DBWG :: Volume #20

#1995: Eternal child

In the middle of the deep ravine, Long Chen here has treated ten days in an instant. 深涧当中,龙辰转眼就已经在这里待上了十天的时间。 These ten days, he is burning with impatience, but Lingxi was still at a moderate pace, displays Lord God Technique relieved, lets the Dao Mark restoration is a very troublesome matter, needs very formidable control strength, uses the tangible all materials, this is a very vast work, can not others' disturbance. 这十天的时间,他可谓是心急火燎,但灵曦却仍然不紧不慢,安心施展界主神术,让道纹复原是一件非常麻烦的事情,需要很强大的掌控力,还有将所有的材料都用到实处,这是一件非常浩大的工作,受不得别人的打扰。 According to the current progress, succeeds from Lingxi, should be quick. 照目前的进度,距离灵曦成功,应该已经快了。 Since ten days, have touched spirit still not to have the sound, mean that nobody arrived here, Lingxi very cautiously is concealing the Butterfly Illusion Sword sound, since obtaining Lord God Technique, Long Chen discovered that Lingxi were many many strange methods, ascertains to her including oneself airtight. 十天以來,触灵阵仍然沒有动静,意味着沒人到來这里,灵曦很小心翼翼的掩饰着蝴蝶幻剑的动静,自从得到界主神术后,龙辰发现灵曦多了许多古怪的手段,连自己都对她捉摸不透了。 Immediately must succeed, in the Long Chen heart has a restlessness. 马上就要成功了,龙辰心中却有一丝不安。 This is the intuition. 这是直觉。 He recalls this process all the way carefully. 他仔细的回想这一路上的经过。 Majority of time, I am using Time Travel Dragon, although that Dream Alliance Young Master does not know why pursues me, but he should this ability unable to find here, after all my Time Travel Dragon, the average person may unable to eradicate.” “大部分的时间,我都在用时间游龙,那梦盟少东家虽然不知道为什么追逐我,但他应该沒这个能耐能找到这里來,毕竟我的时间游龙,一般人可破除不了。” If there is troublesome appearance, that can only explain that presented the thing outside Long Chen control. 如果真有麻烦出现,那只能说明出现了龙辰掌控之外的东西。 The time passes by quietly, this restless feeling was getting more and more intense, Long Chen discovered finally that this will be the strength of time takes to him unexpectedly this feeling, the time has in the past, the present and future three parts, the past or in the future, research of Long Chen in this aspect will be very weak, but particularly in the future, but at this time made him have the restless intuition, will be the strength in future aspect. 时间悄然过去,这种不安的感觉却越來越强烈了,龙辰终于发现,这竟然是时间的力量带给他这种感觉,时间有过去、现在和未來三个部分,无论是过去还是未來,龙辰在这方面的研究都是很薄弱的,但尤其是未來,而这时候让他产生不安直觉的,就是未來方面的力量。 But at this time, the work of Lingxi has carried on the final moment, immediately must succeed, if were broken at this time, will possibly fall short. 但偏偏在这时候,灵曦的工作已经进行到了最后的关头,马上就要成功了,如果这时候被打断的话,很可能会是功亏一篑。 Relieved, if there is any matter, I deal with then, you only need complete the repair with single-hearted devotion.” “安心,若有什么事情,我应付即可,你只需专心完成修复。” Long Chen said to Lingxi. 龙辰灵曦道。 Many years of life and death relied on one another, trains the unmatched tacit understanding, Lingxi gently um, has not talked too much, she knows, no matter what happened, Long Chen will certainly do well. 多年的生死相依,培养出來无人可比的默契,灵曦轻轻嗯了一声,沒有多言,她知道不管发生什么事情,龙辰一定会做得最好。 He is the solid backing. 他是自己坚实的后盾。 The matter that Long Chen most is worried about moved. 龙辰最担心的事情还是动了。 Touched spirit to move. 触灵阵动了。 This means that some people approached, touched spirit to malfunction quickly, this means that the person felt touched spirit existence, will touch spirit ruining, they also knew the Long Chen position. 这意味着,已经有人靠近,很快触灵阵就失灵了,这意味着來人已经感觉到触灵阵的存在,将触灵阵给毁掉了,他们同时也知道龙辰的位置。 Long Chen does not know how these people found here, his vision has stood densely, is looking at the wooded mountain distant place, in this short instantaneous, one group of people attack in Long Chen at present. 龙辰不知道这些人到底是怎样找到这里的,他目光森然站了起來,望着山林的远方,就在这短短瞬间,就有一群人冲击在龙辰的眼前來。 