DBWG :: Volume #20

#1998: Decides the direction

His vision looked quietly. 他目光沉静看了过來。 That has the pupil of Dragon Scale trace, let Long Chen at heart some not the good premonition, the opposite party was Six Dao Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, Lingxi can let the Cultivator shift of Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm, but to Cultivator of this rank, likely to the grid, this degree of Lord God Technique was only a department of pediatrics. 那拥有龙鳞纹路的瞳仁,让龙辰心里有了不好的预感,对方是六道轮回劫境者,灵曦能够让五行轮回劫境者转移,但对这种级别的者,很可能在对方眼中,这种程度的界主神术只是一种小儿科。 The Star Shifter speed fast, just started, immediately must succeed. 斗转星移速度飞快,刚刚发动,马上就要成功了。 These Dragon Warrior in chart, in great surprise, will escape in abundance. 那些在阵图之内的龙武者,纷纷大惊,正要逃脱。 At this time, the old man put out a hand a ball, the time together ruinous white lightning to surpass the limit the speed to kill toward Lingxi, the speed of this white thunder will draw near simply perfect, if of Star Shifter started, the opposite party no doubt can be shifted, but fears Lingxi also dead in opposite party white thunder. 就在这时候,老者伸手一弹,顿时间一道毁灭性的白色闪电以超越极限的速度朝着灵曦杀來,这白色雷霆的速度简直快到了极致,如果斗转星移之阵发动,对方固然可以被转移走,但恐怕灵曦也会死在对方这白色雷霆上。 Prestige energy of Six Dao Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, casual attack, no small matter. 六道轮回劫境者的威能,随便的攻击,都非同小可。 In this time at a crucial moment, Long Chen cannot attend to too, he has made the most correct decision, that shifted the god country Lingxi, this quickly protected her method, Lingxi was safe and sound, the result of but causing was a Star Shifter chart forcefully is interrupted, has not played any role. 在这千钧一发的时刻,龙辰顾不上太多,他做了一个最正确的决定,那就是将灵曦转移到了神国当中,这才是最快保护她方法,灵曦安然无恙,但导致的结果就是斗转星移阵图被强行截断,沒有起到任何的作用。 That white thunder raids, Long Chen can do, only then went all out to dodge, but this type attacked him to discover that he could not fend, will clench teeth to go all out, has not actually thought that white thunder actually suddenly vanished in the middle of the midair, Long Chen was similarly safe and sound. 那白色雷霆袭來,龙辰所能做的只有拼命闪躲了,可这种攻击他发现自己根本闪避不过去,正要咬牙拼命,却沒想到那白色雷霆却在半空当中骤然消失,龙辰同样安然无恙。 He has been startled, should be the attack that Gong Qing relieves. 他怔了一下,应该是那龚擎解除的攻击。 He do not kill his meaning, or will not die by oneself easily. 他沒有要杀自己的意思,或者是不会让自己轻易就死了。 Long Chen does not know the thoughts of this old man. 龙辰不知道这老者的心思。 This accident, makes youth Dragon Warrior angrier. 这个变故,也让少年龙武者们更加愤怒。 Also wants to run away unexpectedly, is the rebel, but also dares to injure our people, today you die absolutely not bury the place of living.” “竟然还想逃走,身为叛徒,还敢打伤我们的人,今天你绝对死无葬生之地。” Several Dragon Warrior were clamoring angrily, must toward the Long Chen rush. 好几个龙武者愤怒叫嚣着,要朝着龙辰冲杀而來。 Halts.” “站住。” The old men summoned them, although these people are not willingly, but also can only bear, what after all spoke was their teachers, they believe that was better than their teachers, certainly will make Long Chen pay the price. 老者将他们呼唤了回去,那些人虽然非常不甘心,但也只能忍住,毕竟说话的是他们的师尊,他们相信,强如他们师尊,一定会让龙辰付出代价。 Carried on this step, Long Chen has only been able to walk one step to calculate one step, but he felt keenly that today's breach should on the body of this old man, he comfort Lingxi, making her leave is too anxious, today to oneself not necessarily is a trouble. 进行到了这一步,龙辰只能走一步算一步了,但他敏锐感觉到,今天的突破口应该在这老者的身上,他安抚了一下灵曦,让她别太紧张,今天对自己而言未必是个麻烦。 Teacher, making us kill him, revenged for Brother Jiang Kun.” “师尊,让我们來杀了他,为姜坤师弟报仇吧。” Yes, I come to revenge for Brother Jiang Kun, he fellow apprentice will injure unexpectedly such seriously.” “是啊,我來为姜坤师兄报仇,他竟然将师兄伤得这么惨重。” They is taking care of Jiang Kun, while grins to the Long Chen tooth tooth, but in fact in their hearts also has the fear, therefore can only one group of people on together. 