DBWG :: Volume #20

#2006: Conquering

3000 Astral Soul Dragon is most formidable, is three thousand Avatar! 三千星魂龙最强大的,就是三千分身 This is Divine Ability that they have since birth, is its crush other Divine Dragon basic Divine Ability, three thousand Avatar attack together, almost does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, can bring the serious injury to the enemy, 3000 Astral Soul Dragon is well-known by three thousand Avatar, but is formidable! 这是他们有生以來就具备的神通,也是其碾压其他神龙根本神通,三千分身共同攻击,几乎不死不灭,能够给敌人带來惨重的伤害,三千星魂龙更是以三千分身而闻名,而强大! Bang! 轰隆! When Xing Qing compels draws back Long Chen, she summons three thousand Avatar, the innumerable star light shoot from her wind, congealed 3000 asterism in her surroundings, 3000 asterism turned gradually became 3000 Astral Soul Dragon! 就在星晴逼退龙辰的时候,她召唤出了三千分身,无数的星光从她的身上飙射出去,在她的周围凝结出了3000个星点,3000个星点逐渐变成成为了3000头星魂龙 Astral Soul Dragon build, only then 3000 Astral Soul Dragon 1/20 sizes, but wins in the huge number, 3000 Astral Soul Dragon get together, dense and numerous, is proliferating the Long Chen entire field of vision, that 3000 Astral Soul Dragon are whooshing toward Long Chen, huge strength gathering, once Xing Qing issues the order, she and 3000 Astral Soul Dragon together will attack! 星魂龙的体形,只有三千星魂龙1大小,但胜在数量巨大,3000头星魂龙聚合到一起,密密麻麻,遍布着龙辰整个视野,那3000头星魂龙朝着龙辰嘶吼着,庞大的力量汇聚,一旦星晴发出命令,她和三千星魂龙就会共同攻击上來! Xing Qing is hidden in the middle of 3000 Astral Soul Dragon communities, was waiting to opportunity that Long Chen strikes fatally! 星晴隐沒在3000头星魂龙的群体当中,等待着给龙辰致命一击的机会! After seeing Xing Qing summoned 3000 Astral Soul Dragon, Life Dragon City Dragon Warrior completely have seethed with excitement, they were crying out loud, was Xing Qing cheers, they waited for was at this moment, because just Xing Qing had three thousand Avatar, therefore she will not always defeat! This is she most formidable symbol, if not the strongest match, definitely is unable to give to compel this move, after all use this Divine Ability, is the consumption massive strengths, will possibly affect following Star Lord Hegemony War! 当看到星晴召唤出三千星魂龙之后,生命龙城龙武者们完全沸腾了起來,他们高声呐喊着,为星晴助威,他们等待的就是这一刻,正因为星晴有三千分身,所以她从來都不会战败!这是她最强大的象征,如果不是最强劲的对手,完全无法将她这一招都给逼出來,毕竟动用这种神通,也是得消耗大量的力气,很可能会影响接下來的星主争霸战 Hissing raises! 嘶昂! 3000 Astral Soul Dragon are roaring in Long Chen at present, they disperse under the operation of Xing Qing, is making threatening gestures to Long Chen, on each Astral Soul Dragon is glittering the eye-catching ray, most frigid battle is ready to be set off simply! 3000头星魂龙龙辰眼前咆哮着,它们在星晴的操纵下散开,对着龙辰张牙舞爪,每一头星魂龙身上都闪烁着夺目的光芒,最惨烈的厮杀简直一触即发! Sister Xing Qing! A bit faster defeats this fellow, do not allow him to participate in Star Lord Hegemony War, loses our faces!” 星晴师姐!快点打败这家伙,别让他参加星主争霸战,丢我们的脸!” Said right, crush maliciously he! Don't to the opportunity that he stands up from failure! By his status and crime, does not have the qualifications and we are a companion!” “说得对,狠狠的碾压他!别给他翻身的机会!以他的身份和罪行,沒有资格和我们为伍!” Long Chen also can only unable to change to eat the excrement to describe them with the dog! 