DBWG :: Volume #20

#2008: star source

Hears associated dragon noun, the wood-famine relaxed finally, but his expression became has actually enforced, Supreme Divine Dragon this was not the child's play, initially Supreme Divine Dragon about Long Qinglan, in fact was only a guess, but Long Chen, if were confirmed truly was Supreme Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, that Dragon God Domain definitely will cause a round huger stir. 听到伴生龙这个名词,木荒总算是松了一口气,但他的表情却变得更加严肃了起來,无上神龙这可不是儿戏,当初关于龙青澜无上神龙,实际上只是一种猜测,但龙辰若是真正被证实出是无上神龙传承精血的话,那龙神域必然会引起一轮更加巨大的轰动。 Gong Qingdao: To be honest, to our Five Great Dragon City, the Supreme Divine Dragon value, surmounted one to have the youth talents of 80% emperor honored god blood completely, although the Supreme Divine Dragon promotion compared with on emperor honored god blood slow some, ten 8-layer great misfortune also ironclad will be more terrorist, but in the battle efficiency, was in the Divine Ability inheritance, Supreme Divine Dragon wanted the superior several ranks, initial Long Qinglan also and had the opportunity of god, was only his self-destruction future. I mean, if Long Chen is really Supreme Divine Dragon, then his value to our Human Clan will soon surpass Di Yu, even the short time will become another Long Qinglan!” 龚擎道:“说实话,对我们五大龙城來说,无上神龙的价值,完全超越了一位拥有80帝钧神血的少年天才,虽然无上神龙提升会比帝钧神血慢上一些,十八重大劫也铁定更加恐怖,但无论是战斗力上,还是神通传承上,无上神龙都要优越好几个级别,当初的龙青澜也并不是沒有成神的机会,只是他自毁前程罢了。我的意思是,如果龙辰真的是无上神龙的话,那么他对我们人族的价值即将超过帝雨,甚至短时间就会成为另外一个龙青澜!” Eternal Dragon Emperor this character, the influence was really too big, the people have to hold breath a cold air/Qi. 永恒龙帝这种人物,影响实在是太大了,众人不得不倒吸一口冷气。 The wood-famine has knocked the table, knits the brows: I who you said did not oppose, but you may probably remember learning from another's mistakes of Eternal Dragon Emperor, this boy looked role that is not easy to level, he and Di Yu fundamental different is, Di Yu belongs to our Human Clan, but that likely faithful in his father, will bring the disaster to us once again! His potential is no doubt huge, but if is another Long Qinglan, that might as well kills him now, so as to avoid will cause the irretrievable losses in the future!” 木荒敲了敲桌子,皱眉道:“你说的我不反对,但你可要记住永恒龙帝的前车之鉴,这小子一看就不是容易摆平的角色,他和帝雨的根本性不同是,帝雨是属于我们人族的,而那很可能忠实于他的父亲,甚至会再度给我们带來灾难!他潜力固然巨大,但假若是另外一个龙青澜的话,那还不如现在就杀死他,免得将來造成不可挽回的损失!” Gong Qingwei gets angry: Wood-famine, you don't a talent well, the camp that compels the enemy, at least so far, I did not think that this youth has the place that anything does not suit, I instead thought that he is very real.” 龚擎微怒道:“木荒,你可别把一个好好的天才,逼到敌人的阵营当中,至少目前为止,我不觉得这个少年有什么不对劲的地方,我反而觉得他很真实。” The wood-famine jokes: Initial Eternal Dragon Emperor was also very real, afterward also wasn't the back ancestor abandons the sect?” 木荒讥笑道:“当初的永恒龙帝也很真实,后來还不是背祖弃宗了?” Saw that they must quarrel once again, Xing Yue said: Was good, takes this Star Lord Hegemony War as the standard, has a look disposition that this boy displays how, if he can work for us, he has such potential, even very possible is Supreme Divine Dragon, then must lead to return to Five Great Dragon City him, making Dragon Emperor decide.” 眼看着他们要再度吵起來,星越道:“行了,就以这次星主争霸战为基准,看看这小子表现出來的心性如何,若是他能够为我们做事的话,他有如此潜力,甚至很可能是无上神龙,那么就必须把他带回到五大龙城,让龙帝们定夺。” Gong Qing sighed slightly, he understands, if met Dragon God Domain the Long Chen belt, then the place to him likely was Hell. 龚擎微微叹气,他心里明白,若是把龙辰带会龙神域的话,那么地方对他而言很可能就是一场地狱 How can the future of this youth be? He worried very much. 