他们一边照顾着姜坤,一边对龙辰齿牙咧嘴,但实际上他们心中也有恐惧,所以只能一群人一起上。 The old man vision is indifferent, said: You take care of Jiang Kun, making him well therapy, other matters I process, here treats should not be walking.” 老者目光淡然,道:“你们照顾好姜坤,让他好好疗伤,其他事情我來处理,在这里待着别走。” Hears this saying, they vent spleen finally, looks at Long Chen with the vision that the hatred, takes pleasure in others'misfortunes. 听到这话,他们终于解气,用仇恨、幸灾乐祸的目光看着龙辰 My teacher gets rid, you give up any idea to go on living, goes on living, you also gave up any idea of that lives moistens.” “我师尊出手,你休想活下去,就算活下去,你也休想活得滋润。” Under gradually influencing of Elder, in the middle of the Dragon God Domain young generation of idea, Long Qinglan is the big devil, is the representative of being perfidious. 长辈的熏陶下,龙神域年轻一辈观念当中,龙青澜就是大魔头,也是背信弃义的代表。 They hate such person since childhood, Long Chen is his son, naturally became the object who the opposite party hates and despises, moreover Long Chen has also killed Di Yu, hires oneself Spirit Clan. 他们从小就痛恨这样的人,龙辰是他儿子,自然成为了对方痛恨和鄙夷的对象,而且龙辰还杀了帝雨,投靠灵族 In their self-satisfied vision, old man arrives around Long Chen, unemotionally saying: Changes a place to chat, comes along with me.” 在他们得意目光当中,老者走到龙辰跟前,面无表情道:“换个地方聊聊,随我來。” Heard the old man saying that such words, these self-satisfied Dragon Warrior complexions stiffened, they think their teachers will want the Long Chen life immediately, revenged for Jiang Kun. 听到老者说这样的话,那些得意的龙武者们脸色僵住,他们原本以为他们师尊会马上要龙辰的命,为姜坤报仇呢。 Teacher must suffer him in secret.” “师尊一定是要暗中折磨他。” They comfort themselves to say like this. 他们这样安慰自己道。 Xiao Hongchen stands on one side, reveals the doubts expression, he watches each article matter that has much curiously. 萧红尘则站在一边,流露出疑惑表情,他很好奇的看着发生的一件件事情。 As for that shadow dragon, fuses the shadow, does not know the trace. 至于那阴影龙,融合到阴影当中,不知所踪。 Long Chen is stepping on the shatter fallen leaf, follows the old man to go toward the deep place, changes over to deep ravine most deep place, front old man that white thunder same hair is similar to the waterfall same dangles, everywhere one visit surrounding burned black, that has the white lightning of Dragon Scale surrounding to walk randomly on him, the casual lightning, feared that has the terrifying invincible might. 龙辰踩着破碎的落叶,跟随着老者一路朝着深处而去,转入到深涧的最深处,前方老者那白色雷霆一样的头发如同瀑布一样垂下,所到之处周围一片焦黑,那有着龙鳞包围的白色闪电在他身上游走,随便一道闪电,怕是都有恐怖神威。 Finally, he stops the footsteps, has turned around. 最终,他停下脚步,转过身來。 Senior makes me come to here, does.” “前辈让我來这里,有何贵干。” Since the opposite party has not killed intent to oneself, then Long Chen not parsimonious is more respectful to him, after is Five Great Dragon City Elder. 对方既然对自己沒有杀意,那么龙辰也不吝啬对他恭敬一些,毕竟是五大龙城长辈 Old man sinking sound track: By your strength, I estimates to change into Dragon Shape, can with Cultivator who four look like the Reincarnation Calamity Realm earlier period to the war, so the ability, really goes against heaven's will, really worthily is the Eternal Dragon Emperor son, to be honest, your age is too small, has boundless prospects, the future achievement will meet the whole world to vibrate surely, by person who I will see, at your this age, Five Great Dragon City will not have existence of such battle efficiency, said that you will be the same rank first under heaven are not overrated, one year ago if Di Yu will arrive at three Reincarnation Calamity Realm, at this moment will not be your match.” 