龙辰也只能用狗改不了吃屎來形容他们了! This fought the most crucial time, how he will idle! Has to acknowledge that Xing Qing really has such one set, however, in the Long Chen heart had the winning assurance, he must complete impatiently wins finally! 这一战到了最关键的时刻,他岂会懈怠!不得不承认星晴确实有那么一套,但是嘛,龙辰心中已经有了致胜的把握,他已经迫不及待要完成最终的胜利了! Winners! This title, will only be him! 胜者!这个头衔,只会属于他! Xing Qing urged by Life Dragon City Dragon Warrior, is no longer polite, her main body brings three thousand Avatar to swarm, three thousand Avatar are displaying not the same attack unexpectedly, suddenly has almost created the Destroying Heavens Exterminating Earth effect! 星晴生命龙城龙武者们的催促下,不再客气,她的本体带着三千分身蜂拥上來,三千分身竟然施展着不相同的攻击,一时间几乎造成了毁天灭地的效果! When three thousand Avatar send out, people almost saw the dawn of victory, they become incomparably warm, the heartstrings tighten! 当三千分身出动,众人几乎看到了胜利的曙光,他们变得无比热烈,心弦绷紧! Long Chen is defeated, not only Xing Qing, is they are the pride of Five Great Dragon City disciple! 龙辰打败的不只是星晴,更是他们身为五大龙城弟子的骄傲! Long-waited under! 万众期待之下! Long Chen is hidden in the middle of the blood fog, sneers to look at this all these. 龙辰隐沒在血雾当中,冷笑看这这一切。 He closes the eye suddenly, muttered: Father, today is only I returns to the start of Dragon God Domain, will have such finally on the 1st, I will stand in all Human Clan front, defeats them, then uses my authority, with my evidence, proves to them!” 他骤然闭上眼睛,喃喃道:“父亲,今天只是我返回龙神域的开始,终会有那么一日,我会站在所有人族的前面,打败他们所有人,然后用我的权威,用我的证据,向他们证明一切!” Father, I will accomplish!” “父亲,我会办到的!” His innermost feelings must long for winning compared with anyone, he is crazy compared with anyone, Xing Qing no doubt is Martial Madman, but compares with Long Chen, she also falls far short! 他的内心比起谁都要渴望胜利,他比起谁都要疯狂,星晴固然是个武痴,但是和龙辰比起來,她还差得远呢! When the 3000 Astral Soul Dragon vast attack, Long Chen has sent out earthshaking roaring, looks like buries many years of peerless Ferocious Beast to awaken, retreats in fear these disciples once again, when their complexion is pale, Long Chen performs one that incomparably has shocked! 三千星魂龙浩瀚进攻的时候,龙辰发出了惊天动地的咆哮,就像是一头埋藏多年的绝世凶兽觉醒,将那些弟子们再度吓退,就在他们脸色重新苍白的时候,龙辰表演出了无比震撼的一幕! Million Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit! 百万泣血龙魂 3000 pairs 1 million! 3000对1000000! Long Chen makes them experience, anything is true Avatar, 3000 are anything, if Long Chen wants, can definitely summon 2 million Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, on Avatar this path, his Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon is the genuine ancestor! 龙辰让他们见识到,什么才是真正的分身,3000算什么,龙辰要是愿意,完全可以召唤出2000000的泣血龙魂,在分身这一条道路上,他太古血灵龙才是真正的祖宗! Million Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, explode to shoot in the middle of the blood fog! 百万泣血龙魂,在血雾当中爆射而出! Although Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit is small, is well below Astral Soul Dragon Avatar, but the huge quantity much, their several hundred head thousand head sizes around Astral Soul Dragon, slaughter crazily, is similar to Long Chen is equally wild! 泣血龙魂虽然小,远远不如星魂龙分身,但是数量庞大得可怕,他们数百头上千头围绕着一头星魂龙,疯狂厮杀,如同龙辰一样狂暴! Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit to fighting 3000 Astral Soul Dragon, this grade of scene, completely is the 3000 Astral Soul Dragon on all fronts rout, Astral Soul Dragon that these attacked, was calling out pitifully running away! Catches up in the cut-throat this aspect, they missed compared with Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit simply were too many, if discussed cruelly, Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit did not give a thought to the life and death, only understood to slaughter, was the genuine unmatched in the world!! 泣血龙魂对战三千星魂龙,这等场面,完全是三千星魂龙全线溃败,那些正在进攻的星魂龙,纷纷惨叫着逃窜!在凶狠这个方面赶上,它们比起泣血龙魂简直差太多了,若论残暴,泣血龙魂不顾生死,只懂厮杀,才是真正的天下无敌!! Roar roar! 吼吼! Surroundings that innumerable exploding roars, pitiful yell sound, suddenly fills. 无数的爆吼声,惨叫声,一时间弥漫的周围。 Before also in the people who anticipating 3000 Astral Soul Dragon defeated, all people opened the mouth, stared the big eye, was dumb as a wooden chicken, they have forgotten all, in the middle of brain a blank, only then that inexhaustible, dense and numerous scarlet small dragon, has taken to their deep shocks at present! 之前还在期待三千星魂龙战胜的众人,所有人都张大嘴巴,瞪大眼睛,呆若木鸡,他们忘记了一切,脑子当中一片空白,只有眼前那无穷无尽,密密麻麻的血色小龙,带给了他们深深的震撼! Deep attack! 还有深深的打击! Runs away from first Astral Soul Dragon, the team of running away is getting bigger and bigger, Xing Qing thorough collapse of 3000 Avatar in short time, defeats on all fronts! 从第一头星魂龙逃窜,逃窜的队伍越來越大,星晴的3000个分身在短短的时间内彻底的崩溃,全线战败! In the middle of submergence of innumerable Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, Long Chen rushed to the 3000 Astral Soul Dragon sky, threw fierce, his sharp Dragon Claw, just likes long sword Long Chen with strong kills, in fighting hand-to-hand aspect Xing Qing that incisive Dragon Tooth is fights hand-to-hand has day and the disparity between place from Long Chen, when Long Chen that entangles like the steel whip same body on her body, immediately 3000 Astral Soul Dragon purple Dragon Scale was twisted broken, 3000 Astral Soul Dragon furiously is struggling, but does not help matters completely, so long as Long Chen makes an effort slightly, it is estimated that does not cross how long, strangle to death on can the opposite party becomes two! 在无数泣血龙魂的淹沒当中,龙辰冲到了三千星魂龙的上空,凶猛的扑了上去,他那锋利的龙爪,犹如长剑般的龙辰和尖锐的龙牙都是肉搏的超强杀器,在肉搏方面星晴距离龙辰有着天与地之间的差距,当龙辰那如钢鞭一样的身体缠在她的身上,顿时三千星魂龙的紫色龙鳞被绞碎,三千星魂龙奋力的挣扎着,但完全无济于事,只要龙辰稍微用力,估计过不的了多长时间,就能够将对方绞杀成两段! Regarding the body of Long Chen that steel whip same Divine Dragon, by 3000 Astral Soul Dragon that he controls simply is the frail bean curd! 对于龙辰那钢鞭一样的神龙之躯,被他掌控的三千星魂龙简直就是脆弱的豆腐! The people look helplessly Xing Qing tied down by Long Chen, goes all out to struggle, the scenes of two big Divine Dragon so fights very shock, but has also created the deep attack to them, appearance that seeing Xing Qing is unable to move, their feeling of wanting to cry but have no tears! 