DBWG :: Volume #20

#2015: The star granulated substance peeps

The chaos motive power, is one most primitive sabotage force, can with any strength fusion, from the high antiquity, Divine Dragon time inheritance until now mysterious strength, differs not far by the strength of destructive power and Mo Xiao Lang demon, but the chaos motive power displays in the way of mortal body strength. 混沌原力,是一种最原始的破坏力量,可以和任何的力量融合,是从远古时代,神龙时代传承至今的神秘力量,论破坏力和莫小狼魔的力量相差不远,不过混沌原力是以肉身力量的方式施展出來。 The Golden War God Clan mortal body strength, manifests in firmly, but the Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family mortal body strength, manifests , the destruction direction vastly. 黄金战神族的肉身力量,体现在刚硬,而混沌皇族的肉身力量,体现到浩大、毁灭方向。 Faint trace air current of silver Ash Grey, twines on the body of Hundun Kunwu gradually, ultimately has formed the dense and numerous eddy currents, what his body transmits is one ancient strength Aura, is sincere and overbearing, as if came from primitively, this unusual strength sweeps across in the middle of the body of Hundun Kunwu, making him look like compares to the giant underground spring yama dragon to be terrorist unexpectedly. 一丝丝的银灰色的气流,逐渐在混沌昆吾的身上缠绕,最终形成了密密麻麻的漩涡,他的身上传递出來的是一种古老力量的气息,厚重而霸道,仿佛來自最原始,这一股奇特的力量在混沌昆吾的身体当中席卷,让他看起來竟然比起巨大的黄泉冥王龙还要恐怖。 Shouted......” “呼……” Hundun Kunwu gains ground, that is full of the aggressive look to stare at the underground spring yama dragon, reveals an evil different smiling face, on him that explosive strength sweeps across, even has broken through the blood Yellow cloud layer of underground spring yama dragon! 混沌昆吾抬起头,那充满侵略性的眼神盯着黄泉冥王龙,流露出一丝邪异的笑容,他身上那劲爆的力量席卷开去,甚至冲破了黄泉冥王龙的血黄色云层! The fight is ready to be set off! 战斗一触即发! This is the first fight, all people anxiously look, naturally as we all know, the underground spring yama dragon no doubt is super Divine Dragon, is quite good, but compares the disparity with Hundun Kunwu is very big! 这是第一场战斗,所有人都紧张看着,当然大家都知道,黄泉冥王龙固然是超级神龙,也相当不错,但是和混沌昆吾比较起來差距还是非常大的! Bang! 轰隆! In the middle of the starry sky, underground spring yama dragon and Hundun Kunwu started the intense fight, because is away from the relations of star source, the people look are very not clear, but they understand approximately that their fights basically are the one-sided trends. 在星空当中,黄泉冥王龙和混沌昆吾开始了激烈的战斗,因为隔着星源的关系,众人看得不是十分清楚,但他们大致明白,两人的战斗基本上是一边倒的趋势。 The underground spring yama dragon no doubt kills to get angry, but they just encountered, almost makes the opposite party hit is off their feet, that huge body appears in the front of opposite party chaos motive power is similar to the bean curd, Hundun Kunwu laughs, while uses double fist holding down underground spring yama dragon suddenly to beat up! 黄泉冥王龙固然杀红了眼,但是两人刚刚交锋,几乎就让对方撞得人仰马翻,那庞大的身躯在对方混沌原力的面前显得如同豆腐,混沌昆吾一边大笑,一边用双拳按住黄泉冥王龙一顿暴揍! Even that scene, such as Long Chen maltreats Rage Sea Fierce Dragon to be the same, holds the tail of opposite party, flings to fly the opposite party, has cracked-up the innumerable broken stars! 甚至那场面,就如龙辰虐待怒海暴龙一样,抓住对方的尾巴,将对方甩飞出去,撞碎了无数的碎星! Damn!” “该死!” The underground spring yama dragon has feared, in the heart is angry, is the fear. 黄泉冥王龙怕了起來,心中又是愤怒,又是恐惧。 He is super Divine Dragon, has own pride, however the terror of match has surpassed his expectation, moreover a face does not give! 他身为超级神龙,拥有自己的骄傲,但是对手的恐怖超过了他的预料,而且一点面子都不给! Originally so-called Dragon Warrior, unexpectedly weak to this situation? I also think that Dragon Warrior does have fearfully how? Really pile of dog deng were inferior that your such role, Life Dragon City unexpectedly did send you to participate in Star Lord Hegemony War, Life Dragon City could not find other young masters?” “原來所谓的龙武者,竟然弱到这种地步呢?