老者沉声道:“以你的实力,我估计化为龙形,可以和四象轮回劫境前期的者对战,如此能力,着实逆天,真不愧为永恒龙帝的儿子,说实话,你年纪还太小,前途无量,将來的成就必定会举世震动,以我所见到的人來说,以你这个年纪,五大龙城都沒有此等战斗力的存在,说你是同级别天下第一也不为过,一年前帝雨若是到达三才轮回劫境,此刻也不是你对手。” He analyzes very right, Long Chen natural talent at this moment truly arrived has been able another common people to vibrate, naturally is only a talent, but is not Expert, Gong Qing knows that he initially left various god battlefield time the concrete strength, Long Chen can arrive at the present boundary within one year, in fact has caused his innermost feelings huge stir, in fact Dragon God Domain always nobody thinks that Long Chen can be a potential talent, because nobody thinks him to be able in the potential with the Di Yu comparison, so long as is not Di Yu, Dragon God Domain does not lack. 他分析得很对,龙辰此刻的天资确实已经到了可以另苍生震动的时候,当然只是一个天才,而不是强者,龚擎知道他当初离开诸神战场时候的具体实力,龙辰能在一年之内到达如今的境界,实际上引起了他内心巨大的轰动,实际上龙神域从來沒人认为龙辰会是个具有潜力的天才,因为沒人认为他在潜力上能和帝雨比较,只要不是帝雨,龙神域并不缺少。 In other words, your today's battle efficiency, if passes to Dragon God Domain to go, definitely will cause the world-wide stir, I think that other people are also same as me, does not think that the same day you, today will have such achievement, it seems like within this year your promotion is really astonishing, but you should know that you are powerful, to Dragon God Domain all Human Clan, this is not a good deed, even is one makes them feel the scared disaster, if so, before you are truly formidable, I will think to have countless people to strangle you in the middle of the cradle, so as to avoid you will become second Long Qinglan, Long Chen, you thought that I said reasonable.” “也就是说,你今日的战斗力若是传到龙神域去,必然会造成举世轰动,我想其他人也和我一样,都不会想到当日的你,今日会有此等成就,看來这一年之内你的提升实在惊人,可你应该知道,你越是强悍,对龙神域所有的人族來说,这都不是一件好事,甚至是一件让他们觉得恐慌的灾难,若是如此,在你真正强大起來之前,我想会有无数人想要将你扼杀在摇篮当中,免得你成为第二个龙青澜吧,龙辰,你觉得我说得有道理吗。” Long Chen still could not find out the opposite party is any meaning. 龙辰仍然摸不清楚对方是什么意思。 But he said well, until now have shown the unmatched in the world stance in the natural talent level, at least so far is unable to compare with including the Di Yu natural talent, the Ancestral Dragons invincible might started to show, particularly in battles after Tai Su God, goes against heaven's will, if Human Clan knows one arrived this step, is very likely to become second Long Qinglan, they, should strangle itself. 但他说得不错,时至今日自己在天资层面上已经展现出了天下无敌的姿态,至少目前为止连帝雨的天资都无法和自己比拟,祖龙神威已经开始展现出來,尤其是在与太素之神激战之后,更是逆天,若是人族知道自己已经到了这一步,很可能成为第二个龙青澜,他们,应该会扼杀自己。 Because, in their eyes, oneself are second Long Qinglan, the second rebel. 因为,在他们眼中,自己就是第二个龙青澜,第二个叛徒。 This makes in the Long Chen heart the pressure also very big, he is well-meant to Human Clan, if not be Long Qinglan he will not even have to do with here person, but he will understand to Long Qinglan this is his hometown, will be lives him to raise his place, he does not think that ugly reputation, will spread again always, before this will be the Long Qinglan at the point of death wish. 这让龙辰心中压力也很大,他对人族沒有恶意,如果不是龙青澜他甚至不会和这里的人打交道,但他明白对龙青澜而言这是他的故乡,是生他养他的地方,他不想自己那丑恶的名声,再永世流传下去,这是龙青澜临死前的心愿。 Senior, said you to say.” “前辈,说出你想说的吧。” Long Chen knows that he said these many, definitely has the true intention, otherwise he will not waste the argument with, can imprison oneself greatly directly brought to return to Dragon God Domain. 龙辰知道,他说了这么多,肯定是有真正的意图的,不然他不会和自己浪费口舌,大可以直接把自己囚禁了带回到龙神域 He did not fear in any case. 反正他不怕。 Gong Qing nods, but he still could not bear the applause: By your disposition, same level age level nobody can compare, I believe that so-called hired oneself the Spirit Clan matter is only absurd said that otherwise you will not come here, I really want today with the words that you spoke, in fact has not given the choice that you opposed, you were listening......” 