DBWG :: Volume #20

#1992: Menghuancheng

( ( Long Chen in the middle of the starry sky changes into ray just likes in the middle of the starry sky meteor falls toward that gem same stars 在星空当中龙辰化为一道光线犹如星空当中的流星朝着那宝石一样的星辰坠去 From arriving at the central region until arrived at the falling from the sky stars also to spend speed of a lot of time generally speaking finally in the starry sky quickly to the acme, if same level distance Long Chen on Immortal God Domain certainly must spend a longer time 从到达中央区域直到最终到达陨落星辰也花去了不少的时间在星空当中一般來说速度会快到极致如果是在永生神域上同等的距离龙辰肯定要花费更长的时间了 Shining Star approached more and more 璀璨星辰越來越靠近了 Really is attractive......” “真是漂亮……” Lingxi in the middle of the god country looks that this was acclaimed by the star of crystal wind-drift sand surrounding secretly 灵曦在神国当中看着那这被水晶流沙包围的星球暗自赞叹 To “到了” Long Chen resisted this Shining Star attraction to pass through these beautiful crystal wind-drift sand to crash in the middle of Shining Star the field of vision became widens to take a broad view to put this star immediately the land to be equal to ten god old city area Long Chen absolutely much must circle this Shining Star one to estimate that had on the flower a lot of time 龙辰抵抗住这璀璨星辰的吸引力穿越过那些美丽的水晶流沙冲进了璀璨星辰当中顿时视野变得开阔了起來放眼放去这一个星球的陆地绝对不少相当于十个神裔古城疆域龙辰要绕这璀璨星辰一圈估计都有花上不少时间 Below world expands unceasingly in his eyes 下方的世界不断在他眼中扩大 Finally Long Chen achieved the ground this is piece of green and luxuriant woods here Spirit Qi rich differs with Immortal God Domain does not have with Long Ji Continent worthily should not be a good place 最终龙辰做到了地上这是一片郁郁葱葱的树林这里灵气浓郁和永生神域相差不远和龙祭大陆有着天壤之别不愧是一个好地方 A long time hurrying along arrived at destination finally 很长一段时间的赶路终于到了目的地 These days they have not lagged behind Cultivate but progresses in a big way are Behead Divine Sword Long Chen river of the netherworld War Halberd surrounding make the Behead Divine Sword small skeleton regard feast to this time river of the netherworld War Halberd not to have the strength to resist Behead Divine Sword, but Behead Divine Sword Dao Mark had about 160 to swallow the estimate to be able this river of the netherworld War Halberd to approach 200 Dao Mark after a period of time completely 这段时间内两人也沒有拉下修炼但进步最大的却是斩神剑龙辰把冥河战戟困住让斩神剑小骷髅当成一顿大餐到了这时候冥河战戟已经沒有力量抵抗斩神剑了而斩神剑道纹已经有了160条左右再过一段时间将这冥河战戟全部吞了估计能接近200条道纹 If 200 Dao Mark that is extremely precious killed 如果是200条道纹的话那就是极为珍贵的杀器了 This feast may be wild with joy the small skeleton 这一顿大餐可把小骷髅乐坏了 Nine Illusion Prison Butterfly does not do honk mouth saying: I, no matter I no matter I also want Dao Mark I also to meet 200 九狱幻蝶不干了嘟着嘴道:“我不管我不管我也要道纹我也会200条” Long Chen they smile they to grip the both hands of opposite party to look that this piece of boundless land Long Chen said: Xiao Lang starting today our here together wanderer the goal on this Shining Star is to also become stronger moves the world 龙辰两人相视一笑他们握住对方的双手看着这一片苍茫大地龙辰道:“小狼也在这璀璨星辰上从今天开始我们就在这里一起闯荡吧目标是变得更强名动天下” Lingxi gripped his arm to reveal the beautiful smiling face: I will also try hard 灵曦握住了他的胳膊流露出绝美笑容道:“我也会努力的” After arriving here , first extension then Long Chen proposed everywhere: Again how must first look for the place that has life to gather in restoring Butterfly Illusion Sword other materials collects us to attempt Butterfly Illusion Sword to restore 來到这里后先是到处转转然后龙辰就提议道:“首先得找个有生灵聚集的地方把恢复蝴蝶幻剑的其他材料凑齐我们再尝试将蝴蝶幻剑恢复如何” Also was in any case all right recently just can then this opportunity well know that Shining Star may treat after all here