DBWG :: Volume #20

#2004: star soul sword Secret Art

Bang. 轰隆。 The starry sky shakes, is almost shatter, several hundred stars shiver faintly, but youth Dragon Warrior had to be shaken to fly most probably directly, from the sky rewound several to stop, they were shaken simply ignorant, dull looks at the front, at present they have battled together, made the huge noise. 星空震荡,几乎要破碎,数百颗星辰隐隐颤抖,而少年龙武者们有大半直接被震飞了出去,在空中倒卷了好几圈才停下來,他们简直被震懵了,呆呆的看着前方,眼前两人已经激战到一起,闹出巨大的动静。 Person of Long Chen resistance, is Xing Qing. 龙辰对抗的人,可是星晴啊。 Super Divine Dragon, 3000 Astral Soul Dragon. 超级神龙,三千星魂龙 At least carries on now, Long Chen actually does not have the sign that must be defeated slightly, this simply is a miracle, the people also ridiculed Long Chen before, many one Yuan Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, thought one not necessarily cannot defeat Reincarnation Calamity Realm no Long Chen, but they at this moment were completely scared. 至少进行到现在,龙辰竟然沒有丝毫要落败的迹象,这简直就是一场奇迹,众人之前还嘲笑龙辰,诸多一元轮回劫境者,也觉得自己未必不能战胜轮回劫境都沒有的龙辰,但此刻的他们完全傻眼了。 By the Long Chen strength, can say that exceeds them not to have the several fold completely, he is that type can the second kill his character absolutely easily, but before oneself unexpectedly, has so idea not awfully, the performance of Long Chen pulls out on such as a palm of the hand on their faces, is very resounding, in them is grieved twitches, before also clamored the fierce fellow, mouth that at this moment closes, an eye cannot leave that fight again the scene, because that shocks, was too splendid. 龙辰的实力,可以说完全超越他们无数倍,他绝对是那种可以轻易秒杀自己的人物,而自己竟然之前有如此不要命的想法,龙辰的表现就如一巴掌抽在他们脸上,无比响亮,他们内心痛得抽搐,之前还叫嚣得厉害的家伙,此刻纷纷闭上的嘴巴,一双眼睛再也离不开那战斗的现场,因为那太震撼,太精彩了。 Without a doubt, these two people run into the strongest match, among them the fight, was one type is almost the process of going all out, two people both are unable to suppress the opposite party, the so-called victory or defeat in fact was only flash's matter, this battle made young Cultivator broaden the outlook, although before them, had too many prejudices to Long Chen, but has to acknowledge at this time that Long Chen resembled, had many skills that. 毫无疑问,这两个人算是遇到了最强劲的对手,他们之间的战斗,都是一种几乎是拼命的过程,两个人都无法压制对方,所谓的胜败实际上只是一瞬间的事情,这一场厮杀让少年者们大开眼界,尽管他们之前对龙辰有太多的偏见,但这时候还是不得不承认,龙辰好像,真有那么两把刷子。 But they still got hold of the double fist, believes that Xing Qing will certainly defeat him, because Xing Qing is in their hearts the young invincible symbol. 但他们仍然握紧双拳,坚信星晴一定会战胜他,因为星晴是他们心中年轻无敌的象征。 The galaxy Saint sword sweeps away, every time brings endless radiant Sword Qi, enormous and powerful impact of that sharp Sword Qi in the middle of starry sky, Xing Qing displays indifferently, she is strengthening the strength from several hundred stars, each move is having the fatal murderous intention. 星河圣剑横扫,每一次都带來无尽璀璨剑气,那锋利的剑气在星空当中浩浩荡荡的冲击而过,星晴冷眼施展,她从数百个星辰当中汲取着力量,每一招都带着致命杀机。 The strength of stars, wins is vast and swift and fierce. 星辰的力量,胜在浩大而凌厉。 