DBWG :: Volume #20

#1989: Three the war of wolf

Left, the Golden man still low and deep sound, the vision flickering flame, said: We similarly are one of the wolf clan three big supreme bloodlines, I am the Clear Sun Wolf Clan wolf Lord! You are wolf clan, naturally knows that the supreme bloodlines mean anything. Must kneel down the ordinary wolf clan sword to the supreme wolf clan, but I can avoid this etiquette today.” 左边,金色男子仍然低沉声音,目光闪烁火焰,说道:“我们同样是狼族三大至尊血脉之一,我是昊日狼族的狼主!你身为狼族,自然知道至尊血脉意味着什么。原本普通狼族剑到至尊狼族是要下跪的,但今日我可以免除这个礼仪。” They in the speech, in fact have been observing Mo Xiao Lang. 他们在说话的时候,实际上一直都在观察莫小狼 Mo Xiao Lang had heard the supreme bloodlines of wolf clan, generally is called Monster Clan of supreme bloodlines is very fearful, the Nine Tail Heaven Fox blood relationship is noble, but still did not have the qualifications to become the supreme bloodlines, the wolf clan was one of the supreme bloodlines many Monster Clan. 莫小狼听说过狼族的至尊血脉,一般被称作至尊血脉的妖族都是很可怕的,九尾天狐血统高贵,但仍然没有资格成为至尊血脉,狼族算是至尊血脉最多的妖族之一了。 In the area of wolf clan, three big supreme bloodlines are the absolute rulers, keeps aloof. 在狼族的疆域内,三大至尊血脉是绝对的统治者,高高在上。 On such as this Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan, inherited from the antique god beast date Queen of night wolf. 就如这昊日狼族蚀月狼族,传承自太古神兽日月神狼。 However, they know themselves probably, why do they look for themselves? 但是,他们好像知道自己,他们为什么来找自己? The Mo Xiao Lang calm sound, proposed that own doubts, asked: Younger generation Mo Xiao Lang, has seen two wolf hosts, does not know that two wolf main today looks for the younger generation personally, what behavior?” 莫小狼沉着声音,提出自己的疑惑,问道:“晚辈莫小狼,见过两位狼主,不知道两位狼主今日亲自来找晚辈,所为何事呢?” Luckily, they do not have very big evil intention temporarily probably. 幸好,他们暂时好像没有很大的恶意。 Mo Xiao Lang cannot completely understand them. 只是莫小狼看不透他们。 Hao date wolf Lord sentiment was dignified, aggressive unparalleled, but that eclipse month wolf main ghosts and demons were enchanting, could not completely understand. 那昊日狼主神情威严,霸气无双,而那蚀月狼主鬼魅妖娆,更加看不透。 Hao date wolf advocated them not to reply that Mo Xiao Lang words, he and eclipse month wolf Lord has looked at each other one, can affirm initially the Mo Xiao Lang ability, can start to take action, Hao date wolf main that pair of Golden flame eyeball was staring at Mo Xiao Lang, speak unhurriedly and clearly said: Our two wolf hosts, are the Shining Star Golden War God Clan allied armies, is Monster Clan sends to assist Golden War God Clan to compete for Star Lord, in other words, here is our domains. Nine Tail Heaven Fox Six Dao Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator visits to look for us, wants with the aid of our strengths, making us help to seek for you, they are willing to reward us by 300 Dao Mark, I complied.” 昊日狼主两人并没有回答莫小狼的话,他和蚀月狼主对视了一眼,应该是初步肯定了莫小狼的能力,可以开始行动了,昊日狼主那一双金色火焰眼珠子盯着莫小狼,一字一顿道:“我们两位狼主,是璀璨星辰黄金战神族的盟军,是妖族派来辅助黄金战神族争夺星主的,换句话说,这里就是我们的地盘。九尾天狐六道轮回劫境者上门找过我们,想要借助我们的力量,让我们帮忙寻找你,他们愿意以300条道纹道器来酬谢我们,我答应了。” If the average person, at this time had been scared by Hao date wolf Lord, Mo Xiao Lang hears Nine Tail Heaven Fox, knows one feared that must be finished, this cannot blame him, the characters in prairie race these floors, do not know existences of these two big wolf clans. 如果是一般人,这时候已经被昊日狼主吓坏了,莫小狼一听到九尾天狐,也知道自己怕是要完蛋了,这不能怪他,草原种族这些底层的人物,是根本不知道这两大狼族的存在的。 Therefore, he is impossible to know that here will have Monster Clan. 所以,他不可能知道这里会有妖族 But he from the Hao date wolf main words, heard other meaning. 但他从昊日狼主的话语当中,听到了别的意思。 