previous for a long time 反正最近也沒什么事刚好可以接着这个机会好好认识一下璀璨星辰毕竟或许会在这里待上很长时间 Had decided later Long Chen they opened start Lingxi to touch spirit to release exited to have the news she to point at a direction quickly saying: Front has city some numerous strange races also wait / etc. this city named mirror city scales to calculate that Shining Star on Human Clan, Spirit Clan, Witch Clan very big has thought these materials should have other things besides the heart of ancestor tree are not too after all rare 决定了之后龙辰两人就开启启程灵曦将触灵阵释放了出去很快就有消息她指着一个方向道:“前方有一座城池其中有众多奇怪种族也就人族灵族巫族等等这座城池名为镜城规模在璀璨星辰來说算很大了想必那些材料应该有毕竟除了祖树之心之外其他东西不算太稀有” Had Lord God Technique to make anything to be more convenient 有了界主神术做什么都要方便一些了 When they went not to be many in the horizon of front really present a giant city that city together have been similar to the innumerable surface mirror build become under the ray illumination glisten especially a babel of voices the massive lives to gather in the middle of this mirror city 两人一同前往不多时前方的地平线上果然出现了一座巨大城池那城池如同无数面镜子搭建而成在光芒照射之下尤其闪亮其中人声鼎沸大量的生灵聚集在这镜城当中 „The domain that we are was in the middle of Shining Star one is called the Dream Immortal Clan domain Dream Immortal Clan range almost to occupy half Shining Star not to know Xiao Lang very much whether also in the middle of the Dream Immortal Clan domain “我们所在的地盘是璀璨星辰当中一个叫做梦幻仙族的地盘这梦幻仙族的范围很大几乎的占据了半个璀璨星辰不知道小狼是否也在梦幻仙族的地盘当中” Long Chen said: Turns head I to ask him again 龙辰道:“回头我再问他” They go to also some all unusual races together to go to the mirror city toward that mirror city in all directions generally speaking in Dream Immortal Clan domain all cities under the control of Dream Immortal Clan naturally other races, so long as has the wealth to have the strength also to live in the middle of the city, but ten thousand clan Cultivator do not have the qualifications stops over too for a long time 两人朝着那镜城而去四面八方也有一切奇特种族一起前往镜城一般來说在梦幻仙族的地盘所有的城池都在梦幻仙族的掌控之下当然其他的种族只要有钱财有实力也能居住在城池当中但更多万族者是沒有资格在其中逗留太长时间的 The small and weak race on Shining Star on such as the form of prairie race same according to Tribe exists 璀璨星辰上的弱小种族就如草原种族一样以部落的形式存在着 Human Clan after the eye of Shining Star lives is of Long Chen honored races enters the mirror city takes the goods detailed list that Lingxi is giving gradually purchases mirror city very big Long Chen to inquire and purchase these things spent two days of then almost to achieve the goal 璀璨星辰生灵们的眼中人族算是尊贵种族之一龙辰进入镜城之后拿着灵曦给的物品清单逐步的去购买镜城很大龙辰为了打听、购买这些东西足足花去了两天的时间这才差不多完成目标 Within the two days he has also found out the Shining Star current situation 在这两天之内他也摸清楚了璀璨星辰目前的局势 Here must start to carry on the Star Lord Hegemony War hear of their meaning unexpectedly to resemble this Star Lord Hegemony War is not a good deed is possible to the weak one is one type devastates in a big way......” “这里竟然要开始进行星主争霸战听他们的意思好像这星主争霸战对弱者來说并不是一件好事更可能是一种摧残大……” The Lingxi worry said: Xiao Lang arrived here , if makes this Star Lord Hegemony War will influence be able to be very troublesome 灵曦忧心道:“小狼來到这里若是让这星主争霸战影响心志的话会不会很麻烦呢” Long Chen said: He had said can control Martial Demon Seed I to believe him, if he thought that will have should leave here also to tell us troublesome 龙辰道:“他说过能掌控武魔种我相信他如果他觉得会有麻烦应该会离开这里也会告诉我们的” First puts down after the Mo Xiao Lang matter, they reorganized Lingxi saying: Lacks one type all materials fuse to stimulate the strength together emperor **, but this mirror city does not have the emperor **......” 