DBWG :: Volume #20

#2011: Holds up the day Great

Bang! 轰! The surrounding flame heads on. 周围火焰扑面而來。 This farm bottom flame is especially warm, must go through in the middle of this type of flame, does not have the powerful mortal body and strength is not naturally good. On such as Bing Xinyue this kind, when goes through this bottom flame also to be careful. Naturally, simply does not have any to ask to Long Chen 这种地底火焰尤其热烈,要在这种火焰当中穿行,沒有强悍的肉身和实力自然不行。就如冰心月这一类,在穿行这地底火焰的时候也不得不小心谨慎。当然,对龙辰來说根本沒有任何问 Topic. 題。 When runs out in a cauterization of scalding hot flame, Long Chen suddenly discovered that periphery one cool, becomes very empty, carefully looks, should. 当在一次灼热火焰的烧灼当中冲出的时候,龙辰忽然发现周围一凉,变得十分空洞,仔细一看,应该是到了。 Dream Immortal Clan over a hundred people arrived here. 梦幻仙族上百人來到了这里。 This is one piece looks like very big space, at least forces in counts the 100,000 person not to have the issue, looks like very empty, although is most core component of Shining Star, but is not scalding hot, is more like starry sky of nihility. 这是一片看起來很大的空间,至少塞进数十万人是沒有问題的,看起來十分空洞,虽然是璀璨星辰的最核心部分,但一点儿也不灼热,更像是一片虚无的星空。 Here is without doubt dark, but in the middle of the darkness has the same thing, most captures the attention of people, Long Chen looks toward under that under has Blue is similar to the thing of embryo, is very huge, that embryo is fluctuating, is similar to is breeding the life. 这里无疑是黑暗的,但黑暗当中有一样东西,最为吸引众人的目光,龙辰朝着下方看去,下方有一个蓝色如同胚胎的东西,十分巨大,那胚胎正在波动着,如同里面正孕育着生命。 The Blue embryo releases the Blue fluorescence, is illuminating the entire base space, that water Blue strength is very magnificent, exceptionally only beautiful, sees this beautiful thing, the people suddenly is startled, then sighed. 蓝色胚胎释放出蓝色的荧光,照亮着整个地底空间,那水蓝色的力量十分瑰丽,异常唯美,看到这美丽的东西,众人一时间怔住,然后纷纷感叹。 „The star source was really too beautiful.” “星源实在是太美了。” Here is the source of entire star, initially Immortal God Domain this piece of land disruption, the star source the shatter land will get together, has formed the mysterious star, if no star source, will not have Chaos Star Domain.” “这里是整个星球的源头,当初永生神域这一片的陆地碎裂,正是星源将破碎的陆地聚合起來,形成了神奇的星球,如果沒有星源的话,就不会存在混乱星域了。” Yes, star source, was equal to our mothers.” “是啊,星源,也相当于我们的母亲了。” Sees this only beautiful Blue embryo, the people cannot help but reveals the gratified smiling face, the star source as if there is innumerable secrets, but nobody can Undo these secrets, the people only know since the ancient times, only, only then fuses Star Sand to enter to the star source, 看到这唯美的蓝色胚胎,众人不由得流露出欣慰的笑容,星源当中似乎有着无数的秘密,但自古以來都沒有人能够解开这些秘密,众人只知道,唯独只有融合星砂才能进入到星源当中, But grain of Star Sand , can only maintain two double-hour the time. 但一粒星砂,也只能维持两个时辰的时间。 Nearby star source, already existences of many people. 星源附近,已经有不少人的存在。 „More than the 30 hegemons of nine star Alliances, arrived.” “九星联盟的30多位盟主,都已经到了。” Dream King said that then leads the people to approach toward the star source. 梦幻王说了一句,便带着众人朝着星源靠近。 Nine star Alliance besides Heaven Dragon Star, the alliance that the Chaos Star Domain ten thousand clans compose, only then the genuine strong clan can join to nine star Alliances, for example Dream Immortal Clan is one of the nine star Alliances, the so-called hegemon is representing nine star Alliances the status of superelevation, the ratio 九星联盟是除了天龙星之外,混乱星域万族组成的联盟,只有真正的强族才能够加入到九星联盟当中,比如梦幻仙族就是九星联盟的一员,所谓盟主代表着九星联盟当中超高的地位,比 If said Dream King, is the hegemon of nine star Alliances. 如说梦幻王,就是九星联盟的一位盟主。 Golden War God Clan head of the clan, with the Nightmare Clan head of the clan, is the hegemons of nine star Alliances. 黄金战神族的族长,和梦魇族的族长,也是九星联盟的盟主。 