DBWG :: Volume #21

#2022: Crush Longwu

Initially Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan tested, with four looked like Reincarnation Calamity Realm Monster Clan to resist Mo Xiao Lang, moreover made Mo Xiao Lang be defeated casually, in Mo Xiao Lang present three, although was super Divine Dragon, but how in strength, the distance swallowed the Mo Xiao Lang difference after red violet fire of karma to be too far. 当初昊日狼族蚀月狼族來考验,都是用四象轮回劫境妖族來对抗莫小狼,而且还让莫小狼随便打败,在莫小狼眼前的三位虽然是超级神龙,但奈何在力量方面上,距离吞噬红莲业火后的莫小狼差太远了。 Naturally, three Dragon Warrior do not think. 当然,三位龙武者可不这么认为。 They enough self-confident. 他们还是有足够自信的。 Bing Xinyue first gets rid, she was mad by Long Chen recently somewhat goes crazy, the abdomen was having an anger, Mo Xiao Lang has hit at this time exactly, happen to poked her angry point, this began, Bing Xinyue not polite, she was the super Divine Dragon ice soul heart dragon, was skilled in the [say / way] of cold ice, just got rid, time thousand li(500 km) frozen, all people were sieged in the middle of the ice cocoon, included two Golden War God Clan! 冰心月首先出手,她最近被龙辰气得有些发疯,小肚子正有一股怒气,莫小狼在这时候恰好撞了上來,正好戳中了她的怒点,这一动手,冰心月就沒有客气,她乃超级神龙冰魄心龙,精通寒冰之道,刚刚出手,顿时间千里冰封,所有人都被围困在冰茧当中,其中就包括两位黄金战神族 Today does not hand over Star Sand, anyone of you do not want to walk!” “今天不把星砂交出來,你们谁都别想走!” Bing Xinyue drinks one lightly, both hands transforms the innumerable shadows, is similar to has over a thousand arms, each arm grabs a cold ice lance, in the middle of that cold ice lance, the indistinct seal innumerable is icing Divine Dragon coldly, is exuding to roar, produces fierce shock! 冰心月轻喝一声,双手幻化出无数的影子,如同有上千只手臂,其中每一只手臂都抓着一根寒冰长矛,那寒冰长矛当中,隐约封印着无数寒冰神龙,正发出声声咆哮,产生剧烈的震撼! Bing Xinyue is angry the attack, hundred and thousand of ice spears come toward the Mo Xiao Lang impact immediately, evolves Divine Dragon that the innumerable cold ice compose in the middle of the midair, roared the impact! Suddenly the earth-shattering, freezes Xiren! 冰心月大怒攻击,成百上千的冰矛顿时朝着莫小狼冲击而來,在半空当中衍化出无数寒冰组成的神龙,咆哮冲击!一时间天崩地裂,冰冻袭人! Her very repugnant Long Chen, but cannot hit Long Chen , can only vent here a lot of air/Qi, even almost regarded Mo Xiao Lang is Long Chen. 她很讨厌龙辰,但又打不过龙辰,也只能把一肚子的气发泄到这里,甚至几乎把莫小狼当成是龙辰了。 Ices Divine Dragon coldly, makes threatening gestures, kills! 寒冰神龙,张牙舞爪,袭杀而來! In a flash, Mo Xiao Lang makes that ice Divine Dragon to submerge coldly! It looks like the skeleton not saves. 转瞬之间,莫小狼就让那寒冰神龙淹沒!看起來尸骨无存。 But at this time, Divine Dragon Qi Qi who that ice spear turned into explodes, turns into the innumerable fragments, dissipated in the middle of the air, even the next instance, did not have including the fragment, surrounding quietness. 但就在这时候,那冰矛化成的神龙齐齐爆炸,化成无数的碎片,消散在空气当中,甚至下一个瞬间,连碎片都沒有了,周围一片清静。 The attack of Bing Xinyue, making Mo Xiao Lang melt with ease. 冰心月的攻击,让莫小狼轻松化解。 Bing Xinyue dumbfounded immediately. 冰心月顿时呆住了。 In her field of vision, in the middle of the front darkness, a black form long-range raid comes, his body has the most fearful destruction strength, even be more terrorist than the chaos motive power, this is belongs to the strength of demon, the demon only lives for the destruction! 