These two wolf main status are what kind precious, if to hold me, gives the Nine Tail Heaven Fox person, they do not need to come personally, Nine Tail Heaven Fox definitely does not have such big face, then they appear today personally here, but also rubbish that long time with me, definitely has something else planned.” “这两位狼主的身份是何等的珍贵,如果只是为了抓住我,交给九尾天狐的人,他们根本不用亲自前来,九尾天狐肯定没这么大的面子,那么今日他们亲自出现在这里,还跟我废话那么长的时间,肯定是别有所图。” Although has something else planned, but will at least not give Nine Tail Heaven Fox to be right Mo Xiao Lang. 虽然是别有所图,但至少不会把莫小狼交给九尾天狐才对。 Therefore, Mo Xiao Lang is not flustered. 所以,莫小狼并不慌张。 At this time, that eclipse month wolf main covered the mouth to smile suddenly tenderly, said: Really is an intelligent child, you know we will not give Nine Tail Heaven Fox you are right? But I may probably tell you, you guessed mistakenly, if we discovered that you cannot meet our needs, we will certainly give Nine Tail Heaven Fox you, received exchange a favour.” 这时候,那蚀月狼主忽然掩嘴娇笑,道:“真是个聪明的孩子,你知道我们不会把你送给九尾天狐的对不对?但我可要告诉你,你猜错了,如果我们发现你不能满足我们的需要的话,我们当然会把你送给九尾天狐,去换取一个人情。” Although Mo Xiao Lang did not speak, but he probably was clear, it seems like these two wolves main wanted to complete something, they affirmed that knew oneself by the matter of Martial Demon Seed influence, completely was actually not cared about, if were paid to Nine Tail Heaven Fox, that must die without doubt, therefore other Mo Xiao Lang not choices. 莫小狼虽然不说话,但他心里大概清楚,看来这两位狼主是要自己完成某一件事,他们肯定已经知道了自己被武魔种影响的事情,却完全不在意,如果自己被交付给九尾天狐,那必死无疑,所以莫小狼没有其他的选择。 Elder Brother, I think, after arriving at Chaos Star Domain, I was free, but the destiny will grasp the person, I thought that the safest place, actually still had the loophole, if Nine Tail Heaven Fox, looked for a long time is impossible to find me here, but these two wolves main were ingrained in Shining Star, there is a Golden War God Clan help, this was I am unexpected......” 大哥啊,我原本以为,来到混乱星域后我就自由了,但命运就会抓弄人,我觉得最安全的地方,却仍然存在漏洞,如果是九尾天狐,找再久也不可能在这里找到我,而这两位狼主在璀璨星辰根深蒂固,又有黄金战神族帮忙,这是我始料未及的……” Sometimes the destiny is this, no matter how hides, cannot shunt, his life itself belongs to the fight, therefore he cannot escape the fight. 有时候命运就是这样,不管怎么躲,都是躲不开的,他的生命本身就属于战斗,所以他逃不开战斗。 Here, Mo Xiao Lang knows that the opposite party definitely will give itself to test. 说到这里,莫小狼知道,对方肯定会给自己考验了。 He gains ground, neither arrogant nor servile asking: May I ask two wolf hosts, what needs me to make for two?” 他抬起头,不卑不亢的问道:“敢问两位狼主,到底需要我为两位做什么?” Hao date wolf Lord unemotionally, said: This is something to be talked about later, you must first through our tests, have the qualifications of going on living. What we want is the world underground most terrorist talent, most invincible talent, but is not the waste, you think you among peer whether invincible?” 昊日狼主面无表情,道:“这是后话,你首先得通过我们的考验,才有活下去的资格。我们要的是天下地下最恐怖的天才,最无敌的天才,而不是废物,你觉得你在同辈当中是否无敌呢?” This issue, Mo Xiao Lang does not dare to reply. 这个问题,莫小狼不敢回答。 Among all peers, he is a different number, because he did not have Reincarnation Calamity, after previous time has swallowed the red violet fire of karma, has killed Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator. 在所有的同辈当中,他是个异数,因为他已经没有轮回劫了,上次吞噬了红莲业火之后,更是杀死了五行轮回劫境者。 But he can affirm that at least in fight, the among peer, can side by side not be many with his person. 但他可以肯定,至少在战斗方面,同辈当中,能和他比肩的人并不多。 Sees Mo Xiao Lang not to reply that Hao date wolf Lord unemotionally, he stretched out by the finger that the Golden flame covered, has referred to Golden Xiao Lang, in that Xiao Lang eye surged immediately the Golden flame , he has jumped down the prairie from that Golden hot sun, immediately, in the surrounding area the flowers and plants within kilometer, were reduced to ashes instantaneously, was blown off by Crazy Wind. 莫小狼没有回答,昊日狼主面无表情,他伸出被金色火焰笼罩的手指,指了一头金色小狼,那小狼眼睛里顿时涌起了金色火焰,他嗷呜一声,从那金色烈日当中跳下了草原,顿时之间,方圆上千米之内的花草,瞬间化为灰烬,被狂风吹散。 