龚擎点头,但他仍然忍不住赞许:“以你的心性,同等年龄层次无人能比,我相信所谓投靠灵族的事情只是荒谬之说,要不然你也不会來到这里,我今日真正想和你说的话,实际上沒给你反对的选择,你听着……” He, said: Shining Star has three big influences, separately is Golden War God Clan, Nightmare Clan and Dream Immortal Clan, stipulated according to nine star Alliances that three large clans can be on good terms side allied armies, my Human Clan assists Dream Immortal Clan, in the middle of Human Clan sends out my Life Dragon City several to come to assume personal command, three big influences must carry on Star Lord Hegemony War immediately, but in the middle of Star Lord Hegemony War, the first war is the war of talent, when the time comes my Life Dragon City talent Dragon Warrior under 4000 years old, can form corps with the Dream Immortal Clan talents, with another two big influences, is Golden War God Clan adds Monster Clan respectively, adds Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family to resist with Nightmare Clan, the victor can obtain an important score, has to Star Lord Hegemony War finally significantly. The function, all these, you understood what is heard.” 他顿了一顿,道:“璀璨星辰有三大势力,分别是黄金战神族梦魇族梦幻仙族,按照九星联盟规定,三大族可以交好一方盟军,我人族辅佐梦幻仙族,人族当中派出我生命龙城的几位前來坐镇,三大势力马上就要进行星主争霸战,而星主争霸战当中,第一战是天才之战,到时候我生命龙城的4000岁以下的天才龙武者,会和梦幻仙族的天才们组成一个战队,与另外两大势力,分别是黄金战神族妖族,与梦魇族混沌皇族对抗,胜利者可以得到一个重要的分数,对最终星主争霸战有着重大。的作用,这一切,你听明白了吗。” Long Chen nods, he was always intelligent, speaks of here him to be approximately clear, access road: „The meaning of senior, wants me and Life Dragon City as well as Dream Immortal Clan person together, with other two big influence resistances, helping you win.” 龙辰点点头,他向來聪明,说到这里他大致已经清楚了,便道:“前辈的意思,是要我和生命龙城以及梦幻仙族的人一起,和其他两大势力对抗,让你们获得胜利么。” The old men are very satisfied, stroke must steadily, said: We have four to look like the Reincarnation Calamity Realm earlier period much talent Dragon Warrior, but you, if can participate, the probability that defeats will be bigger, I said all these, gives you an opportunity, you can display itself through this opportunity, if you can be Human Clan participate Shining Star to make the major contributions, the going against heaven's will natural talent that in addition you show, I believe that in the Five Great Dragon City above these will of the people will have the prudent consideration, the only wrong thing that after all you do, has not killed Di Yu, but you, if can replace Di Yu, moreover can repent, is Human Clan makes the outstanding contributions, I believe., You will regain thinking highly and the trust of our Five Great Dragon City, will bring honor for your father.” 老者很是满意,抚摸长须,道:“我们有不少四象轮回劫境前期的天才龙武者,但你若是能够参加的话,战胜的几率会更加大,我所说这一切,都是给你一个机会,你可以通过这个机会表现自己,如果你能够为人族插足璀璨星辰做出重大贡献,再加上你本身展现出的逆天天资,我相信五大龙城上面那些人心里会有慎重的考量,毕竟你做的唯一一件错事,不就是杀了帝雨吗,但你若是能够顶替帝雨,而且能够悔改,为人族做出突出贡献的话,我相信。,你会重新获得我们五大龙城的器重和信任,也会为你父亲争光。” He one after another said his idea. 他一连串说出了自己的主意。 Can look, this fellow should come prepared. 看得出來,这家伙应该是有备而來的。 He does not want to be these young people are same, saw one shouted hits to shout " kill ", but treated itself at a sane Elder angle, pointed out the direction to oneself, flushed this point, Long Chen thought one should give the face of this old man. 他不想是那些年轻人一样,一看到自己就喊打喊杀,而是以一个理智长辈的角度來对待自己,给自己指明方向,就冲这一点,龙辰觉得自己就应该给这个老者的一个面子。 But must comply with the opposite party, he needs to ponder prudently. 但到底要不要答应对方,他需要慎重的思考。 Makes me reorganize train of thought.” “让我整理一下思绪。” The Long Chen nod said that then in the heart ponders: I will make all in the future, nothing but wants the father to rectify names, but by my current situation, I makes Human Clan spurn, how can also achieve for him rectifies names, if only I, I can greatly not bird these Human Clan, but there is actually father's hometown, I must complete the last wish for him, should pay......” 龙辰点头说了一句,然后心中沉思:“我将來所做一切,无非是要父亲正名,但以我目前的情况,我连自己都让人族唾弃,又怎么能做到为他正名呢,如果只是我自己,我大可以不鸟这些人族,但那里却是父亲的家乡,我要为他完成遗愿,就应该有所付出……” [
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