DBWG :: Volume #20

#2016: Superhuman

Star Sand appeared, in Life Dragon City that is called by the Xing Qing girl.” 星砂出现了,在生命龙城那个叫做星晴的女孩旁边。” Outside the star source, the people shifted the attention immediately, looked to Xing Qing and Long Chen, this was the first appearance of Star Sand, what was main, it also appeared in side of two teams of troops, moreover presented two grains of Star Sand unexpectedly one time! 星源之外,众人马上转移了关注,看向了星晴龙辰这边,这是星砂的第一次出现,最主要的是,它还出现在两队人马的旁边,而且竟然一次性出现了两粒的星砂 Dream Immortal Clan and the others, looked at the past especially anxiously, after discovering Long Chen and Xing Qing match was not Hundun Kunwu, they relaxed, passed time of double-hour, then started to estimate that will present Star Sand everywhere, who can obtain Star Sand, and successful fusion, looked at the strength and luck. 梦幻仙族等人,也尤其紧张看过去,当发现龙辰星晴的对手不是混沌昆吾后,他们松了一口气,已经过去一个时辰的时间了,接下來开始估计到处都会出现星砂,到底谁能得到星砂,并且成功的融合,就看实力和运气了。 These two grains of Star Sand, do not have the suspense.” “这两粒星砂,沒有悬念。” Dream King and the others knew fairly well. 梦幻王等人心中有数。 But regarding other people, they just noted Long Chen, Long Chen is a quite strange face, they suddenly very much have doubts, who is this fellow? 而对于其他人來说,他们刚刚注意到龙辰,龙辰是个比较陌生的面孔,他们一时间很疑惑,这个家伙又是谁? Generally before Star Lord Hegemony War, the three parties has almost found out the details of opposite party, naturally for example Mo Xiao Lang and Hundun Kunwu first conceal, the appearance of Long Chen also very likely is hidden, but they no matter how looked, had not discovered that he has Hundun Kunwu that ability. 一般在星主争霸战之前,三方都几乎摸清楚了对方的底细,当然比如莫小狼混沌昆吾都是先暗藏的,龙辰的出现也很像是暗藏,只是他们不管怎么看,也都沒发现他有混沌昆吾那种能耐。 But Mo Xiao Lang at this time, has not caused the people extremely to pay attention. 莫小狼这时候,也沒有引起众人太过注意。 After all he has not shown strength. 毕竟他还沒有展现出实力來。 One competes, is ready to be set off! 一场争夺,一触即发! Long Chen and Xing Qing change to two rays, rushed to front of Star Sand instantaneously, they are very near from Star Sand with that Nightmare Clan team, but their speeds are faster, must therefore take Star Sand immediately. 龙辰星晴化作两道光线,瞬间冲到了星砂前面,他们和那梦魇族的队伍都距离星砂很近,但他们的速度更快一些,所以马上就要将星砂拿下了。 Who is this boy? Is the speed also so how fast?” “这小子是谁?怎么速度也这么快?” The people can very direct-viewing looks that the Long Chen speed is almost not inferior to Xing Qing, probably other Life Dragon City several Dragon Warrior, not such ability. 众人可以很直观的看出來,龙辰的速度几乎不亚于星晴,好像生命龙城其他几个龙武者,都沒有这样的能耐吧。 Although the people have doubts, but does not have urgently is inquiring Dream King, otherwise possibly missed splendidly. 众人虽然疑惑,但也沒急着询问梦幻王这边,不然就可能错过精彩了。 Long Chen saw that two grains of Star Sand, fuses compared with outside, this time Star Sand glistens, is similar to the living creature, is sparkling in the middle of the starry sky, small Star Sand is very dazzling. 龙辰已经看到那两粒星砂了,比起外面融合的,此时的星砂更加闪亮,如同活物,在星空当中闪耀着,小小的一颗星砂却无比璀璨夺目。 Distant place, two Expert powerful long-range raids! 远方,有两个强者强势奔袭而來! And one is Nightmare Clan, another is Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family! 