DBWG :: Volume #20

#1999: Xiaolong territory

He considers, most for Long Qinglan. 他所考虑的,最多还是为了龙青澜 In fact, when he after Chaos Star Domain is formidable, how in the future must return to Dragon God Domain, deals a head-on blow to these fellows, he is not clear, but he understands, entire Dragon God Domain, definitely not, only then that type the person who hates Eternal Dragon Emperor, has certainly such one group of his adorers, he must do, does not understand the true situation these, by person who the history cheated, understood the true truth. 实际上,等他在混乱星域强大之后,将來要怎样返回龙神域,给那些家伙迎头痛击,他也不清楚,但他明白一点,整个龙神域,肯定不只有那种仇恨永恒龙帝的人,一定有那么一群他的崇拜者,他所要做的,就是将那些不明真相,被历史哄骗的人,了解到真正的真相。 However, all these establish under premise that in he was not spurned by Human Clan, by his current condition, will be will not have Human Clan to believe his, he not only need melt Dragon God Domain, but must scrub itself on all, making them see own positive image, making these spurn own closing mouth. 但是,这一切都建立在他不被人族唾弃的前提下,以他目前的状态,是根本不会有人族相信他的,他不但要融进龙神域,还要洗刷自己身上的一切,让他们看到自己的正面形象,让那些唾弃自己的闭上嘴巴。 But at present this old man, as if has provided a breakthrough point to oneself, has provided an opportunity, he yearns for the freedom, but shoulders person of father's generation's desire and responsibility, this is the thing that he until death cannot get rid , is also he and others' difference, therefore he can achieve to insult the time to bear patiently in others, deals a head-on blow to others in the most crucial time. 而眼前这老者,似乎给自己提供了一个切入点,提供了一个机会,他向往自由,但肩负父辈的愿望和责任,这是他至死都不能抛弃的东西,也是他和别人的区别,所以他才能做到在别人辱骂时候隐忍下來,在最关键的时刻给别人迎头痛击。 Thunder Shrine Dragon continues saying: If you consider for your future, you should understand that you are Dragon Warrior, you are the Divine Dragon descendant, you belong to Human Clan, you also belong to Long Clan, you with us same are the Divine Dragon descendant, our body upper reaches same bloodlines , he only then returns to own hometown and world, you can true earthshaking, but does not roam about everywhere, Long Chen, I know that your matter to your father is not convinced very much, I also know that also wants to save this aspect, then I give you an opportunity, gives you one to make everybody know your opportunity, in my opinion, that youth. Can be insolent, can pursue the freedom, but you are not good, you must all close the mouth for you and your father's matter, then you can only use your motion, does looks to them.” 神宫雷霆龙继续说道:“如果你真的为自己的前程着想,你就应该明白,你是龙武者,你是神龙后裔,你属于人族,你也属于龙族,你和我们一样是神龙后裔,我们身上流着相同的血脉,他只有回到属于自己的家乡和天地,你才能真正的叱咤风云,而不是到处流浪,龙辰,我知道你对你父亲的事情很不服气,我也知道也想挽回这个局面,那么我给你一个机会,给你一个让大家重新认识你的机会,在我看來,那个少年。都可以张狂,都可以追求自由,但你不行,你要让所有人为你和你父亲的事情闭上嘴巴,那么你只能用你的行动,做给他们看。” This old fogy as if knows in the Long Chen heart many ideas, understands that insistence of Long Chen, Long Chen guessed, if trades to be other people to arrive, likely without demur imprisoned to deliver to Dragon God Domain to place on trial him, but he did not have. 这老家伙似乎知道龙辰心中许多的想法,也明白龙辰的坚持,龙辰猜测,若是换做其他人到來,很可能二话不说就把他囚禁起來送到龙神域审判去了,但他沒有。 Brother Chen, I thought that he said right, we cannot with the Human Clan resistance, after all we be Human Clan, is the resistance, must complete your father's last wish is difficult, what you must do conquers them, making them close the mouth thoroughly, lets them feels guilty for you and your father......” 辰哥哥,我觉得他说得沒错,我们不能和人族对抗,毕竟我们就是人族,越是对抗,要完成你爹爹的遗愿就越是困难,你要做的是征服他们,让他们彻底闭上嘴巴,让他们为你和你父亲感觉到愧疚……” When Long Chen inquired that the Lingxi idea time, Lingxi told him like this, this and his idea, should be happens to hold the same view. 龙辰询问灵曦的想法时候,灵曦这样告诉了他,这和他自己的想法,应该算是不谋而合吧。 