Then Long Chen strength, is slaughters bloody, was full of the death to swallow and other negative Aura, Long Chen in the strength level no doubt was inferior to the opposite party, but he experienced the sulphathiazol strength was pregnant to raise, mortal body was almost young a generation not to have the rival, brought the huge merit addition, often he radiant Sword Qi of Xing Qing that galaxy Saint sword wounded, Xing Qing by his mortal body strength is also shaken the arm to tingle with numbness, blood incarnadine her sleeves. 那么龙辰的力量,则是血腥杀戮,充满死亡吞噬等负面的气息,在力量层面上龙辰固然不如对方,但是他经历太素力量的孕养,肉身方面几乎年轻一辈无敌手,带來巨大的功绩加成,往往他被星晴那星河圣剑的璀璨剑气击伤的时候,星晴也被他那肉身力量震得手臂发麻,鲜血染红了她的衣袖。 But the toughness of this female is fearful, bleeds freely, she was still without turning a hair, just likes has not heard. 但这女子的韧性非常可怕,尽管流血,她仍然面不改色,恍若未闻。 Sister Xing Qing has bled probably......” 星晴师姐好像流血了……” In these Cultivator hearts shock, Xing Qing is always fights the terrifying synonym, once took lightly her person to be cut to kill innumerably under her sword, her fight style is swift and fierce, but must surpass many male, but today from her current fight, is always she who several moves beat the match, has not broken through the attack of Long Chen unexpectedly. 那些者心中更加的震撼,星晴向來是战斗上恐怖的代名词,无数曾经看轻她的人被斩杀在她的剑下,她的战斗风格凌厉热烈,还要超过许多的男性,但今日从她目前的战斗情况來看,向來都是几招干掉对手的她,竟然沒有突破龙辰的攻击。 Do not speak irresponsibly, bleeding is only minor matter, the boy definitely was injured by star soul Sword Qi of Sister Xing Qing, now affirms the severe wound, immediately must defeat.” “别乱说,流血只是小事,那小子肯定被星晴师姐的星魂剑气所伤害,现在肯定重伤,马上就要战败。” In most disciple hearts is this idea. 大多数的弟子心中都是这个想法。 They clenched the teeth, as if are also fighting with Long Chen, in fact they are fighting with Long Chen, the battlefield in the innermost feelings, Long Chen excellence times routs their innermost feelings, has seized more and more territories in their innermost feelings, lets in their hearts to the taunt of Long Chen and plays tricks in all fronts the rout, turns into the awe and fear. 他们咬紧了牙关,仿佛自己也在和龙辰战斗,实际上他们就是在和龙辰战斗,战场在内心上,龙辰的卓越表现一次次的击溃他们的内心,在他们的内心上占领了越來越多的领地,让他们心中对龙辰的嘲讽和戏弄全线溃败,变成敬畏和恐惧。 It looks like in Long Chen, this indifferent Little Girl, fostered by Life Dragon City many years , is quite truly intrepid, before him the male matches who runs into are intrepid, to a certain extent her disposition and are very similar, is the rival in chess, facing her Long Chen slightly not lax, his Refining Divine Flame violent combustion, the whole person burns the condition that almost must explode, although his terrifying mortal body has not changed into Dragon Shape, but actually such as super Ferocious Beast, graces has the strength of tearing world. 龙辰看來,这个冷漠的小妞,在生命龙城多年的培养下,确实相当强悍,比起他之前遇到的男性对手都要强悍,在某种程度上她的性格和自己很相似,算是棋逢对手,面对她龙辰丝毫沒有松懈,他身上炼神之火猛烈燃烧,整个人燃到几乎要爆炸的状态,他那恐怖肉身虽然还沒有化为龙形,但却如超级凶兽,举手投足之间就有撕裂天地的力量。 