其中一个是梦魇族,另外一个是混沌皇族 Long Chen sneers, he erupts a quicker speed instantaneously, caught up held before Xing Qing Star Sand, simultaneously hit in the Xing Qing direction another grain of Star Sand, when they have grasped Star Sand, loaded into Star Sand prepares in the middle of the good jade bottle, hung in the waist, that Nightmare Clan and Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family just now rush to them at present 30 meters place. 龙辰冷笑,他瞬间爆发更快的速度,赶在星晴之前抓住了其中一颗星砂,同时将另外一粒星砂朝着星晴的方向撞去,当两人都拿住了星砂,将星砂装进准备好的玉瓶当中,挂在腰间的时候,那梦魇族混沌皇族方才赶到两人眼前30米的地方。 In the Long Chen eye, the Nightmare Clan appearance is the same, swarthy, a giant and evil eye is staring at Long Chen they, but that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family is the whole face is not willingly, he has gotten hold of the double fist, the chaos motive power stimulates, immediately has created the overbearing strength beyond comparison! 龙辰眼中,梦魇族的长相都一样,黑不溜秋的,一双巨大而邪恶的眼睛盯着龙辰两人,而那混沌皇族则是满脸不甘心,他握紧了双拳,混沌原力激发而出,顿时造成了无以伦比的霸道力量! Xing Qing visits them calmly, said: Star Sand we took away, wants to compete, although comes up!” 星晴冷静看着他们,道:“星砂我们拿走了,想要争夺,尽管上來!” These two naturally know the Xing Qing reputation. 这两人自然知道星晴的名头。 Some Nightmare Clan also awes, but that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family temperament is cruel, without demur, whooshes one, comes toward the Xing Qing impact, to them most fearful naturally was Xing Qing. 梦魇族还有些敬畏,但那混沌皇族脾气暴戾,二话不说,就嘶吼一声,朝着星晴冲击而來,对他们而言最可怕的当然是星晴了。 The chaos motive power erupts, that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family is similar to Ferocious Beast, graces, is the moving mountains to fill the seas strengths! 混沌原力爆发,那混沌皇族就如同凶兽,举手投足之间,都是移山填海的力量! Wanted to cope with Xing Qing as for that Nightmare Clan with joint forces, but thinks in the Long Chen hand also grain of Star Sand, he then shifted on the thoughts Long Chen. 至于那梦魇族本來想要合力对付星晴的,但想到龙辰手中也有一粒星砂,他便将心思转移到了龙辰身上。 Younger Brother insists a while, I rob this grain of Star Sand, immediately helps you!” 兄弟坚持一会儿,我抢走这粒星砂,马上來帮助你!” Nightmare Clan makes the strange sound, the swarthy body glitters in the middle of the mist, moves fast to come toward Long Chen, does not have to think the own first match will be Nightmare Clan this type of little thing, Long Chen will certainly not despise them, hearsay Nightmare Clan Cultivate the [say / way] of nightmare, can invade the inner world of opposite party, making the person have the illusion, will thus go crazy lethal, this will be a fearful method! 梦魇族发出古怪的声音,黝黑的身体在雾气当中闪烁,朝着龙辰飘忽而來,沒想到自己第一个对手是梦魇族这种小东西,龙辰当然不会小看他们,传闻梦魇族修炼的噩梦之道,能够入侵对方的精神世界,让人产生幻觉,从而发疯致死,这是一种可怕的手段! Suffers to death!” “受死吧!” Nightmare Clan ridicules to attack. 梦魇族讥笑着冲击上來。 The eye of opposite party at present becomes in Long Chen especially huge, in an instant the instantaneous black tide completely submerges Long Chen, the surrounding darkness, there are innumerable black mist, turns into the tentacle to infiltrate toward the body of Long Chen, Long Chen was similar to is imprisoned was the same, could not move. 对方的眼睛在龙辰眼前变得尤其巨大,转眼瞬间黑色的潮水就将龙辰完全淹沒,周围一片漆黑,有无数的黑色雾气,化成触手朝着龙辰的身体钻进來,龙辰就如同被禁锢了一样,动弹不得。 