DBWG :: Volume #20

#1991: Allied armies talent

( ( This scene to Su Yan without doubt is as anxious as the extreme 素妍來说这个场面无疑是揪心到极点的 Her not clear Mo Xiao Lang are many she only to know that the surrounding these wolf clans are very fearful race they are in the middle of Monster Clan top level that Sun die one move look like must give to destroy Mo Xiao Lang the entire prairie whether can support 她不清楚莫小狼到底多强她只知道周围这些狼族是很可怕的种族他们是妖族当中的顶尖层次那太阳陨落一招看起來要将整个草原都给毁灭掉莫小狼是否能撑住 Even if can support, if this strength has not blocked to reveal the opportunity that the homeland of prairie races must be destroyed them also to lose thoroughly again more troublesome is definitely many people have not run away but these people will possibly bury to live in the middle of this Golden sea of fire 就算能撑住如果这种力量沒有挡住泄露出去的话草原种族们的家园也要彻底被毁灭他们再也失去回來的机会更加麻烦的是肯定还有很多人沒有逃远而这些人很可能会葬生在这金色的火海当中 Trivial almost smallest and weakest Clear Sun Wolf Clan has such invincible might really 区区一头几乎最弱小的昊日狼族却真实拥有这样的神威 Exterminates these small and weak prairie races to them in fact is a move of matter 灭绝这些弱小的草原种族对他们而言实际上就是一招的事情 That Clear Sun Wolf Clan has confidence this to oneself this move is in the middle of the Clear Sun Wolf Clan bloodlines of innumerable Clear Sun Wolf Clan strong Divine Ability uses whole wide world able to move unhindered to sweep away all obstacles 昊日狼族对自己这一招相当有信心这是昊日狼族血脉当中超强的神通之一无数的昊日狼族用之纵横八荒所向披靡 But Clear Sun Wolf Clan and in the Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan heart is also sneering they to have a look at these two some fellow many that but actually makes the wolf main so regard as important weight 昊日狼族蚀月狼族们心中也在冷笑他们倒想要看看这两位让狼主如此看重的家伙到底有多少的斤两 Sun overwhelming falls from the sky 太阳浩然陨落 Entire prairie almost in the range of flame, but Mo Xiao Lang is bears the brunt Sun that if that falls from the sky pounds his meeting whole person on him explodes without a doubt is burnt by the flame Mo Xiao Lang directly to most wolf clans should be this result 整个草原几乎都在火焰的范围当中而莫小狼更是首当其冲如果那陨落的太阳砸在他身上的话毫无疑问他会整个人爆炸直接被火焰烧死对大多数的狼族來说莫小狼应该是这个结局 The Su Yan face whiten she holds in the middle of the both arms trembling eye socket the tears to spin in that silver moon/month 素妍脸色苍白她在那银月当中抱着双臂瑟瑟发抖眼眶当中泪水打转 But she saw the dawn of victory suddenly 但她忽然看到了胜利的曙光 In the middle of her field of vision that black monster wolf strolls, when under Sun of falling from the sky all people think he cannot catch this move he appears is very indifferent he to begin to look that supinely that bigger and bigger Golden Sun corners of the mouth revealed the contemptuous smiling face 她的视野当中那黑色的妖狼漫步在陨落的太阳之下所有人都以为他接不住这一招的时候他却显得很淡然他仰起头看着那越來越大的金色太阳嘴角流露出了轻蔑的笑容 He is control of flame same level has nobody to have he such absolute control strength 他才是火焰的掌控者同等存在沒有人拥有他这样绝对的掌控力 These two clan two big supreme bloodlines so proud may Mo Xiao Lang on the [say / way] of flame want the proud these fellows compared with anyone, since wants to look one do have the value to make you have a look at my value 这两族两大至尊血脉如此的骄傲可在火焰之道上莫小狼比起谁都要骄傲这些家伙既然想看自己有沒有价值那么就让你们看看我的价值吧 That flash his eye becomes bright red incomparably just likes a piece of endless bloodshed fills to be fierce he to look up to Sun that sky that falls from the sky instant to kill Mo Xiao Lang also to destroy the entire prairie but in his eyes that mammoth shortly is only...... Food 那一瞬间他的眼睛刹那变得鲜红无比犹如一片无尽血海充满狰狞他仰望天空那陨落的太阳声势浩大眼看着要杀死莫小狼并且毁灭整个草原但在他眼中那只是……食物 Finished everybody thinking they almost can fantasize scene that then has “结束了”大家心里想着他们几乎可以幻想接下來发生的场景 May he rush to the sky on such as likes a moth to the flame