在她的视野当中,前方黑暗当中,一个黑色的身影奔袭而來,他的身体有着最可怕的毁灭力量,甚至要比混沌原力还要恐怖,这是属于魔的力量,魔只为毁灭而生! The instance that only one blinking, Mo Xiao Lang rushes to three Dragon Warrior at present, his look is much more peaceful, but the speed made three Dragon Warrior frighten miserably, in this instantaneous, erupted the black flame from the body of Mo Xiao Lang, the impact comes together, that compared to the cold ice also to want the fearful coldness to let three instantaneous anchorage, they have to resist this coldness! 只一个眨眼的瞬间,莫小狼就冲到三位龙武者的眼前,他的眼神安静得可怕,但速度却让三位龙武者吓惨了,就在这瞬间,从莫小狼的身上爆发的出一道黑色的火焰,冲击而來,那比起寒冰还要可怕的寒冷让三位瞬间定住,他们不得不抵抗这种寒冷! However, the short instantaneous, black flame passed over gently and swiftly from their side. 不过,短暂瞬间,黑色的火焰就从他们身边掠过。 Three Dragon Warrior look at each other in blank diamay, the complexion is flustered, their quick discovered two grains of Star Sand that just obtained have let taking away of Mo Xiao Lang. 三位龙武者面面相觑,脸色慌张,他们的很快就发现刚刚得到的两粒星砂已经让莫小狼的拿走了。 In them behind hundred meters place, Mo Xiao Lang stops the footsteps, he in two grains of Star Sand the hand has preserved, then a pair of pure look looks to three Dragon Warrior, he had discovered on their bodies familiar Aura, was only a pity that they are not Long Chen. 在他们身后百米的地方,莫小狼停下脚步,他将手中两粒星砂保存了起來,然后一双纯净的眼神看向三位龙武者,他在他们的身上发现了熟悉的气息,只可惜他们并不是龙辰 Also needs to continue?” “还需要继续么?” Mo Xiao Lang gives them a choice the opportunity, if they are resigned, he can walk first, but if is not willingly, they definitely will cling to for dear life hit rottenly, then might as well frightens directly they. 莫小狼给他们一个选择的机会,如果他们甘心的话,那他就可以先走了,但假如不甘心,他们肯定会死缠烂打,那么还不如直接打怕他们。 This wolf clan is quite fearful, it is estimated that is Golden War God Clan secret Cultivator, very possible is Sister Xing Qing their ranks!” “这狼族好可怕,估计是黄金战神族的秘密器,很可能是星晴师姐他们那个级别!” Golden Fire Eye Dragon sinking sound track. 火眼金睛龙沉声道。 Star Sand was robbed, we must snatch!” 星砂被抢走了,我们要抢回來!” Bing Xinyue angry, this to her simply is the great shame, attains two grains of Star Sand with great difficulty, gave the opposite party to rob unexpectedly casually. 冰心月气恼不已,这对她而言简直就是奇耻大辱,好不容易拿到两粒星砂,竟然又给对方随便抢走了。 In any event, she will not be convinced! 无论如何,她是不会服气的! She no doubt knows that Mo Xiao Lang likely very much leaves, but she came from Life Dragon City, has a bigger pride! 她固然知道莫小狼很可能很离开,但她來自生命龙城,有更大的骄傲! At this moment, her body erupts the massive rime fogs, fills the air, the rapid expansion, in short transforms into a huge cold to ice Divine Dragon instantaneously, this is incomparably beautiful Blue Divine Dragon, the whole body covers in the middle of the rime fog, Dragon Horn, Dragon Tooth or Dragon Scale, are the same like the quartz, glisten to be pure, an eye pupil of pair of water Blue is limpid, ices the soul heart dragon, is more like the perfect artware. 此刻,她身上爆发出大量的冰雾,弥漫开來,迅速的扩大,在短短瞬间蜕变成为一头巨大的寒冰神龙,这是一头无比美丽的蓝色神龙,浑身笼罩在冰雾当中,无论是龙角龙牙还是龙鳞,都如水晶一样,闪亮而纯净,一双水蓝色的眼眸清澈动人,冰魄心龙,更像是完美的艺术品。 