DBWG :: Volume #20

#1997: Shocks the second to kill

( ( Blue Rage Sea Fierce Dragon is in Divine Dragon time sea tyrant that time Long Ji Continent is big a lot Advanced Level Divine Dragon to endure compared with today compared with the Spiritual God has the earthshaking prestige to be able that to be a very powerful time 蓝色怒海暴龙乃是神龙时代海中霸者那时候的龙祭大陆比起今日要大得多高等神龙堪比神灵有着惊天动地之威能那是一个无比强盛的时代 On present Rage Sea Fierce Dragon be continuous kilometer Blue Dragon Scale glowed in the middle of the eye-catching honored sky to present the innumerable ocean waves him to surround Rage Sea Fierce Dragon each rolling up and pushing along body can accomplish the huge sound 眼前的怒海暴龙绵延上千米蓝色龙鳞焕发着夺目的光彩天空当中出现了无数的海浪将他包围其中怒海暴龙每一次卷动身体都能够造就巨大的动静 This Rage Sea Fierce Dragon is strongest several otherwise Long Chen will not choose him among the apprentice of old man becomes own match 这一头怒海暴龙在老者的徒弟当中算是最强的几个之一要不然龙辰也不会选择他成为自己的对手 When Rage Sea Fierce Dragon changes into Dragon Shape he sends out huge howling pair of sea Blue to stare at Long Chen to roar like the gem same eye: „The child of Eternal Dragon Emperor shows your body of Divine Dragon to make me and others have a look at you quickly to have any ability, if you still did not have the guts and I dispute are still escape constantly do not blame me not being impolite 怒海暴龙化为龙形的时候他发出庞大的吼叫声一双海蓝色如宝石一样的眼睛盯着龙辰咆哮道:“永恒龙帝之子快展现出你的神龙之躯让我等看看你有什么能耐如果你仍然沒有胆量和我较量仍然是一味的逃避的话可别怪我不客气了” The Dragon Warrior true fight by that the body of Divine Dragon carries on is the glory 龙武者真正的战斗都是以神龙之躯进行的那才是荣耀 The Dragon Warrior creed was youth Dragon Warrior that heroic and senseless Long Chen dodged to dodge like this hides naturally makes them look down upon to surround very already laughed in their opinion Long Chen looks like in vain had such strong father 龙武者的信条就是英勇而无谓龙辰这样闪闪躲躲自然让他们十分看不起围观的少年龙武者们早就嗤笑不已在他们看來龙辰就像是白白有了那么一个超强的父亲 So does not have the spirit not to know how really he kills Di Yu “如此沒有气概真不知道他是怎么杀死帝雨的” Sees them to ridicule that silent Dream Immortal Clan Xiao Hongchen has said: He has not started to fight in the protracted time 见他们一直嘲笑那一直沉默的梦幻仙族萧红尘道:“他在拖延时间还沒开始战斗” Heard this saying youth Dragon Warrior to stare first, although Xiao Hongchen said a little truth but them not to be willing to believe that probably in their eyes after Long Chen was distressed appearance Rage Sea Fierce Dragon transformed into Dragon Shape, particularly the opposite party unexpectedly including transforming the courage of Dragon Shape does not have 听到这话少年龙武者先是愣了一下虽然萧红尘说得好像有点道理但他们不愿意相信在他们眼中龙辰就是狼狈的样子尤其是怒海暴龙转化成为龙形之后对方竟然连变换龙形的胆子都沒有 Lingxi succeeded 灵曦成功了 Long Chen has been waiting for this time 龙辰一直都在等待这个时刻 To be honest this bird under this fellow's chase insult was mad him to be sufficed him to endure patiently to wait for the Lingxi successful that moment 说实话在这家伙的追逐辱骂之下这鸟气他已经受够了他一直都在忍耐等待着灵曦成功的那个片刻 Really at this time her really success 果然就在这时候她真的成功了 Really worthily is my good wife “真不愧是我的好媳妇” Long Chen and this time that Rage Sea Fierce Dragon was in an uncontrollable rage Long Chen Courts Death he unable to bear him in secret with a smile unexpectedly is tyrant this time in sea his body rolls up and pushes along that sturdy tail to bring the endless ocean waves ice-cold to come suddenly a filling the heavens big thing in the middle of the sky same to soar to the heavens to fall like the meteorite toward the Long Chen bombardment 龙辰暗中笑着而这时候那怒海暴龙怒不可遏龙辰竟然找死那么他也忍不住了他是海中的霸者此时他的身体在天空当中卷动那粗壮的尾巴带着无尽的海浪冰冷朝着龙辰轰击而來一时间一个弥天大物就如陨石一样冲天而降 But Long Chen has not needed to dodge him again 龙辰已经不用再闪躲他了 