DBWG :: Volume #20

#2009: Mystical star nucleus

Several days, in a flash time on the past. 几天的时间,一晃眼时间就过去了。 Gong Qing told that they and Long Chen are familiar relate, coordinate to battle, but by their hearts to hostility of Long Chen, cannot achieve this step, even besides the underground spring yama dragon, nobody is willing with the Long Chen speech. 龚擎吩咐他们和龙辰熟悉关系,配合作战,但以他们心中对龙辰的仇视,根本做不到这一步,甚至除了黄泉冥王龙之外,都沒有人愿意和龙辰说话呢。 Secretly, they were also slandering Long Chen, they will not approve a Human Clan rebel in any case, became oneself teammate. 暗地里,他们也在诽谤龙辰,反正他们是不会认可一个人族的叛徒,成为自己队友的。 Team war, we can not go to respond him greatly, making him run its own course to consider as finished. His value fights above in the elite, I thought but actually, if Sister Xing Qing has not defeated finally, perhaps will meet him, when the time comes fights again, Sister Xing Qing is also not necessarily able to lose to “团队战,我们大可以别去搭理他,让他自生自灭算了。他的价值在精英战上面,我倒觉得如果星晴师姐最终沒有战败的话,说不定会遇上他,到时候再战一场,星晴师姐也未必会输给 He! ” 他!” Saying that Bing Xinyue indignants disturbed. 冰心月忿忿不平的说道。 Before that war, to their proposal was really too aggrieved. 之前那一战,对他们來言实在是太憋屈了。 This also deepened her detesting to Long Chen, she still remembers, when she is young, her people of father's generation and she narrated that story about Eternal Dragon Emperor, the person who their telling Bing Xinyue, this back ancestor abandons the sect, should be spurned. Long Chen is the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, 这也加深了她对龙辰的憎恶,她仍然记得在她还小的时候,她的父辈们和她讲述关于永恒龙帝的故事,他们的告诉冰心月,这种背祖弃宗的人,就应该被唾弃。龙辰身为永恒龙帝之子, In addition has killed Di Yu this matter, in the Bing Xinyue heart, he and Long Qinglan is different. 再加上杀了帝雨这件事情,在冰心月心中,他和龙青澜根本沒有什么两样。 Soon will embark to the dream profound boundary time, Xing Qing therapy, joins to them, sees Xing Qing restores such as beginning, they very much excitedly gather the same place, the Xing Qing bad conversation, her vision went through the crowd to throw the body of Long Chen, asked: „ About day 即将出发到梦玄境的时候,星晴才疗伤完毕,加入到他们当中,见星晴恢复如初,他们都很是兴奋聚到一起,星晴不善言谈,她的目光穿过了人群投到了龙辰的身上來,问道:“关于天 Detail that fights, did you tell him? ” 才战的细节,你们跟他说了吗?” Underground spring yama Dragon [say / way]: I told him.” 黄泉冥王龙道:“我跟他说了。” The Xing Qing vision concentrates, said: „ It seems like you have not exchanged with him, from starts him at this moment is in the middle of our team, is a formidable combat general, can take to us to win, his value is older than me, three Elder definitely do not hope that we waste this 星晴目光一凝,道:“看來你们沒与他交流过,从此刻开始他是我们队伍当中的一员,更是一名强大的战将,能够带给我们胜利,他的价值比我还大,三位长辈肯定不希望我们浪费这样 Master. ” 的高手。” Bing Xinyue inconceivable [say / way]: „Did Sister Xing Qing, you also speak for him? You forgot that whose son he is? You forgot before , is who is defeated your?” 冰心月不可思议道:“星晴师姐,你还为他说话?你忘记他是谁的儿子吗?你忘记之前是谁打败你的么?” Xing Qing said calmly: Victory of my by all means Star Lord Hegemony War, no matter his status, that can defeat my is his ability, is not his mistake.” 星晴冷静道:“我只管星主争霸战的胜利,不管他的身份,那能打败我那是他的能耐,不是他的过错。” She naturally knows that in these days of her training, other person of affirmations and Long Chen has not gotten up. 她自然知道,在她修养的这几天,其他人肯定和龙辰过不起了。 