DBWG :: Volume #20

#2010: Illusion king

The Star Lord Hegemony War date and time is getting more and more near, entire Shining Star is in the middle of more and more tension-filled atmosphere. 星主争霸战的时日越來越近,整个璀璨星辰都处于越來越紧张的气氛当中。 Similar to green grass clan small and weak race, was seeks for some desolated places, the little darling hid, was counting on this time disturbance will not affect them. 如同碧草族这种弱小种族,更是寻找到一些荒芜之地,乖乖隐藏了起來,指望着这一次的风波不会影响到他们。 In the middle of entire Shining Star all races, in the time hire oneself in Dream Immortal Clan, Golden War God Clan and Nightmare Clan three clan under feet, was commanded by three clans separately, they have the strong clan of support respectively, the strong clan that if they support loses power in the middle of Star Lord Hegemony War, that 整个璀璨星辰当中的所有种族,时间上都投靠在梦幻仙族黄金战神族梦魇族三族脚下,分别被三族统领,他们各自有支持的强族,若是他们所支持的强族在星主争霸战当中失势,那 Will cause them the status in the middle of Shining Star to plummet in the future. 么就会导致他们将來在璀璨星辰当中的地位直线下降。 Therefore, standing accurate team, is very important. 所以,站准队伍,真的很重要。 Dream Immortal Clan is favorite, Golden War God Clan almost catches up, is more suitable to fight compared with Dream Immortal Clan, but Nightmare Clan is also the Shining Star established influence, heard that has very big relations with Dream Immortal Clan. 梦幻仙族乃是夺冠热门,黄金战神族几乎后來居上,比起梦幻仙族更加适合战斗,而梦魇族也是璀璨星辰的老牌势力,听说和梦幻仙族有着很大的关系。 Or anticipated in ten thousand audiences that or the frightened Star Lord Hegemony War start time, Gong Qing and Xing Yue two Life Dragon City elders are bringing Long Chen and other young Dragon Warrior, arrived at the dream profound boundary. 就在万众或是期待,或是恐惧星主争霸战的开始时候,龚擎和星越两位生命龙城的长者们带着龙辰等六个年轻龙武者,來到了梦玄境。 In the middle of the dream profound boundary, massive Dream Immortal Clan Expert were waiting. 梦玄境当中,大量的梦幻仙族强者已经在等待了。 Long Chen took a broad view at the past, dream profound boundary on such as was the same in the middle of the cloud layer, such as dream was imaginary, Dream Immortal Clan controlled is being similar to the clouds same smoke cloud beasts, regardless of the men and women were very delicate and pretty. 龙辰放眼过去,梦玄境就如在云层当中一样,如梦似幻,梦幻仙族们驾驭着如同云朵一样的烟云兽,不论男女都十分俊美。 And, as if Dream Immortal Clan majority of Expert, hit in this place, altogether over a hundred people, almost were also Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, naturally this was not the Dream Immortal Clan compensation, most Expert were still hiding, after all following 其中,似乎梦幻仙族大部分的强者,也击中在这个地方了,一共有上百人,几乎也都是轮回劫境者,当然这并不是梦幻仙族的全部力量,还有大多数的强者还在潜藏着,毕竟接下來 The Star Lord Hegemony War first war, has not been one's turn Expert to get rid. 只是星主争霸战的第一战,还沒轮到强者们出手。 Stands two characters in Dream Immortal Clan front line, one is cauldron cauldron famous Dream King, this is one covers the middle-aged man in the middle of fog, the appearance is delicate and pretty, unusual refined, although the age is very inevitably high, but still has the infinite charm, on his face hangs 站在梦幻仙族最前方的两个人物,其中一个就是鼎鼎有名的梦幻王,这是一位笼罩在云雾当中的中年男子,模样俊美,超凡脱俗,虽然年事必然很高,但仍然有着无穷的魅力,他脸上挂 The temperate smile, making people unable to feel that slight rack, a white robe swings with the wind, the features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, making people feel especially harmoniously. 着温和的微笑,让人感觉不到丝毫的架子,一身白袍随风摆动,仙风道骨,让人感觉尤其和睦。 But side him, is his blood brother, Dream Immortal Clan war-god Xiao Dingyuan, this is an appearance and Dream King is similar, but the makings are very valiant, fierce unparalleled Dream Immortal Clan, Dream Immortal Clan is generally very graceful, but this Xiao Dingyuan truly different number, that pi 而在他身边,就是他的亲弟弟,梦幻仙族的战神萧鼎元,这是一位长相和梦幻王相似,但是气质十分彪悍,勇猛无双的梦幻仙族,梦幻仙族普遍十分优雅,但这萧鼎元确实个异数,那睥 Casting a sidelong glance Aura is formidable, Xiao Dingyuan is Dream Immortal Clan recognition second Expert, in fact his strength, is also similar compared with Dream King. 