In his heart did not have the anger to be only constrains this whole life most unable to bear others to take his father sanely to shame that is he can endure patiently to he biggest provocation until now completely for the reason, but does not need to endure patiently Long Chen that slaughters, but cruel thorough manifested came out his eye to turn into blood red Killing Aura to be filling the heavens instantaneously 他心中并非沒有愤怒只是理智的压抑他这辈子最受不了别人拿他父亲來羞辱那是对他最大的挑衅他能忍耐到如今完全是为了理智但当不需要忍耐的时候龙辰那杀戮而残暴的性格彻底的体现了出來他的眼睛瞬间变成血红杀气弥天 Carved him no longer to retrocede at this time suddenly instead toward that Rage Sea Fierce Dragon flushes away, but he has not melted the dragon but greeted the attack of Rage Sea Fierce Dragon that terror by the human form body 在这时刻他骤然间不再后退反而朝着那怒海暴龙冲去但他并沒有化龙而是以人形的身体去迎接怒海暴龙那恐怖的攻击 Rage Sea Fierce Dragon his tail may mix sea to form the exterminated storm might can be imagined Long Chen this action is to like a moth to the flame without doubt without doubt is Courts Death 怒海暴龙他的尾巴可搅动海洋形成灭绝性的风暴威力可想而知了龙辰这举动无疑是飞蛾扑火无疑是找死 At least youth Dragon Warrior clamored got up they to look surprisedly Long Chen full was astonished, but this still cannot eliminate them to Long Chen beforehand despising no matter in their opinion Long Chen were Dragon Warrior first this rebel does not have them who the qualifications and and the others placed on a par to harbor to the Human Clan deep sentiment hates Long Chen to wish one could him dead 至少少年龙武者们喧哗了起來他们惊奇的看着龙辰满是惊异但这仍然消除不了他们对龙辰之前的鄙夷在他们看來不管龙辰是不是龙武者首先他这个叛徒是沒有资格和自己等人相提并论的他们怀着对人族深深的感情痛恨龙辰恨不得他死去 However they actually saw that is unable to imagine 但是他们却看到了无法想象的一幕 Long Chen looks like a small fly and that Blue huge Dragon Tail from the sky shocks clashes 龙辰就像是一只小小的苍蝇和那蓝色的巨大龙尾在空中震撼对撞 During everybody conceives Long Chen to be rumbled the powder to be right 大家设想当中龙辰应该会被轰成粉末才对 But they have not thought absolutely Long Chen not only sent Wushang(No injuries) he even to build on Rage Sea Fierce Dragon Dragon Tail his both hands turned into Blood Red sharp Dragon Claw deep pierces Rage Sea Fierce Dragon Dragon Scale to buckle stubbornly on that Dragon Tail 可他们绝对沒想到龙辰不但毫发无伤他甚至搭在了怒海暴龙龙尾上他的双手变成了血红色的锋利龙爪深深的刺穿了怒海暴龙龙鳞将自己死死的扣在那龙尾 Rage Sea Fierce Dragon naturally knows one were stucked him to shout to shout angrily: Damn fly 怒海暴龙自然知道自己被黏住了他愤怒叫嚷道:“该死的苍蝇” Was saying him while moves huge Dragon Tail to hit bang a bang he toward the ground to think can suppress into the meat sauce to be possible this time Dragon Tail stabbing pain to awaken his him Long Chen to discover astonished after Dragon Tail divided next Long Chen first to fall the ground his both legs have been well-grounded deeply falls has gone, but his both hands actually supported that to be older on Dragon Tail of non- several fold than him to him 一边说着他一边甩动着巨大龙尾朝着地面上撞去轰隆一声巨响他原本以为能够将龙辰镇压成为肉酱可这时候龙尾的刺痛惊醒了他他惊愕的发现当龙尾劈下后龙辰首先落到了地上他双腿着地深深的陷了进去但他的双手却撑住了那对他而言比他大上无数倍的龙尾 This strange picture makes people surprised 这个古怪的画面让众人惊愕不已 Why Long Chen had still not let loose the opposite party this is must excelled at strength this by the human form body and opposite party compared with strength Rage Sea Fierce Dragon without doubt be Courts Death 龙辰仍然沒放开对方他这是要干嘛以人形身躯和对方比力气怒海暴龙本來就擅长力气这无疑是找死 But the next picture was actually Long Chen explodes to drink him to clench the teeth relatively speaking the immature body actually to erupt the scared strength he actually grasps Rage Sea Fierce Dragon Dragon Tail to make an effort nobody to think that angrily he can succeed to be possible he actually completely to