same not awfully toward Sun that falls from the sky to flush away in Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf that their eyes neutralization deceased person anything has not distinguished in this time that unexpectedly 可在这时候那在他们眼中和死人沒什么区别的噬日妖狼他竟然冲上天空就如飞蛾扑火一样不要命的朝着那陨落的太阳冲去 Suddenly the majority of wolf clan opens the mouth to look this strange they thought what Mo Xiao Lang can do perhaps is fends such also to preserve life but him unexpectedly not to draw back instead enters goes to Courts Death directly 一时间大部分的狼族都张大嘴巴看着这诡异的一幕他们本來觉得莫小狼所能做的是闪避那样或许还能保住性命但他竟然不退反进直接去找死 Even this act to Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Clear Sun Wolf Clan is the fellow who the Courts Death Sun falls from the sky this move of extremely formidable that to display at least must have ten days to restore for half a month 甚至对五行轮回劫境昊日狼族來说此举都是找死太阳陨落这一招太过强大那施展的家伙至少也得有十天半个月才能够恢复 Then actually occurred has almost let one that time framed 接下來却发生了几乎让时间定格的一幕 That black monster wolf is heroically dauntless he appears in front of that wild falling from the sky Sun so frail, but he actually expands his body advantage is being his mortal body strength is huger but the fault was he loses to increase the area unable to hide flexible again 那黑色的妖狼英勇无畏他在那狂暴的陨落太阳面前显得如此的脆弱但他却扩大着自己的身体好处是他肉身的力量更加庞大而坏处就是他失去了灵活增加了面积根本无法再躲过去了 He must withstand strength that this Sun falls from the sky eclipse month wolf main red lip micro to say for this prairie astonished “他是要为这草原承受这太阳陨落的力量”蚀月狼主红唇微张惊愕说道 Was so great his action also to make Hao date wolf hosts feel that the stunned this prairie and he related not greatly him for unexpectedly these small and weak race choices sacrificed themselves “这么伟大”他的举动也让昊日狼主都感觉到错愕这草原和他关系不大他竟然为了那些弱小的种族选择牺牲自己么 They guessed mistakenly 他们猜错了 Following one is Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf before falling from the sky Sun pounds to open mouth innumerable Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame to spew out that Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame to form a giant flame vortex suddenly flaming to burn that to fall from the sky the position that Sun shells is the Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame composition vortex core 接下來一幕是噬日妖狼在陨落太阳砸上來之前骤然张开嘴巴无数的九幽魔祖火喷涌而出那九幽魔祖火形成一个巨大的火焰漩涡熊熊燃烧那陨落太阳所轰击的方位更是九幽魔祖火组成漩涡的核心 Instantaneously is occurring together 一起都在瞬间发生 Sun of falling from the sky pounded on vortex strange has not had any explosion Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame to withstand that to fall from the sky the strength of Sun to accelerate to revolve to fall from the sky Sun deeply to fall into the middle of the vortex following that Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf to make that to make the action that all people are unable to imagine he rush to go that terror hot sun to swallow into the abdomen unexpectedly directly directly 陨落的太阳砸在了漩涡上诡异的是沒有发生任何的爆炸九幽魔祖火承受住了那陨落太阳的力量加速旋转将那陨落太阳深深陷入漩涡当中接下來那噬日妖狼做出了让所有人都无法想象的举动他竟然冲上前去直接将那恐怖的烈日直接吞入腹中 Delay 呆滞 Two big wolves main also by his such action daunting 就连两大狼主也被他这样的举动给吓住了 This is Sun that Courts Death falls from the sky has destruction entire prairie strength that regarding all people without doubt is the Clear Sun Wolf Clan true body swallows to come by the frailest five internal organs him facing so the strength, only then died a result not to have any accident 对于所有人來说这无疑是找死陨落的太阳拥有毁灭整个草原的力量那是昊日狼族的真身将他吞进去以自己最脆弱的五脏來面对如此力量只有死亡一种结局根本不会有任何的意外 Perhaps will explode the body to perish in next second of Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf 也许就在下一秒钟噬日妖狼就会爆体而亡 