先把莫小狼的事情放下后两人整理了一下灵曦道:“缺少一种将所有材料融合到一起激发力量的‘皇**’但这镜城并沒有皇**……” Long Chen then found the person to ask 龙辰便找人问了一下 Listened to them saying that only then Dream City possibly had the emperor ** this thing Dream City was the Dream Immortal Clan supreme headquarters is also in the middle of a that city Shining Star liveliest cities majority is the Dream Immortal Clan risk or some purchases the emperor ** should not have issue here is new environment nobody knows me after all “听他们说只有‘梦幻城’才可能有皇**这种东西梦幻城梦幻仙族的大本营也是璀璨星辰最繁华的城池之一那城池当中大部分都是梦幻仙族危险性还是有的不过购买皇**应该沒问題毕竟这里是新的环境沒人认识我” Had decided, they went to Dream City 决定了之后两人就前往梦幻城 Dream City also has the good long section of road from the mirror city, because hurries along also to require several days to be able on Shining Star 梦幻城距离镜城也有好长一段路因为是在璀璨星辰上赶路也需要几天的时间才能到 Before then Long Chen had seen so-called Dream Immortal Clan 在这之前龙辰已经见过了所谓的梦幻仙族 That is one type must surpass Spirit Clan on their body surface to fill misty white brilliance with Human Clan or Spirit Clan very similar race their clansman pretty very even levels, only then died will dissipate this to make them look like such as the dream such as imaginary just likes the Spiritual God and Shining Star is equally beautiful is most mysterious will be their bodies will twine snow white cloud that is being antiquity Variation follows their births, but the associated named smoke cloud beast handed down associated the smoke cloud beast in the fight of Dream Immortal Clan to display the infinite use 那是一种和人族或者灵族都很相似的种族他们的族人都十分貌美甚至水平要超过灵族他们的体表上弥漫着蒙蒙的白色光华只有死亡才会消散这让他们看起來如梦如幻恍若神灵和璀璨星辰一样美丽最神奇的是他们所有人的身上才会缠绕着雪白的云彩那是一种上古异种跟随他们的出生而伴生名为烟云兽相传在梦幻仙族的战斗当中伴生的烟云兽能够发挥出无穷的用处 Dream Immortal Clan is of a clansman arrogant custom here control occupies a commanding position very normally, as long as after is Dream Immortal Clan is the young young girl goes on a journey several people accompanies saddle lead horse, to serve their inborn pampered proud incomparable Long Chen over the two days not to try and this person in the mirror city has to do 梦幻仙族是这里的主宰之一族人倨傲习惯居高临下很正常但凡是梦幻仙族就算是少年少女出行也有好几人陪伴鞍前马后伺候他们天生娇贵自豪无比龙辰在镜城的这两天沒有尝试去和这种人打交道 Dream Immortal Clan bragged one for the most perfect race, only if the top influence otherwise is strong Cultivator they will not care 梦幻仙族自诩自己为最完美的种族除非是顶尖势力否则就算是再强的者他们也不会放在心上 Five days of time passes by quietly 五天时间悄然过去 When Long Chen passes through innumerable lakes to see that the front covers the Dream City time in the middle of nine color fog he has to sigh with emotion here really worthily is one of the Shining Star maximum cities, although was inferior that Martial God Ancient City this type occupies the innumerable areas but here also to calculate very in a big way, moreover Rune all these of very exquisite snow white construction body only beautiful palace twinkle make Dream City be worthy of the reputation are similar to the illusion are much more beautiful 龙辰穿越过无数的湖泊看到前方笼罩在九彩云雾当中的梦幻城时候他不得不感慨这里果然不愧为璀璨星辰最大的城池之一虽然不如武神古城这种占据无数疆域但在这里也算很大的了而且还很精巧雪白的建筑体唯美的宫殿闪烁的符文这一切让梦幻城名副其实如同梦幻美得让人窒息 Dream City in fact is only part of Dream Immortal Clan true Expert of Dream Immortal Clan supreme headquarters definitely in other mysterious place Dream City is only a relay that their surrounding sets up even if, but is the relay is also Shining Star knows how things stand several lively prosperous cities 梦幻城实际上只是梦幻仙族大本营的一部分梦幻仙族真正的强者们肯定在其他神秘地方这梦幻城只是他们外围设立的一个中转罢了但即使是中转也是璀璨星辰有数几个繁华鼎盛的城池 Dream City defends sternly, only then few several races can go in Human Clan and Spirit Clan are basically