DBWG :: Volume #20

#2001: Imposing fearless

( ( At this moment that executes the character he to nip especially heavily in fact the wood-famine in the people eyes is a very friendly person little so will aim at the words people who his expression fierce whole face evil spirit murderous intention meaning quite obviously hears him to say to think how some did not vent spleen can kill easily should tease one to be right well 那一个诛字他咬得格外的重实际上在众人眼中木荒是一个十分和气的人很少会如此针对此刻他表情狰狞满脸凶煞杀机意思相当明显听到他说的话众人觉得有些不解气怎么能够轻易就杀了呢应该好好逗弄一番才对 Wood-famine these words were say to Gong Qing completely 木荒这句话完全是对龚擎说的 Hears this saying Gong Qing brow deeply to lock him to know that this old fogy must certainly him stand with are to Long Chen high sound track: Today I lead him to come back not to let play tricks on him do not kill him by no means reason that but must start with a clean slate to him for the opportunity that our Human Clan renders meritorious service I with cracks a joke such decision is because I thought that he can make matter another two points that others cannot achieve to need with explain its one how, no matter to regard Eternal Dragon Emperor that is the past matter has nothing to do his two he no doubt to kill Di Yu but with him me to think that the talent was becoming Expert and waste had not distinguished the Di Yu death before is his fate Long Chen no doubt has wrong, but was my clan Dragon Warrior he also has the opportunity of starting with a clean slate our Human Clan is always has broadly. Front piece broadminded race does not need to be a past matter is calculating 听到这话龚擎眉头深锁他知道这老家伙肯定要和自己做对的他站在龙辰身边高声道:“今日我带他回來并非让诸位戏弄他也并非要杀他而是要给他一个改过自新为我们人族立功的机会我并非和诸位开玩笑之所以这样决定是因为我觉得他能做出别人做不到的事情另外有两点需要和诸位说明其一不管诸位如何看待永恒龙帝那都是过去的事情与他无关其二他固然杀了帝雨但我认为天才在成为强者之前与废物沒有区别帝雨的死乃是他的命数龙辰固然有错但身为我族龙武者他也有改过自新的机会我们人族从來都是拥有宽阔。衣襟宽宏大量的种族沒必要为一件过去的事情斤斤计较” Gong Qing these words said have started the great unrest in surroundings immediately 龚擎这句话说出來顿时在周围掀起了轩然大波 In fact is young generation of Dragon Warrior not to think Gong Qing will really have planned like this strangely this was above their imagination suddenly almost all people astonished looks simply he his apprentices incredible feelings must know particularly in abundance Rage Sea Fierce Dragon made Long Chen give to punch one maliciously 实际上年轻一辈的龙武者们根本沒想过龚擎竟然会有这样的离奇打算这简直超乎了他们的想象一时间几乎所有人都惊愕的看着他尤其是他的徒弟们纷纷有一种不可置信的感觉要知道怒海暴龙可是让龙辰狠狠给揍了一顿啊 This rebel should not be put to death why he can obtain opportunity almost nobody of repenting to understand that Gong Qing comes to see Long Chen also to know this old man which from their incredible complexion, for need he somewhat to be moved faced with what kind of pressure suddenly is not just the person of acquaintance is willing to achieve this for oneself 这种叛徒不是应该被诛杀了事的吗为什么他能够得到悔改的机会几乎沒有人能够理解龚擎从他们那不可置信的脸色來看龙辰也知道这个老者为了自己到底需要面临怎样的压力他忽然有些感动不是哪个刚刚相识的人愿意为自己做到这一步的 He is willing to resist the so huge pressure for himself is he sympathizes with himself he similarly also to have his belief for anything to Long Qinglan this person 他愿意为自己抵抗如此巨大的压力到底是为了什么是他同情自己呢还是他对龙青澜这个人同样也拥有自己的信仰 Long Chen does not know that reason but he knows he cannot disappoint this old man absolutely to his expectation 龙辰不知道缘由但他知道自己绝对不能辜负这个老者对自己的期望 Gong Qing words raised great unrest him to here freely the high authority but people could not restrain in the heart are puzzled they to say loudly: How Mr. Gong can he be the crime that the Human Clan rebel he violates dies ten times insufficiently this person how to forgive like this 