surmount everybody's imagination 可下一个画面却是龙辰爆喝一声他咬紧牙关相比而言幼小的身体却爆发出了让人恐慌的力量他竟然抱住了怒海暴龙龙尾愤然用力沒人会觉得他能成功可他却完全超越了大家的想象 At that moment Rage Sea Fierce Dragon exudes the scared cry 那一刻怒海暴龙发出恐慌的叫声 The fearful strength that on Long Chen transmits controlled his body he to think from Dragon Tail can fling to be possible he suddenly Long Chen frightened to discover with ease own Dragon Tail could not move he to use that in comparison incomparably immature both arms to hold itself unexpectedly 龙辰身上传來的可怕力量从龙尾掌控了他的身体他原本以为可以轻松将龙辰甩出去可他竟然恐惧的发现自己的龙尾竟然动弹不得了他用那相比之下无比幼小的双臂抓住了自己 At that moment Long Chen revealed the smiling face of letting somebody cool off or calm down to him finally 那一刻龙辰终于对他流露出了冷冷的笑容 Your his mother...... Said that sufficed “你他娘的……说够了吧” With his roared he to make an effort angrily that volume is Rage Sea Fierce Dragon of his non- several fold is pulled him to roll up and push along to be centered on him unexpectedly he at the tiny body the Rage Sea Fierce Dragon entire body by him to brandish one Rage Sea Fierce Dragon unexpectedly finally pounding maliciously the earth and wooded mountain complete chap within hundred li (0.5km) explodes abyss in ground that flash everything may become vulnerable surrounding area 伴随着他的怒吼他愤然用力那体积是他无数倍的怒海暴龙竟然被他拉扯动他以渺小的身躯将怒海暴龙整个身体卷动起來以他自己为中心他竟然将怒海暴龙抡了一圈最终狠狠的砸在了地上那一瞬间地动山摇方圆百里之内的大地和山林全部龟裂爆裂出一道道深渊 Rage Sea Fierce Dragon under the strength of Long Chen that terror pounds in ground Dragon Scale cracking covered with blood that blood from the mouth spurts crazily, but the rivers of blood Rage Sea Fierce Dragon whole body twitches the binocular pale piece of confused corners of the mouth to tremble in an instant incessantly is completely incredible 龙辰那恐怖的力量下怒海暴龙砸在地上龙鳞崩裂血肉模糊那鲜血从口中狂喷而出刹那间血流成河怒海暴龙浑身抽搐不止双眼苍白一片迷茫嘴角哆嗦完全不可置信 But this is only starts 可是这只是开始 He is unable to imagine on Long Chen to save what kind of anger 他无法想象龙辰身上到底积蓄了怎样的愤怒 Whom I told you me to kill not to regret that the half minute I offended anyone not to be afraid regarding Dragon God Domain I have no complain and regret, even if I and my father were more wrong much, but was not one's turn you to direct you to listen to me clearly “我告诉你我杀了谁从來沒有后悔半分我得罪过谁也未曾害怕对于龙神域我无怨无悔即使我和我父亲错得离谱但也轮不到你对我指指点点你听清楚了吗” Long Chen exploded drinks him still to hold that incomparably huge Dragon Tail to him to raise him to rush to the sky to get angry the sea blue dragon to brandish several by the tiny body to pound once again above the sky finally furiously to the ground time looks like the huge meteor loudly falls, if this Rage Sea Fierce Dragon pounded in the ground definitely is the result of meeting a cruel death 龙辰爆喝一声他仍然抱着那对他而言无比巨大的龙尾再度掀起他冲上天空以渺小的身体将怒海苍龙在天空之上抡了好几圈最后奋力砸向地面顿时间就像是巨大的陨星轰然下落若是这一次怒海暴龙砸在地面上肯定是粉身碎骨的结局 Has deterred all people to the fearfulness of this moment Long Chen 到了此刻龙辰的可怕已经震慑了所有人 He made all before also direct within the shortest time by the wildest stance the person who has closed the mouth people complexion palely and weakly looks that the Rage Sea Fierce Dragon pitiful condition looks he soon will be pounded in fragment almost every youth brain one piece of blank even nobody to think rescued that Rage Sea Fierce Dragon they to make the short performance that Long Chen this went against heaven's will being scared completely 他以最狂暴的姿态在最短的时间之内让所有之前还指指点点的人闭上了嘴巴众人脸色苍白无力的看着怒海暴龙的惨状看着他即将被砸成碎片几乎每个少年脑中都一片空白甚至沒人想到去救那怒海暴龙他们完全让龙辰这逆天的短暂表演给吓破了胆子 To be honest Rage Sea Fierce Dragon Jiang Kun in the middle of entire Life Dragon City was also the talent character of very high rank also has the speed and