In fact is not they do not want to turn into Dragon Shape immediately to the war, this is a tactical psychological issue, generally speaking in the person who during the fight is at a disadvantage, will go all out to show to press the bottom the method, once this method overcame by the opposite party, that defeats, therefore they do not want first by the Dragon Shape resistance. 实际上并不是他们不想马上变成龙形对战,这是一种战术心理上的问題,一般來说在战斗当中处于下风的人,才会拼命展现出压箱底的手段,一旦这种手段被对方克服,那就是战败,所以他们都不想首先以龙形对抗。 Since is the comparison, that must all-around the comparison, they in fact be very supercilious generation, since must suppress the opposite party, then on all -around suppressed opposite party, making the opposite party lose to itself all-around, that is a crush. 既然是比较,那就要全方位的比较,他们两人实际上都是非常心高气傲之辈,既然要压制对方,那就全方位的压制对方,让对方全方位败给自己,那才是一种碾压。 Also to surroundings Human Clan biggest frightening. 也是对周围人族最大的震慑。 That is the biggest result that Long Chen needs. 那才是龙辰需要的最大的结果。 Fought at this time, Xing Qing this indifferent female already real thing, she incomparably took seriously this fearful match, in fact she does not believe that Long Chen has not arrived at Reincarnation Calamity Realm, she had also defeated Tai Chi God by her super Divine Dragon ability, knows that degree is unable to send out so the strength absolutely. 战斗到这时候,星晴这个冷漠女子早就动了真格,她无比重视这个可怕的对手,实际上她根本不相信龙辰还沒到轮回劫境,以她超级神龙的能耐她也曾经打败过太极之神,知道那种程度绝对无法发出如此实力。 Star soul Sword Art.” “星魂剑诀。” After resisting the attack of Long Chen, Xing Qing suddenly Sha comes, in the hand the galaxy Saint sword for the first time appears ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Sword Qi, drops from the clouds, Long Chen already was displaying to slaughter Sword Art, this is two resistances of Sword Art, slaughters Sword Qi to shoot up to the sky, general soul Sword Qi shakes the powder once again. 抵抗住龙辰的攻击后,星晴暴杀而來,手上星河圣剑乍现出万丈剑气,从天而降,龙辰则早就在施展杀戮剑诀,这是两种剑诀的对抗,杀戮剑气冲天而起,再度将星魂剑气震散。 Group star sparkles.” “群星闪耀。” Xing Qing was still without turning a hair, she arrives to the Long Chen top of the head, holds up the galaxy Saint sword, aims at the vault of heaven, above vault of heaven that several hundred stars unprecedented glistens, erupts the intense stars ray, suddenly the star light intense to letting majority of Cultivator closes the eye. 星晴仍然面不改色,她降临到龙辰头顶上,举起星河圣剑,指向天穹,天穹之上那数百星辰空前的闪亮起來,爆发出强烈的星辰光芒,一时间星光强烈到让大部分的者闭上眼睛。 Long Chen looks toward the place above that several hundred stars evolve into proud Li several hundred giant stars sword edges on the vault of heaven under her strength unexpectedly, that is the group star sparkles, is the super great sword that the star transforms. 龙辰朝着上方看去,数百颗星辰竟然在她的力量下衍化成为傲立在天穹上的数百把巨大的星辰剑刃,那是群星闪耀,也是星球幻化出來的超级巨剑。 Group star sparkles, evolves Sky Sword, listens to my verbal command, the extermination demon.” “群星闪耀,衍化天剑,听我号令,诛灭邪魔。” Xing Qing was reading the bright mnemonics silently, took to the vibration on Long Chen sound, her filled to slaughter the eye of Aura to stare at Long Chen, a galaxy Saint sword finger, innumerable star Sword Qi, fell from the vault of heaven unexpectedly, raided loudly toward Long Chen, suddenly the starry sky shook, the innumerable spaces were torn, the feelings of all person in abundance judgment days. 