But he knows that this is a false appearance. 但他知道,这是一种假象。 He has experienced fiercest confusing, from Tai Su God, that Long Chen almost body dies, because fortunately finally the heart of eternal protection awakens, but at present this Nightmare Clan is fierce, but compares with Tai Su God, was the difference is too far. 他见识过的最厉害的迷惑,來自太素之神,那一次龙辰差点身死,还好最终因为永恒守护之心惊醒过來,而眼前这梦魇族虽然厉害,但和太素之神相比较起來,真的是差太远了。 Until today, Long Chen does not talk clearly Tai Chi God and Tai Su God is anything. 直到今日,龙辰也说不清楚太极之神太素之神到底是什么。 Even that forthcoming Highest Beginning God, how can be terrifying, he is not clear. 甚至那即将到來的太始之神,会是如何恐怖,他也不清楚。 But at least at present Nightmare Clan does not have idea with him. 但至少眼前梦魇族拿他沒辙。 Suddenly, the endless illusion raids, Long Chen immerses in the sleep probably, definitely is unable to control own body, the disaster raids unceasingly, making the person collapse and sob, but Long Chen actually indifferently looks at all these, he is bright ** the attack of having a nightmare clan regarding the average person, the effect is without doubt fearful, because everyone will have the nightmare, but Nightmare Clan can make the nightmare almost be equal to the reality. 一时间,无尽的幻象袭來,龙辰好像沉浸在睡梦当中,完全无法左右自己的身体,灾难不断袭來,让人崩溃、哭泣,但龙辰却冷眼看着这一切,他明**魇族的攻击对于一般人來说,效果无疑是可怕的,因为每个人都会有噩梦,而梦魇族可以让噩梦几乎等于现实。 Outside the star source, the people can see, that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family is not the Xing Qing match, was repelled by the galaxy Saint sword, but Long Chen actually by the Nightmare Clan anchorage. 星源之外,众人可以看到,那混沌皇族并不是星晴的对手,被星河圣剑打退,但是龙辰却被梦魇族定住。 Xing Qing , if not turn head to save this boy, it is estimated that must be compelled by Nightmare Clan insanely.” 星晴若是再不回头救这小子的话,估计就要被梦魇族逼疯了。” In many will of the people like this thinks. 很多人心里都是这样想的。 Many people on the scene, has tasted fierce of Nightmare Clan. 在场不少人,也尝过梦魇族的厉害。 The [say / way] of nightmare, Cultivate to most deep place, can let the nightmare and reality draws the equal. As for present that Nightmare Clan, can only let the Long Chen spirit break, turns into the fool, this does not affect the Star Lord Hegemony War rule, so long as does not kill the person to be all right. 噩梦之道,修炼到最深处,可以让噩梦和现实划上等号。至于现在那梦魇族,只能让龙辰精神崩溃,变成傻子,这并不影响星主争霸战的规则,只要不杀死人就沒事。 Dream King and the others also very earnest looks. 梦幻王等人也很认真的看着。 After all Long Chen is the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, such been defeated words, probably some are not cost-effective. 毕竟龙辰永恒龙帝之子,就这样被打败的话,好像有些不划算。 In fact the opposite party has not invaded successfully. 实际上对方从來都沒有入侵成功。 Is complacent in Nightmare Clan, thinks own succeeded time, Long Chen that wooden complexion has sneered suddenly, he said: „Did you play to suffice?” 就在梦魇族洋洋得意,以为自己已经成功的时候,龙辰那木然的脸色忽然冷笑了起來,他道:“你玩够了吗?” Nightmare Clan was startled, the nightmare that , he makes in great surprise vanishes into thin air in Long Chen at present. 梦魇族吃了一惊,大惊之下,他所制造的噩梦在龙辰眼前烟消云散。 Shout! 