His idea from the beginning, after is crossed one Yuan tribulation, then goes back the Dragon God Domain wanderer, goes to rectify names for the father again. 他一开始的想法,是渡过一元劫后,再回去龙神域闯荡,再去为父亲正名。 But, Highest Beginning God has not come, one Yuan tribulation was more remote. 但,太始之神还沒來呢,一元劫就更加遥远了。 He wants to complete the Long Qinglan last wish, rectifies names for the father, scrubs the wrongful treatment for him, can definitely the present start, he can draw support from this opportunity, rushes out own positive result in Chaos Star Domain, by own name, was vibrated Dragon God Domain, this also will be returns Dragon God Domain to prepare a ground for own future. 他想要完成龙青澜的遗愿,为父亲正名,为他洗刷冤屈,完全可以现在就开始,他可以借助这个机会,在混乱星域就闯出自己的名堂,让自己的名字,震动龙神域,这也算是为自己将來返还龙神域做一个铺垫。 If this old man to oneself this kind of opportunity, completes win-win, then he must certainly face the huge pressure, after all in the middle of Human Clan, all public opinions to the Long Chen fathers and sons is almost not good. 这个老者若是给自己这样一个机会,完成双赢,那么他自己肯定也要面临巨大的压力,毕竟在人族当中,所有的舆论对龙辰父子几乎都是不好的。 Long Chen only wants to try to prove a matter. 龙辰只想求证一件事情。 He asked: Senior, asked that your issue, how you think my father manner.” 他问道:“前辈,问你一个问題,你觉得我父亲为人如何。” The old men have laughed suddenly, in a while, he earnestly will say: I thought that he is the peerless big hero, natural talent nobody can compare, the strength unmatched in the world, almost the achievement Spiritual God, founds the historical Xin River, but I think to be useful, you must world to believe that making them for oneself once misunderstand, but shame, that was the matter of primary importance, my idea was dispensable.” 老者忽然大笑了起來,过了一阵子,他才认真道:“我觉得他是绝世大英雄,天资无人能比,实力天下无敌,几乎成就神灵,开创历史新河,可我个人觉得有什么用,你必须要让天下人都相信,让他们为自己曾经的误解而的羞愧,那才是最重要的事情,我个人的想法可有可无。” No.” The Long Chen look becomes firm, he said: At least makes me understand that Dragon God Domain is not an idiot, I am hopeful.” “不。”龙辰的眼神变得坚定起來,他道:“至少让我明白,龙神域不全是蠢货,我还有希望。” Although these words some are impolite, but the young people should make a great show of one's talents like this. 这句话虽然有些不客气,但年轻人就应该这样锋芒毕露。 Gong Qing said with a smile: „, We were agree.” 龚擎笑道:“那么,我们算是约定好了吗。” Long Chen no longer hesitates, he said with a smile: If I do not comply, I believe that you like this will not let go me absolutely.” 龙辰不再犹豫,他笑道:“假如我不答应,我相信你绝对不会就这样把我放走。” The opposite party said with a smile: You are very intelligent, is catching you with great difficulty, if you did not defer to me saying that I can only return to you to Five Great Dragon City first went, making them try you.” 对方笑道:“你很聪明,好不容易逮着你,你若是不按照我说的话,我就只能把你先送回到五大龙城去了,让他们來审判你了。” This and Long Chen almost expects. 这和龙辰预料得差不多。 In fact opposite party to oneself an opportunity, but has not given itself to choose. 实际上对方只是给自己一个机会,但并沒有给自己选择。 The formidables, the wise, should grasp the nettle, goes to and destiny resistance, with the world resistance. 勇者,智者,就应该迎难而上,去和命运抗争,和天下抗争。 After making this decision, Long Chen as if had the method, he knows that he cannot get down again quietly, starting today, must come to come ruthlessly, so long as does not touch the Five Great Dragon City bottom line, oneself can definitely probably ruthlessly how be how ruthless, even if in the middle of entire Human Clan, only then this Thunder Shrine Dragon trusts itself at present, trusts Long Qinglan, he did not fear. 做出这个决定后,龙辰仿佛有了方法,他知道自己不能再沉寂下去了,从今天开始,要來就來狠的,只要不触及五大龙城的底线,自己完全可以要怎么狠就怎么狠,就算是整个人族当中只有眼前这头神宫雷霆龙信任自己,信任龙青澜,他也不怕。 In his heart pledged: Always, I must all on the 1st misunderstand for me and my father completely vanish into thin air, making them rebuke oneself to confess for my mistake, I must use my effort, discovers the truth of history, but also my father justice.” 