星晴默默念着朗然口诀,带给龙辰声音上的震动,她那充满杀戮气息的眼睛盯着龙辰,星河圣剑一指,无数星球剑气,竟然从天穹落下,朝着龙辰轰然袭來,一时间星空震荡,无数空间被撕裂,所有人纷纷有一种世界末日的感觉。 This scene, was too vast. 这个场面,实在太浩大了。 The people retrocede once more, fend this attack, they to Xing Qing this female, already admired the full of admiration situation. 众人再次后退,闪避这次攻击,他们对星晴这个女子,早就佩服到五体投地的地步。 Star soul Sword Art, is the adept Divine Ability magic arts of Mr. Xing Yue, however in the hand displays in Sister Xing Qing, so fearful.” “星魂剑诀,是星越先生的拿手神通道法,但是在星晴师姐手中施展开來,也是如此的可怕啊。” In front of this star soul Sword Art, Long Chen must die without doubt.” “在这星魂剑诀面前,龙辰必死无疑。” In their hearts vents spleen finally slightly, they by Long Chen too ruthless, on the face always felt the somewhat burning ache, to them, probably is venting spleen time finally arrived. 他们心中终于稍微解气,他们被龙辰得太狠了,脸上总感觉有些火辣辣的疼痛,对他们而言,就好像是解气的时候终于到了。 Rumbling. 轰轰轰。 Near the Long Chen ear, has filled such bellow. 龙辰耳边,充满了这样的轰鸣声。 He gains ground, almost all fields of vision were submerged by these star Sword Qi, all star Sword Qi are locking itself. 他抬起头,几乎所有的视野都已经被那些星球剑气淹沒,所有的星球剑气都在锁定自己。 It seems like from the beginning, she in arrangement star soul Sword Art, this starry sky domain is also star soul Sword Art part, truly fierce......” “看來从一开始,她就在布置星魂剑诀,这星空领域也是星魂剑诀的一部分吧,确实厉害……” In the Long Chen heart is actually sneering. 龙辰心中却在冷笑。 He will not defeat. 他不会败。 The opposite party is no doubt formidable, but this is only starts. 对方固然强大,但这只是开始罢了。 At that moment, he is duty-bound not to turn back, the hand grasps Behead Divine Sword, looks like the ants, flushes away toward Sword Qi that innumerable falling from the sky stars turn into. 那一刻,他义无反顾,手握斩神剑,就像是蝼蚁,朝着那无数陨落星辰变成的剑气冲去。 This moment impact, looks like his entire life, he to pursue his fate from the beginning, has not drawn back the timid half step, his life does not have the escape route, only then the heroic fearless advance, resists the authority, resists the rule. 这一刻的冲击,就像是他整个的人生,他从一开始都是为了追求自己的宿命,从來都沒有退怯半步,他的人生是沒有退路的,只有英勇无畏的前进,对抗权威,对抗规则。 Star Sword Qi, is an authority, authority from Dragon God Domain. 星球剑气,就是权威,來自龙神域的权威。 He has closed tightly the tooth, at that moment, he has forgotten all, only then a faith, that is all that hits to explode sees at present. 他咬紧了牙齿,那一刻,他忘记了一切,只有一个信念,那就是打爆眼前所看到的一切。 Slaughters Sword Art. 杀戮剑诀 From start to the present, Long Chen has slaughtered over a hundred swords, hundred swords come, is slaughters Sword Art to show the towering time truly. 从开始到现在,龙辰已经杀戮了上百剑,百剑过來,才是杀戮剑诀真正展现出峥嵘的时候。 Whish. 哗。 The people clamored, in their opinion, Long Chen faces this style at this moment, actually still attacked to go, this simply is Courts Death. 众人喧哗了起來,在他们看來,龙辰此刻面对这种招式,却仍然冲击而去,这简直就是找死 But, is really Courts Death. 可是,真的是找死吗。 Long Chen with own warm-blooded, with own motion, showed to them. 龙辰用自己的热血,用自己的行动,向他们证明。 