pitiful degree that the huge fame may he defeat today by the innumerable young Dragon Warrior worships in Five Great Dragon City surmounts the imagination that old man complexion of people also to undergo a sweeping change simply continually 说实话在整个生命龙城当中怒海暴龙姜坤也算是很高级别的天才人物被无数年幼的龙武者崇拜在五大龙城之间也拥有巨大的名气可今天他战败的速度和悲惨程度简直超越了众人的想象连那老者脸色也经历了一场大变化 Jiang Kun is his apprentice 姜坤可是他的徒弟 He cannot certainly make Jiang Kun like this die 他当然不能让姜坤就这样死了 Then before finally was made at the point of death by scared out of one's wits Jiang Kun responded that he changes into the human form, although covered with blood, but these time at least can reduce the pressure of his teacher 而那被吓破胆的姜坤在临死之前终于做出了反应他重新化为人形虽然血肉模糊但这一次至少能够减轻他师尊的压力 In he almost killed Thunder Shrine Dragon on the ground to put out a hand one volume of he to fall to the ground falls to his master Younger Brother by he calmly and steadily at this moment vomits a blood to stand not to be steady he field of vision becomes incomparably looks up that scarlet youth still slowly to drop in his eye revealed the acme to cough fuzzily a blood other source the dizzy past to lose the state of mind with amazement 在他几乎撞死在地上的时候神宫雷霆龙伸手一卷他安稳落到地上落到他的师兄弟旁边此刻的他呕出一口鲜血已经站立不稳他的视野变得无比模糊抬头一看那个血色的少年还在慢慢下降他的眼睛里流露出极致的骇然咳嗽出一口鲜血他方才晕眩过去失去了神志 He from high-spirited until defeating altogether also less than ten breaths time 他从意气风发直到战败总共也不到十息的时间 If not for Gong Qingjiu his he should probably die without doubt 若不是龚擎救了他他应该必死无疑 Following the battle here silently 战斗结束后这里悄然无声 These fights ten decomposition air/Qi 这一场战斗十分解气 Long Chen has not thought that all effort that the Life Dragon City person will come here him already to regard Five Great Dragon City is this lives to need to conquer the object who he makes nothing but is wants the Five Great Dragon City person to close the mouth therefore today he not to have any fear and fear 龙辰怎么也沒想到生命龙城的人会來到这里他早就将五大龙城当成是此生需要征服的对象他所做的一切努力无非是想要五大龙城的人闭上嘴巴所以今日他沒有任何的害怕和恐惧 On such as their institute said one are child of that Eternal Dragon Emperor should have their pride 就如他们所说自己是永恒龙帝之子那么自己就应该有自己的骄傲 He becomes is careful to fall the ground in fact at this time is the most critical time facing the person wing of Five Great Dragon City, in addition does not have plentiful him to hurry to leave him nothing but after waiting for Lingxi succeeds when he fell to the ground has Lingxi of cleverness to appear with his heart instantaneously in his present Long Chen embraces her slender waist from behind 他变得小心谨慎落到了地上实际上这时候才是最紧要的时候面对五大龙城的人羽翼尚且沒有丰满的他必须要赶紧离开他无非是在等待灵曦成功当他落到地上后与他心有灵犀的灵曦瞬间出现在他的眼前龙辰从后面揽住了她的纤腰 Lingxi has prepared for the old man who her goal is that leads, so long as makes his other people how Long Chen 灵曦做好了准备她的目标是那领头的老者只要弄走他其他人奈何不了龙辰 Of Star Shifter 斗转星移之阵” Examination Rage Sea Fierce Dragon the appearance of injury Lingxi at this time everybody vibrated they suddenly basically have not noted . Moreover the Lingxi quick-moving these time displayed of that Star Shifter to surround opposite party majority of Cultivator instantaneously got up included Thunder Shrine Dragon and his shadow dragon 这个时候大家都在震动的查看怒海暴龙的伤势灵曦的出现他们一时间基本都沒注意到而且灵曦动作迅速这一次施展那斗转星移之阵瞬间将对方大部分的者包围了起來其中就包括神宫雷霆龙和他身边的阴影龙 Star Shifter start 斗转星移启动 Lingxi hand signal transformation Lord God Technique starts 灵曦手势变换界主神术发动 Long Chen is very naturally anxious 龙辰自然很紧张 Once Lingxi succeeds he to bring Lingxi to leave immediately 一旦灵曦成功他就要马上带着灵曦离开 When Star Shifter starts old man realized immediately 就在斗转星移发动的时候老者马上就察觉到了
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