DBWG :: Volume #20

#2003: Galaxy Saint sword

To be honest this named Xing Qing female look is also very outstanding, is called the peerless beautiful woman not to be overrated, the manner and movement completely reveal the gracefulness of lady, the appearance are also partial to the tranquil gentle type, is quite similar to Lingxi, what has saying that one indifferent Aura that her body sends out really makes people think that some strangers should not be near. 老实说这名为星晴的女子相貌也十分出众,称为绝世美人不为过,举止和动作都尽显大家闺秀的优雅,长相也偏向恬静温柔的类型,和灵曦比较相似,但不得不说的是,她身上散发出來的一种冷漠气息实在让人觉得有些生人勿近了. Can look, these young disciples very much awe this to be called the Xing Qing female, they do not have loud clamoring, but looks at Long Chen with the smiling face of taunt, the good play must start immediately, since Xing Yue has decided that then they only need to look that the result became. 看得出來,那些年轻弟子们都很敬畏这一位叫做星晴的女子,他们沒有再大声的喧哗,而是以嘲讽的笑容看着龙辰,好戏马上就要开始了,既然星越已经决定了,那么他们只需要看结果就成了。 At least nobody believes that Long Chen can also defeat Xing Qing, if Bing Xinyue, Long Chen defeats her, that may cause the stir, but the people can also accept slightly, but when his match changes into is most Expert Xing Qing, nobody thinks that this will have the possibility, because returns to Life Dragon City, in innumerable young talent ranks, Xing Qing strength, can arrange first five, even first three. 至少沒人相信,龙辰还能战败星晴,如果是冰心月,龙辰打败她,那或许会造成轰动,但众人也还能够稍微接受,可当他的对手换成是最强者星晴的话,沒人认为这会有可能,因为就算是回到生命龙城,在无数年轻天才行列当中,星晴的实力,也能排进前五,甚至前三。 This Star Lord Hegemony War the war of talent, the most important main force is she. 这一次星主争霸战的天才之战,最重要的主力就是她。 Dream Immortal Clan excels at the imaginary technique, in fact is the assistance is the focus. 梦幻仙族擅长幻术,实际上是辅助为主。 True strength, in Life Dragon City, on Xing Qing. 真正的战力,在生命龙城,在星晴身上。 Draws back.” “退开。” Gong Qing has been full of faith to Long Chen, presence of Xing Qing makes in his heart not have any assurance freely, but he still clenched teeth to believe Long Chen. 龚擎对龙辰充满了信念,尽管星晴的出场让他心中也沒什么把握,但他仍然咬牙坚信龙辰 Come on.” “加油。” Lingxi silently has been accompanying. 灵曦一直都在默默陪伴。 Minor matter.” “小事。” Long Chen puts down her slender white and tender palm, lets the rock stage that Thunder Shrine Dragon leads him to leave, if in fact the dragon, this rock stage insufficiently they hits radically. 龙辰放下她那纤细白嫩的手掌,让神宫雷霆龙带着他离开的这岩石高台,实际上如果化龙的话,这岩石高台根本就不够他们打。 Life Dragon City over a hundred people, left the rock stage, float in the middle of the upper air of distant place, is away from Long Chen their quite long distance, can definitely see the fight at their eyesight clearly, will not affect the fight. 生命龙城上百人,也离开了岩石高台,悬浮在远处的高空当中,距离龙辰他们好长一段距离,以他们的眼力完全可以清楚看到战斗,而且不会影响战斗。 In this open and spacious rock stage, remaining Long Chen and Xing Qing looked at each other mutually. 这旷阔的岩石高台上,就剩下龙辰星晴相互对视了。 