睨的气息让人敬畏,萧鼎元乃是梦幻仙族公认的第二强者,实际上他的实力,比起梦幻王也差不多。 Naturally, regarding Long Chen, existence that their this ranks still can only look up. 当然,对于龙辰來说,他们这种级别仍然是只能仰望的存在。 But Long Chen is not discouraged, he after the innumerable efforts, contacted this world finally quickly the peak. If only by the younger generation, he is also the Immortal God Domain super talent, even below 4000 years old, only then knows how things stand several people able with it comparison. 龙辰并不气馁,他经过无数的努力,终于快接触到这个世界的顶峰了。如果只论年轻一代的话,他也是永生神域的超级天才,甚至在4000岁以下,只有有数几个人才能与之比较。 The both sides team meet, Dream King brings all Dream Immortal Clan warmly to welcome them. 双方队伍相遇,梦幻王带着所有梦幻仙族热烈欢迎他们。 Gong brother, star brother.” “龚兄,星兄。” Illusion Wang Chao they are cuping one hand in the other across the chest. 梦幻王朝着两人拱手。 Dream Immortal Clan Expert, exhibit welcome the stance. 梦幻仙族强者们,纷纷摆出欢迎的架势。 Dragon Warrior arrive at Dream King at present, Xing Yue cups one hand in the other across the chest to say similarly: Xing Yue has seen Dream King, we came late, now can go to the star source?” 龙武者们來到梦幻王的眼前,星越同样拱手道:“星越见过梦幻王,我们來晚了,现在可以前往星源了吗?” Dream King said with a smile kindly: Nonsense, the time is very sufficient, is not late. Just climbed mountains and crossed rivers, aren't many rests?” 梦幻王和蔼笑道:“胡说,时间还很充足,一点儿都不晚。诸位刚刚跋涉,不多休息一下么?” Xing Yue said: Star Lord Hegemony War is important, earlier arrives, earlier prepares.” 星越道:“星主争霸战要紧,早点到达,早点准备。” Dream King then nods saying: Such being the case, that starts, but there is a matter...... Heard that three teams left a talent, is the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor?” 梦幻王便点头道:“既然如此,那就启程吧,不过有一件事情……听说三位队伍多出了一位天才,乃是永恒龙帝之子?” Relates to Star Lord Hegemony War, Dream King must inquire about, has a look at Long Chen. 关系到星主争霸战,梦幻王还是要过问一下,看看龙辰 Front Gong Qing already some expectations, he advanced Long Chen, suddenly the vision of almost all people threw on Long Chen, when discovered that the legend child of Eternal Dragon Emperor was only does not arrive at the Reincarnation Calamity Realm kid unexpectedly, they have been full of the doubts, even there is a person 龚擎早就有预料,他将龙辰推到前面來,一时间几乎所有人的目光都投到了龙辰身上來,当发现传说当中的永恒龙帝之子竟然只是个不到轮回劫境的小家伙,他们充满了疑惑,甚至有人 Asking: Life Dragon City friend, this whether has made a mistake, hasn't the child of this Eternal Dragon Emperor, arrived at Reincarnation Calamity Realm probably?” 问道:“生命龙城的朋友,这是否搞错了,这永恒龙帝之子,好像还沒到轮回劫境吧?” Facing all sorts of doubts, the length that Dream King caresses must, said with a smile: „ Do not despise him, you do not know, couple days ago he under the noses of three Life Dragon City Younger Brother, Xing Qing being defeated. But Xing Qing 3000 Astral Soul Dragon. Xing Yue Younger Brother biological daughter. 面对种种疑惑,梦幻王手抚的长须,笑道:“诸位可别小看他,你们可不知道,前几天他在三位生命龙城兄弟的眼皮底下,把星晴给打败了。星晴可是三千星魂龙星越兄弟的亲女儿。 In fact, Xing Qing is also most Expert that Dream Immortal Clan the talent fights. 实际上,星晴也是梦幻仙族这边天才战的最强者 This news, only passes to Dream Immortal Clan high-level there. 这个消息,只传到梦幻仙族高层那里。 After hearing this news, Dream Immortal Clan open the mouth immediately, the appearance that the whole face does not believe that but thinks that the Long Chen father is Eternal Dragon Emperor, they just now get over an emotion, perhaps the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor will have this ability. But no matter how, personally has not seen 当听到这个消息后,梦幻仙族们顿时张大嘴巴,满脸不相信的样子,只是想到龙辰的父亲是永恒龙帝,他们方才释怀,也许永恒龙帝之子才会有这个能耐吧。