DBWG :: Volume #20

#2000: Holds up a day of great Mulong

Star Lord Hegemony War, in fact only remaining is less than ten days. 星主争霸战,实际上只剩下不到十天的时间。 Recently the date and time, on Shining Star had the qualifications to carry on the Star Lord Hegemony War tripartite influence, has prepared like a raging fire, entire Shining Star became fiery, the atmosphere was very tight, massive Expert shuttle in, Shining Star will soon greet the Tornado rain. 最近一些时日,璀璨星辰上有资格进行星主争霸战的三方势力,已经准备得如火如荼,整个璀璨星辰都变得火热起來,气氛无比紧张,大量的强者穿梭其中,璀璨星辰即将迎接暴风雨。 But at this time, Long Chen was following Thunder Shrine Dragon, arrived at the Xiaolong territory, here also had other Life Dragon City people, Life Dragon City had many Dragon Warrior to hide in Shining Star, by far more than 100 people. 而在这时候,龙辰跟随着神宫雷霆龙,來到了小龙域,这里还有其他生命龙城的人,生命龙城有不少龙武者潜藏在璀璨星辰,远远不止100人。 Nearby not far away, was Dream City. 旁边不远处,就是梦幻城了。 In Dream City most deep place, is the Dream Immortal Clan genuine agglomeration, the named dream profound boundary, Dream City these was quite peaceful on , that was because of Dream Immortal Clan Expert, prepared forthcoming Star Lord Hegemony War in the dream profound boundary. 梦幻城的最深处,就是梦幻仙族真正的聚集地,名为梦玄境,梦幻城这几日比较安宁,那是因为梦幻仙族强者们,都在梦玄境准备即将开始的星主争霸战 Approaches the Xiaolong territory time, Xiao Hongchen proposed the farewell, he first said goodbye with Gong Qing, finally said to Long Chen: Long Chen Younger Brother, Star Lord Hegemony War sees.” 靠近小龙域的时候,萧红尘就提出了告别,他首先和龚擎告别,最后却对龙辰道:“龙辰兄弟,星主争霸战见。” After these words said that talent Dragon Warrior looked at each other in blank diamay, they do not know that Xiao Hongchen was any meaning, in their opinion, Long Chen arrived here, even if were not placed on trial, penalty, must by the destiny of permanent imprisonment. 这句话说出后,天才龙武者们面面相觑,他们根本不知道萧红尘是什么意思,在他们看來,龙辰來到这里,就算不被审判,惩罚,也是要被永久监禁的命运。 For these days Xiao Hongchen has displayed actually very genially, but this person city palace was too deep, Long Chen had no intention with his long-standing and deep-rooted friend, then polite and opposite party said goodbye. 这几天萧红尘倒是一直表现很和善,但这个人城府太深,龙辰无意和他深交,便礼貌性和对方告别。 The front is the Xiaolong territory. 前方就是小龙域。 Life Dragon City Dragon Warrior gather, they look at each other mutually, in the eye has flashed before the taunt smiling face, one group of people goes to toward the Xiaolong territory the time, cold sound of Rage Sea Fierce Dragon that restored to come near the Long Chen ear said: Do not be self-satisfied, to the Xiaolong territory, your destiny has been doomed to be pitiful, this whole life do not want lived freely, together with your side beautiful woman, is your wife, her destiny is also same as you, the life-long imprisonment, the experiencing suffering misery, makes reparations for the evil that you violate.” 生命龙城龙武者们聚集在一起,他们相互对视,眼中都闪现过嘲讽笑容,一群人朝着小龙域而去的时候,那已经恢复过來的怒海暴龙龙辰耳边冷声说道:“别得意了,到了小龙域,你的命运已经注定是悲惨的,这辈子你也别想拥有自由的生活了,连同你身边这位美女,也就是你的妻子,她的命运也和你一样,终生监禁,受尽苦难,为你犯下的罪恶赎罪。” Long Chen is excessive, evil smiles, said: Early knows that you such boisterous words, before I will kill directly your.” 龙辰偏过头,邪邪一笑,道:“早知道你这么聒噪的话,之前我会直接弄死你的。” He is Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon, his murderous intention nobody can keep off, although is only simple a few words, but Jiang Kun still retreated in fear by him several steps, he is nipping the tooth, said: Waits and sees.” 他乃太古血灵龙,他的杀机无人能挡,虽然只是简单的一句话,但是姜坤仍然被他吓退了数步,他咬着牙齿,道:“走着瞧吧。” At this time, Gong Qing beckoned to Long Chen, the look was temperate, he to Long Chen made other disciples very uncomfortable kindly, they filled puzzled, had many opinions to the action of this old man, but also can only wait for his so-called explanation. 