DBWG :: Volume #20

#2002: Ices the soul young beautiful woman

( ( He had indicated first matter Gong Qing who his manner is then straightforward brings to light itself to recommend because of him who anything comes to achieve others unable to achieve directly he participates in Star Lord Hegemony War , if not show the strength nobody to be convinced, therefore Long Chen will bring to light directly to his strength has any misunderstanding no matter who to visit to challenge by the true strength speech 他先是表明了自己的态度然后再直接了当直接挑明自己到底是因为什么而來的他可以做到别人做不到的事情龚擎推举他参加星主争霸战如果不展现实力的话沒有人会服气所以龙辰直接挑明对他的实力有任何的误解不管是谁都可以上门來挑战以真正的实力说话 If he indicated that own manner time makes the people be speechless, when he issues the challenge to all young Expert in the presence of everyone how these warm-blooded firm sons could bear this air/Qi key are Long Chen look like do not arrive Reincarnation Calamity Realm most people have not looked at him and Rage Sea Fierce Dragon to fighting him have any qualifications to speak such words here 如果说他表明自己态度时候让众人无话可说的话当他当众对所有年轻强者发出挑战的时候那些热血阳刚的男儿又怎么受得了这种气关键是龙辰看起來根本不到轮回劫境大多数人都沒看过他和怒海暴龙的对战那么他有什么资格在这里说这样的话 First, was provoked the later anger two is to despising of Long Chen 一是被挑衅之后的愤怒二是对龙辰的鄙夷 The twofold mood mixed after the people to sneer together got up, when they came soberly thought that Long Chen said a huge joke suddenly the people laughed getting up finger to point at Long Chen to smile not to relax 两重情绪混合在一起众人纷纷冷笑了起來当他们清醒过來后更加觉得龙辰是说了一个天大的笑话一时间众人哄笑了起來手指指着龙辰笑得直不起腰來 He...... He said a moment ago anything comes to enable our anybody to challenge his him to work as to be very fierce “他……他刚才说什么來着让我们任何人都可以挑战他他当自己很厉害吗” I remember that he defeated Di Yu last year has been only that time Di Yu is only 20 years old defeats a 20-year-old talent to think how own unmatched in the world so comedy “哦我记得他去年打败过帝雨只是那时候的帝雨才20岁啊打败一个20岁的天才就以为自己天下无敌了吗怎么会如此的搞笑” Suddenly the people smile are hard to extricate oneself only, only then Gong Qing disciples have not smiled they imagine before Long Chen carefully to defeat Rage Sea Fierce Dragon that thunder same method perhaps also really to parasite surrounding below 4000 Cultivator the topest level 一时间众人笑得难以自拔唯独只有龚擎的弟子们沒有笑他们仔细想象以龙辰之前打败怒海暴龙那雷霆一样的手段或许还真的可以寄生到周围4000岁以下者当中最为顶尖的层次 Even can Wanabaru probably participate in Star Lord Hegemony War several surely to the war 甚至可以和那原定要参加星主争霸战的几位对战 Long Chen looks indifferently these ridiculed he always does not care, but, because they smile ruthlessly then their innermost feelings to frustrate now Long Chen is by no means conceited he also to know some Life Dragon City many Expert he know that today fights cannot defeat him to do utmost these to close the mouth 龙辰冷眼看着这些嘲笑他从來都不在意因为现在他们笑得越狠接下來他们内心就会更加的挫败龙辰并非狂妄自大他也知道生命龙城还是有许多强者的但他更加知道今日一战不能败他必须竭尽全力让这些人闭上嘴巴 Today can make them close the mouth another day Long Chen to make entire Dragon God Domain close the mouth for him 今日可以让他们闭上嘴巴他日龙辰就能够让整个龙神域都为他闭上嘴巴 Start that today is to go on an expedition 今天就是征战的开始 Before Long Chen, all that said are responding to the Xing Yue words 龙辰之前所说的一切都是在回应星越的话 He can look at Xing Yue actually to consider will be many he not to deny Long Chen like the wood-famine constantly, but was considering that truly Long Chen the viewpoint and his challenge of value Long Chen simple and brief made Xing Yue understand his pursue also had his choice 他看得出來星越其实考虑不少他不会像木荒一样一味否认龙辰而是真正在考虑龙辰的价值龙辰的观点和他的挑战简洁明了让星越了解了他的追求还有他的抉择 Long Chen knows that Xing Yue definitely will choose comes