The distant place, the wood-famine sneers saying: You have made a correct decision, Gong Qing this fellow brain does not know to have problems, making Xing Qing teach maliciously this fellow, sees his disastrous defeat, it is estimated that Gong Qing will sober, allowing the Eternal Dragon Emperor son to participate in Star Lord Hegemony War, really this joke is opens was too big.” 远方,木荒冷笑道:“你真是做了个正确的决定,龚擎这家伙脑子不知道出了什么问題,让星晴狠狠教训一下这家伙,看到他惨败,估计龚擎就会清醒过來了吧,让永恒龙帝的儿子参加星主争霸战,这个玩笑真的是开的太大了。” Xing Yue said: I am earnest.” 星越却道:“我是认真的。” The wood-famine has been startled being startled, said: Your anything meaning.” 木荒怔了怔,道:“你什么意思。” Xing Yue not minces matter, said: If he has to defeat the Qing'er method, I will agree that Gong Qing proposition, allowing him to participate in Star Lord Hegemony War, if he is really to my Human Clan is beneficial, but is not the harmful child, I will not make him be censured.” 星越毫不掩饰,道:“如果他具备战胜晴儿的手段,我就会同意龚擎的提议,让他参加星主争霸战,如果他真是个对我人族有益而不是有害的孩子,我不会让他遭受非议。” The wood-famine is angry. 木荒大怒。 Xing Yue horizontal his eyes, said: I, although has not seen Eternal Dragon Emperor, but also once lived with him in the same time, I do not believe that rumor and hearsay, I only believe with own eyes I see, believes my judgment, I will study this child's his heart surname, his all, but will not deny him constantly, everyone is unable to decide own family background, cannot whose child, because he is must how be censured.” 星越横了他一眼,道:“我虽然沒见过永恒龙帝,但也曾经和他生活在同一个时代,我不会相信谣言和传闻,我只相信我亲眼所见到的,相信我自己的判断,我会去研究这个孩子他的心姓,他的一切,而不会一味的否认他,谁都无法决定自己的出身,不能因为他是谁的孩子就要遭受怎样的非议。” Hears these, in the wood-famine eye almost must spout the flame, but his clearer Xing Qing strength, then sneers saying: That waits, has a look at this little rascal whether has the ability that makes you attach great importance to.” 听到这些,木荒眼睛里几乎要喷出火焰,但他更清楚星晴的战力,便冷笑道:“那就拭目以待吧,看看这个小鬼是否真有让你重视的能耐。” Xing Yue no longer said. 星越不再多说。 All, only needed to look at the result on the line. 一切,只需要看结果就行了。 But Long Chen truly felt that the pressure of this indifferent female, she has stood in herself at present, seems vast starry skies, inexhaustible, sometimes world huge is also a fatal oppression, Xing Qing takes own is this broad oppression. 龙辰确实感觉到了这位冷漠女子的压力,她站在自己眼前,仿佛是一片浩瀚的星空,无穷无尽,有时候世界的巨大也是一种致命的压迫,星晴带给自己的就是这种广阔的压迫。 She as if not want to speak too loquacity, when all people prepare, she is staring at Long Chen indifferently, the slender palm raises, in the middle of the starry sky innumerable brilliance shocks the gathering to come, in her hands congeals a stars long sword. 她似乎不想说太多话,当所有人都准备好的时候,她冷漠盯着龙辰,纤细手掌扬起,星空当中无数的光华震撼汇聚而來,在她手中凝结出一把星辰长剑。 What has saying that the women of few peers, will bring the feeling of this powerful enemy to oneself. 不得不说的是,很少有同辈的女人,会给自己带來这种劲敌的感觉。 Recalls, after oneself arrive at Immortal God Domain, first Divine Dragon that sees, is 3000 Astral Soul Dragon. 回想起,自己來到永生神域后,见到的第一头神龙,就是三千星魂龙 That stars long sword is the purple, above has covered entirely the radiant stars, sparkling, has formed a vast galaxy, on that galaxy erupts the astonishing prestige energy, comes toward the four directions impact, under these on Dao Mark are numerous, counts, feared that is altogether more than 200 Dao Mark, at least must over 250, by her four like the boundary of Reincarnation Calamity Realm earlier period, the use Dao Mark [say / way], be very appropriate. 