DBWG :: Volume #20

#2005: 3000 does several things at the same time

The group star sparkle explodes in all person eyes, Long Chen grasps Behead Divine Sword, displayed unreadable powerful, displayed to slaughter Sword Art, completed to block the attack of opposite party star soul Sword Art, simultaneously gave back to the opposite party to cause certain damage. 群星闪耀在所有人眼中爆炸,龙辰手持斩神剑,表现出了难以理解的强悍,施展杀戮剑诀,完成挡住了对方星魂剑诀的攻击,同时还给对方造成一定的伤害。 That whole body covers the purple Dragon Scale young girl to dance in the air, fled the Long Chen fight range, the galaxy Saint sword has creakied, so far in Sword Art to fighting, 3000 Astral Soul Dragon has lost to Long Chen unexpectedly. 那浑身覆盖着紫色龙鳞的少女飞舞出去,逃离了龙辰的战斗范围,星河圣剑摇摇欲坠,目前为止在剑诀的对战下,三千星魂龙竟然败给了龙辰 No matter to anybody, this matter as if were hard to imagine. 不管对任何人而言,这件事情似乎难以想象了。 How possible......” the Bing Xinyue face whiten of ice soul young beautiful woman, she grips the double fist, muttered, the whole face was the incredible look, if before were not Xing Yue decides to let on Xing Qing, now facing Long Chen was she, she was the ice soul heart dragon, was one of the very rare super Divine Dragon, although the battle efficiency was a little slightly weak in the middle of five people of teams, but has also been over Rage Sea Fierce Dragon several times. “怎么可能呢……”冰魄小美人的冰心月脸色苍白,她握住双拳,喃喃自语,满脸都是不可置信的神色,之前如果不是星越决定让星晴上的话,现在面对龙辰的就是她了,她是冰魄心龙,也是非常罕见的超级神龙之一,战斗力虽然在五人的队伍当中稍微有点弱,但也超过了怒海暴龙好几倍。 She clear are unable to block Xing Qing such attack absolutely, only if turns into Dragon Shape. 她清楚自己绝对无法挡住星晴这样的攻击,除非化成龙形 But this is only starts merely. 但这仅仅只是开始。 Bigger shock in behind, no one had lost after all at this time, but Long Chen suppresses the opposite party temporarily, Xing Qing has the peerless natural talent, in short instantaneous within she regained the condition, that pair of look is much more indifferent, she has not displayed to take lightly the meaning of Long Chen from beginning to end slightly. 更大的震撼还在后面,毕竟这时候谁都沒有输,只是龙辰暂时压制对方罢了,星晴拥有绝世的天资,在短短瞬间之内她已经恢复了状态,那一双眼神冷漠得可怕,从始至终她都沒有表现出丝毫看轻龙辰的意思。 After group star sparkle was shattered, Xing Qing does not draw back instead enters, takes advantage of opportunity by vaster attack long-range raid unexpectedly comes, the galaxy Saint sword , the world cracks. 当群星闪耀破碎后,星晴不退反进,竟然顺势以更加浩大攻击奔袭而來,星河圣剑所向,天地崩裂。 This attack, unexpectedly also be much more fearful than the group star sparkle. 这一次的攻击,竟然还要比群星闪耀要可怕得多了。 Three big directors looked that protects these young disciples, was worried the complementary waves that fights will injure them. 三大主事者一看,纷纷将那些年轻的弟子们保护起來,担心战斗的余波会伤害他们。 The Xing Qing long sword kills. 星晴长剑杀來。 Star soul Sword Art, universe demolition.” “星魂剑诀,宇宙爆破。” Only is the name, this move too be intrepidly more than group star sparkle, under the direction of galaxy Saint sword, this entire starry skies crushes finally, reveals outside Xiaolong territory, from the beginning displays starry sky a move of time, is making clear, if suddenly is unable to defeat the opposite party, Xing Qing will display the ultimate formidable style, crushes the starry sky, making the universe demolish, congeals galaxy Sword Qi, copes Long Chen. 