Facing Sword Qi that giant stars evolve into, he at this moment is without doubt tiny, he with his Behead Divine Sword same tiny, but he actually by Behead Divine Sword, in the middle of vision that in the people incomparably shock, Behead Divine Sword dividing maliciously on that stars Sword Qi, tiny Behead Divine Sword was bringing the fearful strength, tears in half that star Sword Qi directly directly. 面对那巨大的星辰衍化成为的剑气,此刻的他无疑是渺小的,他和他的斩神剑一样的渺小,但他却以斩神剑,在众人无比震撼的目光当中,将斩神剑狠狠的劈在了那星辰剑气上,渺小的斩神剑却带着可怕的力量,直接将那星球剑气直接撕成两半。 Crash-bang. 哗啦。 A that shocking sword, simply bright blind the dog eyes of all people. 那惊艳的一剑,简直亮瞎了所有人的狗眼。 Bang. 轰隆。 The radiant stars explode his side, under the exaggeration of endless star light, that whole body covers entirely him of Scarlet Blood Dragon scale is similar to the deity, sets up the vault of heaven arrogantly. 璀璨的星辰将他身边爆炸,在无尽星光的渲染下,那浑身布满血色龙鳞的他如同天神,傲立天穹。 But this is only starts. 但这只是开始。 Day.” “天。” The explosion of first star Sword Qi, has surpassed the limit of imagination regarding the people. 第一颗星球剑气的爆炸,对于众人來说已经超越了想象力的极限了。 But then, Long Chen such as goes crazy, he is wielding Behead Divine Sword, when all star Sword Qi plunge him, he has launched the fiercest counter-attack, each slaughtering Sword Qi, can make star Sword Qi explode, suddenly above the sky as if exploded the fireworks, the radiant star light submerged Long Chen, but each star Sword Qi scrap, made clear to Long Chen also to live, he was still insisting. 但接下來,龙辰就如发疯似的,他挥动着斩神剑,在所有的星球剑气扑向他的时候,他展开了最猛烈的反击,每一道的杀戮剑气,都能让一个星球剑气爆炸,一时间天空之上仿佛炸起了烟花,璀璨的星光淹沒了龙辰,但每一次星球剑气的炸碎,都昭示着龙辰还活着,他还在坚持。 Rumbling. 轰轰轰。 From the beginning separates previous will present an explosion for a long time, until the following continual explosion, the innumerable explosions lets this starry sky fierce shivering, the majority of places were torn, slaughter Sword Qi to proliferate the entire starry sky. 从一开始隔上很长时间才会出现一次爆炸,直到后面连续的爆炸,无数的爆炸让这星空剧烈的颤抖,大部分的地方被撕裂,杀戮剑气遍布整个星空。 But the people see, the explosion of each star Sword Qi, to Xing Qing is an injury. 而人们看到,每一次星球剑气的爆炸,对星晴來说都是一次伤害。 Above the vault of heaven, she suffers impacts, the corners of the mouth starts to overflow the blood, that outstandingly beautiful cheek somewhat is also pale, but her look, is from beginning to end tenacious. 在天穹之上,她遭受一次次的冲击,嘴角开始溢出鲜血,那绝色的脸蛋也有些苍白,但她的眼神,至始至终都是坚韧的。 Her body also reappeared starry sky purple Dragon Scale, was very radiant, Long Chen saw her present appearance, what has saying that in the shape of this dragon person, Xing Qing was he has seen most beautiful Dragon Warrior absolutely, Long Chen at this moment full was the Scarlet Blood Dragon scale, the forehead and back as well as the joint is the scarlet spur, can only with describe fiercely. 她的身上也浮现出了星空紫色的龙鳞,无比璀璨,龙辰看见了她现在的模样,不得不说的是,在这种龙人的形态当中,星晴绝对是他见过最美的龙武者,龙辰此刻满是血色龙鳞,头部和背部以及关节都是血色骨刺,只能用狰狞形容。 Bang. 轰。 Long Chen finally a sword, continual tearing final ten stars. 龙辰最终一剑,连续撕裂最终十颗星球。
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