Shows the body of Divine Dragon, is the ice soul heart dragon strongest attack method! 展现神龙之躯,才是冰魄心龙最强的攻击手段! This was the ancient times supernatural object, the prestige being near world, she looked angrily at Mo Xiao Lang, was ready to make trouble, not a willingly appearance! 此乃远古神物,威临天下,她怒视莫小狼,蠢蠢欲动,一副不甘心的样子! Nearby two cannot idle, since two Golden War God Clan do not get rid, that was better, they are also following close on the ice soul heart dragon, transforms into Divine Dragon, three big Divine Dragon, regarding Mo Xiao Lang, prevent him to run away strictly! 旁边两位也不能懈怠,既然两位黄金战神族不出手,那就更好了,他们也紧跟着冰魄心龙,蜕变成为神龙,三大神龙,围绕莫小狼,严格防止他逃走! Golden Fire Eye Dragon, all over the body Red, from top to bottom most special is one pair is burning the eye of Golden flame, Golden Fire Eye Dragon in the middle of Divine Dragon is an alternative, because he is skilled in the pupil technique, all Divine Ability almost originate a pair of fierce look. 火眼金睛龙,通体红色,浑身上下最特殊的就是一双燃烧着金色火焰的眼睛,火眼金睛龙神龙当中是一个另类,因为他精通瞳术,所有的神通几乎都來源一双火眼金睛。 Darkness King Dragon, is the dragon of very famous assassination, he is all over the body jet black, just likes the dark night, the body almost does not have a wee bit varicolored, even does not have including the sclera, the tooth and tongue are also the paint black, he can definitely hide in the dark night, his paint black Dragon Scale has concealment Divine Ability, making him be identified very much difficultly. 暗夜君王龙,也是非常有名气的暗杀之龙,他通体漆黑,恍如黑夜,身上几乎沒有一丁点的杂色,甚至连眼白都沒有,牙齿和舌头也都是漆黑色的,他完全可以隐藏在黑夜当中,他那漆黑色的龙鳞有着隐匿的神通,让他很难被辨认出來。 Three big Divine Dragon, are divided into three directions, without demur, kills Mo Xiao Lang. 三大神龙,分成三个的方向,二话不说,袭杀莫小狼 Good play started.” “好戏开始了。” Two Golden War God Clan said with a smile. 两位黄金战神族笑着说道。 Outside the star source, the people are Mo Xiao Lang can snatch Star Sand to shock with ease, before the performance of Long Chen enough has made the people vibrate, but now, Mo Xiao Lang seems to be more formidable. 在星源之外,众人为莫小狼能够轻松抢到星砂而震撼,之前龙辰的表现已经足够让众人震动了,但现在來看,似乎莫小狼更加强大。 If he can easily defeat three Dragon Warrior, then the strength of this wolf clan, should be similar to Hundun Kunwu. Wants the fierce scale compared with Long Chen and Xing Qing. The talent team war and elite war, our Dream Immortal Clan was dangerous.” “如果他能轻松打败三位龙武者的话,那么这狼族的实力,应该和混沌昆吾差不多。比起龙辰星晴都要厉害一个档次。天才团队战和精英战,我们梦幻仙族都危险了。” The Dream King sound said heavily. 梦幻王声音沉重说道。 Other Dream Immortal Clan and the others, is not very willingly, generally speaking, if two big talent wars, Dream Immortal Clan can attain a score, in the future birth Star Lord will grasp is very big, but if two points if no, that almost will be both impossible, if will make these two scores make a team obtain, that almost means that Star Lord appeared. 其他梦幻仙族等人,也十分不甘心,一般來说,如果两大天才战,梦幻仙族能拿到一个分数的话,将來诞生星主把握很大,但假如两分都沒有的话,那就几乎不可能了,若是让这两个分数都让一个队伍得到,那几乎意味着星主已经出现了。 They can only pray! 他们只能祈祷! Mo Xiao Lang resists three big Dragon Warrior, fight is ready to be set off! 