但不管如何,沒有亲眼所见 The words, they cannot accept, after all Xing Qing in the middle of Dream Immortal Clan, the deep fame is also considerably large. 的话,他们还是不怎么能够接受,毕竟星晴梦幻仙族当中,冥名气也是相当大的。 Dream King has stopped people's discussion, said: Long Chen small Younger Brother is secret Cultivator that our talents fight, ahead of time do not disclose his information. Good, we start, go to the star source!” 梦幻王制止了众人的讨论,道:“龙辰兄弟是我们这次天才战的秘密器,诸位可别把他的信息提前泄露出去。好了,我们启程,前往星源!” Under the order of Dream King, Dream Immortal Clan over a hundred Expert and Life Dragon City eight people step the distance. 梦幻王的命令下,梦幻仙族上百个强者生命龙城八人踏上路程。 Don't happy too early , should not be self-satisfied. Today you are Sister Xing Qing who closes right up against the superior, but one day, she will win!” “别高兴太早了,也别得意。今天你是靠着的星晴师姐上位,但总有一天,她还是会赢回來的!” Bing Xinyue looks especially is not familiar with Long Chen, when Dream Immortal Clan casts the vision that curious, admires after Long Chen, she especially is uncomfortable, in her opinion, Long Chen violates so wrongly, does not match to participate in Star Lord Hegemony War, and glory has not related. 冰心月尤其看不习惯龙辰,当梦幻仙族朝着龙辰投來好奇、佩服的目光后,她心里尤其不舒服,在她看來,龙辰犯下如此错误,根本不配参与星主争霸战,更加和荣耀沒有关系。 Heart moon/month, shut up! Forgot before me, said with you?” Xing Qing stared her one eyes. “心月,闭嘴!忘记我之前和你说的吗?”星晴瞪了她一眼。 Bing Xinyue is not extremely willingly. 冰心月极度不甘心。 Dream Immortal Clan four entering the war also join to their teams, besides Xiao Hongchen, other male two females is quite curious to Long Chen, they sphere Long Chen, inquired: „ Heard that your father is Eternal Dragon Emperor? Was Immortal God Domain most Expert once? 梦幻仙族的四个参战者也加入到他们的队伍当中,除了萧红尘之外,其他一男两女都对龙辰比较好奇,他们围住龙辰,询问道:“听说你的父亲是永恒龙帝?是曾经永生神域的最强者 This issue...... 这种问題…… Long Chen can only nod. 龙辰只能点头。 Snort, most Expert?” Nearby Bing Xinyue they let somebody cool off or calm down smile. “哼,最强者?”旁边冰心月他们冷冷笑着。 It seems like don't your partners like you?” “看來你的伙伴们并不喜欢你呢?” Dream Immortal Clan one of them said. 梦幻仙族其中一人说道。 Has not related.” Long Chen returned to one. “沒关系。”龙辰回了一句。 It seems like you are very arrogant, we are a team, your this does not get on well with others is incorrect, particularly in the team war, a strength of person is forever tiny.” “看來你很倨傲,我们是一个团队,你这样不合群是不行的,尤其是在团队战当中,一个人的力量永远是渺小的。” The Dream Immortal Clan man is unable to continue watching, then has taught Long Chen one. Dream King said that Long Chen had defeated Xing Qing, this should right, but their some do not believe that only if they personally see. 梦幻仙族的男子看不下去,便教训了龙辰一句。梦幻王都说龙辰曾经打败过星晴,这应该沒错,但他们心里还是有些不相信,除非他们亲眼所见。 Facing this issue, explained that is also the futile effort, Long Chen simply did not respond them. 面对这种问題,解释也是徒劳,龙辰干脆不搭理他们了。 Dream Immortal Clan several somewhat angry, at this time Xiao Hongchen walked, has broken them, he stands side Long Chen asks: Was right, your wife Lingxi? How with have observed? Her in the Xiaolong territory?” 梦幻仙族的几位有些恼怒,这时候萧红尘走了上來,打断了他们,他站在龙辰身边问道:“对了,你的妻子灵曦呢?怎么沒有跟上來观战?她的在小龙域吗?” Long Chen is very but actually curious, what does Xiao Hongchen pay attention to Lingxi to make? Does he also cling to the Lingxi beauty? 龙辰倒很好奇,萧红尘关注灵曦做什么?难道他也贪恋灵曦美色? But looks like probably not like. 但看起來好像不像。 In Long Chen heart vigilant, said: Star Lord Hegemony War is important, I do not have means to protect her, then made her leave in advance, had the issue?” 龙辰心中警惕,道:“星主争霸战事关重大,我沒办法保护她,便让她先行离开了,有问題吗?” Does not have, naturally did not have the issue.” Xiao Hongchen he he said with a smile. “沒,当然沒问題了。”萧红尘呵呵笑道。 Other Dream Immortal Clan three, at this time and Life Dragon City other Dragon Warrior gathered together, to alleviate the pre-war tense atmosphere, their happy chats, Bing Xinyue, talked with the opposite party particularly happily, often exuded the giggled laughter. 