DBWG :: Volume #20

#2007: Unsurpassed Shenlong

Chapter 2007 Supreme Divine Dragon 第2007章无上神龙 Because Xing Yue and Gong Qing two chancellor people agreed that Long Chen participates in Star Lord Hegemony War, these three people of associations, so long as they agreed that can establish, other Dragon Warrior absolutely do not have the opportunity of rebuttal. 因为星越和龚擎两位主事人已经同意龙辰参加星主争霸战,这三人团体,只要两人同意就能成立,其他龙武者根本就沒有反驳的机会。 Gong Qing words, in addition the Long Chen strength, basically also cut off them to revolt against this matter's thoughts again, naturally they were impossible to be convinced, in their hearts must think aggrieved compared with anyone, was angry, was only a pity that the strength was inferior to the person, in addition the suppression of Elder, they also can only the angry pressure in the moral nature, not willingly looks at Long Chen. 龚擎的话,再加上龙辰的实力,基本上也断绝了他们再反抗此事的心思,当然他们不可能服气,他们心中比谁都要觉得憋屈,都要愤怒,只可惜实力不如人,再加上长辈的压制,他们也只能将愤怒压在心底,不甘心的看着龙辰 Best not to be happy too soon, waits and sees! Dared Sister Xing Qing to injure unexpectedly, this rebel!” “最好别高兴得太早,走着瞧吧!竟然敢星晴师姐打伤了,这个叛徒!” Bing Xinyue is especially indignant, the whole body is the rime fog, making the surrounding people think that is colder. 冰心月尤其气愤,浑身都是冰雾,让周围的人觉得寒冷许多。 After announcing, blew these fellows, Gong Qingcai said to Long Chen: Less than ten days of time, Star Lord Hegemony War the war of talent must start, you can prepare, five days later we go to the Dream Immortal Clan dream profound boundary, with the Dream Immortal Clan convergence, then together!” 宣布完毕后,镇住了这些家伙,龚擎才对龙辰道:“不到十天时间,星主争霸战的天才之战就要开始了,你可以准备一下,五天之后我们就前往梦幻仙族的梦玄境,和梦幻仙族汇合,然后再一同出发!” At this moment, definitely entire Shining Star, was waiting for that moment arrival, some people like some people to worry. 此时此刻,肯定整个璀璨星辰,都在等待那一刻的到來,有人欢喜有人愁。 Long Chen had not said that nodded on the line. He has strengthened his determination, naturally must grasp the nettle, returns to Dragon God Domain to prepare the ground for future. 龙辰沒有多说,点头就行了。他已经坚定了自己的决心,自然要迎难而上,为将來自己返回龙神域做铺垫。 Then, Gong Qing announced dismisses, people not willingly departure, but actually only left behind other four also to participate in Star Lord Hegemony War Dragon Warrior, they were four look like the Reincarnation Calamity Realm earlier period super Divine Dragon, is not in fact smaller and weaker than Xing Qing by the battle efficiency many. 接下來,龚擎宣布解散,众人不甘心的离去,不过却唯独留下了其他四位也要参加星主争霸战龙武者,他们都是四象轮回劫境前期的超级神龙,论战斗力实际上也沒比星晴弱小多少。 Your four, well and Long Chen knows, Star Lord Hegemony War time, you are the teammates, your reciprocity the life of opposite party, for the victory of our Human Clan, you should abandon all, fuses together, forms a sheet iron, deals with the enemy!” “你们四个,好好和龙辰认识一下,星主争霸战的时候,你们可是队友,你们互相关系到对方的性命,为了我们人族的胜利,你们就应该抛开一切,融合到一起,形成一块铁板,对付敌人!” Gong Qing said fierce. 龚擎厉声说道。 Because of the relations of war of rule talent, everyone , not only fights single-handedly, the mutual coordination becomes especially important, if the interior is unharmonious, to overall fighting capability formation huge influence, will cause the failure, therefore Gong Qingcai will confess specially. 因为天才之战规则的关系,每个人不只是孤军奋战,互相的配合变得格外的重要,若是内部不和谐的话,会对整体的战斗力形成巨大的影响,甚至会导致失败,所以龚擎才会特别交代。 Hears this saying, other three men are good, Bing Xinyue especially is not willingly, she looks at Long Chen angrily, said: Mr. Gong, the teacher, we had not coordinated with him, moreover he also disagrees with us, we and he, his no doubt single body is together formidable, words that however acts arbitrarily, will affect our complete forces, I thought that makes him join completely is not a good deed! Moreover who knows that whose he stands in this side......” 听到这话,其他三位男子还好,冰心月却尤其不甘心,她愤然看着龙辰,道:“龚先生,师尊,我们本來就从來沒有和他配合过,而且他也跟我们不和,我们和他一起,他固然单体强大,但是独行独断的话,也会影响我们的整体战斗力,我觉得让他加入完全不是一件好事!