光是名称,这一招就要比群星闪耀强悍太多了,在星河圣剑的指引下,这整一片的星空终于粉碎,露出外面的小龙域來,一开始施展‘星空’一招的时候,就昭示着假如一时间无法打败对方的话,星晴就会施展终极强大招式,将星空粉碎,让宇宙爆破,凝结成星河剑气,來对付龙辰 The entire starry sky demolition, the innumerable starry sky fragments are similar to the rough sea waves same gather in the Xing Qing side, is rolling along with wielding of galaxy Saint sword, gradually congeals in the Xing Qing front one giant sword blade edge comprised of the starry sky fragment, has saying that the prestige of this sword can be possible be called the terror, the among peer can in the person who in the middle of this sword goes on living, few. 整个星空爆破,无数的星空碎片如同巨浪一样汇聚在星晴的身边,随着星河圣剑的挥动而滚动着,逐渐在星晴的面前凝结成一把的由星空碎片组成的巨大剑刃,不得不说这一剑的威能堪称恐怖,同辈当中能在这一剑当中活下去的人,沒有几个。 Life Dragon City Elder, to Xing Qing this sword, naturally are very satisfied. 生命龙城长辈们,对星晴这一剑,自然是十分满意。 They anticipated actually very much that such situation, Long Chen can also explain. 他们倒是很期待,如此的形势,龙辰还能破解。 When Xing Qing displays star soul Sword Art, Long Chen actually chooses the way of fighting a battle to force a quick decision, when star soul Sword Art galaxy fragment Sword Qi has not condensed completely successfully, he displays to slaughter Sword Art, launches the fly upon, this time slaughtering Sword Art has carried on to more than 400 swords, Long Chen that Refining Divine Flame flaming combustion, condenses is stimulating his strength. 星晴施展星魂剑诀的时候,龙辰却选择速战速决的方式,在星魂剑诀的星河碎片剑气还沒有完全凝聚成功的时候,他就施展杀戮剑诀,展开猛烈攻击,这时候的杀戮剑诀已经进行到400多剑了,龙辰身上那炼神之火熊熊燃烧,凝聚激发着他的力量。 „The 430 th sword.” “第430剑。” A terror sword, rips the day of crack place, in galaxy fragment Sword Qi has not congealed successfully, Xing Qing can only fend distressedly, but her look is especially tenacious, the short instantaneous, entire starry sky gathers on her Sword Qi, the people returned to the rock stage in Xiaolong territory. 恐怖一剑,撕天裂地,在星河碎片剑气沒有凝结成功之下,星晴只能狼狈闪避,但她的眼神尤其坚韧,短短瞬间,整个星空都汇聚到她的剑气上,众人又回到了小龙域的岩石高台上。 In this moment, Xing Qing gratefully, displays star soul Sword Art, the endless Killing Aura long-range raid comes, the sword incurs to blot out the sky, twists the space, simply not to the leeway that Long Chen fends. 就在这一刻,星晴毫不客气,施展星魂剑诀,无尽杀气奔袭而來,剑招铺天盖地,扭曲空间,简直沒有给龙辰闪避的余地。 Long Chen has wielded a sword, galaxy fragment Sword Qi shocks to kill. 龙辰已经挥出一剑,星河碎片剑气就震撼杀來了。 This woman is really terrifying.” “这女人还真恐怖。” She has to make Long Chen put out to press bottom the ability, resists her. 她不得不让龙辰拿出压箱底的本领,來对抗她。 Before that vast galaxy fragment Sword Qi, Long Chen is fearless, attacks once again, in the hand Behead Divine Sword holds up high, kills a sword once again. 在那浩大的星河碎片剑气之前,龙辰无所畏惧,再度冲击上去,手中斩神剑高高举起,再度杀出一剑。 „The eye of Hell.” 地狱之眼。” In the middle of Behead Divine Sword, the small skeleton actively is coordinating, after Dao Mark promotion, it displayed eye of that Hell is more and more relaxed, in him behind the cloud layer change, had the strange change. 