呼! At this time, Long Chen instantaneously passed through dozens meters distance, stood in the Nightmare Clan side, he opened the palm to grasp the head of Nightmare Clan in the hand, that Nightmare Clan in great surprise, crazy was struggling, but actually like was the toy in Long Chen hand, such was quite funny, before this change let these, was the Long Chen tense person is all of a sudden scared. 就在这时候,龙辰瞬间穿越数十米的距离,站在了梦魇族的身边,他张开手掌将梦魇族的头颅抓在手上,那梦魇族大惊之下,疯狂的挣扎着,但却像是龙辰手中的玩具一样,那样子颇为滑稽,这个变化让那些之前为龙辰紧张的人一下子就傻眼了。 When, did Nightmare Clan become such useless?” “什么时候,梦魇族变得这么沒用了?” The people have a feeling of not knowing whether to laugh or cry, in Long Chen at present, that Nightmare Clan slightly opposition force, by the mortal body has not been Hundun Kunwu and Golden War God Clan is not his match, this Nightmare Clan is in itself the mortal body frail race, after Long Chen controls, he also can only both hands randomly dig up. 众人有一种哭笑不得的感觉,在龙辰眼前,那梦魇族沒有丝毫反抗力量,论肉身就是混沌昆吾黄金战神族也不是他的对手,这梦魇族本身就是肉身脆弱的种族,被龙辰掌控后,他也就只能双手乱扒了。 Lets loose me, I warned you, let loose me!” “放开我,我警告你,放开我!” In Nightmare Clan heart startled, actually has to ship out very angry appearance. 梦魇族心中惊慌,却不得不装出很愤怒的样子。 This is the person of opposite party, Long Chen must make him lose the battle efficiency, making him compete the qualifications of Star Sand not to have, he no longer said that holds Nightmare Clan to fling high, then by own strength, coming one to explode kicks, under Long Chen that explosive mortal body strength, Nightmare Clan just liked a rubber ball, vanishes in Long Chen instantaneously at present, along the road was the pitiful yell that he left behind, finally sent out an explosion in the remote breaking to pieces star region, that Nightmare Clan hit broken on -board. 这是对方的人,龙辰得让他失去战斗力,让他连竞争星砂的资格都沒有,他不再多说,抓住梦魇族高高甩起,然后以自身力量,來了一个爆踢,在龙辰那种劲爆的肉身力量之下,梦魇族犹如一个皮球,瞬间消失在龙辰眼前,沿路是他留下的惨叫,终于在遥远的碎星区域上发出一声爆炸,那梦魇族撞在了碎星上。 Long Chen acts bashful very much has the discretion, will not kill the opposite party, but that Nightmare Clan also can only treating of little darling there, wait for disappearance of Star Sand strength. 龙辰拿捏得很有分寸,不会杀死对方,但那梦魇族也就只能乖乖的待在那里,等待着星砂力量的消失了。 Partners defeats with the powerful attack of Xing Qing with great speed, making that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family smell defeat Scent, but Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family was inborn, they thought noblly, they pursued honor the glory, the glorious strength made them not be always willing to draw back timidly! 伙伴的火速战败和星晴的强势攻击,让那混沌皇族嗅到了战败的味道,但混沌皇族天生凶悍,他们自以为高贵,他们追崇荣耀,荣耀的力量让他们从來都不愿意退怯! Angry Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, under the powerful attack of Xing Qing, shows Divine Ability that Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family has most been well-known finally! 愤怒的混沌皇族,在星晴的强势攻击之下,终于展现出了混沌皇族最闻名的神通 These are still shocking in the Long Chen formidable people, immediately was being attracted by Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family Divine Ability. 那些还在震惊于龙辰强大的人们,马上又被混沌皇族神通吸引着。 Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, starts from Reincarnation Calamity Realm, will awaken this Divine Ability. 混沌皇族,从轮回劫境开始,就会觉醒这一门神通 After using this Divine Ability, their battle efficiencies will rise dramatically on all fronts! 