Below gathered over a thousand Expert, has from nine star Alliances, there is a Shining Star native place but not to belong to Expert of three large clans, at least has close 40 people to have the extreme terrorist strength, has not arrived except for four Star Lord, as if entire Chaos Star Domain core ten 下方聚集了上千的强者,有來自九星联盟的,也有璀璨星辰本土但却不属于三大族的强者们,至少有接近40人拥有极端恐怖的实力,除了四位星主沒有到來,似乎整个混乱星域核心十 Expert of greatly super star, arrived here, here at least gathered nine star Alliance more than 50% strengths! 大超级星球的强者们,都來到了这里,这里至少聚集了九星联盟一半以上的力量! Long Chen estimated that is Expert of Holy Ghost that level, will be many! 龙辰估计,就是圣灵那个层次的强者,都会不少! Dream King, is almost super Expert of that rank. 梦幻王,差不多就是那个级别的超级强者 Here has Chaos Star Domain most core Expert! 这里有着混乱星域最核心的强者们! So numerous Expert get together, is similar to Long Chen this young people, is the atmosphere does not dare to breathe heavily previous. 如此众多的强者聚合到一起,如同龙辰这种年轻人,更是大气都不敢喘上一下。 Star Lord Hegemony War, regarding entire Chaos Star Domain is the violent important matter, after all entire Chaos Star Domain also has four Star Lord, is the earthshaking character, if can be born new Star Lord, to entire nine star Alliances is the huge promotion of strength. 星主争霸战,对于整个混乱星域來说都是极端的大事,毕竟整个混乱星域也就只有四位星主,都是叱咤风云的人物,如果能诞生一位新的星主,对整个九星联盟都是实力的巨大提升。 Therefore, more than 30 hegemons will arrive. 所以,才会有30多位盟主到來。 Shining Star was born Star Core, this is Dream Immortal Clan and Golden War God Clan and other races luck, after fusing Star Core, the strength will progress by leaps and bounds, is the Star Lord level, means that almost soars. Initially demons clan and Ashura God Clan not strong 璀璨星辰诞生了星核,这是梦幻仙族黄金战神族等三个种族的运气,融合了星核后,实力会突飞猛进,达到星主的层次,意味着几乎一飞冲天。当初了罗刹族和阿修罗神族也沒有多强 , Is also similar to Dream Immortal Clan, but after birth Star Lord, until now approached Chaos(Hundun) Imperial Family very! ,和梦幻仙族也差不多,但是诞生星主后,时至今日已经十分靠近混沌皇族了! Regarding these three clans, hegemons also only then envies the opportunity that the envy hates, the customs of nine star Alliances already arranged, once birth Star Core, only then the native influence can compete, they can only blame the super star that are at not born Star Core. 对于这三族,盟主们也只有羡慕嫉妒恨的机会,九星联盟的规矩早就定好,一旦诞生星核,只有本土势力才能竞争,他们只能怪自己所在的超级星球还沒诞生星核了。 But how regardless to say, the benefit that this time Star Lord Hegemony War, involves are too many, involves including Human Clan and Monster Clan, therefore nine star Alliances also very regard as important, therefore Chaos Star Domain almost all Expert, will gather here. 但无论怎么说,这次的星主争霸战,牵扯的利益太多,连人族妖族都牵扯进來,所以九星联盟也十分看重,因此混乱星域几乎所有的强者,都会聚集在这里。 Naturally, ponders the star and Heaven Dragon Star except for the life. 当然,除了命运神星和天龙星 Said that is nine star Alliances, in fact does not close the life to ponder the star the matter, does not close the Heaven Dragon Star matter, the people of these two stars always do not respond the Chaos Star Domain matter, particularly the life ponders the star mystically. 说是九星联盟,实际上不关命运神星的事,更不关天龙星的事,这两个星球的人从來都不搭理混乱星域的事情,尤其是命运神星神秘至极。 In nine star Alliance innumerable Expert gazes, Dream Immortal Clan is one of the hosts, overwhelming arrives, one group of people such as dream is imaginary, arrives by the star source. 在九星联盟无数强者注视当中,梦幻仙族身为东道主之一,浩然降临,一群人如梦似幻,來到星源旁边。 Nine star Alliance directions, all hegemon rank characters, sit in starry sky throne above, the starry sky throne is the star light condenses, only then the character of hegemon rank has this treatment, they kept aloof, have taken to the people the huge pressure. 九星联盟方向,所有的盟主级别人物,都坐在‘星空宝座’之上,星空宝座乃是星光凝聚而成,只有盟主级别的人物才有这个待遇,他们高高在上,带给了众人巨大的压力。 Dream King is also their one, but now is actually the object who they envy, he brings Dream Immortal Clan to arrive, the clear and resonant voice report said: „ Nine star Alliance fellow friends, Shining Star Dream Immortal Clan arrived, is three days later Star Lord Hegemony War, has completed 梦幻王也是他们其中一员,但现在却是他们羡慕的对象,他带着梦幻仙族降临,朗声汇报道:“九星联盟各位朋友,璀璨星辰梦幻仙族已经到來,已经为三天后的星主争霸战,做好了准 Prepares. ” 备。” Nine star Alliances send out the representative, talked with Dream King. 