龚擎的话在这里掀起了轩然大波尽管他拥有至高的权威但众人还是克制不了心中的不解他们纷纷大声道:“龚先生怎么可以这样他可是人族叛徒啊他犯下的罪过死上十次都不够啊这种人怎么可以宽恕” You said that Eternal Dragon Emperor and he has not related him not to have the crime Expert of Eternal Dragon Emperor that rank he dead has also been able to impose his idea to his son's body goes to this fellow to be so unruly, if makes him formidable the future inevitably is the new devil also inevitably Human Clan causes dreadful disaster this child unable to accommodate to me absolutely “你说永恒龙帝和他沒有关系他就沒有罪过了永恒龙帝那种级别的强者他就算是死了也能把自己的观念强加到他儿子的身上去这家伙如此桀骜不驯若是让他强大起來将來必然是新的魔头也必然给我人族造成滔天祸患此子绝对不能容啊” How teacher you can think how like this to say again he hits miserable him Brother Jiang Kun is the bystander is also the rebel he currently estimated still how was the Spirit Clan management this person can make him start with a clean slate I to think him radically on the change “师尊你怎么可以这样想呢再怎么说他可是把姜坤师兄打得那么惨他是外人也是叛徒他现在估计还在为灵族办事呢这种人怎么可以让他改过自新我看他根本就改变不了吧” Long Chen looks peacefully these faces he can only describe them with the ugliness, if he had already been used to it in view of oneself, but Gong Qing and he was just acquainted Long Chen to let suffer so in the pressure Long Chen heart to feel sorry he to be just about speech Gong Qing actually to hold down in the middle of his vision the white thunder to explode to roar lowly: Shuts up 龙辰安静看着这一张张脸他只能用丑恶來形容他们了如果针对自己的话他早就习惯了但龚擎与他刚刚相识龙辰却让蒙受如此压力龙辰心中过意不去他正要说话龚擎却按住了他他目光当中白色雷霆炸起低吼一声:“闭嘴” That incisive thunder explosion sound frightened all people stares they to close the mouth to look astonished Gong Qing they do not understand why Gong Qing must be angry 那尖锐的雷霆爆炸声音将所有人都吓得一愣他们闭上了嘴巴惊愕的看着龚擎他们更加不明白龚擎为什么要生气 This moment Gong Qing observes the situation one thoughtfully: You are any thing three of us do to decide that whom you only need the little darling to listen to talk too much again slap voluntarily 3000, if has after me any goes back Life Dragon City discontentedly you can report to above greatly should better close the mouth otherwise not to blame me now not being impolite 此刻龚擎环视一周道:“你们算什么东西我们三人做决定你们只需要乖乖听着谁再多言自行掌嘴3000若对我有任何不满回去生命龙城后你们大可以向上面禀告现在最好闭上嘴巴否则别怪我不客气” He acted crazy so ruthless words to retreat in fear the young people truly immediately among several three chancellor people Gong Qing temperament is always most irritable after all he is Thunder Shrine Dragon ominous outside these words said that in the young people heart had many angers also only to swallow, but covered entirely the eye of blood thread to come to see their nobody from their is convinced 他是真正发飙了如此狠话一出顿时将年轻人们吓退了好几步三位主事人当中龚擎的脾气向來都是最火爆的毕竟他乃神宫雷霆龙凶名在外这段话说完年轻人们心中有再多的愤怒也只能生生咽下去但从他们那布满血丝的眼睛來看他们沒有一个人是服气的 Before possibly they will respect Gong Qing however now in their eyes this old man to turn into the fellow who the impervious brain entered the water they not to believe that another two directors same will make this at sixes and sevens decision with Gong Qing 以前可能他们会敬重龚擎但是现在嘛在他们眼中这个老者已经变成不可理喻脑子进水的家伙了他们不相信另外两位主事者会和龚擎一样做出这乱七八糟的决定 Long Chen damn 龙辰就该死 When the young people bit the tooth detested to look at Long Chen that three directors to be in sharp opposition stubbornly in fact the wood-famine and Xing Yue knew the thoughts of Gong Qing part at this time truly with Gong Qing to was really that Heaven Raising Giant Tree Dragon his bright eye is very deep the cold sound track: Thunder old ghost I and you confront to need to slap 3000 当年轻人们死死咬住牙齿憎恶看着龙辰的时候那三位主事者已经针锋相对了实际上木荒和星越已经知道了龚擎部分的心思这时候真正和龚擎对上的果然是那位擎天巨木龙他那碧色眼睛无比深沉冷声道:“雷霆老鬼我与你对质可需要掌嘴3000” Gong Qing already knows that he will