She jumped over the crowd, in vision that Bing Xinyue indignanted disturbed, has arrived around Long Chen and Lingxi, she looked at Lingxi first, then maintained among the distance with Long Chen, then looks at Long Chen by the serious vision, said: „ During your battle efficiency imagines compared with me 她越开了人群,在冰心月忿忿不平的目光当中,走到了龙辰灵曦跟前,她先是看了一眼灵曦,然后保持和龙辰之间的距离,然后以严肃目光看着龙辰,道:“你的战斗力比我想象当中 Strove to excel were mostly many, my father told me, no matter you have handled any matter, from where, only then you can fight side-by-side with us, was our allies, I know what you long for was makes everybody accept you, accepted your father, you were trying hard, if you can help us 要强大都多了,我爹跟我说,不管你做过什么事情,來自哪里,只有你能与我们并肩作战,就是我们的战友,我知道你渴望的是让大家接受你,接受你的父亲,你在努力,如果你能帮助我们 Attains the victory of Star Lord Hegemony War, I and my father with every effort spoke for you. How? ” 拿到星主争霸战的胜利,我和我的父亲都会尽力的为你说话。如何?” Long Chen likes speaking such refreshed person, this Xing Qing is direct, does not have any small wish, there is an atmosphere, other four people of sycophancy cannot catch up with her. 龙辰喜欢说话这么爽快的人,这星晴性格直接,沒什么小心愿,又有大气,其他四人拍马也赶不上她。 However, she a little spoke incorrectly, Long Chen does not want to make everybody accept itself, if not the father, he will not care about all Human Clan absolutely to his view, because of his root here, all that he makes now did not show to them for the future 不过,她有一点说错了,龙辰并不是想让大家接受自己,如果不是父亲,他绝对不会在意所有人族对自己的看法,因为他个人的根不在这里,他现在所做的一切只是为了将來向他们证明 , Long Qinglan is innocent, he is also innocent! ,龙青澜是无罪的,他也是无罪的! He must this group to understand that making this group of people initially wrongly judge to rebuke oneself, the person who for oneself let these dissemination public opinions is punished, but did not make them accept itself, Long Chen such has not fallen the standard, the matter that he must handle always returned Dragon God Domain, but 他只是要让这群人明白,让这群人为自己当初错误的判断自责,让那些散播舆论的人受到惩罚,而不是让他们接受自己,龙辰才沒有这么掉格,他要做的事情从來都只是杀回龙神域,而 Does not kneel is going back Dragon God Domain, implored their forgiving! 不是跪着回去龙神域,祈求他们的原谅! He does not need to say the true idea, but shows a faint smile, said: My completely I maximum effort, will coordinate to battle. Me you can feel relieved greatly, person who I do not have the discretion.” 他沒必要说出真正的想法,而是微微一笑,道:“我会尽我最大的努力,來配合作战。我这边你大可以放心,我并非是沒有分寸的人。” Xing Qing sip purses the lips, said: That is good. Possibly Huanglong to simplicity that quite you said that I and you talked clearly the team war concrete arrangement, established first your division of labor, together how the good time to move?” 星晴抿抿嘴,道:“那就好。可能黄龙向你介绍的比较简单,我将团队战具体的布置和你说清楚,也把你的分工先设置好,好时候一起行动如何?” Long Chen nodded certainly. 龙辰当然是点头了。 Looks that Xing Qing puts down the figure and Long Chen exchange unexpectedly, patient and Long Chen narrated that various details, in people heart indignant, to be honest they wish one could to throw their team Long Chen, but does not have that ability. 看着星晴竟然放下身段和龙辰交流,耐心的和龙辰讲述各种细节,众人心中愤愤不平,说实话他们恨不得把龙辰扔出他们的队伍,只是沒那个能耐。 I can affirm that three gentlemen are using him, when he has completed Star Lord Hegemony War, certainly will be captured Dragon God Domain to execute by beheading!” “我敢肯定,三位先生是在利用他,等他完成了星主争霸战,一定会被擒回龙神域问斩!” Bing Xinyue said angry. 冰心月气恼说道。 I also thought that is.” Golden Fire Eye Dragon Sun Che said. “我也觉得是.”火眼金睛龙孙彻说道。 They have sneered, this possibility is very big, they as if obtained the comfort, then no longer the anger in heart, displayed on the face. 他们冷笑了起來,这个可能性还是非常大的,他们仿佛得到了安慰,便不再把心中的愤怒,表现在脸上了。 Then, Xing Qing not the willingly people will shout that the allocating task, let them and Long Chen again together has been familiar, although in the heart did not prefer very much, but under the order of mood, they can only compromise. 接下來,星晴将不甘心的众人喊过來,再一起分配任务,让他们和龙辰熟悉了起來,虽然心中很不情愿,但在心情的命令下,他们只能妥协。 After the detail almost understood, Long Chen starts to consider that Lingxi issue, he did not feel relieved that gives anybody Lingxi, is Gong Qing is not good, but defers to the rule, he should unable to lead into the star source Lingxi. 