而且谁知道他站在谁这一边……” Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Xing Yue drank to stop her. 星越喝止了她。 Bing Xinyue is the Xing Yue apprentice, with Xing Qing is the sisters who since childhood grows up. 冰心月星越的徒弟,和星晴算是从小长大的姐妹。 Nearby Gong Qing said with a smile: Careful moon/month, these had no need for you being worried, he had the discretion more than you, so long as you did not repel him, our teams only become more formidable, you commanding was Xing Qing, I believe that she will have a quite sane judgment, will be different from you, long so was big, but also with little girl, this relates to our Human Clan important matter, since you arrived here, do not wanton mischief, knew?” 旁边龚擎笑道:“小心月,这些就用不着你担心了,他比你有分寸多了,只要你们不排斥他的话,我们的队伍就只会变得更加强大,你们当中统领者是星晴,我相信她会有一个比较理智的判断,不会和你一样,都长这么大了,还跟一个小女孩似的,这是关系到我们人族的大事,你既然來到这里,就别瞎胡闹,知道么?” To finally, Gong Qing words became serious. 到了最后,龚擎的话语变得严肃起來。 Bing Xinyue starts to speak but hesitates, finally can only look at Long Chen angrily, although in the heart has many not to be willingly, but her clear general situation has decided that oneself said many again also useless, access road: I knew.” 冰心月欲言又止,最后只能愤然看着龙辰,虽然心中有许多不甘心,但她明白大局已定,自己说再多也沒用,便道:“我知道了。” Nearby Xing Yue said: Your four exchange with him, leaves your five days of time mutually familiar opposite party, within five days do not leave here. While convenient explained clearly some concrete athletic competition systems and matters needing attention and Long Chen, three of us had the matter, in advance left.” 旁边星越道:“你们四个和他交流一下,留给你们五天时间互相熟悉对方,五天之内就别离开这里了。顺便把一些具体的赛制和注意事项和龙辰解释清楚,我们三人有事,先行离开了。” In them behind, wood-famine complexion cloudy and cold, similarly is not very willingly. 在他们身后,木荒脸色阴冷,同样十分不甘心。 Must keep five days later unexpectedly here, but must narrate the athletic competition system with Long Chen, Bing Xinyue was angry, wished one could not to let go dry. 竟然要在这里留到五天后,还要跟龙辰讲述赛制,冰心月气恼极了,恨不得撒手不干。 Gong Qing and Long Chen had confessed slightly, leaves Long Chen Star Rune, making Long Chen have the matter to look for him, then with Xing Yue and wood-famine they, left the field of vision of people, leaves behind Long Chen, Lingxi and their four people are dumbfounded. 龚擎与龙辰稍微交代了一下,留给龙辰一个星符,让龙辰有事就找他,然后就与星越、木荒两人,离开了众人的视野,留下龙辰灵曦和他们四人大眼瞪小眼。 Looks at anything to look! Do not think that a little ability you can be what kind of!” “看什么看!别以为有点能耐你就能怎样!” Bing Xinyue looked angrily at Long Chen, panting in indignation getting out of the way, but she has not left, but sits down in the distant place, was several days later combat readiness. 冰心月怒视了一下龙辰,气呼呼的走开,但她沒有离开,只是在远处坐下,为几天后的战斗准备去了。 „After guaranteeing does not permit this Young Lady, will fall in love your?” Lingxi is pulling his arm, looks at the Bing Xinyue slender back, smiles was saying. “保不准这姑娘以后会爱上你的呢?”灵曦挽着他的手臂,看着冰心月窈窕的背影,微笑着说道。 Long Chen said: Truly you ten years ago looks like very much, is very ominous, but there are you to suffice.” 龙辰道:“确实和你十年前很像,都很凶,只不过有你就够了。” From the beginning they meet, Lingxi is easy daily angry, until now, they experience are too many, there is a hundredth Reincarnation experience, their mood had very big change, Lingxi was not the same day young girl. 一开始两人相遇,灵曦就是天天容易气恼,时至今日,两人经历太多,又有百世轮回经历,两人的心境都发生了很大的变化,灵曦也不是当日的少女了。 Five teammates, are not transparent besides the Xing Qing manner, the remaining four people naturally do not treat see themselves, at present three people also and Bing Xinyue is similar, but they compare to be obedient, although in the heart does not want, but listened to Gong Qing words, knew with Long Chen mutually. 五位队友,除了星晴态度还不明了,剩下四人自然都不怎么待见自己,眼前三人也和冰心月相似,只是他们比较听话,虽然心中不愿意,但还是听了龚擎的话,和龙辰互相认识。 These three men, are super Divine Dragon, is the peerless talent. 