这个少年的前程会是如何?他很是担忧。 What he most does not hope, Di Yu died, but Human Clan drives away the talent character of this new birth. 他最不希望的是,帝雨已经死了,而人族又把这个新诞生的天才人物赶走。 .................. ……………… Ices the soul heart dragon, Golden Fire Eye Dragon and Darkness King Dragon, let alone with the Long Chen deep understanding, after they basically said that talked in whispers on arriving on the side, they grew up under gradually influencing of Elder, was impossible to have the good manner to Long Chen, this Star Lord Hegemony War, Long Chen was no doubt formidable, but they were also hopeless must with the Long Chen coordination. 冰魄心龙、火眼金睛龙暗夜君王龙,别说和龙辰深入了解,他们基本上介绍完自己后,就走到一边去窃窃私语,他们在长辈的熏陶之下长大,对龙辰根本就不可能有好的态度,这一次星主争霸战,龙辰固然强大,但他们也沒指望要和龙辰配合。 That final underground spring yama dragon, gives the Long Chen face slightly, but he also completes the task, he stands in Long Chen at present, occupies a commanding position, the direct sinking sound introduced: „The Chaos Star Domain central ten big super stars, besides Heaven Dragon Star Dragon Warrior, other nine stars form nine star Alliances, in the middle of nine star Alliances has over ten thousand races besides five large clan, is beside Immortal God Domain one strong strength. In the middle of ten big super stars, if must select Star Lord, must according to the customs of nine star Alliances, carry on Star Lord Hegemony War, Star Lord Hegemony War is not the death war constantly, does people have no means to make a living, but carries on the way of skills competition.” 那最后的黄泉冥王龙,算是稍微给龙辰面子,但他也只是完成任务罢了,他站在龙辰眼前,居高临下,直接沉声介绍道:“混乱星域中央的十大超级星球,除了天龙星龙武者之外,其他九个星球组成九星联盟,九星联盟当中有除了五大族之外的上万种种族,是永生神域之外一种超强的力量。十大超级星球当中,假如要选出星主,就要按照九星联盟的规矩,进行星主争霸战,星主争霸战不是一味的死战,搞都民不聊生,而是以竞技比赛的方式进行。” Long Chen listens respectfully peacefully, does not talk too much. 龙辰安静聆听,并不多言。 No matter these people whether accepts itself, has not related, so long as he display, opened a Dragon God Domain main road for oneself on the line. 不管这几个人是否接受自己,都沒关系,他只要自己表现好,为自己打开一条龙神域的大路就行了。 The underground spring yama dragon, continued saying: Simply speaking, Star Lord Hegemony War altogether five, with us what has the relations are first and second, we are the Dream Immortal Clan allied armies, Dream Immortal Clan with its allied armies the strength of young talent, relates to several thousand years later Dream Immortal Clan powerful or not, is this race whether can a birth Star Lord important indicator, therefore we relate to the births of two scores. If we second can win in first, defeats Golden War God Clan and Nightmare Clan three teams, we can obtain the total during five points two points, that had almost determined ownership of Star Lord, after all Star Lord Hegemony War is three teams, competes five scores.” 黄泉冥王龙顿了一顿,继续道:“简单來说,星主争霸战一共有五场,和我们有关系的是其中的第一场和第二场,我们算是梦幻仙族的盟军,梦幻仙族与其盟军的年轻天才的力量,关系到数千年后梦幻仙族的强盛与否,也是该种族是否能诞生星主的一个重要标志,所以我们关系到两个分数的诞生。如果我们在第一场和第二场都能够胜利,打败黄金战神族梦魇族的三个队伍,那我们就可以得到总数五分当中的两分,那几乎就确定了星主的归属了,毕竟星主争霸战是三个队伍,去争夺五个分数。” Two fights of our New generation, are the team war and elite war, the team war are quite separately complex, but the elite fights in fact is chooses display most outstanding eight people in the team war, experiences three rounds to eliminate the war, comes out a champion. The team that the champions belong to can obtain an important score, but team that the team war wins finally, can attain a score, these two scores are very essential. The remaining three scores must strive by three big races most Expert, therefore we in the war of talent, can attain more scores, behind Expert fight less pressures, the Star Lord Hegemony War five-grade marking system, is nine star Alliance always customs, we several days later must carry on is the team war, altogether three teams compete a score, the elite fights after the team war, because the elite fights quite simply, I am detailed with you say team fighting.” “我们新生代的两场战斗,分别是团队战和精英战,团队战比较复杂,而精英战实际上是挑选出在团队战当中表现最为出色的八个人,经历三轮淘汰战,决出一个冠军。