就在这时候,龚擎对龙辰招手,神色温和,他对龙辰的和蔼让其他弟子十分不舒服,他们充满不解,对这老者的举动有诸多的意见,但也只能等他所谓的解释了。 Long Chen brings Lingxi to go forward, asked: Senior has place that needs to tell.” 龙辰带着灵曦上前去,问道:“前辈有需要吩咐的地方么。” Gong Qingdao: „The Xiaolong territory has three directors from Life Dragon City, I am only one of them, the qualifications are shallowest, other two have been stationed for several thousand years in Shining Star, a named wood-famine, is Advanced Level Divine Dragon Heaven Raising Giant Tree Dragon, although is Advanced Level Long Clan, but is deeper than me in the boundary, this person hates your father very much, is opposite with me, if before Xiao Hongchen, the one who looks is he, now you died.” 龚擎道:“小龙域有三位來自生命龙城的主事者,我只是其中之一,资历最浅,其他两位在璀璨星辰驻扎了数千年了,其中一位名为木荒,是高等神龙擎天巨木龙,虽然是高等龙族,但在境界上比我深厚,此人很痛恨你父亲,与我相反,若是萧红尘之前找的是他,现在你已经死了。” The Long Chen eye flashes through together the cold light, he said: I remembered.” 龙辰眼睛闪过一道冷光,他道:“我记住了。” Gong Qing continues saying: „A director, with me same is super Divine Dragon, but his battle efficiency and east the wood-famine is more formidable than me, his named Xing Yue, is 3000 Astral Soul Dragon, is our Life Dragon City in Shining Star most Expert, this person is quiet, is quite mystical, and wood-famine friendship is quite shallow with me, warm-hearted Cultivate, he should not aim at you, you remember, no matter how, cannot anger these two on the line.” 龚擎继续道:“还有一位主事者,和我一样是超级神龙,不过他战斗力比我和木荒东都要强大,他名为星越,乃三千星魂龙,也是我们生命龙城璀璨星辰的最强者,此人性格沉静,颇为神秘,与我和木荒交情都比较浅,热心修炼,他应该不会针对你,你记住,不管如何,都不能惹怒这两位就行了。” Long Chen said: I knew in heart.” 龙辰道:“我心里有数了。” The opposite party said: Star Lord Hegemony War, my agreement cannot keep a promise, wants in the middle of our three over two agree to be good, therefore after going, you can demonstrate that greatly own potential and battle efficiency, should get rid to get rid, this point you are clearer than me.” 对方道:“星主争霸战,我个人的同意不能算数,要我们三个当中其中两个以上同意才行,所以进去之后,你大可以展示自己的潜力和战斗力,该出手就出手,这一点你比我清楚。” In other words, if not come a fight, these over a hundred Life Dragon City people will not be convinced, Long Chen must do projects on to be convinced the person who is not convinced. 也就是说,如果不來一场战斗,这上百位生命龙城的人是不会服气的,龙辰要做的就是将不服气的人打到服气。 Ok.” “行。” After saying, the Xiaolong territory arrived, one group of people surmount the boundless wooded mountain and sea of clouds. 说完之后,小龙域到了,一群人超越茫茫的山林和云海。 Because this matter involves is not small, therefore before, Gong Qing already and other two has exchanged, now the Life Dragon City people gathered, waited for Gong Qing return, is waiting for in the middle of that legend the child's of Eternal Dragon Emperor arrival. 因为这件事情牵扯不小,所以在回來之前,龚擎已经和其他两位交流过了,现在生命龙城的人都已经聚集了起來,等待了龚擎的回归,也等待着那位传说当中永恒龙帝之子的到來。 After returning to here, Rage Sea Fierce Dragon they launch the smiling face. 回到这里后,怒海暴龙他们纷纷展开笑容。 The front presented a stage, is the rock polish, that stage is quite broad, the diameter knows how things stand the kilometer, looks from afar that above can see is standing over a hundred Dragon Warrior, vast Dragon Prestige heads on, Long Chen has not seen so many Dragon Warrior, after arriving here, he unexpectedly somewhat inexplicable sense of belonging. 前方出现了一个高台,乃是岩石打磨而成,那高台极为广阔,直径足足有数千米吧,远远看去,就能够看到其上站着上百位的龙武者的,一股浩大龙威扑面而來,龙辰从來沒见过如此多的龙武者,來到这里后,他竟然有些莫名的归属感。 If, they do not misunderstand themselves, does not misunderstand Long Qinglan, with such one crowd of own similar common fights, that perhaps is also a life happy matter. 如果,他们不误解自己,不误解龙青澜,和这么一群自己的同类共同战斗,那或许也是人生一件美好的事情吧。 