launch an attack must be today Long Chen catches an opportunity itself not easily, but in fact he has not hoped that the wood-famine can be touched him to sneer to say by oneself similarly: You, if must slap I naturally not to dare to block you to oneself today my viewpoint and decision is unable to change you to have anything to say, although said 龚擎早就知道他会发难今日要为龙辰争取一个机会本身就不容易但实际上他从來沒希望木荒能够被自己打动他同样冷笑道:“你若是要给自己掌嘴我当然不敢拦住你了今日我的观点和决定无法改变你有什么想说的尽管说吧” In his eyes the thunder flashes has not drawn back the timid meaning slightly 他眼中雷霆闪动丝毫沒有退怯的意思 The wood-famine sound of waves laughs saying: Thunder old ghost you were brain enter the water Eternal Dragon Emperor sin nearly to make the devil destroy my Dragon God Domain dreadfully are the intention destroy various god battlefields to claim that the Spiritual God of various god battlefield was the person of any puppet so treason and heresy does not match for one of my Human Clan the hope he strikes to kill the painstaking care that several first Dragon Emperor has accomplished our entire Human Clan as for his son exterminated my Human Clan for 1 million years to wish one could to eat his meat to drink his blood you me to tell you must an opportunity of starting with a clean slate you be able not to play such joke I to know to him your many years do not know the original your brain had the issue.” 木荒浪声大笑道:“雷霆老鬼你是脑子进了水永恒龙帝罪孽滔天险些让魔鬼毁灭我龙神域更是意图毁灭诸神战场声称诸神战场的神灵是什么傀儡如此大逆不道之人不配成为我人族之一至于他的儿子更是灭绝了我人族1000000年來的希望他击杀了几位第一龙帝造就的心血我们整个人族都恨不得吃他的肉喝他的血你却跟我说你要给他一个改过自新的机会你能不能别开这样的玩笑了我认识你这么多年可不知道原來你脑子有问題啊。” His these words said, everybody nodded he to say everybody's innermost thoughts obviously is Gong Qing disciple at this time also has to stand before the wood-famine came the Gong Qing multitude of people at this moment to refer to Long Chen has not thought that will have the so intense situation he not to know this old person was because what kind of courage will lead him to stand here 他这些话说完后大家都点头显然他说出了大家的心里话就算是龚擎的弟子这时候也不得不站在木荒这边來此刻的龚擎千夫所指龙辰之前沒想到会发生如此激烈的情况他不知道这个老人到底是因为怎样的勇气会带着他站到这里 Facing wood-famine interrogated intensely Gong Qing sneers a sound track: „Your this stubborn old ordinary man your elm head was already decayed you also to know that anything was called the ponder you initially once by the matter that the Eternal Dragon Emperor follower crush crossed I am not does not know do not place here to say your personal hatred do not make me feel you must be very laughable I to say this child father's all do not have expelling moreover me with his least bit relations a rare talent not and you speak a few words again the decision of our Life Dragon City team, so long as our three two decisions on line Xing Yue 面对木荒的激烈质问龚擎冷笑一声道:“你这顽固老匹夫你的榆木脑袋早就腐朽了你还知道什么叫做思考吗你当初曾经被永恒龙帝的追随者碾压过的事情我又不是不知道别把你的私人仇恨放在这里说别让我觉得你老得很可笑我说过这孩子父亲的一切都和他半点关系都沒有别把一个难得的天才给逼走另外我不会和你再说一句话我们生命龙城队伍的决定只要我们三个其中两个决定就行了星越 Here him to look to that continuously silent purple robe middle-aged person 说到这里他看向那个一直沉默的紫袍中年人 3000 Astral Soul Dragon Xing Yue 三千星魂龙星越 That Xing Yue is similar to the vision of radiant starry sky takes a fast look around 星越如同璀璨星空的目光扫视过來 How Xing Yue you see 星越你怎么看” Gong Qing vision said firmly 龚擎目光坚定说道 The view of Xing Yue became the key 星越的看法成为了关键 Wood-famine anger pole pair Xing Yue said: You may, if wants clear not to give Human Clan to bring a time disaster naturally this little thing Reincarnation Calamity Realm not to have this ability Eternal Dragon Emperor sin again and he does not have the relational however homicide Di Yu this matter to make