冠军归属的队伍能够获得一个重要的分数,而团队战最终胜利的队伍,也能拿到一个分数,这两个分数都是非常关键的。剩下的三个分数要靠三大种族的最强者争取,所以我们在天才之战当中,能拿到越多的分数,后面强者们的战斗就会越少的压力,星主争霸战的五分制,是九星联盟向來的规矩,我们几天后要进行的就是团队战,一共三个团队竞争一个分数,精英战在团队战之后,因为精英战比较简单,我就详细和你说一下团队战。” The team war, relates to the place that team cooperates. 团队战,是关系到队伍当中合作的地方。 The underground spring yama dragon unemotionally , to continue saying: „The drilling about team war, we and Dream Immortal Clan friends has trained was very long, team ten people, are our Life Dragon City and Dream Immortal Clan respective five people, because of your appearance, the Dream Immortal Clan that side has cancelled a quota, some days will have seen the Dream Immortal Clan friend, they can play the quite significant role in the fight, substitutes Dream Immortal Clan with you, has trained the mature team to our, is a very big risk, your individual is no doubt formidable, but in the middle of team fighting the individual in the strength comparison that can offer is limited, When the time comes do not feel self-important, act arbitrarily, disturb our prepare the strategy!” 黄泉冥王龙面无表情,继续说道:“关于团队战的演练,我们和梦幻仙族的朋友们已经演练了很久,一个队伍十个人的,本來是我们生命龙城梦幻仙族各自五个人的,但因为你的出现,梦幻仙族那边取消了一个名额,过些天就会见到梦幻仙族的朋友,他们在战斗当中能够起到相当重大的作用,用你來替代一名梦幻仙族,对我们这个已经演练成熟的队伍來说,也是一个很大的风险,你固然个体强大,但在团队战当中个体所能奉献的实力比较有限,到时候你可别骄傲自大,独行独断,捣乱我们布置好的战略!” Long Chen said: You said the key point, is the team war what kind of?” 龙辰道:“你还是说重点吧,团队战是怎样的?” Underground spring yama dragon vision let somebody cool off or calm down has swept his, said: When the time comes, our 30 people will go in the Shining Star star source, the star source is the Shining Star core, that is a marvelous place, inside is strategic place, many disasters, when the time comes we completely will go, in the middle of the star source has name Star Sand mysterious thing, Star Sand is the most precious object, has many effects, can the powerful mortal body. Before we go , everyone will fuse grain of Star Sand, because only then fuses the body of Star Sand, can go in the star source, grain of Star Sand can maintain two double-hour probably the time, once two double-hour pass by, have not snatched new Star Sand in the star source, will then be repelled by the star source, are eliminated, the team war altogether carries on three days, three days pass by, which team keeps the star source population to be most, even if which team wins.” 黄泉冥王龙目光冷冷扫了他一下,道:“到时候,我们30个人会进去璀璨星辰的星源,星源是璀璨星辰的核心,那是一处奇妙的地方,里面算是一处险地,有诸多灾难,到时候我们会全部进去,星源当中有一种叫做‘星砂’的神奇东西,星砂乃是至宝,拥有诸多功效,更能够强悍肉身。我们进去之前,每个人都会融合一粒星砂,因为只有融合星砂的身体,才能进去星源,一粒星砂大概能够维持两个时辰的时间,一旦两个时辰过去,还沒在星源当中抢到新的星砂,那么就会被星源排斥出來,算是被淘汰,团队战一共进行三天的时间,三天过去,哪个队伍留在星源的人数最多,就算哪个队伍胜利。” The rule of team war somewhat is slightly complex, but after Long Chen listened, understood probably. In other words, in the middle of the star source, they must to rob Star Sand fights, not only need be kept in the middle of the star source by oneself, must make the teammate keep the star source, can obtain the final victory. 