DBWG :: Volume #20

#1990: Sun falls from the sky

( ( Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan are the keeping aloof Spiritual God their casual one can control on the prairie regarding the prairie races the life and death of all lives 昊日狼族蚀月狼族对于草原种族们來说就是高高在上的神灵他们随便一位都能够主宰草原上所有生灵的生死 When Mo Xiao Lang was sphered the later prairie races to start to run away they to be far away from here to save the homeland life that life many people do not hate to leave establish with great difficulty to be however more important on the azure green grass that for example and Mo Xiao Lang is together frequently their they were worried radically the Mo Xiao Lang safety but still made the parents carry off 莫小狼被围住了之后草原种族们纷纷开始逃窜他们必须要远离这里才能保住性命很多人不舍得离开好不容易建立的家园但是性命更加重要就比如说和莫小狼经常相处的青青草他们他们根本担心莫小狼的安危但却仍然让父母带走 That sad boy looks that in the hot sun and cold moon/month eye of distant place fill at a loss 那个忧伤的男孩看着远方的烈日和寒月眼中充满茫然 What he does not know will be or entire Chaos Star Domain soon will start starting today the chaos 他不知道的是或者从今日开始整个混乱星域都即将开始大乱吧 That side transmitted the earthshaking sound is the fighting azure green grass they have not been experiencing so fierce fighting to resemble the world to obviously be torn the same black and Golden flame shoots up to the sky that silver cold current to surround the similar might to be infinite 那边传來惊天动地的动静显然是在打斗青青草他们从來沒见识过如此剧烈的打斗好像天地都要被撕裂了一样黑色和金色的火焰冲天而起那银色的寒流环绕开來同样威力无穷 Bang 轰隆隆 That side sound lets in azure green grass heart the terror 那边的动静让青青草心中恐怖 Brother Xiao Lang you must go on living 小狼哥哥你一定要活下去” He gripped the fist to make the parents bring to flee from the hometown forcefully 他握住了拳头让父母强行带着逃离了家乡 Mo Xiao Lang felt that they have been far away from him to feel regret is very the weak one who he implicates them to be destitute and homeless destiny he, only then becomes a fugitive also is very but angry how , if not be these two big supreme wolf clans found oneself to implicate them 莫小狼感觉到了他们的远离他感觉到十分的抱歉是他连累他们流离失所的弱者只有逃亡的命运但他也很愤怒如果不是这两大至尊狼族找到自己自己又怎么会连累他们呢 The fight is easiest to make him excited and crazy this to be his life naturally him to believe firmly that Martial Demon Seed vanished he also to believe firmly probably one were sober 战斗最容易让他变得激动而疯狂起來这才是属于他的生活当然他确信武魔种好像消失了他也确信自己是清醒的 To be honest these two fellows are especially formidabe 说实话这两个家伙尤其难对付 Possibly is because the relations of supreme bloodlines they, although was four looks like the Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage but battle efficiency actually to approach the Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm two big wolf clan attributes completely but on the contrary can actually supplementary, moreover under was skilled in the [say / way] of coordination dual to kill Mo Xiao Lang suddenly unable to take them unexpectedly 可能是因为至尊血脉的关系他们虽然是四象轮回劫境后期但战斗力却已经逼近了五行轮回劫境两大狼族属性完全相反但却能够互补而且精通配合之道双重袭杀之下莫小狼竟然一时间沒能拿下他们 This fight can say that very intense surrounding prairie turned into the spent clay completely 这场战斗可以说非常激烈周围的草原已经完全变成了废土 This wolf clan is no doubt good the battle efficiency that but our Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan coordinate was meets Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator to resist him as if unable to block “这狼族固然不错但我们昊日狼族蚀月狼族配合起來的战斗力就是遇上五行轮回劫境者都能够抵抗他似乎挡不住了” That is natural we, but the supreme bloodlines definitely have in a big way perhaps superior natural this wolf clan was also quite good has to complete the task potential “那是自然的我们可是至尊血脉肯定有很大的优越性当然了这狼族也相当不错说不定有完成任务的潜力” These come from the wolf clans of two big supreme wolf clans to pay attention to the fight to discuss in a soft voice two big wolf main anything had not said 那些來自两大至尊狼族的狼族们关注战斗轻声议论两大狼主则什么都沒说 „The bloodlines of ordinary wolf clan forever are unable to defeat the supreme bloodlines “普通狼族的血脉是永远无法战胜至尊血脉的” The absent-minded between that Golden god wolf launches the terrifying speed to make a long-range raid to come his body toward oneself to carry the massive flame to fill the Mo Xiao Lang field of vision, but other one side that Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan rushes ahead the cold air that freezes to raid from the darkness to be suddenly fiery and cold double-pole attack comes that is the strength of solar and moon 恍惚之间那金色的神狼展开恐怖的速度朝着自己奔袭而來他的身上携带着大量的火焰弥漫着莫小狼的视野而另外一边那蚀月狼族从黑暗当中冲杀出來冰冻的寒气袭來一时间火热和寒冷双极攻击而來那是太阳和月亮的力量 Buzz Was lifted the sand dust alienation to dance in the air Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf fast withdrawing his look still not to expose slight timid intent this fight facing this powerful attack massive grounds directly from beginning to end, although carried on some time has seemed like two big wolf clans suppressed during the control of his actually mountain all Mo Xiao Lang 面对这强悍的攻击大量的地面直接被掀开沙尘狂乱飞舞噬日妖狼快速的退后从始至终他的眼神仍然沒有展露出丝毫的怯意这一场战斗虽然进行了一段时间看似两大狼族压制了他实际山一切都莫小狼的掌控当中 Hao date wolf main said finally: He , if no other performance, although said that is truly good, but as if in the middle of our Clear Sun Wolf Clan also has to substitute his boy value not to be big 昊日狼主终于道:“他若是沒有其他表现的话虽然说确实很不错但似乎我们昊日狼族当中也有可以替代他的这小子价值不大” In their eyes naturally does not have the so-called sentiment to be possible the word to have the value 在他们眼中自然沒有所谓的感情可言只有价值 Mo Xiao Lang value insufficiently they are regarded as the favour will deliver 莫小狼价值不够他们就会当作是人情送出去 Has a look again “再看看” Eclipse month wolf main road 蚀月狼主道 In fact she also somewhat disappointedly looked like Mo Xiao Lang once defeated Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm this matter is if irises and orchids fabrication 实际上她也有些失望看來莫小狼曾经打败五行轮回劫境这件事情是若芝兰杜撰的 Su Yan digs the mouth to refute their but her to know that very much will not need Mo Xiao Lang certainly to show will look to them 素妍撅着嘴巴很想反驳他们但她知道沒有必要莫小狼一定会证明给他们看的 He is seeking for the feeling of fight 他在寻找战斗的感觉 He has rested long time 他已经休息了好长时间了 When heading toward disaster makes the partners have to leave the hometown again, when Su Yan also during the opposite party controls when have not been able to be in control of their destiny sometimes what his unwilling and angry flaming combustion anger spout in heart he truly is devil but he must do is a sane demon 当自己重新走上绝路让伙伴们不得不离开家乡当素妍还在对方掌控当中当自己已经无法主宰自己的命运的时候他心中的不甘和愤怒熊熊燃烧怒火喷涌有的时候他确实是魔鬼但他要做的是一个理智的魔 Solar rain “太阳雨” The Clear Sun Wolf Clan whole body hair four shoot to transform into innumerable incisive sharp thorn that sharp thorn from the middle of sky to raid to pierce the flame that above the earth carries in all directions easily is warm 昊日狼族浑身毛发四射在天空当中幻化成为无数尖锐的尖刺那尖刺从四面八方袭來可轻易洞穿大地其上携带的火焰更是热烈 Clads in silvery white “银装素裹” Moreover at the same time that Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan turnover together silver mighty current toward the Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf impact, but just liked the tide rough sea waves everywhere one visit as if entire world is dyed the silver astonishing cold air to release not awfully came out, if were frozen may create Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame similar effect 另外一边那蚀月狼族则吞吐着一道银色的洪流朝着噬日妖狼冲击而來犹如潮汐巨浪所到之处似乎整个世界都被染成了银色惊人的寒气不要命的释放了出來若被冻结可造成九幽魔祖火类似的效果 Shouted......” “呼……” The Mo Xiao Lang deep exhalation one breath he stepped the battle path to go to the battlefield after fighting was avoidless he will not retrocede absolutely 莫小狼深深的呼出一口气他重新踏上了征途踏上了战场当战斗已经无法避免后他绝对不会后退 He completely