DBWG :: Volume #20

#1996: Angry sea tyrannosaurus

( ( When the finger of Long Chen fell on a youth has accomplished the complete silence youth or youth of Dragon Warrior moment let Long Chen boldly and daunts the lamb that in fact in their eyes Long Chen already is treated butchers rampantly remaining the issue that got rid of by whom is only they have not thought that Long Chen will provoke on own initiative 龙辰的手指落到了其中一位少年身上的时候造就了片刻的鸦雀无声少年或者青年龙武者们让龙辰的大胆和嚣张吓住了实际上在他们眼中龙辰早就是待宰的羔羊剩下的只是由谁出手的问題只是他们怎么也都沒想到龙辰会主动挑衅 , if perhaps is not the Long Chen initiative provocation so chooses is also he delays the time one way he to want Lingxi not to be accidental completes relieved after that Butterfly Illusion Sword restoration and other Lingxi succeeded can this old man with Star Shifter shift the two also to have the hopes of a wee bit fleeing 并不是龙辰主动挑衅如此选择也是他拖延时间的一种方式罢了他要灵曦毫无意外安心完成对那蝴蝶幻剑的恢复等灵曦成功后若是能把这位老者用斗转星移之阵转移开去那两人或许还会有丁点逃离的希望 This is also the only hope 这也是唯一的希望 He very calmly not and despised the matter of brains that became confused about Dragon God Domain he already to think that by the insult of opposite party he has not wanted to encounter the opposite party the time trapped|sleepy beast still to fight clearly, only then defeated them to obtain own dignity sanely 他很冷静并不会被对方的辱骂和鄙夷冲昏的头脑关于龙神域的事情他早就想清楚了他不想遭遇对方的时候困兽犹斗只有最理智的打败他们才能获得自己的尊严 Only breach on that old man 唯一的突破口在那老者身上 , but other people have to kill own meaning but this old man his expression and idea from beginning to end have not been ascertain airtight Long Chen can believe firmly that he at least has not killed his thought he first time to see the Five Great Dragon City person does not know they to or are Five Great Dragon City how Long Qinglan regards also possibly have the difference 其他人都有杀自己的意思但这老者并沒有他的表情和想法从始至终都是捉摸不透的但龙辰可以确信他至少沒有杀自己的念头他还是第一次见到五大龙城的人并不知道他们对龙青澜到底是怎样看待的或者说就算是五大龙城也可能存在分歧 After Long Chen said those words that the youth is been angry almost by Long Chen was pointing at must spout the flame to come him to get hold of double fist pair of tiger to stare at Long Chen to clench jaws unable stubbornly in the spoken language to describe that his anger at this moment he shook the head to that old man said: Teacher was solved him I to have a look at Eternal Dragon Emperor Long Qinglan by me once the world not to have the enemy and ourselves but actually to have a look at his son but actually whether had this ability to feel relieved I will not kill his him also to be brought back to Dragon God Domain to apologize to world Human Clan 龙辰说出那句话后那被龙辰指着的少年愤怒得几乎要喷出火焰來了他握紧双拳一双虎目死死盯着龙辰咬牙切齿无法用言语形容他此刻的愤怒他摇头对那老者说道:“师尊就由我來解决他吧我倒要看看永恒龙帝龙青澜曾经天下无敌我倒要看看他的儿子是否有此能耐放心我不会杀死他他还要被带回龙神域向天下人族谢罪呢” Other Dragon Warrior also instigate among this group of people not to lack compared with Long Chen refers to the youth also wanting formidable existence also quite to the boundary of ten -year-old age Cultivator generally speaking to want the age over 4000 years old unable to be that side Bai and Yang Town Immortal God Domain in the Immortal God Domain in fact 1000 years old young Cultivator 其他龙武者也纷纷怂恿这一群人当中并不缺乏比起龙辰所指少年还要强大的存在在永生神域实际上1000岁也就相当于白杨镇那边对十岁年龄者的界限一般來说只要年纪不超过4000岁在永生神域这边都能算是年轻 The emperor wind less than 1000 years old in Human Clan he are under one of the thousand -year-old most Expert 帝风不到1000岁在人族当中他算是千岁之下的最强者之一 But present several were Human Clan top talent their ages generally under 4000 years old for example and Long Chen in that confronted has also led a pious life for more than 2000 years to cultivate to arrive at three Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage experienced the world person 3-layer great misfortune in Human Clan even in entire Immortal God Domain is also the peerless talent ranks 而眼前的几位也是人族的顶尖天才不过他们的年龄一般都在4000岁之下比如和龙辰对峙的那位已经修行了2000多年修为到了三才轮回劫境后期经历了天地人三重大劫在人族当中甚至在整个永生神域也算是绝世天才行列 If emperor wind that type the time of arriving at this age is also not necessarily have his battle efficiency 如帝风那种到达他这个年纪的时候也未必能有他的战斗力 The majority that the old men bring is the Life Dragon City talent character 老者所带來的大部分都是生命龙城的天才人物 All waited for that old man's reply 一切等待那老者的回答了 Said in this time that old man hesitation moment: That tries 就在这时候那老者沉吟片刻道:“那就试试吧” Approval that youth who hears the old man is excited immediately the incomparable pair of blazing look stubbornly stared at Long Chen to act in a completely informal or uninhibited manner 听到老者的准许那少年顿时兴奋无比一双炽热的眼神死死的盯着龙辰已经旁若无人了 Other people said: Jiang Kun you may probably teach him well one for Younger Brother foul odor 其他人纷纷道:“姜坤你可要好好教训他一顿替兄弟们出一口恶气” Remembered killing us must also bring back to Dragon God Domain to visit him to have the honor him to own generation “记住千万别给打死了我们还要把他带回龙神域看他有沒有脸面对自己的列祖列宗” Said to getting rid to probably relax allows him to understand that our Five Great Dragon City talent Dragon Warrior had how formidable on the line “说得对出手可要悠着点啊让他了解了解我们五大龙城的天才龙武者有多么强大就行了” That is called Jiang Kun's Dragon Warrior he he to smile to wave saying: Felt relieved how should make his me to know in heart 那叫做姜坤的龙武者呵呵一笑挥手道:“诸位就放心吧该怎么弄他我心里有数” Other people under that old man's leadership have drawn back to give their Long Chen actually the fight location firmly to stand in that Lingxi have not left half step before the remote mountain 在那老者的带领下其他人已经退开把战斗的场地让给了他们龙辰却牢牢站在那灵曦所在深山之前沒有离开半步 He was also waiting for in the fight 他在战斗也是在等待 Lingxi naturally knows at present the situation with his mind interlinked 灵曦与他心灵相通自然知道目前情况 Brother Chen......” 辰哥哥……” Her very grateful Long Chen so trusts her therefore her unable to give up 她很感激龙辰如此信任她所以她更加不能够放弃 Fights intent to be turbulent 战意汹涌 Jiang Kun ridicules to look that Long Chen he said: I am Advanced Level Divine Dragon Rage Sea Fierce Dragon do not know that your excellency will be what kind Long Clan Eternal Dragon Emperor will leave behind anything to hear to you will be super Divine Dragon revealed will come to see 姜坤揶揄看着龙辰他道:“吾乃高等神龙怒海暴龙不知道阁下是何等龙族永恒龙帝会给你留下什么听说是超级神龙亮出來看看吧” Long Chen including Reincarnation Calamity Realm has not arrived , if super Divine Dragon most has one Yuan Reincarnation Calamity Realm battle efficiency in this Jiang Kun yan he radically is not match only to Long Chen battle efficiency curious perhaps is that old man also one is that Dream Immortal Clan Xiao Hongchen 龙辰轮回劫境都还沒到如果是超级神龙的话最多只有一元轮回劫境的战斗力在这姜坤眼中他根本就不是对手唯一对龙辰战斗力好奇的恐怕就是那老者还有一位就是那梦幻仙族萧红尘 From beginning to end he has not said a few words but to carefully examine Long Chen that vision is very fearful Xiao Hongchen strength should also more formidable than this Jiang Kun 从始至终他沒说出一句话但一直都在审视龙辰那目光是很可怕的萧红尘的实力应该还要比这姜坤强大一些 Those who let Jiang Kun atmosphere is Long Chen does not respond his him to stand was waiting for same place how long beginning of opposite party can delay to delay how long 让姜坤气氛的是龙辰根本就不搭理他他站在原地等待着对方的动手能拖延多长时间就拖延多长时间 Which Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence inherits not to dare to say “连自己继承哪种神龙传承精血都不敢说出來吗” Jiang Kun sneers 姜坤啧啧冷笑 He sees Long Chen not to speak to think that Long Chen frightened to fear to oneself the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor was spurned, because his father once was magnificent he status is still special incomparable can