团队战的规则稍微有些复杂,不过龙辰听了一遍后,也大概理解了。也就是说,在星源当中,他们必须为了抢夺星砂而战斗,不但要让自己留在星源当中,也要让队友留在星源,才能够得到最终的胜利。 Underground spring yama Dragon [say / way]: „Did you listen clearly? In the team war, forbids to kill people, cannot injure heavily the opposite party, can only compete for Star Sand, after obtaining Star Sand, the fusion needs the quarter the time, the fusion these days, must have the teammate Protector for oneself, otherwise was likely sneak attacked, causing the fusion to be defeated, Star Sand was robbed by others, after obtaining Star Sand, can only along carry, if puts to other place, breaks the rule, will drive out the team war, all Expert of nine star Alliances, will watch the performance of everyone in the star source outward appearance. Therefore what the team war tests is bigger is the team, you are not the person of our team, so accidental inserting goes, even if you are powerful, words that you do not coordinate, will bring the negative influence to us, to us is not the good deed, commanding of our team is Sister Xing Qing, can you listen to her order conduct?” 黄泉冥王龙道:“你听清楚了吗?在团队战当中,禁止杀人,也不能将对方伤得太重,只能争夺星砂,得到星砂后,融合需要一刻钟的时间,融合这一段时间,必须要有队友为自己护法,不然很可能被偷袭,导致融合失败,星砂被别人抢走,得到星砂后,只能随身携带,若是放入到别的地方,都算是破坏规则,会被逐走团队战,九星联盟的所有强者,会在星源外观看每个人的表演。所以说团队战考验更大的是团队,你本身不是我们团队的人,如此意外的插进去,就算你实力强大,你不配合的话,也会给我们带來许多负面的影响,对我们來说可不是什么好事,我们队伍的统领是星晴师姐,你能听她的命令行事么?” Here, he truly the disgruntled mood will have displayed, joining of Long Chen has not made them relax, instead made them worry. 说到这里,他确实已经将不悦的情绪表现了出來,龙辰的加入并沒有让他们松一口气,反而让他们更加担忧。 You can defeat Sister Xing Qing, no doubt is us first Expert, but you also can only fight the display function in the elite, naturally, if you are willing to coordinate us, reluctantly can play the role at the team war, after all in the middle of the team, the strength of everyone is limited. Matter that we most do not hope, is you comes and goes freely, even if you can support finally, is not anything!” “你能打败星晴师姐,固然是我们这边的第一强者,但你也就只能在精英战发挥作用,当然,如果你愿意配合我们,在团队战也是勉强能够发挥作用的,毕竟在团队当中,每个人的力量都是有限的。我们最不希望的事情,就是你独來独往,就算你能撑到最后,也不算什么!” In the Long Chen heart sneers, these fellows worried too, has not started, almost recognized one will not coordinate. 龙辰心中冷笑,这些家伙真是操心太多了,还沒开始呢,就几乎认定自己不会配合了。 The rule of team war, he understood approximately clearly, different from was not the stratagem, he said: Yellow did Younger Brother say?” 团队战的规则,他大致了解清楚了,道不同不与为谋,他道:“黄兄弟说完了吗?” Was broken by Long Chen, Huanglong is somewhat disgruntled, said: In brief, you good for it. I know that what you want, isn't our forgiving? Diligently!” 龙辰打断,黄龙有些不悦,道:“总之,你好之为之吧。我知道你想要什么,不就是我们的原谅么?努力吧!” Saying, he was in every possible way bored, returned to Bing Xinyue that circle, four people started to talk of this and that often sent out laughing. 说着,他百般无聊,回到了冰心月那个圈子,四个人开始谈天说地,不时发出一声声的大笑。 Although Long Chen dried in the sun in one side, but he not cares a whoop, has pondered over the rule of team war, this test truly is the team, words that oneself want prominence, must depend upon should be the elite war! 龙辰虽然被晾在一边,但他丝毫不在意,琢磨了一下团队战的规则,这一场考验的确实是团队,自己想要声名鹊起的话,要依靠的应该是精英战! No matter how, must hit the reputation, lets Dragon God Domain all people, starts to face up to itself! 不管如何,一定要把名头打出去,让龙神域所有人,开始正视自己! ........................ …………………… Asked everybody to pay attention to my micro letter: fengqingyang520 novel. Micro blog: Wind Qingyang 17 K. 请大家关注我的微信:fengqingyang520小说。微博:风青阳17K。
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