莫小狼对抗三大龙武者,战斗一触即发! In the middle of besieging of three Divine Dragon, he is at a moderate pace, when black Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame sweeps across, his body also inflated, turns into Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf in three Dragon Warrior at present, covers Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf in the middle of black flame, looked like be much more fearful than other three Dragon Warrior! 在三头神龙的围攻当中,他不紧不慢,当黑色的九幽魔祖火席卷的时候,他的身体也膨胀了起來,在三位龙武者眼前变成一头噬日妖狼,笼罩在黑色火焰当中的噬日妖狼,看起來要比其他三位龙武者都要可怕得多了! Shout! 呼! The black flame formation tornado, rolls up and pushes along in the Mo Xiao Lang side. 黑色的火焰形成龙卷风,在莫小狼的身边卷动。 Bing Xinyue bites Dragon Tooth , sends out whooshes angrily, her everywhere one visit, the surroundings heavy snow flutters about, the innumerable shaved ice in fact are quite sharp kills, shoots to come toward the Mo Xiao Lang wind, simultaneously another two Dragon Warrior also launched very good attack! 冰心月咬住龙牙,发出愤怒嘶吼,她所到之处,周围大雪纷飞,无数的冰屑实际上是相当锋利的杀器,朝着莫小狼飙射而來,同时另外两位龙武者也发动了十分不俗的攻击! The three joint effort, seems like the earth-shattering! 三者合力,看似天崩地裂! The attention of observing has put here. 观战者的注意力都放到了这里。 Bing Xinyue must revenge, must vent, therefore she almost uses fully, ices the Divine Dragon anger volume coldly! 冰心月是要报仇,要发泄,所以她几乎倾尽全力,寒冰神龙怒卷而來! Dares to rob my Star Sand, is really Courts Death, you think my Bing Xinyue is good to bully!” “敢抢走我的星砂,真是找死,你以为我冰心月好欺负的呢!” The Divine Dragon anger volume, throws toward Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf. 神龙怒卷,朝着噬日妖狼扑去。 From beginning to end, the Mo Xiao Lang look is calm, after the three have killed, he starts to counter-attack, by his ability at this moment, no matter in any direction, surpasses these three people, in that short flash, he has controlled the battlefield! 从始至终,莫小狼的眼神都是冷静的,当三者已经杀上來后,他才开始反击,以他此刻的能耐,不管在任何一个方向,都远超这三个人,在那么短短一瞬间,他就已经主宰了战场! Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame Ben Yong, fatal cold has surrounded three Divine Dragon, under Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame, any cold ice is the jokes, ices the soul heart dragon also only to look at own attack by the Mo Xiao Lang use black flame casual ablation, but an attack of Mo Xiao Lang, destroys under the strength bombardment, can make her encounter the fierce turbulence! 九幽魔祖火奔涌,致命的寒冷将三头神龙包围了起來,在九幽魔祖火之下,任何寒冰都是笑话,冰魄心龙也只能看着自己的攻击被莫小狼使用黑色火焰随随便便的消融,而莫小狼的一次攻击,毁灭力量轰击之下,就能让她遭遇剧烈的动荡! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! In the middle of Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame, Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf and three Divine Dragon violent is slaughtering. 九幽魔祖火当中,噬日妖狼和三头神龙猛烈的厮杀着。 Because outside the star source, therefore the people suddenly look are not very clear. 因为在星源之外,所以众人一时间看得不是十分清楚。 The time of this fight, is very it can be said that short, although three Divine Dragon are intrepid, but quick lets the Mo Xiao Lang direct suppression! 