become first defeats his person Jiang Kun to think one can certainly go down in history 他见龙辰不吭声以为龙辰给自己吓怕了永恒龙帝之子就算被人唾弃因为他父亲曾经的辉煌他的身份仍然是特殊无比的能成为第一个打败他的人姜坤觉得自己一定能够名垂千古 Excited and angry, hates three mood to make his heart be hard to take itchy he is Rage Sea Fierce Dragon his body reappears at this moment Blue Dragon Scale whole body Blue just likes in the middle of the sea tide Dragon Warrior appears, in Long Chen at present he graces the massive water vapor to fill the air to result in very tremendous pressure to Long Chen 激动、愤怒、仇恨三种情绪让他心痒难耐他是怒海暴龙此时此刻他的身上浮现出蓝色龙鳞一个浑身蓝色恍如处在大海浪潮当中龙武者出现在龙辰眼前他举手投足之间大量的水汽弥漫过來给龙辰造成了很大的压力 You are what kind Divine Dragon “你到底是何等神龙 Jiang Kun explodes roars a step on ground time everything may become vulnerable his whole person just likes the wild tide equally loudly comes to everywhere one visit ground to be cracked he to make the overwhelming sincere shade toward Long Chen to blot out the sky in abundance the suppression, but just likes the sea tide blots out the sky the bombardment under 姜坤爆吼一声一蹬地面顿时间地动山摇他整个人犹如狂暴潮汐一样朝着龙辰轰然而來所到之处地面纷纷龟裂他打出浩然一拳拳影铺天盖地镇压而來犹如大海浪潮铺天盖地轰击而下 In the Long Chen eye flashes through the cold light he to launch the astonishing speed to leave the place that Lingxi was at to flush away him together without demur toward the left unable to leave too but extremely will not approach, so as to avoid implicates Lingxi 龙辰眼中闪过一道冷光他二话不说展开惊人的速度离开了灵曦所在的地方朝着左边冲去他不能离开太远但也不会太过靠近免得牵连灵曦 Speed also very quick “速度还挺快的嘛” Rage Sea Fierce Dragon laughed to crack-up mountain peaks toward the Long Chen chase 怒海暴龙大笑着撞碎了一座座的山峰朝着龙辰追逐而來 Light is truly good by the speed should be excels at the speed Divine Dragon “光论速度确实不错应该是擅长速度的神龙 „It looks like in Rage Sea Fierce Dragon front this fellow a baby absolutely does not have the strength of resistance “只是在怒海暴龙面前这家伙就像是一个婴儿完全沒有抵抗之力啊” Dragon Warrior much discussion of Life Dragon City 生命龙城龙武者纷纷议论起來 Slaughtering Dragon City consecrates one of the Ten Great Ancestral Dragons bloody and dragon of Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon slaughtering 杀戮龙城供奉十大祖龙之一血腥与杀戮之龙太古血灵龙 Is only the legend people only knows such a name about Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon all 关于太古血灵龙的一切都只是传说人们只知道这么一个名字而已 Eternal Dragon City consecrates Ten Great Ancestral Dragons suddenly and eternal dragon Imaginary Universe Dragon 永恒龙城供奉十大祖龙之一时间与永恒之龙太虚宙龙 Knows regarding Imaginary Universe Dragon same nobody 对于太虚宙龙同样无人知晓 Information little little even most people who Ten Great Ancestral Dragons leaves behind do not believe existence of Ten Great Ancestral Dragons, only then five Ancestral Dragons left behind their name this is also Five Great Dragon City origin in fact Five Great Dragon City Dragon Warrior and they for example eternal has not been in the middle of time attribute but Eternal Dragon City has time strength Divine Dragon in the Dragon City absolute conjunction without doubt is extremely few 十大祖龙留下的信息很少很少甚至大多数的人不相信十大祖龙的存在只有其中五头祖龙留下了自己的名字这也是五大龙城的由來实际上五大龙城龙武者和他们所在龙城并沒有绝对的契合比如说永恒乃是时间属性但永恒龙城当中拥有时间力量的神龙无疑是极少的 What Life Dragon City consecrates is of a life and creation dragon of Primal Chaos Being Dragon Ten Great Ancestral Dragons 生命龙城供奉的是十大祖龙之一生命与创造之龙太极生灵龙 The so-called primal chaos is myriad things initial world has not opened the so-called life is the myriad things life primal chaos and life constructs the entire world to hand down the formation and Primal Chaos Being Dragon of entire Long Ji Continent has in the middle of the inseparable relational legend the Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon control to slaughter, but Primal