Vast Aura, almost must Long Chen throwing off. 浩大的气息,几乎要将龙辰给掀翻了。 Perhaps now Lingxi to the most crucial time, the quarter she could complete, no matter how cannot have the mistake at this time absolutely, Long Chen is facing the huge pressure suddenly, but he maintains composure, sizes up is coming the person, solely is this strength in meditation, makes the person have to admire. 现在灵曦到了最关键的时刻,也许一刻钟她就能完成了,不管如何绝对不能在这个时候出差错,龙辰骤然间就面临着巨大的压力,但他不动声色,打量着來人,单单是这股定力,就让人不得不佩服。 Long Chen saw clearly them quickly. 龙辰很快就看清楚了他们。 And a person he has seen, is that Dream Alliance Young Master, that has the mysterious charm, can let any female crazy man. 其中一个人他见过,正是那梦盟少东家,那个拥有神秘魅力,可以让任何女性疯狂的男人。 Besides him, an old man brings to the Long Chen biggest attention, obviously he is Dragon Warrior . Moreover the strength is very certainly terrorist, the long hair that white thunder transforms has the ruinous strength, a pair covers the pupil of Dragon Scale to look straight ahead Long Chen, he is also sizing up Long Chen, actually gives Long Chen to bring an absolutely terrified feeling. 除了他之外,一个老者引起龙辰最大的注意,显然他是龙武者,而且实力一定很恐怖,那白色雷霆幻化出來的长发都具有毁灭性的力量,一双覆盖着龙鳞的瞳仁直视龙辰,他也在打量龙辰,却给龙辰带來一种毛骨悚然的感觉。 By that old man, is standing a black clothed rickets middle-aged person, an eye just likes the ghosts and demons, he is staring at Long Chen time, Long Chen has one type to have no place to go the feeling, this rickets middle-aged person is also Dragon Warrior, Long Chen has an intuition, the opposite party can pursue itself, likely is the merit of this Men in Black. 在那老者旁边,站着一位黑衣佝偻中年人,一双眼睛恍如鬼魅,他盯着龙辰的时候,龙辰有一种无处可逃的感觉,这佝偻中年人也是一位龙武者,龙辰有一种直觉,对方能追到自己,很可能就是这位黑衣人的功劳。 Except for these three people, other people are young Dragon Warrior, cultivates to quite be intrepid, is the absolute elite rank character, is the youth talents, is one by one towering, makes a great show of one's talents, each is the rare talent character, it is estimated that has big fame person. 除了这三人,其他人都是年轻的龙武者,一个个修为都相当强悍,是绝对的精英级别人物,都是少年天才,一个比一个峥嵘,一个个都锋芒毕露,每一个都是罕见的天才人物,估计都是拥有很大名气的人。 The Long Chen first time, sees so many Dragon Warrior in the same place. 龙辰还是第一次,在同一个地方看到如此多的龙武者 His first response, is at present these people should be the Five Great Dragon City person, he has not thought that he goes to the Dream City purchase emperor **, will make the Five Great Dragon City people pursue unexpectedly, this cannot blame him not being careful, but was these people really goes against heaven's will. 他第一反应,就是眼前这些人应该是五大龙城的人,他怎么也都沒想到,自己只是去梦幻城购买皇**,竟然会让五大龙城的人都追上來,这不能怪他不小心,而是这些人实在太逆天了。 The regret was useless, Shining Star a little stems from the expectation of Long Chen. 后悔已经沒用,璀璨星辰有点出乎龙辰的预料。 Both sides first are the silent moments, many people bypass Long Chen behind to go the vision, see that close cavern, they know certainly the woman who Long Chen accompanying definitely, as the matter stands they did not worry, Long Chen is unable to escape even with wings today. 双方先是沉默片刻,很多人将目光绕过龙辰身后去,看到那封闭的洞穴,他们当然知道龙辰随行的女人肯定在其中,这样一來他们更加不担心了,龙辰今日算是插翅难飞。 These young Cultivator look at their vision, is having the provocation and hatred indistinctly, they almost cannot constrain the anger in heart, as if they and Long Chen have the absolutely irreconcilable hatred, if not for the old man has not spoken, they definitely will rush ahead, Long Chen feels their despising and evil intention. 那些年轻者看着自己的目光,隐约带着挑衅和仇恨,他们几乎压抑不住心中的愤怒,仿佛他们和龙辰有着不共戴天的仇恨,若不是老者沒说话,他们肯定会冲杀上來,龙辰感觉到他们的鄙夷和恶意。 At this time, the old man went forward one step, he has not displayed anything actually, unemotionally, at this moment he said: Introduced oneself, I came from Life Dragon City, named Gong Qing.” 