Long Chen has not arrived, he feels that many hatreds, despise, the rogue vision, throws to own body, some even they be cut-throat than Rage Sea Fierce Dragon, Long Chen deeply realized own fathers and sons are too certainly bad in the Dragon God Domain reputation, but this definitely has the reason, makes them misunderstand besides Long Qinglan itself, definitely some people add fuel to the flames. 龙辰还沒到达,他就感觉到,不少仇恨、鄙夷、凶恶的目光,投到自己的身上,有的甚至要比怒海暴龙他们还要凶狠,龙辰深刻意识到自己父子在龙神域的名声一定太差,但这肯定不是沒有原因的,除了龙青澜本身让他们误解之外,肯定有人推波助澜。 At least, young generation of detesting, in older generation under can exaggerate forms. 至少,年轻一辈的憎恶,都是在老一辈的可以渲染之下形成的。 Arrives here, Long Chen is fearless. 來到这里,龙辰无所畏惧。 And, Lingxi time accompanies itself, encourages the smiling face to oneself, if today is unable to face these over a hundred people, how another day go facing the Dragon God Domain millions of people, was once the world-wide first Expert son, he cannot have retreats slightly. 并且,还有灵曦时刻的陪伴自己,给自己鼓励笑容,今日若是无法面对这上百人,他日自己又怎么去面对龙神域千千万万的人,身为曾经举世第一强者的儿子,他不能有丝毫退却。 Pedals the step on. 蹬蹬。 Thunder Shrine Dragon and other line, fell in the rock stage. 神宫雷霆龙等一行人,落到了岩石高台上。 Gong Qing behind is his disciple, but wood-famine and Xing Yue, led many apprentices to come, besides their apprentices, many Expert, the strength surmounted Long Chen, achieved Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm also many, had to catch up specially from Life Dragon City, to help in the fighting Star Lord Hegemony War peerless talent. 龚擎身后都是他的弟子,而木荒和星越,也带了不少徒弟來,除了他们三人的徒弟之外,还有不少的强者,实力超越龙辰,达到五行轮回劫境的也不少,其中还有专门从生命龙城赶來,为了助战星主争霸战的绝世天才。 These over a hundred people, the imposing manner is vast, intimidates to come, must give Long Chen demonstration of authority absolutely. 这上百人,气势浩大,威逼而來,绝对是要给龙辰一个下马威。 Humph humph. 嚯嚯。 Gong Qing vision was quiet, bringing Long Chen to arrive at the center of people, but his disciples sneered are staying in the surrounding, they cannot help but took pleasure in others'misfortunes, because the good play must start finally. 龚擎目光沉静,带着龙辰走到了众人的中央,而他的弟子们则冷笑着留在外围,他们不由得幸灾乐祸,因为好戏终于要开始了。 Long Chen is very at heart peaceful, many years, he has stood in this place finally, is facing this group of people, although only then 100 people, but this scene, Long Chen already imagined had been innumerable, since marrying Lingxi, all that he fights bravely, can stand for one day in them frankly and uprightly at present. 龙辰心里很安静,多少年了,他终于站在这个地方,面对着这一群人,虽然只有100人,但这个场景,龙辰早就想象过了无数次,自从娶了灵曦后,他所奋战的一切,都是为了某一天能够光明正大的站在他们眼前。 Joke wind and cloud. 笑谈风云。 His vision peaceful has swept, quick saw the wood-famine and Xing Yue two super Expert, the Life Dragon City upper-level character, the status and Thunder Shrine Dragon are equal, Heaven Raising Giant Tree Dragon and 3000 Astral Soul Dragon. 他目光安静了扫了过去,很快就看到了木荒和星越两位超级强者,生命龙城的上层人物,身份和神宫雷霆龙相等,擎天巨木龙三千星魂龙 Heaven Raising Giant Tree Dragon, is height over two meters old Cultivator, although white-haired, skin old wrinkle, but the build is grandiose, is very vigorous, an aquamarine eye is similar to the goshawk is equally sharp, does not get angry, but the prestige, looks is that very old-fashioned old fogy. 擎天巨木龙,是一位身高两米以上的苍老者,虽然满头白发,皮肤老皱,但是体形壮硕,十分苍劲,一双碧绿色的眼睛如同苍鹰一样犀利,不怒而威,一看就是那种十分古板的老家伙。 As for that 3000 Astral Soul Dragon, is one wears the purple long gown, the look is handsome, the long hair combs the meticulous middle-aged man, he just likes the trim starry sky, the body has covered entirely the radiant stars, inexhaustible, is hiding the endless secret, truly was similar to Gong Qing said that was a very mysterious person. 至于那三千星魂龙,则是一位身穿紫色长袍,相貌英俊,长发梳得一丝不苟的中年男子,他恍如整片星空,身上布满了璀璨的星辰,无穷无尽,藏着无尽的秘密,确实如同龚擎所说,是一位十分神秘的人。 The arrival of Long Chen, has initiated clamoring of other people. 龙辰的到來,引发了其他人的喧哗。 