Chaos Being Dragon controls newborn dead life but Primal Chaos Being Dragon fame because greatly it can create the new world creation new life 所谓太极则是万物初始天地未开所谓生灵则是万物生命太极与生灵构造出整个世界相传整个龙祭大陆的形成与太极生灵龙有着密不可分的关系传说当中太古血灵龙主宰杀戮而太极生灵龙主宰新生一死一生但太极生灵龙名气更大因为它可以创造新的世界创造新的生命 The production of life only then a form that is breeding however Primal Chaos Being Dragon is different he to create life creation world this directly is his Divine Ability he has to make the ruler of the times same ability 生命的产生只有一种形式那就是孕育但是太极生灵龙不同他可以直接创造生命创造世界这才是他的神通他拥有造世主一样的能力 Naturally Rage Sea Fierce Dragon and Primal Chaos Being Dragon have not related 当然怒海暴龙太极生灵龙沒有丝毫关系 The people have laughed quickly, because Long Chen was pursued the opportunity of hitting has not hit back he only to be able stampede in front of Rage Sea Fierce Dragon quite to be each time thrilling unexpectedly almost dies in the Rage Sea Fierce Dragon hand 众人很快就哄笑了因为龙辰竟然被追着打沒有丝毫还手的机会在怒海暴龙面前他只能狼狈逃窜每次都相当惊险差点死在怒海暴龙手中 Old man nearby that black clothed rickets middle-aged person said in a soft voice: Master I must go to kill that female first 老者旁边那黑衣佝偻中年人轻声道:“主人我要去先把那女子杀了吗” What he refers to is Lingxi 他指的是灵曦 He also knows that Long Chen is protecting Lingxi 他也知道龙辰在保护灵曦 The old men hold down his hand to say gently: Does not need to watch changes quietly 老者轻轻按住他的手道:“不必静观其变” Also before time unparalleled in the world all Dragon Warrior of Long Chen that camouflage taunted laughed them, really thinks that Long Chen had the strong ability not to think was boasted really made them feel the shame but old man actually cannot look at this kid in the protracted time 龙辰那伪装的功夫天下无双所有龙武者都嘲讽大笑起來他们之前还真以为龙辰有多强的能耐呢沒想到是吹嘘出來的实在让他们感觉到不耻但老者却能看出來这个小家伙只是在拖延时间 He anticipated very much, when he when that moment how he will counter-attack 他很期待当他等到那一刻的时候他会怎样反击 The Rage Sea Fierce Dragon violent anger exclaimed: Rebel you have to plant do not run away frankly and uprightly close right up against the speed to run away you with my war are also a man 怒海暴龙暴怒吼道:“叛徒你有种就别逃窜光明正大和我一战靠着速度逃窜你还算是个男人吗” In fact he incomparably aggrieved, although said that the opposite party by oneself was shattered to pieces, but have not actually bumped into him one this feeling to be really uncomfortable 实际上他无比憋屈虽然说对方被自己打得落花流水但自己却至今沒碰到他一下这种感觉实在难受 But how no matter he threatened how threatens Long Chen still the complexion quietly everywhere to walk randomly under his attack basically not with the thought that he encountered 但不管他怎么恐吓怎么威胁龙辰仍然脸色沉静在他的攻击下到处游走基本沒有和他交锋的念头 Rage Sea Fierce Dragon was angry 怒海暴龙愤怒了 Sea tide “大海潮汐” Bang 轰隆 The crazy revolving surrounding area over ten thousand meters range of air current under his control in turns into the strength impact of sea that terror to result in Long Chen to lean this way and that completely that Jiang Kun in the middle of rough sea waves to carry the dreadful sea water to attack to come Rage Sea Fierce Dragon most battle efficiencies toward him in the strength that on the mortal body he has is the same level Long Clan several fold 气流在他的控制之下疯狂旋转方圆上万米的范围之内完全变成海洋那恐怖的力量冲击得龙辰东倒西歪那在巨浪当中的姜坤携带着滔天的海水朝着他冲击而來怒海暴龙大多数的战斗力都在肉身上他拥有的力量是同等龙族的数倍 Crush “碾压” The tide get lost enormously and powerful 潮汐浩浩荡荡滚过去 This time can trig Long Chen but Long Chen very luckily actually such as the loach hides Rage Sea Fierce Dragon directly to transform into a Dragon Shape Blue Sea dragon to appear in Long Chen angrily is aggressive at present unparalleled 原本这次能够制住龙辰龙辰却如泥鳅非常幸运的躲了过去怒海暴龙愤怒至极直接蜕变成为龙形一头蓝色海龙出现在龙辰眼前霸气无双 But at this time Lingxi completed unexpectedly...... 而这时候灵曦竟然完成了……
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