就在这时候,那老者上前一步,他倒是沒表现出什么,一直面无表情,此刻他道:“自我介绍一下,我來自生命龙城,名为龚擎。” Really does not stem from Long Chen to expect that is actually the Life Dragon City person, Long Chen only knows about some Eternal Dragon City and Slaughtering Dragon City matter, Life Dragon City he is knows nothing, person who today really has Life Dragon City appears in Shining Star...... 果然不出乎龙辰预料,竟然是生命龙城的人,龙辰只知道关于部分永恒龙城杀戮龙城的事情,生命龙城他是一无所知的,今日竟然有生命龙城的人出现在璀璨星辰…… His vision is calm, without the speech, he in waiting for Lingxi is succeeding, has the method of fleeing, otherwise has troubled, the so urgent situation, traded to do is other people are already scared, from these young Dragon Warrior fierce vision, they were holding the evil intention. 他目光镇定,沒有说话,他在等待着灵曦成功,才有逃离的方法,不然就麻烦了,如此紧急的情况,换做是其他人早就被吓坏了,从那些年轻龙武者的狰狞目光來说,他们是抱着恶意的。 Long Chen thinks one at the matter that Dragon God Domain handles, the opposite party such performance is not strange, but he was still young and impetuous, cannot bear this type of bird air/Qi, he already pledged that certainly will return to Dragon God Domain to redeem own dignity, but has not thought that such quickly has met them. 龙辰想想自己在龙神域做的事情,对方这样的表现并不奇怪,但他仍然年轻气盛,受不了这种鸟气,他早就发誓一定会回归龙神域挽回自己的尊严,只是沒想到这么快就遇上了他们。 At this time, the old man asked: I know approximately your status, you are the child of Eternal Dragon Emperor, Long Chen is right.” 这时候,那老者问道:“我大致知道你的身份,你是永恒龙帝之子,龙辰对吧。” Long Chen already guessed correctly that they know their status. 龙辰早就猜到,他们知道自己的身份。 If so. 果真如此。 This matter quibbled is useless, he nodded saying: Right, I am Long Chen, arrives at Shining Star, has not thought will meet Life Dragon City here, does not know seeks for me, does.” 这事狡辩是无用的,他点头道:“沒错,我是龙辰,來到璀璨星辰,沒想到会在这里遇到生命龙城的诸位,不知道诸位來寻找我,到底有何贵干。” Does.” “有何贵干。” That side Life Dragon City, young and formidable Dragon Warrior already could not bear, their whole face detests, one of them sneers saying: You forgot that you have made anything, you have killed my Human Clan super talent, you have robbed ultimate Divine Dragon Inherited Blood Essence, you same betray Human Clan with your father, carries the ancestor to abandon the sect, you hire oneself Spirit Clan, gets rid of Human Clan, by your crime, casual same should be cut to pieces, passed away, today and others was caught by me in Shining Star, naturally must bring back to Dragon God Domain you, making you be executed before myriad people.” 生命龙城那边,年轻而强大的龙武者们早就忍不住了,他们满脸憎恶,其中一人冷笑道:“你忘记自己做过什么了吗,你杀死了我人族的超级天才,你抢走了终极神龙传承精血,你和你父亲一样背叛人族,背祖弃宗,你投靠灵族,抛弃人族,以你的罪行,随便一样都应该千刀万剐,命丧黄泉,今日在璀璨星辰被我等抓到,自然要将你带回龙神域,让你在万千民众面前被处死。” Said right, your this coward, the rebel, simply does not have the qualifications to live in this world, you are the same with your father, was already spurned by all Human Clan, you simply do not have the qualifications, when Human Clan, does not have the qualifications to become Dragon Warrior, today was seized by us, you had been finished for a lifetime, told you, starting today, was you for your mean with your crime made reparations, is you for your father made reparations, you cannot escape from our palms, from now on the future, you will enjoy the life that remained to make reparations well.” “说得对,你这种懦夫,叛徒,根本沒有资格活在这个世界上,你就和你父亲一样,早就被所有的人族唾弃,你根本沒有资格当人族,也沒有资格成为一名龙武者,今日被我们逮住,你一辈子已经完蛋了,告诉你,从今天开始,就是你为你的卑鄙和你的罪行赎罪的时候,也是你为你父亲赎罪的时候,你逃不出我们的手掌心,从今往后,你好好享受剩下來赎罪的人生吧。” Their vision filled despised and hated , the rebels most were looked down upon, particularly the Long Chen fathers and sons were shouldering such infamy, on road that came, in their hearts has piled up anger extremely, they already wished one could immediately living to rip on Long Chen. 