斩神剑当中,小骷髅积极的配合着,道纹提升之后,它施展地狱之眼那是越來越轻松了,在他身后云层变动,产生诡异的变化。 In the middle of the Xing Qing field of vision, Long Chen behind world as if forcefully was ripped open, a green and glossy giant eye appears suddenly, that suffocating pressure and frightened makes Xing Qing distracted instantaneously, what has to say was this eye was too simply fearful, Xing Qing the innermost feelings were always firm, but made the eye of that Hell have the enormous influence at this moment. 星晴的视野当中,龙辰身后的天地仿佛被强行撕开,一双绿油油的巨大眼睛骤然出现,那让人窒息的威压和恐惧瞬间让星晴神志错乱,不得不说的是这一双眼睛简直太可怕了,星晴向來内心坚定,但此时此刻还是让那地狱之眼造成了巨大影响。 In the Long Chen heart sneers, is distracted in Xing Qing, is almost unable to control that moment of galaxy Saint sword, he displays Time Travel Dragon to disappear in her at present, next instance, moreover together more violent slaughters Sword Qi to divide to chop from the flank on the galaxy Saint sword, immediately, the galaxy Saint sword lets go, that universe demolition scrap of strength loudly in front of Xing Qing. 龙辰心中冷笑,在星晴神志错乱,几乎无法掌控星河圣剑的那一刻,他施展时间游龙消失在她眼前,下一个瞬间,另外一道更加猛烈的杀戮剑气从侧方劈砍在星河圣剑上,顿时之间,星河圣剑脱手而出,那宇宙爆破的力量在星晴面前轰然炸碎。 If not for sobers at the final moment, Xing Qing being probable was blown to pieces by own attack, even if she fends successfully, actually still shaken vitality tumbling, to fighting now, she really had the severely wounded sign. 若不是在最后时刻清醒,星晴非得让自己的攻击炸成碎片,但即使她闪避成功,却仍然被震荡的气血翻滚,对战到现在,她竟然有了重伤的迹象。 Her complexion was paler. 她的脸色已经更加惨白了。 After an earthshaking explosion, two sides confront in the middle of the midair once again, Long Chen appears sends Wushang(No injuries), the imposing manner is broad, but Xing Qing somewhat is distressed, broke including that purple Dragon Scale much. 一阵惊天动地的爆炸后,两方再度在半空当中对峙,龙辰显得毫发无伤,气势恢宏,但是星晴却有些狼狈,连那紫色的龙鳞都破碎了不少。 Her eye first time shivers in Long Chen at present, eye of that move Hell has taken to her very big shock, still had a lingering fear until her at this moment. 她眼睛第一次在龙辰眼前颤抖,地狱之眼那一招带给了她很大的震撼,直到此刻她仍然心有余悸。 She has always feared any match, but the Long Chen one types at this moment make her sprout to draw back the feeling of intent, she knows that she is representing Life Dragon City, in any event, cannot defeat absolutely, she has realized gradually that this Long Chen indeed is a fearful match. 她从來惧怕过任何的对手,但此刻的龙辰却有一种让她萌生退意的感觉,她知道自己代表着生命龙城,无论如何,绝对不能败,她已经逐渐的察觉到,这龙辰的确是一位可怕的对手。 Not is only she, before these taunted to Long Chen, the present is thorough has been convinced, they look at all these fearful and apprehensive, looks at the bloodiness and prestige Cultivator of that youth, their innermost feelings already collapsed completely, by Long Chen thorough subduing, although in the heart was not convinced, but at least nobody again dared saying that Long Chen anything, in their eyes, Long Chen turned into and character of Xing Qing same level completely. 不但是她,之前那些对龙辰嘲讽的,现在是彻底的服气了,他们胆战心惊的看着这一切,看着那少年的血腥和威,他们的内心早就一败涂地,被龙辰彻底的折服,虽然心中还是不服气,但至少沒人再胆敢说龙辰什么了,在他们心目当中,龙辰完全变成了和星晴同一个层次的人物。 