他心中发誓:“总有一日,我要让所有人为我和我的父亲全部的误解烟消云散,让他们为自己的过错自责忏悔,我要用我的努力,找出历史的真相,还我父亲一个公道。” Before this is the Long Qinglan at the point of death desire. 这是龙青澜临死前的愿望。 This is also in the Long Chen heart forever holds to read, does not succeed then dies for a righteous cause, who lets his today's all, is the father grants. 这也是龙辰心中永远的执念,不成功便成仁,谁让他今日的一切,都是父亲赐予的呢。 His life, glowed the warm fighting spirit. 他的生活,重新焕发出了热烈的斗志。 Gong Qing feels to him is very satisfied, path that he has stepped onto going back, walks while said: Front path, beset by disasters, young people should be fearless, challenge the authority, subverts the history, marches forward courageously, why although does not know, but I believe that your joining, will let the vortex of this history, has the unprecedented turbulence, walks, starts to meet head-on your life.” 龚擎对他感觉很满意,他率先走上了回去的道路,边走边道:“前方道路,多灾多难,年轻人就应该无所畏惧,挑战权威,颠覆历史,勇往直前,虽然不知道为什么,但我相信,你的加入,会让这历史的漩涡,发生前所未有的动荡吧,走吧,开始迎战你的人生。” Has saying that this Gong Qing, but also is really a very special person. 不得不说,这个龚擎,还真是一个十分特殊的人。 His idea, possibly with other Human Clan, has very big difference, is not at least same as his apprentices. 他的想法,可能会和其他的人族,有着很大的不同,至少和他的徒弟们都不相同。 Brother Chen, come on, I will accompany you to fight together.” 辰哥哥,加油,我会陪你一起战斗。” Lingxi and he in. 灵曦与他同在。 Long Chen looks up, in the sky the crystal wind-drift sand flashes, his future is forever glorious. 龙辰抬头望去,天空上水晶流沙闪动,他的前途光芒万丈。 Walks.” “走。” Is following Gong Qing, returned to the beforehand place. 跟随着龚擎,回到了之前的地方。 When these Dragon Warrior saw unexpectedly Long Chen sends Wushang(No injuries), they cannot believe that in abundance their eye, they think the teacher will certainly suffer Long Chen quite miserably, after all this is the entire Human Clan rebel...... 当那些龙武者们竟然看到龙辰毫发无伤的时候,他们纷纷不敢相信自己的眼睛,他们认为师尊一定会把龙辰折磨得相当惨,毕竟这可是整个人族的叛徒啊…… This inconceivable accident, lets them suddenly stunned, arrives at them until the old man at present, they astonished asked: Master...... The teachers, you have not punished him.” 这种不可思议的意外,让他们一时间都错愕不已,直到老者走到他们眼前,他们才惊愕问道:“师……师尊,你沒有惩罚他吗。” He is the Human Clan rebel, his father is the person condemned for all time, he cruelly has also injured Brother Jiang Kun, how not to punish him, directly brings back to Dragon God Domain him.” “他可是人族叛徒,他的父亲又是千古罪人啊,他还残暴打伤了姜坤师兄,怎么不惩罚一下他,就直接把他带回龙神域。” Although definitely cannot kill immediately, must bring back to Dragon God Domain to wait for that Five Great Dragon City jointly places on trial, but the opposite party has cast the blunder, at least should punch his, revenges for Jiang Kun. 虽然肯定不能马上杀死,要带回龙神域等待五大龙城联合审判,但对方已经铸成大错,至少应该揍他一顿,为姜坤报仇吧。 They are puzzling. 他们百思不得其解。 The old men did not reply that his temperament people are clear, ask many, making him feel that bothersome words, that affirmed that everybody must meet with a disaster. 老者却并不回答,他的脾气众人清楚,问得太多,让他觉得烦的话,那肯定大家都要遭殃了。 Starts, goes back.” “启程,回去。” The old men announced one, then looked at Long Chen one, Long Chen existed side by side with Lingxi in the same place, they were pulling both hands, greeted the new fight. 老者宣布一声,然后看了龙辰一眼,龙辰已经和灵曦并立在一起,两人牵着双手,迎接新的战斗。 Why does not kill them.” “为什么不弄死他们。” Youth Dragon Warrior almost must go crazy, they are not really able to endure patiently on this and Long Chen go back together, even if not punish his now, that at least should imprison, how can let itself their swaggering, probably the status is the same same as oneself. 少年龙武者们几乎要发疯了,他们实在无法忍耐就这样和龙辰一起回去,就算现在不责罚他一顿,那至少应该囚禁起來吧,怎么能够让他们大摇大摆的跟着自己,好像身份和自己相同一样。 These doubts made their incomparable discomfort, the people look at each other one, raised to this Gong Qing own question once again. 这些疑惑让他们无比的难受,众人对视了一眼,再度把自己的疑问对这龚擎提出。 Gong Qingdao: Was asked too, after going back ‚the Xiaolong territory, I will announce something.” 