DBWG :: Volume #20

#2017: Golden war-god

This was the Xing Qing match, Long Chen observes on the line. 这是星晴的对手,龙辰观战就行了。 But he has to be shocked in the astonishment of Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family battle efficiency, after displaying superhuman, Xing Qing instantaneously is similar to facing three matches, simultaneously copes with three types , the strength in 30 people is only Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family of middle reaches, turned instantaneously enough had the match of ability and Xing Qing resistance! 但他不得不震惊于混沌皇族战斗力的惊人,三头六臂施展后,星晴瞬间就如同面对三个对手,同时对付三样道器,原本实力在30人当中只算是中游的混沌皇族,瞬间变成了足够有能耐和星晴对抗的对手! Superhuman!” “三头六臂!” Outside the star source, the vision of most people strongly came to here. 星源之外,多数人的目光已经集中到这里來。 Regarding most people, they dread in Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family superhuman Divine Ability. 对于大多数人來说,他们畏惧于混沌皇族三头六臂的神通 Xing Qing also has to cope earnestly, in her hand the galaxy Saint sword rolls up and pushes along, immediately presents starry skies, is her starry sky, the 3000 Astral Soul Dragon method displays in this moment, in the top of the head several hundred stars sparkles, connect on the body of Xing Qing, this time Xing Qing immediately becomes the starry sky goddess, under her displaying, suddenly these stars changes into Sword Qi, drops from the clouds! 星晴也不得不认真对付,她手中星河圣剑卷动,顿时出现一片星空,属于她自己的星空,三千星魂龙的手段在这一刻施展出來,头顶上数百星辰闪耀,连接在星晴的身上,此时的星晴顿时变为星空女神,在她的施展之下,一时间那些星球化为剑气,从天而降! Group star sparkles!” “群星闪耀!” Initially, Long Chen by slaughtering Sword Art, has eradicated opposite party star soul Sword Art one move. 当初,龙辰是靠杀戮剑诀,才破除了对方这星魂剑诀的一招。 Although Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family has stiffened, but did not have the ability to block Xing Qing star soul Sword Art, he roared is coming toward the Xing Qing rush, let in the middle of that innumerable terrifying star Sword Qi, even if he had superhuman, can simultaneously display three types, however in front of Xing Qing star soul Sword Art, still fast being repulsed! 混沌皇族虽然变强了许多,但还沒有能耐挡住星晴的星魂剑诀,他咆哮着朝着星晴冲杀而來,却让那无数恐怖星球剑气当中,就算他有三头六臂,可以同时施展三样道器,但是在星晴的星魂剑诀面前,仍然快速的败退! Starry sky shake! 星空震荡! Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family retreats in defeat again and again, Xing Qing while winning pursuit, has eradicated three types of opposite party by star soul Sword Art, her sharp star soul Sword Qi attacks in the opposite party body, willful destruction, but also very much has the discretion, at least will not make the opposite party die, but can make the opposite party lose the battle efficiency! 混沌皇族节节败退,星晴趁胜追击,以星魂剑诀破除了对方的三样道器,她那锋利的星魂剑气冲击到对方身体之内,恣意破坏,但也很有分寸,至少不会让对方死去,但又能够让对方失去战斗力! Crash-bang! 哗啦! They separate. 两人分开。 Xing Qing grasps the galaxy Saint sword, vision is dense. 星晴手持星河圣剑,目光森然。 But her match Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, whole body is pale, the whole body is bathed in blood, almost suffocates, but in this Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family bone is the arrogant ominous offense, he defeats, has not feared, but looks at Xing Qing with the cut-throat look, clenches jaws saying: You defeat me, how can also, our Eldest Child definitely seek for you, before long, your fates were definitely more miserable than me! This Shining Star future name is the nightmare star, but is not the illusion star! Hundun Kunwu, he will attain two scores, before him, your dog deng was inferior! Life Dragon City? Dragon Warrior? So is really formidable?” 而她的对手混沌皇族,浑身苍白,满身浴血,也几乎奄奄一息,但这混沌皇族骨子里是高傲凶戾的,他就算战败,也未曾惧怕,而是用凶狠的眼神看着星晴,咬牙切齿道:“你就算打败我,又能如何,我们老大肯定在寻找你,过不了多久,你们的下场肯定比我还惨!这璀璨星辰未來的名字是梦魇星而不是梦幻星!混沌昆吾,他会拿到两个分数,在他面前,你们连狗屎都不如!生命龙城龙武者?真有这么强大么?” Regarding Hundun Kunwu, they as if have the full self-confidence. 