九星联盟派出代表,与梦幻王对话。 Is very good, asking Dream King to bring nearby Dream Immortal Clan Expert to rest, grants Dream King starry sky throne!” “很好,请梦幻王带着梦幻仙族强者们一旁休息,赐予梦幻王‘星空宝座’!” Dream King brings Dream Immortal Clan to arrive at the, in him behind, the star light condenses into the throne, Dream King sits gracefully, the prestige being near world, brought in envied and vision of envy innumerably. 梦幻王带着梦幻仙族來到边上,在他身后,星光凝聚成为宝座,梦幻王优雅坐上去,威临天下,引來了无数羡慕和嫉妒的目光。 No matter what, Dream King very hopefully becomes the Star Lord person. 不管怎么说,梦幻王都是非常有希望成为星主的人。 More than 30 starry sky thrones, are sparkling in the Blue star source, this is the authoritative symbol. 30多个星空宝座,在蓝色星源上闪耀着,这是权威的象征。 Most people in front of so numerous Expert, the atmosphere do not dare to breathe heavily. 大多数人在如此众多的强者面前,大气都不敢喘。 Gong Qing and Representative Xing Yue jumbo Dragon God Domain strength, their strengths, although is not the hegemon rank, but also received very big attention, after all Immortal God Domain was the world of five large clans, Human Clan Dragon Warrior was still world-famous, the Chaos Star Domain ten thousand clans compared with them 龚擎和星越代表巨无霸龙神域的力量,他们的实力虽然不是盟主级别,但也受到了很大的注意,毕竟永生神域仍然是五大族的天下,人族龙武者天下闻名,混乱星域的万族与他们比较起 Come, can only be indigenous, if not for five large clans divert mutually, Chaos Star Domain already made them attack and capture. 來,只能算是土著,五大族若不是互相牵制,混乱星域早就让他们攻克了。 Long Chen and other crowd of young faces, are the participants who the talent fights, they also received the attention of many vision, particularly Xing Qing wins great reputation. In view of their talking in whispers, resounds in various places similarly. 龙辰等一群年轻的面孔,是天才战的参与者,他们也受到了许多目光的关注,尤其是星晴名声在外。针对他们的窃窃私语,同样在各处响起。 Has not arrived while Nightmare Clan and Golden War God Clan, more than 30 hegemons of Dream King and that nine star Alliances are exchanging happily, has their support, is also quite important to Dream King. 趁着梦魇族黄金战神族还沒有到來,梦幻王和那九星联盟的30多位盟主愉快的交流着,得到他们的支持,对梦幻王來说也相当重要。 New Star Lord, almost can conclude that in Dream King and Golden War God Clan head of the clan, holds up day Great Emperor among them born, by the battle efficiency, they excels respectively, but should be almost the same. 新的星主,几乎可以断定是在梦幻王黄金战神族的族长,,擎天大帝两人当中诞生,论战斗力,两人各有擅长,但应该相差无几。 However, Star Lord Hegemony War ratio may, not only two most Expert strengths, the war of most Expert, is the last fight. 不过,星主争霸战比的可不只是两位最强者的力量,最强者之战,是最后一场战斗。 Altogether five scores, if a race ahead of time obtains three scores, then the following fight did not need to compare, direct birth Star Lord. If the final result separately two races obtains two scores, then the determining factor is final strongest 一共有五个分数,如果其中一个种族提前得到三个分数,那么接下來的战斗就不用比了,直接诞生星主。如果最后的结局是分别有两个种族得到两个分数,那么决定因素就是最终的最强 The war, scores points the same two clans, which clan most Expert is stronger, then this clan is a victor. 者之战,得分相同的两族,哪一族最强者更强,那么这一族就是胜利者。 In other words, if Dream Immortal Clan obtains three scores first, or ultimately obtains over three scores, then Dream King directly becomes Star Lord, even the war of fifth most Expert does not need to carry on. 也就是说,如果梦幻仙族先得到三个分数,或者最终得到三个以上的分数,那么梦幻王直接成为星主,甚至第五场最强者之战都不用进行。 But if Dream Immortal Clan and Golden War God Clan separately obtain two scores, then finally the determining factor is in the middle of the wars of three clan most Expert, is Dream King formidable or holds up day Great Emperor to be formidable. 但如果梦幻仙族黄金战神族分别得到两个分数,那么最终决定因素就是三族最强者之战当中,到底是梦幻王强大还是擎天大帝强大。 This is nine star Alliances sets the most perfect competition rule. 这是九星联盟定下最完善的竞争规则。 