But in other one side, eclipse month wolf main also hints to silver Xiao Lang, that Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan without demur, jumps down from silver moon, after falling to the ground, in the surrounding area the kilometer makes the cold air freeze. 而在另外一边,蚀月狼主也对一位银色的小狼示意,那蚀月狼族二话不说,也从银色月亮上跳下来,落到地上后,方圆上千米都让寒气冰冻起来。 But Mo Xiao Lang stands in the center that they surround. 莫小狼站在他们包围的中心。 Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan, the starting to walk step, Golden and silver eye are staring at Mo Xiao Lang, is full of the advance of malignant influences. 一头昊日狼族和一头蚀月狼族,迈开步伐,金色和银色的眼睛盯着莫小狼,充满煞气的前进。 Hao date wolf main road: You, if can defeat these two wolf clan Younger Brother, then you through the test, we absolutely you in the Shining Star news, not making Nine Tail Heaven Fox know.” 昊日狼主道:“你若是能把这两位狼族兄弟都打败了,那么就算你通过考验,我们也绝对不会将你在璀璨星辰的消息,让九尾天狐知道。” This test is not very troublesome, but the opposite party is the supreme bloodlines, moreover altogether also has two heads, obviously is nasty. These two wolves main to checkpoint of Mo Xiao Lang establishment, almost reached the Mo Xiao Lang limit. 这场考验并不是很麻烦,但对方是至尊血脉,而且一共还有两头,显然非常难以对付。这两位狼主给莫小狼设置的关卡,也差不多到达莫小狼的极限了。 The issue is, he does not feel relieved Su Yan...... 问题是,他不放心素妍…… „If not defeat these two wolf clans, was the destiny of death, I did not have the value in their eyes. They are wolf Lord, the looking disdainfully world, really words that needs me to help, should not be awful to me, hopes that they leave go too far!” “如果不打败这两位狼族,就是死亡的命运,我在他们眼中就没有价值。他们身为狼主,睥睨天下,真需要我帮忙的话,应该不会对我太糟糕,希望他们别太过分吧!” Mo Xiao Lang has strengthened quickly the innermost feelings. 莫小狼很快就坚定了内心。 He knows, when the destiny cannot change has the tribulation, he should be fearless, firm walks, meets these not to care about own person in vain to own caring. 他知道,当命运不可改变出现磨难的时候,他应该毫无畏惧,坚定的走下去,才会不枉那些在乎自己的人对自己的在乎。 His match, is four looks like Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage, because is the relations of supreme bloodlines, should be more formidable than Monster Clan of Nine Tail Heaven Fox this level, moreover copes with two heads one time, Mo Xiao Lang does not dare to relax. 他的对手,都是四象轮回劫境后期,但因为是至尊血脉的关系,应该会比九尾天狐这个层次的妖族强大,而且一次性对付两头,莫小狼也不敢放松。 You feel at ease to demonstrate your value. We will not feel embarrassed you. As for your side, is your young sweetheart? In order to let you battles relieved, I can protect her.” “你就安心展现你的价值吧。我们不会为难你。至于你身边这位,是你的小情人么?为了让你安心作战,我可以保护她。” That eclipse month wolf main smiles tenderly, puts out a hand to raise, a round silver moon has surrounded Su Yan, Mo Xiao Lang was protecting her, makes strength pushing of that silver moon open, under he is shocked, the revolt, actually still cannot rescue fully Su Yan. 那蚀月狼主娇笑着,伸手一扬,一轮银色的月亮就将素妍包围了起来,莫小狼本来是守护着她的,却让那银色月亮的力量生生的挤开,他震惊之下,全力反抗,却仍然没能将素妍救下来。 Brother Xiao Lang, I am all right, must win.” 小狼哥哥,我没事,一定要赢哦。” Su Yan was stranded in the middle of silver moon, she actually not flustered, that silver moon mainly divides her and Mo Xiao Lang, has not tossed about the meaning of Su Yan, under the eclipse month wolf main operation, surrounded the Su Yan silver moon to her side, she said with a smile ambiguous: „The love of young people, but is really enviable, relax, so long as you can through our tests, we not feel embarrassed your.” 素妍被困在银色月亮当中,她却并没有慌张,那银色月亮主要是将她和莫小狼分割开来,并没有折腾素妍的意思,在蚀月狼主的操纵下,包围素妍的银色月亮一直到了她的身边,她暧昧笑道:“年轻人的爱情,可真是让人羡慕呢,放心吧,只要你能通过我们的考验,我们不会为难你的。” Although she has controlled Su Yan, the meaning of but not having injured, most as a chip, provides against contingencies, the wolf clan works is always very discrete, the eclipse month wolf main is no doubt more formidable, but has not despised Mo Xiao Lang. 