这三个男子,都是超级神龙,也是绝世天才。 And an appearance stature is quite ordinary, but an eye pupil of pair of Golden is burning the flame, that eye pupil looks like unexpectedly likely is three full copper cauldrons, in the copper cauldron covers entirely Golden Rune, is very mysterious, this eye Long Chen has a liking for one, the eye has a burnt feeling, he understands approximately that this super Divine Dragon ability, should a large part come from his eye. 其中一个长相身材都比较普通,只是一双金色的眼眸燃烧着火焰,那眼瞳看起來竟然像是个三足铜鼎,铜鼎上布满金色符文,十分神奇,这眼睛龙辰看上一眼,眼睛就有一种被烧灼的感觉,他大致明白,这一头超级神龙的能耐,应该很大一部分都來自他的眼睛。 My named Sun Che, Inherited Blood Essence from super Divine Dragon, Golden Fire Eye Dragon.” “我名为孙彻,传承精血來自超级神龙,,火眼金睛龙。” Another height is short, the build very young man, looks like somewhat pocket-sized, but is quite charming, is only face haze, covers in the middle of black fog, is very mysterious, the feelings of some dark night King, the age estimate is not big, his words as if are not many, moreover similarly does not like Long Chen, access road: Jun Ling, my Inherited Blood Essence, from Darkness King Dragon.” 另外一名身高较矮,体形很小的男子,看起來有些袖珍,但颇为帅气,只是一脸阴霾,笼罩在一片黑雾当中,十分神秘,有种黑夜王者的感觉,年纪估计也不大,他似乎的话也不多,而且同样不喜欢龙辰,便道:“君凌,我的传承精血,來自暗夜君王龙。” The remaining third statures actually tall and strong many, is almost the same as that wood-famine, this man is having half inch short hair, just likes the steel needle stands erect, the skin faints Yellow, above actually often reappears the design of pirate-like skull, indistinct middle has the sound of resentful soul pitiful yell to transmit, the makings of this person are in the middle of three people are most fearful, just likes the malicious ghost, but he actually seems not most repugnant Long Chen one . Moreover the manner looks like open, he introduced oneself: My named Huanglong, is skillful, my Inherited Blood Essence from super Divine Dragon underground spring yama dragon. Another day if there is opportunity, I also want to dispute with you, because my majority of energy also spends above the Cultivate mortal body wrestle. Moreover that Young Lady is called Bing Xinyue, our five people are super Divine Dragon, Bing Xinyue Inherited Blood Essence, from ice soul heart dragon, is very fierce.” 剩下第三位身材却魁梧不少,和那木荒都相差无几,这男子留着半寸短发,恍如钢针竖立,皮肤昏黄色,其上竟然不时浮现出骷髅头的图案,隐约当中更有怨魂惨叫的声音传來,此人的气质乃是三人当中最可怕的,犹如恶鬼,但他却似乎是最不讨厌龙辰的一位,而且为人看起來开朗许多,他自我介绍道:“我名为黄龙,非常巧,我的传承精血來自超级神龙黄泉冥王龙。改日若是有机会的话,我也想和你较量一下,因为我大部分的精力也是花在修炼肉身格斗上面。另外那位姑娘叫做冰心月,我们五人都是超级神龙,冰心月传承精血,來自冰魄心龙,也很厉害。” Dragon Warrior custom, generally speaking initiative which Divine Dragon blows out itself to belong, Long Chen does not facilitate saying that access road: Sorry, I in fact do not know that my Inherited Blood Essence, came from anything.” 龙武者的规矩,一般來说都会主动的爆出自己属于哪种神龙,龙辰不方便说出來,便道:“抱歉,我实际上也不知道,我的传承精血,到底來自什么。” Underground spring yama dragon, is Huang Long dao: Might as well, their words are few, makes me come for you to narrate related this Star Lord Hegemony War.” 黄泉冥王龙,也就是黄龙道:“无妨,他们话都很少,就让我來为你讲述一下有关这星主争霸战吧。” Many thanks.” “多谢。” Finally has basis who a person wants to speak, this is also the first step that succeed. 总算有个人愿意的根本自己说话,这也是自己成功的第一步。 ........................ …………………… After the Xing Yue three people leave here, they converged, three people sat down in a pavilion, mutual looking at each other. 星越三人离开这里后,他们汇合到了一起,三人在一凉亭当中坐下,互相对视。 The wood-famine with handling gently is tapping the table, said: Thunder old ghost, we coordinated also several thousand years, today you must talk clearly with me, what's the matter? Child of natural talent this Eternal Dragon Emperor is truly good, but do side you also dare to place this type of timing bomb? Carelessly, do not meet a cruel death, you meet a cruel death fortunately, but also implicates me, my manner, Five Great Dragon City that group of people hate to the marrow of the bones to Long Qinglan, these are the Long Qinglan defeated, they wish one could to dig up to eat Long Qinglan, do you dare to take to manipulate the son?” 