Also is a game. 也是一场游戏。 The today's first war talent team war, in fact affects very in a big way. 今日的第一战天才团队战,实际上作用十分大。 In the exchange time of Dream King and nine star Alliance hegemons, the second team has brought finally, the Dream Immortal Clan person looked at the past, saw only on air-launched comes the innumerable intense metal rays, dual Aura of solar and moon, they of familiar match know, yellow 梦幻王和九星联盟盟主的交流时刻,第二个队伍终于带來了,梦幻仙族的人纷纷看过去,只见上空射來无数强烈的金属光芒,还有太阳和月亮的双重气息,熟悉对手的他们都知道,黄 The [gold/metal] fought God Clan and Monster Clan comes. 金战神族妖族來了。 Clang clang clang! 铛铛铛! Golden War God Clan is one group of steel and iron people, they have the movement slightly, steel and iron will rub makes the grating sound, this grating sound sometimes is also an attack. 黄金战神族乃是一群钢铁人,他们稍有动作,身上的钢铁就会摩擦发出刺耳的声响,这种刺耳的声响有时候也是一种攻击。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Over a hundred Golden War God Clan, arrive to people at present. 上百个黄金战神族,降临到众人眼前。 The appearance of Golden War God Clan individual is not quite same, but is constitutes by the metal, their basically height about 34 meters, but strength truly great strength, the build can inflate in a big way, they use the gorgeous steel and iron as the skin, is the flesh and blood, is the physique, they are 黄金战神族个体的模样不大一样,但都是由金属构成,他们基本上身高都在34米左右,但实力确实强大者,体形就能膨胀得越大,他们以绚丽的钢铁为皮肤,为血肉,为筋骨,他们是 Inborn instrument of violence, the body of steel and iron is very firm, the attainments on mortal body surmounts any race completely, they have the huge prestige in the middle of Chaos Star Domain, even surmounts Dream Immortal Clan. 天生的暴力机器,钢铁之躯无比坚固,在肉身上的造诣完全超越任何种族,他们在混乱星域当中拥有巨大的威名,甚至超越梦幻仙族 The steel and iron giants of over a hundred sparkles, near are spatial and vertical, that erupts the intense ray vision to take a fast look around, at least by far exceeds graceful Dream Immortal Clan in the imposing manner, they look like one crowd slaughter the machine, facing Expert of nine star Alliances, has not shown weakness completely, 上百个闪耀的钢铁巨人,临空而立,那爆发着强烈光芒的目光扫视开來,至少在气势上远远胜过优雅的梦幻仙族,他们就像是一群杀戮机器,面对九星联盟的强者们,也完全沒有示弱, Still made a great show of one's talents. 仍然锋芒毕露。 And, Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan, hide in Golden War God Clan. 其中,昊日狼族蚀月狼族,隐藏在黄金战神族中间。 The Golden War God Clan front line, is a build and Human Clan similar gold steel and iron person, no one can think that this looks like ordinary, metal most does not have the gloss, looks like frailest Golden War God Clan, unexpectedly is holding up day Great Emperor that the fame soars to the heavens! 黄金战神族最前方,乃是一位体形和人族差不多的黄金钢铁人,谁都想不到这一位看起來就普通,身上的金属最沒有光泽,看起來最脆弱的黄金战神族,竟然是名气冲天的擎天大帝 That holds up the day Great Emperor vision to sweep Dream Immortal Clan, the people actually felt that the biting cold ice is cold, thinks with the Dream King polite scholarly that held up day Great Emperor really to make a great show of one's talents, he cuped one hand in the other across the chest to say to the hegemons of nine star Alliances: „ Hegemon, golden war 那擎天大帝的目光在梦幻仙族这边扫过去,众人竟然感觉到彻骨的冰寒,和梦幻王的温文儒雅想必,擎天大帝实在太锋芒毕露了,他拱手对着九星联盟的盟主们道:“诸位盟主,黄金战 God Clan arrived. ” 神族已到。” Nine star Alliances, the people look at each other in blank diamay, then that blazer said: Grants Golden War God Clan to hold up the huge Emperor Star spatial throne, three days later, Star Lord Hegemony War formally starts!” 九星联盟这边,众人面面相觑,然后那宣布者道:“赐予黄金战神族擎天大帝星空宝座,三天后,星主争霸战正式开始!” When holds up day Great Emperor just sat the starry sky throne, smallest and weakest Nightmare Clan unexpectedly finally arrives, Nightmare Clan that but is not always favored, this arrival, has actually caused the huge stir. 当擎天大帝刚刚坐上星空宝座的时候,最弱小的梦魇族竟然最后到來,可是从來都不被看好的梦魇族,这次的到來,却引起了巨大的轰动。
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