众人眼睁睁看着星晴龙辰缠住,拼命挣扎,两大神龙如此战斗的场面十分震撼,但也对他们造成了深深的打击,看到星晴无法动弹的样子,他们都有一种欲哭无泪的感觉! From human form to Dragon Shape, from swordsmanship to fighting hand-to-hand, again to 3000 status to fighting million Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit, although Xing Qing is here first talent, actually ends to defeat in the hand of Long Chen! 从人形到龙形,从剑道到肉搏,再到3000身份对战百万泣血龙魂,星晴虽然是这里的第一天才,却完败在龙辰的手上! After being pestered, Xing Qing does not have the strength to control three thousand Avatar again, that three thousand Avatar demolitions, vanish in the middle of the air, Long Chen also received Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit fortunately, after all maintained these many Tears of Blood Dragon Spirit is also a huge consumption. 被纠缠之后,星晴再也沒有力气掌控三千分身,那三千分身一个个爆破,消失在空气当中,龙辰所幸也收起了泣血龙魂,毕竟维持这么多的泣血龙魂也是一种巨大消耗。 What is more important, he has won. 更重要的是,他已经赢定了。 He by the overwhelming power strength, hits 3000 Astral Soul Dragon in that rock stage, immediately the stage blasts open, the rock was shaken to fly, the body of 3000 Astral Soul Dragon presented more bloodstains, Long Chen by Dragon Claw her stubbornly according to the ground, making the opposite party unable to move, that scarlet vision is fixing the eyes on Xing Qing that like the starry sky equally radiant look, cold sound track: You have defeated, the clothing/taking refuses to accept!” 他以威猛力量,将三千星魂龙撞在那岩石高台上,顿时高台炸裂,岩石被震飞出去,三千星魂龙的身上出现了更多的血痕,龙辰龙爪将她死死的按在地上,让对方动弹不得,那血色的目光紧盯着星晴那如星空一样璀璨的眼神,冷声道:“你败了,服不服!” Xing Qing whooshes angrily, exhausts whole body strength, Long Chen sees her not to be convinced, strengthens the strength, by a that steel whip body, produces the innumerable bloodstains on 3000 Astral Soul Dragon immediately. 星晴愤怒嘶吼,耗尽浑身力量,龙辰见她还不服气,加强力道,以那钢鞭一下的身体,顿时在三千星魂龙身上磨出无数血痕。 „Does clothing/taking refuse to accept?” “服不服?” Long Chen asked one again. 龙辰再问了一声。 Bang! 轰! Xing Qing from his entanglement, changes into the human form, she stands in that shatter rock stage, sways, almost throws down on the ground. 星晴从他的纠缠之下,化为人形,她站在那破碎的岩石高台上,摇摇晃晃,差点摔倒在地上。 She at this moment is injured is heavier, the body full is the scar, to this kind of beauty, the Long Chen beforehand way somewhat was truly cruel, particularly the father of opposite party also here. 此刻的她受伤更重,身上满是伤痕,对她这样一个大美人來说,龙辰之前的方式确实有些残暴了,尤其是对方的父亲还在这里呢。 Long Chen changes into the human form, stands in her at present, under compares, Long Chen truly wins total victories, an injury does not have. 龙辰化为人形,站在她的眼前,相比较之下,龙辰确实大获全胜,一点伤势都沒有。 The victory or defeat, is very transparent. 胜败,十分明了。 If a moment ago Long Chen must kill her, will not ask that she was convinced. 刚才若是龙辰要杀死她,就不会问她服不服气了。 This result, regarding Life Dragon City Dragon Warrior, although the fight time had expected, but genuinely has time, in their hearts is hard to withstand, at this time people in abundance eyes blood red, is hostile toward Long Chen to start so not to show tender affection unexpectedly, but they may not have the guts alone and Long Chen battle. 这个结果,对于生命龙城龙武者來说,虽然战斗时候曾经预料过,但真正发生的时候,他们心中还是难以承受,此时众人纷纷眼睛血红,仇视着龙辰竟然下手如此不怜香惜玉,但他们可沒有胆量单独和龙辰交战了。 