to see the ability that Long Chen does have to make him take risk thus again to decide in this manner whether supports Gong Qing, because wood-famine the support of opposition Xing Yue is very therefore important 龙辰知道星越肯定会选择以这样的方式來看龙辰到底有沒有让他冒险的能耐从而再决定是否支持龚擎因为木荒的反对所以星越的支持十分重要 Long Chen must have his support 龙辰必须要得到他的支持 After ten thousand audiences smile bends down supine time Xing Yue said suddenly: Who youth has the courage formidable fearless good the talent youth from Life Dragon City to be willing to go forward to fight with him 就在万众笑得前俯后仰的时刻星越忽然道:“少年有胆气勇者无惧甚好诸位來自生命龙城的天才少年们有谁愿意上前与他一战” A Xing Yue this saying outstanding person has gawked first, although does not understand that Xing Yue is actually thinking anything, but can punch Long Chen one nobody not to let up this good opportunity suddenly unexpectedly to surpass the most young people to raise hand to indicate that wants to fight one Yuan Reincarnation Calamity Realm children to have with Long Chen 星越这话一出众人先是愣了一下虽然不明白星越到底在想什么但是可以揍龙辰一顿沒有人不会放过这个好机会一时间竟然有超过大半的年轻人举手表示想和龙辰一战其中一元轮回劫境的小孩都有 Although the child got old is actually also bigger than Long Chen 虽说是小孩实际上年纪也比龙辰大了 What is strange Gong Qing disciples had not expressed them, although is also very angry, but is facing to fight this matter they with Long Chen not to dare 奇怪的是龚擎的弟子们却一个都沒有表示他们虽然也很愤怒但和龙辰正面对战这种事情他们可不敢 When competes and Long Chen to fighting qualifications has many people to ask why Gong Qing apprentices do not want to participate a humanity: This boy defeated Brother Jiang Kun the strength to be very intrepid well not to despise him 在竞争和龙辰对战资格的时候有不少人问龚擎的徒弟们为什么不想参加其中一人道:“这小子曾经打败过姜坤师兄实力很强悍诸位最好别小看他” Although these words very low voice, but after the place is too small almost all people to hear that to make noise the scene of instantaneously becomes some complete silence people delay looks that Jiang Kun sees his look dispirited obviously is experiences a war defeated, did not have the thorough restoration 这句话虽然很小声但地方太小几乎所有人都听到了那原本喧闹的场面瞬间变得鸦雀无声众人有些呆滞的看着姜坤见他神色萎靡显然是经历一场大战战败之后还沒有彻底的恢复 The people swallowed a saliva intention combatant in fact to have the strength of majority to be inferior to Gong Qing 众人吞了一口唾沫意图参战的人实际上有大部分的实力都不如龚擎 Advanced Level Divine Dragon Rage Sea Fierce Dragon three Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage unexpectedly has lost to him 高等神龙怒海暴龙三才轮回劫境后期竟然败给了他” The people cannot help but contrast them to discover that Jiang Kun's strength they are probably most also can only fight equally matched with Jiang Kun , to teach Long Chen to fear that will be taught one...... 众人不由得将姜坤的实力和自己对比他们发现自己好像最多也就只能和姜坤打得不相上下要想教训龙辰怕是会被教训一顿吧…… What makes them unable to think through will be how this youth he to have such battle efficiency this not to be impossible the people to guess after Long Chen definitely used the method of being opportunistic still somewhat to disdain to hear this news , the person who among at heart them wanted to begin was actually short of remaining several is also and Jiang Kun quite thought one were not necessarily able to lose to the Long Chen fellow 只是让他们怎么也想不通的是这个少年他怎么会有如此战斗力这根本不可能啊众人猜测龙辰肯定是用了取巧的手段心里仍然有些不屑不过听到这个消息后他们当中想要动手的人却少了剩下几个也是和姜坤相当觉得自己未必会败给龙辰的家伙 But in fact among this crowd of young people strongest associations are also original participate in Star Lord Hegemony War that several people indifferent the meaning that the observation has not meddled 但实际上这一群年轻人当中的最强团体也就是原定参加星主争霸战的那几个人一直冷眼观察并沒有插手的意思 The position that they stand most approached Xing Yue Long