那星辰长剑呈紫色,其上布满了璀璨的星辰,闪闪发光,形成了一条浩瀚的星河,那星河上爆发出惊人的威能,朝着四方冲击而來,这一道道器上道纹众多,细数之下,怕是一共有200多条的道纹,至少要超过250条,以她四象轮回劫境前期的境界,使用这样道纹的道器,算是十分合适。 Galaxy Saint sword.” “星河圣剑。” In the middle of that lavender lip, has put out four characters gently, is the respect to Long Chen. 那淡紫色的嘴唇当中,轻轻吐出了四个字,算是对龙辰的尊重。 Has not thought that she also uses the sword, was then amusing, Long Chen may meet one rarely with the powerful enemy of sword, he has put out Behead Divine Sword impatiently. 沒想到她还用剑,这下好玩了,龙辰可难得遇上一个用剑的劲敌,他已经迫不及待拿出了斩神剑 River of the netherworld War Halberd , completely by the small skeleton digesting, present Behead Divine Sword had 180 Dao Mark, the overall might arrived in history the most tyrannical condition, although river of the netherworld War Halberd has more than 300 Dao Mark, but also only made Behead Divine Sword increase less than 80 Dao Mark, obviously Behead Divine Sword must feed, was not that easy matter. 冥河战戟,已经完全被小骷髅给消化了,现在的斩神剑拥有180条的道纹,整体威力已经到了有史以來最强横的状态,虽然冥河战戟有300多条的道纹,但也只让斩神剑增加了不到80条道纹,可见斩神剑要喂饱,也不是那么容易的事情。 Behead Divine Sword encounters Divine Weapon once again, immediately is excited, although the small skeleton full was very very satisfied at this time, the desire of but swallowing is forever inexhaustible, it looks like the hunger and thirst man, but the galaxy Saint sword of opposite party is the noble elegantly beautiful beautiful woman, stimulates its infinite desire. 斩神剑再度遭遇神兵,顿时兴奋起來,尽管此时小骷髅已经很饱很满足了,但吞噬的欲望永远是无穷无尽的,它就像是个饥渴的男人,而对方的星河圣剑就是高贵冷艳的美人,激发出它无限的欲望。 Long Chen raises Behead Divine Sword, although Behead Divine Sword on Dao Mark some, but Long Chen adds on Behead Divine Sword, the prestige can not be as if weak in the opposite party. 龙辰斩神剑扬起,斩神剑虽然道纹上一些,但龙辰加上斩神剑,威能似乎不弱于对方。 The Behead Divine Sword name has many taboos, Long Chen the report will not have come out, but also therefore makes the people think that he does not have the politeness, immediately makes everybody accuse. 斩神剑的名字有很多忌讳,龙辰沒有将之报出來,但也因此让众人认为他沒有礼貌,顿时让大家更加的指责。 Really is a defiant person, does not have including this politeness and courage.” “果然是一介刁民,连这点礼貌和勇气都沒有。” Bing Xinyue clenches jaws, wishes one could to replace Xing Qing to fight. 冰心月咬牙切齿,恨不得代替星晴來战斗。 But at this time, the performance of Xing Qing to Long Chen did not have the objection, she was vigorous and resolute Dragon Warrior, after both sides put out the weapon, she impatient began. 而就在这时候,星晴龙辰的表现沒有异议,她是雷厉风行的龙武者,在双方拿出兵器后,她已经迫不及待就动手了。 At this moment, Long Chen facing calmly and disclosed indistinctly formidable Aura that she displays, let take Cultivator to feel the challenge of acme as crazy Xing Qing, although she was still indifferent, but the flame of innermost feelings flaming has burnt, her seemed like the delicate body releases the astonishing malignant influences, was not a girl has likely. 