梦幻仙族其他三位,这时候和生命龙城的其他龙武者聚在一起,为了缓解战前的紧张气氛,他们开心的聊起天來,尤其是冰心月,和对方愉快交谈,不时发出咯咯的笑声。 Xiao Hongchen frowns, has looked at each other one with own father Xiao Dingyuan, that Xiao Dingyuan item transfers without the expression. 萧红尘皱着眉头,和自己的父亲萧鼎元对视了一眼,那萧鼎元目无表情转开。 In Dream Immortal Clan enormous and powerful hurrying along, probably several time of double-hour, they arrived at one to be called the place of Nanshan territory. Long Chen only knows, so-called ‚the star source in fact in entire Shining Star most core, needs to pass through the numerous soil sums 梦幻仙族浩浩荡荡的赶路当中,大概几个时辰的时间,他们就到了一个叫做南山域的地方。龙辰这才知道,所谓的‘星源’实际上是在整个璀璨星辰的最核心,需要穿过重重的泥土和 The lava and steel and iron can arrive. 熔岩、钢铁才能到达。 In the part of Shining Star most core, has a mysterious cavity, the star source is an especially mysterious place, exists in the middle of the core cavity. 璀璨星辰最核心的部分,有着一块神奇的空洞,星源是一个尤其神秘的地方,就存在于核心的空洞当中。 Entire Shining Star, altogether four star sources entrances, three clans control one separately, another was controlled by nine star Alliances, the entrance of star source guards very strictly, for example the Dream Immortal Clan Nanshan territory entrance has many Expert protections here, waiting 整个璀璨星辰,一共有四个星源的入口,其中三族分别掌控一个,另外一个则被九星联盟掌控,星源的入口守卫十分严格,比如梦幻仙族的南山域入口就有不少的强者守护在这里,等待 Arrival of Dream Immortal Clan. 梦幻仙族的到來。 The front is the star source entrance, exists under a piece of endless abyss, Long Chen looks down, that abyss most bottom, a little star light, there is the star source entrance, they will soon pass through half Shining Star, the center that arrives at the star, does not arrive at Reincarnation Calamity Realm 前方就是星源入口,存在于一片无尽的深渊之下,龙辰低头看去,那深渊的最底部,有一点星光,那里就是星源的入口,他们即将穿越半颗璀璨星辰,到达星球的中央,不到轮回劫境 The strength, is unable to go that place. 实力,是根本无法到达那个地方的。 Situation how?” “情况如何?” Arrives here, Dream King stands forefront team, inquired that protects Nanshan territory entrance Expert. 來到这里,梦幻王站在队伍最前面,询问守护南山域入口的强者们。 That side person answered: „The people of nine star Alliances have been ready in inside, the head of the clan of Shining Star also several hundred races go, now on the teams of difference three large clans, we should be earliest.” 那边的人回话道:“九星联盟的人已经在里面准备就绪了,璀璨星辰也有数百个种族的族长进去,现在就差三大族的队伍,我们应该是最早的。” Dream King nods, then waves, is leading over a hundred Expert with the talents, crashes in the star source entrance, Long Chen felt immediately one travel in the middle of the tunnel of starry sky are probably same, the bottom has a huge attraction, swallows to attract the people, the surroundings one opens 梦幻王点头,然后挥手,带领着上百个强者和天才们,冲进星源入口,龙辰顿时感觉自己好像是在星空的隧道当中旅行一样,地底存在着一种巨大的吸引力,将众人吞吸进去,周围一开 The beginning is the radiant star light, then turned into the fiery lava. 始是璀璨的星光,接着变成了火热的熔岩。 The so fiery place, Long Chen believes that if Mo Xiao Lang arrived here, should like here very much. 如此火热的地方,龙辰相信如果莫小狼來到这里的话,应该会很喜欢这里吧。 Really is mysterious, in the core of this super star, really has such place.” “真是神奇,在这超级星球的核心,竟然有这样的地方。” Lingxi is also watching all these, cannot help but says with emotion. 灵曦也在观看着这一切,不由得感慨道。 After the surrounding tunnel turns into fire Red completely, Long Chen probably hears the sound that under some people spoke, they have tenesmused more than time of double-hour, it seems like that the star source must arrive immediately. 将周围的隧道全部变成火红色后,龙辰好像听到了下方有人说话的声音,他们足足下坠了一个多时辰的时间,看來星源马上就要到了。 This war, must win very attractively, not only wants the team war to win, later elite war, must win. This can make them be speechless!” “这一战,一定要赢得很漂亮,不但要团队战胜利,之后的精英战,也要胜利。这样才能让他们无话可说!”
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