龚擎道:“被问太多,回去‘小龙域’后,我会宣布一些事情。” This reply, lets people zhang (3.33 m) two monks, cannot feel the brains. 这个回答,更是让众人丈二和尚,摸不着头脑。 But at this time, Long Chen with Gong Qing, together in the direction of Xiaolong territory. 而这时候,龙辰已经跟着龚擎,一起朝着小龙域的方向而去了。 Youth Dragon Warrior no doubt exceedingly indignant, but also can only bite the tooth, their vision is destructive, is staring at Long Chen stubbornly, is following the people footsteps, returns to the Xiaolong territory together. 少年龙武者们固然无比愤怒,但也只能咬着牙齿,他们目光充满杀机,死死盯着龙辰,跟随着众人脚步,一起返回小龙域。 Long Chen will not place in these immaterial people the eye. 龙辰不会把这些无关紧要的人放在眼中。 This all the way, everybody has not spoken, that Dream Immortal Clan Xiao Hongchen goes forward actually suddenly, to Long Chen side, hurries along, while said: You are called Long Chen, I am Dream Immortal Clan Xiao Hongchen, knew very much happily.” 这一路上,大家都沒有说话,倒是那梦幻仙族萧红尘忽然上前,到了龙辰身边,一边赶路,一边说道:“你叫做龙辰,我是梦幻仙族萧红尘,很高兴认识。” This is that Dream Alliance Young Master, if not for he, oneself will not come here. 这就是那梦盟少东家,若不是他,自己也不会來到这里。 He from the beginning, should be has the evil intention to himself, but Long Chen has not known that his attempt is anything. 他一开始,应该是对自己有恶意的,但龙辰还不知道他的企图是什么。 But should unable to become the good friend. 但应该不能成为好朋友。 This time saying something to smooth things over, feared that is also has to attempt. 这次的搭讪,怕也是别有企图吧。 Long Chen said: Dream Alliance Young Master is right, can ask that I buy the emperor **, you send for tracking me, for anything.” 龙辰道:“梦盟少东家对吗,能否问问,我不过是买走皇**,你派人跟踪我,又是为了什么。” He questioned the way like this directly, making Xiao Hongchen somewhat awkward. 他这样单刀直入的问话方式,让萧红尘有些尴尬。 He said with a smile: Had seen Long Chen Younger Brother gets rid, thought that you are quite uncommon Dragon Warrior, but is not the Life Dragon City person, for a while is curious, if has affronted you, can only with you say that was sorry, does not hit is not acquainted, we will fear in the future also has many occurring together, needs to help mutually, but also looks at Long Chen Younger Brother not to haggle over.” 他笑道:“看到过龙辰兄弟出手,觉得你是个相当不凡的龙武者,但又不是生命龙城的人,一时好奇,若是冒犯了你,只能和你说一声抱歉了,正所谓不打不相识,我们往后怕是还有不少的交集,需要互相帮助,还望龙辰兄弟莫要计较。” This Xiao Hongchen feared that is looks, Gong Qing does not have the plan to punish Long Chen, Long Chen displayed the earthshaking battle efficiency a moment ago, is not accidental, Gong Qing wants him to participate in Star Lord Hegemony War. 萧红尘怕是看得出來,龚擎根本就沒打算要惩罚龙辰,龙辰刚才表现出了惊天动地的战斗力,毫无意外,龚擎是要他参加星主争霸战 But his Xiao Hongchen, is entering the war. 而他萧红尘,也是其中一名参战者。 Is only the minor matter, naturally does not need to haggle over.” “只是小事,当然不用计较。” Long Chen smiles lightly, hurries along with single-hearted devotion. 龙辰淡淡一笑,专心赶路。 In him behind, these Dragon Warrior looks bad visits them. 在他身后,那些龙武者们神色不善的看着他们。 They sneer saying: This fellow really will also install to compel, spoke to him including Xiao Hongchen, he looked cold and indifferent, but also thinks really one were the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, the status was very lofty.” 他们冷笑道:“这家伙还真会装逼,连萧红尘跟他说话,他都爱理不理,还真以为自己身为永恒龙帝之子,身份就很崇高吗。” Do not respond him, this boy is a joke, immediately must return to the Xiaolong territory, about hundred Dragon Warrior Younger Brother there, when the time comes everybody together beat to death this fellow, revenges for Jiang Kun.” “别搭理他了,这小子就是个笑话,马上就要返回小龙域了,还有近百个龙武者兄弟在那里,到时候大家一起揍死这家伙,为姜坤报仇。” Really, has spent several days of time, they returned to the Xiaolong territory. 果然,花了几天时间,他们回到了小龙域。 Two Elder, I need to discuss with them.” Gong Qing said to Long Chen. “还有两位长辈,我需要和他们商量一下。”龚擎对龙辰道。
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