Chen at this time also in sizing up their this associations will be being comes to participate in Star Lord Hegemony War the battle efficiency of everyone from Life Dragon City big section of they also be the true top talent in the future the Life Dragon City man of the hour reputation will spread far and wide in the middle of Life Dragon City directly specially compared with Jiang Kun qiang on any is almost the well-known character is also the pride of Dragon God Domain Long Clan 他们所站立的位置最靠近星越龙辰这时候也在打量着他们这个团体是直接从生命龙城专门过來参加星主争霸战的每一个人的战斗力要比姜坤强上一大截他们就算在生命龙城当中也是真正的顶尖天才未來生命龙城的风云人物名声远扬任何一个都几乎是家喻户晓的人物也是龙神域龙族的骄傲 As long as their reputations were mentioned definitely will bring in the treatment that the commendation sound this point and Long Chen suffer to practice in the Immortal God Domain standard completely on the contrary in 4000 are the young generation these talented people are true Expert of younger generation are still most as for emperor wind that level at present can only be among the New generation child talent characters 他们的名声但凡被提起必然会引來称赞的声音这一点和龙辰所遭受的待遇完全相反以永生神域的标准修行4000年仍然是年轻一辈眼前这几个人才是年轻一代的真正强者至于帝风那个层次最多只能算是新生代孩童当中的天才人物罢了 If not the natural talent is outstanding they not to be sent here to help Dream Immortal Clan participate in the talent fight of Star Lord Hegemony War specially 如果不是天资出众他们也不会被专门派送到这里來帮助梦幻仙族参加星主争霸战的天才战斗 Five people are four look like the Reincarnation Calamity Realm earlier period , will be super Divine Dragon this is the standard of Immortal God Domain top talent Snow Spirit King no doubt is also the talent but practicing time is shorter than and other Snow Spirit King to pass in 2000 should them also to be again their this levels “五个人都是四象轮回劫境前期而且都是超级神龙这就是永生神域顶尖天才的水准么雪灵王固然也是天才但修行时间还比他们短等雪灵王再过2000年应该也是他们这种层次” During practices the majority of time in fact spend on Reincarnation Calamity Realm Nirvana Calamity Realm short several hundred years regarding the talent is OK 修行当中大部分的时间实际上都是花在轮回劫境上的对于天才來说涅槃劫境短短几百年就可以了 Long Chen in fact also has spent for several years 龙辰实际上也就花了几年的时间 Really has not stemmed from him to expect in the middle of this time that five cliques a raising hand cold sound track: I cope with him 果然沒有出乎他所料就在这时候那五个小团体当中其中一位举起手來冷声道:“我來对付他” This is a young girl age seems like among five people youngest she just likes the cold ice stands around the ground is ice particles her double pupil that the cold air congeals passes light Blue to send the long hair and Snow Spirit King blue is similar, but Snow Spirit King is the snow but this young girl ices her the look or the look make people think ice-cold biting cold 这是一位少女年纪看起來是五个人当中最小的她犹如寒冰立在地上周围都是寒气凝结的冰粒她双眸透着淡淡的蓝色蓝发长发和雪灵王相似但雪灵王是雪而这少女则是冰她无论是相貌还是眼神都让人觉得冰冷彻骨 This is super Divine Dragon 这是一头超级神龙 This ice soul young beautiful woman lets somebody cool off or calm down stares at Long Chen saying: Three gentlemen he do not participate in Star Lord Hegemony War in the middle of our five I am weakest makes me come to see him to have this qualifications 这冰魄小美人冷冷盯着龙辰道:“三位先生他不是要参加星主争霸战吗我们五个当中我是最弱的就让我來看看他到底有沒有这个资格吧” Can visit her to be from her look very much repugnant Long Chen 从她眼神里看得出來她应该是很讨厌龙辰 Bing Xinyue got rid this boy not to hope......” 