当使用这一门神通后,他们的战斗力会全线飙升! This is Divine Ability from Divine Dragon time, compared with the chaos motive power, this Divine Ability is the symbol of Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, this Divine Ability name is: Superhuman! 这是來自神龙时代的神通,比起混沌原力,这一门神通更是混沌皇族的标志,这门神通的名字叫做:三头六臂! From a person, turns into three people! 从一个人,变成三个人! At this moment, fast backlash of his Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family under the attack of Xing Qing, then decides in airborne, his binocular exceedingly indignant, the angry sound loudly exclaimed: Chaos are limitless! Superhuman!” 此时此刻,他混沌皇族星晴的攻击之下快速的后退,然后定在空中,他双眼无比愤怒,怒声大吼道:“混沌无极!三头六臂!” Buzz! 嗡! The chaos motive power sweeps across, forms a silver Ash Grey big cocoon, surrounds him. 混沌原力席卷开來,形成一个银灰色的大茧,将他包围在其中。 Many strengths attack, forms the giant silver Ash Grey vortex, attacks to come toward the surroundings, gave to compel Xing Qing and Long Chen. 更多的力量冲击出來,形成巨大的银灰色漩涡,朝着周围冲击而來,将星晴龙辰都给逼开了。 Bang! 轰! Short instantaneous, the big cocoon explosion of silver Ash Grey, has mysterious structure Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family, appears in Long Chen at present, front before Long Chen is still that angry Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family! 短短瞬间,银灰色的大茧爆炸,一个拥有神奇构造的混沌皇族,出现在龙辰眼前,正前面面对龙辰的依然是之前那位愤怒的混沌皇族 However, his body had very big change, this change starts in the torso, the change of torso, lets him from the three directions of body, grows six arms, three heads! 但是,他的身体发生了很大的变化,这变化开始于躯干,躯干的变化,让他从躯体的三个方向,长出六条手臂,三个头颅! If again six legs, that were almost the complete three people. 如果再有六条腿的话,那几乎就是完全三个人了。 Naturally, he has two legs, showed that he is a person. 当然,他只有两条腿,证明他还是一个人。 This is Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family peerless Divine Ability. 这就是混沌皇族的绝世神通 The dead ahead face, the expression is angry. 正前方的人脸,表情愤怒。 The left face, the expression is sad, sheds bitter tears. 左侧人脸,表情哀伤,痛哭流涕。 The right face, the expression likes, laughs. 右侧人脸,表情欢喜,哈哈大笑。 But on that six arms, grasps three types of unexpectedly. 而那六条手臂上,竟然手持三样道器。 Hearsay, Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family superhuman Divine Ability, from the Divine Dragon time, since inheritance, is the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family most precious most precious object, makes them proud compared with the chaos motive power! 传闻,混沌皇族的三头六臂神通,來自神龙时期,传承至今,乃是混沌皇族最珍贵的至宝,比起混沌原力更加让他们自豪! After displaying was superhuman, their battle efficiencies, will directly be increased to two to three times, as if had one to two to be equal to own helper! 当施展了三头六臂后,他们的战斗力,会直接提升到两到三倍,仿佛有了一到两个等同于自身的帮手! This mysterious Divine Ability, making Long Chen stare dumbfounded. 这神奇的神通,让龙辰瞠目结舌。 To be honest, this Divine Ability, can compared with Ancestral Dragons Divine Ability. 说实话,这种神通,都能和祖龙神通相比较了。 After is a mysterious race, from Divine Dragon time inheritance until now thing. 毕竟是一个神秘种族,从神龙时代传承至今的东西。 Angry and sad, likes. 愤怒、哀伤、欢喜。 Three mood strengths, suddenly Sha comes. 三种情绪力量,暴杀而來。
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