the world be furious cannot forgive absolutely lightly 木荒怒极对星越道:“你可要想清楚别再给人族带來一次大难当然这小东西还不到轮回劫境也沒这个能耐就算永恒龙帝的罪孽和他沒有关系但是他杀了帝雨这件事情让天下震怒绝对不能轻饶恕” Xing Yue has not listened to his words he to go forward several steps to walk one to begin to say around Long Chen finally: How child you said 星越并沒有听他的话他上前几步绕着龙辰走了一圈终于开头说道:“孩子你怎么说” In the Long Chen heart is fearless his vision firm clear and resonant voice saying: I thanked Gong Qianbei regarding to my to deny that to my trust very much I also had my idea first about the Di Yu matter, no matter his natural talent but how he and I am to me from beginning to end to killing this matter slight regret perhaps has not regarded as him is the Human Clan future hope may the future matter who be able to talk clearly by his individuality that day will die, in my hand general comes also dead in others hand what, let alone person like this can be hopes that he was only an illusory dream except for a Di Yu this matter I do not think I made any to sorry. The Human Clan matter killed certainly Di Yu not to calculate that I was only Human Clan cannot stay extraordinarily as for so-called hiring oneself Spirit Clan does not make the friends of mine lead me to walk, if everybody thinks that this was hires oneself Spirit Clan I only to say this was benighted 龙辰心中无所畏惧他目光坚定朗声说道:“我很感谢龚前辈对我的信任对于诸位对我的否认我也有我自己的想法首先关于帝雨的事情不管他天资如何但他与我做对我从始至终对杀他这件事情沒有丝毫的后悔也许诸位将他看成是人族未來的希望可未來的事情谁又能说清楚以他的个性那日会死在我手上将來也会死在别人手上别说这样的人会是什么希望他只是一场空幻的梦想罢了除了帝雨这件事情我并不认为我曾经做过任何一件对不起。人族的事情当然杀了帝雨也不算至于所谓的投靠灵族我只是人族呆不下去了不得不让我的朋友们带我走如果大家认为这就是投靠灵族的话我只能说这是愚昧无知” Here him to observe the situation for one week speak unhurriedly and clearly saying: Finally matter about my father I can say that I believe my father has not handled the matter that the back ancestor has abandoned the sect for the humiliation that he scrubs does not have is my Long Chen this lifetime pursue but today's I do not have any evidence and strength but I because of any hindrance will not give up me not saying how always one day I only want to say can give me this opportunity to wait by us greatly together 说到这里他环视一周一字一顿道:“最后是关于我父亲的事情我可以说我坚信我父亲也从來沒有做过背祖弃宗的事情为他洗刷不存在的屈辱就是我龙辰这一生的追求但今日的我沒有任何的证据和力量但我不会因为任何的阻碍而放弃我不会说总有一日我会如何只想说诸位大可以给我这个机会让我们一起拭目以待” He can say all these also to need to be above the guts of average man 他能说出这一切也是需要超乎常人的胆量了 Many people have not seen the Long Chen speech not to know that he will have such boldness, if before abandoning , the impression of first impressions are most lasting they thought suddenly this youth sincere tenacious innermost feelings would rather die than surrender he to have so many valuable qualities to make people intrepidly cannot help but think warm 很多人沒见过龙辰说话不知道他会有如此的魄力如果抛开之前先入为主的印象他们忽然觉得这个少年真挚坚韧内心强悍宁死不屈他有如此多的可贵品质让人不由得觉得温暖 Long Chen had not said that he one enhanced sound that looking disdainfully world the makings to arise spontaneously he looks like the King in space is looking all subjects said: I come here to participate in Star Lord Hegemony War I to be capable of this for Life Dragon City today to make the Life Dragon City team win the champion to have any question to my these words by a bigger assurance to carry on the challenge to have many my Long Chen to receive many to me here 龙辰沒有说完他顿了一顿提高声音那股睥睨天下的气质油然而生他就像是天上的王者在看着所有的臣民道:“我今日來到这里就是为生命龙城参加星主争霸战我有这个能力可以让生命龙城的队伍以更大的把握拿到冠军对我这句话有任何疑问可以在这里对我进行挑战有多少我龙辰就接下多少” Said, he said to Xing Yue: How senior this is the words that I must speak you thinks 说完后他对星越道:“前辈这就是我要说的话你觉得如何”
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