对于混沌昆吾,他们似乎有十足的自信。 Then, that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family cold snort|hum, turns around to depart, he lost the battle efficiency, basically does not have anything possibly in beyond a double-hour found Star Sand, after the time, they are met the star source to repel, does not have any value in the Long Chen two people of eyes, therefore his self-confident Long Chen they will not pursue him. 说完,那混沌皇族冷哼一声,转身离去,他已经失去了战斗力,基本上沒什么可能在一个时辰之外找到星砂,时间到了之后,他们就被会星源排斥出去,在龙辰两人眼中也沒什么价值,所以他自信龙辰两人不会追击他。 Xing Qing looks to Long Chen, said: „The Hundun Kunwu ambition is very big, we hurried to find other people to say again, so as to avoid made him tidy up.” 星晴看向龙辰,道:“混沌昆吾野心很大,我们还是赶紧找到其他人再说,免得让他收拾了。” Long Chen nods. 龙辰点点头。 They stepped the journey, how this endless starry sky is really too big, must find the person on one's own side to be quite difficult in this place, in fact met the enemy and Star Sand is not easy, the first grain of Star Sand two double-hour time were getting more and more less, finally, they run into two Dream Immortal Clan females. 两人重新踏上了路途,奈何这无尽的星空实在是太大了,要在这片地方找到自己人相当困难,实际上遇上敌人和星砂都不容易,第一粒星砂的两个时辰时间越來越少,终于,他们遇到了两个梦幻仙族的女子。 Dream Immortal Clan altogether dispatched four people, male two females besides Xiao Hongchen, after these two Dream Immortal Clan females by blowing off of starry sky turbulent flow, distance each other position is not far, but is away from others is very far, since this -and-a-half double-hour, they have not run into the enemy, has not met Star Sand, has not run into the person on one's own side. 梦幻仙族一共出动了四个人,除了萧红尘之外还有一男两女,这两个梦幻仙族女子被星空乱流的吹散后,距离彼此的位置并不远,但是距离别人都很远,这一个半时辰至今,她们沒遇到敌人,沒遇到星砂,更沒有遇到自己人。 This is lucky, is unfortunate, because of remaining half the time of double-hour, they did not only have Star Sand, this means after half double-hour, they will leave. 这算是幸运的,也算是不幸的,因为只剩下半个时辰的时间了,她们还沒有星砂,这就意味着半个时辰后她们将会离开。 No matter what, can find the person is the good deed. 不管怎么说,能找到人就是好事。 Xing Qing negotiated several with them, said: Walks, we seek for Star Sand together. What the team war compares is the final population, everybody must insist as far as possible.” 星晴与她们交涉了几句,道:“走,我们一起去寻找星砂。团队战比的是最终的人数,大家都要尽可能的坚持下去。” Good.” “好。” Two sweet and pretty Dream Immortal Clan young girls nod gently, before they were quite anxious, after all has Hundun Kunwu this terror Expert, if encountered him, definitely continually ran away does not have the means. 两位娇美的梦幻仙族少女轻轻点头,之前她们还是比较紧张的,毕竟有混沌昆吾这种恐怖强者,若是遭遇了他,肯定连逃走都沒有办法。 Four people move together. 四个人一起行动。 Long Chen with single-hearted devotion together with touching spirit looks for other people with Lingxi, this is quite simple, was only this star territory was too big, the structure was strange, every so often Long Chen has proceeded, will return finally actually to the original place, very gods and ghosts. 龙辰专心和灵曦一起用触灵阵來寻找其他人,这样还是比较简单的,只是这一片星域实在太大了,构造诡异,很多时候龙辰一直往前走,最终却还会回到原來的地方,十分神异。 Half the time of double-hour are shortly getting more and more less, in the star source must eliminate the first group of people immediately anxiously, Xing Qing. Often person of first elimination is most, then the population has been short, Star Sand will appear many, most people also had the experience, knows how to remain. 眼看着半个时辰的时间越來越少,星源之内马上就要淘汰第一批人,星晴也紧张了起來。往往第一次淘汰的人是最多的,接下來人数少了,星砂就会显得多,大多数人也有了经验,知道怎么留下來。 The time passes by quietly, whom People of star source to knowing has Star Sand, who does not have Star Sand, but they are more anxious. 时间悄然过去,星源的人大致知道谁有星砂,谁沒有星砂,但他们更加紧张。 