这一场战斗的时间,可以说是十分短暂的,三位神龙虽然强悍,但很快就让莫小狼直接镇压! Under that Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf throws to strike down three Divine Dragon, Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame in mouth rushes to well up, Divine Dragon are struggling, but has not actually resisted the Mo Xiao Lang strength. 噬日妖狼将三位神龙都扑击倒下,口中的九幽魔祖火奔涌上去,神龙们挣扎着,但却沒有抵抗莫小狼的力气。 Bing Xinyue is frightened, she understands finally that this wolf clan seems like simple, in fact actually also wants the fearful thing compared with the devil. 冰心月更是恐惧,她终于明白,这个狼族看似简单,实际上却是比魔鬼还要可怕的东西。 Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame fatal cold submerges her, making her fall into to a fearful ice-cold world, she excels at the cold ice, however cold cooling of Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame is she has not experienced! 九幽魔祖火致命的寒冷将她淹沒,让她陷入到一个可怕的冰冷世界当中,她本身就擅长寒冰,但是九幽魔祖火的寒冷却是她从來都沒有见识过的! When Mo Xiao Lang ended the fight, changes into human form the words, presented the black ice sculptures of three Divine Dragon under his body, they all are the surprised expression, the fear, shocking looks at the front, all lifelike. 莫小狼结束战斗,化为人形的话,在他身下出现了三具神龙的黑色冰雕,他们全都是惊讶的表情,恐惧、震惊的看着前方,一切栩栩如生。 „Have you killed them?” Asking that two Golden War God Clan have a lingering fear. “你杀了他们?”两位黄金战神族心有余悸的问道。 Naturally does not have, some times, the cold ice will have diverged.” “当然沒有,过些时候,寒冰就会散去。” Mo Xiao Lang said. 莫小狼说道。 The success has attained two grains of Star Sand once again, at least several time of double-hour do not have the issue, their three stepped the journey once again. 成功再度拿到了两粒的星砂,至少好几个时辰的时间沒问題,他们三位再度踏上了路途。 You are truly formidable, it seems like also only then that Hundun Kunwu can encounter with you.” “你确实很强大,看來也只有那混沌昆吾能够和你交锋了。” Luzhan Chen said. 陆战宸说道。 Nod of Mo Xiao Lang, he arrived here, mainly advocated them to handle matters for Hao date wolf, so long as Mo Xiao Lang obtained a score for them, they will make Su Yan return to his side, then pledged that made Mo Xiao Lang treat in Shining Star, and ensure did not have Nine Tail Heaven Fox to find him. 莫小狼的点点头,他來到这里,主要是为昊日狼主他们办事,只要莫小狼为他们得到一个分数,他们就会让素妍回到他的身边,然后承诺让莫小狼待在璀璨星辰,并且保证沒有九尾天狐能够找到他。 This is two wolf main guarantees. 这是两位狼主的保证。 Mo Xiao Lang knows that he must achieve! 莫小狼知道,自己必须要做到! After they leave, that three black ice sculpture, still remained same place. 当他们离开后,那三具黑色的冰雕,仍然留在原地。 Outside the star source, the people look at each other in blank diamay, they have to sigh with emotion: It seems like this time Star Lord Hegemony War, everybody has made many preparations, but resembles Golden War God Clan and Nightmare Clan preparation full, only Dream Immortal Clan, has probably not resisted that two existence, although the team war is hopeful, but the obvious elite fought does not have the hope.” 星源之外,众人面面相觑,他们不得不感慨:“看來这次的星主争霸战,大家都做了不少的准备,只是好像黄金战神族梦魇族的准备更加的充分,唯独梦幻仙族,好像沒有对抗那两位的存在,团队战虽然还有希望,但显然精英战是沒有希望了。” Hundun Kunwu and Mo Xiao Lang were too strong. 混沌昆吾莫小狼太强了。 At this time, many people were investigating the Mo Xiao Lang status. 这时候,很多人都在调查莫小狼的身份。
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