我还以为龙武者有多么的可怕呢?真是一堆狗屎都不如啊,就你这样的角色,生命龙城竟然派你來参加星主争霸战,生命龙城是找不到其他的年轻高手了么?” Hundun Kunwu laughs again and again, he cross sits in the top of the head of underground spring yama dragon, holds Dragon Horn of underground spring yama dragon, another hand transports the chaos motive power, the violent punches the underground spring yama dragon, initiates this colossus times miserably howling, the Divine Dragon dignity forfeits! 混沌昆吾连连大笑,他跨坐在黄泉冥王龙的头顶上,一手抓住黄泉冥王龙的龙角,另外一只手则运起混沌原力,暴揍黄泉冥王龙,引发这庞然大物一次次的惨嚎,神龙的威严丧失殆尽! Dragon Warrior! Mediocre! On this ability, the fame so is also big, I looked that should be Human Clan greatly was already inferior formerly, before also had Eternal Dragon Emperor to be known as that is the first under heaven person, can support to back up the surface, as for the present...... Ha Ha Ha......” 龙武者!不过如此!就这点能耐,名气也这么大,我看啊,应该是人族早就大不如从前了,以前还有个永恒龙帝号称是天下第一人,可以撑撑台面,至于现在吗……哈哈哈……” The Hundun Kunwu big laughter, mixes with the painful cry of underground spring yama dragon together, appears especially grating. 混沌昆吾的大笑声,和黄泉冥王龙的痛叫声混合到一起,显得格外的刺耳。 Outside the star source, the people did not endure to look straight ahead. 星源之外,众人已经不忍直视了。 Although said that the talent team war is unable to kill people, but is defeated, Hundun Kunwu starts to have the discretion very much, he in harming the body of Huanglong, but has not let his severe wound, although this smashing injury is not serious, but is very difficult to restore, in any case after this fight, the underground spring yama dragon was very difficult to find Star Sand to support. 虽然说天才团队战无法杀人,但打败还是可以的,混沌昆吾下手很有分寸,他只是在破坏黄龙的身体,但却沒有让他重伤,这种粉碎性的伤势虽然不重,但很难恢复,反正这一场战斗之后,黄泉冥王龙很难找到星砂撑下去了。 Is convinced?” Hundun Kunwu grabs Huanglong, will bring to run upon one broken they are much bigger than on-board, he underground spring yama dragon maliciously according to the ground, beats, the underground spring yama dragon lost the battle efficiency thoroughly, is whinning in the pain! “服不服气呢?”混沌昆吾抓着黄龙,将之带着撞上一颗比他们都大得多的碎星上,他将黄泉冥王龙狠狠的按在地上,拳打脚踢,黄泉冥王龙彻底失去了战斗力,在痛苦哀嚎着! Hundun Kunwu! Do not be happy too soon, what defeats me also to be quite self-satisfied? You can only be the shortsighted person, told you! Our Life Dragon City most Expert, can the second kill you! Even if my Sister Xing Qing , can only arrange in Life Dragon City at fifth, you can defeat her, what were you considered as? Moreover our Life Dragon City ranks in Five Great Dragon City end, do you dare with the person contrast of Slaughtering Dragon City? Shortsighted person!” 混沌昆吾!你别高兴得太早,打败我又有什么好得意的?你只能算是个井底之蛙,告诉你!我们生命龙城强者,就能秒杀你!就算是我星晴师姐,在生命龙城也就只能排在第五,你就算能打败她,你又算得了什么?而且我们生命龙城五大龙城排名最末,你敢和杀戮龙城的人对比么?井底之蛙!” Waste!” “废物!” Hundun Kunwu has kicked his foot, making Huang Long tong call to close the mouth. 混沌昆吾踢了他一脚,让黄龙痛叫着闭上了嘴巴。 Hundun Kunwu was very repugnant he to speak such words. 混沌昆吾很讨厌他说这样的话。 He sneers saying: You felt relieved that I will go to Immortal God Domain to challenge your so-called talents, steps on them in the under foot, I will show to you that my Hundun Kunwu is under this day first person, some day, I will become the Spiritual God, when the time comes will be my Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family will control Immortal God Domain the time!” 他冷笑道:“你就放心吧,我会去永生神域挑战你们所谓的天才们,将他们一个个踩在脚下,我会向你们证明,我混沌昆吾才是这天底下的第一人,有朝一日,我会成为神灵,到时候就是我混沌皇族主宰永生神域的时候了!” These words, he by said in Huang Long er. 这句话,他是靠在黄龙耳边说的。 So wild ambition, restrains slightly, not must outside to listen. 如此狼子野心,还是稍微收敛一下好,莫要让外面的人听去了。 After all, outside has Human Clan and Monster Clan person. 毕竟,外面可是有人族妖族的人。 