disregarded Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan attack that bloody look to stare at Clear Sun Wolf Clan at this time he is being Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf at least in the name he absolutely is the Clear Sun Wolf Clan natural enemy 在这时候他完全无视蚀月狼族的攻击那血腥的眼神盯着昊日狼族他是噬日妖狼至少在名称上他绝对是昊日狼族的天敌 Facing toward that side that innumerable solar rain he is duty-bound not to turn back flushes away almost cannot give a thought to own life, when all people thought he goes crazy on his long and loud cry mouth presents together jet black vortex that suddenly is Tun Yue Divine Ability after this Divine Ability starts the innumerable solar rain luminous spot makes that vortex swallow to attract unexpectedly 面对那无数的太阳雨他义无反顾的朝着那边冲去几乎顾不上自己的性命当所有人都觉得他发疯的时候他骤然长啸嘴上出现一道漆黑的漩涡那是吞月神通当这神通发动后无数的太阳雨光点竟然让那漩涡吞吸而來 They in Mo Xiao Lang changes into a Golden flame ball at present to him, if swallowed into the abdomen to carve Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf to transform into Golden at that time rapidly simply and Clear Sun Wolf Clan does not have the difference but quick flash black flame to burn got up and that Golden roaring flame starts to fuse 它们在莫小狼眼前化为一个金色的火焰球给他如吞入腹中在那时刻噬日妖狼迅速蜕变成为金色简直和昊日狼族沒有区别但很快一瞬间黑色的火焰重新燃烧了起來和那金色烈焰开始融合 You forgot my this match “你忘记我这个对手了么” Very much excitedly what that Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan added on the attack effort of cladding in silvery white to let his accident was Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf after was just catching Clear Sun Wolf Clan attack turns around to send out instantaneously earthshakingly to roar he to come the yawn to spurt the Clear Sun Wolf Clan flame to fuse one toward the Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan long-range raid at the terrifying speed to form a terrifying destruction strength this with Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame is the striking power that dual strength additions creates surmounts the imagination 蚀月狼族很是兴奋加上了银装素裹的攻击力度让他意外的是噬日妖狼在刚刚接住昊日狼族攻击之后瞬间转身发出惊天动地的咆哮他以恐怖速度朝着蚀月狼族奔袭而來张口一喷昊日狼族的火焰已经和九幽魔祖火融合到了一起形成一股恐怖的毁灭力量这是双重力量的加成造成的攻击力超越想象 Bang 轰隆 On the prairie glittered a dazzling ray shocking explosive sound to cause the earthquake still to shake to pour in the runaway prairie race these in the ground big piece ground split 草原上闪烁过一道刺眼的光芒震天的爆炸声造成了地震将那些还在逃亡的草原种族震倒在地上大片的地面干裂了开來 The attack of Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan cannot block Mo Xiao Lang acting crazy he can only withdraw but still to make Mo Xiao Lang instantaneously for instance shake to fly the prestige of dual flame to make on Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan explode the massive blood to pour in ground that black Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf broke through layer upon layer the flame to step on black sharp claws of Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan has held down that sharp potentilla cryptottaeniae to bite the neck tooth of opposite party to get sucked the opposite party stubbornly 蚀月狼族的攻击挡不住莫小狼的瞬间发飙在那种情况下他只能退避但却仍然让莫小狼震飞出去双重火焰的威能让蚀月狼族身上炸出大量鲜血倒在地上那黑色的噬日妖狼冲过了层层火焰踩在了蚀月狼族的身上黑色的利爪将对方死死按住那锋利的狼牙已经咬住了对方的脖子牙齿深陷 You defeated Mo Xiao Lang to say then let loose his eyes to fall, in that shock looks on his another match Clear Sun Wolf Clan “你败了”莫小狼就说了一句然后就放开了他他一双眼睛落在那震惊看着他的另外一个对手昊日狼族身上 That gloomy, but the bloodthirsty vision makes that Clear Sun Wolf Clan retrocede three steps 那阴沉而嗜血的目光让那昊日狼族后退三步 Mo Xiao Lang also displayed averagely actually suddenly to show so the strength instantaneous reversal war to defeat one person from the beginning to cause the shock two big wolf hosts of wolf clans both to feel continually quite accidentally 