冰心月出手这小子沒希望了……” He He makes him boast meets the true talent I to think how he also blows “呵呵就让他吹牛吧遇到真正的天才我看他怎么还吹下去” Once many provocation in the destiny that in front of Bing Xinyue turns into ice sculpture boy are also so “曾经有多少的挑衅者都在冰心月面前化成冰雕这小子的命运也是如此” Bing Xinyue can getting rid people give other her person of nobody to think opportunity after all they be more formidable than this formidable and arrogant little princess Bing Xinyue at the height of power here come Shining Star in the Life Dragon City fame are also her Elder send her to be gold-plated 冰心月能出手众人纷纷把机会让给她毕竟其他人沒人认为他们要比冰心月强大这个强大而傲慢的小公主在生命龙城的名气可是如日中天这里來璀璨星辰也是她的长辈派她來镀金的 The people in abundance with giving up on the person same look of look at Long Chen 众人纷纷用看死人一样的眼神看着龙辰 All and other replies of Xing Yue 一切就等星越的回答了 Xing Yue that mysterious eye looked that he stems from the expectations of all people to shake the head to say to being eager to try Bing Xinyue suddenly: Heart moon/month draws back Qing'er you 星越那一双神秘的眼睛看向跃跃欲试的冰心月他出乎所有人的预料忽然摇头道:“心月退下晴儿你來” His vision looks to is actually another female 他的目光看向的却是另外一位女子 After these words said that the people suffocated their whole face once again stunned looks at Xing Yue suddenly a brain blank, no matter what no one has thought that he will change into Xing Qing the candidate 这句话说出后众人再度窒息他们满脸错愕的看着星越一时间脑子一片空白任谁都沒想到他会把人选换成星晴 Makes Qing'er come “让晴儿來” The wood-famine was also startled says with a smile at once: This is good to decide that certain does not know the profound little thing did not threaten must challenge all young masters to make Xing Qing accompany him to play to make him experience anything to call true talent truly 木荒也吃了一惊旋即笑道:“这是个好决定某些不知道天高地厚的小东西不是扬言要挑战所有年轻高手么就让星晴陪他耍耍好了让他真正见识见识什么才叫真正的天才” Hears these words Bing Xinyue urgently saying: How two gentlemen do not reach an agreement I begin can make Xing Qing Elder Sister come to kill the chicken to use oxen knife 听到这些话冰心月急道:“两位先生不是说好我动手的嘛怎么能让星晴姐姐來呢杀鸡焉能用牛刀” In fact Long Chen can look among the Star Lord Hegemony War Life Dragon City five people Bing Xinyue truly is smallest and weakest similarly, but most Expert he can also look is that is called Xing Qing female person of appearance and Xing Yue should have the relations in blood relationship to be most important is her Inherited Blood Essence came from 3000 Astral Soul Dragon similarly 实际上龙辰看得出來星主争霸战生命龙城的五个人当中冰心月确实是最弱小的而最强者他也看得出來就是那位叫做星晴的女子这人长相和星越相似应该有血缘上的关系最重要的是她的传承精血同样來自三千星魂龙 She and Xing Yue are 3000 Astral Soul Dragon 她和星越都是三千星魂龙 It is not 3000 Astral Soul Dragon other super Divine Dragon is more superior, but is this female is most Expert this of younger generation is called in female her eye of Xing Qing to hide to Long Chen feeling quite terrifying at least here her is one type true indifferent and is not that is called the Bing Xinyue young girl in the ice cold Xing Qing bone that because the attribute looks like for the ice what passes was a crisis of death her look just likes machinery any fluctuation has not been looks that Long Chen was also hard to look to come out her detesting 并不是三千星魂龙比其他超级神龙优越而是这女子给龙辰的感觉还是比较恐怖的至少在这里她是年轻一代的最强者这个叫做星晴的女子她眼睛里面藏着的是一种真正的冷漠而不是那位叫做冰心月的少女因为属性为冰看起來的冰寒星晴骨子里透出來的是一种死亡的危机她的眼神犹如机械沒有任何波动就算是看着龙辰也难以看出來她的憎恶 From beginning to end she is not interested in the Long Chen matter has not thought that this matter will fall to own head specially comes, when Xing Yue makes her get rid she is startled to nod to say at once: Good father 从始至终她都对龙辰的事情不是特别感兴趣也沒想到这件事会落到自己的头上來当星越让她出手的时候她才怔了一下旋即点头道:“好爹” Really this is the Xing Yue daughter 果然这是星越的女儿 Bing Xinyue dug the mouth to blow Long Chen one then with the eyeball to go back maliciously, but that was called the Xing Qing female to walk gradually 冰心月撅着嘴巴用眼珠子狠狠刮了龙辰一眼这才回去而那叫做星晴的女子缓步走了出來
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