Looked quickly that the Xing Qing team toward there!” “快看,星晴的队伍朝着那里去了!” Here, two Dream Immortal Clan, are fighting with Golden War God Clan three people of teams!” “这里,两个梦幻仙族,正在和黄金战神族的一个三人队伍在战斗!” Two grains of Star Sand, were taken away by that Golden War God Clan.” “两粒星砂,已经被那黄金战神族拿走了。” The fight that has frequently, attracted their attention, particularly the people of three large clans, relate to the birth of Star Lord, they are very anxious, Star Lord Hegemony War, in fact is to become Wang defeats the invader, cannot accommodate the half minute the accident. 经常发生的战斗,吸引了他们的注意力,尤其是三大族的人,关系到星主的诞生,他们都十分紧张,星主争霸战,实际上就是成王败寇,容不得有半分的闪失。 At this time, Long Chen felt. 就在这时候,龙辰已经感觉到了。 That direction, Xiao Hongchen they in that side, Clear Sun Wolf Clan, Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan and Golden War God Clan Cultivator.” “那个方向,萧红尘他们在那边,还有昊日狼族蚀月狼族黄金战神族者。” Xing Qing and two Dream Immortal Clan young girls looked surprisedly, they naturally believe Long Chen, because of this time, Long Chen has killed toward that side. 星晴和两位梦幻仙族少女惊奇看了过來,她们自然相信龙辰,因为这个时候,龙辰已经朝着那边杀去了。 With!” “跟上來!” Meets the teammate once again, they were very naturally excited. 再度遇上队友,他们自然很兴奋了。 In the middle of four people, the Long Chen speed is fastest, Xing Qing closely follows him, but two Dream Immortal Clan young girls follow on the heels, Dream Immortal Clan team altogether ten people, if again convergence Xiao Hongchen they, that six people in the same place, missed four Dragon Warrior. 四人当中,龙辰速度最快,星晴紧紧跟随他,而两位梦幻仙族的少女跟在后面,梦幻仙族队伍一共有十人,如果再汇合萧红尘他们两个,那就六个人都在一起,就差四个龙武者了。 Brushes! 刷刷! Here competition, attracted the people once again. 这边的争夺,再度吸引了众人。 At this time, the Long Chen fame is also not anything. 此时,龙辰的名气还不算什么。 Is this Dragon Warrior? His feeling is very probably keen, and has surpassed Xing Qing in the speed unexpectedly.” “又是这个龙武者?他的感觉好像很敏锐啊,而且在速度上竟然超过了星晴。” More than the 30 hegemons of nine star Alliances, three large clans, the teams leader of Shining Star many races, shift here the vision, two double-hour must arrive immediately, the people in other places peacefully have hidden, prepares to fuse new Star Sand, only then here has the fight, therefore appears losing face especially! 九星联盟的30多位盟主,三大族,还有璀璨星辰诸多种族的队长,都把目光转移到这里,两个时辰马上就要到了,其他地方的人都安静的躲了起來,准备融合新的星砂,只有这里才有战斗,所以显得格外的现眼! Almost all people are looking here. 几乎所有人都在看着这里了。 Long Chen this time, entered the eyeballs of more person, everybody starts to ask about the status of Dream King this person. 龙辰这一次,也进入了更多人的眼球,大家开始询问梦幻王这个人的身份。 This is also the Long Chen goal. 这也正是龙辰的目的。 What he wants is prominence! 他想要的是声名鹊起! Impact! 冲击! Quick he sees, in the front piece of space, Xiao Hongchen and another Dream Immortal Clan Cultivator, in the middle of besieging of two colossi, Dream Immortal Clan is the same with Nightmare Clan, most excels is not the mortal body close combat, moreover opposite party three people, before Long Chen arrives, they were suppressed completely! 很快他就看到,在前方一片空间当中,萧红尘和另外一位梦幻仙族者,正在两个庞然大物的围攻当中,梦幻仙族梦魇族一样,最擅长的都不是肉身近战,而且对方有三个人,所以在龙辰到來之前,他们是完全被压制的! Their almost dangerous phenomenon repeat lives. 两人几乎险象迭生。 Two grains of Star Sand that before here presented that Xiao Hongchen lucky obtained, but presented the Golden War God Clan team at this time unexpectedly, moreover was three people, these three people of teams have blocked them, two wolf clans besieged Xiao Hongchen, quick diverted him, and has robbed Star Sand from his body, but this was also not finished, they still intrepidly attacked, wants to make Xiao Hongchen they lose the battle efficiency, lost competes the Star Sand ability again! 之前这里出现的两粒星砂,萧红尘幸运的得到,但是这时候竟然出现了黄金战神族的队伍,而且还是三个人,这三人的队伍拦住了他们,其中两个狼族围攻萧红尘,很快就牵制住了他,并且从他的身上抢走了星砂,但这还不算结束,他们仍然强悍攻击,想让萧红尘他们失去战斗力,失去再竞争星砂的能力! In Long Chen at present, a Golden god wolf bathes in the solar ray, another silver god wolf surrounds itself by silver moon, but the last build and Monster Clan are similar, is Golden War God Clan, that is one completely the person who comprised of the steel and iron, the whole body is the genuine steel and iron casting, bronze is full of the fondness of countryside, during the motions the metal has the incisive rice fricative, graces can hit to explode exceeds the body several fold the broken star, even can also send out the strange shell, the might is infinite! 