Even, he had not crossed Reincarnation Calamity Realm probably. 甚至,他好像还沒有渡过轮回劫境 This is at all not the possible strength. 这是根本不可能出现的力量。 In this confrontation, although over a hundred people of existences, but the effect that actually only then the tense breathing, Long Chen wants to achieve he has achieved, person who that is lets any have the opinion to him, closes the mouth. 在这场对峙,虽然有上百人的存在,但却只有紧张的呼吸声,龙辰想要做到的效果他已经做到了,那就是让任何对他有意见的人,闭上嘴巴。 I acknowledged that by the human form, by the swordsmanship, I am inferior to you.” “我承认,论人形,论剑道,我不如你。” The Xing Qing vision is dense, she will be hit the galaxy Saint sword that flies to receive by Long Chen. 星晴目光森然,她将被龙辰打飞出去的星河圣剑收了起來。 Long Chen deeply inspires, finally frequently came, so long as he defeats this tenacious young girl one time finally again, then was almost equal to that he opened the Dragon God Domain front door, this war is the rich very great essential significance. 龙辰深吸一口气,最终时刻來了,只要他最后再打败这个坚韧少女一次,那么就几乎等于他打开了龙神域的大门,这一战是富有非常重大的关键意义的。 The people are once again frantic. 众人再度狂热起來。 They do not concede, they do not think that Xing Qing like this lost, they have the opportunity of final counter-attacking, that truly belongs to the fight of Dragon Warrior. 他们不服输,他们不认为星晴就这样输了,他们还有最后反扑的机会,那才是真正属于龙武者的战斗。 Suddenly, they have burst with joy once again, they defeated too miserably, only then the victory of Xing Qing, can make them be on the rise in Long Chen at present. 一时间,他们再度沸腾了起來,他们败得太惨了,只有星晴的胜利,才能让他们在龙辰眼前抬起头來。 Under the leadership of Elder, they retrocede once again. 长辈的带领下,他们再度后退。 A pair of beautiful eye pupil of Xing Qing changes into Shining Star, erupted the violent glare, Long Chen had looked at 3000 Astral Soul Dragon, naturally was only Avatar, but with that 3000 Astral Soul Dragon difference, only cannot at present say, because Xing Qing was a female, therefore present 3000 Astral Soul Dragon only beautiful, she walked randomly in the middle of the starry sky, just liked part of stars, the body was sparkling the radiant ray, was similar to the quartz, was similar to the gem, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tooth , was Dragon Tail, fine peerless, artware that as if the heaven accomplished. 星晴的一双美丽眼眸化为璀璨星辰,爆发出猛烈的强光,龙辰曾经看过三千星魂龙,当然只是一个分身,但和眼前那三千星魂龙并沒有两样,只能说因为星晴是女子,所以眼前的三千星魂龙更加的唯美,她在星空当中游走,恍如星辰的一部分,身上闪耀着璀璨的光芒,如同水晶,如同宝石,无论是龙爪,龙牙,还是龙尾,都精美绝伦,仿佛上天造就的艺术品。 Divine Dragon, seriously is most perfect existence. 神龙,当真是最完美的存在。 Long Chen stands in front of that 3000 Astral Soul Dragon, simply and ants do not have what difference. 龙辰站在那三千星魂龙面前,简直和蝼蚁沒有什么区别。 Xing Qing is overlooking him, an eye has filled with the anticipation, but is also burning fearful war intent, she is the person who and Long Chen will not concede equally, she is more like the lunatic of fight, after running into own match, frantic in her heart will not compare Long Chen to be bad. 星晴俯视着他,一双眼睛充满了期待,但也燃烧着可怕的战意,她是和龙辰一样根本就不会服输的人,她更像是战斗的疯子,当遇到自己的对手之后,她心中的狂热不会比龙辰差。 Such fight, the scene is vast, is pleasant enjoyment. 此等战斗,场面浩大,也是一种赏心悦目的享受。 