此刻,龙辰面对她表现出的冷静和隐约透露出來的强大气息,让以为痴的星晴感受到了极致的挑战,她虽然仍然冷漠,但内心的火焰已经熊熊燃烧了起來,她那看似娇弱的身体释放出惊人的煞气,一点都不像是一个女孩拥有的。 Obviously, this is the female who experiences myriad dead to fight. 显然,这是一个经历过万千死战的女子。 She looks at Long Chen indifferently, is grasping the galaxy Saint sword, the fingerprint that Ping Ju, another hand is pinching horizontally places the front, the fast transformation, star light appears in her fingertip suddenly, on her mouth was always talking about not the well-known incantation, was similar to the ant same climbs the ear of Long Chen, making Long Chen have a pruritus feeling. 她冷漠看着龙辰,一手握着星河圣剑,横着平举,另外一只手掐成的指印放在胸前,快速变换,一点星光在她的指尖乍然出现,她嘴上叨念着不知名的咒语,如同蚂蚁一样爬进龙辰的耳朵,让龙辰有一种瘙痒感觉。 Starry sky.” “星空。” As her drinks lightly, the star light of fingertip expands in that instantaneously, turns into the endless star light to proliferate toward the surroundings, submerges Long Chen rapidly completely, short flash Long Chen discovered one as if passed through the innumerable spaces, the under foot also suddenly, looks up, oneself is actually in a situation in the middle of starry skies, the surroundings are the endless darkness, is not only one, together with other people also in the middle of this starry skies. 随着她一声轻喝,指尖的星光在那瞬间扩大,化成无尽的星光朝着周围扩散,迅速将龙辰完全淹沒,短短一瞬间龙辰发现自己仿佛穿越了无数的空间,脚下也骤然一空,抬头看去,自己竟然处身在一片星空当中,周围都是无尽的黑暗,不但是自己,连同其他人也在这一片星空当中。 In all directions, several hundred radiant stars, regarding Long Chen they, these stars send out the eye-catching ray, has illuminated the darkness, but at present the young girl of that wear purple clothes is several hundred stars cores, on these stars extended the innumerable fine laces unexpectedly, pestered one with Xing Qing, her strength started to inflate, formed the terrifying starry sky pressure, suppressed on Long Chen. 四面八方,一共有数百颗璀璨的星辰,围绕着龙辰他们,这些星辰发出夺目的光芒,照亮了黑暗,而眼前那个穿着紫衣的少女正是数百个星辰的核心,那些星辰上竟然延伸出了无数的细线,和星晴纠缠到了一起,她的力量开始膨胀了起來,形成恐怖的星空威压,镇压在龙辰身上。 She can actually transform into the starry sky the surroundings, then contacts with these stars together, by stars strength transient rise oneself, comes to fighting Long Chen. 她竟然能够将周围变换成为星空,然后与这些星辰联系到一起,以星辰力量暂时提升自己,來对战龙辰 Xing Qing of that several hundred stars cores, the eye is glittering the radiant ray, the starry sky that the galaxy Saint sword tears, that sharpest sword blade edge aims at Long Chen, brings the fatal threat. 那数百个星辰核心的星晴,眼睛闪烁着璀璨的光芒,星河圣剑撕裂的星空,那最锋利的剑刃指向龙辰,带來致命威胁。 Youth Dragon Warrior that surrounds exude the laughter, this fellow died obviously, to cope with him, Xing Qing whole-heartedly, started on the amplification battle efficiency unexpectedly. 围观的少年龙武者们纷纷发出啧啧的笑声,显然这家伙死定了,为了对付他,星晴全力以赴,竟然开始就增幅战斗力。 The opposite party is no doubt fierce, but must frighten itself not to be easy. 对方固然厉害,但要吓倒自己可不容易。 This fights the relations greatly too to be too big, I must win.” “这一战关系太大太大,我必须要胜利。” Long Chen clenched the teeth, this is this lives one of the most important fights, visits the start of Dragon God Domain, therefore cannot defeat absolutely. 