Huang Long bears the pain, said with a smile: Wishful thinking, shortsighted person, told you, even if our present teams, most Expert was not my Sister Xing Qing, you have defeated him, spoke such words again!” 黄龙忍住痛苦,笑道:“痴心妄想,井底之蛙,告诉你吧,就算是我们现在的队伍,最强者也不是我星晴师姐,你把他打败了,再说这样的话吧!” These words make Hundun Kunwu be startled. 这句话让混沌昆吾一怔。 His vision rotates, suddenly said: You said that hasn't arrived at Reincarnation Calamity Realm that?” 他目光转动一圈,忽然道:“你说的,是还沒到达轮回劫境的那个?” Huang Long was startled, he has not thought that this Hundun Kunwu can note him unexpectedly, it seems like Long Chen this boy definitely very ability! 黄龙吃了一惊,他沒想到这混沌昆吾竟然能注意到他,看來龙辰这小子肯定很能耐! At the same time, he does not like Long Chen, on the other hand, he detests Hundun Kunwu, therefore he said: Right, is he! Perhaps you have not known that he is the Eternal Dragon Emperor son, he called Long Chen!” 一方面,他并不喜欢龙辰,另外一方面,他更加憎恶混沌昆吾,所以他道:“沒错,就是他!或许你还不知道,他就是永恒龙帝的儿子,他叫龙辰!” Hundun Kunwu, the vision twinkle, looked to the remote direction. 混沌昆吾哦了一声,目光闪烁,看向遥远的方向。 „The Eternal Dragon Emperor son, that may not be really ordinary!” 永恒龙帝的儿子啊,那可真是不一般啊!” He has laughed. 他大笑了起來。 At this time, on him the chaos motive power erupted, was similar to a shell fist hits on yellow Dragon Body, that underground spring yama dragon the Dragon Scale disruption, the instantaneous severe wound, suffocated immediately, his body reduced, changed into the human form in the Hundun Kunwu under foot, Huanglong at this moment has looked deathly pale, the corners of the mouth have bled, as the matter stands, he completely lost the battle efficiency, must snatch Star Sand, is more impossible! 就在这时候,他身上的混沌原力爆发,如同炮弹一拳撞在黄龙身上,那黄泉冥王龙顿时龙鳞碎裂,瞬间重伤,奄奄一息,他身体缩小,在混沌昆吾脚下化为人形,此刻的黄龙已经脸色惨白,嘴角流血了,这样一來,他完全失去了战斗力,要抢到星砂,就更加不可能了! You!” “你!” Huanglong exceedingly indignant. 黄龙无比愤怒。 Resting, from now on, within two double-hour, be not wanting to leave my palm, till you leave the star source, victory that this fights, belongs to our Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family inevitably, belongs to Nightmare Clan!” “歇着吧,从现在开始,两个时辰之内,你别想离开我的手掌心,直到你离开星源为止,这一战的胜利,必然是属于我们混沌皇族,也属于梦魇族的!” Here, he smiled, said: Then following, do we seek for the child of that Eternal Dragon Emperor? Listened to you to boast was so mysterious, the fellow affirmed some abilities, if I have defeated him, definitely will make your Dragon God Domain talents incomparably frustrate, right?” 说到这里,他莞尔一笑,道:“那么接下來,我们就去寻找那个永恒龙帝之子吧?听你吹嘘了这么玄乎,那家伙肯定有些能耐,我若是打败了他,肯定会让你们龙神域的天才们无比挫败,对吗?” Hundun Kunwu laughs cloudy evilly. 混沌昆吾阴邪大笑。 Outside the star source, the bystanders naturally cannot hear their sounds, can only see the fight the result, finally is, the underground spring yama dragon was defeated, was controlled by Hundun Kunwu. 星源之外,围观者们自然听不到他们的声音,只能看到战斗的结果,结果就是,黄泉冥王龙被打败,然后被混沌昆吾掌控。 They look at each other in blank diamay. 他们面面相觑。 This Hundun Kunwu, but also is really fierce, less than 4000 years old can arrive at this boundary, become the god perhaps really hopeful!” “这混沌昆吾,还真是厉害,不到4000岁能到这种境界,成神或许真的有望啊!” Moreover, his match super Divine Dragon......” “而且,他的对手还是超级神龙……” Many people acclaimed, to them, without a doubt Hundun Kunwu was most Expert, moreover was very possible, he will be bringing the Nightmare Clan team, attained in the middle of the first war very essential score . Moreover the elite war, he also likely again was Nightmare Clan attains a more essential score. 很多人都赞叹,对他们而言,毫无疑问混沌昆吾是其中最强者,而且很可能,他会带着梦魇族的队伍,拿到第一战当中十分关键的分数,而且精英战,他也很可能再为梦魇族拿到一个更加关键的分数。 Then final three, Nightmare Clan, so long as attains a point, was Star Lord! 接下來最后三场,梦魇族只要拿到一分,就是星主了! This possibility, making Dream King and the others the pressure very big, reviews that side Golden War God Clan, they probably and do not care, even is confident. 