莫小狼一开始还表现平平却忽然展现出了如此力量瞬间逆转战局打败一人造成了狼族们的震惊连两大狼主都感觉到相当意外 Lucky Clear Sun Wolf Clan knows one cannot make the opposite party frighten like this “侥幸”昊日狼族知道自己不能让对方这样吓倒 In his eye reappears burns the Golden roaring flame he to bow fearlessly before the body that Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf approaches more and more attacks once again, if was to probe that Clear Sun Wolf Clan now is wild going all out 他的眼中重现燃烧着金色的烈焰面对噬日妖狼越來越靠近的身体他躬身无所畏惧再度攻击如果说之前是试探的话那么昊日狼族现在则是狂暴的拼命了 The wolf clan does not fear to go all out 狼族并不怕拼命 As for Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan that defeats, although injury not heavy, but if Mo Xiao Lang must kill his him is the corpse, therefore he very law-abiding standing up back and forth arrived at the eclipse month wolf main that side 至于那战败的蚀月狼族虽然伤势不重但如果莫小狼要杀他他已经是尸体了所以他很安分的站起來回到了蚀月狼主那边 Clear Sun Wolf Clan goes crazy the rushing upper air was similar to the middle of the Spiritual God vision the turnover flaming raging fire his corners of the mouth is revealing the cruel smiling face: „The bloodlines of supreme wolf clan do not need to lose to your ordinary wolf clans, even if you is a different number not good do not think how defeats you to despise me by luck to make me teach you dead characters to write 昊日狼族发疯似的冲上高空如同神灵目光当中吞吐着熊熊的烈火他的嘴角流露出了残忍笑容道:“至尊狼族的血脉不需要败给你们这些普通的狼族哪怕你是个异数也不行别以为侥幸打败一个你就可以小看我让我來教教你死字到底怎么写” Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf lifts the head to look up to him not to utter a word high is only that black flame actually absorbed burns is proving his fearfulness 噬日妖狼高高抬起头颅仰望着他一声不吭只是那黑色火焰却忘我的燃烧着证明着他的可怕 The Clear Sun Wolf Clan stimulation whole body strength body rolled up he to use the Golden flame on limit his body to sweep across for the victory to form a giant flame ball to surround approximately him completely quickly does not see clearly his appearance 昊日狼族激发浑身力量身体蜷缩他大致是为了胜利而动用了极限他身体上的金色火焰席卷出來形成了一个巨大的火焰球将他完全包围很快就看不清楚他的样子了 That Golden hot sun in fact and Sun of space looks like did not have what difference, moreover this hot sun is more scalding hot , if only Divine Martial Realm Cultivator feared that will be by this hot sun directly roasting 金色的烈日实际上和天上的太阳看起來已经沒有什么区别而且这烈日更加灼热如果只是神武境者怕是会被这烈日直接给烤死吧 Two the people of big wolf clan very much anticipated both finally performance they are arrogant and pampered, therefore Mo Xiao Lang must subdue them 两大狼族的人都很期待两者最后的表现他们是高傲而娇贵的所以莫小狼必须要折服他们 In fact Mo Xiao Lang longs for was retaliates them no matter what is they disturbs own life and speaks even also controls Su Yan to be with the so arrogant tone to threaten oneself 实际上莫小狼所渴望的就是报复他们不管怎么说是他们打扰了自己的生活用如此高傲的口吻和自己说话甚至还掌控素妍为威胁自己 Bang 轰隆 In the hot sun reappeared the innumerable Golden marks to surround this Golden Sun to revolve that mark to strengthen the prestige energy to consolidate the energy 烈日上浮现出了无数金色的符号环绕着这金色的太阳旋转那符号增强了威能更是稳固了能量 On that Golden flame ball reappears on the wolf face to be extremely rogue 金色火焰球上浮现出狼脸上极其凶恶 Sun falls from the sky “太阳陨落” Clear Sun Wolf Clan does not defeat willingly, therefore he displays this move of solar falling from the sky light to listen to this name obviously this is the fearful attack 昊日狼族不甘心战败所以他施展出这一招太阳陨落光听这名字显然这是可怕的攻击 On that day on Golden hot sun rolled to fall from the sky on such as genuine Sun unexpectedly pounds toward Long Chen equally loudly unacceptably did not say that this is the quite fearful attack even and general Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator displays was similar 那天上的金色烈日竟然滚动起來就如真正的太阳陨落一样朝着龙辰轰然砸來不得不说这是相当可怕的攻击甚至和一般五行轮回劫境者所施展的已经差不多了 Sun falls from the sky Mo Xiao Lang to be on the verge of death 太阳陨落莫小狼危在旦夕
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