Long Chen without demur, retreats toward the rear area, his body rotation, Refining Divine Flame shoots up to the sky, the scarlet mist beyond example fills the air, finally in the 3000 Astral Soul Dragon front, transforms into scarlet Divine Dragon, although scarlet Divine Dragon looks like compared with 3000 Astral Soul Dragon wants to be smaller, but is destructive, that prestige near the world aggressive unmanned energy enemy, although is super Divine Dragon, facing Long Chen, Xing Qing still felt the unprecedented pressure. 龙辰二话不说,朝着后方退去,他身体转动,炼神之火冲天而起,血色雾气空前弥漫,最终在三千星魂龙的面前,变换成为一头血色的神龙,血色神龙虽然比起三千星魂龙看起來要小一些,但是充满杀机,那威临天下的霸气无人能敌,尽管是超级神龙,面对龙辰,星晴仍然感觉到前所未有的压力。 Suppression on this bloodlines, did not give her father. 这种血脉上的压制,连她父亲都给不了。 Most preliminary Red Dragon.” “最低级的红龙。” The people had doubts. 众人疑惑了起來。 Because still does not have the description of Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon, only then a name, therefore they are very difficult to imagine that degree comes up, Dragon Warrior most understands the Divine Dragon person, therefore they know that Ancestral Dragons is very possible is only a legend, whether exists is really not clear. 因为至今沒有太古血灵龙的描述,只有一个名字,所以他们很难想象到那种程度上去,龙武者是最懂神龙的人,所以他们知道祖龙很可能只是一种传说罢了,是否真实存在都不清楚。 „It is not.” “不是。” Gong Qing, wood-famine and Xing Yue, in very Aura observation Long Chen, are the observations, in their hearts is the vibration, by them the understanding Divine Dragon, actually does not know that Long Chen is any dragon. 龚擎、木荒和星越,都在很气息的观察龙辰,越是观察,他们心中就越是震动,以他们对神龙的了解,竟然还是不知道龙辰到底是什么龙。 Ancient times Divine Dragon, were too many, many Inherited Blood Essence have not recorded, does not have the name, this was very normal. 远古神龙,实在太多,有诸多传承精血沒有记载,沒有名称,这很正常。 They look at each other in blank diamay, studied time, 3000 Astral Soul Dragon just and Long Chen that Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon same place, is carrying on the incomparably intense battle, battle of this Divine Dragon compared with human form fight cruel, shock, what making the people lose heart was Long Chen in this case still showed the transcendence battle efficiency, was not unexpectedly weak in super Divine Dragon 3000 Astral Soul Dragon. 他们面面相觑,正在研究的时候,三千星魂龙正和龙辰太古血灵龙一起,进行着无比激烈的交战,这一场神龙的交战比起人形战斗更加的暴戾,更加的震撼,让众人死心的是龙辰在这种情况下仍然展现出了超越的战斗力,竟然丝毫不弱于超级神龙三千星魂龙 Then, Long Chen should also be super Divine Dragon is right. 这么说來,龙辰也应该是超级神龙才对了。 Becoming the body of Divine Dragon, Long Chen had superiority on the mortal body, under the attack of his pure mortal body, 3000 Astral Soul Dragon can say retreats in defeat again and again, this stems from the expectation of Xing Qing. 变为神龙之躯,龙辰在肉身上占据了更加的优势,在他纯肉身的攻击之下,三千星魂龙可以说节节败退,这更加出乎星晴的预料。 The 3000 Astral Soul Dragon vision twinkle stars, her war intent also burnt the acme, when she clearly knows that so the condition is unable to defeat Long Chen, the decision summoned three thousand Avatar immediately. 三千星魂龙目光闪烁星辰,她的战意也燃烧到了极致,当她明知道如此状态无法打败龙辰,立马决定召唤三千分身
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