In fact no one understands why he must do this except for Su Yan 实际上谁都不明白他为什么要这样做除了素妍 The Mo Xiao Lang whole body transformed into Golden him at this moment to be possible the Clear Sun Wolf Clan exactly the same eye also to be once again simply Golden that flame sweeps across to be swallowed to attract from him 莫小狼浑身再度蜕变成为金色此刻的他简直可昊日狼族一模一样就连眼睛也是金色的那火焰从他身上席卷出來又被吞吸了进去 Two big wolf hosts besides Su Yan both think continually he must explode that explosion immediately the might not only can tear the smashing to be able him this prairie destruction 除了素妍之外连两大狼主都以为他马上就要爆炸开來那爆炸的威力不但能够将他撕裂粉碎更是能将这草原毁灭 But restored except for his Golden flame entire battlefield Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf light falling to the ground peacefully 可是噬日妖狼轻飘飘的落到了地上除了他身上的金色火焰这整个战场都恢复了安宁 Mo Xiao Lang has closed the eye 莫小狼闭上了眼睛 Moment of explosion has not actually arrived 爆炸的一刻却迟迟沒有到來 How at this time the air nearly coagulated the wolf clans to suffocate passed such long time not to explode 这时候空气近乎凝固狼族们都窒息了怎么过去这么长的时间还沒有爆炸 Had the sound in next quarter Mo Xiao Lang 就在下一刻莫小狼有了动静 His eye circle stares wolf kiss to open one pile of Golden object suddenly spits on the ground 他眼睛忽然圆瞪狼吻张开将一堆金色的物体吐在地上 Then his Golden flame slowly vanishes 然后他身上的金色火焰才慢慢消失 The people look hastily 众人连忙看去 After they see clearly the ground the thing the complexion of everyone was quite splendid even only to be able after panic-stricken and cannot believing describe during they will imagine the explosion not to have Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf to fall from the sky Sun swallowed look like swallow all flame then that Clear Sun Wolf Clan spitting 当他们看清楚地上的东西后每个人的脸色都相当精彩甚至只能用惊骇和不可置信來形容了他们想象当中的爆炸沒有发生噬日妖狼将陨落太阳吞进去后就像是吞噬了所有的火焰然后将那昊日狼族给吐了出來 That Clear Sun Wolf Clan looked deathly pale the suffocation whole body to shiver including the words cannot say must kill him simply killing the chicken by his such condition Mo Xiao Lang is easier than 昊日狼族脸色惨白奄奄一息浑身颤抖连话都说不出來了以他这样的状态莫小狼要杀他简直比杀鸡还要容易 Clear Sun Wolf Clan struggled is crawling got up, but fell down 昊日狼族挣扎着爬了起來但又倒在了地上 Mo Xiao Lang changed into the human form to stand on this piece of burned black prairie Crazy Wind blows his black long hair his vision to look at two wolf main sinking sound tracks deeply: Two wolves main do not know whether younger generation today's performance two satisfy 莫小狼化为人形站在这一片焦黑的草原上狂风袭來吹起了他的黑色长发他目光深沉看着两位狼主沉声道:“两位狼主不知道晚辈今日的表现两位可否满意” Knows that he said these words wolf clans to believe this unexpectedly was a fact , if no personally to see them not to believe that some people can achieve unexpectedly will fall from the sky the strength of Sun swallowing this are huge shame but this matter actually really occur regarding Clear Sun Wolf Clan simply 知道他说出这句话狼族们才相信这竟然是一个事实如果沒有亲眼所见他们根本不会相信竟然有人可以做到将陨落太阳的力量给吞了对于昊日狼族來说这简直就是天大的耻辱但这件事情却真实的发生了 Main remains silent within the good long time including two wolves 连两位狼主在好长的时间之内都保持沉默 Finally Hao date wolf main waving made two wolf commanding general defeat carrying off make him recuperate relieved he and eclipse month wolf main discussed in secret finally said to Mo Xiao Lang: Is during very good you to imagine compared with us also wants unexpected I to see in fight without a doubt had heard all of the same generation people almost nobody are your match you are deserves present age the first talent 最终昊日狼主挥手让两位狼主将战败者带走让他安心休养他和蚀月狼主暗中商量最后才对莫小狼说道:“很不错你比我们想象当中还要出乎预料毫无疑问在战斗方面上我所见过听说过所有的同辈中人几乎沒人是你的对手你是当之无愧当世第一天才” This called Mo Xiao Lang not to be at all he to know that own battle efficiency from demon this was not the