他们的目光充满了鄙夷和仇恨,无论是什么时候,叛徒都是最被看不起的,尤其是龙辰父子都背负着这样的骂名,來的路上,他们心中堆积了太过的愤怒,他们早就恨不得马上就龙辰给生撕了。 Carries the ancestor to abandon the sect, injures someone to cause self infliction, your this person, has a face to live unexpectedly, it seems like Spirit Clan has given your many advantage, I felt strange why you do not need in Spirit Clan, perhaps there is your homeland, how Spirit Clan is not good to you, catches up with you, making you have to run away to Chaos Star Domain makes a living, Ha Ha.” “背祖弃宗,害人害己,你这种人,竟然还有脸活着,看來灵族给了你不少的好处,我只是奇怪你为什么不待在灵族,恐怕那里才是你的家园吧,怎么灵族对你不好,将你赶出來,让你不得不逃到混乱星域來谋生吗,哈哈。” To them, Long Chen has the legendary same father, that was makes the person envy. 对于他们而言,龙辰拥有传奇一样的父亲,那是让人都嫉妒了。 But by chance, his father has left a stink for ten thousand years, his appearance absolutely does not have any necessity, he can only be the Dragon God Domain shame, if Long Chen is clever, he in Dragon God Domain not by quite treatment, but he has actually made matter out of the ordinary, this has challenged the bottom lines of Dragon God Domain all people without doubt. 但恰巧,他的父亲已经遗臭万年了,他的出现根本就沒有任何的必要,他只会是龙神域的耻辱,如果龙辰还算乖巧,他在龙神域也不会受到好的对待,但他却做出了更加出格的事情,这无疑是挑战了龙神域所有人的底线。 Regarding Long Chen, in their hearts, only then a word, that spurns. 对于龙辰,他们心中只有一个词,那就是唾弃。 They are waiting, their teachers issue the order, making them defeat Long Chen, captures alive him, to this rebel fearful lesson, this can make them return to normal slightly hate of heart. 他们在等待着,他们的师尊下达命令,让他们打败龙辰,生擒住他,给这个叛徒可怕的教训,这才能让他们稍微平复一下心头之恨。 But what makes them unable to repress, the old man has not ordered slowly. 但让他们按捺不住的是,老者迟迟都沒有命令。 Long Chen in their railing, displayed the strong psychological quality, although these railed to touch his forbidden area and bottom line, enabled to submerge his reason, the real man will not abuse each other with the opposite party, he only when is most correct, beat the mouth of opposite party. 龙辰在他们的谩骂当中,表现出了超强的心理素质,尽管这一场谩骂触及到他的禁区和底线,让不能淹沒他的理智,真正的男人不会和对方对骂,他只会在最正确的时候,打烂对方的嘴。 From beginning to end, his vision is calm, has not fluctuated. 从始至终,他的目光都是冷静,沒有丝毫波动的。 The old man innermost feelings vibrate actually very much, he believes firmly that his apprentices, who encounters such shame, so long as is a warm-blooded son, will unable to withstand to erupt, but this age very young youth, he does not have the least bit to respond at present that type calm is not the person in this year forest can have. 老者其实内心很是震动,他确信他的徒弟们,无论是谁遭遇这样的羞辱,只要是个热血男儿,都会承受不住而爆发,但眼前这个年纪很小的少年,他却沒有半点反应,那种冷静不是这种年林的人能够拥有的。 He puts out a hand to hint the apprentices to calm down, high and low sizes up Long Chen, the sinking sound track: Remembers, when various god battlefields, your ability is highest can defeat Di Yu, that time Di Yu can display two meter Reincarnation Calamity Realm strengths, heard that you can readily keep Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator from now moving, then you can say that your present strength how.” 他伸手示意徒弟们冷静下來,上下打量龙辰,沉声道:“记得在诸神战场的时候,你的能耐最高能够打败帝雨,那时候的帝雨能发挥出两仪轮回劫境的力量,听说你现在能轻易让一名轮回劫境者无法动弹,那么你能说说,你现在的实力如何。” He does not have to launch an attack to himself immediately, makes Long Chen strange actually, but also made him find the breach, he without demur, held up the finger, the finger transferred on opposite party one crowd of Dragon Warrior, finally stayed in one scolded him to scold most ominous one a moment ago, he said: „The words that you want to know, making him try.” 他沒有马上对自己发难,倒是让龙辰奇怪,但也让他找到了突破口,他二话不说,举起手指,指头在对方一群龙武者身上转了一圈,最终停留在一个刚才骂他骂得最凶的一位,他道:“你想知道的话,让他來试试。” .................. ……………… Next 2, 16 points 下2更,16点
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