龙辰眼前,其中一头金色神狼沐浴在太阳光芒当中,另外一头银色神狼以银色月亮包围自己,而最后一位体形和妖族差不多的,是黄金战神族,那是一个完全由钢铁组成的人,浑身是真正的钢铁浇铸,一身古铜色充满着的野性,行动之间金属发生尖锐的米摩擦声,举手投足之间就能打爆超过身体数倍的碎星,甚至还能发出诡异的炮弹,威力无穷! Under the bombardments of their three giant matches, Xiao Hongchen retreats in defeat again and again, but another Dream Immortal Clan man has been injured, three pairs two, if not Long Chen arrives, they immediately must unable to support! 在他们三个巨大对手的轰击之下,萧红尘节节败退,而另外一位梦幻仙族的男子已经受伤了,三对二,如果不是龙辰到來的话,他们马上就的要撑不住了! Bang! 轰隆! The steel and iron transformation combination of that Golden War God Clan chest place, reveals a black spooky cave entrance, the strength gathering of dark Red, yellow Golden Rune flashes, when the strength continues the limit, with the Divine Ability magic arts similar strength bombardment, forms the ruinous light beam toward the Xiao Hongchen impact! 黄金战神族胸口处的钢铁变换组合,露出一个黑幽幽的洞口,其中暗红色的力量汇聚,黄金色符文闪动,当力量继续到极限的时候,一股与神通道法相似的力量轰击而出,形成毁灭性的光柱朝着萧红尘冲击而來! Xiao Hongchen excels at the imaginary technique, but is not good at resisting, if not that Clear Sun Wolf Clan ties down itself, he can use the imaginary technique to make Golden War God Clan greatly hit, but was not good at this time, he reveals the desperate look immediately, it seems like that the travel of own talent team war really must end, this will relate to the birth of Star Lord, the opposite party will not leave behind the escape route to oneself absolutely! 萧红尘擅长幻术,但不擅长抵抗,如果不是那昊日狼族缠住自己,他大可以使用幻术让黄金战神族打偏,但这时候却不行,他顿时流露出绝望眼神,看來自己的天才团队战之旅果然要结束了,这关系到星主的诞生,对方绝对不会给自己留下后路的! Another Dream Immortal Clan, then still with that Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan dogfight, but before him is injured, now is the dangerous phenomenon repeat lives! 另外一名梦幻仙族,则仍然和那蚀月狼族缠斗,但他之前受伤,现在更是险象迭生! In this earthshaking moment, all people gathers here to come the vision, the Golden War God Clan strength erupts, must shell Xiao Hongchen shortly time, suddenly the blood fog impact comes, to keep off in Xiao Hongchen front together, that blood fog expands instantaneously, has the body of Divine Dragon to roll up and push along indistinctly, when the Golden War God Clan strength hits in that scarlet cloud layer, was strangled to death by the blood fog unexpectedly, shakes, dissipates in the air! 就在这惊天动地一刻,所有人都将目光汇聚到这里來,黄金战神族力量爆发,眼看着就要轰击萧红尘的时候,忽然间一道血雾冲击而來,挡在萧红尘的前面,那血雾瞬间扩大,其中隐约有神龙之躯卷动,当黄金战神族的力量撞在那血色云层上的时候,竟然被血雾绞杀,震荡回去,消散在空气当中! Shout! 呼! At this time, Xing Qing was leading two Dream Immortal Clan young girls, similarly appearance. 这个时候,星晴带着两位梦幻仙族的少女,同样出现。 Is two pairs of three scenes, turned into six pairs instantaneously three, Dream Immortal Clan here had the absolute superiority, the Golden War God Clan team snatched Star Sand, now sees the opposite party person to be many, moreover there is existence of Xing Qing, three people bellowed to yell immediately that started to retreat! 原本是二对三的场面,瞬间变成了六对三,梦幻仙族这边占据了绝对的优势,黄金战神族的队伍本來已经抢到了星砂,现在见对方人多,而且还有星晴的存在,三人顿时大吼大叫,开始撤退! „To walk?” Xing Qing sneers, flushes away toward Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan that most approaches. “想走?”星晴冷笑一声,朝着那最靠近的蚀月狼族冲去。 Long Chen transformed is Divine Dragon, naturally cannot make the match sneak off in vain, his body rolls up and pushes along, suddenly, both blocked Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Golden War God Clan two matches. 龙辰已经变换为神龙,自然不会让对手白白溜走,他身体卷动,眨眼之间,将昊日狼族黄金战神族两个对手都挡住了。
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