category of normal Cultivator, if calculates that perhaps Cultivator Long Chen in Heavenly Dao was that type goes against heaven's will 这个称呼莫小狼不敢当他知道自己的战斗力來自魔这不是正常者的范畴如果算天道之内的者或许龙辰才是那种逆天的 But he does not need to refute the opposite party to the dunce cap that oneself bring 但他沒必要反驳对方给自己带的高帽子 He and other two resolutions 他在等这两位的决断 A Hao date wolf main voice road for grain shipment: Therefore you passed our test we not to give Nine Tail Heaven Fox even Nine Tail Heaven Fox you, if asked you to trouble us again them to expel, but in the future several months within you must do a quite important matter for us 昊日狼主话音一转道:“所以你通过了我们的考验我们不会把你送给九尾天狐甚至九尾天狐若是再找你麻烦我们可以把他们赶走但是在未來的几个月时间之内你也必须为我们做一件相当重要的事情” The eclipse month wolf main said with a smile in a soft voice: I believe the love strength is great, therefore I have to restrict you before we complete this matter to enable your young sweetheart with me you definitely in you with this to feel relieved that I by my moral behavior and prestige pledged I will make your small Young Lady cross comfortably carefree, but you are the man need, for her freedom also has your freedom to struggle 蚀月狼主轻声笑道:“我相信爱情的力量是伟大的所以我也不得不用此來制约你在你为我们完成这件事情之前就让你的小情人跟着我吧你完全可以放心我以我的人品和声望发誓我会让你的小姑娘过得舒舒服服无忧无虑但你身为男人呢必须要为了她的自由还有你的自由而奋斗” Mo Xiao Lang already knows that can be this 莫小狼早就知道会是这样 In his no doubt heart anger, but also can only suppress his faith freely to restrict his freedom to threaten own person with Su Yan is really the unforgivable opposite party no doubt also calculates to oneself politely, but Mo Xiao Lang is unable to suppress to these two people detests him, although on the mouth had not said anything, but the innermost feelings already pledged, if will have such one day he to make these two wolves main and secondary the serious price 他固然心中愤怒但也只能压制他的信念就是自由所有限制他自由更甚是用素妍來威胁自己的人都是不可原谅的对方固然对自己还算客气但莫小狼无法抑制对这两个人的憎恶他虽然嘴上沒说什么但内心早已发誓若有那么一天他会让这两位狼主付出惨重的代价 Nobody can deprive his freedom 沒有人可以剥夺他的自由 His deep breath one time constrains all hatreds to look up two side wolf main roads: Said these many two present can talk clearly wants me to make anything 他深呼吸一次压抑所有的仇恨抬头看着两方狼主道:“说了这么多两位现在可以说清楚到底要我做什么了吧” He realized that this absolutely is not a relaxed matter or, only then can achieve 他意识到这绝对不会是一件轻松的事情或者只有自己可以做到 The eclipse month wolf Lord giggled to say with a smile: Actually is not the specially troublesome matter you knows Golden War God Clan, Dream Immortal Clan and Nightmare Clan Star Lord Hegemony War 蚀月狼主咯咯笑道:“其实嘛也不是特别麻烦的事情你知道黄金战神族梦幻仙族梦魇族星主争霸战吗” Really and Star Lord Hegemony War has the relations 果然和星主争霸战有关系 Mo Xiao Lang nods gently 莫小狼轻轻点头 Eclipse month wolf main access road: Our two big supreme wolf clans are the Monster Clan faction comes to here to assist Golden War God Clan are the Golden War God Clan strength of allied armies' in the middle of allied armies according to custom Star Lord Hegemony War of nine star Alliances also to represent in the middle of the Star Lord race competitive power Star Lord Hegemony War first war are being war of allied armies talent three clan talents can also participate in our Monster Clan are the Golden War God Clan allied armies need to contribute several talent youth to participate to fight your duty for it are to assist our wolf clan and Golden War God Clan defeat the enemy to win the champion of war of talent in the war of talent 蚀月狼主便道:“我们两大至尊狼族是妖族派來这里协助黄金战神族的属于黄金战神族的盟军按照九星联盟的规矩星主争霸战当中盟军的力量也代表着星主种族的竞争力星主争霸战当中的第一战是三族天才之战盟军天才也可以参加我们妖族身为黄金战神族的盟军需要为其贡献几位天才少年参与战斗你的任务就是协助我们狼族和黄金战神族在天才之战当中打败敌人拿到天才之战的冠军”
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