the five large clans' who in the large clan Dream Immortal Clan person surface does not dare to offend other people besides Monster Clan can pass and out the guard Dream Immortal Clan soldiers who Dream City but even so these defend a city casually arrogant incomparably to Long Chen and Lingxi look cold and indifferent 梦幻城守备森严只有为数不多几个种族能进去人族灵族都是大族梦幻仙族的人表面上还是不敢得罪的基本上五大族除了妖族之外其他人都能随便进出梦幻城但即使如此那些守城的卫兵梦幻仙族的战士们一个个倨傲无比对龙辰灵曦爱理不理 Until sees clearly Lingxi that peerless appearance manner to be good on to make Long Chen they smoothly enter in the middle of this mysterious Dream City this city same is perfect they leads the way in the middle of the cloud on such as the dream in as the name suggests inside person, although not many, but majority are Expert Long Chen their commonplaces 直到看清楚灵曦那绝世容颜态度才好上一些让龙辰两人顺利进入这神秘的梦幻城当中顾名思义这个城池就如梦中一样一切都是完美的他们在云彩当中前行里面的人虽然不多但大多数都是强者龙辰两人在这其中毫不起眼 What as if among five large clans supports Dream Immortal Clan is Human Clan is Dragon God Domain these people does not know these people able in the middle of this Dream City......” “似乎五大族当中支持梦幻仙族的是人族也就是龙神域那些人不知道这些人会不会在这梦幻城当中……” Thinks that here Long Chen is careful 想到这里龙辰小心警惕 He is not willing to meet the Dragon God Domain person, because his present strength enough has not achieved own goal he to have a dream wants to return to Dragon God Domain to go, but absolutely is not the present only will then become in Chaos Star Domain incomparably formidable he will go for the dignity and father fights 他不愿意遇上龙神域的人因为他现在的实力还不足够完成自己的目标他做梦都想回到龙神域去但绝对不是现在只有在混乱星域变得无比强大他才会去为了尊严和父亲战斗 Walked Long Chen to ask in the middle of Dream City several Dream Immortal Clan wanted to know where will have the sell emperor ** this thing but most people looked cold and indifferent Dream Immortal Clan to be used to him proud are allied armies Human Clan in fact have most people not to place in the eye 梦幻城当中行走龙辰问了好几个梦幻仙族想要知道哪里会有出售皇**这东西但大多数人都对他爱理不理梦幻仙族骄傲习惯了就算是盟军人族实际上也有大多数人不放在眼中 Crossed Long Chen finally to know where for a long time here had one to be called the Dream Alliance place is the giant chamber of commerce that the Dream Immortal Clan high-level character established is the Shining Star jumbo wants to obtain anything to go to be able to find, only then rich 过了许久龙辰才终于知道这里有一处叫做梦盟的地方是梦幻仙族高层人物建立的巨大商会是璀璨星辰的巨无霸想要得到任何东西去哪里都能找到只有有钱 Along instructing Long Chen arrived finally Dream Alliance here is the core communication of Dream City is genuine great person Long Chen is just about to make Dream Alliance guard Cultivator intercept has gotten down that Cultivator contemptuously to look at Long Chen one saying: Only then two people can go in one type one that is to grasp my Dream Alliance honored guest makes are Reincarnation Calamity Realm above Cultivator please ask that which you satisfy 沿着指示龙辰终于到达了梦盟这里是梦幻城的核心來往的都是真正的大人物龙辰正要进去却让梦盟的守卫者拦截了下來那者轻蔑看了龙辰一眼道:“只有两种人能进去一种是手持我梦盟贵客令的一种是轮回劫境以上的者请问你满足哪一条呢” On his mouth hangs taunt smiling face then to have a look at Lingxi saying: This Young Lady can go, but the words of your not good knowing the limitation hurry to boil 他嘴上挂着嘲讽笑容然后看看灵曦道:“这位姑娘可以进去但你不行识相的话赶紧滚开” Reincarnation Calamity Realm 轮回劫境 .................. ……………… Gave advance notice that a next tomorrow starts 5 to continue one week of big eruption the refresh time not to be indefinite every day every day 预告一下明天开始每天5更持续一周大爆发每日更新时间不确定 This is the sincerity of lunatic gives to my Long Clan Younger Brother sisters 这是疯子的诚意送给我的龙族兄弟姐妹们
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