boiled noisily. 但他不知道的是,外面已经为了他的事情而闹开了锅。 When Long Chen easily defeats Clear Sun Wolf Clan after the powerful strength, the people can definitely confirm his battle efficiency, in addition surpasses Xing Qing, moreover some people note his boundary not to arrive at Reincarnation Calamity Realm probably, suddenly, nine star Alliance all people, were Shining Star all people to discuss Long Chen. 龙辰以强悍实力轻松打败昊日狼族后,众人完全可以确认他的战斗力尚且超过星晴,而且有人注意到他的境界好像还沒到轮回劫境,一时间,九星联盟所有人,还有原本属于璀璨星辰的所有人都在讨论龙辰 Most people, were inquiring Dream King, this was called the Long Chen youth, how was a matter. 大多数的人,都在询问梦幻王,这个叫做龙辰的少年,到底是怎么一回事。 Under this pressure, Dream King had no way to conceal again, he said: This person is Human Clan Dragon Warrior one, he accepted any Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, we are not clear, but he also has a very special status, that is, the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor!” 在这种压力之下,梦幻王沒法再隐瞒了,他道:“此人是人族龙武者的一员,他到底接受了什么神龙传承精血,我们都不清楚,但是他还有一个十分特殊的身份,那就是,,永恒龙帝之子!” This heavy pound news, made the people be shocked without doubt. 这个重磅消息,无疑让众人惊呆了。 Even if the Chaos Star Domain person, the Eternal Dragon Emperor reputation to them also likes thunder reverberating in one's ears, the initial first under heaven person, afterward strangely revolted Dragon God Domain, died strangely, making the person regret that this generation of Expert reputation just vanished certainly, the people just forgot that his existence, at this time, the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, unexpectedly was born. 就算是混乱星域的人,永恒龙帝的名头对他们而言也是如雷贯耳,当初的天下第一人,后來离奇叛变龙神域,又离奇死亡,让人惋惜,这个绝代强者的名声刚刚消失,众人刚刚忘记他的存在,就在这个时候,永恒龙帝之子,竟然就出世了。 I as if heard that he has killed Human Clan talent Di Yu in various god battlefields, therefore revolts Human Clan?” “我似乎听说,他在诸神战场杀死了人族的天才帝雨,所以算是叛变人族?” Some people this news passing. 有人把这个消息给通了出來。 To this time, the Life Dragon City person has to act. 到这时候,生命龙城的人不得不出面。 Gong Qing goes forward several, said: „, So-called rebels and flees is only part of ideas, he was still Dragon Warrior, was our Human Clan one, although has done some wrong things, but was not anything, today allows him to participate in Star Lord Hegemony War, was makes him have one to redeem oneself through good works, re-entered the Human Clan opportunity.” 龚擎上前几步,道:“诸位,所谓叛逃只是一部分的想法,他仍然是龙武者,也是我们人族的一员,虽然做过一些错事,但也不算什么,今日让他参加星主争霸战,也是让他有一个戴罪立功,重回人族的机会。” The people understand clearly. 众人了然。 But some people again asked quickly: This youth has not arrived at Reincarnation Calamity Realm, how possibly to have such battle efficiency, the Eternal Dragon Emperor son so will go against heaven's will? Since eternity such has not existed, Inherited Blood Essence that is it possible that the child of this Eternal Dragon Emperor has, but can also surmount ultimate Divine Dragon? What I said that Supreme Divine Dragon......” 但很快就有人再问:“这少年还沒到轮回劫境,怎么可能有如此战斗力,永恒龙帝的儿子就会如此逆天么?千古以來的从來都沒有此等存在,莫非这永恒龙帝之子拥有的传承精血,还要超越终极神龙?我说的是,无上神龙……” These words said that the people made once again, Supreme Divine Dragon was any concept everybody is clear, if were really this, then this Long Chen status may be high, if were not the Eternal Dragon Emperor matter, if he were really Supreme Divine Dragon, that will be regarded the treasure by Human Clan absolutely, wanted the treasure compared with Di Yu. 这句话说出來,众人再度闹开了,无上神龙是什么概念大家都清楚,如果真的是这样,那么这龙辰的地位可就高了,如果不是永恒龙帝的事情,他若真的是无上神龙,那绝对会被人族当成宝贝,比帝雨还要宝贝。 Gong Qing knows that the matter about Long Chen cannot conceal the truth. 龚擎本來就知道,关于龙辰的事情是瞒不住的。 He must through this dispersion, making that side Dragon God Domain know that here situation, making Long Chen now here prominence. 他也要通过这次的散布,让龙神域那边知道这边的情况,让龙辰现在这里声名鹊起。 He said: About Supreme Divine Dragon, we are unable to confirm, but at least is ultimate Divine Dragon. Naturally, even if were Supreme Divine Dragon is impossible to make him display so the battle efficiency at this time, we want very possible initially Eternal Dragon Emperor had made anything to him, making him have this ability, by going against heaven's will of Eternal Dragon Emperor, thinks that can understand.” 他道:“关于无上神龙,我们无法确认,但至少是终极神龙吧。当然了,就算是无上神龙也不可能让他在这个时候表现出如此战斗力,我们想很可能是当初永恒龙帝对他做了什么,让他有此能耐,以永恒龙帝的逆天,诸位想必能够了解。” The people nod again and again. 众人连连点头。 Has humanity: Then, some day, can this kid move the world absolutely?” 有人道:“这么说來,有朝一日,这小家伙绝对能够名动天下了?” Others investigate the correct path: Has made a mistake, today a war, his reputation passed on, can move the world.” 别人纠正道:“错了,今日一战,他的名声传了出去,也能名动天下。” When everybody when pays attention to the Long Chen status, suddenly some people discovered that the preparation is starting to fuse Star Sand in Long Chen and the others the time, that Hundun Kunwu went in their directions unexpectedly...... 就在大家都在关注龙辰身份的时候,忽然有人发现,正在龙辰等人准备开始融合星砂的时候,那混沌昆吾竟然朝着他们那个方向去了……
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