这个可能性,让梦幻王等人压力都非常大,反观黄金战神族那边,他们好像并不在意,甚至胸有成竹。 Under their noses, 30 Cultivator is loafing, after a double-hour passes by, the increasing number of people, start to encounter in this starry skies, but that mysterious Star Sand, is similar to has the state of mind to be the same, the ingenious appearance, every time appears to sparkle, letting the surrounding person to feel. 在他们眼皮底下,30个者在其中游荡着,当一个时辰过去后,越來越多的人,开始在这片星空当中遭遇,而那神秘的星砂,也如同有神志一样,巧妙的出现,每一次出现都会闪耀,让周围的人都能感觉到。 Once two want to obtain same Star Sand, will occur to compete! 一旦有两人想要得到同一个星砂,就会发生争夺! In a dark region, puts on the fair and clear youth of black clothed to walk with two height four meters steel and iron giants in the same place, that two steel and iron giants are in the middle of Golden War God Clan the quite famous two talents, and Younger Brother. They separately are Luzhan Chen and ground warfare star. 在一片黑暗的地域,一位穿着黑衣的白净少年与两位身高四米的钢铁巨人走在一起,那两位钢铁巨人乃是黄金战神族当中相当出名的两位天才,而且还是兄弟。他们分别是陆战宸和陆战星。 Is full of the gloss on the steel and iron flesh to glitter ancient and powerful Rune, two Golden War God Clan words are both few, the youth is also so. 充满光泽的钢铁肌肤上闪烁着古老而强悍的符文,两位黄金战神族话语都很少,那少年也是如此。 Wolf clan, can you cope with that Hundun Kunwu?” “狼族,你能对付那混沌昆吾么?” And Golden War God Clan ice-cold looks at distant place, asked by the machinery arid sound. 其中一位黄金战神族冰冷看着远方,以机械枯燥的声音问道。 Mo Xiao Lang has anchored the footsteps, he said: Should about the same, but adds on you, absolutely does not have the issue.” 莫小狼停住了脚步,他道:“应该在伯仲之间,不过加上你们两个,完全沒有问題。” Hears this saying, that two talents feel at ease much. 听到这话,那两位才安心不少。 It is said beforehand Star Lord Hegemony War, after three days, can keep in the middle of the star source, most not over three people, we, so long as ensure our three did not leave the star source to be good, other people look at them to have that ability.” “据说以前的星主争霸战,三天过后,能留在星源当中的,最多也不会超过三个人,我们只要保证我们三个不离开星源就行了,其他人就看他们自己有沒有那个能耐了。” Their speed fast, carefully seeks for surrounding Star Sand. 他们速度飞快,仔细寻找周围的星砂 Meanwhile, Long Chen and Xing Qing are also shuttling back and forth in the middle of a star territory. 与此同时,龙辰星晴也在一片星域当中穿梭着。 Brother Chen, probably that side two enemies, one is Nightmare Clan, another is Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family.” 辰哥哥,好像那边有两个敌人,一个是梦魇族,另外一个是混沌皇族。” Lingxi touches spirit in the Long Chen peripheral dispersion, is keener than the induction of Long Chen. 灵曦的触灵阵在龙辰周边散布,比龙辰的感应更加敏锐一些。 Long Chen said: Xing Qing, two matches, are Nightmare Clan, is not Hundun Kunwu, must injure them, making them lose the ability that continues?” 龙辰道:“星晴,有两个对手,是梦魇族的,不是混沌昆吾,要去打伤他们,让他们失去继续进行的能力吗?” This time policy-maker is she, Long Chen respects her, then inquired. 这次的决策者是她,龙辰尊重她,便询问了一下。 Xing Qing visits him curiously, only thought that this youth has the infinite method simply, has the match including that side, is actually whose he knows. 星晴好奇的看着他,只觉得这个少年简直有无穷的手段,连那边有对手,究竟是谁他都知道。 She is just about to speak, on the side of the Long Chen complexion, looks suddenly to the direction of that Nightmare Clan team, that side suddenly has the star light that glistens together to explode to shoot, forms an impact. 她正要说话,龙辰忽然脸色一边,看向那梦魇族队伍的方向,那边忽然有一道闪亮的星光爆射而出,形成一个冲击。 Star Sand!” 星砂!” Has not thought that will really have Star Sand, appears between two teams. 沒想到竟然会有星砂,出现在两个队伍中间。 Long Chen has not wanted to pass to move them, now was good, Star Sand appeared, they definitely also will rob Star Sand, they no longer said that overran directly. 龙辰本來还沒想过去动他们,现在好了,星砂都出现了,他们肯定也会去抢夺星砂,两人不再多说,直接冲了过去。
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