对细节几乎完全了解后,龙辰开始考虑灵曦的问題,他不放心把灵曦交给任何人,就是龚擎也不行,但按照规则,他应该不能将灵曦带入到星源当中。 Brother Chen, you felt relieved that I can in the middle of your god country, use the protection to tie again, they cannot feel my existence absolutely, the critical moment, I can also provide the help to you.” 辰哥哥,你就放心吧,我能在你神国当中,再使用守护结界,他们绝对感受不到我的存在,关键时刻,我还能够给你提供帮助。” Then, Long Chen also felt relieved. 如此一來,龙辰也就放心多了。 Immediately, must embark to go to the dream profound boundary! 马上,就要出发前往梦玄境了! But within these days time, separated with Long Chen and the others temporarily, returns to Xiao Hongchen of dream profound boundary, met with his father once again one time. 而在这几天时间之内,和龙辰等人暂时分开,回到梦玄境的萧红尘,也和他父亲再度会面了一次。 The Dream Immortal Clan hierarch, is very famous Dream King, if this Dream Immortal Clan Star Lord Hegemony War succeeds, then Dream King is new Star Lord. 梦幻仙族的掌权者,乃是十分有名的梦幻王,如果这一次梦幻仙族星主争霸战成功,那么梦幻王就是新的星主 But the Xiao Hongchen father, is the Dream King blood brother, named Xiao Dingyuan, in the middle of Dream Immortal Clan is also a quite important character, almost can be said as under a person, above ten thousand people. 萧红尘的父亲,是梦幻王的亲弟弟,名为萧鼎元,在梦幻仙族当中也是一名相当重要的人物,几乎可以说是一人之下,万人之上。 Xiao Hongchen stands and waits for a long time outside the cloud layer, said: Father, Star Lord Hegemony War must start immediately, you should finish closing up, as if tomorrow must start.” 萧红尘伫立在云层之外,道:“父亲,星主争霸战马上要开始了,你应该结束闭关,似乎明天就要启程了。” The cloud layer deep place, that Xiao Dingyuan said: Time to? Really quick.” 云层深处,那萧鼎元道:“时间到了么?真快啊。” Along with his words, that white clouds deep place starts to shake, as if there is thing to break the price record from inside. 随着他的话语,那白云深处开始震荡,似乎有东西正在从里面破关而出。 Xiao Hongchen has pondered over, said: „ That side Life Dragon City increased a master for these days, heard that master in has defeated Xing Qing to the war in the middle, therefore our Dream Immortal Clan, decides to reduce a quota, after all Life Dragon City is the Lord of fight 萧红尘琢磨了一下,还是道:“生命龙城那边这几天增加了一名高手,听说那一名高手在对战当中打败了星晴,所以我们梦幻仙族这边,决定减少一个名额,毕竟生命龙城才是战斗的主 Strength. ” 力。” Hears this saying, Xiao Dingyuan that gone out had doubts, said: „The practical thing process, said with me.” 听到这话,正在出关的萧鼎元疑惑了一下,道:“把具体事情经过,与我说说。” Xiao Hongchen then traces itself Long Chen, then initiates the processes of these many matters, the Long Chen status said. 萧红尘这才把自己追踪龙辰,然后引发这么多事情的过程,还有龙辰的身份说了一遍。 „The child of Eternal Dragon Emperor? It seems like this Star Lord Hegemony War, became is more and more interesting.” Xiao Dingyuan he he has smiled. 永恒龙帝之子么?看來这次星主争霸战,变得是越來越有趣了。”萧鼎元呵呵笑了起來。 This is the matter of Dream King agreement, therefore he has not expressed his opinion. 这是梦幻王同意的事情,所以他沒有发表自己的见解。 At this time, Xiao Hongchen said another matter, he said: By Eternal Dragon Emperor has a female, I always felt that on him has our Dream Immortal Clan thing to exist, moreover very possible is the most precious object.” 就在这时候,萧红尘说出了另外一件事情,他道:“永恒龙帝旁边有个女子,我总感觉他身上有我们梦幻仙族的东西存在,而且很可能是至宝。” This? That when the time comes I again had a look....... For these years, we except for previous generation Star Lord Star Core, have not lost any thing probably, as for old Star Core, was destroyed, as if no major function, moreover new Star Core already birth “这样么?那到时候我再看看好了。只是……这么多年來,我们除了上一代星主星核,好像沒丢什么东西呢,至于旧的星核,也被毁灭了,似乎也沒有大的作用,而且新的星核已经诞 Lived, this time you fight in the middle of the star source, should be able to see new Star Core, if not for Star Core is born, Shining Star has no way to hold Star Lord Hegemony War! ” 生了,这一次你们在星源当中战斗,应该可以看到新的星核吧,若不是星核重新诞生的话,璀璨星辰也沒法举行星主争霸战!” Xiao Hongchen muttered: Yes, only then fused Star Core, can become true Star Lord, is the Shining Star actual master, true control entire Shining Star.” 