On the scene, almost all people throwing that the eye stares to his body, Long Chen one year ago at giant disturbance that in various god battlefields has, although they do not have personally to see, but had also heard complete matter process, on that day started Long Chen to move the world, because of the homicide Di Yu, as well as was child of status Eternal Dragon Emperor, he shouldered was actually the rare infamy. 在场当中,几乎所有人都把眼睛直勾勾的投到他的身上,龙辰一年前在诸神战场上闹出的巨大风波,他们虽然沒有亲眼所见,但也听说过完整的事情经过,那一天开始龙辰名动天下,但因为他杀了帝雨,以及身为永恒龙帝之子这个身份,他背负的却是罕见的骂名。 In young one generation, has not placed them of same time with Eternal Dragon Emperor truly, can only know Eternal Dragon Emperor all from gradually influencing of Elder. 在年轻一辈,沒真正和永恒龙帝身处过同一个时代的他们,只能从长辈的熏陶下得知永恒龙帝的一切。 They despising of Eternal Dragon Emperor, the disciple who such as Gong holds up are the same, shifts to the body of Long Chen. 他们把永恒龙帝的鄙夷,如龚擎的弟子一样,转移到龙辰的身上來。 Suddenly, their much discussion. 一时间,他们纷纷议论起來。 „The child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, is this fellow, got rid by Spirit Clan, wanders about destitute comes up to Chaos Star Domain, was being caught by our Life Dragon City.” 永恒龙帝之子,就是这个家伙么,被灵族抛弃,流落到混乱星域上來,然后又被我们生命龙城逮着。” „The life of this fellow, was one laughs simply.” Speaker giggled has smiled. “这家伙的人生,简直就是一场笑话了。”说话者咯咯笑了起來。 Really is interesting, you guess that from now on the future his destiny how, I guess he will be brought to return to Dragon God Domain to go, then before the common people, the suicide was apologized.” “真是有趣啊,你们猜猜从今往后他的命运会如何,我猜他会被带回到龙神域去,然后被在苍生面前,自杀谢罪。” His side that is his woman, what a pity, the so outstandingly beautiful young girl, unexpectedly followed him, was a pitiful matter, does not know that Elder can let off this young girl.” “他身边那位,是他的女人么,可惜了,如此绝色少女,竟然跟随了他,也是一件悲惨的事情了,就不知道长辈们能不能放过这个少女。” Look, in any case this Long Chen was miserable, son should pay the debts of the father, but Eternal Dragon Emperor owed us Human Clan to be too many, he repaid, he he......” “看着吧,反正这个龙辰是惨了,父债子还啊,但永恒龙帝欠我们人族太多了,他偿还得了么,呵呵……” Although is the low voice discussion, but had not abstained from that Long Chen can definitely be able to hear, he is not certainly angry, this class words, this class viewpoint he had already listened innumerable, until now he already understands anything is makes them close the method of mouth. 虽然是小声议论,但也沒有忌讳,龙辰完全能够听得见了,他当然不生气,此类的话,此类的观点他早就听过无数遍,时至今日他早就明白什么才是让他们闭上嘴巴的方法。 In front of Long Qinglan this matter, he must be the fearful character, can make them close the mouth. 龙青澜这件事面前,他必须要做可怕的人物,才能让他们闭上嘴巴。 That Xing Yue and wood-famine vision, carefully is also sizing up Long Chen, was Gong Qing and they had said probably Long Chen all situations, in their eyes has been full of the doubts. 星越和木荒的目光,也在仔细打量龙辰,大概是龚擎和他们说过龙辰一切情况吧,他们眼中充满了疑惑。 Gong Qing stands firm, Long Chen then stops in his side. 龚擎站定,龙辰便在他身边停下來。 Gong Qing observes the situation one thoughtfully: „, This is the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, his named Long Chen.” 龚擎环视一周道:“诸位,这一位就是永恒龙帝之子,他名为龙辰。” The people send out one to sneer, the vision that to tease looks at Long Chen, such as one group of people gather round a monkey, is teasing him to be the same. 众人发出一阵冷笑,以戏谑的目光看着龙辰,就如一群人围着一只猴子,正在逗弄他一样。 Long Chen discovered that really has line of sight together especially warm, Heaven Raising Giant Tree Dragon of this line of sight from that named wood-famine, he bright eyes carefully examines Long Chen together, then said by the dry old sound: Eternal Dragon Emperor, the sin is grave, its child also inevitable wild ambition, when executes.” 龙辰发现,果然有一道视线格外的热烈,这一道视线來自那名为木荒的擎天巨木龙,他一双碧色的眼睛审视龙辰,然后以枯老的声音道:“永恒龙帝,罪孽深重,其子也必然狼子野心,当诛。”
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