龙辰咬紧了牙关,这是此生最重要的战斗之一,也是踏足龙神域的开始,所以绝对不能战败。 Under the wild will guidance, his body has produced massive Refining Divine Flame, that Blood Red flame shoots up to the sky, turns into innumerable roaring scarlet Divine Dragon indistinctly, dances in the air in his side, the Xing Qing no doubt several hundred stars promote the battle efficiency, but Long Chen Refining Divine Flame, played the similar effect. 在狂暴的意志引导下,他身上产生了大量的炼神之火,那血红色的火焰冲天而起,隐约化成无数咆哮的血色神龙,在他身边飞舞,星晴固然有数百的星辰來提升战斗力,但龙辰炼神之火,也起到了同样的效果。 Refining Divine Flame just launched, the people experienced numerous of Long Chen method, although in the heart disdained, but they have to acknowledge that at least Long Chen was defeated to come Rage Sea Fierce Dragon this matter to be real. 炼神之火刚刚展开,众人就见识到了龙辰手段的众多,虽然心中还是不屑,但他们不得不承认,至少龙辰打败而來怒海暴龙这件事情是真实的。 Roar. 吼。 In the middle of the body of Xing Qing that female, gives out roaring of Divine Dragon unexpectedly, her expression is more indifferent, the eye vanished, what replaces it is two Shining Star. 星晴那女子的身体当中,竟然发出神龙的怒吼,她的表情更加冷漠,眼睛已经消失,取而代之的是两颗璀璨星辰 On the galaxy Saint sword, erupts the hundred zhang (333m) ray, the innumerable stars flow above, has radiant Sword Qi to sweep across indistinctly, Xing Qing incomparably has longed to this fight obviously that at this moment carves, her hand dance galaxy Saint sword, sways from side to side the waist, the star light dodges, he slaughters to come, to be relentless toward Long Chen. 星河圣剑上,爆发出百丈光芒,无数星辰在其上流动,隐约有璀璨剑气席卷出來,星晴显然对这一场战斗已经无比渴望,就在这时刻,她手舞星河圣剑,扭动腰肢,星光一闪,他朝着龙辰杀戮而來,丝毫不留情。 Galaxy Saint sword everywhere one visit, starry sky tearing, radiant Sword Qi is inexhaustible, blots out the sky instantaneously, mammoth, with overpowering momentum, although Xing Qing is a female, but also is famous Martial Madman, once fights, leeway that has not been forgiving. 星河圣剑所到之处,星空撕裂,璀璨剑气无尽汹涌,瞬间铺天盖地,声势浩大,气势磅礴,星晴虽然是女子,但也是著名的武痴,一旦战斗,就沒有留情的余地。 Bystanders clamored to laugh, while retroceded, they started to make a bet, made a bet Long Chen to be able in the hand of Xing Qing, supported the too much long time. 围观者一边喧哗大笑,一边后退,他们开始打赌起來,打赌龙辰到底能够在星晴的手中,撑过多长的时间。 Some people said ten breaths, there are to say 20 breaths. 有的人说十息,也有说20息的。 You thought highly of him, I dare saying that my these words said that he defeated.......” “你们太看得起他了,我敢说,我这句话说完,他就败了……吧。” Speaks has defeated these two characters time, under submergence of innumerable stars radiant Sword Qi, Ash Grey death Sword Qi shot up to the sky suddenly together, has torn stars Sword Qi, the innumerable Ash Grey sword glow exploded shoots, first compelled to draw back that Xing Qing. 说到败了这两个字的时候,在无数星辰璀璨剑气的淹沒之下,骤然之间一道灰色的死亡剑气冲天而起,撕裂了星辰剑气,无数灰色剑芒爆射,第一时间就将那星晴逼退过去。 Under Refining Divine Flame, Long Chen dance long sword, the facial expression is fierce, his war intent is without parallel in history, vibration world. 炼神之火下,龙辰手舞长剑,神情凶猛,他的战意空前绝后,震动天地。
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