木荒用手轻轻敲着桌子,道:“雷霆老鬼,我们配合也有几千年了,今天你必须跟我说清楚,到底是怎么回事?这永恒龙帝之子天资确实不错,但你也敢把这种定时炸弹放在身边?一个不慎,可别粉身碎骨,你粉身碎骨还好,但也的连累我,我的态度还算好的,五大龙城那群人对龙青澜恨之入骨,那些都是龙青澜的手下败将,他们都恨不得把龙青澜扒出來吃掉,你敢把儿子拿出來摆弄?” Xing Yue also looks at Gong Qing, looking pensive. 星越也看着龚擎,若有所思。 Gong Qing he he smiles, said: Good, my this time was truly crazy, but you do not know that my mood, I think Xing Yue has guessed correctly my idea, right?” 龚擎呵呵一笑,道:“好吧,我这次确实疯狂了,但你们不知道我的心情啊,我想星越已经猜到了我的想法,对吗?” Xing Yue has been startled a point, then nods, said: According to my observation, 80% mistakenly.” 星越怔了一点,然后点点头,道:“根据我的观察,八成错不了。” What meaning?” Wood-famine blurry [say / way]. “什么意思?”木荒迷糊道。 Gong Qing hey said with a smile: Old blockhead, you may know that our Dragon God Domain has how for a long time, has not presented excessively ultimate Divine Dragon above existence, is...... Supreme Divine Dragon?” 龚擎嘿嘿笑道:“老木头,你可知道,我们龙神域有多么长时间,沒有出现过终极神龙以上的存在,也就是……无上神龙了?” The wood-famine eye pupil has contracted, said: Words that you spoke, he has not arrived at Reincarnation Calamity Realm to defeat Xing Qing marvelously, but also really only then such a possibility.” 木荒眼瞳收缩了一下,道:“你这么说的话,他还沒到轮回劫境就能奇迹般打败星晴,还真的只有这么一种可能了。” Gong Qingdao: Not only the issue of strength, an important evidence, that is although has not been confirmed that but everybody clear Long Qinglan inevitably has Supreme Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, he is Supreme Divine Dragon Dragon Warrior, can therefore the defeat world outstanding heroes, be known as for 1 million years the first person. Long Chen is his son, by the Long Qinglan ability, gets so far as Supreme Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence for his son, is not necessarily impossible!” 龚擎道:“不只是实力的问題,还有一个重要的证据,那就是虽然沒有得到证实,但大家心里都清楚龙青澜必然拥有无上神龙传承精血,他是无上神龙龙武者,所以才能战败天下群雄,号称1000000年來第一人。龙辰身为他的儿子,以龙青澜的能耐,为他的儿子弄到无上神龙传承精血,未必不可能!” The wood-famine hesitates to fear the moment, the complexion vibrates, he said: You may know that which Supreme Divine Dragon his Inherited Blood Essence is, has the legend record?” 木荒沉吟怕片刻,脸色十分震动,他道:“你可知道,他的传承精血是哪种无上神龙,是否有传说记载?” Gong Qing shakes the head saying: I do not certainly know.” 龚擎摇头道:“我当然不知道了。” At this time, silent Xing Yue has said: I heard that Eternal Dragon Emperor once had been to the Slaughtering Dragon City restricted area, ’ middle has carried off the equally important thing in theirancestor, the Slaughtering Dragon City person does not know that is any thing, but Long Chen Inherited Blood Essence is slaughters obviously attribute, if his Inherited Blood Essence is Supreme Divine Dragon, then likely will be one of the Ten Great Ancestral Dragons, bloody and dragon of Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon slaughtering......” 这时候,一直沉默的星越道:“我听说永恒龙帝曾经到过杀戮龙城的禁地,在他们的‘祖界’当中带走了一样重要的东西,连杀戮龙城的人也不知道是什么东西,但龙辰传承精血显然是杀戮属性的,假如他的传承精血无上神龙的话,那么很可能会是十大祖龙之一,血腥与杀戮之龙太古血灵龙……” Here, the wood-famine broke to say with a smile: You talk nonsense, Ancestral Dragons exists is really unable to research, Inherited Blood Essence that which comes, that has not gone against heaven's will!” 说到这里,木荒笑着打断道:“你放屁,祖龙是不是真实存在都无法考证,哪來的传承精血,那还不逆天!” Xing Yue white his eyes, said: I have not said that I mean, should be Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon one of the eight big associated dragons, but which type does not know that after all 80% Supreme Divine Dragon are the Ancestral Dragons associated dragons.” 星越白了他一眼,道:“我沒说完呢,我的意思是,应该是太古血灵龙的八大伴生龙之一,但是哪一种就不知道了,毕竟80的无上神龙都是祖龙的伴生龙。”
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