她虽然掌控了素妍,但并没有伤害的意思,最多只是作为一种筹码,以防万一,狼族做事向来都十分谨慎,蚀月狼主固然更强大,但也没有小看莫小狼 Mo Xiao Lang deep breath one time! 莫小狼深呼吸一次! He is peaceful, knows one should make anything. 他安静下来,知道自己该做什么了。 Kid, your match is we!” “小家伙,你的对手是我们!” That covers Clear Sun Wolf Clan in the middle of Golden flame, such as their wolves main same look disdainfully to be aggressive, the body is very scalding hot. 那一头笼罩在金色火焰当中的昊日狼族,就如他们的狼主一样睥睨而霸气,身上无比灼热。 Said right, what we must test, you had killed Five Elements Reincarnation Calamity Realm Cultivator, this matter is right.” “说得对,我们要考验的是,你曾经杀死过五行轮回劫境者,这件事情是不是对的。” Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan behind said in Mo Xiao Lang. 蚀月狼族莫小狼身后说道。 On the age, they are also the Mo Xiao Lang seniors, but in the Immortal God Domain standard, they are can only be the youth. However, they slightly have truly surpassed one of the Star Lord Hegemony War, the age of war of talent. 论年纪,他们也算是莫小狼的前辈,但是以永生神域的标准来看,他们是只能算是青年。不过,他们确实稍微超出了一点星主争霸战之一,天才之战的年纪。 Naturally, they are only four look like Reincarnation Calamity Realm Late Stage, in the middle of the wolves of two big supreme bloodlines, their strengths is partial slightly small and weakly. 当然,他们只是四象轮回劫境后期,在两大至尊血脉的狼群当中,他们的实力算是稍微偏向弱小的。 Mo Xiao Lang peaceful. 莫小狼安静了下来。 The meaning of opposite party, with wolf fight . Moreover the build that maintains is quite small. 对方的意思,是用狼型战斗,而且保持的体形比较小。 Mo Xiao Lang crawls, the body transforms, turns into the build and opposite party similar Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf. Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf after the numerous transformations, without doubt became very astonishing, in front of two big wolf clan supreme bloodlines, this time Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf is not unexpectedly weak in the imposing manner in the opposite party. 莫小狼匍匐下去,身体转变,变成体形和对方相似的噬日妖狼噬日妖狼经过重重的蜕变,无疑已经变得很惊人了,在两大狼族至尊血脉面前,此时的噬日妖狼竟然在气势上丝毫不弱于对方。 He cannot have in the natural talent of supreme bloodlines.” Two big wolf hosts look at each other one, in fact is very shocking. “他拥有不下于至尊血脉的天资。”两大狼主对视一眼,实际上都很震惊。 Big wolf clan, has not presented the fourth supreme bloodlines, can only say Mo Xiao Lang, although is not the supreme bloodlines, but almost does not have the difference. 偌大的狼族,从来没出现过第四种至尊血脉,只能说莫小狼虽然不是至尊血脉,但几乎没有差别。 Even is stronger! 甚至更强! Especially when Mo Xiao Lang exposes his Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame, after that ruinous devil strength! He in the face of another two wolf clans, the time had the absolute superiority. 尤其是当莫小狼展露出他的九幽魔祖火,和那毁灭性的魔鬼力量之后!他在另外两头狼族面前,顿时间占据了绝对的优势。 Under the wolf main gazes, that Clear Sun Wolf Clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan without demur, throw toward Mo Xiao Lang, although their bodies at this moment are small, the fight sound that but creates has almost not distinguished, both besiege Mo Xiao Lang one person, they also similarly have exquisite Divine Ability magic arts, suddenly the wild attack makes Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf retrocede again and again! 在狼主们的注视之下,那昊日狼族蚀月狼族二话不说,朝着莫小狼扑来,他们此刻的身体虽然小,但造成的战斗动静几乎是没有区别的,两者围攻莫小狼一人,他们也同样都拥有非常精湛的神通道法,一时间狂暴的攻击让噬日妖狼连连后退! But to Mo Xiao Lang, this is only starts! 但对莫小狼来说,这只是开始! Su Yan in the opposite party hand! 素妍在对方手上! Only is this matter, can make Mo Xiao Lang crazy, he quiet for a long time fight bloodlines flaming burn, that fierce facial features, are the same like Long Chen, has not fought, makes the opposite party feel pressure on a bloodlines, one fear! 光是这件事,就能让莫小狼疯狂了,他沉寂已久的战斗血脉熊熊燃烧起来,那狰狞的面容,就如龙辰一样,还没战斗,就让对方感觉到一股血脉上的压力,一种恐惧!
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