Xing Qing no doubt injured, she has deleted the blood of corners of the mouth, looked at Long Chen one once again, does not have many idle talk, does not have, because Long Chen defeats her to hate Long Chen, she like is any matter has not occurred, returned to Xing Yue side, said: Father, I defeated.” 星晴固然受伤,她擦去了嘴角的血液,再度看了龙辰一眼,沒有过多的废话,也沒有因为龙辰打败她而仇恨龙辰,她像是什么事情都沒有发生过一样,回到了星越的旁边,道:“爹,我败了。” The Xing Yue vision is quiet, said: Um, recuperates well, strives to restore in front of Star Lord Hegemony War to the best condition.” 星越目光沉静,道:“嗯,好好调养一下,争取在星主争霸战面前恢复到最佳的状态。” I went back first.” Xing Qing said that she hesitant, looked at Long Chen one, this is in the middle of her life first, in she does not have in the situation of expectation to defeat her person, truly to deep shock that she brings, initiates her innermost feelings the change of quietly, she thought suddenly her insufficiency, realized will have in the future also very big promotion space. “那我先回去了。”星晴说道,她犹豫了一下,还是看了龙辰一眼,这是她生命当中第一个在她沒有预料的情况下打败她的人,确实给她带來的深深的震撼,引发她内心的悄然变化,她忽然觉得自己的不足,意识到往后还有很大的提升空间。 The stars eye pupil dodges to pass, Xing Qing no longer stays, floating goes. 星辰眼眸一闪而逝,星晴不再停留,飘然而去。 Sister Xing Qing!” 星晴师姐!” In the middle of the Star Lord Hegemony War five people of groups, the remaining four people pursued hastily, but Gong Qing has blocked them at this time, said: Some small wounds, are not in the way, your four stay here, the matter must announce.” 星主争霸战五人组当中,剩下的四个人连忙追了上去,不过龚擎在这个时候拦住了他们,道:“一些小伤,并不碍事,你们四个留在这里,还有事情要宣布呢。” The people returned to side Long Chen, is safe and sound in Gong Qing Lingxi, they facing smiling, to understand the innermost feelings of opposite party, no matter combat process Lingxi is how anxious, but he won now, he opened went back the Dragon God Domain front door, Lingxi on heartfelt was happy for him. 众人才是回到了龙辰身边,在龚擎身边的灵曦安然无恙,两人面对相视一笑,就可明白对方的内心了,不管战斗过程灵曦怎么紧张,但现在他胜利了,他打开了回去龙神域的大门,灵曦就由衷的为他而高兴。 The result is announced came. 结果揭晓的时候來了。 Xing Yue goes forward, sinking sound track: „, Star Lord Hegemony War relates to our Human Clan in the Chaos Star Domain right to speak, is very important, is our trip of biggest duties, today fortunately, the team of our young Cultivator has joined a rare talent, his strength saw clearly. Has saying that I was touched by his powerful, I can no matter temporarily he had made anything, no matter also his life experience, making him join to Star Lord Hegemony War, realizes him the value that wants to realize.” 星越上前,沉声道:“诸位,星主争霸战关系到我们人族混乱星域的话语权,十分重要,也是我们此行最大的任务,今日值得庆幸的是,我们年轻者的队伍当中又加入了一位奇才,他的实力诸位看清楚了。不得不说我被他的强悍打动了,我可以暂时不管他曾经做过什么,也不管他的身世,让他加入到星主争霸战当中,实现他想要实现的价值。” Xing Yue had indicated his manner, he agreed Long Chen joins their teams. 星越表明了自己的态度,他同意龙辰加入他们的队伍。 The wood-famine must be wild with rage. 木荒要气疯了。 Gong Qinggan before he gets angry, once again bright sound track: Starting today he is one of us, I do not want to hear and see that anybody specifically aims at him, all give priority to Star Lord Hegemony War, if some people violate this stipulation, no matter, must be punished!” 龚擎敢在他发怒之前,再度朗声道:“从今天开始他就是我们当中的一员,我不想听到、看到有任何人专门针对他,一切以星主争霸战为重,若是有人违反这规定,不管是谁,都要遭受惩罚!”
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