萧红尘喃喃道:“是啊,只有融合了星核,才能成为真正的星主,才是璀璨星辰的真正主人,真正的掌控整颗璀璨星辰。” Xiao Dingyuan corrects him saying: „ It is not Shining Star, before, here was called the illusion star, was our Dream Immortal Clan territory, was only on a death of Star Lord, Star Core extinguishes broken, making here return to the condition of without owner, now was born new Star Core, I 萧鼎元纠正他道:“不是璀璨星辰,以前,这里叫做梦幻星,是我们梦幻仙族的领地,只是上一任星主的死亡,星核碎灭,让这里重新回归到无主的状态,现在已经诞生了新的星核,我 The opportunity came, no matter Golden War God Clan or Nightmare Clan, must submit under our invincible mights! ” 们的机会來了,不管是黄金战神族还是梦魇族,都必须要屈服在我们的神威之下!” Hears this saying excitedly, Xiao Hongchen especially. 听到这话,萧红尘尤其的兴奋。 Entire Chaos Star Domain, on four Star Lord, other super stars does not have Expert by no means that but has not been born Star Core, Shining Star Star Core, will make fifth Star Lord be born! 整个混乱星域,也就四个星主,其他超级星球并非不是沒有强者,只是沒有诞生星核,璀璨星辰星核,将会让第五个星主诞生! The Lord of stars, high of status, close Immortal God Domain topest level! 星辰之主,地位之高,接近永生神域最顶尖的层次了! So long as Star Core inherits, one day, we can also become new Star Lord! Star Core, is the Star Lord basis, previous generation's Star Core is a sword, altogether 700 Dao Mark, but what is this time? Really makes the person anticipate......” “只要星核传承下來,有一天,我们也能成为新的星主星核,才是星主的根本,上一代的星核是一把剑,一共700条道纹,而这一次又是什么呢?真是让人期待啊……” Xiao Dingyuan goes out. 萧鼎元出关完毕。 Xiao Hongchen leaves here with one group of white fog, goes toward the Dream Immortal Clan big team, Star Lord Hegemony War must arrive immediately, they also lift the clan to send out, witnesses during that five fight first wars, talent team war! 萧红尘与一团白色云雾离开这里,朝着梦幻仙族的大队伍而去,星主争霸战马上就要到达了,他们也举族出动,去见证那五场战斗当中的第一战,天才团队战! Naturally, they must first wait for the arrival of Life Dragon City talent Expert! 当然,他们首先要等待生命龙城天才强者们的到來! Person who the Xiaolong territory, already had Dream Immortal Clan invited. 在小龙域这边,早就有梦幻仙族的人过來邀请了。 On this day, Gong Qing and Xing Yue take Long Chen their six people, goes to the dream profound boundary. 这一天,龚擎和星越带上龙辰他们六个人,前往梦玄境。 As for wood-famine, then remains to guard the Xiaolong territory. 至于木荒,则留下來驻守小龙域。 About Gong Qing sizes up Long Chen, asked: Your wife?” 龚擎左右打量龙辰,问道:“你的妻子呢?” By his standard, still had no way to discover that Lingxi to protect to tie stays in the middle of the Long Chen god country. 以他的水准,仍然沒法发现灵曦以守护结界呆在龙辰的神国当中。 Long Chen said ambiguously: Made her leave, waited for Star Lord Hegemony War to finish, I will look her.” 龙辰含糊道:“让她离开了,等星主争霸战结束,我会去找她的。” „......” Gong Qing no longer inquired about. “哦……”龚擎不再过问。 Side, Bing Xinyue and the others looked at each other one, in the heart has sneered: And other Star Lord Hegemony War finished, your boy must be escorted back under guard Dragon God Domain, works as prisoner for a lifetime, does the opportunity see your wife?” 旁边,冰心月等人对视了一眼,心中冷笑:“等星主争霸战结束,你小子就要被押回龙神域,去当一辈子的囚犯,还有机会去见你的妻子?” They believe that the Long Chen final result definitely is this. 他们坚信,龙辰最终的结果肯定是这样的。 The Xiaolong territory distance dream profound boundary is not far, less than a double-hour, Life Dragon City eight Dragon Warrior entered the dream profound boundary, greets their is the cheers of moving mountains, regarding Dream Immortal Clan, the Life Dragon City allied armies talent, is they most important helper! 小龙域距离梦玄境并不远,不到一个时辰,生命龙城的八个龙武者就进入了梦玄境,迎接他们的是排山倒海的欢呼声,对于梦幻仙族來说,生命龙城的盟军天才,是他们最重要的帮手!
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